Red Tent

  • April 2020
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SHUMC Times Lent: Time to Prepare The ancient season of Lent is a time to prepare—to prepare for Holy Week when we remember Christ’s work on the cross, and to prepare our hearts for the work of Christ in the world. It is a somber season, full of deep, dark colors (purple, black) and, hopefully, deep thinking and meditation. Historically, this is a time when Christians around the world spend extra time in prayer and worship, specifically focusing on Christ’s sacrifice for our lives on the cross. Traditionally, Lent was a time of fasting—giving up food to recall the life which Christ gave up for us. That has turned into “no meat Fridays” or giving up chocolate or other “indulgences” as a small way of “bearing” the cross. Others actually add something to their lives during Lent: an added prayer, service to others, or new ways of worship. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 25th, and we will be celebrating that day with a special service at 6 pm that night. Like last year, this service will be a unique opportunity to meditate on our lives in relationship with God and our own sin. The Worship Committee has put a lot of effort into the service and it will truly be a special time. In the weeks following, we will have a variety of events here at the church to guide us through the season. Pastor Jeff will be leading us through a special Lenten sermon series and we will have communion for most of the Sundays in this special season (Pastor Jeff will miss two because of the Honduras trip). Of course we will also have special worship services to help us prepare throughout Holy Week. Watch the screens, your bulletins, and the church bulletin boards for more information! Take time—make time—this season of Lent to prepare your hearts for the work of Christ and the sacrifice He made for each of us on the cross.

RED AND WHITE DINNER Tickets are now on sale at the “Red Table” in the foyer for the “Red and White Dinner” February 20, 2009, 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., $15.00 each. Ticket includes full course meal and music furnished by Russell Neas and his Big Band Sound Orchestra. Please plan to come, enjoy a wonderful meal provided by M&M Catering, music, and fellowship with our church family and friends. Pleasant atmosphere and NO CLEAN-UP DUTY!! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the church office, 743-2013. See you there! (Anybody remember that hot fudge brownie from last year? Yum!)

Pastor Jeff Writes In December, Southern Hills UMC had quite a scare as one of our members suffered a heart attack during Sunday School. It was a moment those of us who were there will not soon forget, but one, thankfully, that ended well thanks to the quick response of several church members. Thanks to Wilma, Tom, and all who responded quickly and prayerfully to that event. Because of that scare, Southern Hills UMC is going to make some changes that you’ll start to see starting this month. In conjunction with the American Heart Association which has named February “American Heart Month,” we will also be celebrating our hearts this month—by celebrating love, hearing about good heart health, and learning how to respond in a heart emergency. In other words, coming to church in February just might be good for your heart! The first thing we will do is offer CPR classes to help more of us respond in the right way should— God forbid—another emergency occur. The first of these classes will be February 7th here at the church and will be led by our very own Wilma Galatian, a trained CPR educator. A sign-up sheet is available on the church bulletin board and many have already signed up! For those who are not able to be there on the 7th, another class will be provided later in the month, which will also be led by a certified instructor That leads me to the important second step we will be taking at Southern Hills UMC to be good for your heart: an AED unit. We have been planning on purchasing an AED for some time now but our December emergency was certainly a catalyst for a faster purchase. Thanks to generous donations of several in the church, that unit has now been purchased and will be delivered soon. The instructor leading the second CPR training will also be training us how to use this important and potentially life-saving device. Watch your bulletins (and screens) for training dates. In conjunction with these sessions which help us respond to heart emergencies, we will also focus on preventing these emergencies by discussing good heart health. We will join thousands of others in Tulsa and around the country by celebrating Go Red Day on Feb. 6th by wearing red to bring awareness specifically to women’s heart health. We will also have “Go Red Sunday” on Feb. 8th when you are encouraged to wear red again as we too celebrate women’s heart health. In addition to wearing red, we’ll have special guests tell stories about their heart. As usual, we will not just be talking about heart health—we’re going to walk the walk too. All of us should, of course, be walking more (feel free to ask me how my workouts are going…I’m back on the horse…or at least a bike), but what I mean is we’re going to start to make changes to the way we eat as well. We’re going to make a concerted effort to have heart healthy foods at church events. Of course, every now and then some pizza and cake will sneak by, but you can all help me (and all of us) by making sure you bring heart healthy food (which, by the way, can still taste great!) to pot lucks, hospitality time, etc. Let’s take care of each other’s hearts! Lastly, we’re going to be celebrating the heart a lot this month. Of course, there’s the Valentine’s Day celebration that will help us celebrate love for that special someone, but we’ll also be celebrating our love for our friends in the church too. On February 20th come to our Red and White Dinner to hear good music, eat good food, and celebrate good times with your brothers and sisters in the church. All that dancing has got to be good for the heart! Ever since John Wesley’s heart was “strangely warmed” at a gathering on Aldersgate Street, Methodists have always had their finger on the pulse of good heart health. Here at Southern Hills UMC, we still believe going to church is good for the heart! See you there! Peace,

Hugs and Kisses, Honduras Trip Heating Up! So Hills United Methodist Women The UMW will be meeting Tuesday, Feb. 3rd at 7:00pm to make Valentines for members unable to attend church. All women of the church are invited. You do not have to be a UMW member to attend our meetings or other functions. Char Stone is our president this year. We look forward to seeing you for fellowship and a worthwhile project.

Thanks to a Sunday morning mission moment from Scott Jaynes, our VIM trip to Honduras has gained momentum as we get closer to our departure date of March 15th. As of this writing, we have six confirmed members travelling to Honduras over Spring Break (March 15-22) to build many things—especially our relationship with our missionary, Randy Webster. We’ll most likely be working on sheetrock for Pastor Webster’s mission field (probably the parsonage) and will also have an opportunity at the end of our trip to visit the beautiful island of Roatan. It’s almost too late to sign up…but if you call soon you just might be able to join this “hot” trip! If you cannot join us, please keep our team in prayer as we prepare for an amazing experience. Also, if you’d like to support the team financially, simply put VIM Honduras on a check or scholarship a specific team member. ¡Muchas gracias!

CHILDCARE ATTENDANT POSITION The SPRC Committee is actively searching for a childcare attendant for Sunday mornings. This position will pay $10.00 per hour. The candidate must be available from 9:30-12:30 Sundays. Perhaps you may know of someone who would be an ideal candidate for this position. If so, please pass this information on to them. They may contact the church at 743-2013. Thank you.

Prayer Shawl Ministry We will be meeting on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Our first meeting will be February 21st, from 2:00—3:30 pm in the SHUMC Parlor. Please bring supplies: if knitting—yarn, needles size 11 or 10 or 13, if crocheting—hooks size M, N, or P. You will need at least 3 skeins of yarn to complete a shawl. Please contact Virginia Alexander at 749-2945 or cell phone 859-9374 for more information.

SHUMC Book Club– Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 7:00 pm Her name is Dinah. In the Bible, her life is only hinted at in a brief and violent detour within the more familiar chapters of the Book of Genesis that are about her father, Jacob, and his dozen sons. Told in Dinah's voice, this novel reveals the traditions and turmoils of ancient womanhood-the world of the red tent. It begins with the story of her mothers-Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah-the four wives of Jacob. They love Dinah and give her gifts that are to sustain her through a damaged youth, a calling to midwifery, and a new home in a foreign land. Dinah's story reaches out from a remarkable period of early history and creates an intimate, immediate connection. Deeply affecting, The Red Tent combines rich storytelling with a valuable achievement in modern fiction: a new view of Biblical women's society. Please join us Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 7:00 pm to discuss this interesting and wonderful take on the lives of women from ancient times.

February is Heart Month! by Gloria Ivey, RN Many of you are trying to find just the right diet to begin and keep for the new year. But please let me remind you that no diet will work for you that is better than the daily "care and feeding" of your body. Just as daily reading of God's word and prayer is good for your soul, daily care for your body is essential for your health and well being! A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons to fight and prevent disease, including America's number one killer, cardiovascular disease. It’s not as hard as you may think! Remember, it's the overall pattern of your choices that counts. Make the simple steps below part of your life for long-term benefits to your health and your heart. Use up at least as many calories as you take in: Start by knowing how many calories you should be eating and drinking to loose or maintain your weight. Don’t eat more calories than you know you can burn up every day. Increase the amount and intensity of your physical activity to match the number of calories you take in. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days of the week or best of all — at least 30 minutes every day. Regular physical activity can help you maintain your weight, keep off weight that you lose and help you reach physical and cardiovascular fitness. If you can’t do at least 30 minutes at one time, you can add up 10-minute sessions throughout the day. Eat a variety of nutritious foods from all the food groups: To get the nutrients you need, choose foods like vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products and fat-free or low-fat dairy products most often. Reduce your white starches and keep your portions within the guidelines (more than likely, smaller than you want). Add fish to your weekly diet at least twice. Keep your plate colorful with variety of plant food not mass produced food substitutes. Avoid all tobacco products. And always, seek help from your doctor before starting any new exercise plan if you have known heart disease. Tulsa has many excellent exercise facilities and education classes at our area hospitals to get you on the right path to a healthy lifestyle.

Meals on wheels Special Needs for FISH Usually with our FISH program (Furnishing Individuals Support and Hope—our program to help people in financial crisis move to self-sufficiency), the needs are pretty clear: help with finances for rent, utility bills, deposit on a new apartment, gas money, etc. But recently, a FISH client raised a different sort of need: blankets, and household items to set up a new apartment. If you have a gently-used blanket that you’d like to donate, or some items that would be helpful for a new apartment, please contact Pastor Jeff in the church office. To prevent a flood of blankets (although I’m sure we could find a use for them), please be sure to contact the office before bringing your items in. Thanks…and good fishing to you all!

We need a driver on alternating Fridays. The time is 10:00am to around 11:30. For more information see or call Nicky Layfield 296-9884 or Betty Ta m 298-0055.

Help Children Learn the Stories of Scripture: Teach Sunday School!

February Studies for Sunday School: Wesleyan Class is studying “Faith is the Answer, What if the Question”

It’s not every day you have the chance to impact someone’s life, but every Sunday the people who work with our children make an incredible impact. Those working in the nursery already know that impact, but we are also looking for persons who are willing to work with elementary aged children on Sunday mornings to teach the stories of the Bible. Can you imagine something more important than that?

Rock N Roll Class is continuing their study “Krazy KinFolk”

Friendship Class is studying Acts

Young Adult Small Group is studying “Nooma”.

We will help you with training and materials. It is truly exciting that we at Southern Hills are beginning to have children eager to learn about all those Bible Stories. Let us know if you could give at least one Sunday a month. Contact Shirley Fretwell or Betty Tam.

HUNGER HITS ONE IN FIVE CHILDREN IN TULSA Jesus said, “come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance… for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”… The disciples asked Jesus, “When did we give you something to eat?”… “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matt. 25:34-40) As a new Christian I was instructed to “read and obey” the Word of God. Among the life giving messages I found when I first read the Bible, was the endless plea of God to “Never forget the poor, the weak, the hungry, or the stranger.” I have discovered that when people are engaged in humble acts of kindness to “the least of these” they are blessed with a deep sense of peace and joy. “I received, from those I went to serve, much more that I gave” is an almost universal summary after working among the poor. The United Methodist Church has had an outreach to the hungry and poor in the Tulsa area for thirty years. The outreach center is Restore Hope Ministries. Our mission is to restore families in financial crisis to economic and spiritual vitality. Providing food is an important part of this vital ministry. Never has the need been more critical. Restore Hope has been blessed with the generous support of many. Churches, individuals, and charitable foundations have stepped up. But even with their earnest efforts, Restore Hope is struggling to maintain its food supply. The need grew during the summer by more that 20?. In November it Doubled. From November 3rd to the 6th Restore hope provided 14,000 pounds of food to 350 families. The normal demand is 160 families (6,500 pounds). In addition to this astonishing increase is the fact that nearly 70% of these families had never requested help before. Most of us have been blessed beyond words with God’s love and grace for which we are eternally grateful. God’s desire and plea are the same—”don’t forget the poor, the weak, the hungry, or the stranger.” Please extend God’s love to the hungry among us. Remember, that in whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord.

Rev. Larry Johnson, Executive Director, Restore Hope Ministries

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Phone: 918-743-2013 Fax: 918-743-3151 Email: [email protected] Rev. Jeff Jaynes: [email protected] Linda Sisemore, editor: [email protected]

Church School Classes 9:45 a.m. Worship Celebration 11:00 a.m. Monday Prayer Time 7:00 a.m.

Our Mission We are disciples serving God, Building a community of grace and love.

“Super Job!”

Caring for Creation Our Souper Bowl of Caring offering on Sunday, February 1st raised a total of $213.90 to help fill the empty bowls in our community. All proceeds will go to the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma to help those in need. You are the MVPs (Most Valuable Parishioners) of our Souper Bowl!

By Adriane Jaynes Everyone hates junk mail; including Mother Earth! Go to and click "How do I get off?" and learn how to get yourself off of junk mail lists. If everyone in the country did this, we could save 100 million trees a year!

Our Vision Focusing Outward, Growing Together, Practicing the Presence of God, Living Lives of Worship and Inviting Others to Come and See

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