Reaching Our World - Foundations Of Faith (5 Of 5)

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Denver First Church of the Nazarene November 15, 2009 - Totals Attendance Main Campus:

Navajo Shoebox Mission Trip Following the AM service, there will be a brief informational meeting about the Navajo Shoebox Mission Trip in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone interested should attend. Then stay to help sort and wrap the shoeboxes! For more info, contact Steve Sanford (303/349-0609) or John Bruneau (303/328-7303).

West Campus: Sunday School: 48 AM Worship: 65

Sunday School: 487 Bible Studies & Small Groups: 336 AM Worship: 746 PM Worship: 58 Combined:

Sunday School & Groups: 871 Main Services: 811

Nazz Jazz Finale Concert - TONIGHT This concert, tonight at 6:00 pm, will be the “Finale” concert for Nazz Jazz and Jerry Nelson prior to his embarking into full-time concert ministry. Bring your friends and hear Nazz Jazz in full stride as you’ve never heard them before. Free admission!

Giving This Week’s Need: $ 75,704

Received Last Week: $ 27,132

November Tithe Monthly Goal: $ 391,594

To Date: $ 139,559

November World Evangelism Fund

Thanksgiving Break Wednesday night, November 25th, due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no evening activities (including Children’s, Youth and Worship & Arts). And Sunday, November 29th, there will be no evening service (the church will close at 2:00 pm)

Monthly Goal: $ 17,776

To Date: $ 10,182

YTD Tithe YTD Goal: $ 1,447,313

To Date: $ 1,100,453

YTD World Evangelism Fund YTD Goal: $ 109,994

To Date: $ 61,929

Thanksgiving Offering for Others

Children’s “Three Nights in Bethlehem” “Three Nights in Bethlehem” is returning to Wednesday nights, Dec. 2, 9 and 16. Come join Pre-K through 4th graders as they experience Bethlehem through taste, sight and smell. All “citizens” are required to register with the “Census.” Please call Gwenda at 303/806-2612 if you have questions.

Tennyson Center Ministry We are returning to the Tennyson Center on Sunday, December 6th. We will be sharing Christmas traditions with the children, as well as a puppet show for worship. Meet in the Breezeway at 1:15 pm on the 6th or call Jon Tinniswood at 720/273-0028 for more info.

“A Night of Hope” “A Night of Hope,” a Christmas Worship Celebration, is being presented by our Worship & Arts Ministry on Sunday, December 6th at 3:00 pm. Admission is free. We have printed “tickets” to be used as invitations. You can find them at the Worship & Arts Booth, the Reception Desk and the Bookstore.

Goal: $ 75,000

To Date: $ 5,427

DFC (Main Campus) Ministerial Staff Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

November 22, 2009

Isaiah 42:5-8

Reaching Our World! “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.” Isaiah 42:6a ♦

God is calling all _________________! ∗

He wants all people to ________________ Him personally.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...” Matthew 28:19

We have all made value judgments on certain objects in our life. How much should we spend on a vehicle for our family? How much should we spend on a home? How much do we spend on dinner out on Friday night? Our assessment of value to certain objects or events in our life is a lifelong process. We call this Sunday “Thanksgiving Sunday” at DFC. We remember all that God has done for us as individuals and as a church. We are thankful people! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we take an offering this day for missions for our community and around the world. So we ask ourselves the question, “How much is one soul worth?” Jesus placed the value of a soul to be equal to His own life. Jesus vacated heaven, put on our flesh, walked on this earth and then died a horrible death for the souls of all mankind. The value of a soul to Jesus was His own life! Today we ask the members, attendees and friends of DFC, “Would you give so that others may know the hope we have in Christ?” Our goal today is $75,000. If we all do something for souls here and around the world in Jesus’ name, we can make an impact in our world. How much is a soul worth? We will answer that question today! I am so glad you are here! Amazed by His Grace!

Pastor Shawn

Single’s Christmas Party Singles are having a Christmas Party on Saturday, Dec. 19th at 5:30pm in the Aspen Room at Alameda & Center St. in Denver. Sign up in the GPS class for shuttle service and to indicate what dish you’ll bring. Meet at DFC at 5pm to ride the shuttle. Contact Jincy Mills at 303-552-7970 or Karen Boocock at 303367-8647 for more information. No More Check Writing! The Convenience of ACH Giving! Did you know that you can make your tithe and Faith Promise payments automatically each month? The Business Office can, with your written authorization, request an “ACH transfer” from your bank account to DFC’s bank account. For more info, or to request an authorization form, please contact Karen John in the Business Office. First Edition Bookstore We’re all decked out for the holidays with savings for you! All fall items are 30% off - beautiful decorations to grace your Thanksgiving table! Boxed Christmas cards: 15% off; Bibles and beautiful Christmas music: 20% off! DFC Pantry Our DFC Pantry helps provide food for people all year long, but especially during the holidays. Please help us to help others by donating non-perishable food, paper products and hygiene products. Please drop off your donations at the Reception Desk or Missions Booth. “...I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 Got Christmas Gifts? Get all your Christmas gift cards taken care of in one stop while supporting our youth! It’s easy! Just stop by the Student Ministries Booth or the GL Welcome Center and pick from a large variety of cards on hand or to order (most cards ordered should be here the following week). You have your Christmas gifts taken care of and a percentage of each card goes to help our youth go to camp, on a mission trip or to a retreat. Stop by for details or check out what cards are available at Thank You from Pastor Scott! I can’t thank the wonderful DFC family enough for your kindness and love during this time of my dad being called home to the Big Life! The outpouring of love and care to Lynn and me in the recent passing of my dad has been an incredible blessing and testimony of the love of Christ extended through the Body of Christ! Far beyond the Worship & Arts Ministry of DFC, our entire church has touched my family in very meaningful, practical and personal ways. The cards, the flowers and especially, the prayers, served as God’s healing balm to us. We have been (and continue to be) overwhelmed. “Thank you” is not sufficient! God was glorified at every turn and continues to be lifted up!

Our God is a ___________________ God.

He knows people are __________________ without Him!

“I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles...” Isaiah 42:6b

“I am the Lord; that is my name!” Isaiah 42:8 ♦

God will spread His _____________ through us!

“They were looking intently up into the sky as He was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. ’Men of Galilee,’ they said, ’why do you stand here looking in the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven.’” Acts 1:101:10-11 ∗

Today we ____________ by giving.

The world ______________ us more than ever.

“ open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” Isaiah 42:7 ♦

The bottom _____________. ∗

People can only truly ___________ with Christ in their life!

“He replied, ’Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!’” John 9:25 ∗

We are _____________________ of sin until Jesus sets us free!

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 ∗

God came into our hell and set us _____________!

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