Recovery- It Takes More Than Money

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Recovery…It Takes More Than Money 2009 April 10 tags: Bailout, Economic Recovery, Economy, Government, Obama Administration, Volunteerism by Mitch Chester Jonathan Alter is right. The need for a commitment to national service by volunteers is a key strategy in getting our nation back to economic health. Writing in the January 12, 2009 edition of Newsweek, Alter talks about investing in human capital, not just throwing money out in the typical “bailout” spending spree. One way to get things done is to effectively use AmeriCorps, the U.S. program which works with public agencies and non-profits to make a difference in important initiatives such as education and the environment. Other resources are ramping up opportunities. The President is marshaling his vast army of campaign supporters into volunteer efforts that will help in the struggle to improve America and get us back on solid ground. There are hundreds of thousands of people, young and old, who are ready to tackle our various national problems. Citizen activists who invest a few hours a week can produce incredible tangible accomplishments and should not be overlooked as an economic solution at the local and state levels. Even with the estimated one million charitable organizations across the fifty states, there remains vast untapped human power can be put to achievable tasks…and they are ready to go to work. Each volunteer offers the “gift of time” President Bill Clinton wrote about in his 2007 book “Giving, How Each Of Us Can Change The World.” In an earlier era, President Kennedy understood the incredible power of using volunteers in effective programs when he established the Peace Corps in 1961. There are practical applications for volunteerism that need not be ignored. I chair an affordable housing advisory committee for a local municipality. In a recent report issued to our Town Council, we stressed the need for additional staffers in our Housing and Community Development Department. But with budget deficits and the inability of government to spend more money on municipal jobs, we recommended an AmeriCorps member be used to help supplement the Department staff in the herculean effort to tackle our workforce housing crisis. Just one set of additional hands put to good use may make the difference to our community and its efforts to fend off homelessness for hundreds. By one measure, more than 70,000 people join AmeriCorps annually. With the new call to activist action by the White House, that number will certainly swell. That’s a lot of brain power to put to beneficial use. The bailout, therefore, which seems to morph into something new each day, must also incorporate organizations like AmeriCorps to harness the unlimited power of people who just plain want to help others solve problems. “Bailout,” future generations will read, means more than just throwing dollars at different sectors of the economy…it means using all available hands and recognizing sweat equity as a key tool for recovery and progress. This was proven in the Great Depression and in helping emerging nations develop. The same truth holds promise Hear President John F. Kennedy explain his bold volunteer program…The Peace Corps. today. Edit This from → Bailout, Economic Recovery, Economy


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Source: Reuters By Robert Green ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., June 17 (Reuters) - A Florida tent city for hundreds of homeless people lies at the end of a dead-end street, but residents say they have not given up hope of a ... US House clears $106 bln war funding, Senate next 06/16/2009 Source: Reuters * Bill for Iraq and Afghanistan wars passes 226-202 * Republicans balk at provision extending credit to IMF * Legislation includes vouchers to spur U.S. car sales (Recasts lead, adds background ... Peru PM says he will quit over clashes 06/16/2009 Source: Reuters (Adds tensions with Bolivia, paragraphs 6-7) By Teresa Cespedes and Terry Wade LIMA, June 16 (Reuters) Peruvian President Alan Garcia's cabinet chief will step down in the face of opposition ... OBAMA PLAN TO CALL FOR SUPERVISION OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL FIRMS THR 06/16/2009 Source: Reuters OBAMA PLAN TO CALL FOR SUPERVISION OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL FIRMS THROUGH SUPERVISORY COLLEGES--OFFICIAL ... Many US agencies not ready for a flu pandemic - GAO 06/16/2009 Source: Reuters * Federal agencies "muddling along" * Few have rehearsed for bad pandemic By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor WASHINGTON, June 16 (Reuters) - From air traffic controllers packed ... US House backs $106 bln war bill, Senate up next 06/16/2009 Source: Reuters WASHINGTON, June 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives cleared a $106 billion measure to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on Tuesday despite Republican protests about U.S. credit lines ... Backers of Iran's Mousavi aim to keep up protests 06/16/2009 Source: Reuters * Mousavi backers plan new rally in defiance of ban * Supreme leader Khamenei foresees partial recount * Obama says Mousavi, Ahmadinejad policies similar EDITORS' NOTE: Reuters coverage is ...

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A Preassembled Nuclear Reactor 06/16/2009 A new modular design could make building nuclear reactors faster and cheaper. Volvo Tests Plug-in Hybrids 06/16/2009 The company will bring vehicles to market in 2012. Big Blue Sees Clouds on the Horizon 06/16/2009 IBM's big cloud-computing plan starts with virtual desktops and software application testing. Blog - Buckyballs Polymerized to Form Buckywires 06/16/2009 Add a drop of oil to buckyballs, and they join together to form wires like strings of pearls. Blog - Betting on A Big Wave 06/16/2009 Blog - TechStars Episode 3: A Community Party 06/16/2009 Advertisement: 06/16/2009 Blog - Email – The Original Social Graph 06/16/2009 Blog - Why Twitter Doesn't Mean the End of Iranian Censorship 06/16/2009 Use of proxies and Twitter is rising in Iran, but that doesn't automatically mean victory against state censorship. Blog - The Limits of Irany 06/16/2009

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administration's plan to overhaul the country's financial rule book. IRS Proposes Tax On Work Cell Phone Use 06/15/2009 The Internal Revenue Service is considering collecting taxes on personal calls made on work cell phones. Martin Vaughan, reporter for Dow Jones Newswire, who has been following the story, offers his insight. Parental Controls For Computer-Savvy Kids 06/15/2009 Keeping track of what your kids do online used to be easy. Now, with so many new ways for them to interact with the wider, digital world, traditional parental controls have gotten less reliable. But there are plenty of new resources to help parents help their kids navigate the Web safely and responsibly.

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WolframAlpha: Making Data Computable 06/15/2009 WolframAlpha is like a search engine, but one that compiles and compares data about various subjects and presents the results in imaginative forms, such as charts. Stephen Wolfram, its creator, offers his insight. Parental Controls For Computer-Savvy Kids 06/15/2009 Keeping track of what your kids do online used to be easy. Now, with so many new ways for them to interact with the wider, digital world, traditional parental controls have gotten less reliable. But there are plenty of new resources to help parents help their kids navigate the Web safely and responsibly. The Cost Of Making Milk In The Desert 06/14/2009 One of the biggest dairy farms in the world isn't in the Midwest or California: It's in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert. The dairy was founded decades ago, when Arab countries wanted to become self-sufficient in food production. These days, the question isn't whether or not to import food, but whether to continue using so much of a dwin […] Analog TV Is Dead. Is Broadcast TV Dying? 06/14/2009 When the Beatles made their U.S. television debut on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964, 73 million people tuned in. According to the Nielsen Co., the number of U.S. households today that rely solely on over-the-air TV broadcasts is about 15 million. Some say broadcast TV — even digital broadcast TV — is a dying medium. Is Digital TV A Problem For Artist Inspired By Static? 06/13/2009 Artist Rick Doble works with television static to produce abstract works of art. Guy Raz asks Doble how his work is going to change now that the conversion to digital television is complete — and TV static is almost a thing of the past. TV Repairman Weighs Future Amid Digital Switch 06/12/2009 The transition to digital television is forcing many electronics service shops to ponder their future. Dan Meijer, who started working in the world of TV repair as a 16-year-old high school dropout, offers his insight. Dallas-Fort Worth Area Ill-Prepared For TV Switch 06/12/2009 One of the last markets to make the switch to digital TV will be Dallas-Fort Worth. It has been named one of the most likely to suffer serious problems because of its large population of low-income people and those for whom English is a second language. As TV Changes To Digital, White Noise Fades Away 06/12/2009 A familiar sight and sound is disappearing as digital TV takes over from analog: television snow and the "white noise" that accompanies it. A Tale Of Technology In Two School Districts 06/11/2009 Computers are essential for schools, but they're also expensive. Two school districts — one in New Jersey and one in Virginia — are trying to trim their tech budgets without hurting learning. The solution? Smaller laptops for one district and word processors for another. Cable Users Could Lose Channels With Digital Switch 06/11/2009 Even as broadcasters switch to digital, cable companies are taking back analog signals to make room for new services and high-def channels. That means some subscribers may lose channels they used to get free — and they'll need a cable converter box to get them back.

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FBI Sting Catches Alleged Archaeological Thieves in Southwest 06/17/2009 Do Gay Animals Change Evolution? 06/16/2009 Homosexual behavior seems pointedly un-Darwinian. An animal that doesn't pass along genes by mating with the opposite sex at every, well, conceivable opportunity, seems to be at an evolutionary disadvantage. So what’s in it for the 450-plus species that go for same-sex sex? [More] NASA Return to Lunar Orbit Will Scout for Future Human Exploration 06/15/2009 Atop an Atlas 5 rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida sits the first step in what will surely be a long and arduous task for NASA--returning humans to the moon. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, set to lift off this week, will orbit the moon in search of potential landing sites and useful resources, such as water ice, that would facil […] Watering Down the Fishery Gene Pool 06/12/2009 Moonstruck: Tagalong Probe to Blast Moon in Search for Water 06/12/2009 If humans are to live on the moon someday, or simply use it as a way station for the journey to Mars, water will be a critical resource--and having a local supply would be invaluable. [More] Flee, Dry and Die: Is a New Weapon in the Bedbug Battle Ready for Action? 06/10/2009 Bedbugs are notoriously difficult to kill. Human-created pesticides often fail to conquer the evasive bloodsuckers, but could a new chemical gleaned from the bugs themselves help? [More] Of Telescopes and Ticks: How Mount Wilson Observatory Became an Infectious Disease Study Site 06/08/2009 Exotic Quasicrystal May Represent New Type of Mineral 06/04/2009 A team of researchers says it has found in a Russian mineral sample the first natural example of a quasicrystal, an unusual material that displays some of the properties of a crystal but boasts a more intricate and complex structure. Since quasicrystals were


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Iran regime cracks down on opposition 06/16/2009 Ian Black, Robert Tait N Korea urged to end nuclear pursuit 06/16/2009 President says 'another path' exists for North Korea to achieve prosperity and peaceBarack Obama today urged North Korea to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, saying the international community is resolved to prevent nuclearisation of the Korean peninsula and that "another path" exists by which the isolated tot […] Daniel Nasaw Fraud victims pour vitriol on Madoff 06/16/2009 Andrew Clark Struggling MySpace cuts 420 jobs 06/16/2009 Bobbie Johnson Carter challenges Gaza blockade 06/16/2009 Rory McCarthy, Jimmy Carter Letterman apologises to Palin 06/16/2009 Paul Lester We need to act now, landmark climate report tells Americans 06/16/2009 Suzanne Goldenberg Turks and Caicos case delayed 06/16/2009 Peter Beaumont Obama's bulldozer risks a modern-day Khmer Rouge 06/16/2009 Pankaj Mishra The Boston Globe's painful divorce 06/16/2009 Dan Kennedy

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characterized 25 years ago, numerous versions have been cooked up in the laboratory, but a natural ex […] Under the Radar: Unearthing Antarctica's Surface below 10,000 Feet of Ice 06/03/2009 The ice covering Antarctica got its start on the top of a high peak in the Gamburtsev mountains about 43 million years ago, according to a new study published today in Nature. Using simple radar to peer through the ice, researchers have gained new insights about the hidden mountains--and the formation of the ice that entombs them. [More] […] Researchers Look for Ways to Deliver a One-Two Punch to Flu Viruses 06/02/2009 The spread of a new strain of influenza A H1N1 virus across 50 countries worldwide since last month has helped remind the medical community that it needs to adapt to a virus that continuously reinvents itself. [More]

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