Ran Ma

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,557
  • Pages: 15
Ranma 1/2 Adapted by Sopheak Sam

based on the graphic novel series "Ranma 1/2" by Rumiko Takahashi



EXT. OPEN COUNTRY - QINGHAI PROVINCE, CHINA -- DAY WIDE SHOT. A rural flatland stretches extensively under the radiant sun. VACANT and SILENT. CAMERA PANS UP. Above is the BAYANKALA MOUNTAIN RANGE. CAMERA DOLLIES DOWN and from afar, dwarfed by the grand scenery, TWO FIGURES APPEAR, both bearing stern body languages like that of a MARTIAL ARTIST. THEY MARCH FORWARD. CLOSE ON. Drabbed in tarnished white karate uniforms, the TWO FIGURES carry hefty backpacks while their faces remain O/S. RANMA'S (V/O) Why did we come here?


EXT. JUSENKYO TRAINING GROUNDS -- DAY SMASH CUT TO. A hidden area SPOTTED with countless small pools spread about with tall bamboo stalks jutting from them. Two backpacks drop to the dry ground carelessly. GENMA (O/S) This place is legendary boy. Never disrespect legends, otherwise you'll catch bad luck. With their backs to us, the TWO FIGURES approach the training ground nonchalantly with intuitive inspection. REVEAL -- RANMA SAOTOME, 16 Subtly handsome veiled by the juxtaposition of his shabby, rough prominent exterior. RANMA ties his hair in a braided pigtail. RANMA Superstitous old man. REVEAL -- GENMA SAOTOME, 40 Serious looking and stoutly-built. GENMA with his big rimless glasses, wraps a white cloth around his bald head. GENMA You're not a legend yet. Don't talk so proud. (CONTINUED)

2. 2

CONTINUED: RANMA Are you a legend? GENMA To be legendary is to be... well... how do I put this? It all depends on history. RANMA walks off, disinterested. He gets close to one of the springs, staring down his reflection. GENMA contemplatively looks at one of the spring from a near distance. The glistening GLARE of the sun brightens the spring. WE MOVE CLOSE. CLOSER. INTO THE SPRING. UNDERWATER bringing us into...


WHITENESS As if illuminated by a white backdrop, the JUSENKYO SPRING, just like before but SILHOUETTED. A BLACK SHADOW FIGURE. GENMA'S (V/O) They told me something curious about these grounds... Then a SILHOUETTED MAN walks into FRAME. GENMA'S (V/O)(CONT'D) They say its cursed. THE SILHOUETTED MAN falls down, creating a splash upward. And out emerges a BIRD flying off. GENMA'S (V/O)(CONT'D) Many tearful stories of drowning. Those souls are still there... in those springs. Suddenly, more bodies appear, falling into the spring, some voluntary, others unvoluntary... each instantly emerging out in a different body: a HORSE, PIG, MONKEY, BULL, BEAR, LION, CHINESE DRAGON. GENMA'S (V/O)(CONT'D) In each spring, a different soul, a different curse.


BACK TO JUSENKYO -- CONTINUED RANMA Why don't you take a dip and see if the legends are true?



BLACKNESS / CREDITS The SOUND of running water, growing aggressive, roaring into tidal waves, as the resonance of splashes grow more violent. RANMA'S (V/O) When you're lost in a fantasy, you become a fantasy.


EXT. SEA OF JAPAN -- TWILIGHT FADE ONTO a vascuous, gleaming body of water. Sunbathed with rays of light prodding from the clouds. The violent sound of the sea gradually submerge into gentle calmness... RANMA'S (V/O)(CONT'D) When you're given a purpose, all else is meaningless, but you thrive to find... PAN BACK to REVEAL


EXT. CAPE HINOMISAKI -- CONTINUOUS -- the horizon of the sea behind the rocky headland. A PANDA BEAR inexplicably on its hind legs, stands on the cape, as if it is looking out at the sea. RANMA'S (V/O)(CONT'D) ...something meaningful in all else. Meaning in a purpose, a purpose in a life. I've seen wonders that made me believe there is a God. I'm not a philosopher, I'm not a dreamer...




A traditional Chinese bamboo flute composition encompassing a sense of nostalgic innocence serves as the OPENING SCORE. RANMA'S (V/O)(CONT'D) I'm a Martial Artist. END CREDITS 8

EXT. VILLAGE IN HOTAN PREFECTURE - XINJIANG, CHINA -- DAY FALL ON a sparse, present-day village amid heavy agriculture. Serene and unintimidating. TWO CHINESE BOYS, HSIN and MANCHU (both 12), run swiftly along an aged stone road.

4. HSIN (in Mandarin) Faster, faster! We'll lose it! MANCHU Lose what? What is it that we're running for, Hsin? HSIN Just don't stop! MANCHU Only if you promise food and riches up head... HSIN Even better. You'll see! The boys run off-course the stone road, entering a forest, proceeding onwards to a maze of elevated trees -8A

EXT. FOREST -- CONTINUOUS Dim and moss-draped, shrouded with fallen tree trunks. They continue tracking... MANCHU (heavy breathing) I hate excersizing. I hate running! HSIN If you don't go into the cave of the tiger, how are you going to get its cub? MANCHU I hate tigers --- MANCHU trips. HSIN hurriedly get him back on his feet. HSIN (assisting Manchu up) All I meant was... have courage! MANCHU (tearing up) I don't want to go any further. HSIN Aren't you curious, Manchu? MANCHU Curiousity don't make fools courageous.

5. HSIN looks at him for a beat, then continues to run. MANCHU with no other choice, follows him. CU SANDLES of the boys slapping against the grass, UNTIL the dim lighting of the forest canopy BLARES TO WHITE. WE HEAR the running come to a HALT. MANCHU gasps for air. FADE UP ON 9

EXT. FOREST LEDGE -- CONTINUOUS Standing over the ledge with its back to us, a GIANT PANDA BEAR standing on its hind legs. Is that --


HSIN hushes him, as the boys proceed cautiously towards the PANDA BEAR. Before ever reaching the animal, we're interrupted by the SOUND of a WATER SPLASH. 10

EXT. UNDERWATER -- SAME TIME A POND BELOW THE LEDGE -- A female body in traditional Mandarin martial arts attire, and face obscured by shadow, treds the fish-filled, perfect-blue water. She rises to the surface, face still UNSEEN. RANMA'S (V/O) (in Japanese, subtitled) When I was a boy, they told me they had already chosen my wife. That once we'd marry, the legacy of the family school of martial arts would prosper. CUT TO


ECU -- BUDDHA FIGURE IN BLACK AND WHITE, a fanciful Buddha ornament, smiling gloriously. RANMA'S (V/O) When I was a boy I didn't know anything. SOUN TENDO (O/S) It has stricken all my children with grief to know that... GENMA SAOTOME (O/S) You don't have to say.

6. PAN BACK TO REVEAL the BUDDHA FIGURE sitting firmly on a mantle piece of the SAOTOME FAMILY'S KITCHEN... 12

INT. SAOTOME KITCHEN - FLASHBACK IN GREYSCALE -- CONTINUOUS Sitting there, with their backs strictly upright like monks, GENMA SAOTOME and SOUN TENDO of the TENDO-SAOTOME SCHOOL OF ANYTHING-GOES MARTIAL ARTS. Both, serious-looking. GENMA smokes a pipe, as SOUN holds a sleeping toddler in his arms, his youngest daughter AKANE.


EXT. SAOTOME COTTAGE - ESTABLISHING SHOT -- DAY REVEAL a lone, modest cottage in the outskirts of Osaka. Smoke flows up from the chimney of the cottage.


JAPANESE SHRINE We see a photo of MRS. TENDO sitting on her funeral shrine, embellished with dozens of flowers and scented candles. GENMA SAOTOME (O/S)(CONT'D) I know the fact alone is hard enough, for all of you to bare.


INT. SAOTOME KITCHEN -- CONTINUED GENMA gets up to light his pipe. GENMA (CONT'D) Would you like a smoke? SOUN nods "NO." GENMA (CONT'D) To speak once more about your tragedy, you'd be a man stronger than Huo Juanji. (sits himself down) Let's celebrate today for its infinite gratitude, not for our losses but what remains and remains to be given. SOUN Since when did you get so philosophical? GENMA I've always been a man who knew the right things to say. SOUN

7. That makes you more of a devil than a God. They laugh. SOUN (lethargic) She was the most brilliant woman I'd ever known... I will ever know. GENMA She's left you three beautiful daughters. SOUN (to Akane) Are you awake yet? (to Genma) Yes, but I've found it to be an extremely difficult task. GENMA Fatherhood? SOUN (nods) Difficult but the most rewarding thing in the world. (beat) Where is your son? I think it's time they meet. The voice of GENMA'S WIFE, NADOKA SAOTOME: NADOKA (V/O) Let me see the girl... 16

INT. NADOKA'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS NADOKA lies in bed, with her son, RANMA, tucked under her arms. GENMA, SOUN with AKANE on his arms, enter the room. SOUN Nadoka, it's been awhile. NADOKA Soun... too long, my friend. Come in, come in. They approach NADOKA'S BED. NADOKA (CONT'D) Let me see her... Akane.

8. SOUN (to Akane) Akane, wake up. Akane wakes up, dreary, rubbing her eyes and yawning. SOUN (CONT'D) This is your fiance, Ranma. AKANE (murmuring) Ranma. NADOKA Aw, she has kind eyes. SOUN Kind from all the tears. NADOKA That's right. I'm so sorry. SOUN Will you promise your son he'll make her happy? NADOKA He will be a strong man. Strong men will always make their woman happy. GENMA Once he's old enough, he will leave for training. 17

EXT. SAOTOME COTTAGE - ESTABLISHING SHOT -- DAY RANMA'S (V/O) From that day, I had my purpose.


EXT. FOREST LEDGE -- CONTINUED BACK TO COLOR. HSIN and MANCHU slowly inch towards the PANDA. MANCHU steps on a pebble causing the PANDA to react, looking back as it sees the two boys, they react SCARED. MANCHU (in Mandarin, subtitled) I thought you were bringing me here for food -HSIN Quiet -MANCHU

9. -- And now we're food. HSIN (shush) Don't joke! MANCHU It wasn't a joke... The boys FROZEN, as the PANDA approaches them. The closer the PANDA inches, the boys begin to show greater panic on their faces. 19

EXT. POND BELOW LEDGE -- SAME TIME The FEMALE BODY, soaked, out of the water now, walks into the forest, face still UNSEEN.


EXT. FOREST LEDGE -- CONTINUED The PANDA kneels down on four, gently eyeing HSIN, as he begins to pamper the animal with his hands, petting it. HSIN It won't hurt us, see? MANCHU Sell it to the zoo, we'll be rich!


HSIN (shush)

MANCHU At least you were right making me come here to see it. HSIN Isn't it cool? It's like it understands us... FEMALE VOICE (O/S) (in Japanese, subtitled) Why don't you kids go home now? REVEAL: the FEMALE BODY, in braided PIGTAIL, still soaked, glaring at the boys, who react more fearful towards her than they did towards the panda. MANCHU What is she saying? HSIN I think that's Japanese...

10. A tourist?


PIGTAILED GIRL (in Japanese, subtitled) Pop, get over here. Let's go! The PANDA follows the PIGTAILED GIRL command. HSIN I doubt it. A zookeeper maybe. PIGTAILED GIRL (in Japanese, subtitled) Go home kids. The estranged PIG-TAILED GIRL and the PANDA walks into the forest and OUT OF FRAME. The boys are flabbergasted. MANCHU What on earth was that?!!! CUT TO 21

EXT. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PLAYGROUND -- DAY AKANE TENDO, a hyperactive thirteen-year-old, thrusts her hand in the air in celebration. A few fallen, bashed-up and tearful students sit behind her. AKANE I am the strongest ever! REVEAL: a VOLLEYBALL GAME and AKANE proves to be the victor. She celebrates without an ounce of modesty. Cheater!


TEACHER Let's not have any name-calling, Haruki. AKANE Yeah, don't be a sore loser! BOY STUDENT It's not fair you're thick as a brick. AKANE, furious, unable to withold her temper, takes the volleyball and forcefully pummels HARUKI. He falls flat on his stomach. The students are mortified.

11. We hear the SOUND of a WHISTLE, the teacher pulls AKANE away. TEACHER Akane Tendo, you're coming with me to the principal! Young lady, that's not how we play! AKANE But you never insult a girl. TEACHER Says who?

My mom.

AKANE (somberly)

The teacher is now put in an awkward position, she hesitates. TEACHER That's still no excuse for that kind of behavior. You know better. 22

INT. SCHOOL OFFICE -- LATER IN THE DAY Akane sits in the office, the only other person there being the secretary. Her sixteen-year-old sister KASUMI walks in, looking at her sister with displeasure for a beat. KASUMI (sighs) Let's go Akane...


EXT. SIDEWALK -- NOON KASUMI and AKANE walk down the street. AKANE with her head down. Their conversation starts off dry: AKANE Where's Nabiki? KASUMI She's at the library with Miyome. AKANE Oh that's right. Exams are next week. KASUMI Aren't you studying too?

Kind of.

AKANE (half-lying)

12. A brief silence. KASUMI (sighs) Akane, that's the sixth time this year you've been sent to the principal's. Must you always act like a boy? AKANE I'm sorry. But you know I never start it. Kasumi stops. KASUMI Akane that's what you always say. (MORE) KASUMI (CONT'D) What would your fiance think when he finally meets you? AKANE Don't remind me. It's not like I asked for a fi-an-ce! (beat) Why are we stopping? (looks up) AKANE sees the building they've stopped at: DR. TOFU'S CLINIC. KASUMI I have to deliver something to the Doctor. Are you coming in? AKANE It's okay... I'll go on ahead. KASUMI Are you sure? I was hoping we could walk home together. AKANE I have a lot of homework, so I'll go first. KASUMI Okay, I guess that's fine. AKANE carries on, walking alone on the street. We stay with KASUMI as her younger sister strolls OUT OF FRAME. KASUMI (CONT'D)

13. Odd girl... 24

EXT. SIDEWALK -- MOMENTS LATER It's DUSK. AKANE dollies along the sidewalk with a thoughtful expression. CUT TO


EXT. VILLAGE IN HOTAN - CHINA -- DAY BACK TO THE PIGTAILED GIRL AND PANDA, now at a market district of the village. They are a spectacle amidst the common villagers, though silent, their expression says it all. PIGTAILED GIRL and PANDA walk nonchalantly by, they're used to being looked at peculiarly. PIGTAILED GIRL I need some hot water.


EXT. KINTARO ALL-BOY JUNIOR HIGH - ESTABLISHING SHOT -- DAY A small and average school building in Osaka.


EXT. / INT. KINTARO ALL-BOY JUNIOR HIGH - MONTAGE -- DAY The typical Junior High scene, BOYS among them RANMA SAOTOME, age thirteen, goofing off, looking through adult magazines, getting into brawls, vandalizing, smoking and getting yelled at by authorities. INSERT -- RYOGA HIBIKI, THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD, IN SCHOOL UNIFORM


INT. KINTARO CAFETERIA -- AFTERNOON SHARP A vacant cafe. Within seconds we hear the SOUND of the SCHOOL BELL. Hordes of male students rush out, eager and starved, mobbing for the food in the now-cluttered cafe. CLOSE ON RANMA SAOTOME AMIDST THE CROWD. RANMA (sighs, to himself) It's always like a war at this time... STUDENT Why are you complaining, Saotome? You always get the last bread special. Ranma, in smug manner, looks thoughtful: "why am i complaining?"

14. WE SEE THE ONLY LUNCH LADY ON DUTY, the crowd-control. LUNCH LADY Okay boys, this is the last curry bread of the day. CLOSE ON RYOGA, INFRONT OF THE LINES, STARVED, HOPEFUL. ALL (O/S) It's mine! RYOGA, eyes widen, the bread is practically his, as he reaches out, merely fighting for it, hand inches away from the curry bread. I've got it!


It's his UNTIL someone snatches it! Like a Chinese acrobat in mid-air, the curry bread is in RANMA'S mouth. He lands perfectly. CLOSE ON RYOGA, FURIOUS.

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