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Annual publications Statutory Annual Report The annual report is a statutory report of the Reserve Bank and is released every year in August. It is a report of the Central Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank to the Central Government of India and includes (a) an assessment and prospects of the Indian economy; (b) a review of the state of the economy; (c) the working of the Reserve Bank during the year; (d) the Reserve Bank’s vision and agenda for the following year; and (e) the annual accounts of the Reserve Bank (July – June). Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India This is also a statutory publication produced by the central bank. Presented annually, this document is a review of the policies for and performance of the financial sector for the preceding year. The publication, covering period from April to March, is generally released around November/December. From December 2014, this publication will be a part of the Financial Stability Report. Lectures

The Reserve Bank of India has instituted three annual lectures. Two of these commemorate past Governors of the Reserve Bank and one a noted monetary economist. Report on Currency and Finance A favourite of researchers, this document is presented by the staff of the central bank. Since 1998-99 the Report has focussed on a particular theme and presents a detailed economic analysis of the issues related to the theme. The theme of the last Report (200912) was “Fiscal-Monetary Co-ordination”. After tracing the evolution of macroeconomic theory and international experience in major advanced and select EMDEs, the Report undertakes an in-depth assessment of fiscal-monetary co-ordination in India in terms of its macroeconomic and monetary implications, impact on the Reserve Bank’s balance sheet and the medium-term outlook for fiscal-monetary coordination as well as the institutional arrangements for debt and cash management. Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy This publication is a major initiative by the Reserve Bank to improve data dissemination. It is a useful storehouse of statistical information. The publication provides time-series data (annual/quarterly/monthly/fortnightly/daily) pertaining to a broad spectrum of economic variables, including data on national income, output, prices, money, banking, financial markets, public finance, trade and balance of payments. The publication is available in hard copy as well as CD-ROM format. State Finances: A Study of Budgets Again a favourite of researchers, this publication is a major source of disaggregated state-wise fiscal data and provides an analytical discussion on the fiscal position of state governments. The analysis, orientation, coverage and format of the report have been restructured periodically to make it more informative and analytical. From 2005-06 onwards, the report also incorporates a special theme based on a specific issue of relevance. Statistical Tables relating to Banks in India This annual publication contains comprehensive time series data relating to the Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (excluding Regional Rural Banks). It covers balance sheet information as well as performance indicators of each SCB in India. The publication also includes disaggregated data on some important parameters bank-wise, bank group-wise and state-wise. Basic Statistical Returns This is yet another data-oriented annual publication. The publication presents comprehensive data on number of offices,

employees, deposits and credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks in some granularity, such as, region-wise, state-wise and districtwise information, as also, place (district and population-group) of utilisation of credit, type of accounts, type of organisation of borrowers, activity/occupation of borrowers, rate of interest and credit limits, break-up of deposits into current, savings and term deposits. deposit accounts of females term deposits according to different maturity periods and interest rates, staff strength, classified according to gender and category (i.e., officers, clerical and subordinates). Half-yearly Publications Monetary Policy Report The first issue of the Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy Report was placed in public domain on September 30, 2014. Now the Report will be released along with the First (generally announced in April) and the Fourth Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy (generally announced in October) Statements each year. It has all data/inputs that go into the formulation of monetary policy – the internal macroeconomic assessment and results of surveys – as also projections of growth and inflation over a short to medium term. Earlier, the Reserve Bank used to publish the Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments – a quarterly publication issued along with the monetary policy statement of the Reserve Bank of India. This publication provided an analytical overview of macroeconomic and monetary developments during the quarter under review. The publication served as a backdrop and rationale of the monetary policy and was typically released a day before the monetary policy was announced. Financial Stability Report The Reserve Bank of India published the first Financial Stability Report (FSR) in March 2010. To be published every six months, these reports are an attempt at institutionalising the implicit focus and making financial stability an integral driver of the policy framework. In general, Financial Stability Reports focus on reviewing the nature, magnitude and implications of risks that have bearing on the macroeconomic environment, financial institutions, markets and infrastructure. They also assess the resilience of the financial sector through stress tests. Quarterly Publications Quarterly Statistics on Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks This publication provides data on deposits and credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks for each quarter. The data captured through “Basic Statistical Return-7” submitted by all Scheduled Commercial Banks to the Reserve Bank, are presented centrewise, region-wise, state-wise, district-wise, population group-wise and bank group-wise. The “Quarterly Statistics on Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks” is available for the quarters ending March, June, September and December.

Monthly Publications RBI Bulletin This is a monthly publication released in the first week – usually on 10th - of every month. The Bulletin publishes analytical articles based on data collected by the Reserve Bank often specifically for the purpose. It carries speeches of the Governor, Deputy Governors and Executive Directors. The speeches are useful in improving the understanding of the central bank's policies. Other useful inclusions in the Bulletin are important press releases and circulars issued by different departments of the Reserve Bank and data relating to economy, finance and banking. Often, significant reports released by the Reserve Bank, including the Annual Report and the Financial Stability Report (including the Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India) and important committee/working group reports are issued as supplements to this monthly publication. An indicative annual calendar of the forthcoming articles is published in December Bulletin. Monetary and Credit Information Review This is a monthly four-page periodical useful at operational level bankers. The periodical summarises important instructions

issued to banks and other regulated entities by the central bank during the month. It is published on 1st of every month.

Weekly Publications Weekly Statistical Supplement to the RBI Bulletin The Weekly Statistical Supplement (WSS) contains high frequency current data along with their variations (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, yearly). The current version of WSS contains 14 tables which present weekly balance sheet of the Reserve Bank, forex reserves, liquidity operations by Reserve bank and other developments relating to financial markets. This is published every Friday at 5 pm. The time series version of this publication along with “Notes on Tables” is also made available in Database on Indian Economy (DBIE). Various data items and linkage among different tables are explained in the ‘Handbook on RBI’s Weekly Statistical Supplement’ to enhance the understanding of the data.

Occasional Publications Occasional Papers Each issue of the RBI Occasional Papers carries research papers presented by the professional staff of the Reserve Bank. The publication reflects the views of the authors. The Occasional Papers was published thrice a year till 2011. Since 2012, it is has two issues in a year. DRG Studies These are research studies conducted by external experts in India in collaboration with the internal staff members of the Reserve Bank. The Development Research Group (DRG) is a forum that institutionalises participation of external expertise in in-house research. Reports The Reserve Bank also publishes, for wider dissemination and feedback reports of committees/working groups set up by it. Others Database on Indian Economy In addition to traditional channels, such as, data publications, reports, press releases etc., the Reserve Bank also disseminates data through a public website, called Database on the Indian Economy (DBIE). This is the most popular data communication channel for the Reserve Bank to disseminate large volume of macro-economic and financial sector data to researchers, market participants and various other stakeholders. Time series data is presented on this site subject area wise and periodicity wise. Data pertaining to each dataset (subject area) are presented through one or more fixed format tables. Most of the tables in the Reserve Bank’s major data publications, such as, Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy, Current Statistics section of the RBI Bulletin and other Banking Statistics related publications are also presented in time series format. This obviates the need for users to collate data from multiple releases of various publications. Bank-wise and Bank group-wise list of branches of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) functioning in India with details, such as, bank, state, district, centre name, address, etc., are available on the DBIE website with the hyperlink ‘Branch Locator’. A major highlight of DBIE is time series data on aggregates in a flexible and reusable format. These tables can be downloaded and saved as excel files for further processing and analyses.

The DBIE can be accessed through web browsers using the URL Data-releases on Survey/Census Results Results of the Reserve Bank’s periodic surveys that provide input to formulation of monetary policy are made available through press releases. These are: Inflation Expectation Survey of households (IESH), Consumer Confidence survey (CCS), Industrial Outlook survey (IOS), Order book, Inventory and Capacity utilisation survey (OBICUS) and Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF). Detailed results of other regular studies, including corporate and external sectors/surveys/census are also placed in public domain in a similar manner, in addition to publication of analytical articles based on their various rounds, in the RBI Bulletin.

Publications available on subscription

TITLE - RBI Annual Report

RELEASE DATES AugustSeptember

- Reserve Bank of India Bulletin (Monthly) 10th of every month

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Issued free as supplement to the RBI Bulletin Single copy: ` 200 at RBI counter & ` 240 with postage. Rs. 2800 One Year Subscription. Abroad US $ 11 per copy (including postage). US$ 130 One Year Subscription.

Availability The publications can either be purchased across the counter or subscribed. They are also available on the Reserve Bank's website (URL:

General Information The publications are available for sale between 10.30 am to 3.00 pm (Monday to Friday), at the Sales Section, Department of Corporate Services, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building, Ground Floor, Sir P. M. Road, P. B. No.1036, Mumbai - 400 001. The contact number of Sales Section is 022-2260 3000 Extn.: 4002, Email. Publications once sold are not taken back. Publications will not be supplied on a consignment VPP basis. Wherever concessional price is not indicated, a discount of 25 per cent is available for students, teachers/lecturers, academic/education institutions, public libraries and book sellers in

India provided the proof of eligibility is submitted from the concerned institution. Back issues of the publication are generally not available. Subscription should be sent by demand draft/cheque payable at Mumbai in favour of Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai to the General Manager, Sales Section, Department of Corporate Services, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai - 400 001. Every endeavour will be made to despatch publications expeditiously. In case of rush of orders, dispatch will be executed on a first-come first-served basis. It may take a minimum of a month’s time to complete formalities and then to dispatch the available publication. Complaints regarding ‘non-receipt of publication’ may be sent within a period of 2 months.

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