Rangkuman Psdm.docx

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Keterampilan yang dibutuhkan pada 2020 : 1. Problem solving 2. Pemikiran kritis 3. Kreativitas 4. Management perorangan 5. Kerja sama 6. Kecerdasan emosional 7. Pembuatan keputusan 8. Orientasi pelayanan 9. Negosiasi 10. Kognitif Industri 4.0 DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY PADA PENDIDIKAN TINGGI    

Competency-based Education : mahasiswa mempunyai kemampuan beda-beda. Bantuan teknologi digunakan untuk memudahkan mahasiswa memilih matakuliah yang sesuai dengan kemampuannya The Internet of Things :peningkatan konektivitas semua peralatan yang ada akan membuat komunikasi antara mahasiswa dengan dosen, tutor, dan perguruan tinggi Virtual/Augmented Reality : virtual reality dapat membuat seolah-olah mahasiswa benar-benar melaksanakan praktikum (terutama untuk praktikum yang membahayakan atau kompleks) Artificial Intelligence: online learning platform dengan bantuan AI dapat beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa.

Human Resource Management adalah perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengawasan kegiatan-kegiatan, pengadaan, pengembangan, pemberian kompensasi, pengintegrasian, pemeliharaan dan pelepasan sumber daya manusia agar tercapai berbagai tujuan individu, organisasi, dan masyarakat. Who Is an HR Manager?  

In the course carrying out their duties, every operating manager is, in essence, an HR manager. HR specialists design processes and systems that operating managers help implement.

HR Activities  HR Planning and Analysis  Equal Employment Opportunity  Staffing  HR Development  Compensation and Benefits  Health, Safety, and Security  Employee and Labor/Management Relations

HR Activities

Attracting Utilizing

Terminating Supporting




Strategic Operational Employee Advocate Administrative

: As business contributor : Manages most HR Activities : Serves as morale pffice : Focuses extensively on clerical administration

Strategic role for HR :  Focusing on developing HR programs that enhance organizational performance .  Involving HR in strategic planning at the onset.  Participating in decision making on mergers, acquisitions, and downsizing.  Redesigning organizations and work processes  Accounting and documenting the financial results of HR activities. HR Management roles

The Changing Nature of Work Employment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Levels of unemployment Sectoral shift in employment Great female participation in labor market Shift to atypical work Agencies, sub-contracting and self-employment

The Individualization of work 1. Working hours and patterns

2. 3. 4. 5.

Work intensification and flexibility Loyalty and commitment The decline of trade union influence Strikes and conflict at work

Legal and Institutional Forces on HRM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Individual rights Collective rights and obligations Government bodies Employer’s organization Vocational Education and Training

HRM-Savior or Irrelevance HRM makes the difference

HRM is a costly luxury

 Performance

1. Short term financial performance

 Partnership

2. Low wages and low skills

 Commitment

3. Not a management priority

 HR on the Board

4. Meaning of HRM

The field of HRM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Organizational context and institutional forms HRM, strategy and performance HR policies and practice The nature of HRM HRM across organizational boundaries

TRAINING A process whereby people acquire capabilities to aid in the achievement of organizational goals. 

Organization Competitiveness and Training 1. Training makes organizations more competitive 2. Training helps retain valuable employees 3. Training is no longer the first casualty of a business downturn.

Training as a Revenue Source – Marketing training with or alongside products can contribute significantly to a firm’s revenues.

Integration of Job Performance, Training, and Learning – Training is moving “closer to the job” to achieve “real time” learning. – Training is using more real-world problems to increase employee learning.

Typical Division of HR Responsibilities: Training

Basic Business Strategy Concepts 

Low-cost leader : Attempting to increase market share by focusing on the low cost of the firm’s products or services, compared to competitors.

Differentiation : Trying to make the firm’s products or services competitively different from others in the industry in terms of quality, service, technology, or perceived distinctiveness.

Establishing Training Objectives 

Gap Analysis : The distance between where an organization is with its employee capabilities and where it needs to be.

Types of Training Objectives

1. Knowledge: Impart cognitive information and details to trainees. 2. Skill: Develop behavior changes in how job and tasks are performed. 3. Attitude: Create interest and awareness of the training importance.

Learning: The Focus of Training 1. Learner Readiness – Ability to learn

: Learners must possess basic skills (3Rs)

– Motivation to learn

: Learners must desire and value training

– Self-efficacy content

: Learners must believe that they can successfully learn the training

2. Learning Practices – Active Practice : The performance of job-related tasks and duties by trainees during training – Spaced Practice : Several practice sessions spaced over a period of hours or days – Massed practice : Performance of all the practice at once 3. Learning Behaviors – Behavior Modeling : Copying someone else’s behavior by observing how another person deals with a problem. – Reinforcement : Law of effect states that people tend to repeat behaviors that are rewarded and avoid behaviors that are punished. – Immediate Confirmation : Reinforcement and feedback are most effective when given as soon as possible after training. Training Delivery: Considerations          

Nature of training Subject matter Number of trainees Individual vs. team Self-paced vs. guided Training resources Costs Geographic locations Time allotted Completion timeline

Internal Training  Informal Training : Training that occurs through interactions and feedback among employees.  On-the-Job Training (OJT) :Problems with OJT • Poorly-qualified or indifferent trainers • Disruption of regular work • Bad or incorrect habits are passed on External Training 

Reasons for External Training – May be less expensive to outsource training – Insufficient time to develop training – Lack of expertise – Advantages of interacting with outsiders E-Learning: Training Online

Balancing Costs and Benefits of Training

Training Evaluation   

Cost-Benefit Analyses – Comparison of costs and benefits associated with training Return on Investment Benchmarking Training

MENTORING Mentor adalah seorang yang penuh kebijaksanaan, pandai mengajar, mendidik, membimbing, membina, melatih, dan menangani orang lain. Konteks mentor digunakan dalam hal pendidikan, bimbingan, pembinaan, dan latihan. Seorang mentor merupakan seseorang dengan pengalaman yang lebih, dimana seseorang itu memiliki keinginan untuk berbagi pengetahuan dengan orang lain yang pengalamannya lebih sedikit dalam suatu hubungan atau membangun kepercayaan yang sama (David Clutterbuck). Fokusnya lebih ke pengembangan diri dan karir, tidak harus ada tujuan spesifik yang ingin dicapai. Penekanannya pun lebih ke arah relasi antara mentor dan mentee, bukan ke pencapaian tujuan. Keunggulan mentoring 1. Meningkatkan kapasitas seseorang dalam berorganisasi a. Kapasitas (intelektual) seseorang merupakan poin utama untuk kesuksesan finansial (Kraiger 2002). b. Menyediakan sumber inovasi dan kreasi yang bernilai. c. Hanya meninggalkan keuntungan kompetitif yang tak dapat direplikasi. 2. Membantu mentransfer hasil pemahaman mentor mengenai sesuatu Fungsi mentor 1. Teach, yaitu mengajarkan mentee bagimana menghadapi isu-isu spesifik dalam pekerjaannya. 2. Coach, yaitu melatih mentee agar memiliki skill sesuai potensinya. 3. Facilitate, yaitu memfasilitasi perkembangan mentee melalui sharing resources. 4. Challenge, yaitu senantiasa menyiapkan tantangan sehingga mentee tidak stagnan pada comfort zonenya. 5. Create, yaitu menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang aman bagi pekerjaan yang memiliki risiko. 6. Focus, yaitu fokus pada pengembangan keseluruhan dari mentee.

COACHING Coaching adalah proses membuka kunci potensi seseorang untuk memaksimalkan potensinya. Coaching lebih membantu seseorang untuk belajar daripada mengajari mereka Coaching business diartikan oleh Kinlaw (2000) sebagai percakapan alami yang mengikuti proses diprediksi dan mengarah pada kinerja yang unggul, komitmen terhadap perbaikan yang berkelanjutan, dan hubungan yang positif. Seorang coach akan membantu Anda menemukan cara yang lebih efisien untuk menggapai target Anda lebih cepat Keunggulan coaching : • Melalui pertanyaan-pertanyaan coach, coachee mampu mengungkap apa yang menjadi tantangan. • Coachee akan memiliki beberapa alternatif penyelesaian. Coach kemudian akan menuntun coachee menemukan mana alternative terbaik yang dapat menjadi solusi tantangan yang dihadapi coachee. • Setelah ada pertanyaan yang “menggugah”, maka biasanya coachee akan aktif untuk mencari solusi. 4 proses coaching Langkah 1 (Persiapan) Coaching yang efektif memerlukan observasi. Tujuannya ialah untuk mengindentifikasi SWOT serta dampaknya dan hasil. Langkah 2 (Diskusi) Coaching berupa obrolan. Langkah 3 (Active coaching) Coach yang efektif menyediakan berbagai ide serta saran dimana orang yang belum berpengalaman dapat mendengarkan, merespon, serta menghargai mereka. Langkah 4 (Follow up) Memfollow-up merupakan titik puncak untuk memastikan keberhasilannya. 7 panduan dasar coaching 1. Pemimpin merupakan seorang coach dan guru. 2. Coaching mengukuhkan kehebatan seseorang. 3. Coaching mampu menciptakan masa depan yang tak terbayangkan. 4. Coaching menciptakan perencanaan dalam memenangkan permainan. 5. Seorang coach merupakan agen dalam bertransformasi, bukan pengusul berbagai tips dan teknik. 6. Coach berfokus pada hasil. 7. Hubungan dalam coaching itu harus erat.

Semangat Menempuh uts tinpossible Jangan lupa belajar dan berdo’a

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