Refer The Url

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 18
Sheet1 <scheme>://<path>? Scheme

Authority 1) reg_name = 1*( unreserved | escaped | "$" | "," | ";" | ":" | Registry-based Naming "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" ) Server-based Naming

1) server = <userinfo>@ <userinfo>

1) hostport = host [ ":" port ] host = hostname | Ipv4address hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ] domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum

toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum


Query Page 1


3.2.2 http URL http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]] source

20.What makes up a valid domain name? Answer ./domain_help_faq_18.htm./domain_help_faq_18.htm./domain_help_faq_20.htm./domain_he The only valid characters for a domain name are letters, numbers and a hyphen "-". Hyphens source


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1) Scheme names should begin with a lower case letter 2) Only alpha characters, digits, plus(+), period(.) or hypen(-) are allowed in the scheme 3) Scheme name is not case sensitive, the upper case letters should be treated as lower case. (e.g. allow “HTTP” as well as “ 4) scheme = alpha *( alpha | digit | "+" | "-" | "." )

1)The authority component is preceded by a double slash "//" and is terminated by the next slash "/", question-mark "?", or by 2)Within the authority component, the characters ";", ":", "@", "?", and "/" are reserved. 1) reg_name = 1*( unreserved | escaped | "$" | "," | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" ) 2)

1) It may consist of a user name and, optionally, scheme- specific information about how to gain authorization to access the s 2) The user information, if present, is followed by a commercial at-sign "@". 3) userinfo = *( unreserved | escaped | ";" | ":" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," ) 4) Some URL schemes use the format "user:password" in the userinfo field. 1) It consist of a host and, optionally, followed by a “:” and port number 1) The host is a domain name of a network host, or its IPv4 address as a set of four decimal digit groups separated by ".". 1) Hostname is a sequence of domain labels seperated by “.”

1) The domainlabel always starts and ends with alphanumeric character and possibly also containing “-” characters. 2) Labels cannot start nor end with a hyphen “-”. 3) There could be more than one domainlabel and each domainlabel is seperated by “.” 4) Each label must be between 1 and 63 characters long, and there is a maximum of 255 characters when all labels are comb 1) It is the last part of an Internet domain name; that is, the letters which follow the final dot of any domain name. 2) The country code top level domain is two letter long. (e.g. “.us”, “.in”) 3) The geographic top level domain is three or more letters long. (e.g. “.com”, “.gov”, “.info”, “.museum”)

1) The path may consist of a sequence of path segments separated by a single slash "/" character. 2) The path component contains data, specific to the authority (or the scheme if there is no authority component), identifying t 3) The path section in the URL shows the path from node to the root of the tree. 4) Within a path segment, the characters "/", ";", "=", and "?" are reserved. 1) The query string is the part of a URL that contains data to be passed to web applications. 2) The query string is composed of a series of field-value pairs. 3) The field-value pairs are each separated by an equal sign. 4) The series of pairs is separated by the ampersand, '&'. 5) e.g. 6) http://server/path/program?query_string

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_help_faq_20.htm./domain_help_faq_20.htm./help-faq.htm./help-faq.htm ers and a hyphen "-". Hyphens may be anywhere in the middle of a name, but can not be located at the end or begin


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r by the end of the URI.

ng the resource within the scope of that scheme and authority.

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eginning of a name. A valid domain name does not have spaces. A domain name can be up to 67 characters long --

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n be up to 67 characters long -- including the 4 characters used to identify the Top Level Domain (.com, net, .org). Do

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vel Domain (.com, net, .org). Do not type the www. or your ext. before your domain name when registering as it is au

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ame when registering as it is automatically inserted

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Escape Codes


SPACE < > # % { } | \ ^ ~ Character

[ ] ` ; / ? : @ = & $

Escape Code

%20 %3C %3E %23 %25 %7B %7D %7C %5C %5E %7E


Escape Code

%5B %5D %60 %3B %2F %3F %3A %40 %3D %26 %24

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Escape Codes

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http Test Cases

General URL syntax : <scheme>://<path> Checklist to test “scheme”

NOTE : 1)Scheme name can start only with lower case letters. Ex : http 2)Only lower case letters, digits(0-9), plus(+), period(.) or hyphen(-) are allowed in 1)Try creating a scheme only with lower case letters 2)Try creating a scheme with only Upper case letters(scheme is case insensitive,so no issues,it will work) 3)Try creating a scheme name starting with numbers. 4)Try creating a scheme name starting with special characters 5)Try creating a scheme name with a combination of the above data Checklist to test “authority”

NOTE : 1)The authority component is preceded by a double slash “//” and is terminated by n

question mark “?” or by the end of the URL 2)Some URL schemes use the format "user:password" in the userinfo field.

1)Create an authority with a single slash(/) preceding the authority component 2)Create a authority with more than two slashes preceding the authority component It consist of a host and, optionally, followed by a “:” and port number The host is a domain name of a network host, or its IPv4 address as a set of four decimal digit groups separated by ".". 3)In the IPv4 address remove the decimals and check if the URL leads to the intended page 4)In the IPv4 address change the digits to alphabets and check if the URL leads to the intended page 5)In the IPv4 address change the digits to special characters and check if the URL leads to the intended page 6)In the IPv4 address remove the digits and check if the URL leads to the intended page

Hostname is a sequence of domain labels seperated by “.” Checklist to test ''Hostname” The domain label always starts and ends with alphanumeric character and possibly also containing “-” characters. 1)Start the domain label with number and end with a alphanumeric character 2)Start the domain label with alphanumeric character and end the domain label with number 3)Start and end the domain label with numbers 4)Start the labels with a hyphen 5)End the labels with a hyphen 6) Start nor end labels with a hyphen 7)If there are more than one domain label,then seperate them with a comma 8) Each label must be between 1 and 63 characters long, and there is a maximum of 255 characters when all labels are comb TOPLABEL is the last part of an Internet domain name; that is, the letters which follow the final dot of any domain name. 1) The country code top level domain is two letter long. (e.g. “.us”, “.in”) 2) The geographic top level domain is three or more letters long. (e.g. “.com”, “.gov”, “.info”, “.museum”) Checklist to test ''path'

NOTE: 1)

Within a path segment, the characters "/", ";", "=", and "?" are

1) The path may consist of a sequence of path segments separated by a single slash "/" character. Page 15

http Test Cases

2) The path component contains data, specific to the authority (or the scheme if there is no authority component), identifying t 3) The path section in the URL shows the path from node to the root of the tree. 4) Try to create a path by inserting more than one slash in between the path segments Checklist to test ''query”

NOTE:1) The query string is the part of a URL that contains data to be passed to web applic 2) The query string is composed of a series of field-value pairs. 3) The field-value pairs are each separated/related to each other by an equal sign. 4) The series of pairs is separated by the ampersand, '&'.

1)Remove all the field value pairs and check if the URL leads to the intended page 2)Remove the =sign,in between the field value pair,and check if the URL leads to the intended page 3)Remove the & sign,in between the series of field value pairs,and check if the URL leads to the intended page 4)Change the = sign,in between the field value pair,to some other value and check if the URL leads to the intended page 5)Change the & sign,in between the series of field value pairs,to some other value and check if the URL leads to the intended

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http Test Cases

Ex : http

or hyphen(-) are allowed in the scheme

ssues,it will work)

h “//” and is terminated by next slash “/”,

n the userinfo field.

al digit groups separated by ".".

ntended page s to the intended page

containing “-” characters.

5 characters when all labels are combined. he final dot of any domain name.

fo”, “.museum”)

/", ";", "=", and "?" are reserved. Page 17

http Test Cases no authority component), identifying the resource within the scope of that scheme and authority.

a to be passed to web applications. ue pairs. ach other by an equal sign. &'.

ds to the intended page URL leads to the intended page check if the URL leads to the intended page

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