Report 1a V2

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 6,763
  • Pages: 38
Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number Project 1a I will be making a launch package for a film of my choice. The package that I am creating will have to be legally correct. This means that it will have to contain everything that an official launch package has. I am going to need a DVD cover, a PowerPoint presentation for promoting my film and a launch poster advertising the release of my IT. I am also going to research information about my chosen film and what it must contain. Each part of the package is for a different audience. The whole package is designed to be delivered to a live audience of retailers in different countries. It will need to be clear and give them the information they need to sell the product. My target audience for the DVD will be teenagers that are 15 and over as the film that I am going to create a promotional package for contains violence and vulgar language. The poster is about impact. It needs to be image driven and will not need to have a lot of information on it. At the moment I’m not sure what to put on it. This will be worked out during the design process. Research I’m going to do research to find out what I need for each element in the package. There are lots of sources that I’ve got access to. The information below comes from looking at my non ICT source (DVD cover) I’ve listed the information below so I don’t forget it Age rating circle Price sticker Cover picture Barcode Narrative Movie Title Review quotes I will have to create a PowerPoint presentation for the retailers who will buy my DVD in bulk and then sell it in their own shops. I will have to make it fit for it’s purpose, it will be delivered to a live audience and will have to contain all the information about the DVD that I am realising. The font will have clear and large, it will probably be presented on a large screen and I need to background to be consistent and not to clash with my font colour. I also will need to make sure that all images are not pixelated or blurred and will not clash with the colour of my font and background. My slides will be: 1st Slide: The title of the film, who is presenting and developing the DVD cover. 2nd Slide: This will include the background of the film, cinema dates etc 3rd Slide: This will include the first joint main character 4th Slide: Will include the second joint main character 5th Slide: Will talk about my marketing campaign 6th Slide: Will also explain what I am doing

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number 7th Slide: Will talk prices and show the stickers that retailers can use 8th Slide: Will show the currency converter that they can use to work out their own prices 9th Slide Thank you and special thanks and digital picture etc

I will have to create an advertising poster to advertise my DVD. It will be displayed in the shops and will notify all current shoppers about it. I will have to make it fit for its purpose and include all the information about the DVD that I am releasing. Again, like the presentation I will have to design the poster so that the font will not clash with the background colour. I will have to make sure all pictures are clear and unpixelated. I have looked at movie posters on the web and have decided the information I need is On my poster I will have to include: The title of the film A photo of the main actors Names of the main actors Release dates Age rating Price Information such as images, quotes etc, that I am going to using on my DVD cover, my presentation and also my poster, must come from several different sources. I have two ICT sources that are going to be used, the internet and also there is going to be a photograph of me at the end of my presentation which shall be taken using a digital camera. I am going to have three non-ICT sources, the original DVD poster, the original DVD cover and also a few quotes from “Sight & Sounds” and “Halliwells”.

Information type

ICT/NonICT Source

Information source



Where used

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number DVD Template


DVD Cover



Actor image


IMDB/ Empire magazine


Cover Image


IMDB/Original DVD cover


Exchange Rates


Lonely Planets Guide/Exchange Rate Guide

Photo In Presentation of Yourself




Tag line


IMDB/Original DVD Cover/ Empire magazine


Front/ba ck cover of DVD Front cover of DVD Selling of my DVD in another country Back Of Presenta tion On front of DVD cover


Internet er-anthony/bakeranthony-blues-brothers2407702.jpg


On the back of DVD cover


Internet Tick jpg

Front of DVD cover


Internet http://www.austinsound.n et



Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number ICT

Internet –


Front of DVD cover


Internet -


front of DVD cover




Back of DVD cover


Internet http://www.austinsound.n et/files/BluesBrotherspro mo.JPG


I am going to put my film into the market in these countries: I will be selling my DVD for £14.99 GBP (Great British Pounds). Due to the fact that I am selling it in different countries, I will have to use the different currencies that are used. Country Europe USA Canada UK Japan Australia

Currency Euro American Dollar Canadian Dollar Great British Pound Yen Australian Dollar

Exchange Rate (GBP) 1.47 1.93 2.19 1 224.90 2.48

This is the site that I used to find out countries currencies and exchange rates, the URL is It showed me the countries and their rates here.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number I used the information available on the website to construct a table in Microsoft Excel which showed the rate per pound (exchange rate) and what the new cost would be in the countries that I am going to sell in. Using the formulae option in this program allowed me to simply work out the new price. This table that I have done in excel will be included in my PowerPoint presentation so that international retailers will be able to determine the price of which the DVD would be sold at.

The screenshot below shows my exchange rates table that I have created in excel and the way I have worked out the new prices. This screenshot shows the formula that I have used which includes the original price of the DVD in sterling, which is then multiplied by the conversion rate, and the result would appear in the new price column.

Only $36.99!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only $31.99 !!!!!!!!

Only €21.99!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

Only £14.99!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Only 3350YEN!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

DVD Designs I have a template of a DVD called “Pulp Fiction” which I have photocopied and will be using as a guide to show me what I have to include on the cover to make it legally correct. Once finished my final design designed will be used in the presentation to show sales executives the materials that they will have to put on display in their shops or on their websites. Design 1 I will not be using the design below as there are several things missing from it. Firstly, the age certificate is missing off the spine of the design, and I also do not like the way that the back narrative and pictures are laid out. Again, with the age certificate, it is missing off the back of the DVD design. Although, I do like the front design, off the back the copyright information is also missing. Narrative 1

Main charact er

Ti tl e.

Title Main Character 1

Picture 1

184 mm

Slogan Actor 1 name Actor 2 name

Narrative 2

Copyrigh t info Barcode

274 mm

Main character 2

Movie review quote Rating 1


Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

Design 2 Although I really like this design, it cannot be used as the title and age certificate is missing off the spine. Also again, the age certificate is missing off the back of the DVD cover. Narrative 1

Picture 2


Picture 1

Narrative 2

Main Character 1

Main character 2

Actor 1 name

Actor 2 name

184 mm

Quote from review Copyright info, t & c etc


Quote from review


274 mm Design 3 This DVD design has everything that is required as a DVD cover. Every legal variable that should be included on my DVD cover is currently included. Age rating, certificate, copyright information and Actor names are all on it. Picture 1


Picture 2

S. Pi ct ur e Ti tl e.

Main actor 2

Main actor 1 184m m

Title Actor name 1

Actor Name 2

Small picture of rest of cast Movie q 2 Movie quote Copyright info B 18 etc arco de 274mm

1 8

Movie review quote


Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

To prepare to create my DVD cover, I have used both ICT and non-ICT sources to help me design several optional layouts for my cover. Each design that I have done is 274mm by 184 mm. I have done three different designs on paper and also above. Out of the six I have created, I will reject five and choose one. I will also talk through why I have rejected each one and also why I have chosen one to become my final design. I have found that creating the designs by hand are a lot easier than creating them using ICT. There are several reasons, firstly, the fact that I have more free will in what I want on the paper. Also, it does not need to be neat or exact since it is only a development design and this helps me as I can put what is in my mind of paper. Designing the covers through ICT is a lot harder because I do not have the control I do when I am drawing on paper. Although it is a lot straighter and neater I am sacrificing a better design as there are some things I cannot do with boxes that I can draw. Since it does not need to be neat there are no advantages of creating my designs using ICT over drawing it free hand on paper. Poster Designs I am going to create three designs for my poster in word in this report. Of the designs I make, two will get rejected and one will be accepted and used as my final design. This final design I will create it in PhotoDraw and then it will be included in my final report, on my PowerPoint presentation and also a step by step in this report. Design 1 Picture 1


Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

I am going to reject this design due to several reasons. There is no age rating on this poster, nor is there a release date on it. It also only has two things which is a picture and also the title of the film. The poster is also missing a slogan or a movie rating quote. Design 2 Picture 1

Actor name 1

Actor name 2

Title I am not going to be using this design as my final design as there are several things wrong with it. This design also does not have a age rating, release date or a movie review quote. Although I like the design and the way it is has been laid out, there are things missing which need to be used on the final design.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

Design 3 Picture 1

Actor name 1

Age rating

Actor name 2


Pictures Below are the pictures that I am going to use for my DVD cover. I have collected seven different images that possibly could be included on my DVD cover. I have to reject two and accept five that will be used on my DVD cover.

I am going to reject this picture although it would be a good picture with both of the main actors in, the quality of the picture and the shading is not very good. Also, I do not like the poses that the actors are in. Maybe I would use this for my promotion poster or promotion presentation but I do not think it is suitable for my DVD cover.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

I am accepting this picture because I am going to try and create a black and white DVD cover and it’d be easier if the pictures I intend to use are already in black and white as I do not have to take the time to change them. Also, this picture has the two main important plot characters of the film I am designing. Again, I like the pose that that the two main actors are in and the quality is sufficient.

I am rejecting this photo because of keeping the DVD cover to strictly black and white. Although I could re-create this image so that it would be in black and white, this would be time consuming and there are other images that look a lot better of this.

I am going to be accepting this image as I really like what it contains and think it would be extremely suitable for my DVD cover. This picture is also in black and white so it would not conflict with the rest of my cover and also no editing is required.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

I am rejecting this image because although it kind of shows the connection between the two main actors, this is something I would use in my promotion presentation, again, I do not think this is suitable for my DVD cover.

I am accepting this image as I like the actual image. I think it would be appropriate for somewhere on the back of my DVD cover. Again, this is already in black and white and would not conflict with anything else which will be on my DVD cover.

I am going to be accepting this image because the scene shows the two main actors and also their vehicle which a lot of the film is about. The fact that it’s a police car behind them also shows that there will be action in the film as well. Again, like the other images, this picture is also in black and white and would not clash with anything else on my DVD cover. I am also going to be designing a presentation to give to the marketers. The colours have to not be afflicting or anything wrong with them. Because of this I have decided to create a few different presentation designs. I am going to create three, analyse them and then decide on the final one that I will use. Design 1 I do not think that the style I have chosen for my presentation is suitable. I thought maybe this type of template would be used for a scientific or data presentation not for a movie promotion. The colours also clash with my final DVD cover design so it would not look good when show it. Also, a movie promotion for a film called The

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number “Blues” Brothers wouldn’t have a marsh green background. Because of these reasons I will not be using this presentation template as my final design.

Design 2 Although I like the design below, the colours really clash and it also looks like the type of design that would be used for maybe a creativity or art presentation. Again, I do not believe that it would be suitable for a movie promotion. I do not think that there should be yellow either in the design for my presentation as it would clash with my DVD cover colours, which are black and white.

Design 3

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number The design below is the one that I will be using for my promotion presentation. The colours are not too bright and also they go along with the phrase “Blues brothers”. Also, the colours do not clash with the pictures or the text colours that I will be using in my presentation.

Using a complex search facility I am going to search on the internet for information on the movie I am working on. I chose my first search engine on the basis that it has always given me working and reliable results. My first search was a basic search and gave me 3,200,000 results. The results that were found were to wide ranging and I needed to make my search more accurate on what I am searching for.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

I am going to define my search, which would result in less and more reliable or relevant results.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number From the next screenshot, you are able to see that my results have been greatly reduced to 910,000. I am now going to look at the first result as it is listed in order of relevancy.

The first result has taken to IMDB (Internet movie database) which I have also used before and has a vast amount of accurate and reliable information hosted about specific movies and actors. This site provided me with the most comprehensive information available on the internet that I need.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

Using a Simple Search Facility I am now going to use search engine to run a simple search. I have chosen another search engine that is also extremely popular to find out if I get the same accurate and resourceful results as my first search engine.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number Unlike my first search engine, I received 24,500,000 results from this search engine. Repeating my technique in choosing a site to visit from my first search engine’s results, I am going to choose the first site that is listed because they are also listed in order of relevancy.

This simple search from Yahoo took me to a page of wikipedia. This may or may or may not be helpful to me as wikipedia is a open information site, where anyone from any country or background would be able to edit the information stored on that site about any subject. Due to this, the website may not contain 100% facts; the site is more like a massive open discussion rather than an information site. Now I need to look for some quotes that have already been made for my film. These quotes will be from reviews commenting on the film DVD cover I am designing. I fill find these quotes on the internet and select five that I will examine and then choose two and reject five. I have found a review of the film I am making, and have collected seven quotes that may be used on the back of my DVD cover. “It’s the music that gives the movie its exuberance.” -Ivana Redwine I am rejecting this quote due to the fact that it does not talk about the movie, just about the musical role. Also I do not think that most people who will buy the movie will know the definition of exuberance. “The comedy is so off-the-wall you can’t help but laugh.” -Vince Leo

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number I am using this quote because it gives out a positive view on the comedy contained in the film. It gives the buyer the impression that the film is full of laughs and he will not be able to stop laughing. “The Blues Brothers is the Sherman tank of musicals” -Roger Ebert I am rejecting this quote because again, people who are not in America would not really understand what this means, although many may. “I laughed all through the movie.” -Ram Samudrala I am rejecting this quote because I have already got a quote about laughing throughout the film “The Blues Brothers is marvellous mayhem, one outrageous stunt or gag after the other.” –LightViews I am rejecting this quote because it is too long, and although I could shorten it I think that it is not the right view of the film that would be suitable for potential buyers. “The Blues Brothers is one of the best comedy films ever made.” -Simon Hill I am rejecting this quote because although it would be extremely useful I already have on concerning the comedy factor of my film. "This is one of the best films you will ever see." -Emma Woods I will be using this quote as I think that this will have the right effect on the potential customers who would be willing to buy this DVD. Out of the seven quotes that I have collected using an ICT source, I have only chosen to consider using two. Out of the two that I have selected, I will pick one of them to go along with a quote that I have picked out of seven other review quotes coming from another non-ICT source. This non-ICT source that I am going to extract some quotes from for my DVD cover is going to be either from “Halliwells” or “Sights & Sounds”. To create my DVD cover I am going to be using a program called PhotoDraw. To even start creating it I am going to have to find out the measurements of an actual DVD cover so that I can design it to size. I can do this either by going on the internet and researching the measurements or find a template of which I can use that is usable with PhotoDraw. Another way I can find the measurements of what the DVD cover has to be is by measuring an actually DVD cover that I already have. I have decided to find out the DVD measurements by doing both methods, and comparing them. By using n ICT source to find out the measurements for the DVD cover, I found a extremely helpful image that describes the measurements of the DVD. Also, just to confirm what was on the image was correct; I also checked a few other sites that confirmed that this was the average size for a DVD cover.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

As you can see, the website of which I found this information at is written on the top of the image. The other method that I have thought of was also considerably more straightforward than using an ICT source for the DVD cover measurements. The non-ICT source that I have thought of is actually getting out a ruler or another measuring device and measuring an actual DVD cover.

Stage by stage making the DVD cover. Explain what tools you are using and what desired effect you are going for. State whether the idea worked Making the DVD cover I am going to have to create a narrative for the back of the DVD cover that I will be designing. To do this, I am going to find the original cover of the film, copy it, and then edit it myself so that It will suitable for the age rating I have chosen, and also due to the fact that my DVD cover must be different from the original one. The original narrative is this: “After the release of Jake Blues (John Belushi) from prison, he and brother Elwood (Dan Aykroyd) go to visit the orphanage where they were raised by nuns. They learn that the church stopped its support and will sell the place to the education authority, and the only way to keep the place open is if the tax on the property is paid within 11 days. The brothers want to help, and decide to raise money by putting their blues band back together and staging a big gig. They may be on a Mission From God but they’re making enemies everywhere they go. Featuring performances by some of blues finest, James Brown, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, and co-starring John Candy, Carrie Fisher, Henry Gibson and Steve Lawrence.” For the narrative of my DVD cover I am going to use that one as a sort of structure for my one. My Narrative will go like this: “After Jake Blues (John Belushi) get’s released from prison, and meets his brother Elwood (Dan Aykroyd), they go and visit a religious orphange where the two brothers were raised. They discovr that the church has stopped funding the orphanage and it will be sold to the authorities if the tax on the property is not paid within 11 days. The two brothers decide to help out, and decide to collect the money by putting on shows and blues gigs. Told by James Brown that they are on a Mission From God. Starring some of blus finest, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, and the blues band itself put together by “The Blues Brothers,” John Candy, Carrie Fisher, Henry Gibson and Steve Lawrence.” In the narrative that I have created above, I have made three spelling errors that need to be corrected before I can use the narrative for a DVD cover. I have three screenshots of me below correcting them.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

The narrative that is my final draft and be on the back of my DVD cover is below. “After Jake Blues (John Belushi) get’s released from prison, and meets his brother Elwood (Dan Aykroyd), they go and visit a religious orphanage where the two brothers were raised. They discover that the church has stopped funding the orphanage and it will be sold to the authorities if the tax on the property is not paid within 11 days. The two brothers decide to help out, and will do this by collect the money by putting on shows and blues gigs. They are told by James Brown that they are on a Mission From God. Starring some of blues finest, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, and the blues band itself put together by “The Blues Brothers,” John Candy, Carrie Fisher, Henry Gibson and Steve Lawrence.” To create my DVD package I am going to use Microsoft PhotoDraw, as I a familiar with this program and it is simple and straightforward to use. I chosen this program to use over Adobe Photoshop as I am more experienced with PhotoDraw and it seems that with PhotoDraw it is easier to design something as you have more freedom in what you want to achieve. Whereas with Macromedia Flash, the interfaces are user unfriendly, I am not familiar with this program and also you would not have as much freedom as you would in putting what you want onto the screen in designs. First, to create my DVD cover, I had to open PhotoDraw and go to file, picture setup. Form there I inputted my measurements for the DVD cover that I was going to design. This would change my template so that it was the exact size for the DVD cover I had to design. After inputting the measurements, I clicked on apply and the blank template behind it changed.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

The second task for me to set up the blank DVD cover template was the insert the lines that would separate the front and back of the DVD cover from each other and the spine. To do this I used the line tool which could be found on the drawing toolbar and found out the width of the spine.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number From looking at the bottom right hand corner in the window of PhotoDraw I could determine where exactly the two lines that made the spine had to go.

After positioning the two lines in the exact places that they had to go, I had completed the blank template that I was going to use to create the DVD cover that I had to.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number The next step that I did to insert pictures that I had found from other sources, was to go to insert, picture, from file and then select the picture that I wanted to be on my DVD cover. Here I have chosen the one I selected to be used on the front of my DVD cover. After resizing it to fit exactly into the right side (which would be the front of my DVD cover) of the spine, I could then focus on the spine and the side to the left of it (the back of the DVD cover)

The next thing I was inserting into my DVD cover was the age certificate which went onto the spine. Again, I clicked on insert, picture, from file and found the location of the jpg file that I had obtained via the internet source. I think resized it to the standard size that it should be and moved it to the place that I wanted it to be.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

After doing this I decided that I would then go onto inserting the picture onto the left of the spine (the back cover of my DVD). I, again, clicked on insert, picture, from file and chose the picture that I had found from the internet and resized and moved it appropriately so that I fitted on the back of my DVD cover with room for everything else that I wanted to be on my DVD cover.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

I already had an age rating certificate on the spine of my DVD cover and I decided that I wouldn’t have one on the front of my DVD cover and that I would only have one on the spine and the back of my DVD cover. I then had to place one on the back of my DVD cover. To do this and save me the trouble on resizing etc I simply just highlighted the age rating certificate that was already in place on my DVD cover, right clicked on it, then chose copy. I then right clicked on the white part that was still black on my DVD cover design, and clicked on paste. I then only had to move where it was and not resize to the exact same one as the one on the spine.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

I then needed to insert a barcode onto my DVD cover. I obtained this by going onto the internet and finding and actual picture of a barcode. I then clicked on, again, insert, picture, from file and located the barcode jpg that I had, resized and relocated it next to the age rating certificate on my DVD cover.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number The few things I had left to do on my DVD cover was to input text. I chose do insert my narrative first. To do this I clicked on insert, text and then changed the size of the text to one that was appropriate and would fit.

I then typed out all of my narrative and made small changes to the positioning of the text box so that it would fit and didn’t overlap into the spine or onto the barcode. I chose the writing colour to be blue hence The “Blues” Brothers.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

The second bit of text that I had to insert onto my DVD cover was the title of my DVD cover that was going down the spine. To get the Text going down I had to press enter on my keyboard after every letter and the resize and move the text box so that it was in the middle of my spine and that it didn’t over lap into the front or back cover or my age rating certificate.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number The screenshot above and the four below show all of the different price labels that I had previously created for all the different countries that I was going to be marketing my DVD cover in. They show the currencies Sterling, American Dollars, Yen, Euro and Canadian Dollar.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

These screenshots are of my Final DVD cover. All five of them are the same apart from the price stickers that I have put on each of them. I did this by simply copy and pasting the ones that were already in this report into PhotoDraw.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

I am going to create a poster which will aid me in my promotion campaign which will be sent out to the retailers who will be selling my DVD. I am going to be designing this in PhotoDraw. I am going to use the same picture that I used on the front of my DVD cover as I think that it is extremely good. The poster that I am going to design will be very simple as I only am going to include a certain picture, a release date and the title of the film.

Firstly I opened PhotoDraw and chose an A4 template. I then had to insert the photo that I wanted to use as my background that contained the two actors. To this I went to Insert, and then clicked on from file. This meant that I could save a jpg, gif, bmp file etc outside of PhotoDraw and then I would be able to insert that picture file into PhotoDraw by using the insert, from file option.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

After then inserting the picture that I required into PhotoDraw, I then had to move the picture to the right hand corner of the template. I do this so it makes it easier for me to determine just how much I have to resize the picture that I inserted.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number This shows that my picture has been resized and placed specifically so that it did not go over the border of the template. I also have not resized the image vertically as I do not want it to become stretched and damage the picture quality.

Next I had to put the title “The Blues Brothers” onto the template. I do this by clicking on insert, text and then going to the left hand bar and editing the text that is already inserted there into what I want. I have chosen to use the font colour blue again as it goes with the title “The Blues Brothers.”

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number

Again, to input the release date onto my template, I had to go to insert, text and then again use the right hand bar to edit the text that was already there into the release date “29/05/08” which is on the 29th of May, 2008.

Above is a screenshot of my finished promotional poster with the release date and the title with the picture of the two actors on it.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number I will be working in a computer room with many computers and other people in this room. There are simple safety measures that I should be following when I am around other people and computers. I do not think I should joke around and play fight etc around the computers as they may get damaged. I should be calm when doing my work, be quiet and get on with what is needed to be done. I shouldn’t bring food and/or drink around the computers as it may damage them or I might smear food around the keyboard/monitor. I shouldn’t be hyper or muck around with the computer that I am using due to the fact I may damage it. When on a computer I should use it correctly and not misuse the computer for things such as internet games etc. I could have created my DVD cover without using ICT. I would have used pencil and drawn it all. It would have required a lot of pencil and rubbing out, because of this I would have to work over time on one draft, and then when it was finished I would’ve had to copy it out perfectly again as my final piece. For me using an ICT method, two advantages are that everything is listed under options; I do not have to draw and every line etc will be precise to the length it has to be. The second is that I am able to get pictures etc from the internet that I can use on my DVD cover. Two disadvantages of using ICT is one, I do not have as much freedom as I would with a pencil and paper. Secondly, there may be some technical errors in using ICT, such as losing work, programs crashing and losing data. When using Non-ICT, two advantages there are is that I have a lot more freewill and freedom in what goes down on the paper as I am actually drawing it. Another is that there will be no technical issues, i.e. the paper cannot crash and I will not lose my changes made in that session. Although, two disadvantages is that I may not be very good at drawing and the cover will turn out really bad. Second, that I may lose the sheet of paper I am doing my rough design on and have to start again, or it may get damaged etc. Copyright is where something original is made by somebody and by copywriting it they make sure that no one else would be able to copy they wanted to fall under legal action. Usually, legal action only comes into use if people have copied the stuff and are making a lot of profit out of it, or are giving it away for when you’d want people to buy your product for money. This applies to my work as I cannot copy any other’s work. For example I would not able to copy another’s DVD cover that is why I am making my own. When completing the work that is set for me, I can do several things to minimise the risk of the computer that I am using contracting viruses. Firstly, I should not visit any sites which have nothing to do with the work that I’m doing or that look suspicious that might infect or destroy my pc. Secondly, I should not open anything from the internet I do not know what it is, for example things like email attachments or if I go onto a page and something is requested to download straight away. Lastly, I should have some sort of anti virus or firewall software installed on the computer I am using to stop viruses, worms and Trojans etc getting into my pc and infecting/harming it.

Kai McDermott 10MGR Mr Leader, Centre Number 10288, Candidate Number There are a few safety issues I need to deal with when I am dealing with computers. Since I am using electrical equipment so things such as liquids might be spilt on them and/or I might get electrocuted. To minimise this risk, I should ensure that I do not touch anything that I do not know about and also not to bring liquids around the computer and even if I do to be careful and make sure not to spill them.

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