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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 573
  • Pages: 2
install-repo.ksh README



This command will unzip and install zipped IPS repository image components into the designated directory. The script will perform the following functions: Validate checksums of downloaded files (optional) uncompress each part into a specified directory verify the repository image (optional) create an ISO file for mounting and distribution (optional) In addition, if the selected destination already contains a repository, you will be given the option of adding the new repository contents to the existing repository (and rebuild the catalog and index files). Note that if the option to create an ISO image is used, the README for it's use is contained at the top level of the destination as supplied by the -d option. USAGE: install-repo.ksh -d dest [-s zipsrc] [-i image-name] [-c] [-v] [-I] [-y] -d dest -s zipsrc -i image -c -v -I -y

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destination directory to hold repository full path to directory holding zip files. default: current directory name of image: e.g. sol-11_3-repo default: name found in directory compare checksums of downloaded zip files verify repo after unzipping create an ISO image add to existing repository without prompting for yes or no. Use with caution.

Destination directory will contain top-level ISO files including README. Repository is directly under destination. ISO image is created in current directory, or zipsrc directory from -s argument. The directory must be writable in order to create the ISO image. Options: Use the -s (source) option to specify a location for the downloaded zip files that is different than the location of the install-repo.ksh script. Otherwise, it is assumed that the script and the zip files are all within the current working directory. The -i option can be used to specify one of multiple releases that might reside in the same download directory. For example, if the download files from Solaris 11.3 Beta and the Solaris 11.3 final release reside in the same directory, then "-i sol-11_3-beta-repo" will select the Solaris 11.3 beta files. By default, even with multiple releases, the newest download is selected. Without specifying a release with -i when multiple releases are present in the same download directory, the newest "part 1" zip file is used to determine which files will be used. If an existing repository is selected as the destination, then the user is prompted to add onto the repository. If the answer is "yes", then the contents of the downloaded zip files are added to the existing repository, and the catalog and search indices are rebuilt to include the new packages. It is recommended that the ZFS filesystem in which the existing repository resides has a snapshot created prior to applying the new repository contents.

If the -y option is used, information is displayed regarding the existing repository, and then the installation will automatically proceed without intervention. Here is a sample output using the checksum and repo verification flags, as well as creating an ISO image. The selected destination already contains a repository. $ install-repo.ksh -d /tank/repos/dev -I -v -c Comparing checksums of downloaded files...done. Checksums match. IPS repository exists at destination /tank/repos/dev Current version: Do you want to add to this repository? (y/n) y Uncompressing Uncompressing Uncompressing Uncompressing Uncompressing Repository can be found in /tank/repos/dev. Initiating repository rebuild. Initiating repository verification. Building ISO image...done. ISO image can be found at: /tank/downloads/sol-11_3-repo.iso Instructions for using the ISO image can be found at: /tank/repos/dev/README-repo-iso.txt

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