Readings - Rangatahi

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Readings – Rangatahi: Maori Youth Sharples, P. (2007). Speech: Youth mentoring. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from 1046&Itemid=28. Annotation: This is an article based on Dr. Pita Sharples’ speech on his opinion of the importance of mentoring. This speech was given at Youth Mentoring Conference Butterfly Creek; South Auckland on Saturday 26 May 2007.

Phoenix, J. (2003). Rethinking youth prostitution: National provision at the margins of child protection and youth justice. Youth Justice, 3(3), 152-168. Retrieved December 10, 2008, from Annotation: In March 2000, the Department of Health and the Home Office issued guidance fundamentally altering policy and practice with regard to young people in prostitution. Instead of being arrested and punished for prostitution-related offences, those under 18 years old were to be thought of as children ‘in need’ and offered welfare-based interventions. The practice that has developed in the last three years has offered interventions that are located within both child protection and youth justice work. This article examines these changes in order to generate insights about the changing nature of youth justice.

McGee, R., Williams, S., Howden-Chapman, P., Martin, J., & Kawachi, I. (2006). Participation in clubs and groups from childhood to adolescence and its effects on attachment and self-esteem. Journal of Adolescence, 29, 1-17. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from 000011498&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=140507&md5=eed97ef25ce b3b7681e38013c6919601. Annotation: We examined social participation in organized clubs and groups from childhood to adolescence in a sample of young people from Dunedin, New Zealand. Groups were broadly categorized as “sports” and “cultural/youth” groups. While the results indicated high levels of participation in childhood with a decline over the ensuing adolescent years, path analyses suggested strong continuities in participation over time.

Gootman, J. A. (2003). Whakamanawa te hou ora o nga rangatahi: Lessons from New Zealand’s National youth development strategy. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from Annotation: This project examined the Youth Development Strategy Aoteoroa (YSDA), related child and youth policies, with the intent of highlighting for both the US and NZ policymakers ways that youth development theory and policy has been applied in programmes, activities and services for youth. This is a report that actively links NZ findings to the US educational context.

Owen, V. (2001). Whanake rangatahi: Programmes and services to address Māori youth offending. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 16, 175-190. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from Annotation: This paper reports on a study, Whanake Rangatahi – Programmes and Services to Address Māori Youth Offending, assessing Māori participation in programmes and services directed at youth offending and the outcomes. The paper highlights implications for government policy, programme specification and purchasing, research and evaluation.

Wakefield, W. D., & Hudley, C. (2007). Ethnic and racial identity and adolescent well-being. Theory Into Practice, 46(2), 147-154. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from Annotation: This article reviews theoretical and empirical literature that informs our understanding of the development of a positive ethnic identity, and the consequences for adolescent mental health. The review includes research on both psychological and behavioral outcomes for adolescents; the relationships among ethnic identity, discrimination, and mental health; and the role of racial socialization in ethnic identity development and mental health. The authors also pay particular attention to ethnic identity and academic achievement.

Merritt, K. (2002). Rangatahi wahine: Overcoming the odds – preliminary results. Paper presented at The Proceedings of the National Maori Graduates of Psychology Symposium, Waikato, New Zealand. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from _Merritt.pdf. Annotation: The purpose of my research was to identify factors that have contributed to the development of resilience in young Māori girls’ lives. Incorporated into this was an exploration of their psychosocial competence makeup, to see whether their sense of self, sense of relationship to the world, and ability to negotiate life events, was unique.

The Ministry of Maori Development. (2006). Maori youth. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from Annotation: This a webpage which has statistics on Maori youths’ population, education, employment, health, sexual health, alcohol, exercise etc.

Smith, L. T., Smith, G. H., Boler, M., Kempton, M., Ormond, A., & Chueh, H., et al. (2002). “Do you guys hate Aucklanders too?” Youth: Voicing difference from the rural heartland. Journal of Rural Studies, 18, 169-178. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from 000011498&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=140507&md5=d0749280b0 ca11579ff7acd06c809c28. Annotation: Youth First conducted focus groups and participatory "youth tribunals" across New Zealand, examining experiences of growing up rural. Common themes included "not being listened to," exclusion from citizen participation, and anxiety about the future. Remarkable differences in experience and views were often found in the same community. Maori youth revealed strong connections to place and extended family.

Edwards, S., Mccreanor, T., & Moewaka-Barnes, H. (2007). Maori family culture: A context of youth development in Counties/Manukau. New Zealand journal of Social Sciences Online, 2, 1-15. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from Annotation: This paper reports on a study designed to bring the voices of young people directly into the social science literature regarding environmental influences on wellbeing. We analyse accounts from young Maori about their families and the roles families play in order to focus on strengths and positive resources for the promotion of youth wellbeing.

Durie, M. (1998). Te Mana Kawanatanga: The Politics of Māori Self Determination. Auckland: Oxford University Press. Annotation: Mana Tupuna: Identity and Heritage (Chapter 3). This chapter discusses the creation of a Maori identity; Being Maori in the 21st century; Maori Language teachers and resources; Traditional knowledge and others related to identity of Maori culture.

UNESCO. (2005, January). Restoring the lifetime: Social cohesion and integration of conflict-affected youth. USA: Author. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from Annotation: This study is related to a highly prioritized subject concerning the educational and social changes throughout the world. Content: (I)The marginalization of conflict-affected youth; (II) Social cohesion and social capital: Theories, models and practice; (III) Youth education and its role in building social capital; (IV) Integration of excluded youth; (V) Role of government in rebuilding social cohesion and engaging conflict-affected youth. Love & Praat et al

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