Regent Info

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Student Regent Application 2009-2010

Packet Contents Welcome Letter

p. 2

Regent Overview, Qualifications, Selection Process

p. 3

Frequently Asked Questions

p. 4

Student Regent Selection Timeline

p. 5

Regent Applicant Resource Sheet

p. 6

Student Regent Application Form

p. 8

Student Regent Application Essay Questions

p. 9

February 2009

Dear Fellow Students, I am pleased to announce the beginning of the Student Regent selection process 2009-2010. The Student Regent represents all students throughout the Washington State University system, both undergraduates and graduates. This esteemed position allows a student to be in the inner circle of decision making for Washington State University. The Student Regent position is the highest position to which a student can be appointed while enrolled at Washington State University. I am excited for your application and wish you luck during this important process. This packet will give you all the information necessary to apply for the Student Regent position. Please complete it in full and provide relevant information that will help us in our decision making. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Student Involvement at 509-3359667 or me at 425-345-6785. Our office is located in suite 314 of the Compton Union Building in Pullman. Once again, best wishes and good luck! Go Cougs!

Brandon Scheller Chair, Student Regent Recommendation Committee 425-345-6785 [email protected]


WSU Student Regent Overview The Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU) has opened the selection process for the 2009-2010 Student Regent. The Student Regent will be selected from the undergraduate, graduate, or professional student body at Washington State University (including all branch campuses and DDP – Distance Degree Program). The student will serve as a Regent for one year. Brief Description The student regent represents all students and will hold full rights and voting privileges granted to all members of the Washington State Board of Regents, with the exception of votes on matters relating to the hiring, discipline, or tenure of faculty members and personnel. General Expectations It is encouraged that the Student Regent:   

Be involved with the student governments on each campus (ASWSU) and DDP Have relationships with the key living groups and large student organizations throughout Washington State University Have a working relationship with the faculty and staff throughout the university

Qualifications    

Must be a currently enrolled, full-time student at Washington State University at time of appointment Must have a minimum 2.25 grade point average at Washington State University It is encouraged and taken into high consideration that the applicants live in the state of Washington It is suggested that applicants have a general knowledge of the legislative process in the state of Washington and a basic understanding of the functions of the Washington State University Board of Regents, and a strong desire to represent all Washington State University students

Selection Process After the ASWSU office has received all applications, the Student Regent Recommendation Committee will select candidates to be interviewed. Applications are due to the Pullman Campus Student Involvement Office, located in suite 314 of the Compton Union Building, or to your respective ASWSU urban campus office no later than Friday, March 27 at 5 p.m. Applicants will be notified by telephone no later than Monday, March 30 for interview times. Following interviews and internal deliberations, the Chair of the Recommendation Committee will send three (3) to five (5) candidates to Governor Christine Gregoire’s office in Olympia.


Once the final candidates have been forwarded to the Governor, she will select one and recommend that person for approval in the Washington State Senate. That candidate’s information will be forwarded to the Washington State University Board of Regents for orientation as a new member of the board. Application for DDP or Urban Campus Students There are several ways to access your Student Regent application: ▪ Applications can be downloaded from the ASWSU Pullman website at or the Board of Regents website at Applications may be submitted in the following ways: ▪ To the student government office on your campus. ▪ Via fax to the Pullman Student Involvement Office at 509-335-2493. All applications are due FRIDAY, MARCH 27 at 5 p.m. in the Pullman Student Involvement Office (Compton Union 314) or to your respective ASWSU urban campus office.

Frequently Asked Questions What is the Board of Regents? The Board of Regents is the governing body for Washington State’s Land Grant Institution, Washington State University. It sets policy for and provides guidance to the university president and administration regarding the strategic direction of WSU. The Board of Regents consists of ten members, one of whom is a student. The Governor of the State of Washington appoints all Regents for all state universities (WSU, EWU, CWU, WWU, UW) with the consent of the state senate. All of the regents hold their offices for 6 years, with the exception of the student regent. The student regent is a fulltime student at Washington State University who also serves as a member of the Board of Regents for a term of one year from the first day of July until the first day of July of the following year or until his or her successor is appointed, whichever is later. For more information about the WSU Board of Regents, go to What is the Student Regent? The student regent is a full-time student at Washington State University who also serves as a member of the Board of Regents for approximately one year. The student Regent holds the same voting rights and responsibilities as other Regents, with the exception of participating on matters relating to the hiring, discipline, or tenure of faculty members and personnel. See RCW 28B.30.100. The student regent position was created by the legislature in 1998.


What does the Student Regent do? The student regent functions as a regular member of the Board of Regents, whose broad responsibilities are to supervise, coordinate, manage and regulate the WSU system, as provided by state statute. As such, the student regent holds both the authority and responsibility to serve the state as a whole and the entire university community. At the same time, the student regent has the unique responsibility to bring a student voice and perspective to the Board and serves as an informational link between the Regents and members of the university community, particularly the students. The student regent attends all Board of Regents meetings and serves on the student affairs committee of the Board. Further, the student regent may serve on other special commissions, task forces, and committees during his/her term. Who is the current Student Regent? Derick En’Wezoh is the current Student Regent. His term as regent expires June 30, 2009. Mr. En’Wezoh is a junior majoring in neuroscience and is from Tri-Cities. He is available to answer any questions that applicants may have. He can be reached at (509) 430-7410 or [email protected]. What is the Student Regent Recommendation Committee? The Student Regent Recommendation committee is the official group that has approved this application, the timeline, and who will ultimately conduct the interviews for all applicants. Following the interviews, the committee will deliberate and decide on three (3) to five (5) candidates to send to the governor’s office for her choice of one final student for appointment to the position of Student Regent. Who is on the 2009-2010 Student Regent Recommendation Committee? The Committee membership has been determined by a Memorandum of Understanding agreed upon by the presidents of ASWSU, GPSA, ASWSU-Vancouver, ASWSU-Spokane, ASWSU-Tri Cities, and ASWSU-DDP. The committee is comprised of the following: ▪ Two (2) Pullman students designated by ASWSU President (three votes each) ▪ GPSA President or Vice President (one vote) ▪ One (1) representative from each of WSU’s urban campuses (Vancouver, TriCities, Spokane) and DDP for a total of four representatives (one vote each)

Student Regent Selection Timeline February 13

Student Regent Applications available at the ASWSU offices, online at or

March 27

Application Due to Pullman Student Involvement Office by 5 p.m. 5

March 30

Recommendation Committee Meeting to review applicants and notify students of interviews

Early April

Recommendation Committee Interviews of Applicants

Early April

Recommendation Committee Meeting, Finalists Named and Notified


Finalists sent to the Governor

June 30

Current Student Regent term expires

July 1

Requested Student Regent Appointee named

Student Regent Application Resources If you have any questions regarding the Student Regent position, please feel free to access the following resources available to you. Washington State University Board of Regents Christine Hoyt, Executive Assistant to the Board of Regents PO Box 641048, Pullman WA 99164 –1048 Phone: (509) 335-6666 Fax: (509) 333-0137 [email protected] Derick En’Wezoh, 2008-2009 Student Regent [email protected] (509) 430-7410 Associated Students of Washington State University- Pullman Brandon Scheller, ASWSU President CUB 314B, Pullman WA 99164-4107 Phone: (425) 345-6785 Fax: (509) 335-2493 [email protected]


Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) – Pullman Jessica Moore, GPSA President Phone: (206) 790-5198 Email: [email protected] Associated Students of Washington State University-Vancouver Peter Sterr, ASWSU-V President Phone: (360) 546-9520 Email: [email protected] Associated Students of Washington State University-Tri-Cities James Sauceda, ASWSU-T President Phone: (509) 431-1697 Email: [email protected] Associated Students of Washington State University-Spokane Josh Donaldson, ASWSU-S President Phone: (425) 359-9087 Email: [email protected] Associated Students of Washington State University-DDP Debby Poris, ASWSU-DDP President Email: [email protected]


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