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Gazaway & Lamb

ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

Sally Gazaway & Lucy Lamb Report II ITEC 7430 October 21, 2018

4. Learner and Context Analysis 4.1 What is the target population? The target population consist of high school seniors (17 to 18 years old) from a low socioeconomic status at a title- one high school with intentions of continuing on to higher education. These students have access to the internet at school. They have prior knowledge of search engines and ethical use of the information found on the internet. They have basic knowledge of plagiarism and copyrights. The target learners perceptions of research are fair, they are highly motivated academically and prefer the use of technology for research purposes. The target population consist of 77 college bound high school seniors. Females make up 47% of the target population while males make up the remaining 53%. Of the target population, 19% of the individuals have some form of learning disability. The remaining 81% of the target population are labeled as general education students with an IQ of 85 and higher. The target population demographics are as follows; 78% african americans, 19% caucasian, and 3% classified as hispanic/non-white. 4.2 Describe how you would determine the characteristics of the target population. Questions are used to determine the characteristics of the target population regarding relevance, interest and confidence. How relevant is the instructional goal to you? What aspects of the goal interest you the most? How confident are you that you could learn the goal successfully? How satisfying would it be to you to be able to perform the goal? (Dick, W. 2015, p. 96). Learner Analysis Information Categories

Data Sources

1.Entry Skills

Interviews and Observation Interviews and observations were conducted to target learners to determine entry skills.

Learning Characteristics

The target learners have basic knowledge of computers/tablets and can successful use search engines to gather information.

Gazaway & Lamb

2. Prior Knowledge of topic area

ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

Interviews and Observations Interviews and observations were conducted to target learners to determine prior knowledge of topic area.

3. Attitudes toward content

Interviews and Observations Interviews and observations were conducted to determine the target learners attitudes towards the content.

4.Attitudes toward potential delivery

Interviews, Questionnaires and Observations Interviews, questionnaires and observations were conducted to determine target learners preferences, motivation, and attitudes towards delivery.

5. Motivation for instruction (ARCS)

The target learners have background knowledge of search engines. They have the ability to conduct searches and gather information. They have basic knowledge of plagiarism and copyrights. The target learners have positive attitudes towards the topic. The target learners understand this is a skill they need to be truly college ready.

The target learners have positive attitudes towards delivery, they possess the skills necessary to complete the steps.

Using Keller’s ARCS model, it was determined that the target learners are giving their attention because the Interviews, questionnaires and goal is relevant to their success after high school. The are confident that observations were conducted this skill will help them analyze in order to determine the attention, relevance, information for post-secondary work.

Interviews, Questionnaires and Observations

confidence and satisfaction.

6. Educational and ability levels

Interviews, and Questionnaires Interviews and questionnaires were conducted to determine the target learners educational and ability levels.

The target learners are high school seniors with intentions of continuing on to post-secondary education.

Gazaway & Lamb

7. General learning preferences

ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

The target learner’s learning preferences include visual-spatial and kinesthetic. They prefer positive Interviews and questionnaires learning environments with less were conducted to determine the learning preferences of the stress.

Interviews and Questionnaires

target learners.

8. Attitudes toward training organization

The target learners have a positive attitude towards training.

Interviews, Questionnaires and Observations Interviews, questionnaires and observations were conducted to determine the attitudes, motivation and preferences.

9. General group characteristics Heterogeneity Size Overall impressions

Heterogeneity: target learner heterogeneity varies

Interviews and Data Collection

Size: 77 high school students Overall impressions: Positive

Table 1: Learner Analysis 4.3 Describe how you would determine the physical and organizational environment. The physical environment is a high school. The organizational environment is a physical classroom within the school. The target learners will be in the organizational environment in order to complete the objectives aligned with the overall goal. [Please see Context Analysis tables below] Performance Context Analysis

Information Categories

Data Sources

Performance Site Characteristics

1. Managerial/supervisory support


Instructors will be used as needed

2. Physical aspects of site


High school classroom, computers/tablets are needed as well as an reliable internet

Gazaway & Lamb

ITEC 7430 Instructional Design


3. Social aspect of site


The target learners will be interacting with peers and instructors.

4. Relevance of skills to workplace


These relevant skills are needed when conducting research for post-secondary education.

Table 2: Performance Context Analysis

Learning Context Analysis

Information Categories

Data Sources

Learning Site Characteristics

1. Number/Nature of Sites

Observation- Site visit from instructor

1 site- high school classroom, desk, computers, and a white board.

2. Site Compatibility w/ instruction needs


Site is sufficient for completing the skills. The site is in a classroom, will accommodate 28 students at a time.

3. Site Compatibility w/ learning

Instructors and target learners

The site is compatible with learners and the learning process. The site is located in the school they already attend with easy access and transportation.

4. Feasibility for simulating workplace

Instructors and target learners

The site is compatible with simulating workplace learning.

Table 3: Learning Context Analysis

5. Objectives 5.1 State the Terminal Objective (TO) for your instructional plan. “When the instructional goal is converted to a performance objective, it is referred to as the terminal objective. The terminal objective describes exactly what the student

Gazaway & Lamb

ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

will be able to do when he or she completes the unit of instruction (Dick, Carey, & Carey, 2015, p 119).” Upon completion of the unit on Ethical use of information,(CN) students at Hardaway High School will be able to seek information online(B), analyze the content for accuracy and legitimacy(B) and ethically use and cite information(B) to support their thoughts and ideas(CR). 5.2 Prepare three Subordinate Objectives (SO). For each SO, specify its domain and specify what you consider to be it’s level in the taxonomy of that domain. Specify the author of the taxonomy that you have used. 5.2.1. Prepare one SO in the cognitive domain. ● Using the website information (CN) Students will understand(B) the difference in credible sources and non-credible sources(CR). ● Taxonomy: Gagne, Intellectual Skills. 5.2.2. Prepare one SO in the affective domain. ● Students will be able to use determine credible sources(B) when finding information(CN) in their own work.(CR) ● Taxonomy: Gagne, Attitude 5.2.3. Prepare one SO in the psychomotor domain. ● Students will be able to cite information correctly(B) using correct format(CN) for their work.(CR) ● Taxonomy: Gagne, Intellectual skills.

6. Assessments Created from the objectives written in this report, the assessments used will correspond and measure the objectives in a meaningful manner. To “assess" derives from the Latin verb "assidere", to sit by. This thinking will drive our assessment to not only assess the learners but to work with the learners and guide the instruction to provide feedback to the students as well as the teachers. 6.1 Select one SO; describe the manner by which you would assess whether or not the learner has achieved that objective. ● “Students will be able to cite information correctly using correct format for their work” ○ To assess this, we will use a cite test. I believe that a multiple choice test about MLA format citing will be appropriate for this objective. 6.2 What types of assessment instruments will your instruction have? Why? ● Prior to instruction and throughout instruction students will complete the student selfassessment checklist.

Gazaway & Lamb

ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

There will formative assessments through the scavenger hunt, nearpod and the sort. These will let the instructor know if the student is understanding the content of the unit. ● Summative assessments will be the citing quiz and the report on Ethical use of information. These assessments will let the instructor know if the students have learned the information. ● Student Evaluation will be given at the end of instruction for the students to give feedback on the unit and instruction. 6.3 Write the items that assess the SOs in 5.2 above. Include an answer key or rubric. 6.3.1. Write one item in the cognitive domain. SO: “Using the website information (CN) Students will understand(B) the difference in credible sources and non-credible sources(CR). “ Assessment: Students will complete a Student Self Assessment Checklist prior to instruction. This will be used to determine the depth of prior knowledge and groupings for partner work later on. 6.3.2. Write one item in the affective domain. SO: “Students will be able to use determine credible sources(B) when finding information(CN) in their own work.(CR)” Assessment: Students will respond to questions in the Nearpod presentation that will be given, there are response opportunities and a quiz for the teacher to use in assessment of the students knowledge. 6.3.3. Write one item in the psychomotor domain. SO: “Students will be able to cite information correctly(B) using correct format(CN) for their work.(CR)” Assessment: The. MLA Citing Self-evaluation Quiz will let students know if they are understanding how MLA format should look when they are citing sources for the report.

7. Instructional Strategy 7.1 For the TO, specify and exemplify an an appropriate pre instructional activity or activities. ● Sort It is a strategy that will make students have to think about what is ethical use of information. They would sort different statements into ethical or unethical. 7.2 For the SO associated with that TO, specify and exemplify an appropriate presentation strategy or strategies. ● Nearpod presentation is an appropriate for sharing information with students. They will be presented with information and be able to respond to information that they have received. The presentation is sent out to their screen, and each student engages with it individually. Teachers are able to monitor the students progress through the presentation

Gazaway & Lamb

ITEC 7430 Instructional Design

and their responses to the questions throughout the presentation. It gives the teacher the ability to pace the presentation or give students the ability to self pace. 7.3 For the same SO, specify and exemplify an appropriate practice activity or activities. ● A information scavenger hunt on the computer will show the teachers that students can identify information. Can seek the cite information from the websites they use. It will also let the teacher know if the students know how to find credible sources. ● The questions posed would be all about ethical use of information. Students would then research the questions. Find a website that they think appropriate. They would then enter the information they found on their scavenger hunt handout with the cite information for the website so it can be verified by the teacher. ○ Students would use this a partner exercise. ● Students would prepare a report on their findings to the research question “What is Ethical Use of Information” They will be required to define it, give examples of what it is and what it is not, and be able to show an understanding of why we need to know about it. They may present their report using any Web 2.0 tool they choose, such as Prezi, Powtoon, etc. ○ This will be an individual activity 7.4 For the TO, specify and exemplify an appropriate evaluation follow-through activity or activities. ● Students will complete a unit evaluation at the end of instruction. This allows the students to give feedback and let the teachers know if the instruction was valuable or if there needs to be modifications made to make it better. The students will be using to provide feedback. The instructor will create a wall suitable for feedback from the target learners. The target learners will be provided a link and will have access to a computer/tablet to complete the feedback process. will provide the students with the ability to submit anonymous feedback promoting honesty about the instruction provided. The instructor will create a “wall” on padlet in order for the students to respond. The QR code provided below links the students to the padlet. The target learners will be provided with prompts for making statements that pertain to the improvement of the instruction provided. They will be able to provide valuable information into the effectiveness of instruction.

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