Rahnamaye Gam Beh Gam Zabane 1( New)

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 70,259
  • Pages: 487
‫پـيـ آڅكڃـڇ څ ٿإٻ‪ : ٪‬عٌيڂ ‪٣‬ټي ‪٧‬الٿي‬ ‫ؿثيل مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ؿثيلًتبڃڊب‬

‫آدرس پایگاه اینترنتی‪:‬‬ ‫‪www.bestcds.blogfa.com‬‬ ‫آدرس پست الکترونیک ‪:‬‬ ‫‪[email protected]‬‬ ‫آؿكى ٓڄـڅ٭ پٌتي‪:‬‬ ‫آٿٺ – ٓڄـڅ٭ پٌتي ‪46135 – 498‬‬ ‫ٳټيڈ عٰچ٭ ٿغ‪٬‬چ‪ ٝ‬اًت‬

‫‪   ‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫كاډڄڀبڍ ٷبٽ ثڈ ٷبٽ څ ډناكاځ ًإاٹ ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ًبٹ اڅّٹ ؿثيلًتبځ پـيـ آڅكڃـڇ ‪ :‬عٌيڂ ‪٣‬ټي ‪٧‬الٿي‬

‫‪٫‬ڊلًت‬ ‫**كاډڄڀبڍ ؽليـ ًي ؿڍ ډبڍ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ؿثيلًتبځ څ پيَ ؿاڃِٸبډي‪ً +‬چاالت‬ ‫اًٴڂ ُـڇ ډڀلاڇ ثب ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ څ ‪ mp3‬څ ؿيٴِڄليڊبڍ‬ ‫ٿچثبيٺ څ‪....‬‬ ‫اؽتٔبكات اڃٸټيٌي‬ ‫تڀليڄبت ٿلڅكڍ‬ ‫‪ - I‬ؿكى اڅٹ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ -II‬ؿكى اڅٹ ‪Reading – The kindergarten man‬‬ ‫‪ -III‬ؿكى اڅٹ تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ -IV‬ؿكى اڅٹ تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ( ‪) couldn't – had to‬‬ ‫‪ -V‬ؿكى اڅٹ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬ ‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى اڅٹ ‪ً -‬إاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڇ ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - I‬ؿكى ؿڅٽ ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ - II‬ؿكى ؿڅٽ ‪Reading – The funny farmhand‬‬ ‫‪ - III‬ؿكى ؿڅٽ ‪ -‬تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ IV‬ؿكى ؿڅٽ ‪ -‬تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ )‪(It - Should‬‬ ‫‪ - V‬ؿكى ؿڅٽ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬ ‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى ؿڅٽ ًإاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڇ ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - I‬ؿكى ًچٽ ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ - II‬ؿكى ًچٽ ‪Reading – A story about Newton‬‬

‫‪ - III‬ؿكى ًچٽ ‪ -‬تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ - IV‬ؿكى ًچٽ ‪-‬‬

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ )‪(comparison with as adjective as / er than‬‬

‫‪ - V‬ؿكى ًچٽ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬ ‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى ًچٽ ًإاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڇ ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاٹ اٿتغبڃي ام ؿكًڊبڍ ‪1‬څ ‪2‬څ ‪3‬‬ ‫‪ - I‬ؿكى صڊبكٽ ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ - II‬ؿكى صڊبكٽ ‪Reading – The school bus‬‬ ‫‪ - III‬ؿكى صڊبكٽ تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ - IV‬ؿكى صڊبكٽ‬

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ‬

‫‪Comparison with- est – Good / bad/ many – more & most‬‬

‫‪ - V‬ؿكى صڊبكٽ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬ ‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى صڊبكٽ ًإاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى صڊبكٽ ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - I‬ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت اٿتغبڃي ام صڊبك ؿكى اڅٹ (‪ )1‬ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - II‬ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت اٿتغبڃي ام صڊبك ؿكى اڅٹ (‪ )2‬ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - III‬ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت اٿتغبڃي ام صڊبك ؿكى اڅٹ (‪ - )3‬ثـڅځ پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - I‬ؿكى پڄزپ ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ - II‬ؿكى پڄزپ‬

‫‪Reading – Learn a foreign language‬‬

‫‪ - III‬ؿكى پڄزپ تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ - IV‬ؿكى پڄزپ تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ‪...‬‬

‫‪Word order‬‬

‫‪ - V‬ؿكى پڄزپ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬ ‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى پڄزپ‬

‫ًإاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى پڄزپ ثب پبًؼ‬

‫‪ - I‬ؿكى ُِپ ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ - II‬ؿكى ُِپ‬

‫‪Reading – The boy who made steam work‬‬

‫‪ - III‬ؿكى ُِپ تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ - IV‬ؿكى ُِپ‬

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ‬

‫‪Tag questions‬‬

‫‪ - V‬ؿكى ُِپ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬

‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى ُِپ ًإاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ُِپ ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - I‬ؿكى ډ‪٬‬تپ ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ - II‬ؿكى ډ‪٬‬تپ‬

‫‪Reading – Highways in the sky‬‬

‫‪ - III‬ؿكى ډ‪٬‬تپ تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ - IV‬ؿكى ډ‪٬‬تپ تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ‪That clause ...‬‬ ‫‪ - V‬ؿكى ډ‪٬‬تپ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬ ‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى ډ‪٬‬تپ‬

‫ًإاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ډ‪٬‬تپ ثب پبًؼ‬

‫‪ - I‬ؿكى ډِتپ ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ - II‬ؿكى ډِتپ‬

‫‪Reading – Eat ,clothes , eat‬‬

‫‪ - III‬ؿكى ډِتپ تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ - IV‬ؿكى ډِتپ‬

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ‬

‫‪Passive form‬‬

‫‪ - V‬ؿكى ډِتپ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬ ‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى ډِتپ ًإاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ډِتپ ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - I‬ؿكى ڃڊپ ‪New words‬‬ ‫‪ - II‬ؿكى ڃڊپ ‪Reading – The Holy Prophet‬‬ ‫‪ - III‬ؿكى ڃڊپ تڀليڄبت‬ ‫‪ IV‬تڀليڄبت ٿلڅكڍ ( ‪) 2‬‬ ‫‪ - V‬ؿكى ڃڊپ تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ‪Present perfect tense‬‬ ‫‪ - VI‬ؿكى ڃڊپ تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي‬ ‫‪ - VII‬ؿكى ڃڊپ ًإاالت ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ڃڊپ ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪- I‬ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت پبيبځ ًبٹ (‪ )1‬ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - II‬ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت پبيبځ ًبٹ (‪ )2‬ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - III‬ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت پبيبځ ًبٹ (‪ )3‬ثب پبًؼ‬ ‫‪ - IV‬ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت پبيبځ ًبٹ (‪ )4‬ثـڅځ پبًؼ‬

‫ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ثي ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ ډڀلاڇ ثب ٿ‪٤‬ڄي ‪٫‬بكًي څ تټ‪ٞ٬‬‬

‫ًؾڂ آؽل‬

‫كاډڄڀبڍ ؽليـ ًي ؿڍ ډبڍ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ؿثيلًتبځ څ پيَ ؿاڃِٸبډي ډڀلاڇ‬ ‫ثب ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ څ ‪ mp3‬څ ؿيٴِڄليڊبڍ ٿچثبيٺ‬ ‫څ‪....‬‬

‫ؿاڃَ آٿچاځ ‪ ,‬ډڀٴبكاځ اكرڀڄـ ‪٫‬لډڄٸي څ ډڀچ‪ٛ‬ڄبځ ٷلاٿي ‪:‬‬ ‫ٳبكڍ ٳڈ ايڄٲ ؿك پيَ كڅڍ تبځ ٯلاك ٷل‪٫‬تڈ ٿغٔچٹ صڄـيڂ ًبٹ تـكيي څ تزلثڈ ؿك‬ ‫ٿٰب‪ ٢ٛ‬ؿثيلًتبځ څ پيَ ؿاڃِٸبډي څ ٓل‪ٓ ٩‬ـډب ډب ًب‪٣‬ت څٯت ام تبٻي‪ ٪‬څ تبيپ څ ‪٧‬يلڇ څ‬ ‫ثـڅځ ثلؽچكؿاكڍ ام پِتيجبڃي ٿبٻي ام ربيي اڃزبٽ ٷل‪٫‬تڈ اًت څ ڃڊبيت ً‪٤‬ي ُـڇ تب ايڂ‬ ‫صڄـ ٓـ ٓ‪٬‬غڈ ام ډل ٷچڃڈ ؽ‪ٜ‬ب څ اُتجبډي ثڈ ؿڅك ثبُـ څٻي اٷل ثڈ ٿچاكؿڍ ٿچارڈ ُـيـ‬ ‫ٳڈ ثڈ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ ثبيـ آالط ُچؿ عتڀب" ايڄزبڃت كا ام ڃ‪٠‬لات آالعي ؽچؿ ٿغلڅٽ ڃٌبميـ‪.‬‬ ‫ؿك ٓچكتيٴڈ ايڂ احل كا ٿ‪٬‬يـ تِؾيْ ؿاؿيـ څ ثلاڍ ُڀب ٯبثٺ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ثبُـ ٿي تچاڃيـ آځ‬ ‫كا ؿك اؽتيبك ؿيٸلاځ ڃين ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪٫( .‬بيٺ ډبڍ ‪ pdf‬كا ٿي تچاځ ام ‪ٛ‬ليٮ ٳبٿپيچتل ؿك ٳبكت‬ ‫عب‪٠٫‬ڈ ٿچثبيٺ ٯلاك ؿاؿ څ ًپي ثلاڍ ؿيٸلاځ ثټچتچث ڃڀچؿ)‬

‫ٷلصڈ ٿي ؿاڃپ ‪٫‬لمڃـاځ ايلاځ مٿيڂ تالُڊبڍ ؽبؿٿبځ ٿيڊڂ ُبځ كا اكد ٿي ڃڊڄـ‬ ‫؛ اٷل ايڂ ‪٫‬بيٺ ‪ ( pdf‬ٳتبة اٻٴتلڅڃيٴي) څ ڃين پليڄت ايڂ ٳتبة ث‪ٜ‬چك كايٸبځ‬ ‫ثـًت ُڀب كًيـڇ ثبُـ ؿك ٓچكت تڀبيٺ ثلاڍ عڀبيت څ تِچيٮ ٿچٻ‪ ٪‬ثلاڍ‬ ‫اًتڀلاك‬

‫ٳبك ډبڍ ٿِبثڈ عـاٯٺ‬

‫ٿجټ‪ 1000 ٦‬تچٿبځ ثڈ ُڀبكڇ عٌبة‬

‫ربكڍ ‪ 6405‬ثبڃٲ ٿٌٴڂ ٿلٳنڍ آٿٺ څ يب عٌبة ٿٌٴڂ ٳبكت‬ ‫‪ 6280231205431264‬څ يب عٌبة ًيجب (ٿټي ٳبكت)‬ ‫‪ 6037991086834201‬ثڄبٽ آٯبڍ ‪٧‬الٿي څاكين ‪٫‬لٿبييـ‪ .‬څ يب ثب ڃيت عڀبيت‬ ‫ام ٿچٻ‪ ٪‬يٴي ام ًي ؿڍ ډبڍ ثٌيبك ٗلڅكڍ آٿچمٍ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ٳڈ‬


‫صِڀٸيل ؿك يبؿٷيلڍ ُڀب ايزبؿ ٿي ڃڀبيـ څ ؿك ٓ‪٬‬غبت ث‪٤‬ـ ٿ‪٤‬ل‪٫‬ي ٿي ُچڃـ كا‬ ‫ؽليـاكڍ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ‪ .‬څ ثب ؽليـ ثيَ ام يٲ ًي ؿڍ ام تؾ‪٬‬ي‪ ٪‬څيوڇ ثل ؽچكؿاك ُچيـ‪.‬‬

‫ٿ‪٤‬ل‪٫‬ي ًي ؿڍ ډبڍ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي څ ڃغچڇ ؽليـ ‪:‬‬ ‫ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪: 1‬‬ ‫‪ً - 1‬ي ؿڍ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪ ( 1‬اڅٹ ؿثيلًتبځ) ايڂ ًي ؿڍ ُبٿٺ ثلڃبٿڈ‬ ‫ډب څ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ څيوڇ ميل ٿي ثبُـ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ :A‬كاډڄڀبڍ ٷبٽ ثڈ ٷبٽ څ ډناكاځ ًچاٹ ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڇ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪1‬‬ ‫ثٔچكت ؿكى ثڈ ؿكى ثب ٯبثټيت ثلؿاُت پليڄت ثٔچكت ‪ pdf‬څ ثب پبًؾڄبٿڈ‬ ‫(عـڅؿ ‪٬ٓ 480‬غڈ)‬ ‫‪ . B‬ثيَ ام ‪ً 75‬چاٹ اًٴڂ ُـڇ ؿيڀبڇ څ ؽلؿاؿ څ ُڊليچك مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪1‬‬ ‫ؿك ‪ً 10‬بٹ اؽيل‬ ‫‪ . C‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ اٻ‪٤‬بؿڇ ٗلڅكڍ ٿتڂ ؽچاځ څ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ‪mp3‬‬

‫تچٗيظ ٿؾتٔل ‪ :‬ثب ڃٔت ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ ؿك ٳبٿپيچتلتبځ ثزبڍ‬ ‫ؽچاڃـځ ډل ٷچڃڈ ٿتڂ تبيپ ُـڇ اڃٸټيٌي‪ ٰٚ٫ -‬ثب ٳپي ٳلؿځ ٿتڂ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬ل‬ ‫ثب ډل ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ٓ‪٬‬غڈ څ ‪ِ٫‬لؿځ ؿٳڀڈ ٿؾٔچّ ثلڃبٿڈ ‪ -‬ٳبٿپيچتل آځ ٿتڂ كا ثب‬ ‫ٓـاڍ ‪ٛ‬جي‪٤‬ي ٿلؿ يب مځ څ ثب ًل‪٣‬ت ٯبثٺ تڄ‪٠‬يپ ثلايتبځ ٿي ؽچاڃـ څ ڃين ٿي‬ ‫تچاڃيـ آځ ٿتڂ كا ثب ډل ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ٓ‪٬‬غڈ ثٔچكت ‪ mp3‬فؽيلڇ ڃڀبييـ څ ؿك ‪٫‬لٓت‬ ‫ٿڄبًت ؿك ؿاؽٺ اتچٿجيٺ څ ٷچُي ٿچثبيٺ څ‪ ...‬ٷچٍ ٳڄيـ‪.‬يٴي ام ايڂ ڃلٽ‬ ‫ا‪٫‬ناكډب ؿاكاڍ ًب‪٣‬ت ٷچيب اًت ٳڈ ثب تڄ‪٠‬يپ ؿٻؾچاڇ مٿبځ ‪ً -‬ب‪٣‬ت ٿٰلك ثب‬

‫ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ ام ٳبٿپيچتل ا‪٣‬الٽ ٿي ُچؿ‪ .‬ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډب ډل ٳـاٽ عـڅؿ ‪50‬‬ ‫ؿالك ؿك آٿليٴب ث‪٬‬لڅٍ ٿي كًڄـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ . D‬صڄـيڂ ڃچ‪ ١‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچثبيٺ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي – ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي‬ ‫څ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ ډپ صڄيڂ ؿيٴِڄلڍ آ‪ٜ‬العبت ‪ idioms‬څ يٲ‬ ‫ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيب (تټ‪ ٞ٬‬ٻ‪٨‬بت ثب ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ) ثب ‪٫‬لٿت ربڅا يب ربك ٳڈ ؿكاٳخل‬ ‫ٷچُي ډب ٿبڃڄـ ًچڃي اكيٴٌچځ څ ڃچٳيب څ‪...‬ٯبثٺ ڃٔت اًت‪ .‬ث‪٘٤‬ي ام ايڂ‬ ‫ؿيٴِڄليڊب ‪٣‬الڅڇ ثل تټ‪٫ ٞ٬‬چڃتيٴي ثلاڍ ډل ٻ‪٨‬ت ٿخبٻڊبيي ڃين رڊت تِليظ‬ ‫ٻ‪٨‬بت آڅكؿڇ اڃـ‪ .‬ايڂ ؿيٴِڄليڊب ُبٿٺ آٳٌ‪٬‬چكؿ – ٳڀجليذ ‪ -‬څثٌتل څ‪ ...‬ٿي‬ ‫ثبُڄـ‪.‬‬

‫ڃِٰڈ تڊلاځ‬

‫ثبمڍ ٿلؿ ‪٣‬ڄٴجچتي‬

‫ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچثبيٺ‬

‫‪ . E‬صڄـ ثبمڍ ٿڊيذ څ ثلڃبٿڈ ثلاڍ ٿچثبيٺ څ ‪٫‬چڃت ڃٌت‪٤‬ټيٮ ثلاڍ ٳبٿپيچتل ‪:‬‬ ‫صڄـ ڃچ‪ُٜ ١‬لڃذ پيِل‪٫‬تڈ ثل اڍ ٿچثبيٺ ‪ +‬ٿلؿ ‪٣‬ڄٴجچتي ‪ُ +‬لٱ ‪ +‬پلُيڂ‬ ‫پلڃي ‪+‬ٿٌبثٰڈ اتچٿجيٺ‪ +‬ثبمڍ ثچٻيڄٶ ‪ +‬ثلڃبٿڈ ٗـ پِڈ (ؿڅك ٳلؿځ پِڈ ثب‬ ‫پؾَ ‪٫‬لٳبڃي ؽبّ ام ٿچثبيٺ) څ‪ + ...‬ڃِٰڈ كاڇ ډبڍ ايلاځ ‪ +‬ڃِٰڈ تڊلاځ ‪+‬‬ ‫نس‬ ‫نس‬ ‫افیلفونت تعلیق‪ -‬شما اگر مایل هستید رد محیط رنم افزار‪ Word‬خط تعلیق بنوی دس افیلایه فونت را کپی کرده و رد پوهش فونت ویندوز پیست (ردج)‬ ‫کنید‪.‬‬

‫‪ . F‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيبڍ ثبثيټچځ ‪ 7‬ثب ٿؾنځ عـڅؿ ‪ 60‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ثي ڃ‪٠‬يل ؿك‬ ‫تؾْٔ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬څ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي – ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي – اڃٸټيٌي‬ ‫ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي ُبٿٺ ؿيٴِڄلڍ آٳٌ‪٬‬چكؿ – آ‪ٜ‬العبت – ٳبٿپيچتل څ ايڄتلڃت –‬ ‫‪٫‬ڄي څ‪ ......‬تڄڊب ثب يٲ ٳټيٲ ثل كڅڍ ډل ٻ‪٨‬ت ٿ‪٤‬ڄي څ تټ‪ ٞ٬‬ٻ‪٨‬ت ؿاؿڇ ٿي ُچؿ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ +‬ثلڃبٿڈ ًبؽت ؿيٴِڄلڍ ُؾٔي ثبثيټچځ ‪ :‬ثب ايڂ ثلڃبٿڈ ثٌيبك ًبؿڇ‬ ‫ثبثيټچځ ٿي تچاڃيـ ؽچؿتبځ ث‪ٜ‬چك ؿٻؾچاڇ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ ام ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ‬ ‫‪٫‬بكًي يب اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي يب ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ يب مثبڃڊبڍ ؿيٸل‬ ‫ثٌبميـ څ تٔچيل ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ كا ڃين ؿك آځ ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪ .‬ث‪٤‬ـ ام ًبؽتڈ ُـځ‪,‬‬ ‫ؿيٴِڄلڍ ُڀب ؿك ثبثيټچځ ٯبثٺ ارلا ُـځ ثچؿڇ څ ُڀب ٿي تچاڃيـ آځ كا ؿك‬ ‫اؽتيبك ؿيٸلاځ ڃين ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪ .‬المٽ ثڈ تچٗيظ اًت ٳڈ ارناڍ ايڂ ؿيٴِڄلڍ‬ ‫ام ٿڄبث‪ ٢‬ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬څ ڃٌؾڈ ډبڍ ٯجټي څ ڃين ايڄتلڃت ث‪ٜ‬چك ٿزتڀ‪ ٢‬ٷلؿآڅكڍ ُـڇ‬ ‫تب ڃيبمٷچڍ ٳټيڈ ًاليٮ ؿك كُتڈ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬ثبُـ‪.‬‬

‫ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪: 2‬‬

‫‪- 2‬‬

‫ًي ؿڍ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪ ( 2‬ؿڅٽ ؿثيلًتبځ) ايڂ ًي ؿڍ ُبٿٺ‬

‫ثلڃبٿڈ ډب څ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ څيوڇ ميل ٿي ثبُـ‪:‬‬ ‫َ‪ :A‬كاډڄڀبڍ ٷبٽ ثڈ ٷبٽ څ ډناكاځ ًچاٹ ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڇ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪2‬‬

‫ثٔچكت ؿكى ثڈ ؿكى ثب ٯبثټيت ثلؿاُت پليڄت ثٔچكت ‪ pdf‬څ ثب‬ ‫پبًؾڄبٿڈ (عـڅؿ ‪٬ٓ 310‬غڈ)‬

‫‪ . B‬ثيَ ام ‪ً 80‬چاٹ اًٴڂ ُـڇ ؿڍ ‪ ,‬ؽلؿاؿ څ ُڊليچك مثبځ‬ ‫اڃٸټيٌي ‪ 2‬ؿك ‪ً 10‬بٹ اؽيل‬ ‫‪ . C‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ اٻ‪٤‬بؿڇ ٗلڅكڍ ٿتڂ ؽچاځ څ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ‬ ‫‪mp3‬‬ ‫تچٗيظ ٿؾتٔل ‪ :‬ثب ڃٔت ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ ؿك ٳبٿپيچتلتبځ ثزبڍ‬ ‫ؽچاڃـځ ډل ٷچڃڈ ٿتڂ تبيپ ُـڇ اڃٸټيٌي‪ ٰٚ٫ -‬ثب ٳپي ٳلؿځ ٿتڂ‬ ‫ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬ل ثب ډل ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ٓ‪٬‬غڈ څ ‪ِ٫‬لؿځ ؿٳڀڈ ٿؾٔچّ ثلڃبٿڈ ‪-‬‬ ‫ٳبٿپيچتل آځ ٿتڂ كا ثب ٓـاڍ ‪ٛ‬جي‪٤‬ي ٿلؿ يب مځ څ ثب ًل‪٣‬ت ٯبثٺ تڄ‪٠‬يپ‬ ‫ثلايتبځ ٿي ؽچاڃـ څ ڃين ٿي تچاڃيـ آځ ٿتڂ كا ثب ډل ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ٓ‪٬‬غڈ‬ ‫ثٔچكت ‪ mp3‬فؽيلڇ ڃڀبييـ څ ؿك ‪٫‬لٓت ٿڄبًت ؿك ؿاؽٺ اتچٿجيٺ څ‬ ‫ٷچُي ٿچثبيٺ څ‪ ...‬ٷچٍ ٳڄيـ‪.‬يٴي ام ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډب ؿاكاڍ ًب‪٣‬ت‬ ‫ٷچيب اًت ٳڈ ثب تڄ‪٠‬يپ ؿٻؾچاڇ مٿبځ ًب‪٣‬ت ٿٰلك ثب ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ ام‬ ‫ٳبٿپيچتل ا‪٣‬الٽ ٿي ُچؿ‪ .‬ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډب ډل ٳـاٽ عـڅؿ ‪ 50‬ؿالك ؿك‬ ‫آٿليٴب ث‪٬‬لڅٍ ٿي كًڄـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ . D‬صڄـيڂ ڃچ‪ ١‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچثبيٺ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي – ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ‬ ‫اڃٸټيٌي څ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ ډپ صڄيڂ ؿيٴِڄلڍ آ‪ٜ‬العبت‬ ‫‪ idioms‬څ يٲ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيب (تټ‪ ٞ٬‬ٻ‪٨‬بت ثب ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ) ثب‬ ‫‪٫‬لٿت ربڅا يب ربك ٳڈ ؿكاٳخل ٷچُي ډب ٿبڃڄـ ًچڃي اكيٴٌچځ څ ڃچٳيب‬ ‫څ‪...‬ٯبثٺ ڃٔت اًت‪ .‬ث‪٘٤‬ي ام ايڂ ؿيٴِڄليڊب ‪٣‬الڅڇ ثل تټ‪٫ ٞ٬‬چڃتيٴي‬ ‫ثلاڍ ډل ٻ‪٨‬ت ٿخبٻڊبيي ڃين رڊت تِليظ ٻ‪٨‬بت آڅكؿڇ اڃـ‪ .‬ايڂ‬ ‫ؿيٴِڄليڊب ُبٿٺ آٳٌ‪٬‬چكؿ – ٳڀجليذ ‪ -‬څثٌتل څ‪ ...‬ٿي ثبُڄـ‪.‬‬

‫‪ . E‬صڄـ ثبمڍ ٿڊيذ څ ثلڃبٿڈ ثلاڍ ٿچثبيٺ ‪ :‬صڄـ ڃچ‪ُٜ ١‬لڃذ پيِل‪٫‬تڈ‬ ‫ثل اڍ ٿچثبيٺ ‪ +‬ٿلؿ ‪٣‬ڄٴجچتي ‪ُ +‬لٱ ‪ +‬پلُيڂ پلڃي ‪+‬اتچٿجيٺ‪+‬‬ ‫ثبمڍ ثچٻيڄٶ ‪ +‬ثلڃبٿڈ ٗـ پِڈ (ؿڅك ٳلؿځ پِڈ ثب پؾَ ‪٫‬لٳبڃي‬ ‫نس‬ ‫ؽبّ ام ٿچثبيٺ) څ‪ + ...‬ڃِٰڈ كاڇ ډبڍ ايلاځ ‪ +‬ڃِٰڈ تڊلاځ‪ +‬فونت تعلیق‪ -‬شما‬ ‫نس‬ ‫اگر مایل هستید رد محیط رنم افزار ‪ Word‬خط تعلیق بنویسید افیل ایه فونت را کپی کرده و رد پوهش فونت ویندوز پیست (ردج) کنید‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .F‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيبڍ ثبثيټچځ ‪ 7‬ثب ٷلؿآڅكڍ عـڅؿ ‪ 60‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ثي‬ ‫ڃ‪٠‬يل ؿك تؾْٔ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬څ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي – ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ‬ ‫اڃٸټيٌي – اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي ُبٿٺ ؿيٴِڄلڍ آٳٌ‪٬‬چكؿ –‬ ‫آ‪ٜ‬العبت – ٳبٿپيچتل څ ايڄتلڃت – ‪٫‬ڄي څ‪ ......‬تڄڊب ثب يٲ ٳټيٲ ثل كڅڍ‬ ‫ډل ٻ‪٨‬ت ٿ‪٤‬ڄي څ تټ‪ ٞ٬‬ٻ‪٨‬ت ؿاؿڇ ٿي ُچؿ‪.‬‬

‫‪ +‬ثلڃبٿڈ ًبؽت ؿيٴِڄلڍ ُؾٔي ثبثيټچځ ‪ :‬ثب ايڂ ثلڃبٿڈ ثٌيبك ًبؿڇ‬ ‫ثبثيټچځ ٿي تچاڃيـ ؽچؿتبځ ث‪ٜ‬چك ؿٻؾچاڇ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ ام‬ ‫‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي يب اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي يب ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ يب‬ ‫مثبڃڊبڍ ؿيٸل ثٌبميـ څ تٔچيل ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ كا ڃين ؿك آځ ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ث‪٤‬ـ ام ًبؽتڈ ُـځ‪ ,‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ُڀب ؿك ثبثيټچځ ٯبثٺ ارلا ُـځ ثچؿڇ څ‬ ‫ُڀب ٿي تچاڃيـ آځ كا ؿك اؽتيبك ؿيٸلاځ ڃين ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪ .‬المٽ ثڈ تچٗيظ‬ ‫اًت ٳڈ ارناڍ ايڂ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ام ٿڄبث‪ ٢‬ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬څ ڃٌؾڈ ډبڍ ٯجټي څ‬ ‫ڃين ايڄتلڃت ث‪ٜ‬چك ٿزتڀ‪ ٢‬ٷلؿآڅكڍ ُـڇ تب ڃيبمٷچڍ ٳټيڈ ًاليٮ ؿك‬ ‫كُتڈ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬ثبُـ‪.‬‬

‫سٖ دٕ شوارُ ‪: 3‬‬

‫ًي ؿڍ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪ً ( 3‬چٽ ؿثيلًتبځ) څ پيَ ؿاڃِٸبډي‬ ‫ايڂ ًي ؿڍ ُبٿٺ ثلڃبٿڈ ډب څ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ څيوڇ ميل ٿي ثبُـ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ :A‬كاډڄڀبڍ ٷبٽ ثڈ ٷبٽ څ ډناكاځ ًچاٹ ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڇ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪3‬‬ ‫ثٔچكت ؿكى ثڈ ؿكى ثب ٯبثټيت ثلؿاُت پليڄت ثٔچكت ‪ pdf‬څ ثب پبًؾڄبٿڈ‬ ‫(عـڅؿ ‪٬ٓ 430‬غڈ)‬ ‫‪ . B‬ثيَ ام ‪ً 75‬چاٹ اًٴڂ ُـڇ ؿيڀبڇ څ ؽلؿاؿ څ ُڊليچك ډڀبډڄٶ څ ‪٧‬يل‬ ‫ډڀبډڄٶ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪ 3‬ؿك ‪ً 10‬بٹ اؽيل‬ ‫‪ .C‬صڄـيڂ ًچاٹ اًٴڂ ُـڇ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ‪ 1‬څ ‪ 2‬پيَ ؿاڃِٸبډي صڄـ‬ ‫ًبٹ اؽيل ‪ +‬پبًؼ ٳټيڈ ًچاالت ٳتبة ؿكًي‬ ‫‪ .D‬صڄـيڂ ٳتبة اٻٴتلڅڃيٴي اڃٸټيٌي ؿكٱ ٿ‪ٜ‬ټت – ٷلاٿل – آٿچمٍ ٻ‪٨‬ت –‬ ‫ؿاًتبڃڊبڍ ٳچؿٳبڃڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ‪ .....‬ثٔچكت ٿتڂ څ‬

‫‪ pdf‬ثب ٯبثټيت ثلؿاُت‬

‫پليڄت‪.‬‬ ‫ِ‪ . E‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ اٻ‪٤‬بؿڇ ٗلڅكڍ ٿتڂ ؽچاځ څ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ‪mp3‬‬ ‫تچٗيظ ٿؾتٔل ‪ :‬ثب ڃٔت ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ ؿك ٳبٿپيچتلتبځ ثزبڍ‬ ‫ؽچاڃـځ ډل ٷچڃڈ ٿتڂ تبيپ ُـڇ اڃٸټيٌي‪ ٰٚ٫ -‬ثب ٳپي ٳلؿځ ٿتڂ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬ل‬ ‫ثب ډل ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ٓ‪٬‬غڈ څ ‪ِ٫‬لؿځ ؿٳڀڈ ٿؾٔچّ ثلڃبٿڈ ‪ -‬ٳبٿپيچتل آځ ٿتڂ كا ثب‬ ‫ٓـاڍ ‪ٛ‬جي‪٤‬ي ٿلؿ يب مځ څ ثب ًل‪٣‬ت ٯبثٺ تڄ‪٠‬يپ ثلايتبځ ٿي ؽچاڃـ څ ڃين ٿي‬ ‫تچاڃيـ آځ ٿتڂ كا ثب ډل ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ٓ‪٬‬غڈ ثٔچكت ‪ mp3‬فؽيلڇ ڃڀبييـ څ ؿك ‪٫‬لٓت‬ ‫ٿڄبًت ؿك ؿاؽٺ اتچٿجيٺ څ ٷچُي ٿچثبيٺ څ‪ ...‬ٷچٍ ٳڄيـ‪.‬يٴي ام ايڂ ڃلٽ‬ ‫ا‪٫‬ناكډب ؿاكاڍ ًب‪٣‬ت ٷچيب اًت ٳڈ ثب تڄ‪٠‬يپ ؿٻؾچاڇ مٿبځ ًب‪٣‬ت ٿٰلك ثب‬

‫ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ ام ٳبٿپيچتل ا‪٣‬الٽ ٿي ُچؿ‪ .‬ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډب ډل ٳـاٽ عـڅؿ ‪50‬‬ ‫ؿالك ؿك آٿليٴب ث‪٬‬لڅٍ ٿي كًڄـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ . F‬صڄـيڂ ڃچ‪ ١‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچثبيٺ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي – ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ‬ ‫اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ ډپ صڄيڂ ؿيٴِڄلڍ آ‪ٜ‬العبت‬

‫‪ idioms‬څ يٲ‬

‫ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيب (تټ‪ ٞ٬‬ٻ‪٨‬بت ثب ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ) ثب ‪٫‬لٿت ربڅا يب ربك ٳڈ ؿكاٳخل‬ ‫ٷچُي ډب ٿبڃڄـ ًچڃي اكيٴٌچځ څ ڃچٳيب څ‪...‬ٯبثٺ ڃٔت اًت‪ .‬ث‪٘٤‬ي ام ايڂ‬ ‫ؿيٴِڄليڊب ‪٣‬الڅڇ ثل تټ‪٫ ٞ٬‬چڃتيٴي ثلاڍ ډل ٻ‪٨‬ت ٿخبٻڊبيي ڃين رڊت تِليظ‬ ‫ٻ‪٨‬بت آڅكؿڇ اڃـ‪ .‬ايڂ ؿيٴِڄليڊب ُبٿٺ آٳٌ‪٬‬چكؿ – ٳڀجليذ ‪ -‬څثٌتل څ‪ ...‬ٿي‬ ‫ثبُڄـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ . G‬صڄـ ثبمڍ ٿڊيذ څ ثلڃبٿڈ ثلاڍ ٿچثبيٺ ‪ :‬صڄـ ڃچ‪ُٜ ١‬لڃذ پيِل‪٫‬تڈ ثل اڍ‬ ‫ٿچثبيٺ ‪ +‬ٿلؿ ‪٣‬ڄٴجچتي ‪ُ +‬لٱ ‪ +‬پلُيڂ پلڃي ‪+‬اتچٿجيٺ‪ +‬ثبمڍ ثچٻيڄٶ ‪+‬‬ ‫ثلڃبٿڈ ٗـ پِڈ (ؿڅك ٳلؿځ پِڈ ثب پؾَ ‪٫‬لٳبڃي ؽبّ ام ٿچثبيٺ) څ‪+ ...‬‬ ‫ڃِٰڈ كاڇ ډبڍ ايلاځ ‪ +‬ڃِٰڈ تڊلاځ‬

‫‪ +‬افیل فونت نستعلیق ‪ -‬شما اگر مایل هستید رد محیط رنم افز را‬

‫خ نس‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ی‬ ‫پ‬ ‫س‬ ‫ی‬ ‫کپ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ف‬ ‫پ‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫کن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ی‬ ‫‪ Word‬ط ق و سد اف ل ا ه و ت ر ی رده و رد وهش و ت و ندوز ت (ردج) ید‪.‬‬

‫‪ .H‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيبڍ ثبثيټچځ ‪ 7‬ثب ٷلؿآڅكڍ عـڅؿ ‪ 60‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ثي ڃ‪٠‬يل‬ ‫ؿك تؾْٔ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬څ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي – ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي –‬ ‫اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي ُبٿٺ ؿيٴِڄلڍ آٳٌ‪٬‬چكؿ – آ‪ٜ‬العبت – ٳبٿپيچتل څ‬ ‫ايڄتلڃت – ‪٫‬ڄي څ‪ ......‬تڄڊب ثب يٲ ٳټيٲ ثل كڅڍ ډل ٻ‪٨‬ت ٿ‪٤‬ڄي څ تټ‪ ٞ٬‬ٻ‪٨‬ت ؿاؿڇ‬ ‫ٿي ُچؿ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ +‬ثلڃبٿڈ ًبؽت ؿيٴِڄلڍ ُؾٔي ثبثيټچځ ‪ :‬ثب ايڂ ثلڃبٿڈ ثٌيبك ًبؿڇ‬ ‫ثبثيټچځ ٿي تچاڃيـ ؽچؿتبځ ث‪ٜ‬چك ؿٻؾچاڇ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ ام ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ‬ ‫‪٫‬بكًي يب اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي يب ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ يب مثبڃڊبڍ ؿيٸل‬

‫ثٌبميـ څ تٔچيل ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ كا ڃين ؿك آځ ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪ .‬ث‪٤‬ـ ام ًبؽتڈ ُـځ‪,‬‬ ‫ؿيٴِڄلڍ ُڀب ؿك ثبثيټچځ ٯبثٺ ارلا ُـځ ثچؿڇ څ ُڀب ٿي تچاڃيـ آځ كا ؿك‬ ‫اؽتيبك ؿيٸلاځ ڃين ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪ .‬المٽ ثڈ تچٗيظ اًت ٳڈ ارناڍ ايڂ ؿيٴِڄلڍ‬ ‫ام ٿڄبث‪ ٢‬ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬څ ڃٌؾڈ ډبڍ ٯجټي څ ڃين ايڄتلڃت ث‪ٜ‬چك ٿزتڀ‪ ٢‬ٷلؿآڅكڍ ُـڇ‬ ‫تب ڃيبمٷچڍ ٳټيڈ ًاليٮ ؿك كُتڈ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬ثبُـ‪.‬‬

‫ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪ : 4‬ايڂ ًي ؿڍ ُبٿٺ ثلڃبٿڈ ډبڍ ميل اًت ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ : A‬عـڅؿ ‪ 2500‬كٿبځ څ ؿاًتبځ ډبڍ اڅكيزڄبٹ اڃٸټيٌي ( ٿتڄي ثب ٯبثټيت ٳپي څ‬ ‫پليڄت)‬ ‫‪: B‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ٳتبة ٿچثبيٺ ( ايڂ كٿبځ ډب څ يب ډل ٿتڄي كا ٿي تچاڃيـ‬ ‫ثڈ كاعتي ثٔچكت ٳتبة ٿچثبيٺ ؿك آڅكؿڇ څ ؿك ٿچثبيټتبځ ثؾچاڃيـ څ ثڈ ٿچثبيٺ ډبڍ ؿيٸل‬ ‫ثټچتچث ٳڄيـ)‬ ‫‪ : C‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك ډبڍ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ ( ثب ڃٔت ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډب ٿي تچاڃيـ ثب‬ ‫ٳپي ٿتڂ څ مؿځ ؿٳڀڈ ٿؾٔچّ ثزبڍ ايڄٴڈ ؽچؿتبځ ٿتڂ كا ثؾچاڃيـ ثل كڅڍ ٓڄـٻي‬ ‫ؽچؿ آًچؿڇ ثڄِيڄيـ څ ٳبٿپيچتل آځ كا ثب ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ ثلايتبځ ثؾچاڃـ ٗڀڄب " ايڂ ڃلٽ‬ ‫ا‪٫‬ناكډب ٯبؿكڃـ ډل ٷچڃڈ ٿتڂ تبيپي ‪٬ٓ ,‬غبت څة ‪٫ ,‬بيٺ ډبڍ ٿتڄي ‪ pdf‬څ ‪ ...‬كا‬ ‫ثلايتبځ ثؾچاڃڄـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ : D‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ‪ mp3‬څ يب ‪ wav‬ٳڈ ُڀب ٿي تچاڃيـ ايڂ ؿاًتبڃڊب‬ ‫كا ام عبٻت ٿتڂ ؽبكد ٳلؿڇ څ ٓچتي ٳڄيـ څ ث‪٤‬ـا " ؿك ؿًتٸبڇ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬پؾَ‬ ‫‪ mp3‬څ ‪ ...‬ٷچٍ ٳڄيـ‪.‬‬ ‫المٽ ثڈ تچٗيظ اًت ٳڈ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ام ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډب ثٌيبك ًبؿڇ اًت څ ‪ٟ‬ل‪ ٩‬صڄـ‬ ‫ؿٯيٰڈ ٿي تچاځ ‪ٛ‬لم ٳبك ثب آځ كا ‪٫‬لا ٷل‪٫‬ت څ ثڈ ًل‪٣‬ت مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ؽچؿ كا تٰچيت‬ ‫ڃڀچؿ‪ .‬ڃٴتڈ ٯبثٺ ‪٣‬لٕ ؿك ايڂ كاث‪ٜ‬ڈ ايڂ اًت ٳڈ ٿتبً‪٬‬بڃڈ اٳخل مثبځ آٿچماځ ام څرچؿ‬ ‫صڄيڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبيي ٳڈ ٿي تچاڃـ اڃٰالثي ؿك آٿچمٍ مثبځ ايزبؿ ڃڀبيـ ثي ا‪ٛ‬ال‪ ١‬اڃـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ : E‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيبڍ ثبثيټچځ ‪ 7‬ثب ٷلؿآڅكڍ عـڅؿ ‪ 60‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ثي ڃ‪٠‬يل ؿك تؾْٔ‬ ‫ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬څ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي – ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي – اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي ُبٿٺ‬ ‫ؿيٴِڄلڍ آٳٌ‪٬‬چكؿ – آ‪ٜ‬العبت – ٳبٿپيچتل څ ايڄتلڃت – ‪٫‬ڄي څ‪......‬‬ ‫‪ +‬ثلڃبٿڈ ًبؽت ؿيٴِڄلڍ ُؾٔي ثبثيټچځ ‪ :‬ثب ايڂ ثلڃبٿڈ ثٌيبك ًبؿڇ ثبثيټچځ ٿي‬ ‫تچاڃيـ ؽچؿتبځ ث‪ٜ‬چك ؿٻؾچاڇ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ ام ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي يب اڃٸټيٌي‬ ‫ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي يب ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ يب مثبڃڊبڍ ؿيٸل ثٌبميـ څ تٔچيل ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ كا‬ ‫ڃين ؿك آځ ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪ .‬ث‪٤‬ـ ام ًبؽتڈ ُـځ‪ ,‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ُڀب ؿك ثبثيټچځ ٯبثٺ ارلا ُـځ‬ ‫ثچؿڇ څ ُڀب ٿي تچاڃيـ آځ كا ؿك اؽتيبك ؿيٸلاځ ڃين ٯلاك ؿډيـ ‪ .‬المٽ ثڈ تچٗيظ اًت ٳڈ‬ ‫ارناڍ ايڂ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ام ٿڄبث‪ ٢‬ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬څ ڃٌؾڈ ډبڍ ٯجټي څ ڃين ايڄتلڃت ث‪ٜ‬چك ٿزتڀ‪٢‬‬ ‫ٷلؿآڅكڍ ُـڇ تب ڃيبمٷچڍ ٳټيڈ ًاليٮ ؿك كُتڈ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬ثبُـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪: F‬صڄـيڂ ڃچ‪ ١‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچثبيٺ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي – ‪٫‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ اڃٸټيٌي‬ ‫ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي څ ډپ صڄيڂ ؿيٴِڄلڍ آ‪ٜ‬العبت ‪ idioms‬څ يٲ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيب (تټ‪ٞ٬‬‬ ‫ٻ‪٨‬بت ثب ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ) ثب ‪٫‬لٿت ربڅا يب ربك ٳڈ ؿكاٳخل ٷچُي ډبڍ ٿبڃڄـ ًچڃي‬ ‫اكيٴٌچځ ‪ ,‬ڃچٳيب څ‪...‬ٯبثٺ ڃٔت اًت‪ .‬ث‪٘٤‬ي ام ايڂ ؿيٴِڄليڊب ‪٣‬الڅڇ ثل تټ‪٫ ٞ٬‬چڃتيٴي‬ ‫ثلاڍ ډل ٻ‪٨‬ت ٿخبٻڊبيي ڃين رڊت تِليظ ٻ‪٨‬بت آڅكؿڇ اڃـ‪ .‬ايڂ ؿيٴِڄليڊب ُبٿٺ‬ ‫آٳٌ‪٬‬چكؿ – ٳڀجليذ ‪ -‬څثٌتل څ‪ ...‬ٿي ثبُڄـ‪.‬‬

‫ڃغچڇ ؽليـ ًي ؿڍ ډب ‪:‬‬ ‫ثڈ صڄـ كڅٍ ٿي تچاڃيـ ًي ؿڍ ډبڍ ٿقٳچك كا ؽليـاكڍ ڃڀبييـ ‪:‬‬

‫كڅٍ اڅٹ ‪ :‬ام ‪ٛ‬ليٮ ثبڃٲ‬ ‫ٿجټ‪( 11000 ٦‬يبمؿڇ ډناك) تچٿبځ ثلاڍ ډل ‪٣‬ـؿ ًي ؿڍ ثڈ يٴي ام عٌبثڊبڍ‬ ‫ميل ‪:‬‬

‫عٌبة ربكڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪ 6405‬ثبڃٲ ٿٌٴڂ ٿلٳنڍ آٿٺ‬ ‫څ يب عٌبة ٿٌٴڂ ٳبكت ‪6280231205431264‬‬ ‫څ يب عٌبة ًيجب (ٿټي ٳبكت)‪ 6037991086834201‬ثڄبٽ آٯبڍ ‪٧‬الٿي څاكين‬ ‫‪٫‬لٿبييـ‪.‬‬ ‫ث‪٤‬ـ ام ايڄٴڈ ٿجټ‪ ٦‬ٿقٳچك كا څاكين ٳلؿيـ آٺ كًيـ ثبڃٴي څ ډڀضڄيڂ ثل كڅڍ‬ ‫يٲ ثلٵ ٳب‪٧‬ق ڃبٽ ًي ؿڍ ؿكؽچاًتي ډڀلاڇ ثب آؿكى پٌتي ؿٯيٮ ؽچؿ څ يٲ‬ ‫ُڀبكڇ تڀبى ثڈ آؿكى ٓڄـڅ٭ پٌتي ايڄزبڃت ‪:‬‬ ‫آٿٺ – ٓڄـڅ٭ پٌتي ‪ 46135- 498‬ثب پٌت پيِتبم ث‪٬‬لًتيـ څ يب ايڄٴڈ‬ ‫كًيـ ثبڃٴي ؽچؿ كا اًٴڂ ٳلؿڇ ډڀلاڇ ثب ؿكؽچاًت ؽچؿ ثڈ ايڂ ڃِبڃي پٌت‬ ‫اٻٴتلڅڃيٴي ايڀيٺ ٳڄيـ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪[email protected]‬‬ ‫ٗڀڄب" ‪٫‬لاٿچٍ ڃ‪٬‬لٿبييـ ٳڈ رڊت تٌلي‪ ٢‬ؿك اكًبٹ ًي ؿڍ عتڀب" ثب ُڀبكڇ‬ ‫‪ 09352117065‬ٿٌتٰيڀب" ثب ايڄزبڃت تڀبى عبٓٺ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ‪.‬‬ ‫پي ام ؿكيب‪٫‬ت ٿجټ‪ً - ٦‬ي ؿڍ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ ؿك اًل‪ ١‬څٯت ام ‪ٛ‬ليٮ پٌت پيِتبم‬ ‫اكًبٹ ؽچاډـ ُـ‪ٗ .‬ڀڄب" اكًبٹ ًي ؿڍ ډب كايٸبځ ؽچاډـ ثچؿ‪.‬‬

‫كڅٍ ؿڅٽ ‪ :‬ام ‪ٛ‬ليٮ پٌت پيِتبم‬ ‫كڅٍ ؿڅٽ ٳڈ ثٌيبك ًبؿڇ تل څ ًلي‪ ٢‬تل اًت رڊت ؽليـ تچٓيڈ ٿي ُچؿ ‪:‬‬ ‫اثتـا ڃبٽ ًي ؿڍ ٿچكؿ تٰبٗب ڍ ؽچؿ كا ثل كڅڍ يٲ ثلٵ ډڀلاڇ ثب آؿكى پٌتي‬ ‫ؿٯيٮ ؽچؿ څ يٲ ُڀبكڇ تڀبى ڃچُتڈ څ ثڈ يٴي ام ؿ‪٫‬بتل پٌتي ( اؿاكڇ پٌت څ يب‬ ‫ؿ‪٫‬بتل ؽـٿبت اكتجب‪ٛ‬ي) ٿلار‪٤‬ڈ ٳلؿڇ څ ڃبٿڈ ٿقٳچك كا ډڀلاڇ ثب ٿجټ‪ 11000٦‬تچٿبځ‬ ‫ثلاڍ ډل ‪٣‬ـؿ ًي ؿڍ ثڈ آؿكى ٓڄـڅ٭ پٌتي ايڄزبڃت ثٔچكت پٌت پيِتبم ثيڀڈ‬

‫ُـڇ ث‪٬‬لًتيـ ‪ .‬ڃِبڃي ٓڄـڅ٭ پٌتي ايڄزبڃت ام ايڂ ٯلاك اًت ‪ :‬آٿٺ – ٓڄـڅ٭‬ ‫پٌتي ‪46135- 498‬‬ ‫ٗڀڄب" ‪٫‬لاٿچٍ ڃ‪٬‬لٿبييـ ٳڈ رڊت تٌلي‪ ٢‬ؿك اكًبٹ ًي ؿڍ عتڀب" ثب ُڀبكڇ‬ ‫‪ 09352117065‬ٿٌتٰيڀب" ثب ايڄزبڃت تڀبى عبٓٺ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ‪ .‬څ ڃين آؿكى ايڀيٺ‬ ‫ؽچؿ كا ڃين ؿك ثل كڅڍ ثلٷڈ ؿكؽچاًت ًي ؿڍ ثڄچيٌيـ‪.‬‬ ‫پي ام ؿكيب‪٫‬ت ٿجټ‪ً - ٦‬ي ؿڍ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ ؿك اًل‪ ١‬څٯت ام ‪ٛ‬ليٮ پٌت‬ ‫پيِتبم اكًبٹ ؽچاډـ ُـ‪ٗ .‬ڀڄب" اكًبٹ ًي ؿڍ ډب كايٸبځ ؽچاډـ ثچؿ‪.‬‬ ‫لطفا" جهت آگاهی از آخرین تغییرات و سی دی های جدید به سایت اینترنتی‬ ‫زیر مراجعه و یا با شماره زیر تماس حاصل فرمایید‪:‬‬

‫‪/http://bestcds.blogfa.com‬‬ ‫‪ : 09352117065‬تماس مستقیم‬

‫تٔبڅيل ٿلثچ‪ ٙ‬ثڈ ثلؽي ام ‪٫‬بيٺ ډب څ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ صڊبك ًي ؿڍ ٿ‪٤‬ل‪٫‬ي ُـڇ ‪٫‬چ٭‬ ‫‪٫ - 1‬بيٺ ډبڍ ٿلثچ‪ ٙ‬ثڈ ًچاالت اًٴڂ ُـڇ ؿڍ – ؽلؿاؿ څ ُڊليچك‬ ‫( ٿچرچؿ ؿك ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪ 1‬څ‪ 2‬څ‪: ) 3‬‬

‫‪ - 2‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ (هتي خَاى) ‪:‬‬ ‫( ٿچرچؿ ؿك ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪ 1‬څ‪ 2‬څ ‪ 3‬څ‪: ) 4‬‬ ‫ؿك ايڄزب ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك ؿك عبٹ ؽچاڃـځ يٲ ٿتڂ اڃٸټيٌي ام ٳتبة ؿكًي اًت ‪ .‬څ‬ ‫ٽستط٘ل ٳچصٲ ًڀت كاًت ثلاڍ ٳڄتلٹ څ تڄ‪٠‬يپ ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك ٿي ثبُـ‪( .‬ٿ‪ٜ‬ټٰب "‬ ‫ٗلڅكڍ ثلاڍ مثبځ آٿچماځ ؿك ٳټيڈ ً‪ٜ‬چط)‬

‫څ ؿك ايڂ تٔچيل ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك ‪٫‬چ٭ ؿك عبٹ ا‪٣‬الٽ ًب‪٣‬ت ثٔچكت ٷچيب اًت ‪:‬‬

‫‪ - 3‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ‪ MP3‬څ ڃين ٿتڂ ؽچاځ ‪:‬‬ ‫( ٿچرچؿ ؿك ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪ 1‬څ‪ 2‬څ ‪ 3‬څ‪: ) 4‬‬ ‫ؿك ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك ٿتڄي رڊت تجـيٺ ثڈ ‪ MP3‬ؿك ؿاؽٺ ٿٌت‪ٜ‬يٺ ثلڃبٿڈ‬ ‫پيٌت( ؿكد ) ُـڇ اًت څ ثب تڄ‪٠‬يپ ؿٳڀڈ ‪ OPTIONS‬ايڂ ٿتڂ ثب ٓـاڍ‬

‫ؿٻؾچاڇ ث‪ٜ‬چك ًلي‪ ٢‬اًٴڂ ُـڇ څ ثب ‪ِ٫‬لؿځ ؿٳڀڈ ‪SAVE TO FILE‬‬ ‫ٿتڂ ثب ‪٫‬لٿت‪ MP3‬څيب ‪WAV‬څ يب ‪ WMA‬ؿك پچُڈ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬ل فؽيلڇ‬ ‫ٿي ُچؿ‪( .‬ٿ‪ٜ‬ټٰب" ٗلڅكڍ ثلاڍ مثبځ آٿچماځ ؿك ٳټيڈ ً‪ٜ‬چط)‬

‫څ ؿك ايڄزب ٿتڂ ؿاؽٺ ٳبؿك پي ام پلؿامٍ ثٔچكت يٲ ‪٫‬بيٺ ‪ MP3‬ؿك آٿـڇ اًت ٳڈ آٿبؿڇ‬ ‫اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ؿك ؿًتٸبڇ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬پؾَ اًت‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 4‬عـڅؿ ‪ 2500‬كٿبځ څ ٳتبثڊبڍ ؿاًتبځ اڃٸټيٌي اڅكيزڄبٹ (ٿ‪ٜ‬ټٰب"‬ ‫ٗلڅكڍ ثلاڍ مثبځ آٿچماځ څ اًبتيـ )‬ ‫( ٿچرچؿ ؿك ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ‪: ) 4‬‬ ‫ٗڀڄب" ٳتبثڊبڍ ٿقٳچك ٿڄبث‪ ٢‬ثٌيبك ‪٧‬ڄي ثلاڍ ‪ٛ‬لاعي ًچاالت ؿكٱ ٿ‪ٜ‬ټت اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫څصچځ ثٔچكت ‪٫‬بيٺ ٿتڄي اًت ثڈ ًبؿٷي ٯبثٺ ٳپي ٳلؿځ څ پليڄت ٷل‪٫‬تڂ ٿي‬ ‫ثبُڄـ‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 5‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٷچيبڍ ثبثيټچځ ‪ (babylon 7( 7‬ثب ٿؾنځ عـڅؿ‬ ‫‪ 60‬ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٗڀيڀڈ ؿك كُتڈ ډبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ + ٪‬اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ‪٫‬بكًي ‪+‬‬ ‫اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي ‪٫ +‬بكًي ثڈ اڃٸټيٌي ‪ +‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك ًبؽت‬ ‫ؿيٴِڄلڍ ثبثيټچځ‬ ‫( ٿچرچؿ ؿك ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪ 1‬څ‪ 2‬څ ‪ 3‬څ‪: ) 4‬‬

‫ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك ًبؽت ؿيٴِڄلڍ ثبثيټچځ ‪:‬‬ ‫ثب ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬لاك ٿي تچاڃيـ ث‪ٜ‬چك عل‪٫‬ڈ اڍ ؿيٴِڄلڍ ٿچكؿ ڃ‪٠‬ل كا ثڈ‬ ‫مثبڃڊبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬ثٌبميـ‪.‬عتي ٿي تچاڃيـ ؿك ٯٌڀت ت‪٤‬لي‪ ٪‬ٻ‪٨‬ت تٔچيل ٿچكؿ‬

‫ڃ‪٠‬لتبځ كا ڃين ؿكد ٳڄيـ‪.‬ؿك پبيبځ ٳبك ‪٫‬بيټي ايزبؿ ٿي ُچؿ ٳڈ ثب ٳټيٲ‬ ‫ٿ٘ب‪ ٪٣‬ثل كڅڍ آځ ‪٫-‬لډڄٶ ٻ‪٨‬ت ًبؽتڈ ُـڇ تبځ ث‪ٜ‬چك اتچٿبتيٲ ثڈ‬ ‫ٿؾنځ ؿيٴِڄليڊبڍ ثبثيټچځ اٗب‪٫‬ڈ ٿي ُچؿ څ ثبثيټچځ عتي ٯبؿك ثڈ تټ‪ٞ٬‬‬ ‫ٓچتي ٻ‪٨‬بت ُڀب ڃين ؽچاډـ ثچؿ‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 6‬ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناكډبڍ ًبؽت ٳتبة ٿچثبيٺ‬ ‫( ٿچرچؿ ؿك ًي ؿڍ ُڀبكڇ ‪: ) 4‬‬ ‫ثب تچرڈ ٷٌتلٍ ٳتبة ٿچثبيٺ څ ًڊچٻت څ ٿنايبڍ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ام آځ ڃٌجت ثڈ ُيچڇ ډبڍ‬ ‫ًڄتي ٳتبثڊبڍ ٳب‪٧‬قڍ ام رڀټڈ تٴخيل څ پؾَ آځ ام ‪ٛ‬ليٮ ثټچتچث ‪ ,‬ٿبڃـٷبكڍ ؿائڀي ‪,‬‬ ‫تجټي‪٨‬بت ٿچحل څ‪ ...‬ثب ايڂ ڃلٽ ا‪٫‬ناك ډب ٿي تچاڃيـ ٳتبة ٿچثبيٺ ؽچؿ كا ثڈ مثبڃڊبڍ ‪٫‬بكًي څ‬ ‫اڃٸټيٌي تچٻيـ ٳڄيـ‪ .‬عٌڂ ايڂ ٳتبثڊبڍ ٿچثبيٺ ؿك ايڂ اًت صچڃٴڈ ثٔچكت ربڅا ډٌتڄـ ؿك‬ ‫اٳخل ٷچُيڊبڍ ٿچثبيٺ ارلا ٿي ُچڃـ ‪ .‬تٔچيل يٲ ڃڀچڃڈ ام ايڂ ثلڃبٿڈ ډب ‪:‬‬

‫ثلاڍ ؿاڃټچؿ ٳتبثڊبڍ اٻٴتلڅڃيٴي ( ‪ (pdf‬كاډڄڀبڍ ٷبٽ ثڈ ٷبٽ څ‬ ‫ډناكاځ ًچاٹ ‪ٛ‬جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڇ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي اڅٹ ‪ ,‬ؿڅٽ ‪ً,‬چٽ‬ ‫ؿثيلًتبځ څ پيَ ؿاڃِٸبډي څ آٷبډي ام ڃغچڇ ؽليـاكڍ ڃلٽ‬ ‫ا‪٫‬ناكډب څ ًي ؿڍ ډبڍ تجـيٺ ٿتڂ ثڈ ‪ mp3‬څ ٓـاڍ اڃٌبځ‬ ‫(ٿتڂ ؽچاځ) څ ‪ ...‬ثڈ ًبيت ميل ٿلار‪٤‬ڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ‪:‬‬ ‫‪www.bestcds.blogfa.com‬‬

:ٖ‫اختصارات اًگل٘س‬

Adv = adverb

Adj = adjective

Det = determiner

Conj = conjunction

Etc = et cetera

Idm = idiom



‫پيِلڅ اًپ‬

ٚ‫ٳټڀڈ كث‬

‫يلڇ‬٧ ‫څ‬


Ind = indefinite


n = noun


Pl = plural



‫ڈ‬٫‫ اٗب‬٩‫عل‬

Pro = pronoun


Sth = something


v = verb Mod= modal

‫ٺ‬٤٫ ‫ٳڀٴي‬

Review Exercises )‫ ٳتبة ؿكًي‬1‫غڌ‬٫ّ( ‫تڀليڄبت ٿلڅكڍ‬ I.Look at the pictures and answer the questions. .‫ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔبڅيل ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬.1 1.What are those? They are pictures.

2.What is there on the desk? There is a clock on the desk.

3.What time is it?

‫آڃڊب صيٌت ؟‬ . ‫آڃڊب تٔبڅيل اًت‬

‫كڅڍ ٿينتغليل صيٌت ؟‬ . ‫تي كڅڍ ٿين تغليل اًت‬٣‫ًب‬

‫ت صڄـ اًت ؟‬٣‫ًب‬

It is half past seven. Or it is seven thirty. . ‫ت څ ڃيپ اًت‬٬‫ت ډ‬٣‫ًب‬

4.What's that? It is the door of the car.

5.Whose bag is it?

‫آځ صيٌت ؟‬ . ‫آځ ؿك ٿبُيڂ اًت‬

‫ صڈ ٳٌي اًت ؟‬٪‫آځ ٳي‬

It is Ahmad's.

6.What colour is this pen? It is black.

7.How much is the coat?

. ‫آځ ٿبٹ اعڀـ اًت‬

‫ايڂ ؽچؿٳبك صڈ كڃٸي اًت ؟‬ . ‫آځ ٿِٴي اًت‬

‫ٯيڀت ايڂ ٳت صٰـك اًت ؟‬

It is 5000 rials.

. ‫ كيبٹ اًت‬5000 ‫آځ‬

8.Is she a fat girl?

‫آيب اڅ ؿؽتل صبٯي اًت ؟‬

No,she isn‟t . She is thin .

9.How many pens does he have? He has three pens.

. ‫ل اًت‬٧‫ اڅ ال‬. ‫ڃڈ اڅ ڃيٌت‬

‫اڅ صڄـ تب ؽچؿٳبك ؿاكؿ ؟‬ . ‫اڅ ًڈ تب ؽچؿٳبك ؿاكؿ‬

10.Does she go to bed at 7 o‟clock?

‫ت ثڈ كؽتؾچاة ٿي كڅؿ ؟‬٬‫ت ډ‬٣‫آيب اڅ كأى ًب‬ No,she goes to bed at 10 o‟clock. . ‫ ثڈ كؽتؾچاة ٿي كڅؿ‬10 ‫ت‬٣‫ڃڈ اڅ ًب‬

11.Where does he live?

‫اڅ ؿك ٳزب مڃـٷي ٿي ٳڄـ ؟‬

He lives on Hafez street.

.‫ مڃـٷي ٿي ٳڄـ‬ٞ٫‫اڅ ؿك ؽيب ثبځ عب‬

12.What do you see in the picture?

‫ؿك ايڂ تٔچ يل صڈ ٿي ثيڄيـ ؟‬

I see a table, a map, a newspaper, a glass and some books . . ‫ـاؿڍ ٳتبة ٿي ثيڄپ‬٤‫ ٻيچاځ څت‬, ‫ كڅمڃبٿڈ‬, ‫ٿڂ يٲ ٿين‬

13.Did he go to school at 8 o‟clock yesterday morning ? ‫ت ؟‬٫‫ت ډِت ٓجظ ؿيلڅم ثڈ ٿـكًڈ ك‬٣‫آيب اڅ ؿك ًب‬ No, he went there at 7 o‟clock yesterday morning. . ‫ت‬٫‫ت ٓجظ ؿيلڅم ثڈ آڃزب ك‬٬‫ت ډ‬٣‫ اڅ ؿك ًب‬, ‫ڃڈ‬

14.What are the boys doing?

‫ايڂ پٌلډب صي ٳبك ٿي‬

‫ٳڄڄـ؟‬ They are playing football.

. ‫چتجبٹ ثبمڍ ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬٫ ‫آڃڊب‬

15.What was she doing when her mother arrived? ‫څٯتي ٿبؿكٍ كًيـ اڅ صي ٳبك ٿي ٳلؿ ؟‬ She was reading her book when her mother arrived. . ‫ٍ ثچؿ څٯتي ٿبؿكٍ كًيـ‬ ‫اڅ ؿك عبٹ ؽچاڃـځ ٳتبة‬ 16.How much water is there in the glass? The glass is half full.Or

there is some water in it. . ‫يب ٿٰـاكڍ آة ؿك ٻيچاځ ډٌت‬. ‫صڈ ٿٰـاكآة ؿك ٻيچاځ ډٌت ؟ ٻيچاځ ڃيڀڈ پل ډٌت‬

II.Put these words in the correct order. )‫ (پبًؼ‬.‫ٿلتت ٳڄيـ‬ 1. I usually see him on Mondays. .‫ڀچال” ؿڅُڄجڈ ډب اڅ كا ٿي ثيڄپ‬٤‫ٿڂ ٿ‬-

2. Who is washing the dishes in the kitchen . ‫ ٌُتڂ اًت؟‬٩‫ل‬ٟ ‫صڈ ٳٌي ؿك آُپنؽبڃڈ ؿك عبٹ‬-

3. A bad swimmer swims badly. .‫ ثـ ُڄب ٿي ٳڄـ‬, ‫يٲ ُڄبٷل ثـ‬

4. Their new house is very small. . ‫ؽبڃڌ رـيـ آڃڊب ؽيټي ٳچصٲ اًت‬

5. Please look at this map. .‫ب” ثڈ ايڂ ڃِٰڈ ڃٸبڇ ٳڂ‬٬ٜ‫ٻ‬

6. How much money do you need? ‫ُڀب ثڈ صٰـك پچٹ ڃيبم ؿاكيـ؟‬

7. When did you do your homework? ‫تبځ كا اڃزبٽ ؿاؿيـ؟‬٬‫ُڀب ٳي تٴبٻي‬

8. Please give me some water. . ‫ب" ٿٰـاكڍ آة ثڈ ٿڂ ثـډيـ‬٬ٜ‫ٻ‬

9. I saw a lot of new cars yesterday. .‫ٿڂ ؿيلڅم ٿبُيڂ ډبڍ رـيـ ميبؿڍ ؿيـٽ‬

10. He sometimes studies his books carefully in the library on Sundays. .‫ڈ ٿي ٳڄـ‬٤‫بٻ‬ٜ‫اڅ ٷبډي اڅٯبت ٳتبة ډبيَ كا ثب ؿٯّت ؿك ايڂ ٳتبثؾبڃڈ ٿ‬

III- Complete the following questions. )4 ّ(.‫رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ 1. Hamid ate a sandwich in that restaurant last night. .‫عڀيـ ؿيِت ًبڃـڅيضي كا ؿك آځ كًتچكاځ ؽچكؿ‬.1 a) Who ate a sandwich in that restaurant last night? b) What did he eat in that restaurant last night? c) Where did he eat a sandwich last night? d) When did he eat a sandwich in that restaurant?

2.She can read several pages very carefully in a few minutes. .‫غڈ كا ثب ؿٯّت ؽيټي ميبؿ ثؾچاڃـ‬٬ٓ ‫ صڄـ ؿٯيٰڈ ٿي تچاڃـ صڄـيڂ‬٩‫ل‬ٟ ‫اڅ‬.2 a)What can she read very carefully in a few minutes? b)How many pages can she read very carefully in a few minutes? c)How can she read several pages in a few minutes? d)How long can she read several pages very carefully? IV- Answer the following questions. )4 ّ(.‫ثڈ ًإاالت ميل پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬-4 1. How old are you? I am fifteen years old.

2. What are you? I am a student.

3. What grade are you in? I am in grade one high school.

4. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have a brother and three sisters.

5. Where is your high school? It is on Parsa street.

6. Who is your English teacher? Mr Gholami is our English teacher.

7. Where do you live? I live in Amol.

8. When do you do your homework? I usually do my homework in the afternoon.

9. What are you doing now? I am studying English .

10. What do you see in your classroom? I see a table , a blackboard,a lot of books and desks in our class.

11. What do you usually do on Fridays? I usually play ping pong on Fridays.

V- Complete the passage with the words given . )5 ّ( .‫ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ٿتڂ كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ Good –carefully- do - go My name is Bahram . I'm a stusent . I'm 15 years old.I go to school in the morning .I'm a good student. I usually do my homework in the afternoon.I study my books very carefully. Sometimes – doesn't lilke – has –wakes up – reading – his – am watching – fast - him Today is Friday . It's 7 o'clock in the evening . We don't go to school on Fridays. I am watching TV now . I like cartoons very much, but my father doesn't like cartoons. You can see him in the picture. He has a newspaper in his hands.He's reading it.He usually reads the newspaper carefully,but sometimes he reads some pages very fast . He usually wakes up early in the morning.He says his prayers , eats his breakfast at about 6 and then goes to work. He comes back home in the evening. Was cleaning – arrived – ate – didn't have – was – had – left

My father didn't go to work this morning.He ate his breakfast at about 8. But my mother was very busy this morning . we had some guests .My mother was cleaning the kitchen when they arrived They left before noon.They didn't have lunch with us. Will do – watch – leave – be

Tomorrow morning I'll be in my high school.I'll leave there at about 12:30 . I'll have lunch with my mother and sister. In the afternoon I will do my homework. I'll watch TV in the evening. Now answer these questions about the passage. )6 ّ(.‫چ٭ پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٫ ‫ ثڈ ٿتڂ‬ٙ‫اٳڄچځ ثڈ ًإاالت ٿلثچ‬ 1.Does Bahram go to schoo in the evening? No , he goes to school in the morning.

2.How many sisters does he have? He has a sister.

3.How old is he? He is 15 years old.

4.When does he usually do his homework? He usually does his homework in the afternoon.

5.What is he doing now? He is watching TV. 6.What is his father reading? He is reading a newspaper. 7.What does his father do in the morning? He usually wakes up early in the morning.He says his prayers , eats his breakfast at about 6 and then goes to work.

8.What was his mother doing when their guests arrived? His mother was cleaning the kitchen when they arrived.

9.Where will he have his lunch tomorrow? He will have lunch at home.

10.When will he do his homework? He will do his homework in the afternoon.

Lesson one )7 ّ(1 ‫ؿكى‬ A.New words

‫ٳټڀبت تبمڇ‬

1. This is a picture of a garden . There are many flowers ,plants and trees in this garden.This is a pretty garden. ‫ايڂ‬.‫ څرچؿ ؿاكؿ‬٥‫ ٷيبډبځ څ ؿكؽتبځ ميبؿڍ ؿك ايڂ ثب‬,‫ ٷټڊب‬. ‫ اًت‬٥‫ايڂ تٔچيل يٲ ثب‬ .‫ ميجبًت‬٥‫يٲ ثب‬ What do you see in this garden? I see some trees and flowers there.

How many trees do you see in this picture? I see four trees there.

2. This is a map of the world . You see Iran and Germany on this map. There are many countries all over the world. ‫ ٳِچكډبڍ ميبؿڍ ؿك‬.‫ ُڀب ايلاځ څ آٻڀبځ كا ثل كڅڍ ڃِٰڈ ٿي ثيڄيـ‬.‫ايڂ ڃِٰڌ رڊبځ اًت‬ .‫ًلتبًل رڊبځ څرچؿ ؿاكؿ‬ Do you see Iran on this map? Yes,I see Iran on it.

Is Germany a country or a city?

It is a country.

3. The little girl doesn't have any friends. She is playing alone. .‫چٹ ثبمڍ ٳلؿځ اًت‬٨ِ‫اڅ ثڈ تڄڊبيي ٿ‬.‫ايڂ ؿؽتل ٳچصچٻچ ډيش ؿڅًتي ڃـاكؿ‬ Is the girl playing with her friends? No ,she is playing alone.

4. Children love their mothers and fathers . Do children love their mothers? Yes, they do. .‫ثضڈ ډب ٿبؿكډب څ پـك ډبڍ ؽچؿ كا ؿڅًت ؿاكڃـ‬

5. Children go to kindergarten when they are three or four years old. .‫ثضڈ ډب ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ ًڈ صڊبكًبٻڈ ډٌتڄـ ثڈ ٳچؿٳٌتبځ ٿي كڅڃـ‬ Do little children go to kindergarten? Yes , they do. When do children go to kindergarten? They go to kindergarten when they are three or four years old.

6. I want to buy a book, but I don't have any money to pay for it. .‫ٿڂ ٿي ؽچاډپ ٳتبثي ثؾلٽ اٿب پچٹ پلؿاؽت آځ كا ڃـاكٽ‬ What do you want to buy?

I want to buy a book .

7. My plants are growing fast.They were small last week . Now they are big. ‫اٳڄچځ آڃڊب ثنكٵ‬. ‫تڌ ٯجٺ آڃڊب ٳچصٲ ثچؿڃـ‬٬‫ډ‬.‫ كُـ ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬٢‫ٷيبډبځ ٿڂ ؿاكڃـ ًلي‬ .‫ډٌتڄـ‬ Are your plants big or small? They are big.

Are they growing fast? Yes, they are growing fast.

8. When I grow up ,I will buy a garden.I will grow flowers in my garden. .‫پ ٷٺ پلڅكٍ ؽچاډپ ؿاؿ‬٧‫ٿڂ ؿك ثب‬.‫ي ؽچاډپ ؽليـ‬٧‫ثب‬, ‫ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ ثنكٵ ُچٽ‬ What will you do when you grow up? I will buy a garden.I will grow flowers in my garden.

Practice your new words. Find the meaning of the underlined words. )10 ّ(.‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا پيـا ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ٿ‬ 1.She loves flowers and plants. (B)

A. grow up

2.My mother works in a school for little children.(E) B.likes

3.When I become older I will buy a garden .(A)


4.My little brother loves his kindergarten.(D)


5.I paid 500 rials for that book. ( C )


Lesson one 1 ‫ؿكى‬ The kindergarten man )11 ّ( ‫ٿلؿ ]ٿإًي [ ٳچؿٳٌتبځ‬ B . Reading


1. Friedrich Froebel lived in Germany many years ago . His mother died when he was a small boy . People didn't pay much attention to him . So Friedrich played alone in a garden . He loved the flowers and the plants . He was happy there. ‫ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ اڅ پٌل ؽلؿًبٻي ثچؿ‬. ‫لڅثٺ ؿك آٻڀبځ مڃـٷي ٿي ٳلؿ‬٫ ‫ليـكيٲ‬٫ ‫ًبٻڊب ٯجٺ‬- 1 ‫لؿكيٲ ثڈ تڄڊبيي‬٫ ‫ ثڄبثل ايڂ‬. ‫ ٿلؿٽ تچرڈ ميبؿڍ ثڈ اڅ ڃڀي ٳلؿڃـ‬. ‫چت ٳلؿ‬٫ ٍ‫ٿبؿك‬ . ‫ اڅ ؿك آڃزب ثبمڍ ٿي ٳلؿ‬.‫بُٮ ٷٺ څ ٷيبڇ ثچؿ‬٣ ‫ اڅ‬. ‫ي مڃـٷي ٿي ٳلؿ‬٧‫ؿك ثب‬ 2. Soon it was time for Friedrich to go to school . In school he sat on a hard chair . All day long he looked at books .The books didn't have any pictures . Friedrich couldn't play . He couldn't do things with his hands . He had to sit on that hard chair and look at books . It was no fun. ‫تي‬٬ً ‫ ؿك ٿـكًڈ اڅ ثل كڅڍ ٓڄـٻي‬.‫ليـكيٲ ثڈ ٿـكًڈ ثلڅؿ‬٫ ‫ ثنڅؿڍ څٯت آځ ثچؿ ٳڈ‬-2 ‫ليـكيٲ ڃڀي‬٫ . ‫ٴي ثچؿ‬٣ ‫ ٳتبثڊب ثـڅځ‬. ‫ ؿك تڀبٽ كڅم اڅ ثڈ ٳتبثڊب ڃٸبڇ ٿي ٳلؿ‬. ‫ٿي ڃٌِت‬

‫اڅ ٿزجچك ثچؿ ثل كڅڍ آځ ٓڄـٻي‬.‫ اڅ ڃڀي تچاڃٌت ثب ؿًتڊبيَ ٳبكڍ ٳڄـ‬. ‫تچاڃٌت ثبمڍ ٳڄـ‬ . ‫ ٳٌٺ ٳڄڄـڇ ثچؿ‬٢ٗ‫ ايڂ څ‬. ‫ت ثڄِيڄـ څ ثڈ ٳتبثڊب ڃٸبڇ ٳڄـ‬٬ً

3. Friedrich grew up . He remembered his school and his garden. . ‫ل آڅكؿ‬ٛ‫َ كا ثڈ ؽب‬٧‫ اڅ ٿـكًڈ څ ثب‬. ‫ليـكيٲ ثنكٵ ُـ‬٫ - 3 4. "School should be a happy place . It should be like a garden","said Friedrich ."Children should play. They should do things with their hands .They should have books with pretty pictures". ‫ ثضڈ ډب‬.‫ي ثبُـ‬٧‫ آځ ثبيـ ٿبڃڄـ ثب‬.‫ ٿـكًڈ ثبيـ ربڍ ُبؿڍ ثبُـ‬: ‫ت‬٬‫ليـكيٲ ٿي ٷ‬٫ -4 .‫ ٳتبثڊبڍ آڃڊب ثبيـ ؿاكاڍ تٔبڅيل ميجب ثبُـ‬. ‫ آڃڊب ثبيـ ثب ؿًتبڃِبځ ٳبك ٳڄڄـ‬. ‫ثبيـ ثبمڍ ٳڄڄـ‬ 5. So Friedrich started a school like this . He called it a kindergarten . Kindergarten is a German word . It means children's garden.

)‫ اڅ آځ كا ٳيڄـكٷبكتڂ (ٳچؿٳٌتبځ‬. ‫لؿكيٲ صڄيڂ ٿـكًڈ اڍ كا تأًيي ٳلؿ‬٫ ‫ ثڄبثلايڂ‬-5 . ‫ ٳچؿٱ اًت‬٥‫ڄي ثب‬٤‫ت آٻڀبڃي اًت ٳڈ ثڈ ٿ‬٨‫ ٳيڄـكٷبكتڂ يٲ ٻ‬.‫ڃبٿيـ‬ 6. People learned about Friedrich's new school . Soon there were kindergarten all over the world . Friedrich Froebel made school a happier place for little children.

‫ صينڍ ڃٸقُت ٳڈ ؿك ًلتبًل رڊبځ‬.‫ليـكيٲ ثب ؽجل ُـڃـ‬٫ ‫ ٿلؿٽ ام ٿـكًڈ رـيـ‬-6 ‫لڅثٺ ٿـكًڈ كا ربڍ ُبؿتلڍ ثلاڍ ثضڈ ډبڍ ؽلؿًبٹ‬٫ ‫ليـكيٲ‬٫ .‫ٳچؿٳٌتبځ ايزبؿ ُـ‬ .‫ٳلؿ‬ Comprehension I. Answer the questions orally . )12 ّ(.‫بډي ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬ُ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ث‬ 1.Was there a garden in Froebel's school? No, there wasn't.

2.Did people pay much attention to him? No,they didn't.

3.Did he like to play in a garden? Yes, he did . 4.Could he play in school? No,he couldn't.

5.Should there be pretty pictures in children's books? Yes, there should.

6.Did people like Froebel's new school? Yes , they did.

II. True or false ?

)12 ّ(‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟‬

1. Everybody loved Froebel when he was a small boy. 2.He played with his friends.



3.His books had many pictures. (False) 4.His school was a happy place. (False) 5.He always remembered his school days. (True)

III. Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . )12 ّ( .‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ 1. Friedrich played alone because ….. . A . he was a very small boy B . he lived in a garden C . he loved flowers very much D . people didn't pay attention to him


. ‫لؿكيٲ ثڈ تڄڊبيي ثبمڍ ٿي ٳلؿ صچڃٴڈ ٿلؿٽ تچرڊي ثڈ اڅ ڃڀي ٳلؿڃـ‬٫

2. Friedrich thought that ….. . A . there should be many students in a school B . little children should study their books in gardens C . School should be happy places for children D . people should love flowers and plants


. ‫لؿكيٲ ٿـكًڈ ٿي ثبيٌتي ربڍ ُبؿڍ ثلاڍ ثضڈ ډب ثبُـ‬٫ ‫ل‬٠‫ثڈ ڃ‬

3. Friedrich remembered his school and garden when ….. . A .he was a man B .he was in school C . he was alone D . he had books with pictures


. ‫ل آڅكؿ‬ٛ‫َ كا ثؾب‬٧‫لؿكيٲ يٲ ٿلؿ ُـ اڅ ٿـكًڈ څ ثب‬٫ ‫ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ‬ 4. Soon there were kindergartens in every country because….. . A . people liked Friedrich Froebel's beautiful books B . people learned about Friedrich Froebel's new school C . little children all over the word were not happy D . children didn't like to sit on hard chairs ( B ) ‫لڅثٺ ثب‬٫ ‫ثنڅؿڍ ٳچؿٳٌتبځ ؿك تڀبٽ ٳِچكډب ايزبؿ ُـ صچڃٴڈ ٿلؿٽ ؿك ثبكڋ ٿـكًڌ رـيـ‬ . ‫ؽجل ُـڃـ‬

5."They should have books with pretty pictures". Pretty means ….. . A . good B . beautiful C. bad D. large


. ‫ڄبڍ ميجب اًت‬٤‫ ثڈ ٿ‬pretty ‫ت‬٨‫ » ٻ‬. ‫«ٳتبثڊبڍ آڃڊب ثبيـ تٔبڅيل ٯِڄٶ ؿاُتڈ ثبُـ‬

IV. write complete answers.

)13 ّ( . ‫ پبًؼ ٳبٿٺ ؿډيـ‬.4 1.Where did Friedrich Froebel live? He lived in Germany.

2.When did his mother die? His mother died when he was a small boy .

3. What did he do at school? In school he sat on a hard chair . All day long he looked at Books . He couldn't do things with his hands . He had to sit on that hard chair and look at books .

4. Why didn't Froebel like his book ? Because they didn't have any pictures .

5. Why is a kindergarten a happy place for children ? Because they can play and do things with their hands there .

6.What did Froebel do ? He started a kindergarten.

Speaking 1 Substitute the words in the pattern sentence. )13 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬.‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ربيٸنيڂ رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ٳڄيـ‬

I couldn't speak English 3 years ago . .‫ٿڂ ًڈ ًبٹ ٯجٺ ڃڀي تچاڃٌتپ اڃٸټيٌي ٓغجت ٳڄپ‬

1.We couldn't speak English 3 years ago .

2. He couldn't speak English 3 years ago .

3. He couldn't write English 3 years ago .

4. He couldn't ride a bicycle 3 years ago .

5. He couldn't drive a car 3 years ago .

6. He couldn't play ping pong 3 years ago .

Speaking 2 Make new sentences .Follow the model. )14 ّ( .‫ رڀالت رـيـ ثٌبميـ‬, ‫ٿبڃڄـ اٻٸچ‬ Example : Reza can speak English this year. He couldn't speak English before. 1.The students can swim very well . They couldn't swim very well before .

2. We can finish the book this year . They couldn't finish it before .

3. He can do things with his hands now. He couldn't do things with his hands before .

4. Ali can play football now. He couldn't play it before.

5. The children can read this book very well. They couldn't read it very well before. Speaking 3 Answer these questions using couldn't . )14 ّ(.‫ ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬couldn't ‫ثب‬ 1. Could Friedrich do things with his hands? No, he couldn't.

2.Could he play ? No, he couldn't.

3.Could all the students answer the questions? No, they couldn't.

4.Could you get up early this morning?

No, I couldn't.

5. Could they come to school on time? No, they couldn't.

6.Could the policeman help the boy? No, he couldn't.

7.Could the student help the woman? No, he couldn't.

8.Could you write English 4 years ago? No, I couldn't.

Speaking 4 Make new sentences using the words in brackets. )14 ّ(.‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن رڀالت رـيـ ثٌبميـ‬٬‫ثب اًت‬ Example: Bill could ride a bicycle last year.(motor bicycle) Bill couldn't ride a motor bicycle last year.

1. Friedrich could play in the garden.(at school) Friedrich couldn't play at school last year.

2.The children could read the alphabet .(their books) The children couldn't read their books last year.

3.The students could speak English last year .(write English) The students couldn't write English last year .

4.We could clean the room.(the garden) We couldn't clean the garden.

5.They could write Arabic.(German) They couldn't write German.(German) Speaking 5 Substitute the words in the pattern sentences. )15 ّ( .‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ‬ We had to do the exercise again . . ‫ٿب ٿزجچك ثچؿيپ ؿڅثبكڇ تڀليڂ كا اڃزبٽ ثـډيپ‬

1. I / clean the table. I had to clean the table.

2.She / close the door She had to close the door.

3. The teacher / ask the questions The teacher had to ask the questions.

4. The student / answer the question The student had to answer the question .

5. My sister / turn on the radio My sister had to turn on the radio . 6. His father / answer the telephone His father had to answer the telephone .

Speaking 6 Change to past tense . Use had to . )15 ّ( .‫ ثڈ ٷقُتڈ تجـيٺ ٳڄيـ‬had to ‫ثب‬ Example:They must write this exercise. They had to write this exercise. 1.He must sit on that chair . He had to sit on that chair .

2.The teacher must teach it again . The teacher had to teach it again .

3.The children must wait for the school bell. The children had to wait for the school bell.

4. I must pay for the dinner . I had to pay for the dinner . 5. The man must see the doctor. The man had to see the doctor.

6. We must finish the book. We had to finish the book.

Speaking 7 Make new sentences like the example using the words in brackets. )15 ّ(. ‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن رڀالت رـيـ ډڀبڃڄـ ٿخبٹ ثٌبميـ‬٬‫ثب اًت‬

Example : He didn't have a bicycle.(walk to school) He had to walk to school. 1. He couldn't do things with his hands .(sit on that hard chair) He had to sit on that hard chair.

2. Friedrich didn't have any friends.(look at books) He had to look at books .

3. Reza was late for class. (see the teacher) He had to see the teacher. 4. The old man was sick . (see the doctor)

He had to see the doctor.

5. They don't know the address. (a police man) They had to ask a police man .

Writing 1 Write five sentences saying what you couldn't do in the past . )16 ّ(. ‫ (ڃتچاڃٌتڂ) پڄذ رڀټڈ ؿك ثبكڋ ؽچؿتبځ ثڄچيٌيـ‬couldn't ‫ثب‬ Example : I couldn't speak English 3 years ago. 1. I couldn't write a letter yesterday . 2.I couldn't play football last week. 3. I couldn't watch the film last Friday. 4. I couldn't buy the bag last month. 5. I couldn't wash my shirt last year .

Writing 2 Write five sentences about what you had to do in the past. )16 ّ(. ‫ (ٿزجچك ثچؿځ) پڄذ رڀټڈ ؿك ثبكڋ ؽچؿتبځ ثڄچيٌيـ‬had to ‫ثب‬ 1. I had to write a letter yesterday . 2. I had to play football last week. 3. I had to watch the film last Friday. 4. I had to buy the bag last month. 5. I had to wash my shirt last year .

F. Language Functions Asking someone's name ) 16 ّ( ْ‫ڃَٰ ډبڍ مثبځ پلًيـځ ڃبٽ يٲ ُؾ‬

1. A. Excuse me . Are you Henry? ‫ آيب ُڀب ډڄلڍ ډٌتيـ؟‬, ‫ثجؾِيـ‬ 2. B. Yes . And what‟s your name A. I'm John.

2. A. What's your first name ? B. My first name is Ali .

‫ څ اًپ ُڀب صيٌت ؟‬,‫ثټڈ‬ .‫ٿڂ ربځ ډٌتپ‬

‫اًپ ُڀب صيٌت ؟‬ . ‫ټي اًت‬٣ ‫ڃبٽ ٿڂ‬

A. And what's your last name ?

‫څ ڃبٽ ؽبڃچاؿٷي ُڀب صيٌت ؟‬

B. My last name is Kabiri .

. ‫ڃبٽ ؽبڃچاؿٷي ٿڂ ٳجيلڍ اًت‬

On the phone 1. A. May I speak to Mr. Amiri ? B. Yes , just a moment , please.

2. A. Could I speak to the teacher? B. Who's speaking , please ? A. This is Reza.

‫ڄي‬٬‫ٓغجت تټ‬ . ‫ٿڀٴڄڈ ثب آٯبڍ اٿيلڍ ٓغجت ثٴڄپ‬ . ‫ڈ اڍ ٓجل ٳڄيـ‬٠‫ب” ٻغ‬٬ٜ‫ ٻ‬, ‫ثټڈ‬

‫ټپ ٓغجت ٳڄپ ؟‬٤‫آيب ٿڀٴڄڈ ثب ٿ‬ . ‫ي ٳڄيـ‬٫‫ل‬٤‫ب” ؽچؿتبځ كا ٿ‬٬ٜ‫ٻ‬ . ‫ٿڂ كٗب ډٌتپ‬

Introducing a friend

‫ي يٲ ؿڅًت‬٫‫ل‬٤‫ٿ‬

A. I'd like you to meet my friend , Henry. .‫ي ٳڄپ‬٫‫ل‬٤‫ؿڅًت ؿاكٽ ؿڅًتپ ډڄلڍ كا ثڈ ُڀب ٿ‬ B. Glad to meet you , Henry.

.‫ام آُڄبيي ثب ُڀب ؽچُچٯتپ ډڄلڍ‬

C. Nice to meet you , too.

. ‫چك‬ٜ‫ٿڂ ډپ ډڀيڄ‬

G. Pronunciation practice

( 17 ّ( ٞ٬‫تڀليڂ تټ‬ :‫ ؿاكڃـ‬/aı/‫ٳټڀبت ميل ٓـاڍ‬.II

Mine – Mike – sign – live )‫ت ثبُـ‬٬ٓ ‫ – (اٷل‬fine – wide – drive – bright

H. Vocabulary Review Fill in the blanks with these words. )18 ّ( .‫ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت ميل پل ٳڄيـ‬ pay attention – ride – get up – swim – remember– fruits– tomatoes – milk

1. My sister couldn't remember her teacher's name . 2. I need some milk for the baby . 3. We have to get up early in the morning . 4. Why don't you pay attention to the teacher .

5. We have guest today. You must buy some more fruits . 6. He can't ride that big bicycle. We must get a smaller one for him . 7. You should n't let your children swim in this part of the river. 8. We need some tomatoes for the salad.

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى اڅّٹ‬ ‫ا فعا ل كوكٖ‬ ‫‪can (not) – could (not) – have to‬‬ ‫‪has to – had to – must should‬‬ ‫ٯجٺ ام پلؿاؽتڂ ثڈ ٿچاكؿ ‪٫‬چ٭ المٽ اًت ٳڀي ؿك ٿچكؿ ا‪٤٫‬بٹ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي تچٗيظ ؿاؿڇ ُچؿ‬ ‫‪ .‬ث‪ٜ‬چك ٳټي ؿك ايڂ مثبځ ا‪٤٫‬بٹ كا ٿي تچاځ ثڈ ‪ٛ‬ليٮ فيٺ ؿًتڈ ثڄـڍ ٳلؿ ‪.‬‬

‫اًپ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ‬


‫‪worked‬‬ ‫ٳبكٳلؿڇ‬ ‫‪climbed‬‬ ‫ثبال ك‪٫‬تڈ‬

‫‪ worked‬ٳبكٳلؿ‬ ‫‪ climbed‬ثبال ك‪٫‬ت‬

‫ك‪٫‬تڈ‪gone‬‬ ‫ؿيـڇ ‪seen‬‬

‫‪ went‬ك‪٫‬ت‬ ‫‪ saw‬ؿيـ‬


‫تچاڃٌت ‪could‬‬

‫مٿبځ عبٹ ًبؿڇ‬ ‫‪work‬ٳبك ٳلؿځ‬ ‫‪ climb‬ثبال ك‪٫‬تڂ‬ ‫ك‪٫‬تڂ‬ ‫ؿيـځ‬

‫‪go‬‬ ‫‪see‬‬

‫تچاڃٌتڂ ‪can‬‬ ‫‪must‬‬ ‫ثبيـ‬

‫ا‪٤٫‬بٹ‬ ‫آټي‬ ‫ثب ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ‬


‫آټي‬ ‫ثي ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ ‪2‬‬



‫‬‫ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ثب ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ ا‪٤٫‬بٻي ډٌتڄـ ٳڈ ُٴٺ ٷقُتڈ څاًپ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٻِبځ ( ٯٌڀت ًچٽ ) ثباٗب‪٫‬ڈ‬ ‫ُـځ ( ‪ُ ) ed‬ٴٺ ٿي ٷيلؿ څاٳخليت ا‪٤٫‬بٹ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ثب ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ ډٌتڄـ ‪ .‬ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ثي ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ‬ ‫ا‪٤٫‬بٻي ډٌتڄـٳڈ ُٴٺ ٷقُتڈ څاًپ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٻِبځ ٿڀٴڂ اًت (‪ )ed‬ڃٸيلؿ څُٴټڊبڍ ٿؾتټ‪٬‬ي‬

‫ؿاُتڈ ثبُـ څٿب ثبيـ ثب ٿلار‪٤‬ڈ ثڈ ‪٫‬ڊلًت ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ثي ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ مٿبځ ٷقُتڈ څاًپ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٻِبځ كا‬ ‫ع‪ ٞ٬‬ٳڄيپ ‪ .‬ثب څرچؿيٴڈ ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ايڂ ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ثٌيبك ٿغـڅؿ اًت څٻي صچځ اٳخليت ايڂ ا‪٤٫‬بٹ‬ ‫ؿاكاڍ تٴلاك ميبؿڃـ ي‪٤‬ڄي ٳبكثلؿُبځ ؿك ڃچُتبك څٷ‪٬‬تبك ثٌيبك ٷٌتلؿڇ اًت آڃڊب كا ثبيـ ثڈ‬ ‫عب‪٠٫‬ڈ ؽچؿ ثٌپبكيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ٳڀٴي ا‪٤٫‬بٻي ډٌتڄـ ٳڈ ٯجٺ ام ا‪٤٫‬بٹ آټي ثڈ ٳبك ٿي كڅڃـ څٿ‪٬‬بډيپ ٿؾتټي ام ٯجيٺ ‪:‬‬ ‫تچاڃٌتڂ ـ ٿزجچك ثچؿځ ـ ؽچاًتڂ ـ ٿڀٴڂ ثچؿځ څ … كا ثڈ ٿ‪٤‬ڄبڍ ‪٤٫‬ٺ آټي اٗب‪٫‬ڈ‬ ‫ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪:‬‬ ‫ٿڂ ٿي تچاڃپ ايڂ ڃبٿڈ كا ثؾچاڃپ ‪.‬‬

‫‪I can read this letter .‬‬

‫‪He must go now .‬‬

‫اڅ اٳڄچځ ثبيـ ثلڅؿ‬

‫ث‪٤‬ـ ام تچٗيغبت ٿؾتٔل ‪٫‬چ٭ عبٹ ثڈ ُلط ډل يٲ ام ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ٳڀٴي ٿ‪ٜ‬لط ُـڇ ؿك ؿكى اڅٹ‬ ‫ٿي پلؿاميپ ‪.‬‬ ‫) ‪1. A - can (not ,’t ) – could ( not , n’t‬‬

‫‪ - 1‬تچاڃٌتڂ ( ڃتچاڃٌتڂ ) – تچاڃٌت ( ڃتچاڃٌت )‬ ‫‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ can‬ثڈ ٿ‪٤‬ڄبڍ تچاڃٌتڂ اًت ٳڈ ُٴٺ ٷقُتڈ آځ ‪ could‬ٿي ثبُـ ‪ُ .‬ٴٺ‬ ‫ٿڄ‪٬‬ي مٿبځ عبٹ ‪ can not‬يب ‪ can‟t‬څُٴٺ ٷقُتڈ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي‬

‫‪ could not‬يب ‪ couldn‟t‬ٿي‬


‫ڃٴتڈ ‪ :‬پي ام ٳټيڈ ‪٤٫‬ټڊبڍ ٳڀٴي ثبيـ ُٴٺ ًبؿڇ ‪٤٫‬ٺ كا ثٴبك ثجليپ ‪( .‬ٿٔـك ثـڅځ ‪) to‬‬

‫ٿخبٹ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪Afshin can open the window‬‬ ‫مٿبځ عبٹ‪:‬‬

‫ا‪ِ٫‬يڂ ٿي تچاڃـ ؿك كا ثبم ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪the window.‬‬


‫‪Afshin can not‬‬

‫مٿبځ عبٹ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي‪ :‬ا‪ِ٫‬يڂ ڃڀي تچاڃـ ؿك كا ثبم ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ثلاڍ ًإاٻي ٳلؿځ ‪٤٫ ،‬ٺ ٳڀٴي كا ؿك اثتـاڍ رڀټڈ ٿي آڅكيپ څث‪٤‬ـ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ څ ثٰيڈ رڀټڈ كا‬ ‫ٿي ڃچيٌيپ څ‪٣‬الٿت ًإاٹ كا ؿك آؽل ٿي ٷقاكيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫? ‪Can Afshin open the window‬‬ ‫آيب ا‪ِ٫‬يڂ ٿي تچاڃـ پڄزلڇ كا ثبم ٳڄـ ؟‬ ‫‪Afshin could swim well last year .‬‬ ‫ا‪ِ٫‬يڂ ًبٹ ٯجٺ ٿي تچاڃٌت ؽچة ُڄب ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪Afshin could not swim well last year .‬‬ ‫ا‪ِ٫‬يڂ ًبٹ ٯجٺ ڃڀي تچاڃٌت ؽچة ُڄب ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫? ‪could Afshin swim well last year‬‬ ‫آيبا‪ِ٫‬يڂ ًبٹ ٯجٺ ٿي تچاڃٌت ؽچة ُڄب ٳڄـ؟‬ ‫اٻجتڈ ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ could‬څ ‪ can‬ث‪٨‬يل ام تچاڃٌتڂ ‪ ،‬ٿ‪٤‬بڃي ؿيٸلڍ ڃين ؿاكؿ ‪:‬‬

‫اربمڇ ؿاؿځ‬

‫‪1.B . can – could‬‬ ‫?‪Can I use your telephone‬‬

‫اربمڇ ٿي ؿډيـ ام تټ‪٬‬ڄتب ځ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٳڄپ ؟‬ ‫?‪Could I use your bike‬‬ ‫اربمڇ ٿي ؿډيـ ام ؿڅصلؽڈ تبځ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ثٴڄپ ؟‬

‫ثلاڍ ؿكؽچاًت ٿإؿثبڃڈ‬

‫? ‪Could you open the door please‬‬

‫ٻ‪٬ٜ‬بً ؿك كا ثبم ٳڄيـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪had to‬‬ ‫ٿزجچك ثچؿ‬

‫‪1. C . could‬‬



‫‪has to‬‬

‫ٿزجچك ثچؿځ ‪ /‬ثبيـ‬

‫‪have to‬‬ ‫ٿزجچكثچؿځ ‪ /‬ثبيـ‬

‫‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ have to‬ثڈ ٿ‪٤‬ڄي ٿزجچك ثچؿځ ؿك مٿبځ عبٹ اًت ثلاڍ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ ًچٽ ُؾْ‬ ‫ٿ‪٬‬لؿ ؿك مٿبځ عبٹ ام ‪ has to‬اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪ .‬ثڈ ٿخبٻڊبڍ ميل تچرڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪I have to take a taxi now .‬‬ ‫ٿڂ االځ ٿزجچك ډٌتپ ثب تبٳٌي ثـلڅٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪You have to take a taxi now .‬‬ ‫‪He / She has to take a taxi now .‬‬ ‫‪We / You / They have to take a taxi now .‬‬ ‫اٷل ارجبك ؿك مٿبځ ٷقُتڈ ثبُـ ثبيـ ام ‪ had to‬ثلاڍ ٳټيڈ ٗڀبيل يب اُؾبّ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٳڄيپ‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫‪I / You / He / We / had to take an umbrella yesterday .‬‬ ‫ؿيلڅم ٿڂ ‪ /‬تچ ‪ /‬اڅ ‪ /‬ٿب ٿزجچك ثچؿٽ‪ /‬ثچؿڍ‪ /‬ثچؿ‪ /‬ثچؿيپ ‪ . /‬ثچؿيپ صتلڍ ثلؿاكٽ ‪ /‬ثلؿاكڍ ‪/‬‬ ‫ثلؿاكؿ ‪ /‬ثلؿاكيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٛ‬ليٰڈ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي څًإاٻي ٳلؿځ ‪have to - has to - had to :‬‬ ‫ٿ‪٤‬ڀچالً ثلاڍ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي ٳلؿځ ‪ have to‬ام ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي‬ ‫ثلاڍ ‪ had to‬ام ‪ didn‟t‬اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ don‟t‬څ ثلاڍ‬

‫‪ has to‬ام‪ doesn‟t‬څ‬

‫( ډڀبڃڄـ يٲ ‪٤٫‬ٺ آټي ٿڄ‪٬‬ي ٿي ُچڃـ ) ‪:‬‬ ‫‪1.They have to clean the kitchen now .‬‬ ‫‪2.They don‟t have to clean the kitchen now .‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬آڃڊب ٿزجچك ډٌتڄـ اآلځ آُپن ؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄڄـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-2‬آڃڊب ٿزجچك ڃيٌتڄـ اآلځ آُپنؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪3. She has to clean the kitchen now .‬‬ ‫‪4.She doesn‟t have to clean the kitchen now .‬‬ ‫‪ -3‬اڅ االځ ثبيـ آُپنؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -4‬اڅ االځ ٿزجچك ڃيٌت آُپنؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪5.She had to clean the kitchen yesterday .‬‬ ‫‪6.She didn‟t have to clean the kitchen yesterday .‬‬ ‫‪-5‬اڅ ؿيلڅم ٿزجچك ثچؿ آُپنؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-6‬اڅ ؿيلڅم ٿزجچك ڃجچؿ آُپنؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ثلاڍ ًإاٻي ٳلؿځ رڀالتيٴڈ ‪ have to - has to – had to‬ؿاكڃـ ام ‪٤٫‬ټڊبڍ ٳڀٴي ‪- do‬‬ ‫‪does‬څ ‪ did‬اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ٛ‬ليٰڈ ًإاٻي ٳلؿځ رڀالت ُڀبكڇ يٲ ‪ً ،‬ڈ څ پڄذ ثبال ‪:‬‬ ‫? ‪7. Do they have to clean the kitchen now‬‬ ‫? ‪8. Does she have to clean the kitchen‬‬ ‫? ‪9. Did she have to clean the kitchen yesterday‬‬ ‫ٿ‪٤‬بڃي رڀالت ُڀبكڇ ‪ 7‬څ‪ 8‬څ‪: 9‬‬ ‫‪ -7‬آيب اٳڄچځ آڃڊب ٿزجچك ډٌتڄـ ٳڈ آُپنؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄڄـ ؟‬

‫‪-8‬آيب اڅ ٿزجچك ډٌت ٳڈ آُپنؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄـ ؟‬ ‫‪-9‬آيب اڅ ؿيلڅم ٿزجچك ثچؿ ٳڈ آُپنؽبڃڈ كا تڀين ٳڄـ ؟‬ ‫‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ must‬ثبيـ ـ (ارجبك)‬

‫‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ must‬ثڈ ٿ‪٤‬ڄي “ ثبيـ ” اًت ٳڈ رڄجڈ ارجبك ؿاُتڈ څ ثلاڍ مٿبځ عبٹ څ آيڄـڇ ثٴبك‬ ‫ٿي كڅؿ !‬ ‫‪Ahmad must wash the car .‬‬ ‫اعڀـ ٿزجچك اًت اتچٿجيٺ كا ثِچيـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ must‬ثلاڍ ڃتيزڈ ٷيلڍ ٿڄ‪ٰٜ‬ي ؿك ٿچكؿ څٯچ‪٣ ١‬ڀټي ؿك مٿبځ عبٹ څ آيڄـڇ ڃين‬ ‫ثٴبك ٿي كڅؿ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪Ali has just finished his work . So he must be tired .‬‬ ‫‪٣‬ټي ډڀيڂ اآلځ ٳبكٍ كا تڀبٽ ٳلؿڇ اًت ‪ .‬ثڄبثلايڂ اڅ ثبيـ ؽٌتڈ ثبُـ ‪.‬‬

‫ثلاڍ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي ٳلؿځ ث‪٤‬ـ ام ‪ not-must‬ٿي آڅكيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪She must not turn on the TV.‬‬ ‫اڅ ڃجبيـ تټچينيچځ كا كڅُڂ ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ثلاڍ ًإاٻي ٳلؿځ ‪ must‬كا ؿك اثتـاڍ رڀټڈ ٿي ڃچيٌيپ څ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ كا پي ام آځ ٿي آڅكيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫آيب اڅ ثبيـ تټچينيچځ كا كڅُڂ ٳڄـ ؟‬

‫? ‪Must she turn on the TV‬‬

‫صچڃٴڈ ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ُ must‬ٴٺ ٷقُتڈ ڃـاكؿ ٿي تچاڃيپ ام‪ had to‬اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٳڄيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪Nima must answer the question now .‬‬

‫ڃيڀب اٳڄچځ ثبيـ ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪Nima had to answer the question yesterday .‬‬ ‫ڃيڀب ؿيلڅم ٿزجچك ثچؿ ثڈ ًإاٹ پبًؼ ؿډـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ should‬ثبيـ ـ ) تچٓيڈ(‬

‫ايڂ ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي رڄجڈ تچٓيڈ ؿاُتڈ څارجبك آځ ٿخٺ ‪ had to‬څ ‪ must‬ڃيٌت ثلاڍ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي ٳلؿځ‬ ‫ث‪٤‬ـ ام آځ ‪ not‬ٿي آڅكيپ څثلاڍ ًإاٻي ٳلؿځ ربڍ آځ كا ثب ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ رڀټڈ ‪٣‬چٕ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪1. You should study tonight because you have an‬‬ ‫‪exam tomorrow .‬‬

‫‪2. You should not go now .‬‬

‫? ‪3. Should Nima come here‬‬

‫‪ُ- 1‬ڀب ثبيـ اٿِت ٿ‪ٜ‬بٻ‪٤‬ڈ ٳڄيـ ميلا ‪٫‬لؿا اٿتغبځ ؿاكيـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ُ- 2‬ڀب ڃجبيـ عبال ثلڅيـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪- 3‬آيب ٿيڄب ثبيـ ثڈ ايڄزب ثيبيـ ؟‬

‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى اڅٹ‬ ‫ـت‬٨‫ٻ‬

٩‫ٿتلاؿ‬/ ٪‫لي‬٤‫ت‬

1.address /n.

the number of a house, the name of a street and a city.

‫ ٿت٘بؿ‬/‫بكًي‬٫ ‫ڄي‬٤‫ٿ‬

‫آؿكى‬ ‫ثڈ تڄڊبيي‬

2.alone /n/adj

3. all over /adj

4.all day long

without help

# together ‫ثبډپ‬

everywhere ; through out

‫ ډڀڈ رب‬-‫ًل تب ًل‬

the whole day


‫چٹ كڅم‬ٛ ‫ؿك تڀبٽ‬

5.die /v.

to stop living ; pass away

6.everybody /Ind. Pro.

every person

7. exercise /n.

a short piece of work is designed to help you.

# ‫ٿلؿځ‬ ‫ مڃـٷي ٳلؿځ‬live ‫ډڀڈ‬ ‫تڀليڂ‬ ‫ تڄجټي‬# laziness

drill;practice 8.fun / n.

sth that causes you to feel happy;amusement; enjoyment;pleasure

9.grow / v.

to raise (of plants) cultivate develop;become greater

‫ليظ‬٬‫ ت‬-‫ًلٷلٿي‬ -‫ ثـثؾتي‬# misery ‫تيلڇ كڅمڍ‬ ‫پلڅكٍ ؿاؿځ(ؿك ٿچكؿ‬ ‫ٷيبډبځ) ٳِت ٳلؿځ‬ ‫كُـ ٳلؿځ‬

10.grow up / v.

11.glad / adj. 12.have to /modal v.

13. hard / adj

14. I‟d like

become older;to be an adult



not soft; solid; firm

I would like: I want

15. Just a Moment

wait for a short time

16. Kindergarten

a school for very young children

‫ثنكٵ ُـځ‬ ‫ ؽلًڄـ‬-‫ؽچُغبٹ‬ # sad‫ڀٸيڂ‬٧ ‫ٿزجچك ثچؿځ‬-‫ثبيـ‬

‫ت‬٬ً # soft‫ڃلٽ‬

‫ٿبيټپ‬-‫ٿي ؽچاډپ‬

‫ٳڀي ٓجل ٳڂ‬ ‫ٳچؿٳٌتبځ‬

/n 17. love / v.

to like

‫ؿڅًت ؿاُتڂ‬ # hate‫لت ؿاُتڂ‬٬‫ڃ‬

18. on time / adv.

19. pay for / v. 20. pay attention to

21.plant /n. 22. pretty /adj

at the right time;not early and not late

to give money for sth

watch or listen carefully;take notice of sth


‫پلؿاؽت پچٹ ثلاڍ صينڍ‬ ‫تچرڈ ٳلؿځ ثڈ‬

Vegetable ‫ٷيبڇ‬ beautiful,attractive

23.start /v.

establish , found

24.wait / v.

Stay, remain

‫ميجب‬ # ugly‫مُت –ٳليڈ‬ ‫تبًًيي ٳلؿځ‬ ‫ل ٿبڃـځ‬٠‫ٿڄت‬ ‫ٓجل ٳلؿځ‬

‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى اڅٹ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬ . ‫بت ميل كا ؿك ربڍ ٿڄبًت ثڄچيٌيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬-A - 1 tomato – money – become older – grow paid – remember – daughter – pretty- buy 1. Jack ………… 3000 rials for that pen . 2. When I …………, I wil buy a car . 3. His little………… loves her sister . 4. Nahid wants to ………… a radio . 5. I see England on this ………… . 6. This book doesn‟t have any …………pictures. 7. Nora can‟t ………… her friend‟s first name . 8.It is red when it is ripe . It is a ………… .

 .... ‫بت ميل كا‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A -1 1.paid

2.become older






8.tomato . B -1

lived – kindergarten – little - policeman died – alone - much – pay attention 1.Could the ………………… help the boy ? 2.How ………………… did you pay for the car ? 3.These children go to ………………… every day .

4.Hamed didn‟t ………………… to his teacher . 5.My ………………… brother loves flowers . 6.His uncle ………………… last year . 7.Mr Sharifi…………………with his wife in this house . 8.Ahmad lives ………………… . He doesn‟t live with his parents .

 .... : B -1

1.policeman 5.little



3.kindergarten 7.lived

4.pay attention


. ‫ثب ٳټڀڈ ٿڄبًت ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا پل ٳڄيـ‬- 2 1.It is a school for very young children .It is a(n) …………… . 2.Ali usually …………… ping- pong on Fridays . 3.When you buy a book , you pay …………… for it . 4.You should …………… to the teacher to learn the lesson 5.I can see all the countries on the …………… of the world . 6.This …………… is very difficult . I can‟t solve it . 7. His …………… name is Taheri . 8. Her …………… name is Mina . 9.When you have some …………… you usually buy some fruits .

10.A very young child who still drinks milk is a(n) …………… . 11.Ali‟s …………… is 152 , Sun street . 12.Her little son can read the …………… of this words . 13.Samad is a very good swimmer .He can ………in this lake . 14.When he……………older , he can answer this question . 15.When Parvin was very small , her father …………… . 16.This chair is very …………… . I can‟t sit on it . 17.Mona‟s father ……..…… this factory two years ago .

 .... ‫ ثب ٳټڀڈ اڍ ٿڄبًت‬-2

1.kindergarten 5.map









4.pay attention


12.letters 16.hard


13.swim 17.started

. ‫بت ميل كا ثڄچيٌـ‬٨‫ يب ٿت٘بؿ ٻ‬٩‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ٿتلاؿ‬٬‫ثب اًت‬.3 remember–become older–sad–family name – raise badly–give– like – go –go up – big –listen carefully 1.love =

7.pay =

2.pay attention =

8.well #

3.last name =

9.forget #

4.climb =

10.happy #

5.grow up =

11.little #

6.grow =

12.come #

.... ‫بؿڇ ام‬٬‫ ثباًت‬-3 1.like

2.listen carefully

5.become older 9.remember

3.family name

6.raise 10.sad

7.give 11.big

4.go up

8.badly 12.go

‫ ٳِيـڇ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت پيـا ٳلؿڇ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ يب ډپ ٿ‬٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-4 . ‫ڈ كا ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ ٿلثچ‬٩‫څعلڅ‬ 1.She is growing up very fast .( )

A.family name

2.His last name is Amiri .( ) 3.That coconut is ready to eat .( )


4.She loves her children . ( )

C.founded; stablished

5.We started the lesson at 9 .( ) 6.He paid 500 tomans for that pen.( ) D.becoming older 7.His book has beautiful pictures . ( ) 8.Mr. Rahimi started a high school . ( ) 9. There are cinemas all over the

E.pretty F.gave G.began H.likes I.in every place of

world . ( ) 10.They called him Jack . ( )


.... ٩‫ٿتلاؿ‬-4 1.D










. ‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-5 1.In which of the following sentences doesn‟t the word “hard“ mean difficult ? A. It was hard to see where the road was . B. She was working on a very hard problem . C. Chinese is a very hard language . D.Mehran sat on a hard chair . 2.We need to have it when we go shopping.It is (a)…… A. picture

B. pocket

C. shop

D. money

3.He will buy a bus when he ……… . A. grows up

B. looks

C. plays

D. learns

4.Hamed had to ……… to the doctor yesterday . A. love

B. pay attention

C. grow


5.A school for 3 or 4 year old children is a(n) ……. A.high school


C. guidance school

D.elementary school

6.He paid 500 rials for that newspaper.The word”paid“ means: A.gave




7.He is playing alone because he has no ……… . A. schools B. gardens C. pictures

D. friends

8.Mrs Nosrati ……… her children very much . A. plays

B. walks

C. loves

D. goes

9.Which of the following words is the opposite (#) of the word ” remember“ ? A. sleep

B. forget

C. keep

D. raise

10.Which of the follwing words is the synonym (=) of the word ” pretty“ ? A. tired

B. clean

C. hard

D. beautiful

11.The exercise is very ……… . We can‟t do it. A. sick

B. hard

C. easy

D. old

12.You can see Iran on this ……… . A. map

B. plant

C. river

D. hand

13.Germany is a ……… in Europe . A. town

B. village

C. country D. city

14. Kindergarten is a German ……… A. way

B. world

A. sit

B. see

C. address C. meet

D. word D. pay

16.Mr Saravi ……… ten years ago . A. raised

B. liked

C. died

D. grew

17.She doesn‟t know the …………of this question . She has to study more now . A.bicycle

B. answer



18.He is playing …………because he has no friends . A. ready


C. alone

D. well

19.I can‟t take that book because I have a lot of things in my ………. A. teeth

B. feet

C. hands

D. legs

20.We grow vegetables in the ………… of our house . A. garden

B. school

C. kindergarten

D. store

1.D 9.B

2.D 3.A







16.C 17.B







8.C .... ‫ت ٷنيڄڈ‬٨‫ ٻ‬-5


. ‫ ثڊتليڂ پبًؼ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-‫ٷلاٿل‬.6 1.Frank didn‟t know the address ,so he ………ask a man . A. have to

B. had to

C. has to

D. must

2.Maria ……… come to school on time yesterday . A. has to

B. have to

C. can

D. couldn‟t

3.Dirk couldn‟t answer the question yesterday . He ……… answer the question now . A. has to

B. had to

C. have to

D. could

4.Nahid and pari ……… clean the kitchen yesterday . A. has to

B. have to

C. had to

D. must

5.They ……… to go to school today . A. have

B. has

C. should

D. can

6.Rita had to ……… the radio last night . A.turn on B.turning on

C.turned on

D.turns on

7.Omid could ……… football yesterday. A.playing


C. to play

D. played

8.He could ……… a bicycle two years ago . A.not ride

B. not to ride


D. not ridden

9.She ……… to go to the park now . A. must

B. had

C. has

D. should

10.I ……… see the doctor now . A. had to

B. has to

C. could

D. must

11.Gary‟s father ……… finish the book now . A. have to

B.has to

C.had to

D.didn‟t have to

12.They can ……… very well now . A. swum

B. swim

C. swam

D. swimming

13.They had ……… well for the exam .

A.to study

B. study

C. studying

D. studies

14.Her class begins at 8 . She ……… leave now . A. have to

B. must

C. had to

D. could

15.- Could you ……… English 5 years ago ? - Yes ,I could . A. speak

B. spoke

C. spoken

D. to speak

16.I must ………the grandfather . A. see

B. to see

C. saw

D. seen

17.Norma couldn‟t ……… a car 4 years ago . A. drive

B. drove

C. driven

D. driving

18.Stella ……… study last night because she had an exam this morning. A. must

B. had to

C. has to

D. should

19.I must ……… this letter because I want to post it .

A.to finish




20.Did she ……… clean the room yesterday ? A. has to

B. had to

C. have to


.... ‫ ثڊتليڂ‬-‫ٷلاٿل‬-6 1.B




















‫ ٷلاٿل – ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڄچيٌيـ څ ًپي آڃڊب كا‬-7 . ‫ًإاٻي ٳڄيـ‬ 1. Farzad ……… see the typist now . ( have to ) …………………………………………………… ? 2. They could ……… to school on time . ( came ) …………………………………………………… ? 3.He must ……… his homework now . ( to do ) …………………………………………………… ? 4.Alex ……… write a letter yesterday . ( have to ) …………………………………………………… ? 5. Nora couldn‟t ……… English before . ( spoken ) …………………………………………………… ? 6. Ali‟s uncle ……… go to the factory two days ago. ( have to ) …………………………………………………… ? 7.He can ……… what the teacher says .(understood) …………………………………………………… ? 8. Nahid can ……… you at 10 o‟clock . ( met ) …………………………………………………… ? 9. You should ……… him later . ( telephone ) …………………………………………………… ? 10. Sandy can‟t ……… her a letter .(wrote) …………………………………………………… ?

.... ‫ ُٴٺ‬-‫ٷلاٿل‬-7 1.has to Does Farzad have to see the typist now? 2.come Could they come to school on time? 3.do Must he do his homework now? 4.had to Did Alex have to write a letter yesterday? 5.speak Couldn‟t Nora speak English before? 6.had to Did Ali‟s uncle have to go to the factory two days ago? 7.understand Can he understand what the teacher says? 8.meet Can Nahid meet you at 10 o‟clock? 9.telephone Should you telephone him later? 10.write Can‟t Sandy write her a letter?

. ‫رڀالت ميل كا ثڈ ٷقُتڈ تجـيٺ ٳڄيـ‬

- 8


He can speak French very well now . ……………………………………………

2. Neda must pay for the dinner . …………………………………………… 3. We must go now . …………………………………………… 4. They can‟t answer the questions . …………………………………………… 5. Mona has to walk to school . …………………………………………… 6. They have to see the dentist . …………………………………………… 7. Ahmad can swim very well now . …………………………………………… 8. He can remember his name . …………………………………………… 9.Sima can do the exercises well . …………………………………………… 10.They must swim

very well .


.... ‫ رڀالت ميل كا‬-8 1.He could speak French very well before.

2.Neda had to pay for the dinner. 3.We had to go before. 4.They couldn‟t answer the questions. 5.Mona had to walk to school. 6.They had to see the dentist. 7.Ahmad could swim very well before. 8.He could remember his name. 9.Sima could do the exercises well. 10.They had to swim very well. . ‫ثب ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت ميل رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬

- 9

1. had to – Friedrich – look at – books . …………………………………………………. 2. school – works – children – for - little – she – a – in. …………………………………………………. 3. have – pay – it - for – don‟t – we – to – money . …………………………………………………. 4.countries–are –the world – there – many – all over-rich . …………………………………………………. 5.far – to – taxi stand – the – nearest – it – how – is ? ………………………………………………….

.... ‫ثب ٳټڀبت‬-9 1.Friedrich had to look at books. 2.She works in a school for little children.

3.We don‟t have to pay money for it. 4.There are many rich countries all over the world. 5.How far is to it the nearest taxi stand? . ‫ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔبڅيل ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ 1.


- 10

What is this ?

When does Ali‟s father usually go to work ?

.... ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔبڅيل‬-10 1.It is the map of Iran. 2.He usually goes to work at 7 o‟clock . ‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ ميل كا ثب ٳټڀبت ٿڄبًت ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬:A

- 11

(1) A. ………… me . Are you Carl ? B. Yes and what‟s …………? A. I‟m ……… . (2). A. Could I ………… to the ………… ? B. Who‟s ………… , please ? A. This is Ramin .

…. ‫ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬: A -11 1.A:Excuse

B:your name

2.A:speak / teacher



. ‫ ٯٌڀت صپ څكاًت ٿٴبٻڀبت ميل كا ثب ډپ رچك ٳڄيـ‬. B -11 1. May I speak to Mr Naderi ? ( 2. What‟s your name ? (

A.Nice to meet you too . B.It’s Tehrani C.The radio . D.I am Bob . E.Just a moment please


3. Glad to meet you , Nima . ( 4. What‟s your last name ? ( 5. What did he turn off ? (


) )


.... ‫ٯٌڀت صپ‬: B -11 1.E





‫بڅت اًت ؟‬٬‫ ٿٔچت ثب ثٰيڈ ٿت‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫ ٳـاٽ ٷنيڄڈ ام ڃ‬-12 1. A. drive

B. sing

C. ride

D. write

2. A. sick

B. sit

C. his

D. like

3. A. fine

B. sing

C. sit

D. milk

4. A. it

B. with

C. hi

D. is

5. A. answer

B. Just

C. had

D. glad

.... ‫ٳـاٽ ٷنيڄڈ‬-12 1.B





. ‫ ٿتڂ ٳچتبڇ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬: A-13 When Arash writes a letter , he likes to be alone . At weekends he usually goes to the cinema with his friends .

1.Arash always goes to the cinema alone . True


2. He can‟t write a letter.



3.Who writes a letter ? 4.When doesn‟t he like to see anybody ?

5.Does he usually go to the cinema with his friends? 6.When does he go to the cinema ? .... ‫ ٿتڂ ٳچتبڇ‬: A -13 1.False


3.Arash writes a letter

4.When he writes a letter, he doesn't like to see anybody. 5.Yes, he does.

6.He usually goes to the cinema at weekends. . ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬: B -13

Children‟s education is changing rapidly all over the world.Books are full of pretty pictures and some schools have even gardens full of plants , flowers and trees . But what was it like in the past ?

In the past , teachers made children sit still for hours . They made them memorize All sorts of things . In other words , the children

had to go on repeating things until they knew them “ by heart “ ; but they couldn‟t use them much . 1.In the past , schools didn‟t have ………… A.books


C. teachers

D. students

2.Children had to memorize the sentences of their books . True


3.The text says that children can‟t learn anything . True


4.Who made children memorize all sorts of things ?

5.Could children use what they learn ? ‫تڊـب‬٨‫ڄي ٻ‬٤‫ٿ‬ weekend ‫تڈ‬٬‫يټي پبيبځ ډ‬ٜ٤‫ت‬



in other words

‫څاؿاك ٿي ٳلؿڃـ‬

still memorize text

‫آكاٽ‬ ‫ ٳلؿځ‬ٞ٬‫ع‬

١‫اڃچا‬ ‫جبكت ؿيٸل‬٣ ‫ثڈ‬



by heart

ٞ٬‫ام ع‬

‫ٿتڂ‬ ....‫ٿتڂ ميل كا‬: B -13



5.No,they couldn‟t



. ‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ميل ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬.C .13 Mr Rivers is an English teacher . He‟s 30 years old . He is a very good teacher . Students love him very much . He always speaks English in the class .He lives near the school . He doesn‟t have to go

to school by bus or taxi .He can get to school in a few minutes . He never comes to school late .

1.He never speaks English in the class . True


2.He always comes to school on time . True


3.What does Mr Rivers do ?

4.Does he live near the school ?

5.Why do the students love him ? 6.Why doesn‟t he go to school by taxi ?

: C -13 1.False


3.He is a teacher

5.Because he is a good teacher

4.Yes, he does .

6.Because he lives near school .

Lesson Two ) 20 ّ( 2 ‫ؿكى‬ A. New words

‫ٳټڀبت تبمڇ‬

1. This man has a monkey .

.‫ايڂ ٿلؿ يٲ ٿيڀچځ ؿاكؿ‬

The monkey is on top of the tree . The monkey has a coconut in his hand . . ‫ ٿيڀچځ ؿك ؿًتَ ڃبكٷيٺ ؿاكؿ‬. ‫ٿيڀچځ ؿك ثبالڍ ؿكؽت اًت‬ Where is the monkey ? It is on top of the tree .

What does the monkey have in his hand ? It has a coconut in his hand .

2.A cat saw a dog . The cat climbed to the top of the tree. . ‫ت‬٫‫ٷلثڈ ثڈ ثبالڍ ؿكؽت ك‬. ‫ٷلثڈ اڍ ًٸي كا ؿيـ‬ Where did the cat climb ?

It climbed to the top of the tree.

Why did the cat climb to the top of the tree ?

Because it saw a dog .

3. Farmers work on the land . They grow fruits and vegetables. . ‫آڃڊب ٿيچڇ ربت څ ًجنيزبت پلڅكٍ ٿي ؿډڄـ‬. ‫ڈ ٳبك ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬٣‫ٳِبڅكماځ ؿك ٿنك‬ Where do farmers work ? They work on the land .

What do farmers do on the land ? They grow fruits and vegetables.

4. In some countries monkeys work as famhands on the farm. They help farmers. . ‫ڈ ٳبك ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬٣‫ڈ ؿك ٿنك‬٣‫ؿك ثلؽي ام ٳِچكډب ٿيڀچڃڊب ٿخٺ ٳبكٷلاځ ٿنك‬ What does a famhand do ? He helps farmers. Where does a farmhand work ? He works on the farm.

5.The cows are eating grass in the field . . ‫چٹ صلا ډٌتڄـ‬٨ِ‫ايڂ ٷبڅډب ؿك ٳِتناك ٿ‬ Where are the cows ? They are in the field .

What are the cows doing there ? They are eating grass in the field .


My students are clever . They learn very fast. . ‫ يبؿ ٿي ٷيلڃـ‬٢‫ آڃڊب ؽيټي ًلي‬. ‫ؿاڃَ آٿچماځ ٿڂ مكڃٶ ډٌتڄـ‬

Are my students clever? Yes , they are . Do they learn fast ? Yes , they do . 3-

Flowers are beautiful . Don't pick them. . ‫ آڃڊب كا ڃضيڄيـ‬. ‫ٷټڊب ميجب ډٌتڄـ‬ Are flowers beautiful ? Yes , they are .

Should we pick beautiful flowers in parks ? No , we/you shouldn't .


We pick fruits when they are ripe .We don't pick them when they are green .

‫څٯتيٴڈ آڃڊب ڃبكى (ًجن) ډٌتڄـ ٿب آڃڊب كا‬. ‫څٯتيٴڈ ٿيچڇ ډب ثلًڄـ ٿب آڃڊب كا ٿي صيڄيپ‬ .‫ڃڀي صيڄيپ‬ When do we pick fruits ? We pick them when they are ripe .

Which is better a green orange or a ripe orange ? A ripe orange is better than a green orange .

9. Monkeys are funny animals . It is fun for the children to see monkeys.

. ‫ ؿيـځ ٿيڀچڃڊب ثلاڍ ثضڈ ډب ًلٷلٽ ٳڄڄـڇ اًت‬. ‫ٿيڀچڃڊب عيچاڃبت ثب ډچُي ډٌتڄـ‬ Why do children like monkeys ? Because they are funny animals .

Where can children see monkeys. They can see monkeys in a zoo . 10.Farmers raise plants ,vegetables ,and flowers . They also raise animals .

‫آڃڊب ډڀضڄيڂ عيچاڃبت كا‬. ‫ څ ٷټڊب كا پلڅكٍ ٿي ؿډڄـ‬, ‫ ًجنيزبت‬, ‫ٳِبڅكماځ ٷيبډبځ‬ . ‫پلڅكٍ ٿي ؿډڄـ‬ What do farmers do ?

They raise plants , vegetables ,and flowers . They also raise animals .

Find the meaning of the underlined words. )23 ّ(.‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا پيـا ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ٿ‬

1. Many animals can climb trees . ( b)

A. grow

2. Farmhands help farmers .

B. go up

(c )

3. The cows are eating grass in the field . (e) C. farm workers 4. Monkeys do funny things . (d)

D. things that makes us laugh

5. Farmers raise plants and vegetables. (a)

E. a piece of land

‫‪Lesson Two‬‬ ‫ؿكى ‪) 24ّ( 2‬‬ ‫‪The funny farmhand‬‬ ‫ٳبكٷل ٿنك‪٣‬ڈ ٿ٘غٲ (ّ ‪)24‬‬

‫‪1. Monkeys are clever animals . They can learn many things . In‬‬ ‫‪some countries they are farmhands . They help farmers .‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬ٿيڀچڃڊب عيچاڃبت ثب ډچُي ډٌتڄـ ‪ .‬آڃڊب صين ډبيي ميبؿڍ كا ٿي تچاڃڄـ يبؿ ثٸيلڃـ‪ .‬ؿك‬ ‫ثلؽي ام ٳِچكډب آڃڊب ٳبكٷلاځ ٿنك‪٣‬ڈ ډٌتڄـ‪ .‬آڃڊب ثڈ ٳِبڅكماځ ٳڀٲ ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪2. These monkeys live in the jungles of hot lands . There , farmers‬‬ ‫‪raise coconuts in fields .‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬ايڂ ٿيڀچڃڊب ؿك رڄٸټڊبڍ ٿڄب‪ٛ‬ٮ ٷلٿٌيلڍ مڃـٷي ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬ؿك آڃزب ٳِبڅكماځ ؿك‬ ‫ٿناك‪ ١‬ڃبكٷيٺ پلڅكٍ ٿي ؿډڄـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪3. Coconuts grow at the tops of tall trees . The farmer must climb‬‬ ‫‪each tree to pick them . It is hard work . Some farmers keep‬‬ ‫‪monkeys. They do this work .‬‬ ‫‪ -3‬ڃبكٷيٺ ډب ؿك ڃچٱ ؿكؽتبځ ثټڄـ ٿي كڅيڄـ ‪ .‬ٳِبڅكم ثلاڍ صيـځ آڃڊب ثبيـ ام ډل ؿكؽتي‬ ‫ثبال ثلڅؿ ‪.‬ٳبك ًؾتي اًت ‪ .‬ثلؽي ام ٳِبڅكماځ ٿيڀچځ ڃٸڊـاكڍ ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬آڃڊب ايڂ ٳبك كا‬

‫اڃزبٽ ٿي ؿډڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪4. It's fun to see a monkey going to work . He rides on the back of‬‬ ‫‪the farmer's bicycle .When he get to the field , the monkey‬‬ ‫‪climbs each tree . He looks at the coconuts .‬‬ ‫‪ .4‬ثڈ ًل ٳبك ك‪٫‬تڂ يٲ ٿيڀچځ ؽيټي تڀبُبيي (ًلٷلٽ ٳڄڄـڇ) اًت ‪ .‬اڅ ًچاك تلٱ ثڄـ‬ ‫ؿڅصلؽڌ ٳِبڅكم ٿي ُچؿ ‪.‬څٯتيٴڈ آڃڊب ثڈ ٿنك‪٣‬ڈ ٿي كًڄـ ام ډل ؿكؽتي ثبال ٿي كڅڃـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ٿيڀچځ ثڈ ڃبكٷيٺ ډب ڃٸبڇ ٿي ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪The monkey knows that a brown coconut is ripe . He knows‬‬ ‫‪that a green one must stay on the tree longer . He picks the‬‬ ‫‪brown ones. And he drops them down to the farmer .‬‬ ‫‪ -5‬ٿيڀچځ ٿي ؿاڃـ ٳڈ يٲ ڃبكٷيٺ ٯڊچڇ اڍ كًيـڇ اًت ‪ .‬اڅ ٿي ؿاڃـ ٳڈ يٲ ڃبكٷيٺ ًجن‬ ‫ٿـّت ثيِتلڍ ثبيـ ثل كڅڍ ؿكؽت ثڀبڃـ ‪ .‬اڅ ڃبكٷيٺ ډبڍ ٯڊچڇ اڍ كا ٿي صيڄـ ‪ .‬څ آڃڊب كا‬ ‫ثلاڍ ٳِبڅكم ثڈ پبييڂ ٿي اڃـامؿ ‪.‬‬


‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬Comprehension I. Answer the questions orally . )25 ّ(.‫بډي ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬ُ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ث‬ 1. What can monkeys learn ? They can learn many things .

2. Where do farmers raise coconuts ? They raise coconuts in the jungles of hot lands .

3. What must the farmers do to pick coconuts ? They must climb each tree to pick them .

4. How do monkeys help farmers ? They pick coconuts for the farmers .

5. How does a monkey go to work ? He rides on the back of the farmer's bicycle .

6. What colour is a ripe coconut ? It is brown .

7. Why do farmers call monkeys "farmhands"? Because they work on the farm and help farmers .

II.True or false ? )25 ّ(‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟‬ 1. It's easy for people to climb a coconut tree . ( f ) 2. Monkeys live in all parts of the world . ( f ) 3. Farmers think that picking coconut is difficult . ( t ) 4. Monkeys can ride their bicycles to work . ( f ) 5. Their work is fun . ( t ) 6. Monkeys know their jobs well. ( t ) III.Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . )25 ّ( ‫ ؟‬.‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬

1. Monkeys are clever animals because they ….. . A. can learn many things

B. are very funny C. help people very much . D. like coconuts . ‫ٿيڀچڃڊب عيچاڃبت ثب ډچُي ډٌتڄـ ميلا آڃڊب ٿي تچاڃڄـ صينډبڍ ميبؿڍ كا يبؿ ثٸيلڃـ‬ 2. The farmers keep monkeys to ….. . A. climb trees B. do many things C. ride bicycles D. pick coconuts .

. ‫ٳِبڅكماځ ثلاڍ صيـځ ڃبكٷيټڊب ٿيڀچڃڊب كا ڃٸڊـاكڍ ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬ 3. It's hard work to pick coconuts because they grow ….. . A. in the jungles of hot lands B. at the tops of tall trees C. in a few countries D. far from the farmers' houses . ‫صچڃٴڈ ڃبكٷيټڊب ؿك ڃچٱ ؿكؽتبځ ٿي كڅيڄـ صيـځ آڃڊب ؿُچاك اًت‬ 4. When a fruit is ripe …. . A. it is good to eat B. you shouldn't pick it

C. it isn't good to eat D. you can't pick it . ‫ٿيچڋ كًيـڇ ثلاڍ ؽچكؿځ ٿڄبًت اًت‬ 5. Farmers raise plants and vegetables. "raise" means …. . A. need B. keep C. grow D. watch ٍ‫ڄبڍ پلڅك‬٤‫" ثڈ ٿ‬raise" ‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬. ‫ٳِبڅكماځ ٷيبډبځ څ ًجنيزبت كا پلڅكٍ ٿي ؿډڄـ‬ . ‫ؿاؿځ اًت‬ IV. Read the paragraphs and complete the sentences . The number of the paragraph is given .

.‫ڊب ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ اًت‬٫‫ ُڀبكڋ پبكاٷلا‬. ‫ڊب كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ايڂ رڀالت كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬٫‫پبكاٷلا‬ )26ّ(‫ثب پبًؼ‬ 1. There are many hot countries in Asia . (2) 2. Persian farmers raise a lot of rice in the North. (2) 3. Could you please help me with my English ? (1) 4. There is a small cat in the back of the house .(4) 5. He'll take an exam tomorrow . He must stay awake longer tonight. (5) Speaking 1 Substitute the words in the pattern sentence . ‫ )پبًؼ‬27 ّ( . ‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ‬ It is ten o'clock. . ‫ اًت‬10 ‫ت‬٣‫ًب‬ 1. It is Monday. 2. It is early . 3. It is hot today . 4. It is raining . 5. It is getting late . 6. It is easy to learn English . 7. It is ten kilometers to the next village .

Speaking 2

Use the following words and phrases in questions with it and give the correct short answer. ‫ ًإاٹ ًبؽتڈ څ رچاة ٳچتبڇ څ ٓغيظ‬it ‫بؿڇ ٳڄيـڅ ثب‬٬‫جبكات ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ اًت‬٣ ‫ام ٳټڀبت څ‬ ‫ )پبًؼ‬27 ّ( . ‫ثـډيـ‬ 1. Is it spring ? No , it isn't . 2. Is it Aban ? Yes it is . 3. Is it cold today ? No ' it isn't . 4. Is it snowing ? No , It isn't . 5. Is it fun to watch little children play ? Yes , it is . 6. Is it difficult to climb a coconut tree ? Yes , it is . 7. Is it easy to speak English ? Yes , it is . 8. Is it necessary to speak correctly ? Yes , it is . 9. Is it important to finish the book ? Yes , it is . Speaking 3 Answer the following questions. ) 28 ّ( . ‫ثڈ ًإاالت ميل پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ 1. Is it cold today ? Yes , it is .

2. Is it difficult to walk in the dark ? Yes , it is .

3. When does it usually snow ?

It usually snows in winter . 4. Did it rain yesterday ? No , it didn't .

5. How far is it from here to your home ? It is about 5 kilometers .

6. How far is it to the nearest bus stop ? It is 2 kilometers.

7. Who is on the phone ? Your teacher or your brother ? It is my brother .

8. Is it time for lunch ? No , it isn't .

9. Is it easy to learn English ? Yes , it is .

10. Is it important to be on time ? Yes , it is .

Writing 1 Write a sentence for each situation with "it" as subject .

)29 ّ(. ‫ٺ (ٿزبمڍ) ثڄچيٌيـ‬٣‫ب‬٫ ‫ڄچاځ‬٤‫" ث‬it" ‫يت رڀټڈ اڍ ثب‬٤‫ثلاڍ ډل ٿچٯ‬ 1. What is it ? It is a guidance school . 2. Whose book is it ? It is Ahmad's book . 3. What time is it ? It is 7 o'clock . 4. How far is it to Tehran ? It is 15 kms . 5. Is it raining or snowing ? It is raining .

Writing 2 Use should with the phrase given. )30 ّ( . ‫ ثٴبك ثجليـ‬should ‫جبكت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ كا ثب‬٣ 1. Their radio doesn't work . (buy a new one) They should buy a new one .

2. John likes to see his brother .(travel to Europe) He should travel to Europe .

3. You are sick . (stay in bed) You should stay in bed . 4. She doesn't now the dialog . (learn it ) She should learn it .

5. I like to learn English. (study hard) You should study hard .

6. The student doesn't have a dictionary .(go to the library) He should go to the library .

7. We have a test at 7 o'clock . (get up early) You should get up early.

8. They don't know the address. (ask a police man) They should ask a policeman .

F. language functions

Finding out about people

)30 ّ( ‫ڃَٰ ډبڍ مثبځ‬

‫بت ؿك ثبكڋ ٿلؿٽ‬٣‫ال‬ٛ‫ٳٌت ا‬

1. A. Where do you come from ? B. I come from Japan . A. What do you do ? B. I'm a teacher. A. What's your address ? B. 172 Azadi Avenue . 2.

‫ُڀب اډٺ ٳزب ډٌتيـ ؟‬ . ‫اډٺ هاپڂ ډٌتپ‬ ‫ٺ ُڀب صيٌت ؟‬٨ُ . ‫ټپ ډٌتپ‬٤‫ٿڂ ٿ‬ ‫آؿكى ُڀب صيٌت ؟‬ . ‫ ؽيبثبځ آماؿڍ‬171 ‫پالٱ ُڀبكڇ‬

A. Who's that ?

‫آځ ٳيٌت‬

B. That's Hassan .

. ‫آځ عٌڂ اًت‬

A. Where's he from ?

‫اڅ اډٺ ٳزبًت ؟‬

B. He's from Turkey .

. ‫اڅ اډٺ تلٳيڈ اًت‬

A. I see .And what does he do here ? ‫ څ اڅ ؿك ايڄزب صڈ ٳبك ٿي ٳڄـ ؟‬. ‫ڊڀيـٽ‬٫ B. I think he is a student . A. Can he speak Farsi ?

. ‫ٴل ٿي ٳڄپ ٳڈ اڅ ؿاڃِزچ اًت‬٫ ‫ٿڂ‬ ‫بكًي ٿي تچاڃـ ٓغجت ٳڄـ ؟‬٫ ‫آيب اڅ ثڈ مثبځ‬

B. Yes, he can .

. ‫ثټڈ ا څ ٿي تچاڃـ‬

G. pronunciation

)31 ّ( ٞ٬‫تټ‬ :‫ ؿاكڃـ‬/u:/ ‫ ٳټڀبت ميل ٓـاڍ‬.2

Food – do – who – true – boot – tool – tooth – blue

Vocabulary review

)32 ّ( ‫بت‬٨‫ٿلڅك ٻ‬

Make sentences with the words in column I and II . ) ‫ ( پبًؼ‬. ‫ رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬2 ‫څ‬1 ‫ثب ٳټڀبت ًتچڃڊبڍ‬ 1. The plate is dirty . 2. The monkey is funny . 3. The test is very difficult .

4. The book is full of pretty pictures . 5. The orange is not ripe . 6. The jungle is full of wild animals . 7. The train is fast . 8. The flower is pretty . 9. The sky is cloudy . 10. The child is very thin .

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى ؿڅٽ‬ ‫ٿچاكؿ ٳبكثلؿ « ‪» It‬‬ ‫‪- 1‬ث‪٤‬ڄچاځ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ ٿزبمڍ يب ‪٧‬يل عٰيٰي ؿك رڀالتيٴڈ ؿالٻت ثل مٿبځ ‪ ،‬څٗ‪ ٢‬ډچا ‪ ،‬ؿكرڈ‬ ‫علاكت ‪ ،‬اُيبء ‪ ،‬عيچاڃبت ‪ ،‬ٿٌب‪٫‬ت څ ٿ‪٤‬ل‪٫‬ي اُؾبّ ؿاكؿ څؿك اٻٸچڍ رڀټڈ ڃچيٌي ‪:‬‬ ‫…‪ +‬ٿٔـكثب ‪٬ٓ + to‬ت ‪It+ is/was+‬‬

‫ثٴبك ٿي كڅؿ ‪.‬‬

‫ثڈ ايڂ ٿخبٻڊب تچرڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪1.It is 8 oclock .‬‬

‫ًب‪٣‬ت ډِت اًت ‪ ( .‬مٿبځ )‬

‫‪2. It is time for dinner .‬‬

‫څٯت ُبٽ اًت ‪ ( .‬مٿبځ )‬ ‫( ‪ it‬تلرڀڈ ڃڀي ُچؿ )‬

‫‪3. It is sunny .‬‬

‫ډچا آ‪٫‬تبثي اًت ‪ (.‬ډچا)‬

‫‪4. It is very hot .‬‬

‫ډچا ؽيټي ٷلٽ اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫(‪ it‬ثڈ ربڍ ډچا )‬ ‫آځ ٳي‪ ٪‬اًت ‪ُ(.‬ي ء )‬

‫‪5 . It is a bag‬‬

‫آځ ٿل‪ ٥‬اًت ‪ (.‬عيچاځ )‬

‫‪6. It is a hen .‬‬ ‫‪7. It is 180 kms to Amol.‬‬

‫تب آٿٺ ‪ 180‬ٳيټچٿتل‬ ‫‪٫‬بٓټڈ ډٌت ‪ (.‬ٿٌب‪٫‬ت ) (‪ i t‬تلرڀڈ ڃڀي ُچؿ )‬

‫‪8. It is Mr Majidi .‬‬ ‫‪9. It is me .‬‬

‫آٯبڍ ٿزيـڍ ډٌت ‪ ( .‬اڃٌبځ )‬ ‫ٿڂ ډٌتپ ‪ ( .‬اڃٌبځ )‬ ‫(‪ it‬تلرڀڈ ڃڀي ُچؿ ‪).‬‬ ‫اٻٸچڍ رڀټڈ ڃچيٌي (‪ it‬تلرڀڈ ڃڀي ُچؿ ‪).‬‬ ‫كاڃڄـٷي آًبځ اًت‬

‫‪10. It is easy to drive a car‬‬

‫‪ ’’ It ‘‘- 2‬ث‪٤‬ڄچاځ ٗڀيل ٿ‪٤٬‬چٻي ( ُي ء څعيچاځ ) ث‪٤‬ـ ام ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٿت‪٤‬ـڍ ثٴبك ٿي كڅؿ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪1.I bought a pen last week.I gave it to my sister‬‬ ‫‪yesterday .‬‬ ‫ډ‪٬‬تڈ ٷقُتڈ ٿڂ يٲ ؽچؿٳبك ؽليـٽ ‪ .‬ؿيلڅم آځ كا ثڈ ؽچاډلٽ ؿاؿٽ ‪.‬‬

‫‪2. She has a dog . She likes it very much .‬‬ ‫اڅ ًٸي ؿاكؿ ‪ .‬اڅ آځ كا ؽيټي ؿڅًت ؿاكؿ ‪.‬‬

‫تچرڈ ‪ :‬ثڈ علڅ‪ ٩‬اٗب‪٫‬ڈ څيوڇ ٳټڀبت ميل ؿٯت ٳڄيـ څ آڃڊب كا ثڈ ؽب‪ٛ‬ل ثٌپبكيـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪1. They are working on the farm .‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬آڃڊب ؿك ٿنك‪٣‬ڈ ٳبك ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪2. The horse is running in the field .‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬اًت ؿك صلاٷبڇ ٿي تبمؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪3. The farmer works on the land .‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬ٳِبڅكم ؿك ٿنك‪٣‬ڈ ٳبك ٿي ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫تچٗيغبت ٿلثچ‪ ٙ‬ثڈ ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي ‪ should‬كا ؿك ٯٌڀت ٷلاٿل ؿكى اڅٹ ٿالع‪٠‬ڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ ‪.‬‬

‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى ؿڅٽ‬ 1. 1. also /adv 1. 2. as /conj 2. awake /adj , v . 3. back /n. 4. beautiful / adj . 5. better / adv . 6. clever / adj 7. climb /v. 8. cloudy / adj . 10. coconut /n. 11. cold / adj 12. correct (ly) / adv 13. cow /n. 14.dark / adj 15.dialog /n . 16.drop down / v.

in addition; besides ‫ډڀضڄيڂ‬ ; too having ‫ڄچاځ‬٤‫ث‬ the function of someone conscious;cause a person ‫ ثيـاك ٳلؿځ‬-‫ثيـاك‬ or animel to stop # asleep ‫ؽچاة‬ sleeping . rear part;here luggage )‫ٰت( ؿك ايڄزبثبكثڄـ ؿڅصلؽڈ‬٣ ‫ٯٌڀت‬ carrier ‫ميجب‬ pretty ; cute # ugly ‫مُت‬ ‫ثڊتل‬ more pleasant # worse ‫ثـتل‬ ٍ‫ ثبډچ‬، ‫مكڃٶ‬ smart ; talented ; intelligent # dull ‫ٳچؿځ‬ ‫تڂ‬٫‫ثبال ك‬ to go up ; ascend ; mount # descend ‫پبييڂ آٿـځ‬ ‫اثلڍ‬ covered with clouds # clear ٩‫ٓب‬ very big brown nut ‫ڃبكٷيٺ‬ which grows on palm trees and has sweet white milk inside . ‫ًلؿ‬ not warm # hot ‫ٷلٽ‬ ‫ ؿكًت‬،‫ٓغيظ‬ accurate ; exact # wrong ٚ‫ټ‬٧ ‫ٷبڅ ٿبؿڇ‬ a big farm animal that # ox ‫ٷبڅڃل‬ gives milk . with no light; gloomy ; dim talking; conversation to let fall ; cause sth to fall

‫تبكيٲ – تيلڇ‬ # bright ‫كڅُڂ‬ ‫تٸچ – ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬٬‫ٷ‬ ‫ثڈ پبييڂ اڃـاؽتڂ‬

# lift ; raise 17.exam / n. 18.far /adv. 19.farm hand / n. 20.fix / v. 21.full /adj


22.funny / adj 23.get late / v. 24.get to / v. 25.grass / n.

amusing ;laughable

26.have a cold / v.

at a great remote ;

‫اٿتغبځ‬ distance # near

‫ڈ‬٣‫ٳبكٷل ٿنك‬

to mend ; repair

‫ڀيل ٳلؿځ‬٤‫ت‬

filled ; complet

to arrive after the time that was arranged to reach; arrive at plants with thin , green leaves that cows and sheep eat illness that makes you cough and sneez. heated;burning; warm

31.land /n.

part of the earth not covered by water ; ground . to make sound which shows that somebody is happy extensive, extent or extent in time . good ; pleasant ;

33.long / adj 34.nice

‫ؿڅك‬ ‫ڃنؿيٲ‬

farm worker

27.hot / adj 28.important /adj . 29.jungle /n. 30.keep /v.

32.laugh / v.

‫ثبال ثلؿځ‬

very significant valuabe,or necessary


forest ; woods to have sth ; hold

‫پل‬ # empty ‫ؽبٻي‬ ‫ثبٿنڇ – ؽڄـڇ ؿاك‬ # sad ‫ڀٸيڂ‬٧ ‫ؿيل ُـځ‬ ‫كًيـځ ثڈ‬ ٪‫ټ‬٣ ‫ًلٿب ؽچكؿٷي‬ ‫ؿاُتڂ‬ ‫ – ٷلٽ‬٥‫ؿا‬ # cold ‫ؽڄٲ‬ ‫ ثب اډڀيت‬، ‫ٿڊپ‬ # trival ‫ٳپ اډڀيت‬ ‫رڄٸٺ‬ ‫ڃٸڈ ؿاُتڂ‬ # discard‫ؿڅك اڃـاؽتڂ‬ ‫ڈ‬٣‫ٿنك‬ ‫مٿيڂ – ؽِٴي‬ ‫ؽڄـيـځ‬ # cry ‫ٷليڈ ٳلؿځ‬ ‫چالڃي –ؿكام‬ٛ # short ‫ٳچتبڇ‬ ١‫جچ‬ٜ‫ؽچة – ٿ‬

/ adj 35.necessary / adj


# pleasant ١‫جچ‬ٜ‫ڃبٿ‬ – ‫ٗلڅكڍ – المٽ‬ unessencial # unnecessary

essential; needed

‫يل ٗلڅكڍ‬٧ – ‫يل اًبًي‬٧ 36.spring /n.

the first season of the year

37.top /n.

the highest part ; zenith ; peak

38.pick /v.

cut; to pluck ;gather ;


39.quite / adv .


40.raise / v.

to grow; produce (vegetables) breed ( animals) 1.to sit on (a bicycle ) and be carried along 2.to sit on sth and control it

41.ride / v. 42.travel / v. 43.village /n. 44.weather /n.

‫ثڊبك‬ ‫ڃچٱ – ثبال‬ # bottom lowest ‫تڈ – پبييڂ تليڂ‬ ‫صيـځ‬ ً ‫ ثٌيبك‬- ‫ؽيټي‬ ‫ٳبُتڂ يبتچٻيـ ٳلؿځ ًجنيزبت‬ ‫پلڅكٍ ؿاؿځ عيچاڃبت‬ # destroy ‫ڃبثچؿ ٳلؿځ‬ ‫ًچاك ُـځ‬-1 ‫ –كاڃـځ‬2 ‫لت ٳلؿځ‬٫‫ٿٌب‬

to journey ; tour hamlet conditions of sun ,wind, temperature etc at a particular area and time.

‫كڅًتب; ؿډٴـڇ‬ ‫آة څډچا‬

: ‫بڃي ميل اًت‬٤‫ ؿاكاڍ ٿ‬ride ‫ٺ‬٤٫ : ‫تچرڈ‬ ‫ل ًچاك صينڍ ُـځ‬٫‫ڄچاځ ٿٌب‬٤‫ ث‬-1 1. He rides on a bus every day . . ‫اڅ ډل كڅم ًچاك اتچثچى ٿي ُچؿ‬ . ‫ ًچاك صينڍ ُـځ څ آځ كا كاڃـځ‬-2 2. He can ride this bike . . ‫ا څ ٿي تچاڃـ ايڂ ؿڅصلؽڈ كا ثلاڃـ‬

‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ؿڅٽ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬ . ‫ ٳټڀبت ميل كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڈ ٳبك ثجليـ‬: A- 1 milk – raise – important – farmer laugh – brown- stay – climb 1.This cat can …………… to the top of this tree . 2.You must not …………… when he speaks French . 3.The monkey knows that a ………… coconut is ripe . 4.He needs some ………… for the baby . 5.It is …………to be on time . 6.My brother is a ………… . 7.They …………… a lot of rice on the land . 8.A green coconut must ………… on the tree longer .





6.farmer 7.raise


‫ ٳټڀبت ميل كا‬: A - 1

8.stay : B-1

farmhand – rides – keep pick- clever–fun – got to – ripe 1.some people …………… animals in their house . 2.Don‟t ………… these beautiful flowers . 3.Behnam ……………. to school on his friend‟s bicycle . 4.It‟s ………… to see their work.

5.The ………… works on the farm . 6.You can pick this ………… orange . 7.This cat is very ………… . 8.He ………… school at 7:30 .

: B -1 1.keep

2.pick 3.rides





8.got to

. ‫لكا ثڄچيٌيـ‬٠‫ت ٿچكؿ ڃ‬٨‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تچٗيغبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ؿكربډبڍ ؽبٻي ٻ‬-2 1.They are very clever animals. They can climb tall trees they help farmers . They are ………… . 2.When you are ………… you drink water . 3.That bicycle is too big for him to …………


4.You musn‟t pick those fruits because they aren‟t ………… . 5.It‟s a kind of small green plant . Cows and sheep eat it . It is ………… 6.In a(n) ………… you see a lot of animals in their cages 7.A person who works on a farm and raises vegetables

is a(n) …………… 8.It‟s a kind of big fruit which grows at tops of palm trees in hot lands . It is a(n) ………… . 9.These bananas are ripe . The opposite of ” ripe“ is ………. . 10.You should ……… those apples because they are ripe .

 ....‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬- 2 1.monkeys










. ‫ ثڊتليڂ پبًؼ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬- ‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬.3 1- There are a lot of …… countries in Asia . A. tall

B. high

C. angry

D. hot

2- Iranian farmers …… a lot of tea . A. read

B. ride


D. raise

3- Bob is thirsty . So he should ……something . A. eat

B. stay

C. drink

D. study

4. When does it usually ……? A.snow

B. speak

C. love

D. explain

5.Atefeh is standing far from her friend . The opposite of “far from” is …… A.outside

B. away

C. near


6.You can pick fruits when they are …… . A.ripe

B. green

C. short

D. old

7.The doctor told her to …… in bed for two days . A. start

B. stay

C. die

D. travel

8.It is interesting to see a monkey ……on the back of a bicycle . A. riding


C. studying

D. picking

9.A(n) …… student learns very fast . A. funny

B. angry

C. clever

D. happy

10.Mrs Nosrati …… her children very much . A.goes

B. plays

C. walks

11.Which of these things can you eat ? A.a cup of tea

B.a glass of milk

C.an apple

D. a cup of coffee

D. loves

12.His father‟s …… name is Reza . A. last

B. first

C. little

D. tall

13.I am …… . Please give me a piece of cake. A. fat

B. old

C. thirsty

D. hungry

14.Which of these things can you drink ? A.coconut B. meat

C. rice

D. tea

15.The back of a bicycle means the ……of it . A. seat tube

B. rear fender

C. child‟s seat

D.luggage carrier

16.coconuts grow at the tops of tall trees . The word “ grow” means …… . A. become older C. give up

B. become greater D.drop down

17.“ Things that make us laugh” …… A. ripe oranges

B. are funny things

C.clever animals

E.hot lands

18.You must …… this tree up to pick that ripe medlar . A. ripe

B. stay

C. eat


19.Amin will ……an exam tomorrow , so he must study hard tonight . A.leave

B. keep

C. take

D. put

20.A …… coconut must stay on the tree longer . A. blue

B. white

C. brown


21.Onions , potatoes and tomatoes are …… A. wheels

B. gardens

C. villages D. vegetables

....‫ ثڊتليڂ‬-‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-3 1. D

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. D

11. C

12. B

13. D

14. D

15. D

16. B

17. B

18. D

19. C

20. D

21. D

. ‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ ٿ‬-4 1.They do many things that make us laugh . ( ) 2.Some animals can climb trees ( ) 3.Their work is fun . ( ) 4.It is hard work to pick them . ( ) 5.They are clever animals . ( )

A: amusing B: go up C: smart D: funny things E :difficult F. sits

6.He rides on the back of the farmer‟s bicycle . ( ) … ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ‬٤‫ ٿ‬-4 1. D

2. B

3. A

4. E

5. C

6. F

. ‫ ٷلاٿل – پبًؼ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-5 1.There …… many plants in this garden . A. was

B. be

C. are

D. is

2.…… a bout 5 kms to his house . A. It is

B. There is

C. that is

D. This is

3.You should …… English in this class . A. speak

B. spoke

C. speaking

D. speaks

4.Mehran should …… his notebook . A. found

B. to find

C. find

D. finding

5.– How was the weather ? – …… was very hot . A. They

B. There

C. It


6.It is necessary …… a dictionary . A. buying

B. buy

C. bought

D. to buy

7.Maria is sick . she …… see the doctor . A. had to

B. would

C. should

D. could

8.If you want to learn English , you …… study hard . A. had to

B. would

C. should

D. will

9.His bicycle doesn‟t work . He …... it . A. should be fixed

B. will be fixed

C. would fix

D. should fix

10.It is fun …… their play . A. watched B. watch

C. watching

D. to watch

11.- …… is it from here to the park ? - It is a long way . A. How

B. How far

C. Who

D. How much

12.It is important …… on time . A. being

B. to be

C. is

D. was

13.It is difficult …… in the dark . A. walked

B. walk

C.to walk

14.You should …… him the truth .

D. walking

A. to tell

B. telling

C. tell

D. told

15.ShouId I …… this letter now ? A.type

B. typed

C. typing

D. to type

16. – What time …… now ? – It is 10 o‟clock . A.is there

B. there is

C. is it

D. it is

17.It is time for her …… to school . A.goes

B. going

C. to go

D. go

18. …… is time for dinner . A.There




C. would

D. had to



19. I …… telephone her now . A.could

B. should

20. What is that ? …… is a dog . A.Its


… -‫ ٷلاٿل‬-5 1. C

2. A

3. A

4. C 5. C

10. D

11. B

12. B

13. C

17. C

18. B

19. B

20. C

6.D 7. C

14. C

15. A

8. C 9. D 16. C

. ‫ ٳِيـڇ ثلاڍ رڀالت ميل ًإاٹ ثٌبميـ‬ٚ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬-6 1.

Farmhands help farmers . ………………………………… ?


The farmers grow tea on the land . ………………………………… ?


The farmers grow tea on the land . ………………………………… ?


We should brush our teeth . ………………………………… ?


It is very cold . ………………………………… ?


It is 2 kms to the cinema ? ………………………………… ?


My sister is on the phone ? ………………………………… ?


It usually snows in winter . ………………………………… ?


A ripe orange is better than a green one . ………………………………… ? 10.The cat climbed to the top of the tree because it saw a dog . ………………………………… ?

… ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬-6 1.who help farmers ? 2. What do the farmers grow on the land ? 3.Where do the farmers grow tea ? 4. Should we brush our teeth ? 5. Is it very cold ? 6. How far is it to the cinema? 7.Who is on the phone ? 8. When does it usually snow ? 9.Which orange is better ? 10. Why did the cat climb to the top of the tree ? ٩‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ – رچاة ًإاالت ًڀت صپ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت اڃتؾبة ٳلؿڇ څعلڅ‬-7 . ‫ڈ كا ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ٿلثچ‬ 1. Where do they come from ? ( )

A. Germany

2. What does she do ? ( )

B. Bahram

3. What‟s your address ? ( )

C. She‟s from Turkey .

4. Who‟s that ? (


D. 55 Iran street .

5. Where‟s Zohreh from ? (

E. No, I can‟t .


6. Can you speak German ? (


F. She is a dentist … ‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-7

1. A

2. F

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. E

‫بڅت اًت ؟‬٬‫ ٿٔچت ثب ًڈ ٳټڀڈ ؿيٸل ٿت‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫ ٳـاٽ ٳټڀڈ ام ڃ‬. ٞ٬‫ تټ‬-8 . ‫ ثٴِيـ‬ٚ‫ميلُبځ ؽ‬ 1.

tooth – blue – no – zoo


book – good – food – took


cold – cool – fool – soup


who – boot – good – tool … ‫ ٳـاٽ‬.ٞ٬‫ تټ‬.8 1. no

2. food

3. cold

4. good

.‫– ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔچيل ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬9 1.

What is it ?


Where is he ?


Does he have a coconut in his hand ?


Is this an orange tree ? … ‫ تٔچيل‬. 9 1. It is a monkey .

2. He is on top of the tree .

3. Yes, he does .

4. No. it is a coconut tree .

‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ څثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ‬A –10 . ‫ؿډيـ‬ 1.

Ali : what is it like ? Reza : It‟s cloudy . They are talking about the …… . A.distance




2. Their plants are growing fast.They were small last week . Now they are big.”They” refers to …… . A.their plants

B.last week



3. Mr Rahimi is 45 years old . He has two children . His daughter is three years older than his son .


.Does Mr Rahimi have two boys ?


.Is Mr Rahimi‟s son as old as his daughter ?


.How old is Mr Rahimi ? 


.Mr Rahimi is not fifty years old . True


… ‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ‬: A-10 1. D 2. A 3. (1) No, he doesn‟t .

3.(2). No, he isn‟t .

3(3) . He is 45 years old . 3(4) . True

. ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬-B-10 Ali and his family went to a zoo yesterday.There were a lot of animals there.Some of them were wild and some others were not wild.There were some beautiful tigers.They were afraid of them.There were some monkeys,too.They were funny animals.They liked to see them.There were some beautiful birds , too.They were happy there .


Who went to the zoo ? ……………………… .


Were there any birds in the zoo ? ……………………… .


When did they go to the zoo ? ……………………… .


What were funny ? ……………………… .


All the animals were not ……… . … ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا‬: B .10

1. Ali and his family . 3. Yesterday

2. Yes, there were some birds there..

4. The monkeys

5. Wild

.‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ميل ثڈ ًإاالت ميل ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬-C-10 It‟s fun to see a monkey going to work.He rides on the back of the farmer's bicycle.When they get to the field,the monkey goes up each tree.He looks at the coconuts.The monkey knows that a brown coconut is ripe.He knows that a green one must stay on the tree longer.He picks the brown ones and drops to the farmer .

1. How does a monkey go to work ? ………………………………… . 2.Can monkeys pick coconuts ? ( How ) ………………………………… . 3.Why doesn‟t the monkey pick the green coconuts? ………………………………… . 4.Monkeys climb up each tree to ……… ripe coconuts .

5.Monkey can help farmers .



6.A brown coconut is not ripe . True

False … ‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ‬: C .10

1.He rides on the back of the farmer‟s bicycle . 2.Yes, they can . They climb up each tree and pick the ripe coconuts 3. Because he knows that they must stay on the tree longer. 4. pick 5. True 6. False

Lesson Three )34 ّ( 3 ‫ؿكى‬ A.New words

‫بت تبمڇ‬٨‫ٻ‬

1. This is a pan . There is some water in it . If you put the pan on the fire , the water will boil . َ‫ اٷل ُڀب ٿبډي تبڅڇ كا ثل كڅڍ آت‬. ‫ ؿك آځ ٿٰـاكڍ آة اًت‬. ‫ايڂ يٲ ٿبډي تبڅڇ اًت‬ . ‫ اًت‬٥‫آة رچٍ ؿا‬. ‫ آة ثڈ رچٍ ؽچاډـ آٿـ‬, ‫ثٸقاكيـ‬

What is there in the pan? There is some water in it .

Is boiling water hot or cold ? It is cold .

2. A servant works for them . She cleans their rooms and washes the dishes .

‫ڊبيِبځ كا‬٫‫ل‬ٟ ‫ اڅ اتبٯڊبيِبځ كا تڀين ٿي ٳڄـ څ‬. ‫ؽـٿتٴبكڍ ثلاڍ آڃڊب ٳبك ٿي ٳڄـ‬ . ‫ٿي ُچيـ‬ Who works for them ? A servant works for them .

What does she do ? She cleans their rooms and washes the dishes .

3. I don't remember his telephone number . I forget numbers very easily. . ‫لاٿچٍ ٿي ٳڄپ‬٫ ‫ ٿڂ ُڀبكڇ ډب كا ؽيټي كاعت‬. ‫ل ڃڀي آڅكٽ‬ٛ‫ڂ اڅ كا ثؾب‬٬‫ٿڂ ُڀبكڇ تټ‬ Do you forget things easily ? Yes , I do .

4. Maryam can't find her notebook . She doesn't know where it is . . ‫ اڅ ڃڀي ؿاڃـ ٳڈ آځ ٳزبًت‬. ‫تلصڈ اٍ كا ڃڀي تچاڃـ پيـا ٳڄـ‬٫‫ٿليپ ؿ‬ What does she want to find ? She wants to find her notebook .

Why can't she find it ? Because she doesn't know where it is . 5. Ahmad is a wise boy . He never drives when he feels sleepy . . ‫ اڅ ډلٷن ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ ؽچاة آٻچؿ اًت كاڃڄـٷي ڃڀي ٳڄـ‬. ‫اعڀـ پٌل ؽلؿٿڄـڍ اًت‬ Is Ahmad a wise boy ? Yes , he is .

Why doesn't he drive when he feels sleepy?

Because he is a wise boy .

6. Few men or women live more than 100 years . . ‫ڀل ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬٣ ‫ ًبٹ‬100 ‫ـاؿ اڃـٳي ام ٿلؿاځ يب مڃبځ ثيَ ام‬٤‫ت‬ Do many people live more than 100 years ? No , they don't .

7. My shoes were dirty , so I left them outside . . ‫ ثڄبثل ايڂ ٿڂ آڃڊب كا ثيلڅځ ٷقاُتپ‬, ‫ ثچؿڃـ‬٪‫ِڊبڍ ٿڂ ٳخي‬٬‫ٳ‬ Where did you leave your shoes ? I left them outside .

Find the meaning of the underlined words . )35 ّ(. ‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا پيـا ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ٿ‬ 1. Please leave the egg on the table . (E)

A. go

2.Few men of that time were greater than Newton.(C) B. hot 3. I forget my friend's telephone number easily. (D)

C. not many

4. The problem was not difficult . (F)

D. don't remember

5. Keep boiling water out of reach of the children.(B)


6. It is time for us to leave . (A)

F. easy



Lesson 3 )36 ّ( 3 ‫ؿكى‬ A story about Newton ‫ؿاًتبڃي ؿك ثبكڋ ڃيچتڂ‬

1. One of the greatest Englishmen who ever lived was Isaac Newton. Few men of that time were greater or wiser than Newton but he often forgot small things . ‫لٓڌ مڃـٷي ٷقاُت اًغب٭‬٣ ‫ يٴي ام ثنكٷتليڂ ٿلؿاځ اڃٸټيٌي ٳڈ تبٳڄچځ پب ثڈ‬.1 ‫بٯټتل ام ڃيچتچځ ثچؿڃـ اٿّب اڅ‬٣ ‫ـاؿ ٯټيټي ام ٿلؿاځ آځ مٿبځ ٿِڊچكتل يب‬٤‫ ت‬. ‫ڃيچتچځ ثچؿ‬ . ‫لاٿچٍ ٿي ٳلؿ‬٫ ‫ټت صينډبڍ ٳپ اډڀّيت كا‬٧‫ا‬ 2. One morning Newton got up very early because he was working on a very difficult problem . He did not leave the problem to go to breakfast . ‫ اڅ‬. ‫ ٓجظ يٲ كڅم ڃيچتڂ ؽيټي مڅؿ ثلؽبًت صچڃٴڈ ثل كڅڍ ٿٌأٻڌ ٿڊڀي ٳبك ٿي ٳلؿ‬.2 . ‫ثلاڍ ؽچكؿځ ٓجغبڃڈ ٿٌأٻڈ كا كډب ڃٴلؿ‬ 3. But his servant thought Newton needed food . Therefore , she went to his room with a pan of water and an egg . ‫ ثڄبثل ايڂ اڅ ثب ٿبډي تبڅڇ اڍ‬. ‫قا ؿاُت‬٧ ‫ٴل ٳلؿ ٳڈ ڃيچتچځ اعتيبد ثڈ‬٫ ٍ‫ اٿّب ؽـٿتٴبك‬.3

. ‫ت‬٫‫ ثڈ اتبٯَ ك‬٥‫ـؿ تؾپ ٿل‬٣ ‫ام آة څ يٲ‬ 4. She wanted to boil the egg and stay with Newton until he ate it . But he did not want to see anybody and said ,"You can leave the egg with me . I'll boil it ." ‫ اٿّب اڅ‬. ‫ ڃيچتچځ ڃنؿ اڅ ثڀبڃـ‬ًٚ‫ كا آة پن ٳڄـ څ تب ؽچكؿځ آځ تچ‬٥‫ اڅ ؽچاًت تؾپ ٿل‬.4 . ‫ كا ڃنؿ ٿڂ ثٸقاكيـ‬٥‫ ُڀب ٿي تچاڃيـ تؾپ ٿل‬: ‫ت‬٬‫ؿڅًت ڃـاُت ٳٌي كا ثجيڄـ څ ٷ‬ . ‫ٿڂ آځ كا آة پن ٿي ٳڄپ‬ 5. The servant put the egg on the table near Newton's watch and said:" you must boil it for five minutes. Then it will be ready to eat." ‫ُڀب ثبيـ‬: ‫ت‬٬‫ت ڃيچتچځ ٷقاُت څ ٷ‬٣‫ كا كڅڍ ٿين ڃنؿيٲ ًب‬٥‫ ؽـٿتٴبك تؾپ ٿل‬.5 . ‫آځ كا ثڀـّت پڄذ ؿٯيٰڈ ثزچُبڃيـ تب ثلاڍ ؽچكؿځ آٿبؿڇ ُچؿ‬ 6. The servant left the room , but she was afraid that Newton might forget to eat the egg . She returned about an hour later and found Newton standing by the fire . The watch was boiling in the pan . And Newton was standing near it with the egg in his hand ! ‫ كا‬٥‫ اٿب ٿي تلًيـ ٳڈ ڃٴڄـ ڃيچتچځ ؽچكؿځ تؾپ ٿل‬. ‫ پيِؾـٿت اتب٭ كا تلٱ ٳلؿ‬.6 ‫ـ ثلٷِت څ ؿيـ ٳڈ ڃيچتچځ ٳڄبك آتَ ايٌتبؿڇ‬٤‫ت ث‬٣‫ اڅ ؿك عـڅؿ يٲ ًب‬. ‫لاٿچٍ ٳڄـ‬٫ ‫ي ؿك ؿًتَ ٳڄبك‬٧‫ت ؿك ٿبډي تبڅڇ ٯٺ ٯٺ ٿي ؽچكؿ څ ڃيچتچځ ثب تؾپ ٿل‬٣‫ ًب‬. ‫اًت‬ . ‫آځ ايٌتبؿڇ ثچؿ‬

c. comprehension

) 37ّ( ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ؿكٱ ٿ‬

I. Answer these questions orally. )37 ّ(.‫بډي ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬ُ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ث‬ 1. Why did Newton get up early ? He got up early because he was working on a very difficult problem . 2. Where did the servant put the egg ? She put it on the table . 3. Where was Newton's watch ? It was on the table near Newton's watch.

4. When did she return to his room ? She returned about an hour later .

5. What did she see there? She found Newton standing by the fire . The watch was boiling in the pan . And Newton was standing near it with the egg in his hand !

6. What was boiling in the pan ? The watch was boiling in the pan .

II.True or False ?

) 37( ّ

1. Newton was one of the greatest men of his time . (T) 2. He never forgot to eat his breakfast . (F) 3. The servant took Newton's breakfast to his room . (T) 4. Newton boiled the egg for five minutes . (F) 5. The servant was sure that Newton would eat his breakfast . (F)

III.Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . ) 37 ّ( .‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬

1. Newton got up very early to ….. . A. have breakfast B. solve a problem C. boil an egg D. talk to his servant . ‫ڃيچتچځ ثلاڍ عٺ يٲ ٿٌأٻڈ ٓجظ مڅؿ ثلؽبًت‬ 2. The servant went to Newton's room because ….. . A. she wanted to give him the pan B. Newton needed her help C. She wanted to give him his breakfast D. Newton was very hungry . ‫ت‬٫‫ؽـٿتٴبك ثلاڍ ؿاؿځ ٓجغبڃڌ اڅ ثڈ اتب٭ ڃيچتچځ ك‬

3. The servant left the room because Newton ….. . A. was ready to eat breakfast B. wanted to boil the egg C. was very angry D. wanted to be alone . ‫ؽـٿتٴبك اتب٭ ڃيچتچځ كا تلٱ ٳلؿ صچڃٴڈ ڃيچتچځ ؽچاًت تڄڊب ثبُـ‬ 4. Newton was boiling his watch because he ….. . A. didn't like eggs B. wanted to test his watch C. often forgot small things 

D. wanted to buy a new one . ‫لاٿچٍ ٿي ٳلؿ‬٫ ‫ټت صينډبڍ ٳپ اډڀيت كا‬٧‫صچڃٴڈ ڃيچتچځ ا‬ 5. Newton was standing ….. . A. near the fire B. and eating his breakfast C. with the pan in his hand D. near his servant . ‫ڃيچتچځ ٳڄبك آتَ ايٌتبؿڇ ثچؿ‬ IV. Read the passage and complete the sentences . The number of the paragraph is given . . ‫ڊبڍ ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬٫‫ٿتڂ كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ُڀبكڋ پبكاٷلا‬ ‫) ثب پبًؼ‬38ّ(.

1. I'll never forget your help . (1) 2. I'm sure he will never leave his country .(2) 3. He never thinks about his problem . (2) 4. He is going to London and will stay with his brother for a year. (4) 5. "This book is for Mr Ahmadi. He is not here now . But you can leave it with me ."(4) 6. When is he going to return the book . (6) 7. I must leave now . But I'll talk to you later (6)

Speaking 2 Combine these sentences . Follow the model. . ‫ ٿبڃڄـ ٿخبٹ اڃزبٽ ؿډيـ‬. ‫ايڂ رڀالت كا تلٳيت ٳڄيـ‬ 1. This man is fifty years old . That woman is fifty years old . This man is as old as That woman .

2. This car is small . That car is small. This car is as small as that one .

3. Reza is six feet tall. Javad is six feet tall . Reza is as tall as Javad .

4. These shoes are size 36 . Those shoes are size 36 . ( largre ) These shoes are as largre as those shoes .

5. This dictionary has many pages .That book has many pages .(large) This dictionary is as large as that book .

Speaking 3 Substitute the words in the pattern sentences. 39 ّ )‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ(پبًؼ‬ Mr karimi is as tall as Mr Bahrami . . ‫آٯبڍ ٳليڀي ډپ ٯـ آٯبڍ ثڊلاٿي اًت‬ 1. Mr karimi is as clever as Mr Bahrami . 2. Mr karimi is as old as Mr Bahrami . 3.This watch is as old as his watch . 4. This watch is as expensive as his watch . 5. This watch is as good as his watch . 6. My bicycle is as good as your bicycle . 7. My bicycle is as fast as your bicycle . 8. My bicycle is as small as your bicycle . 9. Our house is as small as their house . 10. Our village is as small as their village .

Speaking 5 Substitute the words in the pattern sentences.

41 ّ )‫ (پبًؼ‬.‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ‬ He is older than Maryam . . ‫اڅ ثنكٵ تل ام ٿليپ اًت‬

1. You are older than Maryam . 2. I am older than Maryam . 3. She is older than Maryam . 4. She is taller than Maryam . 5. She is younger than Maryam . 6. Javad is younger than Maryam . 7. Javad is younger than that boy . 8. Javad is younger than your friend .

Writing 1 Form comparisons using –er than . )42 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫ ٿٰبيٌڈ اڃزبٽ ؿډيـ‬- er than ‫ثب‬ 1. Ali is shorter than his brother . 2. My father is busier than your father . 3. My sister is younger than your sister . 4. Our high school is bigger than your high school . 5. I am taller than you . 6. This pen is longer than that pen . 7. Javad is fatter than Reza .

8. The man is older than the woman .

Writing 2 ) 42 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫رڀالت ٓغيظ ثڄچيٌيـ‬ 1. A plane is faster than a bus . 2. A cow is heavier than a tiger . 3. Tabriz is bigger than a Kashan . 4. A train is longer than a bus . 5. Winter is colder than spring .

Language Functions .

Asking about someone's family ْ‫پلى څ رچ ؿك ثبكڋ ؽبڃچاؿڋ يٲ ُؾ‬ A: Do you come from a large family ? ‫يت اًت ؟‬٤‫آيب ؽبڃچاؿڋ ُڀب پل رڀ‬ B : Yes , I do . . ‫يت اًت‬٤‫ ؽبڃچاؿڇ اٽ پل رڀ‬, ‫ثټڈ‬ A. How many are there in your family ? . ‫ل اًت‬٬‫٘بڍ ؽبڃچاؿڋ ُڀب صڄـ ڃ‬٣‫ـاؿ ا‬٤‫ت‬ B. Seven . . ‫ل‬٬‫ت ڃ‬٬‫ډ‬ A: What does your father do ?

‫ٺ پـك ُڀب صيٌت ؟‬٨ُ B. He's a doctor . . ‫اڅ پنُٲ اًت‬ A: What about your mother ? ‫ٺ ٿبؿكتبځ صيٌت ؟‬٨ُ B: She's a teacher . . ‫ټپ اًت‬٤‫اڅ ٿ‬ H. Vocabulary Review )44 ّ( ‫بت‬٨‫ٿلڅك ٻ‬ 1. You put things in it . It is on your coat or on your dress. It is a pocket . ‫ آځ ريت اًت‬. ‫آځ ثل كڅڍ ٳت يب ٻجبى ُڀبًت‬. ‫ ُڀب صينډب كا ؿك آځ ٯلاك ٿي ؿډيـ‬. 2. Sometimes it is very long .There is water in it .You can swim in it . It is a river . . ‫ ُڀب ٿي تچاڃيـ ؿك آځ ُڄب ٳڄيـ‬. ‫ ؿك آځ آة اًت‬. ‫ ٷبډي اڅٯبت آځ ؽيټي ؿكام اًت‬.2 . ‫آځ كڅؿؽبڃڈ اًت‬ 3.It is part of your house . There are dishes in it .You cook your food in it . It is a kitchen . . ‫قايتبځ كا ؿك آڃزب ٿي پنيـ‬٧ ‫ ُڀب‬. ‫ڊب ؿك آڃزبًت‬٫‫ل‬ٟ . ‫ آځ ثؾِي ام ؽبڃڌ ُڀبًت‬.3 . ‫آځ آُپنؽبڃڈ اًت‬ 4. It is very big , but it can go up to the sky . It can take many people

to the sky . It is a plane . ‫لاؿ ميبؿڍ كا ثڈ‬٫‫ آځ ٿي تچاڃـ ا‬. ‫ آځ ؽيټي ثنكٵ اًت اٿب ٿي تچاڃـ ثڈ آًڀبځ ثلڅؿ‬.4 . ‫ آځ ډچاپيڀب اًت‬. ‫آًڀبځ ثجلؿ‬ 5. She is one of your relatives . She is the sister of your father. She is your aunt . . ‫ڀڈ تبځ اًت‬٣ ‫ اڅ‬. ‫اڅ ؽچاډل پـك ُڀبًت‬. ‫ اڅ يٴي ام ؽچيِبڅڃـاځ ُڀبًت‬.5

6. You see them in the sky . They aren't birds, but they move . They are usually white . They are clouds. ”‫ڀچال‬٤‫ آڃڊب ٿ‬. ‫ آڃڊب پلڃـٷبځ ڃيٌتڄـ اٿّب علٳت ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬. ‫ُڀب آڃڊب كا ؿك آًڀبځ ٿي ثيڄيـ‬ . ‫ آڃڊب اثل ډٌتڄـ‬. ‫يـ ډٌتڄـ‬٬ً 7. You have this between your classes. It isn't very long , but you like it .When you have it you can do whatever you like . It is a break . . ‫چالڃي ڃيٌت اٿب ُڀب آځ كا ؿڅًت ؿاكيـ‬ٛ ‫ آځ ؽيټي‬.‫ ُڀب ايڂ كا ثيڂ ٳالًڊبيتبځ ؿاكيـ‬.7 ‫آځ مڃٶ‬. ‫څٯتيٴڈ ُڀب آځ كا ؿاكيـ ٿي تچاڃيـ ډل آڃضڈ كا ٳڈ ؿڅًت ؿاكيـ اڃزبٽ ؿډيـ‬ . ‫ليظ اًت‬٬‫ت‬ 8. You need to have it when you go shopping . It is money . . ‫ آځ پچٹ اًت‬. ‫ څٯتيٴڈ ثڈ ؽليـ ٿي كڅيـ ثڈ آځ اعتيبد ؿاكيـ‬.8

9. It is a part of your house It is on top of your house . It is the roof of your house .

‫‪ .9‬آځ ثؾِي ام ؽبڃڌ ُڀبًت ‪ .‬آځ ثبالڍ ؽبڃڌ ُڀبًت ‪ .‬آځ ثبٽ ؽبڃڌ ُڀبًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪10. It grows on a small plant . You put it in your salad . It is red‬‬ ‫‪when it is ripe . It is a tomatoe .‬‬ ‫‪ .10‬آځ ثل كڅڍ يٲ ٷيبڋ ٳچصٲ ٿي كڅيـ ‪ُ .‬ڀب آځ كا ؿك ًبالؿتبځ ٿي كينيـ ‪.‬څٯتيٴڈ‬ ‫ثلًـ ٯلٿن كڃٶ اًت ‪ .‬آځ ٷچرڈ ‪٫‬لڃٸي اًت ‪.‬‬

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى ًچٽ‬ ‫‪٬ٓ + as‬ت ًبؿڇ ‪+‬‬

‫‪ -1‬ثيبځ تٌبڅڍ ٓ‪٬‬ت ثب اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ام اٻٸچڍ‬


‫څٯتيٴڈ ؿڅڃ‪٬‬ل يب ؿڅ صين ؿاكاڍ تٌبڅڍ ٓ‪٬‬ت ثبُڄـ ام اٻٸچڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪ .‬ؿك‬ ‫ايڂ اٻٸچ ٓ‪٬‬ت ًبؿڇ ٿي تچاڃـ يٲ يب صڄـ ثؾِي ثبُـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪Ramin is as tall as Ahmad .‬‬ ‫كاٿيڂ ډپ ٯـ اعڀـ اًت ‪٫ ( .‬لٕ ٿي ٳڄيپ ډل ؿڅ ٯـُبځ ‪ً 140‬بڃتيڀتل اًت )‬ ‫اٷل ثؾچاډيپ ثلاثلڍ ٓ‪٬‬ت ؿك رڀټڈ ‪٫‬چ٭ كا ثڈ ڃغچ ًبؿڇ تلڍ ڃِبځ ؿډيپ ٿي تچاڃيپ‬ ‫رڀټڈ ‪٫‬چ٭ كا ثڈ ؿڅ رڀټڈ ميل تجـيٺ ٳڄيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪Ramin is tall . Ahmad is tall .‬‬ ‫ٿخبٻڊبڍ ؿيٸل ‪:‬‬ ‫ڃٸيڂ ثڈ صبٯي كؤيب اًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪Negin is as fat as Roya .‬‬ ‫‪My car is as beautiful as your car .‬‬

‫اتچٿجيٺ ٿڂ ثڈ ميجبيي اتچٿجيٺ ُڀبًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2‬ثيبځ تٌبڅڍ ٯيـ ثب اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ام اٻٸچڍ ‪ + as‬ٯيـ عبٻت ‪as +‬‬ ‫ٯيـ عبٻت ٳټڀڈ اڍ اًت ٳڈ كار‪ ٢‬ثڈ صٸچڃٸي اڃزبٽ ‪٤٫‬ٺ تچٗيظ ٿي ؿډـ څاٷل ؿڅرڀټڈ‬ ‫ؿاُتڈ ثبُيپ ٳڈ ؿاكاڍ ثلاثلڍ ٯيـڍ ثبُڄـ ام اٻٸچڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄيپ څآځ ؿڅ رڀټڈ‬ ‫كا تجـيٺ ثڈ يٲ رڀټڈ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪Mr Hekmat drives slowly . Mr Bahrami drives slowly .‬‬

‫‪Mr Hekmat drives as slowly as Mr Bahrami (does) .‬‬ ‫آٯبڍ عٴڀت ثڈ ٳڄـڍ آٯبڍ ثڊلاٿي كاڃڄـٷي ٿي ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ٿخبٹ ؿيٸل‪:‬‬ ‫‪Pat studies English very carefully .‬‬

‫‪Sam studies English very carefully .‬‬ ‫عبٹ ثب اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ام اٻٸچڍ ‪ + as‬ٯيـ ‪ as +‬ؿڅ رڀټڈ ثبال كا تجـيٺ ثڈ يٲ رڀټڈ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪Pat studies English as carefully as Sam(does) .‬‬ ‫پت ثب ؿٯت ًپ اڃٸټيٌي ٿ‪ٜ‬بٻ‪٤‬ڈ ٿي ٳڄــــ ‪.‬‬ ‫تچرڈ ؿاُتڈ ثبُيـ ٳڈ ٯيـ عبٻت صٸچڃٸي اڃزبٽ ‪٤٫‬ٺ كا تچٗيظ ٿي ؿډـ ؿك عبٻيٴڈ ٓ‪٬‬ت‬ ‫يٲ څيوٷي ؽبٓي ٿبڃڄـ ٯـ ‪ ،‬څمځ ‪ ،‬ميجبيي څ… كا ثڈ ٳٌي يب صينڍ ڃٌجت ٿي ؿډـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ٓ‪٬‬ت ثلتلڍ ( ت‪٘٬‬يټي) ‪Comparative adjectives‬‬ ‫ډل ٷبڇ يٲ ڃ‪٬‬ل يب يٲ صين ؿاكاڍ ثلتلڍ ٓ‪٬‬ت ڃٌجت ثڈ يٲ ڃ‪٬‬ل يب يٲ صينؿيٸل ثبُـ ‪،‬‬ ‫ثلاڍ ڃِبځ ؿاؿځ ايڂ ثلتلڍ ثڈ ُلط ميل ‪٣‬ڀٺ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬ؿك ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ يٲ ثؾِي ( ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ؿك يٲ ثبم ؿٽ ثيبځ ٿي ُچڃـ ) ٿبڃڄـ ‪:‬‬

‫‪old ,‬‬

‫‪ large , small , tall , fat‬ثڈ آؽلُبځ ‪ er‬اٗب‪٫‬ڈ ٳلؿڇ څ پي ام آځ ام عل‪ ٩‬اٗب‪٫‬ڈ‬ ‫‪ than‬اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫ٿخبٻڊب ‪٬ٓ + er + than :‬ت يٲ ثؾِي‬ ‫ٳچصٴتل ام‬

‫‪ : smaller than‬ٿبڃڄـ‬

‫ايڂ ؽبڃڈ ام آځ ؽبڃڈ ٳچصٴتل اًت ‪This house is smaller than that house . .‬‬ ‫‪Hamed is taller than Farshad .‬‬ ‫عبٿـ ام ‪٫‬لُبؿ ثټڄـ ٯـتل اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬ؿك ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ صڄـ ثؾِي ثبيـ ام اٻٸچڍ ميل اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٳڄيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪٬ٓ + than‬ت صڄـ ثؾِي ‪more +‬‬ ‫‪more expensive than‬‬

‫ٷلاڃتل ام‬

‫‪This car is more expensive than that one .‬‬ ‫ايڂ اتچٿجيٺ ٷلاځ تل ام آځ اتچٿجيٺ اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪lesson 5 is more difficult than lesson 4 .‬‬ ‫ؿكى پڄذ ٿِٴٺ تل ام ؿكى صڊبك اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫صڄـ ڃڀچڃڈ ام ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ صڄـ ثؾِي ٳڈ ٓ‪٬‬ت ت‪٘٬‬يټي ُبځ ثب ‪ً more‬بؽتڈ ٿي ُچؿ‬ ‫‪٣‬جبكتڄـ ام ‪:‬‬ ‫) ربٻت ( ‪ ) - interesting‬رقاة ( ‪attractive‬‬ ‫) ميجب (‪) beautiful‬ٿ‪٤‬لڅ‪ ) - famouse (٩‬ٿڊپ( ‪ ) -important‬ٿِٴٺ( ‪difficult‬‬ ‫) ٿ‪٬‬يـ ( ‪ ) - useful‬ٷلاځ( ‪- expensive‬‬ ‫ٗڀڄبً ثلاڍ ًبؽتڂ ٓ‪٬‬ت ‪٣‬بٻي ام ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ ٯجٺ ام آڃڊب ‪ the most‬ٿي آڅكيپ ٳڈ‬ ‫ؿك ؿكى صڊبك تچٗيظ ؿاؿڇ ؽچاډـ ُـ ‪.‬‬

‫تچٗيغبت ٿلثچ‪ ٙ‬ثڈ ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ ثي ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ څ ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ ؿڅ ثؾِي ٳڈ ُٴٺ ت‪٘٬‬يټي‬ ‫ُبځ ‪ er‬ٿي ٷيلؿ كا ؿك ثؾَ تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى صڊبك ٿالع‪٠‬ڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ڃٴتڈ ‪ :‬ٿ‪٤‬ڀچالً ٓ‪٬‬تڊبڍ يٲ ثؾِي ٳڈ ثڈ يٲ عل‪ ٩‬ثي ٓـا ؽتپ ٿي ُچڃـ اٷل عل‪٩‬‬ ‫ٿبٯجٺ آؽلُبځ يٲ عل‪ٓ ٩‬ـا ؿاك ثبُـ ‪ ،‬ٿچٯ‪ ٢‬تجـيٺ ُـځ ثڈ ٓ‪٬‬ت ت‪٘٬‬يټي څ ‪٣‬بٻي‬ ‫عل‪ ٩‬آؽلُبځ تٴلاك ٿي ُچؿ ‪:‬‬ ‫( ٷلٿتليڂ ) ‪ ( the hottest‬ٷلٿتل ) ‪hotter‬‬

‫( ٷلٽ ) ‪hot‬‬

‫( ثنكٷتليڂ ) ‪ ( the biggest‬ثنكٷتل ) ‪bigger‬‬

‫( ثنكٵ ) ‪big‬‬


‫( صب٭ ) ‪fat‬‬

‫(صبٯتليڂ ) ‪( the fattest‬صبٯتل )‬

‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى ًچٽ‬ 1. 1. almost /adv

2. 2.angry /adj

3. 3. anybody /pron 4. 4. be afraid of /v . 5. 5. between /prep 6. 6. bird /n.


very nearly; about


feel strong emotion


sth # calm


annoyed;Irritated ‫ٳٌي‬

any person to be worried or anxious

‫ؿكثبكڇ صينڍ‬

about sth

‫ڃٸلاځ ثچؿځ‬

look at these letters:(ABC) ”B”is between

‫ ٿيبځ‬-‫ثيڂ‬

“A” and “C” an animal with feathers and


wings which can fly.

، ‫رچُيـځ‬ 7. 7. boil /v.

when a liquid boils, It becoms very hot and changes into steam

‫رچُبڃـځ‬ # cool ‫ؽڄٲ ُـځ‬

8. 8. by /prep

near;beside; close to

‫ڃنؿيٲ – ٳڄبك‬

‫پيـا ٳلؿځ‬ 9. 9. find / v.

to discover


‫ٷپ ٳلؿځ‬ lose

10. fire /n.


and َ‫آت‬

light made by burning;blaze

) ‫پب (ډب‬ 11. feet /n.

plural of foot;12 inches or

‫ ايڄش يب‬12

30.48 centimeters

‫ ًبڃتي ٿتل‬30/48 12. few / adj

‫ـاؿٳپ‬٤‫ت‬ not many;a small number # many‫ؽيټي‬ ‫لاٿچٍ ٳلؿځ‬٫

13. forget / v.

not to remember;fail to recall

‫لآڅكؿځ‬ٛ‫ثؾب‬ #remember


recall 14.great / adj 15. later / adv 16. leave


‫ثنكٵ – ٿِڊچك‬

famous well-known

#obscure ‫ٷڀڄبٽ‬

after the present time 1.put;lay;place 2.go 3. Quit -2

ً‫ـا‬٤‫ث‬ ‫ ٯلاك ؿاؿځ‬-1

/v .

‫تڂ تلٱ ٳلؿځ‬٫‫ك‬ ‫ كډب ٳلؿځ‬-3 ‫علٳت ٳلؿځ‬

17. move /v.

to go to


a different place

‫ ٳلؿځ‬٪‫تچٯ‬ 18. page / n. 19. pan /n.

one side of


a piece of paper glass or metal cooking dish;

‫ٯبثټڀڈ – ٿبډي تبثڈ‬


20. pocket /n.

small bag in


your clothes .

‫ثلٷِتڂ‬ 21. return /v.

to come back; go back

‫ڃبپـيـُـځ‬ # disappeare

maid; some one who works 22. servant /n.

in a house as a cleaner or gardener for money .

‫ؽـٿتٴبك‬ ‫ٿٌتؾـٽ‬ ‫لٿب‬٫‫ٳبك‬


23. size /n.

the size of sth is how big or


small it is

‫ؽچاة آٻچؿ‬ 24. sleepy / adj

tired and ready to go to #


‫ډچُيبك‬ alert ‫عٺ ٳلؿځ‬

25. solve /v.

to find an answer for sth .

#complicate ‫پيضيـڇ ٳلؿځ‬

26. therefore / adv . 27. whatever / pron . 28. wise / adj . ‫ اًت‬left


so ; thus

‫ډلآڃضڈ‬ anything;everything ‫ډلصينڍ‬ ‫ؽلؿٿڄـ‬-‫ؿاڃب‬ intelligent; sage # foolish‫ڃبؿاځ‬ ‫چٹ آځ‬٤٬‫ ٷقُتڈ څاًپ ٿ‬، ‫ـڇ اًت‬٣‫ٺ ثي ٯب‬٤٫ ‫ ٳڈ يٲ‬leave ‫ٺ‬٤٫ : ‫ڃٴتڈ‬ : ‫ـؿڍ ثڈ ُلط فيٺ ٿي ثبُـ‬٤‫بڃي ٿت‬٤‫ٺ ؿاكاڍ ٿ‬٤٫ ‫ايڂ‬

1. I left the pen on the desk . ‫ ٷقاُتڂ‬:

. ‫ٿڂ ٳتبة كا كڅڍ ٿين تغليل ٷقاُتپ‬

It is time to leave . ‫تڂ‬٫‫ ك‬: Leave = go

.‫تڂ اًت‬٫‫څٯت ك‬

2. Newton didn‟t leave the problem to go to breakfast . ‫ڃيچتڂ ثلاڍ ؽچكؿځ ٓجغبڃڈ ٿٌبٻڈ كا كډب ڃٴلؿ‬ ‫تلٱ ٳلؿځ‬-‫ كډب ٳلؿځ‬: leave = quit

‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ًچٽ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬ . ‫ – ٳټڀبت ميل كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثٴبك ثجليـ‬A-1 born – solve – leave – remember few – later – tomatoes - servant 1. Nobody can ………… this problem . 2. I couldn‟t ………… her name . 3. You‟ll ………… your hand if you put it in hot water . 4. Hamid will talk to you ………… . 5. We need a lot of ………… for this food . 6. Their ………… cleaned the kitchen . 7. You can play outside but you mustn‟t ………… the yard . 8. This question is very hard . ………… students know the correct answer . … ‫ ٳټڀبت ميل كا‬: A -1

1. solve 6. servant

2. remember 3. burn 7.leave

4. later


8. Few

: B -1 hot- works – shoes – watch left – need – pan – Englishman

1. The ………… is on the fire . 2. His ………… are dirty . He should take them off . 3. He ………… the egg on the plate . 4. Boiling water is very ………… . 5. That ………… doesn‟t live in this house . 6. Mrs Sohrabi is a servant .She ………… in this house 7. What time is it ? sorry , I don‟t have a ………… . 8. We ………… some water to boil this egg . : B -1 1. pan

2. shoes

6. works

7. watch

3. left

4. hot

5. Englishman

8. need

. ‫تي ٿڄبًت پل ٳڄيـ‬٨‫ ربډبڍ ؽبٻي رڀالت ميل كا ثب ٻ‬-2 1. It can take people to the sky . It is a(n) ………… . 2.The opposite of the most difficult is ………… .

3.The opposite of ………… is clean .

4.It is a room where your mother cook dinner . It is a(n) ………… . 5.Red things that we use them in salad are ………….

6.I forget numbers easily . The opposite of the word “forget” is ………… . 7.The opposite of the word “easy” is ………… .

8.A very vast place where there are a lot of trees and wild animals can live there . It is a(n) ………… . 9.A person who lives in England is a(n) ………… . 10.Some one who works in rich men‟s house is a(n)……… . 11.I can‟t ………… my book . I lost it yesterday . 12.A(n) ………… is a metal dish which you can boil an egg in it . 13.It is a difficult ………… . he can‟t solve it . …‫ ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا‬-2 1. plane

2. the easiest

5. tomatoes

6. remember

9. Englishman 10. servant

3. dirty

4. kitchen

7. difficult 8. jungle 11. find

12. pan

13. problem . ‫ ٳِيـڇ كا ام ًتچځ ٿٰبثٺ پيـا ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ ٿ‬-3 1.He couldn‟t climb the tree.( )

A.didn‟t remember

B.near 2.Please,leave the magezine


on the chair.( )

D.came back

3.At last, he returned home. ( )

E.go up

4.She usually wakes up at 5

F.stops sleeping

o‟clock.( ) 5.Mina was standing by the fire . ( ) 6.Ramin forgot to eat his breakfast. ( ) … ‫ڄي‬٤‫ ٿ‬-3 1. E

2. C

3. D

4. F

5. B

6. A

. ‫ت – پبًؼ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4 1. Paul was standing near the window .“near” means: A. on

B. in

C. by

D. far from

2. I will never …… your help . A. fight

B. forget

C. fly

D. find

3.He likes …… his homework now . A. to finish

B. finishes

C. finishing

4.The opposite of “late” is ……

D. finish

A. usually

B. fast

C. early

D. now

5.What does your brother …… . He is a doctor . A. leave

B. come

C. do

D. return

6.Keep boiling water out of reach of the children .”boiling” means: A. cold

B. hot

C. clean

D. cool

7.She doesn‟t have any money in her …… . A. story

B. ruler

C. pocket

D. noise

8.I‟m sure he will never …… his town . A. grow

B. live

C. leave

D. die

9.The synonym of “easy” is …… . A. hard

B. not difficult C. difficult

D. important

10.These eggs will be boiled in five …… . A. kilometers B. kilos

C. pages

D. minutes

11.A …… can take many people to the sky . A. cloud

B. plane

C. bird

12.The sister of your father is your …… .

D. tomato

A. grandmother B. friend

C. uncle

D. aunt

13.A …… is usually white . You can see them in a rainy day in the sky . A. cloud

B. sun

C. star

D. roof

14.The …… of a house is on top of it . A. kitchen

B. wall

C. roof

D. bathroom

15.This is a very deep …… . You can‟t swim in it . A. village

B. land

C. river

D. country

C. plant

D. servant

16.A …… works for them . A. pocket

B. dish

17.He usually puts his …… in the pocket of his coat . A. money

B. world

C. water

D. room

18.Leila didn‟t say anything because she was …… that she might upset him . A. sick

B. afraid

C. friendly

D. nice

19.He did not leave the problem to go to breakfast .

The word “leave” in this sentence means : A. put

B. go

C. quit

D. lay

20.She returned about an hour later . The word “returned” means : A. gave up

B. came back

C. went away

D. grew up … -‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4

1. C

2. B

3. A


5. C

9. B

10. D

11. B

12. D

13. A

16. D

17. A

18. B

19. C

6. B

7. C

14. C

8. C

15. C

20. B . ‫ ٷلاٿل – ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-5

1. Winter is …… than spring . A. colder

B. coldest

C. the cold

D. cold



2. His father is …… her father . A.the oldest

B.as old as

3.Hafez is …… than molavi in Iran . A.the most famous

B.as a famous

C.more famous

D. famous

4. Sina is …… than Amir . A.the heaviest

B. heaviest

C. heavier

D. heavy

5.This house is as …… that one . A.expensive

B. expensive as

C. the most expensive

D.more expensive

6.Akram is as …… as Sepideh . A.the taller

B. tallest

C. taller

D. tall

7. – Isn‟t this ruler shorter than that one ? – No, it is …… that one . A. tallest

B. taller than

C. taller

D. the tallest

8. In a cold day we like to stand …… the fire . A. by




9. Our garden is …… than your one . A.beautiful

B. more beautiful

C.most beautiful

D. the most beautiful

10. The breakfast was not …… the lunch . A. best of

B.the best

11. Nima is …… than Hamid .


D. better than

A. busier

B. busiest

C.as busy as

D. busy

12.– Is Korosh a good footballer ? – Yes, he is …… player in the team . A. better

B. the best

C. best


13.This bicycle is more …… than that one ? A. expensive B. large

C. pretty

14.This is ……house in this village . A.as beautiful as

B.more beautiful than

C. beautiful

D.the most beautiful

15.I think that …… coat is …… than yours . A.him/heavier



D.he / heavier

16. Rose is …… maryam . A.the youngest


C.as young as

D. youngest of

17. We knew that a cow is …… than a cat . A. heaviest of

B. heavier

C.the heaviest of

D. heavy

D. tall

… ‫ ٷنيڄڈ‬-‫ٷلاٿل‬-5 1. A

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. B

9. B

10. D

11. A

12. B

13. A

14. D

15. C

16. C

17. B


. ‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٳبٿٺ ؿډيـ‬٬‫ ثب اًت‬-6 1.

Who is taller than Poya ? ( Ahmad ) ……………………………………… .


Which one is more expensive than the pen ? ( the book ) ……………………………………… .


Is the train faster than the plane ? ( plane ) ……………………………………… .


Is a monkey taller than an elephant ? ( cleverer ) ……………………………………… .


Is Tonekabon bigger than Tehran ? ( smaller ) ……………………………………… .


Are those notebooks as cheap as these ones ?(Yes ) ……………………………………… . … ‫بؿڇ‬٬‫ ثب اًت‬- 6

1. Ahmad is taller than Poya. 2. The book is more expensive than the pen. 3. No, the plane is faster than the train. 4. No, a monkey is cleverer than an elephant. 5. No, it is smaller than Tehran. 6. Yes, they are as cheap as these ones. 1.This bus is as ………… as that one . ( larger ) 2.Sodabeh is as ………… as her sister . ( cleverer ) 3.Ali‟s parents are 50 years old .In other words his father is ………… his mother . ( old ) 4.A watch is ………… than a pen . ( expensive ) 5.This woman is ………… than that woman . ( pretty ) 6.Nima is ………… than his friend . ( busy ) 7.This problem is ………… than that one .( difficult ) 8.Today‟s film is ……… than yesterday‟s one.(interesting ) 9.A train is ………… than a car . ( long ) 10.Our school is ………… than yours . ( big ) … ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ‬-7 1. large

2. clever

3. as old as

4.more expensive

5. prettier

6. busier

7. more difficult

8. more interesting

9. longer

10. bigger . ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔچيل رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-8

1. The second tree is ………… than the third one . 2. The second tree is ………… the first one . 3. The fourth tree is …………of all . 4. The fourth tree is …………the first one . 5.

The first tree is not ………… the third one .

1 2 3 4

…‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬-8 1. shorter

2. as tall as

4. taller than

3. the tallest

5. taller than

. ‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ – رچاة ًإاالت ًڀت صپ كا ؿك ًتچځ ٿٰبثٺ ثيبثيـ‬-9 1. What does Tom‟s father do ? ( )

A. Four

2.Does Shima come from a

B.Yes, she does

large family ? ( ) 3.How many are there in his

C. She is a nurse.

family? ( ) . 4. What is her job ? ( )

D.On the chair

5.Where did you leave your

E.He is a farmer

bag? ( ) 6. When did his uncle return ? ( )

F. 2 hours later … ‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-9

1. E

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. F

. ‫ ٿٔچت ٳټڀبت ميل كا ؿك ًتچځ ٿڄبًت ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬ٞ٬‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ُيچڇ تټ‬-10 bus – blue – come – tie – young – who try – boot drive – cool – rule – done / aI /

/ u:/


 …‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬-10 / aI/


tie- try- drive blue-whoboot - cool-

/Λ/ bus- come young- done

rule . ‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-11 1.Reza is taller than Javad . Parviz is shorter than Javad . We underestand that : A.Reza is shorter than Parviz . B.parviz is shorter than Reza . C.parviz is taller than Reza . D.Javad is taller than Reza .

2.Today, people live shorter than before . Few men or women live more than 90 years . From this passage we understand that :

A.Now, people live longer than past . B.Now, people live more than 90 years . C.In the past people lived longer . D.People couldn‟t live more than 90 years in the past

3.The servant left the room, but she was afraid that Newton might forget to eat the egg . We understand that : A.She was not sure that he would eat the egg . B.She was sure that he would eat the egg . C.Newton eat the egg . D.He was afraid of the egg .

4.We should keep boiling water out of reach of the children . It means that : A.We shouldn‟t boil water . B.Children should play near boiling water . C.Children like to drink hot water . D.Children should be away from hot water .

5. Ali is older than Majid but he is younger than Ahmad We understand that : A.Majid is older than Ahmad . B.Ali is older than Ahmad . C.Ahmad is older than Ali . D.Majid is older than Ali .

6. He forgets his friends telephone number easily . This sentence means : A.He must buy a telephone to call his friends . B.His friends remember his telephone number . C.He can not remember his friends‟ telephone Number. D.He remembers his friends telephone number easily.

7.Tabriz,Isfahan and Kerman are old cities of Iran . Isfahan is the oldest of all . We understand that : A.Kerman is not older than Isfahan . B. Isfahan may be older than Tabriz . C.Tabriz can be older than Isfahan . D.Kerman may be older than Isfahan .

8.What does she do ?

A.Her name is Nasrin . B.She is a doctor . C.She comes late every day. D.She comes from Turkey . … ‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ‬-11 1. B








. ‫پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ميل ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬- 12 One of the greatest Englishmen who ever lived was Isaac Newton. Few men of that time were greater or wiser than him but he often forgot small things . One morning he got up very early because he was working on a very difficult problem. He didn‟t leave the problem to go to breakfast. But his servant thought Newton needed food.Therefore,she went to his room with a pan of water and an egg . The servant put the egg on the table near Newton's watch .

1.Newton forgot important things.



2. Newton was not an Englishman.



3. Why did he get up early ? 4. Where was Newton‟s watch ? 5.The servant went to his room because ………… A. Newton was very hungry .

B. She wanted to give him his breakfast . C. She wanted to solve his problem . D. The servant forgot small things . ……‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ‬-12 1. False

2. False

3. Because he wes working on a very difficult problem . 4. It was on the table. 5. B

1‫ څ‬2‫ څ‬3 ‫ڃڀچڃـڈ ًإاٹ اٿتغبڃـي ام ؿكًڊـبڍ‬ )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2/5(. ‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٚ‫ ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٩‫ ٿغقڅ‬٩‫ علڅ‬- 1 His ser-ant tho-ght Newton needed food . In some countries they are farm-ands .The cat clim-ed to the top of the tree.There were Kinde-gar-en all over the world . ... ٩‫ ٿغقڅ‬٩‫ علڅ‬- 1 servant- thought- farmhands- climbed- kindergarten .

)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬1/5(‫ ٿٔچت ثب ثٰيڈ ڃبډڀبډڄٶ اًت ؟‬ٞ٬‫ل تټ‬٠‫ ٳـاٽ ٳټڀڈ ام ڃ‬- 2 1-high–sign–sing–bright 2- good– boot– tooth - cool 3- number-done-money-blue 000 ‫ ٳـاٽ ٳټڀڈ‬-2 1.sing

2. good

3. blue

)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬1/5( . ‫ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬- ‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬- 3 ( how many – large – what – family – come ) A.

Do you ………… from a ………… family ?


Yes , I do .


………… are there in your ………… ?


Five A. ………… does your father do ?

B.He‟s a farmer . …… ‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬- 2 A .Come– large

A. How many – family

A. What

)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬1(. ‫ څثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ ؿڅ يٲ ٿت٘بؿ ثڄچيٌيـ‬٩‫ ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ يٲ ٿتلاؿ‬- 4 1.love = …………

2. ripe # ………… ... ‫ ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ‬-4

1. = like

2. green )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3(. ‫ رڀالت ميل كا ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬- 5 (keep–boiling–milk–policeman–listen–money)

1.Her child drinks some ………… every day . 2.The ………… helped the old man . 3.They should…………carefully to understand the questions . 4.The farmers ………… monkeys to pick coconuts 5.Keep ………… water out of reach of the children . 6.You need to have it when you go shopping. It is ………… . ... ‫ رڀالت ميل‬-5 1. milk

2. policeman 3.listen 4. keep

5. boiling 6. money

‫ڈ كا ؿك‬ٛ‫ ٿلثچ‬٩‫ ٳِيـڇ كا ام ًڀت كاًت پيـا ٳڄيـ څعلڅ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ ٿ‬-6 )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬1( .‫ي اًت‬٫‫ت اٗب‬٨‫ ٗڀڄبً يٲ ٻ‬. ‫ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن ثڄچيٌيـ‬

1- There are some pretty pictures

( )

on the table .

A. grows B. funny

2- Ahmad‟s father raises flowers .

( )


... ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ‬٤‫ٿ‬-6 1. c


)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3(. ‫ ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-7 1-A plane is …... a car . A. faster than

B. fast

C. faster

D. fastest

2-My bicycle is ……your bicycle . A.more expensive

B. expensive

C. as expensive as

D. most expensive

3- …… 50 kilometers to the next city . A. It is

B. there is

C. that is

D.this is

4- They …… very well last year . A.will swim B.swim C. can‟t swim D.couldn‟t swim 5- My brother …… write this exercise yesterday . A. have to

B. had to

C. has to


6- Akbar doesn‟t have a dictionary . He …… go to the library now . A. didn‟t

B. should

C. could

D. had to

... ‫ثڊتليڂ‬-7 1. A

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. B


is – the – of – wild – jungle – animals – full .


the – Reza – egg – for – minutes – boiled – five . .... ‫ ٿلتت ٳڄيـ‬-8 1.The jungle is full of wild animals . 2.Reza boilded the egg for five minutes . )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2/5()1( ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬-9 Maryam can‟t find her book .She doesn‟t know where it is .


What does she want to find ?


Why can't she find it ?


Maryam has lost her book .



)1( ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬-9


She wants to find her book .


Because she doesn‟t know where it is .



)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2/5 ()2( ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬-10 One morning Newton got up very early because he was working on a very difficult

problem . He didn‟t leave the problem to go to

breakfast .


Did he get up early ?


What does the word “leave” in the second line mean ? 3- The opposite of the word “difficult” is “easy” . False

True )2( ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ؿكٱ ٿ‬-

1. Yes,he did .

2. It means quit .

3. True

Lesson Four )45 ّ( 4 ‫ؿكى‬ A.New words

‫ٳټڀبت تبمڇ‬

1. We pushed the table nearer the wall. . ‫ٿب ٿين كا ډٺ ؿاؿيپ څ ثڈ ؿيچاك ڃنؿيٴتل ٳلؿيپ‬ What did you do ? We pushed the table nearer the wall. Where is the table now ? It is nearer the wall . 2. When there is a heavy snow in winter, the snowplow clears the roads . . ‫ كڅة ربؿڇ ډب كا تڀين ٿي ٳڄـ‬٩‫ٿبُيڂ ثل‬, ‫ ًڄٸيڂ ثجبكؿ‬٩‫ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ ؿك مٿٌتبځ ثل‬ What clears the roads ? The snowplow clears the roads . 3. Our teacher has a loud voice . All of us can hear him . . ‫ ډڀڌ ٿب ٓـاڍ اڅ كا ٿي ُڄچيپ‬. ‫ټپ ٿب ٓـاڍ ثټڄـڍ ؿاكؿ‬٤‫ٿ‬ Can all of you hear him ? Yes , we can . Does your teacher have a loud voice ? Yes , he does . 4. You can play outside , but you mustn't leave the yard .

. ‫ ؽبكد ُچيـ‬ٙ‫ اٿب ڃجبيـ ام عيب‬, ‫ُڀب ٿي تچاڃيـ ؿك ثيلڅځ ثبمڍ ٳڄيـ‬ Where can I play ? You can play outside . 5. I always sit beside Reza in the classroom . . ‫ٿڂ ډڀيِڈ ؿك ٳالى ٳڄبك كٗب ٿي ڃِيڄپ‬ Where do you always sit in the classroom ? I always sit beside Reza in the classroom . 6. The book was too difficult . She couldn't finish it . . ‫ اڅ ڃتچاڃٌت آځ كا تڀبٽ ٳڄـ‬. ‫ٳتبة ؽيټي ٿِٴٺ ثچؿ‬ Why couldn't finish the book ? Because it was too difficult . 7.The snow was very deep . The bus came late . . ‫ اتچثچى ؿيل آٿـ‬. ‫ ؽيټي ميبؿ ثچؿ‬٩‫ثل‬ Did the bus come early or late ? Why ? It came late because the snow was very deep .

Fill in the blanks with new words from this lesson . )45 ّ( ‫ ثب پبًؼ‬. ‫ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت رـيـ ايڂ ؿكى ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ 1. Please wait in the yard until I come back . 2. The taxi driver doesn't drive too fast . 3.This part of the river is very deep . 4. Their radio is too loud I can't hear you . 5. I don't sit beside her because she speaks very much .

Lesson Four The school bus ‫اتچثچى ٿـكًڈ‬ B. Reading

)46 ّ( ‫ٯلائت‬

1. Tom looked out the window . It was snowing very hard . There was a lot of snow in the front yard . ٩‫ رټچيي ثل‬ٙ‫ؿك عيب‬. ‫ ؽيټي ُـيـڍ ٿي ثبكيـ‬٩‫ ثل‬. ‫ تبٽ ام پڄزلڇ ثڈ ثيلڅځ ڃٸبڇ ٳلؿ‬.1 . ‫ميبؿڍ څرچؿ ؿاُت‬ 2. "What if it snows all night?" he wondered ."How will I get to school? The school bus can't come if the snow is too deep ." ‫چك ثڈ‬ٜ‫ ص‬. ‫تـ‬٫‫بٯي ٿي ا‬٬‫ ثجبكؿ صڈ ات‬٩‫چٹ ُت ثل‬ٛ ‫ اٷل تڀبٽ‬: ‫ اڅ ام ؽچؿٍ پلًيـ‬.2 . ‫ اتچثچى ٿـكًڈ ڃڀي تچاڃـ ثيبيـ‬, ‫ ؽيټي ميبؿ ثبُـ‬٩‫ٿـكًڈ ثلڅٽ ؟ اٷل ثل‬ 3. In the morning the snow was deeper . It was hard to see where the road was . . ‫ ؿيـځ ربؿڇ ؿُچاك ثچؿ‬. ‫ ثيِتل ُـ‬٩‫ ډڄٸبٽ ٓجظ ثل‬.1 4. "But I want to go to school ,"Tom said ."Maybe the school bus will come soon." . ‫ ُبيـ اتچثچى ٿـكًڈ ثنڅؿڍ ثيبيـ‬. ‫ اٿّب ٿڂ ٿي ؽچاډپ ثڈ ٿـكًڈ ثلڅٽ‬: ‫ت‬٬‫ تبٽ ٷ‬.4 5. Tom put on boots and a warm coat .Then he went outside to wait for the bus .

. ‫ل اتچثچى ثڀبڃـ‬٠‫ اڅ ام ٿڄنٹ ؽبكد ُـ تب ٿڄت‬. ‫ تبٽ صٴڀڈ ډب څ ٳت ٷلٿي كا پچُيـ‬.5

6. Tom waited for a long time.But the school bus did not come . Then he heard a loud noise . Something was coming down the road . ‫ آڃٸبڇ اڅ ٓـاڍ ثټڄـڍ كا‬. ‫ل ُـ اٿّب ام اتچثچى ؽجلڍ ڃِـ‬٠‫چالڃي ٿڄت‬ٛ ‫ تبٽ ٿـتي‬.6 . ‫ صينڍ ؿاُت ام ربؿڇ ًلاميل ٿي ُـ‬. ‫ُڄيـ‬ 7. It was a snowplow . It was pushing all the snow to the sides of the road. . ‫ڊبڍ كڅڍ ربؿڇ كا ٳڄبك ٿي مؿ‬٫‫ آځ ثل‬. ‫ كڅة ثچؿ‬٩‫ آځ ٿبُيڂ ثل‬.7 8. ''Hello," called the man on the snowplow . "What are you doing outside in the snow?" ‫ڊب‬٫‫ ُڀب ؿك ايڄزب ٿيبځ ثل‬, ‫ ًالٽ‬: ‫ت‬٬‫بة ثڈ تبٽ ٷ‬ٜ‫ كڅة ثچؿ ؽ‬٩‫ٿلؿڍ ٳڈ ًچاك ٿبُيڂ ثل‬ ‫صڈ ٿي ٳڄيـ ؟‬ 9. "I'm waiting for the school bus ," Tom said. . ‫ل اتچثچى ٿـكًڈ ډٌتپ‬٠‫ ٿڂ ٿڄت‬: ‫ تبٽ پبًؼ ؿاؿ‬.9 10. The man laughed ."I don't think the bus will come today .But I'll take you to school on the snowplow . Climb up here beside me." ‫ اٿّب ٿڂ ثب‬. ‫ٴل ڃڀي ٳڄپ اٿلڅم اتچثچى ٿـكًڈ ثيبيـ‬٫ ‫ ٿڂ‬: ‫ت‬٬‫ آځ ٿلؿ ؽڄـيـ څ ٷ‬.10 . ‫ ثيب ثبال ثڄِيڂ ٳڄبك ٿڂ‬. ‫ كڅة ُڀب كا ثڈ ٿـكًڈ ٿي ثلٽ‬٩‫ٿبُيڂ ثل‬ 11. Tom got up beside him.The snowplow went down the road .What fun it was !

‫‪ .11‬تبٽ ثبال ك‪٫‬ت څ ٳڄبكٍ ڃٌِت ‪ .‬ٿبُيڂ ثل‪ ٩‬كڅة ام ربؿڇ ًلاميل ُـ ‪ .‬صڈ ٳي‪٬‬ي‬ ‫ؿاُت !‬ ‫‪12. Soon they were at school ."Thank you ,"Tom said ."All my‬‬ ‫‪friends ride to school on the bus .But they never had a snowplow‬‬ ‫"!‪for a school bus‬‬

‫‪ .12‬صينڍ ڃٸقُت ٳڈ آڃڊب ثڈ ٿـكًڈ كًيـڃـ ‪ .‬تبٽ ام آځ ٿلؿ تِٴل ٳلؿ څ ٷ‪٬‬ت ‪ :‬تڀبٽ‬ ‫ؿڅًتبځ ٿڂ ثب اتچثچى ثڈ ٿـكًڈ ٿي كڅڃـ څٻي آڃڊب ډلٷن ثزبڍ اتچثچى ًچاك ٿبُيڂ‬ ‫ثل‪ ٩‬كڅة ڃِـڇ اڃـ !‬


‫ټت‬ٜ‫ؿكٱ ٿ‬

I. Answer the questions orally . )47ّ(.‫بډي ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬ُ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ث‬ I. Answer these questions orally . 1. What did Tom see when he looked out the window ? He saw a lot of snow in the front yard . 2. Did he see any snow ? Yes , he did . 3. Did it snow all night ? Yes , it did . 4. Was the snow very deep in the morning ? Yes , it was . 5. Could Tom take the bus to school ? No , he Couldn't .

6. Is it fun to go to school on a snowplow ? Yes , it is . 7. Does it snow in you city ? Yes , it does .

II.True or False ? )47ّ( ‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟‬ 1. There wasn't any snow on the ground . (F) 2. It snowed all night . (T)

3. Tom stayed at home . (F) 4. The school bus arrived very late . (F) 5. He heard the school bus coming down the road. (F) 6.Tom had fun on the bus . (F) 7. The school bus went down the road . (F) 8. Tom saw all his friends on the school bus . (F)

III.Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . )47 ّ( .‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ 1. In the morning ….. . A. it was hard to see the school bus B. there was more snow than before C. there were not many clouds in the sky D. the school bus came very late . ( B ) . ‫ ثيِتلڍ ڃٌجت ثڈ ٯجٺ څرچؿ ؿاُت‬٩‫ؿك ډڄٸبٽ ٓجظ ثل‬ 2. Tom wanted to go to school . He ….. . A. waited for the snowplow in the yard B. went out to find the road C. went outside to wait for the bus D. put on his clothes and walked to school ( C ) . ‫ل اتچثچى ثڀبڃـ‬٠‫ اڅ ام ٿڄنٹ ؽبكد ُـ تب ٿڄت‬. ‫تبٽ ؽچاًت ثڈ ٿـكًڈ ثلڅؿ‬ 3. Tom waited for the bus ….. . A. and it came late B. but it didn't come

C. but another bus came D. so he was late for school . ( B ) . ‫ل اتچثچى ٿبڃـ اٿب آځ ڃيبٿـ‬٠‫تبٽ ٿڄت‬ 4. A snowplow was ….. . A. going to school B. only making a noise C. cleaning the road D. going to the village ( C ) . ‫ كڅثي ربؿڇ كا تڀين ٿي ٳلؿ‬٩‫ٿبُيڂ ثل‬ Speaking 2 Substitute the words in the pattern sentences. ‫ ) پبًؼ‬50ّ ( .‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ‬ Zahra is the oldest girl in our class . ‫مډلا ثنكٵ تليڂ ( ٿٌڂ تليڂ ) ؿؽتل‬ . ‫ٳالًڀبځ اًت‬

1. Zahra is the fattest girl in our class . 2. Zahra is the tallest girl in our class . 3. Ali is the oldest boy in our class . 4. Ali is the shortest boy in our class . 5. Ali is the youngest boy in our class . 6. Ali is the youngest boy in his family .

7. Ali is the youngest boy in our high school .

Speaking 3

Change the following sentences with the words given . )51 ّ( ‫پبًؼ‬. ‫ييل ؿډيـ‬٨‫ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ رڀالت ميل كا ت‬ 1. Isfahan is the oldest . 2. Abadan is the hottest . 3. Susan is the tallest . 4. The ruler is the longest . 5. The kitchen is the hottest . Speaking 6 Substitute the words in the pattern sentences. ) 52 ّ ( ‫ پبًؼ‬.‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ‬ This story is the most difficult story in the book . 1. This story is the most interesting story in the book . 2. This lesson is the most interesting lesson in our book . 3. This lesson is the most important lesson in our book . 4. Your country is the most important country in the world . 5. Your country is the most expensive country in the world .

7. His house is the most beautiful house in our town . 8. That park is the most beautiful park in their city .

Speaking 7 Make sentences . )53 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬ 1. German is more difficult than English . Chinese is the most difficult of all . 2. Karaj is more important than Kerman . Tehran is the most important of all . 3. Summer is more beautiful than autumn . Spring is the most beautiful of all. 4. A car is more expensive than a bicycle . A house is the most expensive of all. 5. A town is more important than a village . A city is the most important of all .

Writing 1 Change the sentences . )53 ّ( ‫) پبًؼ‬. ‫ڊچٽ ؿيٸل ايڂ رڀالت كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬٬‫ (ٿ‬. ‫ييل ؿډيـ‬٨‫ايڂ رڀالت كا ت‬ 1. The cartoon was more interesting than the cartoon . 2. My problem is more difficult than his problem . 3. The green car is the most comfortable of all . 4. Ramin's handwriting is more beautiful than Amir's . 5. The white shirt is the best of all .

Writing 2

Complete these sentences . Follow the model . )54 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫ ام اٻٸچ پيلڅڍ ٳڄيـ‬. ‫ايڂ رڀالت كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ 1. Winter is colder than autumn . 2. English is easier than Chinese . 3. My grandfather is older than my father . 4. A watch is more expensive than a pen . 5. Iran is bigger than England .

F. Language Functions Granting a request

)55 ّ( ‫پقيلٍ يٲ تٰبٗب‬

1. A. May I borrow your pen , please ? ‫ب” ؽچؿٳبكتبځ كا ٯلٕ ٳڄپ ؟‬٬ٜ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٻ‬ B. All right . . ‫ثٌيبك ؽچة‬ 2. A. May I have another sandwich ? . ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ًبڃـڅيش ؿيٸلڍ ثؾچكٽ‬ B. Yes, of course .Help yourself. . ‫لٿبييـ ام ؽچؿتبځ پقيلايي ٳڄيـ‬٬‫ ث‬، ‫ثټڈ اٻجتڈ‬ A. Thanks. . ‫ٿتِٴلٽ‬

‫‪3.‬‬ ‫?‪A. Could I see the newspaper‬‬ ‫آيب ٿي تچاڃپ ڃٸبډي ثڈ ايڂ كڅمڃبٿڈ ثيبڃـامٽ ؟‬ ‫‪B.Yes ,of course . Here you are .‬‬ ‫ثټڈ‪ ،‬اٻجتڈ ‪ .‬ث‪٬‬لٿبييـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪4.‬‬ ‫? ‪A. Can I watch the news on television‬‬ ‫آڍ ٿي تچاڃپ اؽجبك تټچينيچځ كا تڀبُب ٿڄپ ‪.‬‬ ‫ا‬ ‫‪B. Sure .‬‬ ‫عتڀب” ‪.‬‬ ‫‪Rejecting a request‬‬

‫كؿ يٲ تٰبٗب‬

‫‪1.‬‬ ‫? ‪A. Can I use your telephone‬‬ ‫آيب ٿي تچاڃپ ام تټ‪٬‬ڂ تبځ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٳڄپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪B. Sorry , I'm using it right now .‬‬ ‫ٿتأً‪٬‬پ ‪ ،‬االځ ؽچؿٽ ؿاكٽ آځ كا اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪A. Oh , I see .‬‬ ‫اڅڇ ‪ ,‬ٿتچرڈ ُـٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪2.‬‬ ‫? ‪A. Can I use your car‬‬ ‫آيب ٿي تچاڃپ ام ٿبُيڂ تبځ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٳڄپ ؟‬ ‫‪B. sorry, I need it right now .‬‬

. ‫بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄپ‬٬‫ االځ ؽچؿٽ ؿاكٽ آځ كا اًت‬, ‫پ‬٬ً‫ٿتأ‬

G. Pronunciation practice

( 56 ّ( ٞ٬‫تڀليڂ تټ‬ : ‫ ؿاكڃـ‬/ i:/ ‫ ٳټڀبت ميل ٓـاڍ‬.A

eat – seat – sleep – feet – leave – sheep – read – heat : ‫ ؿاكڃـ‬/I/ ‫ٳټڀبت ميلٓـاڍ‬ it – sit – slip – fit – live – ship – rid – hit : ‫ٴيٲ ٳټڀبت ثل اًبى ٓـا‬٬‫ ت‬.B /i:/ = read – he's – eat – feel – deep – ease – please – these I/ = his - still – it – fill – live – did – is

H. Vocabulary Review True or false ? ) 57ّ(‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟‬ 1. A comb has teeth . (T) 2. A chair may have a hand . (F) 3. A clock has a face . (T) 4. A bank usually has branches. (T) 5. A table has legs . (T) 6. A car has chairs . (F) : ‫تلرڀڈ‬ . ‫ ُبڃڈ ؿڃـاڃڈ ډبيي ؿاكؿ‬.1

‫‪ٓ .2‬ڄـٻي ٿڀٴڂ اًت ؿًت ؿاُتڈ ثبُـ ‪[ .‬ؿك مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ؿًتڌ ٓڄـٻي ‪]arm‬‬ ‫ٿي ٷچيڄـ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ً .3‬ب‪٣‬ت ٓ‪٬‬غڈ ؿاكؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .4‬ثبڃٲ ٿ‪٤‬ڀچال” ُ‪٤‬جڈ ډبيي ؿاكؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬ٿين پبيڈ ډبيي ؿاكؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬اتچٿجيٺ ٓڄـٻي ډبيي ؿاكؿ ‪[ .‬ؿك مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ثڈ ٓڄـٻي اتچٿجيٺ( ‪ (seat‬ٿي ٷچيڄـ‬


‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى صڊبكٽ‬ ‫ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ ‪٣‬بٻي ‪superlative adjectives‬‬ ‫اٷل ثؾچاډيپ ثلتلڍ ٓ‪٬‬ت ُؾْ يب صينڍ كا ثب ٓ‪٬‬ت ا‪٫‬لاؿ يب صينډبڍ ؿيٸل ثيبځ ٳڄيپ ‪،‬‬ ‫ام ٓ‪٬‬ت ‪٣‬بٻي اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄيپ ‪٬ٓ .‬ت ‪٣‬بٻي ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ يٲ ثؾِي ثب اٗب‪٫‬ڈ ٳلؿځ‬ ‫پٌچڃـ ‪ – est‬ثڈ آؽلُبځ ثـًت ٿي آيـ څٻي ٓ‪٬‬ت ‪٣‬بٻي صڄـ ثؾِي ډب ثب آڅكؿځ‬


‫‪ most‬ٯجٺ ام آڃڊب ًبؽتڈ ٿي ُچؿ ‪:‬‬ ‫ٓ‪٬‬ت ‪٣‬بٻي صڄـ ثؾِي‬ ‫‪most‬‬




‫ٓ‪٬‬ت ‪٣‬بٻي يٲ ثؾِي‬ ‫‪tall+est: tallest‬‬


‫‪ difficult‬ٿِٴٺ تليڂ‬ ‫‪beautiful : the most‬‬ ‫ميجبتليڂ‬


‫‪expensive :‬‬ ‫ٷلاڃتليڂ‬


‫‪small+est : smallest‬‬


‫‪large+est : largest‬‬

‫‪the most‬‬ ‫‪expensive‬‬

‫ٿخبٻڊب ‪:‬‬

‫‪1. Ali is the fattest boy of his class .‬‬ ‫‪٣‬ټي صب٭ تليڂ پٌل ٳالًَ اًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪2. She is the tallest girl of her class .‬‬ ‫اڅ ٯـ ثټڄـتليڂ ؿؽتل ٳالًَ اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪3.This flower is the most beautiful flower of the garden .‬‬ ‫ايڂ ٷٺ ميجبتليڂ ٷٺ ايڂ ثب‪ ٥‬اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪4.Lesson 9 is the most difficult lesson of this book .‬‬ ‫ؿكى ‪ 9‬ؿُچاكتليڂ ؿكى ايڂ ٳتبة اًت ‪.‬‬

‫ڃٴتـڈ ٿڊپ ‪:‬‬ ‫ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ ؿڅ ثؾِي ٳڈ ثڈ علڅ‪٩‬‬

‫“ ‪ y‬يب ‪ “ le ، er، ow ، ly‬ؽتپ‬

‫ٿي ُچڃـ ُٴٺ ت‪٘٬‬يټي څ ‪٣‬بٻيِبځ ثب اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ام ” ‪ er‬څ ‪ً “ est‬بؽتڈ‬ ‫ٿي ُچڃـ ‪ٗ.‬ڀڄبً ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ثڈ‪ y‬ؽتپ ٿي ُچڃـ عل‪ y ٩‬ثڈ‪ i‬تجـيٺ ٿي ُچؿ ‪:‬‬

‫ثڈ ٓ‪٬‬ت ډبڍ ثي ٯب‪٣‬ـڇ ميل څ ُٴٺ ډبڍ ت‪٘٬‬يټي څ ‪٣‬بٻي آڃڊب تچرڈ ٳڄيـ ‪:‬‬ ‫ٿ‪٤‬ڄي‬







‫ؽچة‪ -‬ؽچة تل‪-‬‬ ‫‪the best‬‬



‫ؽچة تليڂ‬ ‫ثـ‪ -‬ثـتل‪-‬‬ ‫ثـتليڂ‬ ‫ميبؿ‪ -‬ميبؿتل‪-‬‬ ‫ميبؿتليڂ‬ ‫ٳپ‪-‬ٳڀتل‪-‬‬ ‫ٳڀتليڂ‬ ‫ؿڅك‪ -‬ؿڅكتل‪-‬‬ ‫ؿڅكتليڂ‬

‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪worst‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪most‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪least‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪farthest‬‬






‫‪many‬‬ ‫‪much‬‬



‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى صڊبكٽ‬ 1.another /pron,adj 2.armchair /n. 3.autumn /n.

an additional, similar or


different one . a comfortable chair with


arms the



between summer and winter ; fall

4.beside /prep 5.bedroom /n. 6.boot /n. 7.borrow /v. 8.branch /n.

at the side of;near


; by ‫اتب٭ ؽچاة‬

a room for sleeping

‫صٴڀڈ – پچتيڂ‬

shoes that cover your whole foot and ankle

‫ٯلٕ ٳلؿځ‬

to get sth from a person and return it later

# lend ‫ٯلٕ ؿاؿځ‬ ‫جڈ‬٤ُ – ‫ُبؽڈ‬

part ; division

9.comfortable /adj 10.deep /adj


physically relaxed

# uncomfortable‫ڃبكاعت‬ 1. 1-thick;massive 2. 2-a long way down


- ‫ ميبؿ‬- 1 ‫عزيپ‬


from surface

‫ ڃبمٱ‬# thick , fine ‫ڀيٮ‬٣ -2 # shallow ‫ڀٮ‬٣ ‫ٳپ‬

12.get up /v.

1-climb up 2-rise to a standing Position(get out of bed)


surface of the earth

‫تڂ‬٫‫ ثبال ك‬-1 ) ‫ ثلؽبًتڂ ( ام ؽچاة‬-2


/n. 14.hard /adv

severly ; intensely

15.hear /v. 16.heavy /adj 17.help yourself

‫ثڈ ُـت – ُـيـ‬ ‫ٷچٍ ٳلؿځ‬

listen to, attend to #ignore ‫تچرڈ ڃٴلؿځ‬ mass of snow on

‫ميبؿ – ًڄٸيڂ‬

the ground;a lot of serve yourself with

‫لٿبييـ ٿيٺ ٳڄيـ‬٬‫ث‬

food,drink etc ‫ربٻت – ٷيلا‬

18.interesting /adj 19.language /n.

attractive; fascinating #boring ‫ٳٌبٻت ثبك‬ system of sounds, words,etc which is used by

people to talk with each other and for



information . 20.loud /adj 21.make a noise /idm.




‫(ٓـا) ثټڄـ‬




a sound that something


‫ًلڅٓـا ٳلؿځ‬ or



makes 22.market /n. 23.may be /adv 24.needle /n.





probably a small pointed


piece of metal with a hole at one end which is used for sewing – ‫ٿڊپ ڃيٌت‬

25.never mind /idm

It doesn‟t matter

‫اډڀيتي ڃـاكؿ‬

26.noise /n.

‫ًل څٓـا‬ loud and unpleasant sound # quiet come after;near


‫ـ – ٳڄبك‬٤‫ث‬

27.next /adj 28.outside /n. 29.push /v.

‫ثيلڅځ‬ Exterior; external # inside

‫ډٺ ؿاؿځ‬

press sth with force in order to move it .

# pull

31.road /n.

‫ٳِيـځ‬ ‫چكاً – اآلځ‬٫

30.right now /idm


Immediately;at this moment # later a long way between two

ً‫ـا‬٤‫ث‬ ‫ربؿڇ‬

places for the use of motor vehicles.

32.season /n.

four periods of a year. (spring, summer, autumn and winter)

33.seat /n.

– ‫ٔٺ( ثڊبك – تبثٌتبځ‬٫ ) ‫پبيين څ مٿٌتبځ‬

place where one

– ‫ٓڄـٻي اتچٿجيٺ‬

sits in a car.Things

‫ٓڄـٻي – ڃيڀٴت‬

for sitting on :a chair,bench or box 34.side /n. 35.snowplow

a position to the

٩‫ل‬ٛ – ‫ًڀت‬

left or right of sth It is a vehicle for

‫ كڅة‬٩‫ٿبُيڂ ثل‬


cleaning snow on the road .

36.sorry /adj

# glad

37.voice /n.


41.yard /n.

) ‫ٓـا (اڃٌبځ‬

medium heat

‫ٷلٽ‬ # cold



39.what fun it is!



human sound

between cool and

/ adj



feeling regret,sad

It is enjoyable

! ‫ي ؿاكؿ‬٬‫صڈ ٳي‬

ask oneself

‫ام ؽچؿ پلًيـځ‬

enclosed space round


a building; court: enclosure : ‫ڃٴتـڈ ډب‬ : ‫لٿبييـ‬٫ ‫“ ؿك رڀټڈ ميل تچرڈ‬for”

‫ڈ‬٫‫ اٗب‬٩‫ ثڈ عل‬

They never had a snowplow for a school bus . . ‫ كڅة ڃِـڃـ‬٩‫آڃڊب ډلٷن ثزبڍ اتچثچى ًچاك ٿبُيڂ ثل‬ for = instead of ; in place of


: ‫لٿبييـ‬٫ ‫ “ ؿك رڀټڈ ميل تچرڈ‬what if ” ‫الط‬ٜٓ‫ ثڈ ا‬

‫? ‪what if it snows all night‬‬ ‫” ‪ “ what if‬ؿك ايڂ رڀټڈ ثڈ ٿ‪٤‬ڄبڍ ”‪ “what will happen‬ي‪٤‬ڄي “ صڈ ات‪٬‬بٯي ٿي‬ ‫ا‪٫‬تـ ” ٿي ثبُـ ‪ .‬ثڄبثل ايڂ ٿ‪٤‬ڄبڍ رڀټڈ ‪٫‬چ٭ صڄيڂ اًت ‪ :‬اٷل ؿك تڀبٽ ‪ٛ‬چٹ ُت ثل‪٩‬‬ ‫ثجبكؿ صڈ ات‪٬‬بٯي ٿي ا‪٫‬تـ ؟‬ ‫‪ ‬ٳټڀڈ ‪ hard‬ٳڈ ډپ ٓ‪٬‬ت څډپ ٯيـ اًت ‪ .‬ٿ‪٤‬بڃي ٿت‪٤‬ـؿڍ ؿاكؿ ‪ .‬ثڈ رڀالت ميل تچرڈ‬ ‫‪٫‬لٿبييـ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪1.This is a hard chair .‬‬

‫ايڂ ٓڄـٻي ً‪٬‬تي اًت ‪.‬‬

‫ً‪٬‬ت ‪hard / adj .= not soft‬‬ ‫‪2.This is a hard problem .‬‬

‫ايڂ ٿٌبٻڈ ؿُچاكڍ اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫ًؾت – ؿُچاك‬

‫‪hard / adj . = difficult‬‬

‫ثل‪ُ ٩‬ـيـڍ ٿي ثبكيـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪3.It was snowing very hard .‬‬


‫‪hard / adv .= severly;heavily‬‬

‫ثڈ ٿ‪٤‬بڃي ٳټڀڈ ‪ deep‬ؿك رڀالت ميل تچرڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪This part of river is very deep .‬‬ ‫ٳپ ‪٣‬ڀٮ ‪٣ deep # shallow‬ڀيٮ‬

‫ايڂ ٯٌڀت كڅؿؽبڃڈ ثٌيبك ‪٣‬ڀيٮ اًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪The snow was very deep .‬‬ ‫ثل‪ ٩‬ثٌيبك ٯ‪ٜ‬چك ( ٗؾيپ ‪ -‬ميبؿ ) ثچؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪deep = thick # thin‬‬ ‫ڃبمٱ ‪ٗ #‬ؾيپ = ٯ‪ٜ‬چك‬



‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى صڊبكٽ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬ . ‫بت ميل كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثٴبك ثجليـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A-1 pull- chinese- heavier- beside- down seat- noise- deep 1.Alice doesn‟t sit ………… her because she speaks a lot . 2.The people of this country speak ………… . 3.You can not ………… this car . It is too heavy . 4.The school bus was coming ………… the street . 5.A coat is ………… than a shirt . 6.You shouldn‟t swim in this part . It is very ………… . 7.She was looking for a ………… to sit on it . 8.Don‟t make a ………… because the child is asleep .

. . .‫بت ميل‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A .2 1. beside

2. chinese

3. pull

4. down

5. heavier

6. deep

7. seat

8. noise : B-1

coming- boots- comb- waiting- drinks- snowplow loud- deeper 1.This red ………… has a lot of teeth . 2.Her child ………… some milk every day .

3.The ………… cleaned the road yesterday . 4.His son put on his ………… there . 5.Helen is ………… for you in the yard . 6.The bus was ………… down the road . 7.In the morning the snow was ………… . 8.You can hear her ………… voice . : B -1 1. comb

2. drinks

5. waiting

3. snowplow

6. coming

4. boots

7. deeper

8. loud

. ‫ل كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬٠‫ت ٿچكؿ ڃ‬٨‫بت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ٻ‬٣‫ال‬ٛ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ا‬- 2 1.Arnold is the best student of the class . The opposite of “the best” is ………… . 2.This bank has two ………… . 3.A(n) ………… is a fight between a man and a bull . 4.A chair has four ………… . 5.The TV is too ………… . I can‟t hear you . 6.A comb has a lot of ………… . 7.It falls down from sky . It is very small and white . It is ………… . 8.A loud sound that we don‟t like to hear is called ………… . 9.A(n) ………… is a long way between two places . 10.The ………… can clear the snow of these streets

11.Heavy shoes that you wear on a rainy or snowy day is called ………… . 12.A piece of hard ground with a wall around it , is called ………… . 13.When you ………… something you move it strongly away from you . 14.Something that is used for putting the hair in order is called ………… . 15.The third season of the year is ………… . …… ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬-2 1. the worst 6. teeth 11. boot

2. branches 7. snow

12. yard

8. noise

13. push

3. bullfight

4. legs

9. distance 14. comb

5. loud

10. snowplow 15. autumn

. ‫ ٳِيـڇ كا ام ًڀت كاًت اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ ٿ‬- 3 1.Pari‟s pen is very expensive . ( )

A. thicker

2.I want to return this book . ( )

B. near

3.The snow was too deep . ( )


4.He sits beside me . ( )

D. very

5.“What if it snows all night” ?

E. not cheap

he wondered . ( ) 6.In the morning the snow was deeper . F. give back

( ) 7.A bank usually has branches . ( )

G.asked himself

8.It was hard to see the road . ( )

H.parts …… ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ‬٤‫ ٿ‬-3

1. E

2. F

7. H

8. C

3. D

4. B

5. G

6. A

. ‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬: ‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4 1.If you don‟t know the ………… of this country , you may have a lot of problems . A. language

B. needle


D. noise

2.The opposite (#) of “ pull” is …… A. push

B. pass


D. pick

3.The first …… of a year is spring . A. day

B. week

C.season D. month

4. – May I …… your notebook ? – sorry . I need it right now . A. grow

B. borrow


D. forget

5.They are playing in the front yard .The opposite of front is …… .

A. deep

B. hard


D. back

6.Nader couldn‟t ride a ……two years a go . A.taxi

B. car


D. motorcycle

7.I don‟t like to sit …… lazy students . A. for

B. beside

C. beside

D. at

8.This pool is very …… . You can‟t swim in it . A. deep

B. short

C. difficult

D. heavy

9.He sat on the …… of the car . A. seat

B. bench

C. chair

D. armchair

10.This box is very …… He can‟t move it . A. beautiful

B. clever

C. pretty

D. heavy

11.I can not …… in a deep river . A. snow

B. finish

C. push

D. swim

12.There wasn‟t any snow on the …… . A. noise

B. ground

C. sky

D. night

13.The book was too difficult . She couldn‟t …… it . A. finish

B. push

C. ride

D. wonder

14.The opposite of “ outside” is …… . A. north

B. overcoat

C. inside

D. top

15.The …… driver doesn‟t drive too fast . A. taxi

B. bicycle

C. newspaper

D. umbrella

16.This …… has five branches . A. hand

B. face

C. tooth

D. bank

17.The yellow chair has two …… . A. beds

B. seats

C. arms

D. hands

18.– What color is the …… of that clock ?– It is white . A. branch

B. legs

C. face

D. tooth

19.This …… has 75 teeth . A. comb

B. armchair

C. seat

D. watch

20.It is difficult for him to …… the snowplow .

A. take off

B.climb up

C.wake up

D. turn up …… ‫ ميل‬:‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4





12. B












7. B




. ‫ٷلاٿل – ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-5 1.Negin has …… handwriting in her class . A.as bad as

B. the worst



2.Tehran is …… city in Iran . A.as large as

B. larger

C. largest D.the largest

3.Amir doesn‟t study well . He is …… student in his class . A.the worst

B. better

C. best


4.Colin is ……mechanic of this city . A. better

B. good

C. best

D.the best

5.The green car is …… than the black one .

A.more expensive

B.most expensive

C. expensive

D.the most expensive

6.This is the …… cinema in this town . A. well

B. best

C. better

D.as good as

7.Tehran is the …… important city in Iran . A. more

B. most

C. as


8.Nasrin is …… Mona now . A. busier

B. busiest C.as busy as D.the busiest

9.The kitchen and the bedroom are hot in summer . The sitting room is …… . A. the hottest

B. hotter

C. hot

D. hotter than

10.Their library has the …… books . A. much


C. most

D. more

11.Akram‟s dictionary is the most …… of all .

A.more expensive


C.so expensive as

D.as expensive as

12.Our country is …… country in Asia A.most important

B. more important

C. more important than

D.the most important

13.Ali‟s watch is …… than his friend‟s . A.most beauiful

B.as beautiful as

C. more beautiful

D. beautiful

14.The cartoon was ……than the film . A.more interesting

B. interesting

C. most interesting

D. the most interesting

15.This chair is more comfortable …… that one . A. on

B. off

C. from

D. than

16.A radio is ……than a television . A. the cheapest

B. cheaper

C. cheap

D. cheapest

17.The first problem was difficult . The second problem was more difficult than the first one . The third problem was …… of all . A.the most difficult

B. difficult

C. more difficult

D. most difficult

18.Arthur is …… boy in his family . A.as short as


C.the shortest

D.shorter than

19.It is …… way to the park . A.as short as

B. shortest

C. the shortest

D. short

20.There are several parks in this city; but this park is

the ……beautiful of all . A. most

B. more

C. much

D. many …… ‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ‬-‫ٷلاٿل‬-5









12.D 18.C


13.C 19.C








. ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت ميل رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬-6 1.

until- wait-please- in- yard- I-come back-the.


ride-to-Ali-school-Amin-bus-and-the –on .


clothes-walked-school-he-and-to-his-put on.


bus-late-very-school-arrived-the. …… ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت‬-6


Please wait in the yard until I come back.


Ali and Amin ride to school on the bus.


He put on his clothes and walked to school.


The school bus arrived very late.

. ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڄچيٌيـ‬-7 1.This is the ………… cartoon that I have seen . (good) 2.Lesson 9 is …………lesson of the book . (difficult)

3.Mahtab is the ………… girl of her class . (clever) 4.Our class is the ………… class of this school . (large) 5.Manizheh is ………… than her sister . (intelligent) 6.The month of Bahman is ………… than the month of Tir .(cold) 7.Ali drives ………… than his father .(fast) 8.He will get to the store ………… than his brother (soon) 9.He sings as …………as his father .(beauty) 10.This chair is the …………chair of this room . (comfortable) 11.She is the …………doctor of this city .(busy) 12.This is the …………day in my life .(important) …… ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ‬-7 1.best

2.the most difficult

5.more intelligent



10.most comfortable


4.largest 8.sooner 9.beautifully

11.busiest 12.most important

. ‫ آڃڊب كا ؿك ًتچځ ٿڄبًت ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬، ‫ ٿٔچت ٳټڀبت ميل‬ٞ٬‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تټ‬: A -8 boot-tea-bus-my-touch-fly-cool soup-drive-teeth-me-under

/ i:/




…. ‫ة‬ ‫ ثب تچرڈ ڇ‬: A-8 / i:/


/ Λ/


tea-teeth- my-fly-



cool-soup touch-



under . ‫ ثٴِيـ‬ٚ‫بڅت اًت ؽ‬٬‫ ٿٔچت ثب ًڈ ٳټڀڈ ؿيٸل ٿت‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫ ميل ٳټڀڈ ايٴڈ ام ڃ‬:B 1.









true-tooth-cloud-soup ‫ پبًؼ‬: B -8 1.sleep

2. ship




. ‫ ٿٴبٻڀبت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-9 A: May I borrow …………………………………… ? B: Sorry , ……………………………………… . A: Could I ………………… the newspaper ? B: …………………………………… . A: Can I have ……………………… . B: Yes, …………… . Help ……………… .

A: Can I ………………………… radio ? B: Sorry , ……………………… . A: Oh , ……………… . …… ‫ ٿٴبٻڀبت‬-9 A: your book A: see

B: I need it right now B: Yes,of course.Here you are .

A: another sandwich A: use your

B: of course.yourself

B:I‟m using it right now.

A: I see

. ‫ رڀالت ٳچتبڇ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څًپي ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-10 1.The river is very deep so we can‟t swim in it . We understand that ……… .

A.people should swim in a deep river . B.in above sentence “deep” means heavy . C.swimming in a deep river is easy for them . D.they are not very good swimmers . 2.He can hear the teacher in the next room because …… .

A.is a good teacher

B. has a low voice

C. knows English

D. has a loud voice

3.They never had a snowplow for a school bus . “ for” in this sentence means : A. with

B. since

C.in place of

D. about

4.“What if it snows all night ?” Tom wondered . “wondered” means :

A. asked himself

B. was not surprised

C. felt sad

D. thought

5.Tom put on his boots and a warm coat . From this sentence we understand that …… . A.Tom didn‟t want to go out . B.Tom wanted to go out . C.it was not very cold . D.it was very hot . ... ... ‫ رڀالت ٳچتبڇ‬-10 1.D





. ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬-11 Javad got up at six in the morning . He looked out the window . It was windy .He put on his boots and a warm coat . Then he went outside. He wanted to go to school but it began to snow . So he came back and took his umbrella . He opened it and began to walk to

school. When he got there, he didn‟t see anybody at school.He waited for a long time. Then he remembered that it was Friday !


What did Javad put on ?


How long did he wait at school ?


Why did he come back home ?


Was it snowy ?


How did he go to school ?


In Iran students don‟t go to school on Fridays . True

False ... ‫ ٿتڂ ميل‬-11


He put on his boots and a warm coat.


He waited for a long time.


Because it was Friday.


Yes, it was.

5. He walked to school.

6. True

)1(‫ڃڀچڃڈ ًإا الت اٿتغبڃي ام صڊبك ؿكى اڅٹ‬ . ‫ ٿڄبًت ٳټڀبت ڃبٯْ ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬٩‫ ثب ٯلاكؿاؿځ علڅ‬: ‫ ؿيٴتڈ‬- 1 There are many co- ntries all over the wor-d . The mon-ey has a co-onut in his hand . A –ervant works for them He is a wi-e boy . Where did you leave your s-o-s ? The sno-plow clears the r-ads . He has a] lo-d voice .

….. ‫ ؿيٴتڈ‬-1 countries- world- monkey- coconut- servant- wise- shoes- snowplowroads- loud

.‫ي اًت‬٫‫ت اٗب‬٨‫ يٲ ٻ‬. ‫ ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن پل ٳڄيـ‬-2 (money-pick-tomato-forget-thin-legs ) 1.A table has four ………… . 2.It is red when it is ripe . It is a(n) ………… . 3.You need to have it when you go shopping . It is ………… 4.I‟ll never ………… your help . 5.Mr Ahmadi is very ………… .

……‫ ربډبڍ ؽبٻي‬-2 1. legs


3. monkey

4. forget

5. thin

‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-3 ). ‫ آڃڊب كا ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڄچيٌيـ‬٩‫څعلڅ‬ 1- It is time for us to leave .

( )

A. go up

2-When he becomes older,


he will buy a car.

( )

C.grows up

3-They raise vegetables .

( )


4- He can climb this tree .

( )


5- Lesson one is not difficult .

( )

F. pretty

6- That is a beautiful flower .

( )

……٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-3 1. E

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. F

. ‫الٿت ٗلثـك ٿِؾْ ٳڄيـ‬٣ ‫ ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ كا ثب‬-4 1- Martin could …… the boy yesterday . A. to help

B. helping

C. helped

D. help

2- Sahar had to …… the radio . A.turning on

B. turned on

C. turn on

D. turns on



3- He should…… a glass of milk . A.drank


4-This car is as …… as that one . A.older

B. old

C. oldest

D. elder

5-This chair is the …… chair in this shop . A.most expensive

B. more expensive

C. as expensive as

D. expensive than

6-My shoes were dirty so I left them outside . The word “left” in this sentence means …… . A. found

B. came

C. went

D. put

…… ‫ ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ‬-4 1. D

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. D

‫بڅت اًت ثب ٗلثـك‬٬‫ ٓـاؿاك ثب ثٰيڈ ٷنيڄڈ ډب ٿت‬٩‫ علڅ‬ٞ٬‫ل تټ‬٠‫ٳـاٽ ٷنيڄڈ ام ڃ‬-5 .‫ٿِؾْ ٳڄيـ‬ 1.A. sing

B. fry

C. sit

D. win

2.A. cry

B. bike

C. with

D. high


B. number C. please

D. touch

4.A. put

B. boot

C. blue

D. rule





…… ‫ ٳـاٽ ٷنيڄڈ‬-5 1. B

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. A

. ‫ي اًت‬٫‫ت اٗب‬٨‫ يٲ ٻ‬. ‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن ٿٴبٻڀڈ ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬٬‫ ثب اًت‬-6 ( come - car- using - took- where - use ) A.

Can I …………your ………… ?


Sorry , I‟m ………… it right now .


………… do you ………… from ?

B. Japan.

…… ‫بؿڇ‬٬‫ ثب اًت‬-6 A: use / pen

B: using

A: where / come

. ‫ ثڈ ًإاالت ميل پبًؼ ٳبٿٺ ؿډيـ‬- 6 1.Did it rain last week ? 2.Is it cold today ? 3.How far is it from your school to the cinema ?

…… ‫ ثڈ ًإاالت‬-7 1.

Yes, it rained last week . ‫ يب‬No, it didn‟t rain last week.


Yes ,it is cold today . ‫ يب‬No. it isn‟t cold today .


It is about 4 kms from my home to the cinema .

.‫ ثبٳټڀبت ؿك ډپ ميل رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬-8 1.The-late-bus-arrived-school-very .

2.His-him-wanted-give-she-to-breakfast .

…… ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت‬-8


The school bus arrived very late .


She wanted to give him his breakfast .

‫ (ُڀبكڇ) ٷنيڄڈ ٿڄبًت كا‬٩‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ٳچتبڇ ميل ثزبڍ ٳټڀبت ٿغقڅ‬-9 .‫اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ One morning Newton …(1)… very …(2)…because he was …(3)… on a …(4)… difficult problem . He didn‟t …(5)… the problem to go …(6)… breakfast .

1. A. got down

2. A.last

3. A. working

B.got up



C.went up



D.went down


4. A. the most

5. A.learn


6. A. to

B. most









……‫ پي ام‬-9 1. B

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. A

. ‫الٿت ٗلثـك ٿِؾْ ٳڄيـ‬٣ ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ًپي ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا ثب‬-10

At night you can see many stars . In the day you can see one star the sun . Did you know that the sun is a star ? It looks bigger than other stars because it is nearer to us . The sun is much bigger than the moon .It is made of very hot gas . The sun‟s light and heat make our plants and food grow .We can not live without the sun.

1.At night you can see : A. many stars

B. many suns

C. just one star

D.many moons

2.Is the sun a star ? A.Yes,it is .

B.No,it isn‟t.

C.The story doesn‟t say anything.

D. Maybe.

3.The sun looks bigger than the stars because it …… . A. is really bigger

B. is nearer to us

C. is so hot

D. is near the stars

4.The sun is made of : A. hot gases

B. many moons

C. fire

D. plant

5.We need the sun to : A. make our food grow

B. make our food hot

C. make the moon grow

D. to see the stars

……‫ ٿتڂ ميل‬-10 1. A

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. A

)2(‫ڃڀچڃڈ ًإا الت اٿتغبڃي ام صڊبك ؿكى اڅٹ‬ )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬5(. ‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٚ‫ ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٩‫ ٿغقڅ‬٩‫ علڅ‬-1 Pe-ple didn‟t pay much a--ention to him .The monkey has a co-on-t in his hand . He r-des on the back of the farmer's bic-cle.A ser-ant works for them.He was working on a very diffi-ult pr-blem . The sno-ploclears the roa-s .

…… ٩‫ ٿغقڅ‬٩‫ علڅ‬-1 people- attention- coconut- rides- bicycle- servant- difficultproblem- snowplow- roads

‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ ثب‬ٚ‫ ٳڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬A ‫تڊبڍ ًتچځ‬٨‫ ٳـاٿيٲ ام ٻ‬: ‫ت ډب‬٨‫ رچك ٳلؿځ ٻ‬- 2 )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬6( ‫ڄي ډٌتڄـ ؟‬٤‫ ډپ ٿ‬B ‫تڊبڍ ًتچځ‬٨‫ٻ‬ (A)


1.They are working in the field . ( )

A. highest part

2.I paid 1000 rials for that pen . ( )

B.don‟t remember

3.The cat climbed to the top of the

C. not many

4.Ali sat beside his father .( )


5.I forget my friend‟s name

E.a piece of land

easily .( ) 6.Few men of that time were


greater than Newton .( )

G. near

……‫ رچك ٳلؿځ‬-2 1. E

2. F

3. A

4. G

5. B

6. C

)2(. ‫ رڀالت ميل كا ثب ؿاڃَ ؽچؿ ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-3 1.Sam …………… near his friend yesterday . 2.She could …………… French 2 years ago .

……‫ رڀالت ميل‬-3 1. sat

2. Speak

) 10(. ‫الٿت ٗلثـك اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬٣ ‫ ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ كا ثب‬-4 1.Flowers are beautiful . Don‟t …… them . A. rise

B. ripen

C. pick

D. park

2.You need to have money when you go …… . 3.A watch is …… than a pen . A. more expensive

B. most expensive

C. expensive

D. as expensive as

4.That park is …… most beautiful park in their city . A. that

B. ……

C. a


5.The yellow car is faster …… the white one . A. for

B. from

C. that


6.This wall is …… that one . A. taller

B. as tall as

C. tall


7.Mina is tired so she should …… to bed . A. go

B. went

C. gone


8.They didn‟t know the adress . They had …… a policeman . A. been asked

B. ask

C. to ask


9.Ahmad ……football before . A.play

B. can play

C.could not play

D.can not play

10. Could he ……very well last year ? Yes,he could . A. swim

B. swam

C. swum

D. swimming

…… ‫ ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ‬-4 1. C

2. B

3. A

6. B

7. A 8. C

4. D 9. C

5. D

10. A

)3(. ‫ ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت ميل كا ٿلتت ٳڄيـ څرڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬-5 1.

than-faster-is-the-the-car-car-third-second ……………………………………………………… .


too-doesn‟t-the-driver-taxi-drive-fast . ……………………………………………………… .


kindergarten-to-do-when-children-go ? ……………………………………………………… .

……‫ ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت‬-5 1.

The second car is faster than the third car .


The taxi driver doesn‟t drive too fast .


When do children go to kindergarten ? )2(‫بڅت اًت ؟‬٬‫ ٿٔچت ثب ثٰيڈ ٿت‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫ ؿك ډل ُڀبكڇ ٳـاٽ ٷنيڄڈ ام ڃ‬-6 1. A. eat

B. live

C. heat

D. leave

2. A.feet




3. A.under




4. A.two




……‫ ؿك ډل ُڀبكڇ‬-6 1. B

2. A

3. D

4. C )2(. ‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ ميل كا ثب ٳټڀبت ٿڄبًت پل ٳڄيـ‬-7


Do you …………… from a ……………family ?


Yes.I do .


Could I see the …………… ?


Yes,……………. Here you are .

……‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-7 A: come / large A: bag

B: of course .

‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا ثب‬. ‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ ميل ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-8 )3(. ‫الٿت ٗلثـك ٿِؾْ ٳڄيـ‬٣

1.Naser is 33 years old . Nader is 25 years old and B.Vahid is older than Nader . C.Naser is the oldest of all . D.Naser is not older than others .

2.My shoes were dirty so I left them outside . The word “left” in above sentence means : A.found

B. came



3.I want to buy a book,but I don‟t have any money to pay for it . The word “it” refers to : A.book

B. money



……‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ‬-8 1. C

2. D

3. A )2(. ‫ ثڈ ًإاالت ميل پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ثـډيـ‬-9


Did it snow yesterday ? ……………………………… .


How do you go to school ? ……………………………… .

…… ‫ ثڈ ًإاالت‬-9 1.No, it didn‟t snow yesterday . 2.I usually go to school by a taxi . or I usually walk to school . )5( ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬-10 I have a friend in England . His name is Ken Roberts . I know him very well, but I have never met him . We often write to each other . My letters are very short . It is still hard for me to write in English . I received a letter from Ken yesterday . It made me very happy . He is coming to my country for a holiday next year . We are going to see each other for the first time . 1.

It is easy for him to write in English : True



They will not meet each other next week : True



Where does his friend,Ken,Live ?


Are his letters short or long ?


What do they often do ?

……‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬-10 1. False

2. False

2.They are short .

3. He lives in England . 5. They often write to each other

‫ ثـڅځ پبًؼ‬- )3( ‫ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت اٿتغبڃي ام صڊبك ؿكى اڅٹ‬ ‫ثبكٽ‬

‫ُلط ًچاٹ‬



.‫ حزٍف حذف شذُ كلوات سٗز را تٌَٗس٘ذ‬-ِ‫دٗكت‬ 1,2 : Soon there were Kin – ergar – en all over the wor – d. 3:He reme – be – ed his school and garden. 4,5,6 : Mon – e – s are fu – – y animals. They can lea – n many things. 7,8,9 : Boi – ing water is h – t. Ahmad is a wi – e boy 10,11,12 :The snow – – ow c – ears the roa - s.

1 


. ‫ ٗك لغت اضافِ است‬.‫لغات دادُ شذُ را در جإ هٌاسة تٌَٗس٘ذ‬ Dirty – leave – pick – hear – servant – laugh – deep – raise – waited 1.The bus couldn’t come because the snow was very ………… . 2.The radio is too loud .I can't ………… you. 3.The boy ………… for a long time. But the bus didn't come. 4.It is time for us to ………… the city. 5.His ………… cleans the rooms and washes the dishes. 6. Put your ………… shoes outside,please. 7. Her father ………… plants and vegetables 8. Don't ………… beautiful flowers.



.‫جاّإ خالٖ را تا لغات هٌاسة كاهل كٌ٘ذ‬ 1. White things which fall on the ground from sky in winter is called ………… . 2. A place where there are a lot of trees and wild animals is a(n) ………… .



.‫ ٗك لغت اضافِ است‬.‫ّن هعٌٖ كلوات٘كِ سٗزشاى خط كش٘ذُ شذُ را اس سوت راست پ٘ذا كٌ٘ذ‬ 1. She returned about an hour later. ( ) A.so 2. Therefore, she went to his room. ( ) B.go 3. The cat climbed to the top of the tree. ( ) C.went up 4. Leave the pen on the table, please. ( ) D.came back E.put



2 ‫غڈ‬٬ٓ




.‫گشٌِٗ صح٘ح را اًتخاب كٌ٘ذ‬


. ‫تا تَجِ تِ شكل جوالت ًاقص سٗز را كاهل كٌ٘ذ‬


1. The student ……. help the man last week. A. has to B. must C. couldn't D. can't 2. Nader……. see the doctor yesterday. A. had to B. can C. must D. has to 3. It is necessary ……. English in highschool. A. studies B. study C. studying D. to study 4. My bicycle is ……. your bicycle. A. more expensive B. as expensive as C. the most expensive D. expensive 5. His handwriting is ……. of this class. A. the worst B. worse C. worse than D. worst 6. Lesson 7 is ……. than lesson 6. A. more important B. most important C. important D. the most important 7. Newton didn't leave the problem to go to breakfast.This sentence means ……. . A: He left the problem to have breakfast. B: Newton couldn't solve the problem. C: Newton didn't like breakfast. D: Newton liked to solve the problem. 8. "School should be a happy place. It should be like a garden," said Friedrich."children should play."It" in the first line comes back to ……. . A: children B: garden C: school D: Friedrich 1. The first tree is ……........ the second one. 2. The third tree is ……………… of all. 1





.‫هكالوِ سٗز را تا كلوات هٌاسة كاهل كٌ٘ذ‬


.‫در ّز شوارُ سٗز كلوِ ًاّواٌّگ اس ًظز تلفظ هصَت خط تكش٘ذ‬


A: Can I …………….. your……………..? B: …………….. , I'm …………….. it …………….. now. A: Oh, I …………….. . 1. ease – please – feel – his 2. love – come – seat - cup

3 ‫غڈ‬٬ٓ




.‫هزتة كٌ٘ذ‬

1. story – story – difficult – this – book – the – the – in – most – is . ………………………………………………………………………….


2. bell – children – the – the – must – for – school – wait . …………………………………………………………………………. 3

.‫پس اس خَاًذى هتي سٗز تِ سَاالت پاسخ هٌاسة دّ٘ذ‬ A library is a place where we can borrow books. It usually contains book of all kinds : school books , story books , dictionaries and others . There are long rows of shelves and in some libraries we can go round and choose a book; in others we must ask the man in charge for what we want. We write the number of the book,its title and the name of the writer on a piece of paper. Then we sign the paper,hand it to the man, and he gives us the book. We can usually keep it for a week,or perhaps two ,before taking it back. 1. Where can you borrow books? 2. In some libraries we should ……….. the name of the book on a piece of paper and give it to the man. A. draw B. write C. talk D. change 3.People can usually keep the books one or two weeks in their homes. True ‫ٱ‬

False ‫ٱ‬

Good Luck


Lesson Five ) 58 (

5 ‫ؿكى‬

A.New words

‫ٳټڀبت تبمڇ‬

1. She is drawing a cat . Her drawing is not good . She wants to draw another one . ‫ اڅ ٿي ؽچاډـ يٴي ؿيٸل‬. ‫ ڃٰبُي اڅ ؽچة ڃيٌت‬. ‫اڅ ؿك عبٹ ٳِيـځ ٷلثڈ اڍ اًت‬ . ‫ثٴِـ‬ What is she doing ? She is drawing a cat .

Do you like her drawing ? No , I don't .

2. Ali's father travels a lot .He visits many foreign countries . He knows two foreign languages . ‫ اڅ ؿڅ مثبځ ؽبكري‬. ‫ اڅ ام ٳِچكډبڍ ميبؿڍ ؿيـځ ٿي ٳڄـ‬. ‫ل ٿي ٳڄـ‬٬ً ‫ټي ميبؿ‬٣ ‫پـك‬ . ‫ٿي ؿاڃـ‬ Does Ali's father visits foreign countries ? Yes , he does .

Does he Know any foreign languages ?

Yes , he does .

How many foreign languages does he know ? He knows two foreign languages .

3. We talked about our program for hours . Finally , we changed it . . ‫ييل ؿاؿڍٽ‬٨‫ ًلاڃزبٽ ٿب آځ كا ت‬. ‫تڊب ؿك ثبكڋ ثلڃبٿڈ ډبيڀبځ ٓغجت ٳلؿيپ‬٣‫ٿب ًب‬ What did we talked about ?

You talked about your program .

What did we finally do ?

Finally , you changed it .

4. If you can't ride the bicycle the first time , try again . If you try hard , you'll finally do it .

‫ٮ‬٫‫ اٷل ًؾت تالٍ ٳڄي ٿچ‬. ‫ي ٳڂ‬٤ً ‫ ؿڅثبكڇ‬, ‫اٷل ثبك اڅّٹ ڃتچاڃٌتي ؿڅصلؽڈ كا ثلاڃي‬ . ‫ؽچاډي ُـ‬

What should we do when we can't do something for the first

time ?

We / You should try again . 5. There are many new words in this lesson . I can't understand them . . ‫ڊڀپ‬٫ ‫ ٿڂ آڃڊب كا ڃڀي‬. ‫ٳټڀبت تبمڋ ميبؿڍ ؿك ايڂ ؿكى څرچؿ ؿاكؿ‬ Is it easy to understand this lesson ? No , It isn't .

Why can't you understand this lesson ? Because there are many new words in this lesson .

6. Yesterday Bob was very hungry . He went to a restaurant near his house . He sat at a table and ordered a sandwich. ‫اڅ پِت ٿينڍ‬. ‫ت‬٫‫ اڅ ثڈ كًتچكاڃي ڃنؿيٲ ؽبڃڈ اٍ ك‬. ‫ؿيلڅم ثبة ؽيټي ٷلًڄڈ ثچؿ‬ . ‫بكٍ ؿاؿ‬٬ً ‫ڃٌِت څ ًبڃـڅيضي‬ Why did Bob go to a restaurant ? Because he was very hungry .

What did he order ? He ordered a sandwich .

Use these words in the sentences . )60 ّ( ‫ ثب پبًؼ‬. ‫بؿڇ ٳڄيـ‬٬‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك ايڂ رڀالت اًت‬ Understand – foreign – order – finally - draw

1. He is not from this country . He speaks a foreign language . 2. Can you draw a picture of a tree ? 3. What do you want to order for lunch ? 4. I can't understand these sentences . 5. They wanted to buy my car . They talked about it for hours .Finally they didn't buy it .

Lesson Five 5 ‫ؿكى‬ B. Reading

)61 ّ( ‫ٯلائت‬

Learn a foreign language

‫يٲ مثبځ ؽبكري كا يبؿ ثٸيليـ‬

1. Let's think you are in a foreign country . If you don't know the language of that country , you may have a lot of problems . ‫ اٷل ُڀب مثبځ آځ ٳِچك كا ڃـاڃيـ‬. ‫ٴل ٳڄيپ ٳڈ ُڀب ؿك يٲ ٳِچك ؽبكري ډٌتيـ‬٫ ‫ ثيبييـ‬.1 . ‫ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٿِٴالت ميبؿڍ ؿاُتڈ ثبُيـ‬ 2. Here is the story of a Frenchman who was traveling in the United States . One day he was eating in a restaurant and wanted to order some mushrooms .Because he didn't know English , he asked for a pencil and paper and carefully drew a picture of a mushroom. But his drawing was not very good . The waiter looked at his drawing and went away. He returned in about twenty minutes with a large umbrella ! ‫ يٲ كڅم اڅ‬. ‫ل ٿي ٳلؿ‬٬ً ‫لاڃٌچڍ اًت ٳڈ ثڈ ايبالت ٿتغـڇ‬٫ ‫ ؿك ايڄزب ؿاًتبځ يٲ ٿلؿ‬.2 ‫ل ايڄٴڈ‬ٛ‫ ثؾب‬. ‫بكٍ ؿډـ‬٬ً ‫قا ؽچكؿځ ثچؿ څ ؽچاًت ٿٰـاكڍ ٯبكس‬٧ ‫چٹ‬٨ِ‫ؿك كًتچكاڃي ٿ‬ ‫ق ٳلؿ څ ثب ؿٯت تٔچيل يٲ ٯبكس كا‬٧‫ تٰبٗبڍ يٲ ٿـاؿ څ ٳب‬, ‫اڅ مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ڃڀي ؿاڃٌت‬

‫ٳِيـ ‪ .‬اٿب ڃٰبُي اڅ ؽيټي ؽچة ڃجچؿ ‪ .‬پيِؾـٿت ثڈ ڃٰبُي اٍ ڃٸبډي ٳلؿ څ ام آڃزب ؿڅك‬ ‫ُـ ‪ .‬اڅ ؿك عـڅؿ ثيٌت ؿٯيٰڈ ث‪٤‬ـ ثب صتلڍ ثنكٵ ثلٷِت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪3. Another story is about two Americans traveling in Spain . They‬‬ ‫‪could not speak a word of Spanish and one day , while sitting in a‬‬ ‫‪restaurant in a small village , they wanted to order their food .‬‬ ‫‪One of them wanted a glass of milk . The waiter was not able to‬‬ ‫‪understand . Finally , on a piece of paper the man drew a picture‬‬ ‫‪of a cow , and tried to show to the waiter that from a cow one gets‬‬ ‫‪milk . The waiter looked at the picture a long time . Finally , he left‬‬ ‫‪and was away for an hour . When he returned he had two tickets‬‬ ‫! ‪for a bullfight‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫ؿاًتبځ ؿيٸل ؿك ثبكڋ ؿڅ آٿليٴبيي اًت ٳڈ ثڈ اًپبڃيب ً‪٬‬ل ٿي ٳلؿڃـ ‪ .‬آڃڊب‬ ‫ڃڀي تچاڃٌتڄـ يٲ ٳټڀڈ اًپبڃيچٻي ٓغجت ٳڄڄـ څ يٲ كڅم ٳڈ ؿك كًتچكاڃي ؿك يٲ‬ ‫كڅًتبڍ ٳچصٲ ڃٌِتڈ ثچؿڃـ ؽچاًتڄـ ‪٧‬قايِبځ كا ً‪٬‬بكٍ ؿډڄـ‪ .‬يٴي ام آڃڊب يٲ‬ ‫ٻيچاځ ُيل ؽچاًت ‪ .‬پيِؾـٿت عل‪٫‬ڊبيِبځ كا ڃڀي ‪٫‬ڊڀيـ ‪ً .‬لاڃزبٽ ثل كڅڍ تٴڈ‬ ‫اڍ ٳب‪٧‬ق آځ ٿلؿ تٔچيل يٲ ٷبڅ ٿبؿڇ كا ٳِيـ څ ً‪٤‬ي ٳلؿ ثڈ پيِؾـٿت ث‪٬‬ڊڀبڃـ ٳڈ‬ ‫ام ٷبڅ ٿبؿڇ ُيل‬

‫ٿي ؿڅُڄـ ‪ .‬پيِؾـٿت ٿـتي ‪ٛ‬چالڃي ثڈ ثڈ ايڂ تٔچيل ڃٸبڇ ٳلؿ ‪.‬‬

‫ًلاڃزبٽ اڅ آڃزب كا ثڈ ٿـت يٲ ًب‪٣‬ت تلٱ ٳلؿ ‪ .‬اڅ ثب ؿڅ ثټي‪ ٚ‬ٷبڅثبمڍ ثبمٷِت !‬

Comprehension I. Answer the questions orally . ) 62ّ(.‫بډي ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬ُ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ث‬ 1. Who was traveling in the United States ? A Frenchman who was traveling in the United States .

2. What did he want to eat ? He wanted to eat some mushrooms .

3. How did he order his food ? He asked for a pencil and paper and carefully drew a picture of a mushroom.

4. How did the American order milk ? He drew a picture of a cow , and tried to show to the waiter that from a cow one gets milk .

5. What did the waiter bring him ?

He brought him an umbrella . 6. Do you speak a foreign language ? Yes , I do .

7. Can you speak it well . Yes , I do .


Is it difficult to learn a foreign language ? Yes , it is .

II.True or false ? ) 62ّ( ‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟ ثب پبًؼ‬ 1. You may have a lot of problems if you learn a foreign language .(F) 2. The Frenchman was traveling in the united states . (T) 3. The waiter could understand him very vell . (F) 4. The waiter returned in a very short time . (F) 5. The man asked for an umbrella . (F) 6. The two Americans did not know Spanish . (T) III.Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . ) 62 ّ( .‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ 1. IF we don't know the language of a foreign country , we ….. . A. can't eat anything B. can't order anything C. may have a lot of problems D. can't go to any restaurants . . ‫اٷل ٿب مثبځ يٲ ٳِچك ؽبكري كا ڃـاڃيپ ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٿِٴالت ميبؿڍ ؿاُتڈ ثبُيپ‬

2. The Frenchman asked for a pencil and a piece of paper because he wanted to ….. . A. draw a picture of an umbrella B. draw a picture of a mushroom C. write the name of the food D. write a letter to his family ‫ق ٳلؿ ميلا ٳڈ اڅ ٿي ؽچاًت تٔچيل‬٧‫لاڃٌچڍ تٰبٗبڍ يٲ ؽچؿٳبك څ تٴڈ اڍ ٳب‬٫ ‫ٿلؿ‬ . ‫ٯبكصي كا ثٴِـ‬

3. The American drew a cow to show that he ….. . A. wanted a ticket for a bullfight B. couldn't speak Spanish very well C. could draw pictures very well D. wanted a glass of milk . ‫آځ آٿليٴبيي تٔچيل ٷبڅڍ كا ٳِيـ تب ڃِبځ ؿډـ ٳڈ اڅ ُيل ٿي ؽچاًت‬

4. A " bullfight " is a fight between ….. . A. a man and a bull B. two bulls C. two groups of people D. two men . ‫اڅ ثبمڍ ڃجلؿڍ اًت ٿيبځ يٲ ٿلؿ څ يٲ ٷبڅ ڃل‬

Speaking 2 Substitute the words in the pattern sentences. ) 63(ّ )‫ (پبًؼ‬.‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ‬

I studied the book carefully in the library yesterday . . ‫ڈ ٳلؿٽ‬٤‫بٻ‬ٜ‫ٿڂ ؿيلڅم ايڂ ٳتبة كا ثب ؿٯت ؿك ٳتبثؾبڃڈ ٿ‬ 1. I studied the book carefully here yesterday . 2. I studied the book slowly here yesterday . 3. I studied the book slowly here this morning . 4. I read the book slowly here this morning . 5. I read the sentences slowly here this morning . 6. We read the sentences slowly here this morning . 7. We read the sentences slowly here last night . 8. We repeated the sentences slowly here last night . 9 We repeated the sentences easily here last night . 10. We wrote the sentences easily here last night .

Speaking 3 Add the words in parentheses to the sentences . )64 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫ڈ ٳڄيـ‬٫‫ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ثڈ رڀالت اٗب‬ 1. It was a red car .

2. He didn't study his book yesterday . 3. I usually get up at about 6 o'clock . 4. We eat lunch at school every day . 5. They play football on Fridays . 6. How many cars do you see in the street ? 7. Does he always do his homework carefully . 8. A young man can work hard . 9. We ate lunch in a restaurant yesterday . 10. He studies the books carefully in the library . Speaking 4 Answer these questions with the words given in parentheses . )64 ّ(. ‫ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڈ ًإاالت ميل پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬

1. Where did you do your homework yesterday ? (in my room ) I did my homework in my room .

2. How do you study your books ? I study my books carefully . 3. When did you see your friend in school ?

(on Monday)

I saw him in school on Monday .

4. What was she reading in the library this morning ? (a story book) She was reading a story book in the library this morning .

5. What is your mother doing in the kitchen now ? (cooking lunch) She is cooking lunch in the kitchen now . Writing 2 Put these words in the correct order . 65 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫ثب ٿلتت ٳلؿځ ٳټڀبت ميل رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬ 1. John and Betty are students . 2. The old house is big . 3. There is a pencil on the table . 4. Please close the window . 5. The old man can't walk fast . 6. He reads the newspaper carefully everyday . 7. He was sleeping on his bed . 8. What was she doing when you got up ? 9. Who teaches you English this year . 10. When do you usually eat breakfast . 11. I will give him some money . 12. The blue car is more expensive than the green car .

Language Functions )65 ّ( ‫ڃَٰ ډبڍ مثبځ‬ Identifying by appearance and dress ‫بډل څ ٻجبى‬ٟ ‫لاؿ ام كڅڍ‬٫‫تِؾيْ ا‬ 1.

A: Which (one) is Mrs Rasouli ?

‫ٳـاٿيٴي ؽبڃپ كًچٻي اًت ؟‬

B: She is the woman with glasses . . ‫يڄٲ ثڈ صِپ ؿاكؿ‬٣ ‫ؽبڃڀي ٳڈ‬ 2. A: Which (one) is Mrs Akbari ? B: She is the tall woman .

‫ٳـاٿيٴي ؽبڃپ اٳجلڍ اًت ؟‬ 3 ‫آځ مځ ٯـ ثټڄـ‬

3. A: Who's Mr Amini?

‫آٯبڍ اٿيڄي ٳيٌت ؟‬

B : He's wearing a white shirt .

Conversation in context

. ‫يـ ثڈ تڂ ؿاكؿ‬٬ً ‫اڅ پيلاډڂ‬

)66 ّ(

Ali : What does your friend look like ? ‫ڈ اڍ ؿاكؿ ؟‬٫‫ ؿڅًت ُڀب صڈ ٯيب‬: ‫ټي‬٣ Reza : Well, he's tall . He's about 180 centimeters .And he's got black hair. . ‫ څ ٿچڍ ٿِٴي ؿاكؿ‬. ‫ ًبڃتيڀتل ٯـ ؿاكؿ‬180 ‫ ؿك عـڅؿ‬. ‫ اڅ ٯـ ثټڄـ اًت‬، ‫ ؽچة‬: ‫كٗب‬ Ali : Does he wear an overcoat ?

‫ آيب اڅ اڅكٳت ٿي پچُـ ؟‬: ‫ټي‬٣

Reza : No, he doesn't .

. ‫ ڃڈ ڃڀي پچُـ‬: ‫كٗب‬

Ali : Is he a nice boy ?

‫ آيب اڅ پٌل ؽچثي اًت ؟‬: ‫ټي‬٣

Reza : Yes , he is very nice.

. ‫ثټي اڅ ؽيټي ؽچة اًت‬

G. Pronunciation practice

( 68 ّ( ٞ٬‫تڀليڂ تټ‬

1. // = put – took – look – could – book – foot / / = luck – bus – but 2. // = good – could – shook – hook / / = hut – cut – but – luck

H. Vocabulary Review

)67 ّ( ‫بت‬٨‫ٿلڅك ٻ‬

Write eight complete sentences using this table . )‫ (پبًؼ‬. ‫ثب رـڅٹ ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ډِت رڀټڌ ٳبٿٺ ثڄچيٌيـ‬ 1. A waiter works in a restaurant . . ‫پيِؾـٿت ؿك كًتچكاځ ٳبك ٿي ٳڄـ‬ 2. A farmer grows plants and vegetables . . ‫ٳِبڅكم ٷيبډبځ څ ًجنيزبت پلڅكٍ ٿي ؿډـ‬ 3. A butcher sells meat . . ‫لڅُـ‬٫ ‫ٯٔبة ٷچُت ٿي‬ 4. A baker bakes bread . . ‫ڃبڃچا ڃبځ ٿي پنؿ‬ 5. Frenchmen speak French .

. ‫لاڃٌڈ ٓغجت ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬٫ ‫لاڃٌچيبځ‬٫ 6. Germany is in Europe .

‫آٻڀبځ ؿك اكڅپب څاٯ‪ ٢‬اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪7. My mother was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen .‬‬ ‫ٿبؿكٽ ؿك آُپنؽبڃڈ ٿِ‪٨‬چٹ تڀين ٳلؿځ ‪ٟ‬ل‪٫‬ڊب ثچؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪8. We are learning very fast .‬‬ ‫ٿب ؽيټي ًلي‪ ٢‬ؿاكيپ يبؿ ٿي ٷيليپ ‪.‬‬

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى پڄزپ‬ ‫‪Word order‬‬

‫تلتيت ٳټڀبت‬

‫ا ٷل ؿك رڀټڈ اڍ صڄـ ٯيـ ؿاُتڈ ثبُيپ تلتيت ٯلاك ٷل‪٫‬تڄِبځ ثڈ ُلط ميل اًت ‪:‬‬ ‫ٯيـ مٿبځ‬

‫ٯيـ ٿٴبځ‬

‫ٯيـ عبٻت ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ٿٌتٰيپ‬

‫‪Adverb of‬‬










‫‪carefully in the‬‬


‫‪the film‬‬








‫‪room‬‬ ‫__‬


‫‪in the‬‬





‫‪restaurat‬‬ ‫‪every day‬‬


‫‪of quickly‬‬

‫‪a glass‬‬




‫‪milk‬‬ ‫‪the now .‬‬





‫ٿ‪٤‬بڃي رڀالت ‪٫‬چ٭ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ - 1‬اڅ ؿيلڅم ؿك ؿاؽٺ اتب٭ ‪٫‬يټپ كا ثب ؿٯت تڀبُب ٳلؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪٣ - 2‬ټي ؿك كًتچكاځ ُبٽ ؽچكؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 3‬اٻڄبم ډل كڅم ثب ‪٣‬زټڈ يٲ ٻيچاځ ُيل ؿك ايڄزب ٿي ؽچكؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 4‬ايڂ ٿلؿ اٳڄچځ ثڈ آډٌتٸي ؿك پبكٱ ٯـٽ ٿي مڃـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪is walking‬‬

‫‪The‬‬ ‫‪man‬‬


‫ٗڀڄبً ٿغٺ ٯلاك ٷل‪٫‬تڂ ٯيچؿ تٴلاك ٯجٺ ام ا‪٤٫‬بٹ آټي څث‪٤‬ـ ام ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ٳڀٴي څ ‪ to be‬اًت ‪:‬‬ ‫‪1.She always watches the children‟s program .‬‬ ‫اڅ ډڀيِڈ ثلڃبٿڈ ٳچؿٱ كا تڀبُب ٿي ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪2. He can always fix the car .‬‬ ‫اڅډڀيِڈ ٿي تچاڃـ اتچٿجيٺ كا ت‪٤‬ڀيل ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪3.They are often at home .‬‬ ‫آڃڊب ډڀيِڈ ؿك ؽبڃڈ ډٌتڄـ ‪.‬‬

‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى پڄزپ‬ 1. American

native of



2.bake /v. 3.baker /n. 4.be able to /mod.v.

to cook sth in an oven

‫آٿليٴبيي‬ ‫پؾتڂ‬

a person who bakes and sells bread and


cake can;to have skill to do sth


a male animal of cow



‫تچاڃٌتڂ‬-‫ٯبؿكثچؿځ‬ ‫ٷبڅ ڃل‬

It is a fight between a man 6.bullfight

and a bull in


which a ball is


made angry and then usually killed . 7.butcher

a shopkeeper


who sells meat


to become


difficult;alter; vary

‫ٯٔبة‬ ‫ييلؿاؿځ‬٨‫ت‬ ‫ؿٷلٷچځ ًبؽتڂ‬

‫ ؿكؿًل‬-‫اُٴبٹ‬ 9.difficulty





‫ آًبڃي‬-‫ًڊچٻت‬ ease

10.draw /v.

to make a picture with a pencil;sketch


a picture made


with a pencil

12.fight /n.

‫ كًپ ٳلؿځ‬-‫ٳِيـځ‬

try to hurt each

‫ كًپ‬-‫ڃٰبُي‬ ١‫ ڃنا‬-‫چا‬٣‫ ؿ‬-‫ڃجلؿ‬

other physically, battle

# peace‫ٓټظ‬ ‫بٯجت‬٣ -‫ًلاڃزبٽ‬






not from our



15.go away /v.

to leave a place

# firstlyً‫اڅال‬

‫ؽبكري‬ # native‫ثچٿي‬ ‫تلٱ ٳلؿځ‬

two lenses in a 16.glasses

frame and some


people wear to see better .


a number of 17.group

people or things


which are together;

‫ ؿًتڈ‬-‫ٷلڅڇ‬

collection 18.hair /n.

fine strands that grow in large numbers on your


head . ‫ؿاُتڂ‬

19.have got /v.

‫(ؿكاڃٸټيٌي ثليتبڃيبيي‬ to have ‫بؿڇ‬٬‫ اًت‬have got‫ثيِتل ام‬ )‫ٿي ُچؿ‬

20.look like /v.

21.mushroom /n.

to be similar to;to be like to

‫ُجيڈ ثچؿځ‬

;resemble plant with no lives which we


can eat;fungus/ 1.to ask somebody to bring


sth for you


2.to tell somebody to do

‫بكٍ ؿاؿځ‬٬ً -1 ‫ ؿًتچك ؿاؿځ‬-2

sth;command. 23.over coat /n.

a thick,warm coat



to say or do sth



25.sentence /n.

26.sell /v.


number of words used to express a


statement,question.etc to let someone


have sth in return for money

# buy‫ؽليـځ‬

to make an 27.try

effort to get or



‫ي ٳلؿځ‬٤ً

sth;attempt; strive to know the 28.understand

meaning or


nature of sth;perceive; realize .

29.United States /n.

‫ ؿاڃٌتڂ‬-‫ڊڀيـځ‬٫

# misapprehend ‫ڊڀيـځ‬٬‫ؿكًت ڃ‬

It is a country in north America .It is called

‫ايبالت ٿتغـڇ آٿليٴب‬



to have sth on


the body;put on


during the time



‫پچُيـځ‬ # take off‫ؿكآڅكؿځ‬ ‫ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ‬

man who serves 32.waiter

food etc in


the restaurant; servant;steward


‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى پڄزپ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬

. ‫ ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت ميل ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬. ‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A.1 butcher- problems- repeated- waiter understand- bread- draw- paper


If you don‟t know the language of this country you may have a lot of ………… .


Someone who works in a restaurant and brings food for you is a ………… .


A ………… sells meat .


He ………… the new word easily .


Mona didn‟t ………… the lesson,so she read it again .


She went to the baker‟s to buy some ………… .


Reza can …………a picture of a cat .


Newspapers are made of ………… . ‫ت – ربډبڍ‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A .1 1. problems

2. waiter

5. understand

6. bread

3. butcher

4. repeated

7. draw

8. paper : B.1

ordered- foreign- baby- sentences- Spanish restaurant- learn- umbrella


I need some milk for the ………… .


Who wrote these ………… ?


It‟s raining very hard .Take your ………… with you .


Is it difficult to ………… English ?


They ………… some fish for themselves .


He‟s not from this country .He speakes a(n) ……language .


The people of Spain speak ………… .


He went to the ………… to eat something . ‫ ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي‬: B .1 1. baby

2. sentences 3. umbrella

4. learn

5. ordered

6. foreign

8. restaurant

7. spanish

. ‫ت ٿڄبًت ثڄچيٌيـ‬٨‫ ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي رڀالت ميل ٻ‬-2 1.

He is a person who works in a restaurant .He brings people‟s food .He is a(n) ………… .


It is a plant .It is like an umbrella .It is a(n) ………… .


He is a person who sells meat . He is a(n) ………… .


You have to buy a(n) ………… if you want to travel by train .


Iran is a big ………… in Asia .


You take it with you when it is rainy it is a(n) ………… .


We get milk from a(n) ………… .


A(n) ………… is a battle between a man and a bull .


You can ………… your food in a restaurant . 10.She has ………… this picture with a pencil .

11.It is a place where you go to buy and eat your food It is a(n) ………… . 12.English is a(n) ………… language in Iran . 13.Washington is the capital of the ………… . ‫ ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي‬.2 1. waiter

2. mushroom

3. butcher

4. ticket

5. country

6. umbrella

7. cow

8. bullfight

9. order / buy

10. drawn

11. restaurant

12. foreign

13. United states

‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت پيـا‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ يب ډپ ٿ‬٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-3 . ‫ٳڄيـ‬ 1.

Nader is eating a cake now . ( )



The waiter was not able to

B.came back

understand his words.( ) 3.He had a lot of problems.( )

C.at last

4.Finally,he left.( )

D. realize

5.Reza went away for two hours.( )


6.Mehran couldn‟t understand this F. couldn‟t

lesson.( ) 7. Afshin looks like his brother.( )


8. Neda returned in five hours. ( )

H.simillar to

....٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-3 1. E

2. F

3. A

4. C

5. G

6. D

7. H

8. B

. ‫ت – ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4 1.If you don‟t learn something,you should ……again A.draw




2.Nahid went to a …… and ordered a sandwich for her lunch . A.school

B. restaurant



3.Please give him a pencil .He likes to ……a picture of a cow . A.rise




4.She is speaking chinese .I can‟t ……what she is saying . A.move




5.Take your ……with you if you want to go to school . It is raining . A.mushroom




6.If you want to travel by plane,you must buy a …… . A. ticket




7.Spanish is a(n) ……language in Iran . A.old




8.Finally,we bought a garden . “Finally” means …… .


B.at last


D.at first

9.Farhad didn‟t want to …… some milk . A.learn




10.Is spanish ……in your school ? A.taught


C. bought

D. brought

11.A bullfight is a fight between …… . A.two bulls

B.a man and a bull

C.a bull and a horse

D.two groups of people

12.May I have another egg ? I‟m very …… . A.thirsty




13.If you don‟t see well,you can ……glasses . A.give




14.Put on your …… . It is very cold . A.pocket




15.They …… football on Fridays . A.play


16.Germany is in …… .







17.Frenchmen speakes …… . A.English




18.A ……is a person who works in a restaurant and brings food for people . A. farmer



D.driver ‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ‬-‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4

1. D

2. B

10. A 11. B

3.C 4. D 12. B

5. B 13. D

6. A 14. B

7. C

8. B

15. A 16. A

9. D 17. B

18. B

. ‫ٷلاٿل – ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-5 1.The man asked …… a piece of paper and a pen . A.on




2.Mona …… A.spoke French fluently last week in the class . B.French spoke fluently in the class last week. C.spoke French fluently in the class last week. D.spoke French in the class fluently last week. 3.She studied …… here last night . A.slowly the book

B.the book slowly

C.a slowly book

D.slowly a book

4.The old woman was walking …… in the park . A.slowly




5.Hamed wrote a letter …… in the sitting room . A. quicken

B. quickest

C. quick


6.Naser …… A.two hours ago to the station went rapidly . B.rapidly to the station went two hours ago. C.rapidly went to the station two hours ago. D.went to the station rapidly two hours ago. 7.He had an accident while traveling …… England . A. from

B. on

C. in

D. of

8.They …… A.repeated the sentences slowly . B.repeated slowly the sentences. C.sentences repeated slowly . D.sentences slowly repeated. 9.The teacher taught the lesson…… yesterday . A.carefully




10.I studied the book …… A.yesterday in the library . B. carefully in the library yesterday . C. in the library yesterday carefully . D. in the library carefully yesterday . 11.Nasrin played the piano …… A.beautiful


C.beauty D.beautify

 which part is correct ? ( from 12 to 17 ) 12.A.Helen will get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning B.Helen at six will get up tomorrow morning . C.Helen will get up tomorrow morning at six o'clock D.At six o'clock will get up Helen tomorrow morning

13.A.They sit in always the first line . B.They sit in the first always line . C.They always sit in the first line . D.Always they sit in the line the first . 14.A.Do they do always their home work ? B.Always do they do their home work ? C.Do always they do their home work ?

D.Do they always do their home work ?

15.A.I study the books carefully usually in the library . B.Carefully usually I study the books in the library . C.I usually study the books carefully in the library . D.Usually I study in the library the books carefully.

16.A.He in the morning carefully reads often the book B.He often reads the book carefully in the morning. C.In the morning often he reads the book carefully. D.He reads the book carefully often in the morning.

17.A.In the street last night carefully he drove his car . B.He drove his car carefully last night in the street. C.He carefully his car drove last night In the street D.He drove his car carefully in the street last night . 18.Homa was watching TV …… when I came in . A.careless

B. careful

C. carefully

D. care

19.Could Elham speak English …… ? A.well



D.the best

20.Rozita sometimes speaks German …… . A.bad




21.She …… A.speaks French never in the office . B.speaks French in the office never. C.speaks never French in the office . D.never speaks French in the office . 22.My friend …… . A.at school understood well the lesson yesterday . B.yesterday understood well the lesson yesterday . C.understood the lesson well at school yesterday . D.understood at school well the lesson yesterday . ‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-5 1. D 2. C

3. B

4. A

10. B 11. B 12. A 19. A 20. B

21. D

5. D 13. C

6. D 14. D

7. C

8. A

15. C 16. B

9. A 17. D

18. C

22. C

. ‫ ٷلاٿل – ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڄچيٌيـ‬-6 1.Hamid got good marks because he had studied ………… (careful) 2.Negar writes very …………. (bad) 3.This car goes ………… (fast) 4.She runs very ………… (quick) 5.Shima wrote the letter ………… (correct)

6.That student speaks ………… (rude) 7.My father usually speaks ………… (loud) 8.I haven‟t seen my uncle ………… (later) 9.They ………… ever go to the park .(hard) 10.It is…………hot in Summer . ( usual) 11.Sina can play the piano ………… (beauty) 12.He sat ………… there last night .(quite) 13.Iranian people are very …………(friendly) 14.He speaks English ………… (slowest) 15.Mina studies physics very …………(many) 16.He treats old people …………(kind) 17.She ate his lunch …………in the kitchen .(quick) 18.I am studying Arabic ………… in the library now. (care) 19. ………… ,he arrived at 10 . ( final) 20.It is ………… to learn English .(easiest) ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-6 1. carefully

2. badly

3. fast

4. quickly


7. loudly

8. lately

9. hardly

11. beautifully 14. slowly 17. quickly

12. quietly 15. much 18. carefully

5. correcrly 10. usually 13. friendly 16. kindly

19. Finally

20. easy

. ‫ رچاة ًإاالت ًڀت صپ كا ؿك ًڀت كاًت ثيبثيـ‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-7

1.Which one is Mr Falah ? ( )

A. A coat .

2.What does Ali put on ? ( )

B. She‟s got red hair .

3.What does Mrs Brown look

C.No,she isn‟t

like ? ( )

D.He is the man

4.Do your friends wear these

with glasses .

overcoats ? ( )

E.In the restaurant .

5.Is she a nice woman ? ( ) 6.Where did you eat your

F.Yes,they do .

lunch ? ( )

G.She is cooking lunch .

7.What is she doing in the kitchen?( ) ‫ رچاة‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-7 1. D

2. A

3. B

4. F

5. C

6. E

7. G

.‫ ثٴِيؿ‬ٚ‫بڅت اًت ؽ‬٬‫ ٿٔچت ثب ثٰيڈ ٿت‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫تي ٳڈ ام ڃ‬٨‫ ؿك ڇ ك ُڀبكڇ ميل ٻ‬-8


shook- luck- hook- could


but- bus- full- cut


green- sleep- leave- fill


did- he‟s- his- is


hand- mother- under- touch


no- zoo- food- cool ‫ ؿك ډل ُڀبكڇ‬-8

1. luck

2. full

3. fill

4. he‟s

5. hand 6. no . ‫ ثب ٿلتت ٳلؿځ ٳټڀبت ميل رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬-9


taught-the-carefully-teacher-the- yesterday- lesson . ………………………………………………………………….. .


does- study- books- Sina- how- his ? …………………………………………………


play- Fridays- I- tennis- on . ……………………………………… 4.had-two kilos-went- before- bought-mushrooms-they- they- home . ………………………………………………………………… . 5.to- did- go- restaurant- Bob- why- the- yesterday . ………………………………………………………………… .

6.foreign- does- know- he- many- languages- how ? ……………………………………………………………… . ... ‫ ثب ٿلتت‬-9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The teacher taught the lesson carefully yesterday . How does Sina study his books ? I play tennis on Fridays . They had bought two kilos mushrooms before they went home . Why did Bob go to the restaurant yesterday ? How many foreign languages does he know ?

. ‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څًپي ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬-10 (A) Ali‟s father travels a lot . He visits many foreign countries . He knows two foreign languages .


Who visits a lot of foreign countries ? ………………………………………………… .


How many foreign languages does he know ? ………………………………………………………… .


Does he know any foreign languages ? ………………………………………………… .


Ali‟s father doesn‟t go to foreign countries ? True False ‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ميل‬.10 (A) 1. Ali‟s father 3. Yes, he does .

2. Two foreign languages . 4. False

(B) On a piece of paper the man drew a picture of a cow and tried to show to the waiter that from a cow one gets milk . The waiter looked at the picture a long time . Finally he left and was away for an hour when he returned he had two tickets for a bullfight .

1.The man drew the picture because he needed two tickets . True


2.The waiter brought him a glass of milk . Tue


3.Did the man draw the picture of a cow ? ………………………………………………… . 4.What did the waiter buy ? ……………………………… . 5.The man and the waiter ……………… to each other . :B 1. False

2. False

4. He bought two tickets .

3. Yes,he did . 5. couldn‟t speak .

(C) Last year, Mr . Ahmadi, who is one of my friends, had a lot of problems while traveling in China because he didn‟t know the language of that country . One day, while sitting in a restaurant, he wanted to order some mushrooms and a glass of milk, but he couldn‟t speak a word of Chinese . So the waiter wasn‟t able to understand him . Finally he asked for a pen and paper and carefully drew a picture of a mushroom and a picture of a man who was milking a cow . But his drawing was not good . The waiter looked at the pictures and went away . He returned in about 20 minutes later . When he came back he had a ticket for a bullfight and a large umbrella . 1.

Who had a lot of problems in China ? ……………………………………………… .


Did he know the language of that country ?

……………………………………………… . 3.

How did he order a glass of milk ? ……………………………………………… .


The waiter brought him what he had wanted . True


5.Mr Ahmadi‟s drawing was good . True


6.Mr Ahmadi wanted to eat some …… . A.mushrooms



D.umbrellas :C

1. Mr Ahmadi 2. No, he didn’t . 3. He drew a picture of a man who was milking a cow . 4. False 5. False 6. A

(D) My friends , Sam and Bob , went to a park last month They saw two foreigners there . The foreigners didn‟t know how to leave the park . They asked many people but no one could answer . They came to them and asked , “How can we leave the park?” They showed them the way . Sam and Bob were very happy because they spoke with the foreigners in English . 1.The foreigners wanted to …… the park . A. show




2.The people could help the foreigners ? T


3.They saw the foreigners in the park ? T


4.Who got lost in the park ? ……………………………… 5.Could they speak English with the foreigners ? ………………………………………………………… . 6.Where did Sam and Bob go ? …………………………………… . (D) 1.d 2. f

3. t

4. Two foreigners . 5. Yes , they could. 6.They went to the park.

Lesson Six ) 68 ّ(

6 ‫ؿكى‬

A.New words

‫ٳټڀبت تبمڇ‬

1. When a kettle is boiling you see steam coming out of it . . ‫ ُڀب ؽبكد ُـځ ثؾبك آة كا ام آځ ٿي ثيڄيـ‬, ‫څٯتيٴڈ ٳتلڍ ٿي رچُـ‬ What comes out of a boiling water ? steam comes out of it . When does water change into steam ? When water boils it changes into steam .

2. Be careful! You may burn your hand ; the water is boiling . .‫ آة ؿك عبٹ رچُيـځ اًت‬. ‫ت ثبٍ !ُڀب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ؿًتتبځ كا ثٌچماڃيـ‬ٟ‫ٿچا‬ Why should he be careful ? Because he may burn his hand . 3.They don't have enough money to buy a car . . ‫ي ثلاڍ ؽليـ يٲ اتچٿجيٺ ڃـاكڃـ‬٫‫آڃڊب پچٹ ٳب‬ They have to buy something else . . ‫آڃڊب ثبيـ صين ؿيٸلڍ ثؾلڃـ‬ Why are they going to buy something else ? Because they don't have enough money . 4. Water turns into ice when it is very cold . . ‫ آة ثڈ ثؾبك تجـيٺ ٿي ُچؿ‬, ‫څٯتيٴڈ ډچا ؽيټي ًلؿ اًت‬

When does water turn into ice ? When it is very cold . When does water turn into steam ? When it is very hot . 5. Steam rises from hot water . Smoke rises from fire . . ‫ ؿڅؿ ام آتَ ثل ٿي ؽينؿ‬. ‫ ثل ٿي ؽينؿ‬٥‫ثؾبك ام آة ؿا‬ What rises from hot water ? Steam rises from hot water . Does steam rise from cold water ? No , it doesn't . Does smoke rise from boiling water ? No , it doesn't . 6. The boy was too tired yesterday . He could hardly walk . . ‫ اڅ ثڈ ًؾتي ٿي تچاڃٌت كاڇ ثلڅؿ‬. ‫ايڂ پٌل ؿيلڅم ؽيټي ؽٌتڈ ثچؿ‬ Who was too tired ? The boy was too tired . Why couldn't he walk easily ? Because he was very tired . This table is too heavy . She can't move it . . ‫ اڅ ڃڀي تچاڃـ آځ كا ربثزب ٳڄـ‬. ‫ايڂ ٿين ؽيټي ًڄٸيڂ اًت‬ Why can't she move the table ? Because it is too heavy . Does she need help to move it ? Yes , she does .

8. They are building new houses in front of our school . . ‫چٹ ًبؽتڂ ؽبڃڈ ډبڍ رـيـ ډٌتڄـ‬٨ِ‫آڃڊب ؿك رټچڍ ٿـكًڈ ٿبځ ٿ‬ What are they building ? They are building new houses . Where are they building new houses ? They are building new houses in front of our school .

Practice your new words. Find the meaning of the underlined words. ) 70 ّ(

‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا پيـا ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ٿ‬

1. Ice turned into water .

( c ) a. not easily

2. Can you build a wall ?

( f ) b. another thing

3. Can you move this chair ?

( e ) c. changed

4. He could hardly see the steam .

( a ) d. coming up

5. I want to buy something else .

(b ) e. change the place of

6. Smoke was rising from the fire .

( d ) f. make

lesson 6 The boy who made steam work ‫پٌلڍ ٳڈ ثؾبك كا څاؿاك ثڈ ٳبك ٳلؿ‬ B . Reading

)71 ّ( ‫ٯلائت‬

1 . Many years ago there was a boy who lived with his grandmother . They lived in a little house in Scotland . The boy's name was James watt . ‫ آڃڊب ؿك ؽبڃڌ ٳچصٴي ؿك‬. ‫ ًبٻڊب ٯجٺ پٌلڍ ثچؿ ٳڈ ثب ٿبؿك ثنكٷَ مڃـٷي ٿي ٳلؿ‬.1 . ‫ ڃبٽ اڅ ريڀن څات ثچؿ‬. ‫اًٴبتټڄـ مڃـٷي ٿي ٳلؿڃـ‬ 2 . One day James was sitting near the fireplace in the kitchen . He watched the fire burn . After a time he asked , "Why does the fire burn ,grandmother ? . ‫ اڅ ًچؽتڂ آتَ كا تڀبُب ٳلؿ‬. ‫ كڅمڍ ريڀن ڃنؿيٲ ُچٿيڄڈ ؿك آُپنؽبڃڈ ڃٌِتڈ ثچؿ‬.2 ‫ صلا آتَ ٿي ًچمؿ ؟‬, ‫ ٿبؿكثنكٵ‬: ‫پي ام ٿـتي پلًيـ‬ 3 . His grandmother couldn't answer his question . It wasn't the first time that she couldn't answer his question . He asked about so many things ! َ‫ ايڂ ثبك اڅّٹ ڃجچؿ ٳڈ ٿبؿكثنكٷ‬. ‫ ٿبؿكثنكٷَ ڃتچاڃٌت ثڈ ايڂ ًإاٻَ پبًؼ ؿډـ‬.3 . ‫ اڅ ؿك ثبكڋ صينډبڍ ثٌيبك ميبؿڍ ًإاٹ ٿي ٳلؿ‬. ‫ڃتچاڃٌت ثڈ ًإاٻَ پبًؼ ؿډـ‬ 4 . That night James sat near the fireplace once more . But this time

he watched a big kettle . The kettle was above the fire . The fire made the water in the kettle very hot . ‫ اٿّب ايڂ ثبك يٲ ٳتلڍ ثنكٷي كا تڀبُب‬. ‫ آځ ُت ريڀن ثبك ؿيٸل ڃنؿيٲ ُچٿيڄڈ ڃٌِت‬.4 . ‫ ٿي ٳلؿ‬٥‫ آتَ آة ٳتلڍ كا ؽيټي ؿا‬. ‫ ٳتلڍ ؿك ثبالڍ آتَ ثچؿ‬. ‫ٿي ٳلؿ‬ 5 . Soon the water in the kettle began to sing . . ‫ ثڈ ًچت ٳِيـځ ٳلؿ‬١‫ ثنڅؿڍ آة ؿاؽٺ ٳتلڍ ُلڅ‬.5 6. " Grandmother , " asked James , "What's in the kettle ? " ‫ ٿبؿك ثنكٵ صڈ صينڍ ؿك ؿاؽٺ ٳتلڍ اًت ؟‬: ‫ ريڀن پلًيـ‬.6 7. "Just water," she said."Nothing but water." . ‫يل ام آة‬٨‫ ډيش صين ث‬, ‫ آة‬ٰٚ٫: ‫ت‬٬‫ اڅ(ٿبؿكثنكٵ) ٷ‬.7 8. "But I know there must be something else in it ," James said . "water can't sing like that ,can it ? " ‫ آة ڃڀي تچاڃـ صڄيڂ ًچت‬. ‫اٿّب ٿڂ ٿي ؿاڃپ صين ؿيٸلڍ ثبيـ ؿك آځ ثبُـ‬: ‫ت‬٬‫ ريڀن ٷ‬.8 ‫ ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬, ‫ثٴِـ‬ 9. "Oh , it's only the steam that you hear . " His grandmother said . " the fire turns the water to steam . And the steam sings when it comes out of the kettle ." ‫ آتَ آة كا ثڈ‬. ‫ ًل څ ٓـاڍ آة اًت ٳڈ ٿي ُڄچيـ‬ٰٚ٫ ‫ ايڂ‬, ‫اڅڇ‬: ‫ت‬٬‫ ٿبؿك ثنكٷَ ٷ‬.9 . ‫ثؾبك تجـيٺ ٿي ٳڄـ څ ثؾبك ډڄٸبٽ ؽبكد ُـځ ام ٳتلڍ ًچت ٿي ٳِـ‬ 10. James watched the kettle some more . The steam rising from the water looked like smoke . "How odd ! " he said . "You can hardly see the steam . But it can move the heavy lid of the kettle . If you

‫"‪come closer , you can see it move .‬‬ ‫‪ .10‬ريڀن ثيِتل ٳتلڍ كا تڀبُب ٳلؿ ‪ .‬ثؾبكڍ ٳڈ ام آة ثلٿي ؽبًت ؽيټي ُجيڌ ؿڅؿ ثچؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫اڅ ٷ‪٬‬ت ‪ :‬صٰـك ‪٣‬زيت ! ُڀب ثڈ معڀت ٿي تچاڃيـ ثؾبك كا ثجيڄيـ اٿّب آځ ٿي تچاڃـ‬ ‫ؿكپچٍ ًڄٸيڂ ٳتلڍ كا تٴبځ ؿډـ ‪ .‬اٷل ڃنؿيٴتل ثيبييـ ‪ُ ,‬ڀب تٴبځ ؽچكؿځ آځ كا‬ ‫ؽچاډيـ ؿيـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪11. James's grandmother went over to the kettle . she could see the‬‬ ‫‪lid moving .‬‬ ‫‪ .11‬ٿبؿك ثنكٵ ريڀن ثڈ ًڀت ٳتلڍ ك‪٫‬ت ‪ .‬اڅ علٳت ؿكپچٍ ٳتلڍ كا ڃٸبڇ ٿي ٳلؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪12. "Well" said James. "The steam from the hot water can move the‬‬ ‫"‪lid of the kettle . Maybe it can move other things , too .‬‬ ‫‪ .12‬ريڀن ٷ‪٬‬ت ‪ :‬ؽچة ! ثؾبك آة ؿا‪ ٥‬ٿي تچاڃـ ؿكپچٍ ايڂ ٳتلڍ كا علٳت ؿډـ ‪ُ ,‬بيـ‬ ‫آځ ثتچاڃـ صينډبڍ ؿيٸل كا ڃين ثڈ علٳت ؿك آڅكؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪13. When James Watt grew up , he didn't forget that steam could‬‬ ‫‪move the lid of a kettle .And he began to look for ways to‬‬ ‫‪make steam move other things. He worked very hard . And‬‬ ‫‪at last he succeeded . He built a steam engine that could move‬‬ ‫‪things like boats and wagons . He built the first steam engine‬‬ ‫‪that could really work for man .‬‬ ‫‪ .13‬ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ ريڀن څات ثنكٵ ُـ ‪٫‬لاٿچٍ ڃٴلؿ ٳڈ ثؾبك آة ٿي تچاڃٌت ؿكپچٍ يٲ‬ ‫ٳتلڍ كا ثڈ علٳت ؿكآڅكؿ ‪ .‬څ اڅ ُلڅ‪ ١‬ثڈ رٌتزچڍ كاڇ ډبيي ثلاڍ ثڈ علٳت ؿك آڅكؿځ‬ ‫صينډبڍ ؿيٸل ٳلؿ ‪ .‬اڅ ؽيټي ًؾت تالٍ ٳلؿ ‪ .‬څ ًل اڃزبٽ ٿچ‪٫‬ٮ ُـ ‪ .‬اڅ ٿچتچك‬

‫ثؾبكڍ كا ًبؽت ٳڈ ٿي تچاڃٌت صينډبيي ٿبڃڄـ ٯبيٰڊب څ څاٷڂ ډب كا ثڈ علٳت ؿك ثيبڅكؿ ‪.‬‬ ‫اڅ اڅٻيڂ ٿچتچك ثؾبكڍ كا ًبؽت ٳڈ څاٯ‪٤‬ب” ٿي تچاڃٌت ثلاڍ اڃٌبځ ٳبك اڃزبٽ ؿډـ ‪.‬‬

‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬Comprehension I. Answer the questions orally .

) 72ّ( .‫بډي ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬ُ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ث‬ 1. Where did James Watt live ? He lived in a little house in Scotland .

2. Did he asked many questions ? Yes , he did .


What did James hear ? He heard the steam .

4. Could he see the steam easily ? No , he couldn't .

5. What did James show to his grandmother ? He showed her the lid moving .

6. Did he use steam to move other things ? Yes , he did.

II.True or false ? ) 72ّ( ‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟‬ 1. James and his parents lived in a small housse in Scotland . (F) 2. One day he asked his grandmother about fire . (T) 3. He asked many questions .(T) 4. He also asked about the kettle . (T) 5. James thought there was only water in it . (F)

III.Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . ) 72 ّ( .‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ 1. James asked a lot of questions , but his grandmother….. . A. couldn't answer them at all B. always answered his questions later C. sometimes couldn't answer his questions . D. didn't like to answer so many questions . َ‫ اٿّب ٿبؿكثنكٷَ ٷبډي اڅٯبت ڃڀي تچاڃٌت ثڈ ًإاالت‬, ‫ريڀن ًإاالت ميبؿڍ پلًيـ‬ . ‫پبًؼ ؿډـ‬

2. "Grandmother, what's in the kettle ?" James asked this question because he ….. . A. thought there was some fire in the kettle B. wanted to know about everything

C. thought something was singing in the kettle D. was boiling something in the kettle ‫ٴل ٳلؿ‬٫ ‫ ريڀن ايڂ ًإاٹ كا پلًيـ صچڃٴڈ‬,» ‫«ٿبؿك ثنكٵ صڈ صينڍ ؿك ؿاؽٺ ٳتلڍ اًت‬ . ‫صينڍ ؿك ؿاؽٺ ٳتلڍ څرچؿ ؿاُت‬ 3.

When James grew up , he worked hard to ….. . A. move heavy things B. show that his grandmother was wrong C. build the first steam engine D. make heavy boats and trains . ‫ ًؾت ٳبك ٳلؿ تب اڅٻيڂ ٿچتچك ثؾبك كا ثٌبمؿ‬, ‫ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ ريڀن څات ثنكٵ ُـ‬ 4. James's grandmother ….. . A. helped James to build a steam engine B. could see the lid moving C. made the fire burn D. didn't see the steam . ‫ٿبؿك ثنكٵ ريڀن تٴبځ ؽچكؿځ ؿكپچٍ ٳتلڍ كا ٿي ؿيـ‬

Speaking 2 Add short questions to these sentence . )74 ّ( . ‫ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ رڀالت ميل كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬ 1. The teacher speaks English very fast , doesn't he ? 2. The students are listening to the teacher, aren't they ? 3. Some of the students came late today , didn't they ?

4. The students speak English every day , don't they ? 5. The class begins at 8 o'clock , doesn't it ? 6. The school library is open now , isn't it ? 7. The teacher came late , didn't he ? 8. The students didn't come late , did they ? 9. We can't speak Arabic well , can we ? 10. WE aren't busy every day , are we ?

Writing 1 Complete these sentences with short questions . )74 ّ( . ‫ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ رڀالت ميل كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬ 1. You know us , don't you ? 2. The students come to class every day , don't they ? 3. James built the first steam engine , doesn't he ? 4. He worked hard yesterday , didn't he ? 5. We want to learn English , don't we ? 6. You live near hear , don't you ? Writing 2 Complete these sentences with short questions . )75 ّ( . ‫ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ رڀالت ميل كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬ 1.You doesn't speak French , does you ? 2.The library isn't open now , is it ? 3. You don't want to leave , do you ? 4. They don't live near hear , do they ?

5. James didn't build a ship , did he ? 6. We couldn't answer all the questions , could we ? 7. We didn't come late , did we ? 8. The students weren't busy yesterday , were they ?

Language Functions

)77 ّ( ‫ڃَٰ ډبڍ مثبځ‬

Talking about appearance

‫لاؿ‬٫‫ڌ ا‬٫‫ٓغجت ؿك ثبكڋ ٯيب‬

A: What does he look like ? ‫ڈ اڍ ؿاكؿ ؟‬٫‫اڅ (ٿلؿ) صڈ ٯيب‬ B: He's quite good –looking .

. ‫اڅ (ٿلؿ) ؽيټي ؽچٍ تيپ اًت‬ 2. A: How does she look like ? ‫ڈ اڍ ؿاكؿ ؟‬٫‫اڅ (مځ) صڈ ٯيب‬

B: She 's very beautiful/attractive /pretty . . ‫ ٯِڄٶ اًت‬/ ‫ رقاة‬/ ‫اڅ ؽيټي ميجب‬ Talking about age , weight , hair color ‫ كڃٶ ٿچ‬, ‫ څمځ‬, ‫ٓغجت ؿك ثبكڋ ًڂ‬ 1. A: How old is he /she ?

‫اڅ صڄـ ًبٹ ؿاكؿ ؟‬ B: He / She is twenty five . . ‫اڅ ثيٌت څ پڄذ ًبٹ ؿاكؿ‬ 2. A: How much do you weigh ? ‫ُڀب صڄـ ٳيټچ څمځ ؿاكيـ ؟‬ B: I weigh (about) 62 kilos . . ‫ ٳيټچ څمځ ؿاكٽ‬62 )‫ٿڂ (ؿك عـڅؿ‬ 3. A: What color is Babak's hair ? ‫كڃٶ ٿچڍ ثبثٲ صيٌت ؟‬ B: He's got dark / black / brown / light brown hair ? . ‫ ٯڊچڇ اڍ كڅُڂ ؿاكؿ‬/ ‫ ٯڊچڇ اڍ‬/ ‫ ٿِٴي‬/ ‫اڅ ٿچڍ تيلڇ‬

H. Vocabulary Review Fill in the blanks with these words. )78 ّ( .‫ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت ميل پل ٳڄيـ‬

accident – ticket – succeed – steam – grows – seat – dirty - member

1. A flower grows on a plant . 2. I'm sorry I broke the cup : It was an accident . 3. When you are tired you look for a seat to sit on . 4. You have to buy a ticket if you want to travel by train . 5. The opposite of clean is dirty . 6. If you want to succeed you must study hard . 7. I am a member of our school football team . 8. Steam rises from hot water.

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى ُِپ‬ ‫‪Tag questions‬‬

‫ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ (ؿڃجبٻڈ اڍ )‬

‫ٷبډي اڅٯبت ٷچيڄـڇ ثلاڍ ايڄٴڈ ُڄچڃـڇ عل‪ َ٫‬كا تبييـ ٳڄـ ام ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ ؿك پبيبځ‬ ‫رڀټڈ آټي ؽچؿ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ٳڄـ ‪:‬‬ ‫? ‪It is very hot , isn‟t it‬‬ ‫ډچاؽيټي ٷلٽ اًت ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟ (ايڄ‪ٜ‬چك ڃيٌت ؟)‬ ‫? ‪He lives in Amol , doesn‟t he‬‬ ‫اڅ ؿك آٿٺ مڃـٷي ٿي ٳڄـ ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬ ‫ثڈ تچٗيغبت ميل ؿك ٿچكؿ ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ ؿٯت ‪٫‬لٿبييـ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ - 1‬ؿك ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ عتڀبً ثبيـام ٗڀبئل ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ټي (‬

‫‪) it,we,they,I,you.he,she‬‬

‫اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٳڄيـ څډلٷن ام اًپ اُؾبّ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ڃٴڄيـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 2‬ام ُٴٺ ٳچتبڇ ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ؿك ٯٌڀت ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٳڄيـ ‪:‬‬

‫‪aren‟t you‬‬

‫‪ - 3‬اٷل رڀټڈ آټي (رڀټڈ ًڀت صپ) ٿخجت اًت ‪ً ،‬إاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ ثبيـ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي‬ ‫څثل‪٣‬ٴي ي‪٤‬ڄي اٷل رڀټڈ آټي ٿڄ‪٬‬ي ثبُـ ‪ً ،‬إاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ كا ثبيـ ثٔچكت ٿخجت‬ ‫ثيبڅكيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 4‬اٷل ؿك رڀټڈ آټي ام ٳټڀبت څ ٯيـډبيي اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ُچؿ ٳڈ ؿاكاڍ ٿ‪٬‬ڊچٽ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي اًت ‪،‬‬ ‫رڀټڈ ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ ثبيـ ٿخجت ثبُـ ‪:‬‬ ‫? ‪They can hardly read this letter , can they‬‬ ‫آڃڊب ثڈ ًؾتي ٿي تچاڃڄـ ايڂ ڃبٿڈ كا ثؾچاڃڄـ ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬


‫? ‪She has no car , does she‬‬


‫اڅ اتچٿجيټي ڃـاكؿ ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬ ‫? ‪Arnold never speaks French , does he‬‬ ‫آكڃچٻـ ډلٷن ‪٫‬لاڃٌڈ ٓغجت ڃڀي ٳڄـ ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬ ‫ٿڊڀتليڂ ٳټڀبت څ ٯيـډبڍ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي ًبم ‪٣‬جبكتڄـ ام ‪:‬‬ ‫(ډيضيٲ ) ‪( – niether‬ډلٷن) ‪( -never‬ڃڈ‪ -‬ډيش)‪( no‬ثڄـكت) ‪seldom‬‬ ‫(ډيضٴي)‪( -nobody‬ډيش ٳي ) ‪( no one‬ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ٳپ ) ‪( - few‬ٳپ) ‪little‬‬ ‫(ثڄـكت (‪ ( rarely‬ډيضٴـاٽ )‪( none‬ثڄـكت ) ‪scarecely‬‬

‫‪ - 5‬ثڈ ‪٤٫‬ٺ ”‪٫ “are‬جٺ ام ٗڀيل” ‪ “I‬ؿك ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ ميل تچرڈ ٳڄيـ ‪:‬ٳبكثلؿ‬ ‫اًتخڄبيي‬ ‫? ‪I am taller than you , aren‟t I‬‬ ‫ٯـ ٿڂ ام ٯـ تچ ثټڄـتل اًت ‪ ،‬ايڄ‪ٜ‬چك ڃيٌت ؟‬

‫( ثؾب‪ٛ‬ل ايڄٴڈ (‪ُ )am not‬ٴٺ ٳچتبڇ ڃـاكؿ ‪ ،‬ام ( ‪ ) aren’t‬اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ُچؿ ‪) .‬‬ ‫‪ٗ - 6‬ڀبئل ٿجڊپ ميل ثب ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٿ‪٬‬لؿ ثٴبك ٿي كڅڃـ اٿب ٗڀيلُبځ ‪ٗ ،‬ڀيل رڀ‪٢‬‬

‫”‪“ they‬‬

‫ٿي ثبُـ ‪:‬‬ ‫(ډل ٳي‪ -‬ډڀڈ )‪everyone‬‬ ‫(ډيضٴي)‪no one‬‬

‫(ٳٌي)‪somebody‬‬ ‫(ډيضٴي)‪nobody‬‬

‫( ډل ٳي‪ -‬ډڀڈ) ‪every body‬‬ ‫? ‪Everyone plays football , don‟t they‬‬


‫ډڀڈ ‪٫‬چتجبٹ ثبمڍ ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬ ‫? ‪Nobody wrote the letter , did they‬‬ ‫ډيضٴي ايڂ ڃبٿڈ كا ڃڄچُت ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬ ‫‪ - 7‬ثلاڍ ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ رڀالت اٿلڍ ٿخجت يب ٿڄ‪٬‬ي ام‬

‫? ‪ will you‬اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ‬

‫ٿي ُچؿ ‪:‬‬ ‫ؿك كا ثبم ٳڂ ‪ ،‬ثبُڈ ؟‬

‫? ‪Open the door , will you‬‬ ‫? ‪Don‟t turn up the TV , will you‬‬

‫ٓـاڍ تټچينيچځ كا ثټڄـ ڃٴڂ ‪ ،‬ثبُڈ ؟‬ ‫‪ -8‬اٷل ؿك رڀټڈ آټي ثب ‪ ( let‟s‬پيِڄڊبؿ اڃزبٽ ٳبك) ُلڅ‪ُ ١‬چؿ ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ آځ‬ ‫? ‪ shall we‬ٿي ثبُـ ‪:‬‬ ‫? ‪Let‟s study the new lesson , shall we‬‬ ‫ثيبييـ ؿكى رـيـ كا ثؾچاڃيپ ‪ ،‬ثبُڈ ؟‬ ‫? ‪Let‟s play chess , shall we‬‬ ‫ثيبييـ ُ‪ٜ‬لڃذ ثبمڍ ٳڄيپ ‪ ،‬ثبُڈ ؟‬ ‫عبٹ ثڈ ٳبكثلؿ ٗڀبئل ؿك ٯٌڀت ًإاٻي ٗڀيڀڈ اڍ رڀالت ميل ؿٯت ٳڄيـ څآڃڊب كا ثؾب‪ٛ‬ل‬ ‫ثٌپبكيـ‪:‬‬ ‫? ‪1. This is your bicycle , isn‟t it‬‬ ‫ايڂ ؿڅصلؽڈ تچًت ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬

‫? ‪2. There are some students in the class , aren‟t there‬‬

‫صڄـ ؿاڃَ آٿچم ؿك ؿاؽٺ ٳالى اًت ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬ ‫? ‪3. Some of them are students, aren‟t they‬‬ ‫ث‪٘٤‬ي ام آڃڊب ؿاڃَ آٿچم ډٌتڄـ ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬ ‫? ‪4. None of them can drive a car , can they‬‬ ‫ډيضٴـاٽ ام آڃڊب ڃڀي تچاڃڄـ كاڃڄـٷي ٳڄڄـ ‪ ،‬ٿٸڈ ڃڈ ؟‬

‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى ُِپ‬

1. 1. above /adv

2.2. at all / idm

3.3. at last / ldm

4.4. attractive /adj

at a higher point

in any way

in the end pretty;handsome ;pleasant

‫ؿك ثبالڍ صينڍ‬ ً‫آال‬ ‫ًلاڃزبٽ‬ ‫ رقاة‬-‫ميجب‬ ugly#‫مڃڄـڇ – مُت‬


5.5. be wrong /adj

about the situation or

‫يت ؿاُتڂ‬٣

thing .

66. boat /n .

7.7. build /v .

a very small ship to make sth by joining things together;make

‫ٯبيٮ‬ ‫ًبؽتڂ‬ destroy#‫څيلاځ ٳلؿځ‬ ‫ًچماڃـځ‬

8.8. burn /v .

9. 9. but

to destroy sth with fire

ٍ‫ؽبٿچ‬ extinguish #‫ٳلؿځ‬

except;other than

‫يل ام‬٨‫ ث‬-‫اٿب‬

/prep 10.change (into) /v. 11..dark /adj 12.else /adv

to pass from one form to

)‫تجـيٺ ُـځ (ثڈ‬

another;alter the lack of light in a place another place,person or thing

‫تبكيٲ‬ light #‫كڅُڂ‬ ‫ؿيٸل‬

a part of a 13.engine /n.

vehicle that produces power to move


it . 14.enough /det or pron 15.fireplace /n.

as much as


some one needs;sufficient a space in a wall to light a fire in .

‫ي‬٫‫ڃبٳب‬ ‫ُچٿيڄڈ‬

16.good-looking /adj

an attractive person .

17.grandmother /n.

‫ؽچٍ تيپ‬

the mother of your mother or father


18.hardly /adv 19.How odd !

20. ice /n. 21.in front of /prep 22.just /adv.



easily;scarcely how strange,unusual

frozen water facing sth or close to the front part of it . only


a metal pot for boiling

/ n.



a cover of

/ n. 25.light brown /adj 26.look for /v. 27.man /n. 28.member /n. 29.once more

a kettle,etc very pale brown

‫ثڈ ًؾتي‬ easily# ‫ثڈ آًبڃي‬ ! ‫زيجڈ‬٣ ‫يؼ‬ ‫ؿكرټچڍ‬ behind # ‫پِت‬ ٰٚ٫ ‫ٳتلڍ‬ ٍ‫ًلپچ‬ ‫ٯڊچڇ اڍ كڅُڂ‬

to try to find

‫رٌتزچ ٳلؿځ‬

human being


people belonging to the group


to happen

‫ثبك ؿيٸل‬

again;one more time 30.opposite /adj


٪‫ ٿؾبٻ‬-‫ٿت٘بؿ‬

contrary synonym٩‫ٿتلاؿ‬

31.realy /adv 32.rise /v. 33.sing /v.

ً‫ب‬٤‫څاٯ‬ truly;actually ‫ثبتلؿيـ‬ to move upwards;come up;go up

# ‫ثلؽبًتڂ‬-‫تڂ‬٫‫ثبالك‬ fall ‫تبؿځ‬٫‫ا‬

to make a humming,whistling

‫ًچت ٳِيـځ‬

sound gray or black

34.smoke /n.

gas coming out when sth is


burned 35..so many/much /idm 36.some more

a lot of;a great number a greater number

37.steam /n.

water in the from of gas

‫ؽيټي ميبؿ‬



38. succeed /v. 39. turn into /v.

to do what is

‫ٮ ُـځ‬٫‫ٿچ‬

trying to do .

‫ُٴٌت ؽچكؿځ‬

to change in nature,quality,

‫تجـيٺ ُـځ‬

etc a strong vehicle

40. wagon /n.

with four wheels for carrying

‫څاٷڂ ثبكڍ‬

heavy loads . 41. weigh /n. 42. wear glasses /v.

to measure how heavy

-‫څمځ ٳلؿځ‬

sth is .

‫څمځ ؿاُتڂ‬

to put glasses in front of eyes to see better .

‫يڄٲ مؿځ‬٣

‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ُِپ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬ . ‫بت ميل كا ؿك ربڍ ٿڄبًت ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A -1 looking careful- burn- rises- kettle- enough member- change


We know steam ………… from hot water .


What are you doing ? – I am …………for my books .


If you put your hand in hot water , it will ………… .


This ………… is very expensive .


Fire can ………… the water into steam .


Nima is a(n) ………… of our library .


Be …………! It is very hot .


Nasim didn‟t have ………… money to buy a bag .

: A-1 1. rises

2. looking

6. member

3. burn

7. careful

4. kettle

5. change

8. enough

: B .1 engine- burnt- smoke- tired- heavy singing - turned into- hardly 1.

Homan was too …………yesterday . He could hardly study .


This room is full of ………… . we can‟t see anywhere !


I can not move this ………… box .


James built a(n) ………… that could move many things .


He could …………see the steam .


The snow on the ground ………… water .


The fire ………… his house last month .


The kettle was ………… on the fire .

: B.1 1. tired

2. smoke

6. turned into

7. burnt

3. heavy

4. engine

5. hardly

8. singing . ‫ت ٿڄبًت ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬٨‫ ثب ؿاڃَ ؽچؿ ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ٻ‬-2

1. It rises from hot water.It can move boats and wagons.It is ………… . 2. Water turns into ………… when it becomes very cold . 3. James Watt invented it . It can move heavy things like boats . It is a(n) ………… . 4. If you try hard and study well , you will ………… 5. It is the part of a car that produces power . It is a(n) ………… . 6. It is a metal pot for boiling water . It has a handle on the top . It is a(n) ………… . 7. She is the mother of your mother . She is your ………… . 8. It is a very small ship that may have an engine . It is a(n) ………… . 9. A(n) ………… place is a place where there is no light . 10.The opposite of dirty is ………… . 11.When a person is in a group ,he is the ………… of it .

12.When you want to know how heavy something is , you ………… it . 13.It is a place in a wall to light a fire for warming a room . It is a(n) ………… . ‫ ثب ؿاڃَ ؽچؿ‬-2 1. steam

2. ice

3. steam engine

4. succeed

5. engine

6. kettle

7. grandmother

8. boat

9. dark

10. clean

11. member

12. weigh

13. fireplace

‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت پيـا‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ يب ډپ ٿ‬٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-3 . ‫ٳڄيـ‬ 1. The Ice turned into water .

A. reply

2. He built a table.

B. changed

3. Steam rises from hot water .

C.not easily

4.She didn‟t like to answer so many

D. something else

questions . 5.Could he see the steam easily ?

E. made

6.He could hardly see the steam ?

F. goes up

7.She will buy another thing .

G. started

8.Soon the water in the kettle

H. with no difficulty

began to sing . 9.He made steam work for men .

I. forced it to

‫ يب‬٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-3 1. B

2. E

3. F

4. A

6. C

7. D

8. G

9. I

5. H . ‫ت – ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4


Steam ……from hot water . A. stays


B. raises

C. grows

D. rises

They talked about their plans . Finally , they changed it . “Finally” means …… A.at last








It is …… . please open the door . A.cold


D.at all

Steam …… when it comes out of the kettle . A.sings



Water turns into …… when it is very hot . A.fire


B. at first




– How much does your brother …… ? – He is 50 kilograms . A.answer




Sina could …… move the table .







– How much is the ……of the cinema ? –It is 250 tomans . A.engine




9.The opposite of the word “……” is “ fall ” . A.rise




10.Sara ……the plate when she was washing the dishes . A.rose




11.Ali‟s father is a merchant . He …… a lot because of his job . A.looks




12.You are very tired . You can sit on this …… . A.seat




13.He is going to take a …… next month . A.steam




14.Amir studies his books in the …… every day . A.lid




15.They don‟t want to …… home , do they ? A .reply




16.I am very …… today . I can‟t come to your home . A.easy




17.Reza is …… to the tape now . A.finding




18.She usually cook lunch in the …… . A.kitchen



D.wagon 

19.His uncle doesn‟t have ……money to buy a color television. A.many




20.The …… of this white car is very good . A.tooth




21.Put the …… of the kettle on it . A.fire




22.How …… do you weigh ? I weigh about 62 kgs . A.much






23.The class …… at 8 o‟clock . A.listens


24.The …… made the water in the kettle very hot . A.lid



D.steam ‫ ٷنيڄڈ‬-‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4

1. D

2. A

3. B

9. A

10. B

17. B 18. A

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. C

8. D

11. B

12. A 13. C

14. C

15. C

16. D

19. B

20. B 21. D 22. A

23. C

24. B

. ‫ پبًؼ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-‫ٷلاٿل‬-5 1.He was writing a letter to his father , …… ? A.was he

B.didn‟t he

C.wasn‟t he

D.did he

2.Her sister wrote the sentences carelessly ……? A. didn‟t she B. did she

C. wasn‟t she D. doesn‟t he

3.Neda speaks English very fast , …… ? A. doesn‟t Neda

B. doesn‟t she

C. isn‟t she

D. is she

4.Smoke …… from boiling water , doesn‟t it ? A.rose


C. risen

D. rising

5.The library isn‟t closed now , …… ? A.isn‟t there

B.does it

C.is there

6.There is some water in the glass , …… ?

D.is it

A. isn‟t it

B. isn‟t there

C.doesn‟t there

D. doesn‟t it

7.She couldn‟t …… a car 5 years ago ,could she? A.drive




8.If Mona studied hard , she could pass the exam , ……? A.could she B.didn‟t she C.couldn‟t she

D.couldn‟t Mona

9.Negar …… TV ,isn‟t she ? A.watched

B. watches

C. was watching

D.is watching

10.Elham had brushed her teeth , before you phoned , …… ? A.had she

B. hadn‟t she C.didn‟t she

D. did she

11.I am very busy now , …… ? A.aren‟t I

B.are I

C.am not I

D. aren‟t you

12.His sister studies French well , …… ? A.doesn‟t he B.do they

C.doesn‟t she D.don‟t they

13.A good film …… on TV tonight . A.will be shown B. will show C. was showing D. showed

14.Ali and Naser … dinner at 7 p.m ,don‟t they ? A.will eat




15.Birds migrate to warmer places , ……? A.do they

B. don‟t they

D. aren‟t they

C.are they

16.Hadi is seldom late for class , ……? A.does he

B. doesn‟t he

C.is he

D.isn‟t he

17.Let‟s go to the park , ……? A.shall we

B.shan‟t we

C.wouldn‟t you

D. would you

18.Nothing was right , ……? A.weren‟t they

B. weren‟t they

C.was it

D. wasn‟t it

19. They need to finish the book ……they ? A.don‟t




20. Sima‟s father read the newspaper , ……he? A. didn‟t

B. doesn‟t


D.did ‫ پبًؼ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-5

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. c

9. D

10. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B

15. B 16. C 17. A

18. C 19. A 20. C

. ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڄچيٌيـ‬-6 1.Parvin …………any sandwiches every day , does she ? (ate) 2.It rained ………… last night . (hardly) 3.Had the lesson just ……when she entered the class ?(begin) 4.Mr Shokri ………… too many cigarettes ,doesn‟t he? ( smoking) 5.He might be angry , ………… he ? (may) 6.She ………… wet , didn‟t she ? (gets) 7.Neither of them will come , will ………… ? (their) 8.– What did you ………… yesterday ? (made) – A wooden house . 9.What …………you do when you are hungry ? (did) 10.Ali ………… by taxi ,did he ? (come) 11.How much …………these books ? (be) 12.How much ………… your car ? (are) 13.When ………… you go to bed last night ? (does) 14.We should ………… thick clothes in winter . (wearing ) 15.The steam …………when it comes out of the kettle . (sang) 16.I couldn‟t ………… his question . (answering) 17.The steam was ………… from the kettle . (rise) 18.Keivan will ………… them tomorrow . (see)

19.Mina set the table for breakfast , ………… she ? (do) 20.He never answers the telephone , ………… he ?

(did) ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ‬-6

1. doesn‟t eat

2. hard

3. begun

4. smokes 5. mightn‟t

6. got

7. they

8. make

9. do

12. is

13. did

10. didn‟t come 11. are 15. sings

16. answer

19. didn‟t

20. does

17. rising

14. wear 18. see

. ‫ آڃڊب كا ؿك ًتچځ ٿڄبًت ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬، ‫ ٿٔچت ٳټڀبت ميل‬ٞ٬‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ُيچڇ تټ‬: A-7 Luck- weight- took- ate- bus- vacation - April- eighteen- blue- boot





‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬: A -7 /eI/






luck- bus




‫بڅت اًت‬٬‫ ٓـاؿاك ثب ثٰيڈ ٿت‬٩‫ علڅ‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫ ميل ٳټڀڈ اڍ ٳڈ ام ڃ‬:B-7 . ‫ ثٴِيـ‬ٚ‫ؽ‬ 1.ate- say- name- heat

4. please- this- see- deep

2.feet- sleep- they- feel

5. tired- say- may- rain

3.fit- it- seat- did

6. same- boat- eight- place

7-B:‫پبًؼ‬ 5. tired

1. heat

2. they

3. seat

4. this

6. boat

. ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔچيل رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-8 1.The steam is rising from the ………… . 2.The ………… is rising from the fire . 3.The …………water of the …………is very hot . 4.The ………… is on the kettle . 5.The kettle is above the ………… .

6.There is …………water in the kettle . ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬-8 1. kettle

2. smoke

4. lid

5. fire

3. boiling / kettle 6. hot ‫ يب‬boiling ‫ يب‬some

٩‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ – رچاة ډل يٲ ام ًإاالت ًڀت صپ كا ؿك ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت ثيبثيـ څعلڅ‬-9 . ‫ڈ كا ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ٿلثچ‬ 1. How old is Mitra ? ( )

A. she has nothig.

2.How much does he weigh ? ( )

B. she is very attractive .

3. How many pens does she have ? ( )

C. she is 20 .

4. What color is his hair ? ( )

D. It is white .

5.How does Mina look like ? ( )

E. An over coat.

6.What‟s he wearing today ? ( )

F. He is 50 kilos .

7. Is Shahram very tall ? ( )

G. No ,he isn‟t .

8. Where do they live ? ( )

H. On safa street .

‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-9 1. C

2. F

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. E

7. G

8. H

‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ًپي ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿاؿڇ څ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا‬-10 .‫اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ The boy was too tired yesterday . He could hardly walk.

1. who was too tired ? 2. why couldn‟t he walk easily ?

3. when was he tired ?

4.He could hardly see the steam . This sentence means : A. He could easily see it . B. He couldn‟t easily see it . C. He could not see it at all . D. He could see it later .

5.Water can change into steam . It means : A. It becomes very attractive . B. It becomes very cold . C. It can turn into steam . D. It can‟t turn into ice .

6.James watt made steam work . It means : A. James made heavy things . B. Steam didn‟t work for him . C. He made an engine .

D. He forced steam to work for man .

7.The steam of the hot water can move the lid of the kettle . we understand that : A.Steam can move the fire . B.The lid of the kettle can move the steam . C.Steam has a kind of power to move things . D.Smoke rises from cold water .

8.James built the first steam engine . It means : A.Steam engine couldn‟t move things . B.He could move heavy things for the first time . C.He didn‟t invent the first steam engine . D.Nobody had invented the steam engine before him .

‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ‬. 10 1.The boy .

2. Because he was very tired .

3. Yesterday . 4. B

5. C

6. D

7. C

8. D

. ‫پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ميل ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬: A-11 when James watt grew up , he didn‟t forget that steam could move the lid of a kettle . And he began to look for ways to make steam move other things . He worked very hard . And at last he succeeded

. He built a steam engine that could move things like boats and wagons . 1.What did James watt build ? …………………………………… . 2.What could move the lid of the kettle ? …………………………………… …………… . 3.James made boats and wagons . T 4.James didn‟t work hard . T



5.He ……steam move things like boats . A. rose

B. burnt

C. changed


‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ‬: A .11 1. He built a steam engine 4. False

2. Steam

3. False

5. D B -11

The children next door often play football in the garden and sometimes break my windows . last Saturday afternoon I stayed at home and read a book . After a while get up quickly . Soon a little boy appeared . “Not one of my windows again ?” I asked . Oh, no ! answered the boy . “Your window was open this time and our ball is in your bed-room . May we get it please ?” 1.

Where do children often play football ?


Who came to the door ?


Did they break the window ?


The window was not open . True


He read a book the day before last Sunday . True


False : B .11

1. In the garden 4. False

2. A boy 5. True

3. No, they didn‟t .

Lesson Seven ) 80ّ(

7 ‫ؿكى‬

A.New words

‫ٳټڀبت تبمڇ‬

1. Some birds can fly high in the sky .They can find their way easily . They don't get lost . ‫ آڃڊب ثڈ آًبڃي ٿي تچاڃڄـ‬. ‫ ثبال ؿك آًڀبځ پلڅام ٳڄڄـ‬١‫ب‬٬‫ثلؽي ام پلڃـٷبځ ٿي تچاڃڄـ ؿك اكت‬ .‫ آڃڊب ٷپ ڃڀي ُچڃـ‬.‫كاډِبځ كا ثيبثڄـ‬ Do birds fly ? Yes , they do . Can they find their way ? Yes , they do . Do they get lost ? No , they don't .

2. This is the moon . The moon shines in the sky . . ‫ ٿبڇ ؿك آًڀبځ ٿي ؿكؽِـ‬. ‫ايڂ ٿبڇ اًت‬ What do you see in the picture ? I see the moon and some stars . Where is the moon ? It is in the sky .

3. I go to bed early during the week . During the weekend I go to bed later. ‫تڈ ٿڂ ؿيلتل ثڈ كؽتؾچاة‬٬‫چٹ آؽل ډ‬ٛ ‫ ؿك‬. ‫تڈ ٿڂ مڅؿ ثڈ كؽتؾچاة ٿي كڅٽ‬٬‫چٹ ډ‬ٛ ‫ؿك‬ . ‫ٿي كڅٽ‬ Do you go to bed early during the week ? Yes , I do . Do you go to bed late during the weekend ? Yes , I do .

4. All animals and plants need air . . ‫تڀبٽ ربڃچكاځ څ ٷيبډبځ ثڈ ډچا اعتيبد ؿاكڃـ‬ Do birds need air ? Yes , they do . Is there air in this room ? Yes , there is .

5. The distance from our house to my school is one kilometer . . ‫بٓټڌ ٿـكًڈ تب ؽبڃڌ ٿبځ يٲ ٳيټچٿتل اًت‬٫ How far is it from our house to my school ? It is one kilometer . How many meters are there in a kilometer ? There are 1000 meters in a kilometer .

6. He was sleep when I left the house . He was still in bed when I returned . . ‫څٯتيٴڈ ثلٷِتپ اڅ ډڄچم ؿك كؽتؾچاة ثچؿ‬. ‫څٯتيٴڈ ٿڂ ؽبڃڈ كا تلٱ ٳلؿٽ اڅ ؽچاثيـڇ ثچؿ‬ What was he doing when I left the house ? He was sleep when you left the house . Where was he when I returned ? He was still in bed when you returned . Fill in the blanks with correct words from the list . ) 81ّ( ‫ ثب پبًؼ‬. ‫ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن پل ٳڄيـ‬

get lost – fly – air – during – distance – asleep - still 1. I can walk the distance in about 2 hours . 2. The cat is asleep on the wall . 3. Some birds can not fly . 4. If you don't know your way , you may get lost . 5. We need air and water to live . 6. We don't go to school during the summer . 7. He is still working . He wants to finish his work before he goes to bed .

Lesson Seven 7 ‫ؿكى‬ B. Reading

)82 ّ( ‫ٯلائت‬ Highways in the sky ‫ثنكٵ كاڇ ډب ؿك آًڀبځ‬

1. The air is cool . A yellow moon shines brightly . The sky is black . Autumn is here . ‫ ايڄزب پبيين‬. ‫ آًڀبځ ًيبڇ اًت‬. ‫ ٿبڇ مكؿڍ ثڈ كڅُڄي ٿي ؿكؽِـ‬. ‫ ډچا ؽڄٲ اًت‬.1 . ‫اًت‬

2. And while you're sleeping , what 's happening outside , high in the sky ? ‫ ؿك ثيلڅځ ؿك اڅد آًڀبځ صڈ ؽجل اًت ؟‬, ‫ څ ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ ُڀب ؿك ؽچاثيـ‬.2

3. Hundreds of birds are flying by ! But you don't see them .You're asleep . . ‫ي ؿك عبٹ ٳچس ٳلؿځ ډٌتڄـ ! اٿّب ُڀب آڃڊب كا ڃڀي ثيڄيـ‬٤‫ؿًت رڀ‬ ‫ڇ‬ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ ٓـډب پلڃـڇ ث‬.3 . ‫ُڀب ؽچاثيـڇ ډٌتيـ‬ 4. The birds are flying south . They know that winter's coming .Soon there will be little food for them in the north . They must fly to warmer places. There they can find plenty of insects , seeds , and fruit to eat .

‫‪ .4‬ايڂ پلڃـٷبځ ؿك عبٹ پلڅام ٳلؿځ ثڈ ًڀت رڄچة ډٌتڄـ ‪ .‬آڃڊب ٿي ؿاڃڄـ ٳڈ مٿٌتبځ‬ ‫ؿك كاڇ اًت ‪ .‬ثنڅؿڍ ‪٧‬قا ؿك ُڀبٹ ثلايِبځ ٳپ ؽچاډـ ُـ ‪ .‬آڃڊب ثبيـ ثڈ ربډبڍ ٷلٿتل‬ ‫پلڅام ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬ؿك آڃزب آڃڊب ٿي تچاڃڄـ ٿٰـاك ميبؿڍ عِلات ‪ ,‬ؿاڃڈ ډب ‪ ,‬څ ٿيچڇ ربت ثلاڍ‬ ‫ؽچكؿځ ثيبثڄـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪5. But don't worry . When spring comes , the birds will fly back‬‬ ‫‪again .They always do . And they return to the same place .‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬اٿّب ڃٸلاځ ڃجبُيـ ‪.‬څٯتيٴڈ ثڊبك ‪٫‬لا ثلًـ ‪ ,‬ايڂ پلڃـٷبځ ؿڅثبكڇ ثلؽچاډڄـ ٷِت ‪ .‬آڃڊب‬ ‫ډڀيِڈ ايڂ ٳبك كا ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬څ آڃڊب ثڈ ډڀبځ ٿٴبځ (ٯجټي) ثلؽچاډڄـ ٷِت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪6. There's a special name for a bird's travels between his summer‬‬ ‫‪and winter homes . It's migration .‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬ڃبٽ ٿؾٔچٓي ثلاڍ ً‪٬‬لډبڍ يٲ پلڃـڇ ثيڂ ؽبڃڈ ډبڍ تبثٌتبڃڈ څ مٿٌتبڃڈ اٍ څرچؿ‬ ‫ؿاكؿ ‪ .‬آځ ڃبٽ څيوڇ «ٿبيٸليِڂ» يب ٳچس اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪7. Not all birds migrate , but great numbers of them do . Many like‬‬ ‫‪to migrate at night .Then during the day they can rest and eat .‬‬ ‫‪It's easier for them to find food in daylight .‬‬ ‫‪ .7‬تڀبٽ پلڃـٷبځ ٳچس ڃڀي ٳڄڄـ اٿب ت‪٤‬ـاؿ ٳخيلڍ ام آڃڊب ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬ثٌيبكڍ ؿڅًت ؿاكڃـ‬ ‫ؿك ُت ٳچس ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬پي ؿك ‪ٛ‬چٹ كڅم آڃڊب ٿي تچاڃڄـ اًتلاعت ثٴڄڄـ څ ‪٧‬قا ثؾچكڃـ ‪.‬‬ ‫يب‪٫‬تڂ ‪٧‬قا ؿك كڅُڄبيي كڅم ثلايِبځ كاعت تل اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪8. How do birds know when to fly south ? Some people think it's‬‬ ‫‪cool weather that tells them to leave . But others don't believe this‬‬

‫‪is true . They think the birds start to migrate when autumn days‬‬ ‫‪grow shorter .‬‬ ‫‪ .8‬پلڃـٷبځ صٸچڃڈ ٿي ؿاڃڄـ ٳڈ صڈ څٯت ثڈ ًڀت رڄچة پلڅام ٳڄڄـ ؟ ث‪٘٤‬ي ډب ٿ‪٤‬تٰـڃـ‬ ‫ايڂ ډچاڍ ًلؿ اًت ٳڈ ثڈ پلڃـٷبځ ډِـاك ٿي ؿډـ ٳڈ آڃزب كا تلٱ ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬اٿّب ث‪٘٤‬ي‬ ‫ؿيٸل صڄيڂ ثبڅكڍ ڃـاكڃـ آڃڊب ‪٫‬ٴل ٿي ٳڄڄـ ٳڈ ثب ٳچتبډتل ُـځ كڅمډبڍ پبيينڍ آڃڊب‬ ‫ُلڅ‪ ١‬ثڈ ٿڊبرلت ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪9. Some birds migrate only short distances . Others fly thousands of‬‬ ‫‪miles . And they don't get lost .‬‬ ‫‪ .9‬ثلؽي ام پلڃـٷبځ تڄڊب ؿك ٿٌب‪٫‬تڊبڍ ٳچتبڇ ٳچس ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬ؿيٸل پلڃـٷبځ ډناكاځ ٿبيٺ‬ ‫[ډل ٿبيٺ تٰليجب” ‪ 1630‬ٿتل اًت‪ ].‬كا ٿي پيڀبيڄـ ‪ .‬څ آڃڊب ٷپ ڃڀي ُچڃـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪10. Birds don't have maps to show them the way . So how do they‬‬ ‫‪know where they're going in the sky ? How do they find their‬‬ ‫‪way back to the same place ? Nobody knows the answers for‬‬ ‫‪certain . Many things about bird migration are still a mystery .‬‬ ‫‪ .10‬پلڃـٷبځ ڃِٰڈ ڃـاكڃـ تب كاڇ كا ثڈ آڃڊب ڃِبځ ؿډـ ‪ .‬ثڄبثل ايڂ صٸچڃڈ آڃڊب ٿي ؿاڃڄـ ٳڈ‬ ‫ثڈ ٳزبڍ آًڀبځ ٿي كڅڃـ ؟ ص‪ٜ‬چك آڃڊب كاڋ ثلٷِت ثڈ ډڀبځ ٿٴبځ كا ٿي يبثڄـ ؟ډيش‬ ‫ٳي ثب ا‪ٛ‬ڀيڄبځ رچاة ايڂ ًإاالت كا ڃڀي ؿاڃـ ‪ .‬ثٌيبكڍ ام صينډب ؿك ثبكڋ ٳچس‬ ‫پلڃـٷبځ ډڄچم يٲ كام اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪11. Maybe some day you'll discover the birds' secrets .‬‬ ‫ُبيـ كڅمڍ ُڀب ثڈ اًلاك پلڃـٷبځ پي ثجليـ ‪.‬‬


) 83ّ( ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ؿكٱ ٿ‬

I. Answer the questions orally .

1. Do birds fly at night ? Yes , they do .

2. Why do some birds fly south ? Because they know that winter's coming .Soon there will be little food for them in the north . They must fly to warmer places. There they can find plenty of insects , seeds , and fruit to eat .

3. When do they fly back again ? They fly back in spring .

4. Do all birds travel long distances ? No , they don't .

5. Do some men also have summer and winter homes ? Yes , they do .

6. Do we know everythings about birds' travels ? No , we don't .

II.True or false ? ) 83ّ(‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟‬ 1. Birds don't fly at night . (F) 2. All birds travel in winter . (F) 3. Some birds have summer and winter homes ? (T) 4. They fly south because of short days in autumn . (F) 5. We know how birds find their way in the sky . (F) III.Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . ) 83 ّ( .‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ 1. The birds fly at night because they ….. . A. can see the stars at night B. fly easily in the dark sky C. can rest and eat during the day D. see very well at night ‫قا‬٧ ‫پلڃـٷبځ ؿك ُت پلڅام ٿي ٳڄڄـ ميلا ؿك ډڄٸبٽ كڅم آڃڊب ٿي تچاڃڄـ اًتلاعت ثٴڄڄـ څ‬ . ‫ثؾچكڃـ‬ 2. "Migration" means : A. going from one place to another B. moving from south to north C. flying long distances at night D. returning to the same place . . ‫تڂ ام ربيي ثڈ ربڍ ؿيٸل اًت‬٫‫ڄي ك‬٤‫ٿبيٸليِڂ (ٳچس) ثڈ ٿ‬ 3. The word "mystery" (par .10) means : ….. .

A. story B. art C. secret D. plan ) ‫ڄبڍ كام‬٤‫ » ( ډلؿڅ ثڈ ٿ‬secret « ‫ڄبڍ‬٤‫ ثڈ ٿ‬10 ‫ ُڀبكڋ‬٩‫ » ؿك پبكاٷلا‬mystery« ‫ٳټڀڈ‬ . ‫ٿي ثبُـ‬ 4. In the sentence "They think the birds start to migrate ….. " in paragraph 8 , they refers to ….. . A. birds B. some people C. others D. both b and c ‫ » ٳڈ ؿك‬.... ‫ ثڈ ٿڊبرلت ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬١‫ٴل ٿي ٳڄڄـ پلڃـٷبځ ُلڅ‬٫ ‫ؿك ايڂ رڀټڈ « آڃڊب‬ . ‫ ٿي ثبُـ‬others ‫ ٳټڀڌ‬, they ‫ ٗڀيل‬٢‫ ُـڇ ٿلر‬٢‫ ډِت څاٯ‬٩‫پبكاٷلا‬

Speaking 1 Substitute the words in the pattern sentences. ) 84 (ّ )‫ (پبًؼ‬.‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك رڀټڌ اٻٸچ ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ‬

I think that they live on Bahar Street . . ‫ٴل ٿي ٳڄپ ٳڈ آڃڊب ؿك ؽيبثبځ ثڊبك مڃـٷي ٿي ٳڄڄـ‬٫ ‫ٿڂ‬

1. I guess that they live on Bahar Street . 2. I believe that they live on Bahar Street . 3. I know that they live on Bahar Street . 4. I think that they live on Bahar Street . 5. He thinks that they live on Bahar Street . 6. Your friends think that they live on Bahar Street . 7. Your friends think that Mr Karimi lives on Bahar Street . 8. Your friends think that Mr Karimi works in that buildidng . 9. Your friends think that Mr Karimi teaches Arabic . 10. Your friends think that Mr Karimi can't see them . 11. Your friends think that Mr Karimi is a mechanic . 12. Your friends think that Mr Karimi is from Tabriz . 13. Your friends think that Mr Karimi is watching TV . 14. Your friends think that Mr Karimi is going to work .

Speaking 2 Make sentences using think , believe , know , guess , hope . . ‫ رڀالت رـيـ ثٌبميـ‬think , believe , know , guess , hope ‫بؿڇ ام‬٬‫ثب اًت‬ ) 84ّ( 1. I think that the birds are flying south . 2. I guess that they fly to warmer places . 3. I think that we must leave now . 4. I believe that this is true . 5. I think that nobody knows the answer.


6. I hope that they will discover a new way to solve the problem . 7. I hope that the weather will be nice tomorrow . 8. I think that nobody knows the answer for certain .

Speaking 3 Make new sentences . Answer individually . )85 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫لاؿڍ پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬‫چك اڃ‬ٜ‫ ث‬. ‫رڀالت رـيـ ثٌبميـ‬ 1.They know (that) the birds are flying south . 2. We know birds don't have maps to show them the way . 3. I hope the weather will be nice tomorrow . 4. They think some birds migrate short distances . 5. We guess others fly thousands of miles . 6. I hope you can visit the city .

Speaking 4 Student A reads the question , student B answers the question . ‫) پبًؼ‬85 ّ( . ‫ پبًؼ ؿډـ‬B ‫ ًإاٹ كا ثؾچاڃـ څ ؿاڃَ آٿچم‬A ‫ؿاڃَ آٿچم‬ 1. I know that they fly to warmer places . 2. I know that they rest during the day . 3. I believe that they migrate during autumn . 4. I know that they return to the same places . 5. I guess that a cow is heavier than a tiger . 6. I think that a train is faster .

Writing 1 Complete these sentences . ) 86 ّ( ‫ پبًؼ‬. ‫رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ 1. I know that he is not a doctor . 2. I guess that he is a farmer . 3. Some people think Mr Safari is a nice man . 4. We hope he will succeed soon . 5. They guess their boss live in this street . Writing 2 Answer these questions in the same way . )86 ّ( . ‫ايڂ ًإاالت كا ڃين ډڀيڄٸچڃڈ پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ 1. What is there in my school bag ? I think there is a book in it . 2. Whose pen is it ? I know that it is Amir's . 3. Where does she live ? I guess that she lives in Isfahan . 4. How many people live in that building ? I guess that eight people live there . 5. Why is he standing over there ? I believe that he is standing over there to take a taxi . 6. When will they return ? I know that they will return in spring . 7. Who lives in that room ?

I think that Mr Modiri lives there .

Language Functions )87 ّ( ‫ڃَٰ ډبڍ مثبځ‬ Requesting politely – Saying "Yes" to a request ‫تڂ ثڈ يٲ تٰبٗب‬٬‫تٰبٗبڍ ٿإؿثبڃڈ – ثټڈ ٷ‬ 1. A: Will you take these books to the library , please ? ‫ب” ايڂ ٳتبثڊب كا ثڈ ٳتبثؾبڃڈ ثجليـ ؟‬٬ٜ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٻ‬ B: Sure (certainly)


A: Thanks a lot .

. ‫ؽيټي ٿتِٴلٽ‬

B: Not at all .

.‫ؽچاډَ ٿي ٳڄپ‬

A: Will you turn off the radio , please ? ‫ب”كاؿيچ كا ؽبٿچٍ ٳڄيـ ؟‬٬ٜ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٻ‬ B: Yes , of course .

. ‫ اٻجتڈ‬, ‫ثټڈ‬

A: Will you turn down the television , please ? B: All right . ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٓـاڍ تټچينيچځ كا ٳپ ٳڄيـ ؟‬ . ‫ثٌيبك ؽچة‬

2. A. Would you give this to Mr Karimi , please ? ‫ب” ايڂ كا ثڈ آٯبڍ ٳليڀي ثـډيـ ؟‬٬ٜ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٻ‬ B. Okey .

. ‫ثٌيبك ؽچة‬

A: Thank you very much .

. ‫ثٌيبك ٿتِٴلٽ‬

B: You're welcome .

. ‫ؽچاډَ ٿي ٳڄپ‬

A: Would you open the window , please ? . ‫ب” پڄزلڇ كا ثبم ٳڄيـ‬٬ٜ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٻ‬ B: Yes , all right .

‫ ثٌيبك ؽچة‬, ‫ثټڈ‬

A: Would you bring me some water, please ? . ‫ب” ٿٰـاكڍ آة ثلايپ ثيبڅكيـ‬٬ٜ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت ٻ‬ B: Yes , of course .

H. Vocabulary Review

. ‫ اٻجتڈ‬, ‫ثټڈ‬

)88 ّ( ‫بت‬٨‫ٿلڅك ٻ‬

Look and say )‫ ) پبًؼ‬. ‫ثڈ تٔبڅيل ميل ڃٸبڇ ٳڄيـ څ رڀالتي ؿك ثبكڋ ډل تٔچيل ثڄچيٌيـ‬ 1.There are four people in the room . They are watching TV. 2. There is a monkey on top of the coconut tree . He has a coconut in his hand .

3. The farmers are on the farm . They are working . 4. There are two girls in the picture . They are talking with each other .

5. There are two boys in the picture . They are swimming . 6. There are a lot of cars in the street . A boy is crossing the street . 7. There is a table in the picture . There are three cats under the table . 8. There is a girl in the library . She has a book in her hand . 9. There is a woman in the store . She is buying something .

       

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى ډ‪٬‬تپ‬ ‫ثلكًي ُجڈ رڀټڈ ډبڍ اًڀي (‪) That‬‬ ‫)‪That clause (Noun clause‬‬

‫ُجڈ رڀټڈ ډبڍ اًڀي ٿ‪٤‬ڀچالً ثب ٳټڀبتي ڃ‪٠‬يل ‪ when,what,that‬څ‪ُ where‬لڅ‪ ١‬ٿي‬ ‫ُچڃـ څصچځ اٳخلُجڈ رڀټڈ ډبڍ اًڀي ثب‪ُ that‬لڅ‪ ١‬ٿي ُچڃـ آڃڊب كا ‪ that clause‬يب‬ ‫ُجڈ‬

‫رڀټڈ ډبڍ اًڀي ‪ that‬ڃين ٿي ٷچيڄـ ‪.‬‬

‫ث‪٤‬ـ ام ت‪٤‬ـاؿڍ ام ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ‪ُ ،‬جڈ رڀټڈ ډبڍ اًڀي ‪ ( that clause) that‬ثٴبك ٿي كڅؿ ٳڈ‬ ‫ڃَٰ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ٿٌتٰيپ رڀټڈ كا ث‪٤‬ڊـڇ ؿاكؿ ‪ .‬ي‪٤‬ڄي پي ام ايڂ ا‪٤٫‬بٹ اثتـا ‪ that‬څًپي يٲ‬ ‫رڀټڈ ٳبٿٺ ٿي آيـ ‪:‬‬

‫……‪٤٫ +‬ٺ‪٫ +‬ب‪٣‬ٺ‪ + that +‬ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ميل‪٫ +‬ب‪٣‬ٺ‬

‫ٿڊڀتليڂ ا‪٤٫‬بٻي ٳڈ پي ام آڃڊبُجڈ رڀټڈ ډبڍ اًڀي ‪ that‬ثٴبك ٿي كڅؿ ‪٣‬جبكتڄـ ام ‪:‬‬

‫‪٫‬لاٿچٍ ٳلؿځ‬


‫ثڄ‪٠‬ل كًيـځ‬


‫عـى مؿځ‬


‫ڃِبځ ؿاؿځ‬


‫ات‪٬‬ب٭ ا‪٫‬تبؿځ‬


‫پيِڄڊبؿٳلؿځ ‪suggest‬‬

‫اٿيـ ؿاُتڂ‬



‫‪٫‬ٴل ٳلؿځ‬ ‫آكمڅ ؿاُتڂ‬


‫‪think‬‬ ‫‪wish‬‬

‫اڃت‪٠‬بك ؿاُتڂ ‪expect‬‬




‫‪apear‬‬ ‫‪ask‬‬





‫تٔڀيپ ٷل‪٫‬تڂ ‪decide‬‬



‫ؿاڃٌتڂ‬ ‫آٷبډي ؿاُتڂ‬ ‫ٯچٹ ؿاؿځ‬




‫اعٌبى ٳلؿځ‬

‫صڄـ ٿخبٹ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪I know that he is a dentist .‬‬


‫‪( that clause‬ڃَٰ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ)‬

‫ٿڂ ٿي ؿاڃپ ٳڈ اڅ ؿڃـاڃپنُٲ اًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪Reza can prove that she is a liar .‬‬


‫‪( That clause‬ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ)‬ ‫كٗب ٿي تچاڃـ حبثت ٳڄـ ٳڈ اڅ ‪٫‬لؿڍ ؿكڅ‪٧‬ٸچ اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪I believe that Shima can solve the problem .‬‬ ‫‪( That clause‬ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ)‬ ‫ٿڂ ٿ‪٤‬تٰـٽ ٳڈ ُيڀب ٿي تچاڃـ ايڂ ٿٌب ٻڈ كا عٺ ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫اٿب تڀبٿي ُجڈ رڀټڈ ډبڍ اًڀي ؿك ُجڈ رڀټڈ اًڀي ‪ that‬ؽالٓڈ ڃڀي ُچؿ ‪ُ .‬جڈ رڀټڈ‬ ‫ډبڍ اًڀي ډڀبڃڄـ اًڀڊبڍ تٲ ٳټڀڈ اڍ ؿك رڀالت ڃِٰڊبڍ ميبؿڍ ؿاكڃـ ٳڈ فيالً صڊبك‬ ‫ڃَٰ ٿڊڀِبځ فٳل ٿي ُچؿ ‪:‬‬


‫‪ -1‬ڃَٰ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ټي‬

‫‪ -2‬ڃَٰ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٻي‬

‫‪ -3‬ڃَٰ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ علڅ‪ ٩‬اٗب‪٫‬ڈ‬

‫‪ -4‬ڃَٰ ٿتڀپ‬


‫‪ -1‬ڃَٰ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ټي‬ ‫ُجڈ رڀټڈ اًڀي ؿك ڃَٰ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ‬

‫اًپ تٲ ٳټڀڈ اڍ ؿك ڃَٰ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ‬

‫‪Noun clause as a subject‬‬

‫‪single- word noun as a subject‬‬

‫‪What she has is beautiful .‬‬ ‫آڃضڈ ٳڈ اڅ ؿاكؿ ميجبًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪Her car is beautifull .‬‬ ‫ؽچؿكڅڍ اڅ ميجبًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪What he said was good .‬‬ ‫آڃضڈ ٳڈ اڅ ٷ‪٬‬ت ؽچة ثچؿ ‪.‬‬

‫‪His answer was good .‬‬ ‫رچاة اڅ ؽچة ثچؿ ‪.‬‬

‫ؿك ٿخبٻڊبڍ ‪٫‬چ٭ ثزبڍ ؽچؿكڅيَ ٿي تچاڃيپ ثٸچييپ آڃضڈ ٳڈ اڅ ؿاكؿ‬

‫څثزبڍ رچاثَ‬

‫ٿي تچاڃيپ ثٸچييپ آڃضڈ ٳڈ اڅ ٷ‪٬‬ت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬ڃَٰ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٻي‬

‫اًپ تٲ ٳټڀڈ اڍ يب ٗڀيل ؿك ڃَٰ‬ ‫ُجڈ رڀټڈ اًڀي ؿك ڃَٰ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ‬


‫‪Noun clause as an object‬‬

‫‪single- word noun as an object‬‬ ‫)‪(or pronoun‬‬

I don‟t know his address

I don‟t know where he lives

.‫ ٿڂ آؿكًَ كا ڃڀي ؿاڃپ‬. I don‟t know them .


‫ٿڂ ربييٴڈ اڅ مڃـٷي ٿيٴڄـ‬ . ‫ڃڀي ؿاڃپ‬

. ‫آڃڊب كا ڃڀي ُڄبًپ‬

I don‟t know who they are . . ‫ڃڀي ؿاڃپ ٳڈ آڃڊب ٳيٌتڄـ‬

‫ڈ‬٫‫ اٗب‬٩‫چٹ عل‬٤٬‫ ڃَٰ ٿ‬-3

َٰ‫اًپ تٲ ٳټڀڈ اڍ ؿك ڃ‬ ‫ڈ‬٫‫ اٗب‬٩‫چٹ عل‬٤٬‫ٿ‬ single- word noun as the object of the proposition

‫ڈ‬٫‫ اٗب‬٩‫چٹ عل‬٤٬‫ُجڈ رڀټڈ اًڀي ؿك ڃَٰ ٿ‬ Noun clause as the object of the proposition

He was looking at my watch .

He was looking at what I had worn

. ‫ت ٿڂ ڃٸبڇ ٿي ٳلؿ‬٣‫ اڅ ثڈ ًب‬on my wrist . My mother was worried about my

‫ڃٸبڇ‬،‫اڅ ثڈ آڃضڈ ٳڈ ثڈ ٿش ؿًتپ مؿڇ ثچؿٽ‬

health .

. ‫ٿي ٳلؿ‬

.‫ ًالٿتي اٽ ڃٸلاځ ثچؿ‬٢ٗ‫ ٿبؿكٽ ؿك ٿچكؿ څ‬My mother was worried about how sick I was . . ‫ٿبؿكٽ ڃٸلاځ ڃبؽچُي اٽ ثچؿ‬

: ‫ت‬٬ٓ ‫ ڃَٰ ٿتڀپ‬-4



‫ت‬٬ٓ ‫ُجڈ رڀټڈ اًڀي ؿك ڃَٰ ٿتڀپ‬ Noun clause as the complement of adjective

‫‪I‟m sure that he is a dentist .‬‬ ‫ٿڂ ٿ‪ٜ‬ڀئڄپ ٳڈ اڅ ؿڃـاڃپنُٲ اًت‪.‬‬ ‫‪I‟m certain that she lives in Amol .‬‬ ‫ٿڂ ٿ‪ٜ‬ڀئڄپ ٳڈ اڅ ؿك آٿٺ مڃـٷي ٿي ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪He is a dentist . I‟m sure .‬‬ ‫اڅ ؿڃـاڃپنُٲ اًت‪ .‬ٿڂ ٿ‪ٜ‬ڀئڄپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪She lives in Amol . I‟m certain .‬‬ ‫اڅ ؿك آٿٺ مڃـٷي ٿي ٳڄـ‪ .‬ٿڂ يٰيڂ ؿاكٽ ‪.‬‬

‫تپ‬٬‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى ډ‬ 1. air

the earth‟s atmosphere gas


which we breathe ; weather


paintings , sculpture etc


which are beautiful .

3.asleep /adj

4.autumn /n.

5.believe /v.

6.brightly /adv .

someone who is sleeping is asleep .

the third season



‫ؽچاثيـڇ‬ # awake ‫ثيـاك‬


of year ; fall

to think that sth is true suppose .conceive

‫تٰبؿ ؿاُتڂ‬٣‫ا‬ # doubt ‫تلؿيـ ؿاُتڂ‬

of bright color or shining very strongly

‫ثڈ كڅُڄي‬


definitely ;without

/adv .


doubt .

fairly cold ;not hot or warm


9.day light

light of the day ‫كڅُڄبيي كڅم‬ to find or learn about sth .

/v 11.distance

‫ ٳلؿځ‬٪ِ‫ٳ‬ space between two places or points

/ n. 12.don‟t worry

‫بٓټڈ‬٫ never mind

/idm 13.during

‫ؽڄٲ‬ # warm ‫ٷلٽ‬

/n 10.discover

ً‫ يٰيڄب‬-ً‫ب‬٤ٜ‫ٯ‬

‫ڃٸلاځ ڃجبُيـ‬ within a particular time .

/prep 14.find one‟s way back home

‫چٹ‬ٛ ‫ؿك‬ ‫كاڇ ثلٷِت ثڈ‬ ‫تڂ‬٫‫ؽبڃڈ كا يب‬


to move in the air with wings .

/v. 16. fly by /v.

‫پلڅام ٳلؿځ‬ cerimonial flight of airplanes (here birds) ; to fly ‫پلڅام ٳلؿځ – پلڅام ٿڊبرلت ٳلؿځ‬

17. for certain

without doubt


/idm. 18.get lost

can not be found ; be lost


‫ٷپ ُـځ‬ # be found

19. guess /v.


giving an opiniom without

‫عـى مؿځ‬

knowing all the facts . # prove‫حبثت ٳلؿځ‬

20. happen /v.

to take place sth

‫تبؿځ‬٫‫ب٭ ا‬٬‫ات‬

without being planned ; occure

21. high /adj

far above ground


22. high way /n.

a long and main road

‫ ُبډلاڇ‬، ‫ثنكٷلاڇ‬

that connects cities ; main road


what someone wants


to be true or happen ;

‫اٿيـ ؿاُتڂ‬ #despair ‫ڃباٿيـ ثچؿځ‬

expectancy .

24. insect /n.

small animal with six legs and wings : ants , flies


to travel from one


place to another

26.migration /n

27. mile /n.


‫ٿڊبرلت ٳلؿځ‬

traveling from one place to another

‫ ٿڊبرلت‬، ‫ٳچس‬

1.6 kilometers )‫ ٳيټچٿتل‬1/6(‫ٿبيٺ‬

28. moon /n.

sth which moves


round the earth and shines at night .

29. mystery

sth which is impossible


to understand ;secret

30. no body

no person ,no one

‫ پڄڊبځ‬-‫ڀب‬٤‫ ٿ‬-‫كام‬ ‫ آُٴبك‬# open


/pron . 31. not at all

you are welcome

‫ؽچاډَ ٿي ٳڄپ‬

/idm .

32. plenty of

33. plan /n.

a large number or quantity .

to decide in detail , what you are going to do

‫ٿٰـاك ميبؿ‬

‫تڂ‬٫‫تٔڀيپ ٷل‬ ‫ثلڃبٿڈ كينڍ ٳلؿځ‬

34. same

exactly like each other ;one

/adj .pron

35.secret /adj,n. 36. seed /n.

37. some day

‫ ډڀبځ‬-‫يٲ‬

to be kept from the knowledge or view of others . small ,hard grain of

on a day in the future .

ّ‫ٿؾٔچ‬ to give out or reflect light .

/v. 40. surprise

‫ؿكؽِيـځ‬ sth that you do not


expect ;astonish

41. still

even to this time



particular or certain sort .

/adj 39. shine


food plants .

/idm 38. special


‫زت ًبؽتڂ‬٤‫ٿت‬ ‫عيلت ٳلؿځ‬


42. south /n.

43. thousand

the right of a person


facing the sunrise

‫ ُڀبٹ‬# north

the number 1000


44. turn down


to reduce the


amount of sound or heat

45. turn off

to stop working‫ؽبٿچٍ ٳلؿځ‬


‫ٳپ ٳلؿځ ٓـاڅٷلٿب‬ ‫ ميبؿٳلؿځ‬# turn up

sth such as a radio or TV ;switch off # turn on ‫كڅُڂ ٳلؿځ‬

46. way /n.

path ;road


47. will you … ? would you ……? used when you want to request sth

48. You are welcome /idm.

ً‫ب‬٬ٜ‫آيب ٿڀٴڂ اًت؟ ٻ‬

not at all ‫ؽچاډَ ٿي ٳڄپ‬

‫تپ‬٬‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ډ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬

. ‫بت ميل كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثٴبك ثجليـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A –1 mystery- believe- during- air - get lost- treat- map- migration 1.

We don‟t go to school ………… the summer .


If you don‟t know the way ,you may ………… .


We …………that he is a good mechanic .


I don‟t know anything about bird‟s ………… .


We need ………… and water to live .


They don‟t have a(n) …………to find the way .


Many things about bird migration are still a(n) ………… .


Your sister is sick , you should …………her kindly .

 ‫بت ميل كا‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A.1 1. during 4. migration 7. mystery

2. get lost 5. air 8. treat

3. believe 6. map

: B-1 far from- rich- seated- change - birds- dress- guest- sunset 1.I was …………beside the doctor . 2.Bahram is not standing near Amin .He is standing …… him .

3.You should …………your coat because it is very dirty . 4.Nima‟s father is a(n) …………man because he has some cars and a lot of money . 5.The time when the sun sets is called ………… . 6.When you……your little sister in fact you put clothes on her . 7.A(n) …………is a person whom you invite to your home . 8.The ………… migrate to warmer places .

: B. 1. seated 4. rich 7. guest

2. far from 5. sunset 8. birds

3. change 6. dress

. ‫ت ٿڄبًت ثڄچيٌيـ‬٨‫ ثب ؿاڃَ ؽچؿ ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ٻ‬-2 1. The first season of the year is ………… . 2. The coldest season of the year is ………… . 3. They are very small animals with six legs and they can fly.They are ………… . 4. It is a little thing that grows into a new plant or tree .It is a(n) ………… . 5. When a person find something for the first time . He ………… it . 6. It is a flat plan of a city .It is a(n) ………… . 7. It is something that you do not like to tell other people . It is a(n) ………… .

8. When birds fly by to warmer places . They ………… there . 9.It is part of a tree that holds seeds and you can eat it . It is ………… . 10 .The third season of the year is ………… . 11.It is space between two places . It is ………… . 12.When something is only for a person .It is …… for him /her . 13.Space above the earth with the sun , the moon and stars is called ………… . 14.The moon is bright . It ………… brightly at night . 15.When you are not awake you are ………… .

 ‫ ثب ؿاڃَ ؽچؿ‬-2 1. spring 2. winter 5. discover 6. map 8. migrate 9. fruit 11. distance 12. special 15. asleep

3. insects 4. seed 7. secret / mystery 10. autumn 13. sky 14. shines

٩‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ام ٻيٌت اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ څعلڅ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ ډپ ٿ‬- 3 . ‫ڈ كا ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ٿلثچ‬ 1. There are plenty of insects in the garden . ( )

A. find out B. a lot of

2. They can rest during the day . ( )


3. You may discover the birds‟

D. fall

secrets . ( )


4. I believe this is true . ( )

F.taking place

5.The birds return to the same


place . ( )

H. come back

6. What‟s happening in the sky . ( ) 7. They start to migraten in autumn . ( ) 8. Spring days grew longer . ( )

 ‫ڄي‬٤‫ ډپ ٿ‬-3 1. B 7. D

2. E 8. G

3. A

4. C

5. H

6. F

. ‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬- 4 1.The first season of the year is ………… . A. autumn

B. winter C. spring

D. summer

2.All animals and plants need ………… . A. migration B. air

C. bird

D. insect

3.Hundreds of birds are ………… by in the sky . A. drawing

B. playing C. flying

D. riding

4.The ………… of birds is still a mystery . A. migration B. insect

C. distance D. seed

5.Students don‟t go to school ………… the summer . A. on

B. after

C. during

D. for

6.Maybe some day you‟ll …………the birds secrets . A. discover

B. travel

C. lose

D. worship

7.The word “mystery” means : A. shine

B. season

C. sentence

D. secret

8.Some birds ………… short distances . A. migrate

B. sleep

C. seed

D. share

9.“Not at all” means : A. thank you

B. sure

C. You are welcome

D. of course

10.The moon ………… brightly in the sky last night . A. succeeded

B. pushed

C. shone

D. migrated

11.There are four …………in a year . A. weeks

B. months

C. seasons

D. days

12.Birds don‟t have …………to show them the way . A. maps

B. watched

C. Seeds

D. fruits

13.The planes are …………in the sky . A. walking

B. flying

C. swimming

14.The synonym (=) of “secret” is ………… .

D. destroying

A. receive B. pick up

C. mystery

D. rise

15.When do the birds …………to the South ? A. hope

B. return

C. agree

D. mean

16.The gold ring …………brightly on her finger . A. shines

B. needs

C. flys

D. refers

17.Migration …………going from one place to another . A. discovers

B. ears

C. means

D. pulls

18.You can …………in the bedroom . You looks very tired . A. know

B. travel

C. move

D. rest

19.Some birds ………… in winter . A. travel

B. answer


D. believe

20. Will you …………the TV ? – Yes , of course . A. guess

B. turn off

C. live

D. tell

21.I know that ten ………… work in that building . A. elephants

B. birds

C. people

D. insects

22.Can you walk the ………… in 5 minutes? – Yes , I can . A.distance




 ‫ ٷنيڄڈ‬-‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-4 1. C 8. A 14. C 20. B

2. B 9. C 15. B 21. C

3. C 10. C 16. A 22. A

4. A 11. C 17. C

5. C 12. A 18. D

6. A 13. B 19. A

7. D

. ‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-5 1.

I think …… live in Rasht . A. they that




D. that Ali

A. her a coconut

B. a coconut her

C. to her a coconut

D. her to a coconut

I believe ……this is true . B. what

C. where

D. that

I …… that she watches TV in the afternoon . A. try


C. that he

He gave …… last week .

A. there


B. that they

B. think

C. teach

D. spend

I think that …… . A.they work in that building .

B.in that building they work.

C.they work building in that .

D.work they in that building .

I …… that a horse is cleverer than a donkey . A. was thinking

B. will think

C. think

D. thinking


I …… . A.study that believe carelessly . B.believe that he studies carelessly . C.carelessly study believe that . D.study carelessly that believe .


I …… that she speaks quickly . A. know

B. knowing

C.will know

D. would know

9. – What did you …… he 'd bought ? –A briefcase . A.to suppose




10.He …… that his father will buy a bicycle for him . A. expecting

B. would expect

C. expects

D. had expected

11.I believe …… Mrs Taheri can teach us French A.This




12.Mr Tabrizi …… her wife is cleaning their kitchen . A.guessed

B. guesses

C. will guess

D. to guess

13.Mina can prove …… . A.is her friend that clever

B.her friend that clever is

C.clever that is her friend

D.that her friend is clever

14.He …… . A.knows that from Italy Mr Relton comes . B.Mr Relton knows that comes from Italy . C.knows Mr Relton comes from Italy . D.From Italy knows Mr Relton come .

15.– Whose room is that ? _ I know ……it is Ali‟s . A. that

B. what

C. why

D. where

16.When will your brother return from work ? A.He will return I guess at night . B.I guess he will return at night . C.At I guess he will return night . D.I guess at he will return night . 17.They ……birds migrate when the days grow shorter . A. to believe

B. believing

C. believe

D. believe to

18.We …… others fly longer distances . A. to think

B. thinking

C. think

D. B and C

19.I hope …… he will arrive on time . A. that

B. there

C. this

D. then

20.Whose car is that ? A.I guess that it is Amir‟s father‟s . B. Amir‟s father‟s that it is I guess. C. I guess that Amir‟s father‟s it is. D. Amir‟s father‟s I guess that is it.

 ‫ ٷنيڄڈ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-5 1. B 8. A 15. A

2. A 9. D 16. B

3. D 10. C 17. C

4. B 11. B 18. C

5. A 12. B 19. A

6. C 13. D 20. A

7. B 14. C

. ‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬‫ ثب اًت‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-6 1.How old is Mr vejdani ? (guess/52) ……………………………………………… . 2.Who opened the door of the car ? (know) ……………………………………………… . 3.How much are these pens ? (think) ……………………………………………… . 4.When did these birds migrate ? (know) ……………………………………………… . 5.Did they arrive when he was watching TV ? (guess) ……………………………………………… . 6.Was the weather snowy last night ? (guess)

……………………………………………… . 7.Will you go to the park if the weather isn‟t wet ? (hope) ……………………………………………… . 8.Is it dangerous to swim in this river ? (guess) ……………………………………………… . 9.How does your mother cook ? (believe/well) ……………………………………………… . 10.Did he fix the bicycle well ? (think/badly) ……………………………………………… . 11.Is Ali a good footballer ? (know) ……………………………………………… . 12.How does Mr Sharifi speak English ? (believe/well) ……………………………………………… .

13.How does this milk taste ? (know/sour) ……………………………………………… . 14.Is this knife very sharp ? (know) ……………………………………………… . 15.Is there little rain in your city ? (believe) ……………………………………………… . 16.Was the pupil punished yesterday ? (know) ……………………………………………… . 17.Which street did he take to the cinema ? (guess/Shahab) ……………………………………………… .

18.When was Isaac Newton born ? (know/1642) ……………………………………………… . 19.Whose bag is this ? ( guess/Sima) ……………………………………………… . 20.Can you repair the watch ? (hope) ……………………………………………… .

‫بؿڇ‬٬‫ ثب اًت‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I guess that he is 52 years old . I know that Ali opened the door of the car . I think that they are 200 tomans . I know that they migrate in autumn . I guess that they arrived when he was watching TV . I guess that it was snowy last night . I hope that I will go to the park if the weather isn’t wet. I guess that it is dangerous to swim in this river. I believe that she cooks well . 10. I think that he fixed it badly . 11 .I know that he is a good footballer . 12. I believe that he speaks English well . 13. I know that it tastes sour . 14. I know that it is very sharp . 15. I believe that there is little rain in our city . 16. I know that he was punished yesterday . 17. I guess that he took Shahab street to the cinema 18. I know that he was born in 1642 . 19. I guess that it is Sima’s . 20. I hope that I can repair the watch . . ‫ثب ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت ميل رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬-7


that- he- remember- address- can- the- guess- not- I .


know- that- afraid- she- of- is- I-cat- the .


movies- think- Mr Smith- to- that- I- every week- the- goes .


car- faster- that- is- a- know- plane- I- than- a .


succeed- he- hope- will- I- his- in- exams .

 ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت‬-7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I guess that he can not remember the address. I know that she is afraid of the cat . I think that Mr Smith goes to the movies every week I know that a plane is faster than a car . I hope that he will succeed in his exams . . ‫ رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-8 A: would you open the door , please ? B: Yes , ……………… A: Thank you very much . B: ……………………

‫ رڀالت‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-8 A: of course

B: You are welcome ‫ يب‬Not at all

. ‫ رچاة ډل يٲ ام رڀالت ًڀت صپ كا ؿك ًڀت كاًت ثيبثيـ‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-9 1. Will you turn off the lamp ? ( )

A. Seeds and fruit .

2. Thanks a lot ? ( )

B. Birds .

3. What do the birds eat ? ( )

C. Yes, of course .

4. What kind of animals migrate ? (

D. A map .

5. What shows you the way ? ( )

E. You‟re welcome .

6. What is the name for bird travels ? ( )

F. Migration .

 ‫ رچاة‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-9 1. C

2. E

3. A

4. B

5. D

6. F

. ‫ڈ ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ ٿٔچت ؿك ًتچځ ٿلثچ‬ٞ٬‫ ميل كا ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ُيچڇ تټ‬٩‫ ٳټڀبت څ علڅ‬.10 a - e- k- I- boil- kind- boy- by- tray- by- read /aI/

/ i: /

/ I /

/eI /

 ‫ ٳټڀبت څ‬.10 /aI/

kind- by

/ i: / b- eread

/ I / boilboytoy

/eI / a- ktray

‫بڅت اًت ؟‬٬‫ ٿٔچت ثب ثٰيڈ ٿت‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫ت ام ڃ‬٨‫ ٳـاٽ ٻ‬-11 1.

pool- who- good- fool


hook- could- two- should


some- done- under- would


grind- green- by- pie


pay- join- soil- toy

 ‫ت‬٨‫ ٳـاٽ ٻ‬-11 1. good

2. two

3. would

4. green

5. pay

)ٍ‫ڈ ثڄـ‬٤ٜ‫ (ٯ‬cloze passage -12 . ‫ي اًت‬٫‫ت اٗب‬٨‫ ٗڀڄبً يٲ ٻ‬. ‫ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ٿتڂ ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ fly back- spring- worry- special- kind- migration- return But don‟t …(1)…when …(2)… comes ,the birds will …(3)… again .They always do . And they‟ll …(4)…to the same place . There‟s a …(5)… name for a bird‟s travels between his summer and winter homes .It‟s …(6)… .

 ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ‬-12 1. worry 2. spring 3. fly back 5. special 6. migration

4. return

. ‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ ميل ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-13 13.A

Mahnaz has one sister and 4 brothers.Her parents have … . A. Four daughters and four sons . B. Four daughters and two sons . C. One sister and four brothers . D. Two daughters and four sons .

 ‫ پي ام‬-13 13. A 13.B


The birds are flying South . They know that winter‟s coming . Soon there will be little food for them in the north .


– Where are they flying ? – I know they are flying …… . A. north


B. south

D. east

C. west

D. eats

The birds have left the …… A. south


C. west

B. north

The word “them” refers to …… A. the food

B. winter

C. the birds

D. little food

 B: -13 1: B

2: B

3: C . ‫ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٓغيظ ؿډيـ‬.14

When it becomes cool a lot of birds migrate to warmer places .They can find more food (insects and seeds) in the South .Some people believe that when autumn days grow shorter they start to migrate .Birds usually fly at night They do not get lost .During the day they can rest and eat .The migration of birds is still a mystery ,because no one knows for sure that how they can find their way .


We don‟t know how birds …… to the same place . A. return


B. live

D. hope

Birds fly during the day and rest at night . True


C. sleep


Birds can easily find their way . True



Do birds get lost ?


Where do the birds migrate ?


What do they do during the daylight ?

‫ ٿتڂ ميل‬-14 61. A

2. False

3. True

5.They migrate to warmer places . 6.During the day they rest and eat .

4. No, they don’t .

Lesson Eight ) 90 ّ(

A.New words

8 ‫ؿكى‬

‫ٳټڀبت تبمڇ‬

1 . Ali's father is a rich man . He has a lot of money . He helpes poor people . . ‫ٰلا ٳڀٲ ٿي ٳڄـ‬٫ ‫ اڅ ثڈ‬. ‫ اڅ پچٹ ميبؿڍ ؿاكؿ‬. ‫ټي ٿلؿ حلڅتڀڄـڍ اًت‬٣ ‫پـك‬ Is Ali's father rich or pool ? He is rich . What does he have ? He has a lot of money . 2 . I invited two of my friends to dinner . They were my guests . I was their host . ‫ ٿڂ ٿينثبڃِبځ‬. ‫ آڃڊب ٿڊڀبڃڊبڍ ٿڂ ثچؿڃـ‬. ‫چت ٳلؿٽ‬٣‫ٿڂ ؿڅ تب ام ؿڅًتبڃپ كا ثڈ ُبٽ ؿ‬ . ‫ثچؿٽ‬ Who were my guests ? Two of your friends . Did I invite them to dinner ? Yes , you did .

3. Mary is dressing the little girl .There are two pockets on the

dress . . ‫ ؿڅ ريت ثل كڅڍ ٻجبى څرچؿ ؿاكؿ‬. ‫ٿلڍ ؿك عبٹ پچُبڃـځ ٻجبى ؿؽتل ٳچصٲ اًت‬ What is Mary doing ? She is dressing the little girl .

Is there one pocket on the dress ? No, there isn't .

4. At dinner I was seated near the host . . ‫ؿك ډڄٸبٽ ُبٽ ٿلا ڃنؿيٲ ٿينثبځ ڃِبڃـڃـ‬ Where I was seated at dinner ? You were seated near the host .

5. Ali is standing far from the teacher . Bahram is standing beside the teacher . . ‫ټپ ايٌتبؿڇ اًت‬٤‫ ثڊلاٽ ٳڄبك ٿ‬. ‫ټپ ايٌتبؿڇ اًت‬٤‫ټي ؿڅك ام ٿ‬٣ Is Ali standing near the teacher ? No, he is standing far from the teacher .

Who is beside the teacher ? Bahram is standing beside the teacher .

6. The host passed the food to the guest .

. ‫قا كا ثڈ ٿڊڀبځ ؿاؿ‬٧ ‫ٿينثبځ‬ What did the host do ? He passed the food to the guest .

What did the host pass to the guest ? The food .

7. I must change my shirt . It is dirty . . ‫ اًت‬٪‫ آځ ٳخي‬. ‫چٕ ٳڄپ‬٣ ‫ٿڂ ثبيـ پيلاډڄپ كا‬ Why should I change my shirt ? Because it is dirty .

8. Your father is old and sick . You should treat him kindly . . ‫تبك ٳڄيـ‬٫‫ ُڀب ثبيـ ثب ٿڊلثبڃي ثب اڅ ك‬. ‫پـكتبځ پيل څ ٿليٖ اًت‬ Why should you treat your father kindly ? Because he is old and sick . Should we treat old people kindly ? Yes , we should .

Find the meaning of the underlined words. ) 91 ّ(.‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا پيـا ٳڄيـ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ٿ‬ 1. I'm sure he'll give an answer to my question soon . (b) A. sunset 2. You should never give food to your little brother . (e) B. reply

3. The time when the sun sets is very beautiful in this city .(a) C. dress 4. He never likes to be a person who receives guests . (d)

D. host

5. I put clothes on my little daughter every morning . (c)

E. feed

Lesson Eight 8 ‫ؿكى‬ B. Reading

) 92 ّ( ‫ٯلائت‬ Eat , clothes , Eat ! ! ‫قا ثؾچك‬٧ , ‫ ٻجبى‬, ‫قا ثؾچك‬٧

1. One day a rich man was invited to a dinner . He spent the day working in his garden . At sunset he didn't have time to dress for dinner . He went in his work clothes . ‫َ ًپلڍ‬٧‫ اڅ كڅم كا ثب ٳبك ٳلؿځ ؿك ثب‬. ‫چت ُـڇ ثچؿ‬٣‫كڅمڍ ٿلؿ حلڅتڀڄـڍ ثڈ ُبٽ ؿ‬ ‫ اڅ ثب ٻجبى ٳبكٍ ثڈ‬. ‫چٕ ٳلؿځ ٻجبى كا ڃـاُت‬٣ ‫لڅة اڅ څٯت‬٧ ‫ ؿك ډڄٸبٽ‬. ‫ٳلؿ‬ . ‫ت‬٫‫آڃزب ك‬ 2. When he arrived all the other guests were there . But nobody spoke to him . At dinner he was seated far from the host . No one spoke to him . . ‫ اٿّب ډيضٴي ثب اڅ ٓغجت ڃٴلؿ‬. ‫ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ اڅ كًيـ تڀبٽ ٿڊڀبڃڊبڍ ؿيٸل ؿك آڃزب ثچؿڃـ‬ . ‫ ډيضٴي ثب اڅ ٓغجت ڃٴلؿ‬. ‫ ُبٽ اڅ كا ؿڅك ام ٿينثبځ ڃِبڃـڃـ‬٢‫ٿچٯ‬ 3. He got up and went home . He washed . He dressed in fine clothes . Then he came back . ‫بؽلڍ پچُيـ څ‬٫ ‫ اڅ ًل څ ٓچكتَ كا ٌُت څ ٻجبى‬. ‫ت‬٫‫اڅ ثلؽبًت څ ثڈ ؽبڃڈ ك‬

. ‫ثلٷِت‬ 4. Now the host said ,"Come , sit beside me ." The host passed the food to him . The man took the food and began putting it in his pockets ."Eat , clothes , eat ." he said . ‫قا كا‬٧ ‫ آځ ٿلؿ‬. ‫قا كا ثڈ اڅ ؿاؿ‬٧ ‫ ٿينثبځ‬. ‫ ثڄِيڂ ٳڄبك ٿڂ‬, ‫لٿب‬٬‫ ث‬: ‫ت‬٬‫اٳڄچځ ٿينثبځ ٷ‬ , ‫ ٻجبى‬, ‫قا ثؾچك‬٧ : ‫ت‬٬‫ اڅ ٿي ٷ‬. ‫ ثڈ كيؾتڂ آځ ؿك ريجَ ٳلؿ‬١‫ثلؿاُت څ ُلڅ‬ ! ‫قا ثؾچك‬٧ 5. The host was surprised at this . "What are you doing ?" he asked . . ‫ صڈ ٳبك ؿاكيـ ٿي ٳڄيـ‬: ‫زت ُـ پلًيـ‬٤‫ڀٺ ٿت‬٣ ‫ٿينثبځ ٳڈ ام ايڂ‬ 6. The man replied , " I'm feeding your guest . When I first came , no one would speak to me . After I changed my clothes , you treated me as a special guest . I'm still the same man . So my clothes must be important to you . I'm just giving them their share of the food ." ‫ څٯتيٴڈ ثبك اڅٹ آٿـٽ ٳٌي ثب‬. ‫قا ٿيـډپ‬٧ ‫ ؿاكٽ ثڈ ٿڊڀبڃتبځ‬ٰٚ٫ ‫ ٿڂ‬: ‫ٿلؿ پبًؼ ؿاؿ‬ ‫چٕ ٳلؿٽ ُڀب ٿخٺ يٲ ٿڊڀبځ‬٣ ‫ پي ام ايڄٴڈ ٿڂ ٻجبًپ كا‬. ‫ٿڂ ٓغجت ڃٴلؿ‬ ‫ ثڄبثل ايڂ ٻجبًپ ثلاڍ ُڀب‬. ‫ ٿڂ ډڄچم آځ ٿلؿ ډٌتپ‬. ‫تبك ٳلؿيـ‬٫‫ٿؾٔچّ ثب ٿڂ ك‬ . ‫قايِبځ كا ثڈ آڃڊب ٿي ؿډپ‬٧ ‫ ًڊپ‬ٰٚ٫ ‫ ٿڂ‬. ‫ثبيـ ؽيټي ٿڊپ ثبُـ‬


) 93ّ( ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ؿكٱ ٿ‬

I. Answer the questions orally . ) ّ(.‫بډي ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬ُ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ث‬ 1. Why did the man go to the dinner in his work clothes ? Because he didn't have enough time to dress for the dinner .

2. When did he arrive ? When he arrived all the other guests were there .

3. Who spoke to him ? No one spoke to him .

4. Where did the guest sit ? He sat far from the host . 5. Why did he go home ? He went home to change his clothes .

6. What did he do at home ? He washed . He dressed in fine clothes .

7. What did the man do with the food ? He took the food and began putting it in his pockets .

8. Why did the host treat him as a special guest ?

He treated him as a special guest bcause he paid attention to his clothes .

II.True or false ? ) 93 ّ( ‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟‬

1. The man had dinner at home . ( F ) 2. He was not a poor man . ( T ) 3. He didn't dress in fine clothes because he didn't have time . 4. People didn't speak to him first . ( T ) 5. The host put the food in his guest's pockets . ( F ) III.Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . ) 93 ّ( .‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ 1.The rich man didn't change his clothes because he ….. . A. didn't have any fine clothes B. liked his working clothes very much C. didn't have time to change his clothes D. forgot to change his clothes . ‫چٕ ٳلؿځ ٻجبًَ كا ڃـاُت‬٣ ‫چٕ ڃٴلؿ صچڃٴڈ څٯت‬٣ ‫ٿلؿ حلڅتڀڄـ ٻجبًَ كا‬

2. When ….. , nobody spoke to him . A. he was very rich B. his clothes weren't fine .

C.he was far from the host D. all the guests were there . ‫څٯتيٴڈ ٻجبًَ ؽچة ڃجچؿ ٳٌي ثب اڅ ٓغجت ڃٴلؿ‬

3. The man went out because he ….. . A. liked to go out for dinner B. wanted to change his clothes C. was invited to dinner D. always went out with his friends . ‫چٕ ٳڄـ‬٣ ‫ت ميلا اڅ ؽچاًت ٻجبًَ كا‬٫‫ٿلؿ ثيلڅځ ك‬ 4. He put the food in his pocket because ….. . A. he sometimes did strange things B. the host paid attention to his clothes C. he was an important guest D. he wanted to eat dinner at home . ‫قا كا ؿك ٻجبًَ كيؾت ميلا ٿينثبځ ثڈ ٻجبًَ تچرڈ ٳلؿ‬٧ ‫اڅ‬

5. "Host " means a man who ….. . A. receives others as his guests B. knows all the other people C. goes to a party D. talks to everybody at a party . ‫ڄچاځ ٿڊڀبځ پقيلايي ٿي ٳڄـ‬٤‫”ٿينثبځ“ٳٌي اًت ٳڈ ام ؿيٸلاځ ث‬

IV. Read the passage and complete the sentences . The number of the paragraph is given . )94 ّ( .‫ڊب ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ اًت‬٫‫ ُڀبكڋ پبكاٷلا‬. ‫ٿتڂ كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ايڂ رڀالت كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ 1. He never goes to bed before sunset . ( 1 ) 2. I have no time to wait here . ( 1 ) 3. When are you going to come back ? ( 3 ) 4. "Where can I find Mr Akbari ?" "He's sitting beside your father ". ( 4 ) 5. When do your classes usually begin ? ( 4 ) 6. The baby is hungry . I should feed him . ( 6 ) 7. Mother ! I'm hungry . Can I have my share of the cake ? ( 6 )

Speaking 1 Substitute the words and make new sentences . Make changes if necessary. . ‫ڀبٹ ٳڄيـ‬٣‫ييلات ٗلڅكڍ كا ا‬٨‫ ت‬. ‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ څ رڀالت رـيـ ثٌبميـ‬ ‫ ) پبًؼ‬95 ّ( The windows were cleaned last week. . ‫تڌ ٷقُتڈ پڄزلڇ ډب تڀين ُـڃـ‬٬‫ډ‬

1. The desks were cleaned last week. 2. The car was cleaned last week. 3. This room was cleaned last week. 4. This room was built last week. 5. This room was repaired last week. 6. This room was painted last week. 7. This room will be painted next week. 8. This room will be painted next month. 9. This room will be painted next year.

Speaking 2 Make new sentences like the example . ‫ ) پبًؼ‬96 ّ( . ‫رڀالت رـيـ ډڀبڃڄـ ٿخبٹ ثڄچيٌيـ‬ 1. The questions were answered easily . 2. A lot of shirts are sold in Shiraz . 3. English will be taught next year . 4. All the coconuts were picked quickly . 5. The doors are closed at about 6 o'clock . 6. The food was passed to the guest . 7. The lesson will be explained tomorrow . 8. The trip was planned last week . Speaking 3 Answer the following questions .

‫) پبًؼ‬96 ّ ( . ‫ثڈ ًإاالت ميل پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ 1. Yes , they are made in Japan . 2. No , it is not taught in our country . 3. Yes , they invited him to the party . 4. No , they won't show it . 5. Yes , she is taken to school at 7 o'clock . 6. No , they didn't see the cows near the village .

Speaking 4 Answer these questions . ‫) پبًؼ‬96 ّ ( . ‫ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬

1. No, it will be shown next Monday . 2. No, it was cleaned last night . 3. No , they are opened at 7:30 every day . 4. No , the yellow car was sold yesterday . 5. No , they are shown in our high school . 6. No , Lesson nine will be practiced tomorrow. 7. No , it was taught carefully . 8. No , they are cleaned every week .

Writing 1 Write the correct form of the verbs in parentheses .

) 97 ّ( . ‫بٹ ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڄچيٌيـ‬٤٫‫ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ا‬ 1. Javad answered all the questions easily yesterday. (answer) 2. The windows are cleaned on Fridays . (clean) 3. She will buy the tickets next Monday .( buy ) 4. The sick man was taken to a hospital . (take) 5. This house was built many years ago . (build) 6. Two men were killed in the accident . ( kill)

Writing 2 Use the words given in parentheses to make sentences . ‫ ) پبًؼ‬97 ّ( . ‫ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن ډب رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬ 1. It will be eaten this evening . 2. It was taught yesterday . 3. They were made many years ago . 4. It was bought 2 months ago . 5. They are opened at 7 a.m .

Language Functions )99 ّ( ‫ڃَٰ ډبڍ مثبځ‬ Asking about other people ‫لاؿ ؿيٸل‬٫‫پلًَ ؿك ثبكڋ ا‬ A: Where's John from ?

‫ربځ اډٺ ٳزبًت ؟‬ B: He's from Canada . . ‫اڅ اډٺ ٳِچك ٳبڃبؿا اًت‬ A: What does he do ? ‫ٺ اڅ صيٌت ؟‬٨ُ

B: He's a mechanic . . ‫اڅ ٿٴبڃيٲ اًت‬ 2. A: What's Carl's nationality? ‫ٿټيّت ٳبكٹ صيٌت ؟‬ B: He's a German . . ‫اڅ آٻڀبڃي اًت‬ A: What is he ? . ‫اڅ صڈ ٳبكڇ اًت‬ B: He's a farmer . . ‫اڅ ٳِبڅكم اًت‬ 3. A: Is Ramo Indian ? ‫آيب كاٿچ ډڄـڍ اًت ؟‬ B. Yes , he is .

. ‫ ډٌت‬, ‫ثټڈ‬ A: What's his job ? ‫ٺ اڅ صيٌت ؟‬٨ُ B: He must be a doctor . . ‫[ام ُچاډـ اٿل ثل ٿي آيـ ٳڈ ] اڅ ثبيـ پنُٲ ثبُـ‬

G. Pronunciation practice C:

)100 ّ( ٞ٬‫تڀليڂ تټ‬

/u: / = fool – tool – cool – who – do – two // = should – good – could – book

H. Vocabulary Review Fill in the blanks with these words. )101 ّ( .‫ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت ميل پل ٳڄيـ‬

ripe – foreign – summer – butcher's – paper – easiest – Fridays – countries – carelessly – waiter

1. Meat is sold at the butcher's . 2. English is spoken in many countries . 3. German is a foreign language in Iran .

4. The opposite of carefully is carelessly . 5. A man who works in a restaurant is a waiter . 6. Books ae made of paper . 7. We mustn't pick green tomatoes because they aren't ripe . 8. In Iran schools are closed on Fridays . 9. The opposite of the most difficult is the easiest . 10. The hottest season of the year is summer .

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى ډِتپ‬ ‫څرڈ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ څ ٿزڊچٹ‬

‫‪Active & passive voice‬‬

‫ډڄٸبٿيٴڈ اڃزبٽ ؿډڄـڇ ٳبكڍ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ ثبُـ څ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ ٯجٺ ام ‪٤٫‬ٺ ثيبيـ ٿي ٷچييپ ٳڈ صڄيڂ‬ ‫رڀټڈ اڍ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ اًت ‪:‬‬ ‫‪Negar washes the dishes every day .‬‬ ‫ٯيـ مٿبځ‬

‫ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ٿٌتٰيپ ‪٤٫‬ٺ(عبٹ ًبؿڇ) ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ‬

‫‪Negar washed the dishes yesterday .‬‬ ‫ٯيـ مٿبځ‬


‫ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ٿٌتٰيپ‬


‫‪٤٫‬ٺ(ٷقُتڈ ًبؿڇ ) ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ‬

‫‪Negar will wash the dishes soon .‬‬


‫آيڄـڇ ًبؿڇ‬ ‫‪Negar has washed the dishes .‬‬


‫عبٹ ٳبٿٺ‬ ‫‪Negar had washed the dishes .‬‬ ‫ٷقُتڈ ٳبٿٺ‬ ‫ٿ‪٤‬ڄي رڀالت‪:‬‬ ‫‪ - 1‬ڃٸبك ډل كڅمڇ ‪ٟ‬ل‪٫‬ڊب كا ٿي ُچيـ ‪( .‬عبٹ ًبؿڇ )‬ ‫‪ - 2‬ڃٸبك ؿيلڅم ‪ٟ‬ل‪٫‬ڊب كا ٌُت ‪( .‬ٷقُتڈ ًبؿڇ )‬ ‫‪ - 3‬ڃٸبك ثنڅؿڍ ‪ٟ‬ل‪٫‬ڊب كا ؽچاډـ ٌُت ‪ ( .‬آيڄـڇ ًبؿڇ )‬ ‫‪ - 4‬ڃٸبك ‪ٟ‬ل‪٫‬ڊب كا ٌُتڈ اًت ‪( .‬عبٹ ٳبٿٺ يب ٿبٗي ڃٰټي )‬


‫‪ - 5‬ڃٸبك ‪ٟ‬ل‪٫‬ڊب كا ٌُتڈ ثچؿ ‪ ( .‬ٷقُتڈ ٳبٿٺ يب ٿبٗي ث‪٤‬يـ )‬ ‫پڄذ رڀټڈ ‪٫‬چ٭ ډڀٸي ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ ډٌتڄـ ميلا اڃزبٽ ؿډڄـڇ ٳبك (‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ) ٯجٺ ام ‪٤٫‬ٺ آټي آٿـڇ‬ ‫اًت ‪ .‬اٿب ؿك رڀالت ٿزڊچٹ ٿڀٴڂ اًت اڃزبٽ ؿډڄـڇ ٳبك فٳل ڃِچؿ څيب ايڄٴڈ ؿك اڃتڊبڍ‬ ‫رڀټڈ ث‪٤‬ـ ام عل‪ ٩‬اٗب‪٫‬ڈ ‪ by‬ثيبيـ ‪ .‬تڀبٽ رڀالت ‪٫‬چ٭ ٯبثټيت تجـيٺ ُـځ ثڈ رڀالت‬ ‫ٿزڊچٹ كا ؿاكا ډٌتڄـ ميلا ‪٤٫‬ٺ ‪٤٫ wash‬ټي ٿت‪٤‬ـڍ اًت ي‪٤‬ڄي اعتيبد ثڈ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ؿاكؿ څ‬ ‫تڄڊب رڀالتي ٳڈ ؿاكاڍ ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٿت‪٤‬ـڍ ډٌتڄـ ٿي تچاڃڄـ ٿزڊچٹ ُچڃـ څرڀالتي ٳڈ ثب ا‪٤٫‬بٹ‬ ‫المٽ ٿخٺ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪( come‬آٿـځ) ‪( go‬ك‪٫‬تڂ) ‪( arrive‬كًيـځ)‬ ‫‪( glow‬ؿكؽِيـځ ) ‪( die‬ٿلؿځ) ډڀلاڇ ډٌتڄـ ثـڅځ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ثٴبك ٿي كڅڃـ څٿزڊچٹ ڃين‬ ‫ڃڀي ُچڃـ څؿك يٲ رڀټڈ ٿزڊچٹ ثلكڅڍ ٳبك اڃزبٽ ُـڇ تبٳيـ ٿي ُچؿ ڃڈ اڃزبٽ ؿډڄـڇ آځ‬ ‫ٳبك ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٛ‬ليٰڈ ٿزڊچٹ ٳلؿځ رڀالت ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪٤٫‬ټڊبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬ثب تچرڈ ثڈ مٿبڃِبځ ام اٻٸچڍ ؽبّ ٿزڊچٹ ُـځ پيلڅڍ ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪ .‬ثڈ‬ ‫رـڅٹ ميل ٳڈ ؿك آځ اٻٸچڍ ٿزڊچٹ ٳلؿځ ‪٤٫‬ټڊبڍ ٿؾتټ‪ ٪‬آڅكؿڇ ُـڇ اًت ‪ ،‬تچرڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ‬ ‫‪ٗ .‬ڀڄبً تچرڈ ؿاُتڈ ثبُيـ ٳڈ اًپ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ )‪٤٫ ( past participle‬ټڊبڍ ثبٯب‪٣‬ـڇ ثباٗب‪٫‬ڈ‬ ‫ٳلؿځ‬

‫)‪ ( ed‬ثڈ اڃتڊبيِبځ ثـًت ٿي آيـ ‪:‬‬

‫‪washed‬‬ ‫‪cleaned‬‬

‫‪wash‬‬ ‫‪clean‬‬

‫ڀي ڃيٌت څثبيـ ثڈ ٯٌڀت ًچٽ‬٠‫ اٻٸچڍ ٿڄ‬٢‫ـڇ تبث‬٣‫ټڊبڍ ثي ٯب‬٤٫ ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫څٻي اًپ ٿ‬


. ‫ڈ ٳلؿ‬٤‫ـڇ ٿلار‬٣‫بٹ ثي ٯب‬٤٫‫ڊلًت ا‬٫


‫ٺ ډب‬٤٫ ‫ټچٽ‬٤‫ُٴٺ ٿ‬

‫ټڊب‬٤٫ ‫اٻٸچڍ ٿزڊچٹ ٳلؿځ‬

‫ٿخبٹ ام ُٴٺ ٿزڊچٹ‬ ‫ټڊب‬٤٫ am

am 1.

is washed

Is+past participle

‫ عبٹ ًبؿڇ‬wash


are )‫چٹ‬٤٬‫( اًپ ٿ‬ was washed 2.

was+‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬

‫ ٷقُتڈ ًبؿڇ‬washed




will+be+‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬

‫ آيڄـڇ ًبؿڇ‬will wash


‫ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ‬has washed

has+been+ ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬


‫ ٷقُتڈ ٳبٿٺ‬had washed

had+been+ ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬

will will 6.

‫ٺ ډبڍ ٳڀٴي‬٤٫

can should must


‫عبٹ اًتڀلاكڍ‬

washed has been washed had been washed


can+be+ ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬ wash

will be



+be+ washed


should must



is washing


am ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬

are being washed




was+being+ 8

‫ٷقُتڈ اًتڀلاكڍ‬





‫ آيڄـڇ ثب‬are going



be going to

‫ارجبك ثب‬ 10

were being washed


am 9

‫چٹ‬٤٬‫ اًپ ٿ‬was

have to

have to

has to

has to

had to

had to




are going to be

are + to be + ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬


have to + be + ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬

have to be washed

has to+ be + ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬

has to be washed had to be washed

had to + be + ‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬

: ‫ټچٽ ٿلاعٺ ميل كا اڃزبٽ ٿي ؿډيپ‬٤‫ثلاڍ ٿزڊچٹ ٳلؿځ يٲ رڀټڈ ٿ‬ ‫ اٷل‬. ‫ٺ ؿك اثتـاڍ رڀټڈ ٿزڊچٹ ٿي ڃچيٌيپ‬٣‫ب‬٫ ‫ڄچاځ ڃبيت‬٤‫ټچٽ كا ث‬٤‫چٹ رڀټڈ ٿ‬٤٬‫ ٿ‬- 1 : ‫ټي ٿي ٳڄيپ‬٣‫ب‬٫ ‫چٻي ثبُـ آځ كا تجـيٺ ثڈ ٗڀيل‬٤٬‫چٹ ٗڀيل ٿ‬٤٬‫ٿ‬ ‫چٻي‬٤٬‫ټي ٗڀبئل ٿ‬٣‫ب‬٫ ‫ٗڀبئل‬

‫چٻي‬٤٬‫ټي ٗڀبئل ٿ‬٣‫ب‬٫ ‫ٗڀبئل‬
















‫‪him .‬‬

‫اٳلٽ اڅ كا ؿيـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪by Akram .‬‬ ‫(‪٣‬بٿٺ ‪) by+‬‬




‫‪He was seen‬‬ ‫‪٤٫‬ٺ ٿزڊچٹ‬

‫رڀټڈ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ‬ ‫رڀټڈ ٿزڊچٹ‬

‫ڃبيت ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ‬

‫اڅ تچً‪ ٚ‬اٳلٽ ؿيـڇ ُـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ُ - 2‬ٴٺ ٿزڊچٹ ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ ( ثب تچرڈ ثڈ مٿبځ) كا ث‪٤‬ـ ام ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ رڀټڈ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ ٳڈ ايڄٲ‬ ‫ؿك اثتـا ڃچُتڈ ُـڇ اًت ٿي آڅكيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 3‬اٷل ثؾچاډيپ ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ رڀټڈ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ كا فٳل ٳڄيپ آځ كا ث‪٤‬ـ ام عل‪ ٩‬اٗب‪٫‬ڈ ”‪ “ by‬ٳڈ پي‬ ‫ام ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٿزڊچٹ آڅكؿڇ ٿي ُچؿ ٿي ڃچيٌيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ - 4‬ثٰيڈ رڀټڈ كا ٿي ڃچيٌيپ ‪.‬‬ ‫ڃٴتـڈ ‪ :‬پي ام ا‪٤٫‬بٹ ٿزڊچٹ ثبيـ ٿٔـك ثب ‪ to‬ثٴبك ثجليپ ; عتي اٷل آځ ‪٤٫‬ټڊبڍ ٿزڊچٹ‬ ‫رنڅ ا‪٤٫‬بٹ عٌي ٿبڃڄـ‬

‫‪ notice,watch,hear,see‬څ… ثبُڄـ‬ ‫‪1. They were seen to play in the park .‬‬

‫‪ -1‬آڃڊب ؿيـڇ ُـڃـ ٳڈ ؿك پبكٱ ثبمڍ ٿي ٳلؿڃـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪2. He will be allowed to repair the video .‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬ثڈ اڅ اربمڇ ؿاؿڇ ؽچاډـ ُـ ٳڈ څيـئچ كا ت‪٤‬ڀيل ٳڄـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ايڄٲ ثڈ ‪ٛ‬ليٰڈ ٿزڊچٹ ٳلؿځ پڄذ رڀټڈ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ اثتـاڍ ايڂ ٿجغج تچرڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪1. The dishes are washed by Negar everyday‬‬ ‫ٯيـ مٿبځ‬

‫‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ رڀټڈ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ‬

‫مٿبځ عبٹ ٿزڊچٹ‬

‫ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ رڀټڈ ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ‬

‫‪ٟ - 1‬ل‪٫‬ڊب ډل كڅم تچً‪ ٚ‬ڃٸبك ٌُتڈ ٿي ُچڃـ ‪.‬‬ ‫(صچڃٴڈ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ رڀ‪ ٢‬اًت ام )‪ ( are‬ٯجٺ ام اًپ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ُچؿ ‪) .‬‬ ‫‪2. The dishes were washed by Negar yesterday .‬‬ ‫ٷقُتڈ ًبؿڇ ٿزڊچٹ‬

‫‪ٟ -2‬ل‪٫‬ڊب ؿيلڅم تچً‪ ٚ‬ڃٸبك ٌُتڈ ُـڃـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪3. The dishes will be washed by Negar.‬‬ ‫آيڄـڇ ًبؿڇ ٿزڊچٹ‬ ‫‪ٟ -3‬ل‪٫‬ڊب ثنڅؿڍ تچً‪ ٚ‬ڃٸبك ٌُتڈ ؽچاډـ ُـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪4. The dishes have been washed by Negar.‬‬ ‫عبٹ ٳبٿٺ ٿزڊچٹ‬ ‫‪ٟ -4‬ل‪٫‬ڊب تچً‪ ٚ‬ڃٸبك ٌُتڈ ُـڇ اڃـ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪5. The dishes had been washed by Negar.‬‬ ‫ٷقُتڈ ٳبٿٺ ٿزڊچٹ‬ ‫‪ٟ - 5‬ل‪٫‬ڊب تچً‪ ٚ‬ڃٸبك ٌُتڈ ُـڇ ثچؿڃـ ‪.‬‬ ‫ڃٴتڈ ‪:‬‬ ‫اٷل ا‪٤٫‬بٻي ؿاكاڍ ؿڅ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ثبُڄـ ( ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ُيء څ اڃٌبځ ) ثڈ ؿڅ ٓچكت ٿزڊچٹ‬ ‫ٿي ُچڃـ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪٣‬ټي ُ‪٨‬ټي ثڈ اڅ پيِڄڊبؿ ٳلؿ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ Ali offered her a job .‬ٿ‪٤‬ټچٽ‬

‫ثڈ اڅ ُ‪٨‬ټي پيِڄڊبؿ ُـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ She was offered a job .‬ٿزڊچٹ‬

‫ُ‪٨‬ټي ثڈ اڅ پيِڄڊبؿ ُـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ A job was offered to her .‬ٿزڊچٹ‬

‫ام رڀټڈ ا‪٤٫‬بٻيٴڈ ؿڅ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ ٯجچٹ ٿي ٳڄڄـ ‪٣‬جبكتڄـ ام ‪:‬‬ ‫(ؿاؿځ)‪( give‬آڅكؿځ)‪( bring‬ڃِبځ ؿاؿځ)‪show‬‬ ‫(پلؿاؽت ٳلؿځ) ‪( pay‬ٷ‪٬‬تڂ)‪٫( tell‬لًتبؿځ) ‪send‬‬










‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى ډِتپ‬ 1. a.m.




meridiem) 2. be surpised /v.

to experience sth unexpected

‫ڊل‬ٟ‫ٯجٺ ام‬ # p.m ‫ڊل‬ٟ‫ـ ام‬٤‫ث‬ ‫زت ُـځ‬٤‫ٿت‬

3. be seated to make sb sit

4. change /v. 5. cinema /n. 6. dress /v. 7. far /adv . 8. far from /adv 9. feed /v . 10.find

to take off sth and put sth else on . a place where films are shown .;movies

‫ڃِبڃـځ‬ )‫ؿكآڅكؿځ( ٻجبى‬ ‫څپچُيـځ صين ؿيٸل‬ ‫ًيڄڀب‬ ‫ٻجبى پچُيـځ‬

to put on clothes ‫ٻجبى پچُبڃـځ‬ ‫ؿڅك‬ not near ;distance # near ‫ڃنؿيٲ‬ a great distance from

to give food to get back after a search;

‫ؿڅك ام‬ ‫قا ؿاؿځ‬٧ ‫تڂ‬٫‫يب‬

/v .


# lose ‫ٷپ ٳلؿځ‬

a person who is invited to 11.guest /n.

someone‟s home by invitation ‫ٿڊڀبځ‬

. # host

12.host /n . 13.invite /v .


‫ٿينثبځ‬ a persn who has guest(s) # guest to


someone to come


‫چت ٳلؿځ‬٣‫ؿ‬


‫ٿڊلثبځ‬ 14.kindly /adj .



‫ ثي ٿغجت‬-‫ڃبٿڊلثبځ‬ unkind

15.kill /v. 16.lose / v. 17.mechanic /n. 18.nationality





‫ٳِتڂ‬ ‫ٷپ ٳلؿځ‬

to forget where you put sth . # find‫پيـا ٳلؿځ‬ someone who mends cars . the country that people belong

‫ٿٴبڃيٲ‬ ‫ٿټيت‬

/n. 19.no one /pron 20.paint /v. 21.pass /v. 22.person /n.

to ‫ډيضٴي‬ not any one # everyone ‫– ڃٰبُي‬


‫كڃٶ ٳلؿځ‬

to cover sth with paint ‫ٳلؿځ‬ to give sth to somebody by


handing it to him/her


human being; man or woman small bag in a dress




24.poor /adj 25.receive /v.


having very little money or few possessions

# rich ‫حلڅتڀڄـ‬ ‫ت ٳلؿځ‬٫‫ؿكيب‬

to get; accept or take sth sent # give


‫ڀيل ٳلؿځ‬٤‫ت‬ 26.repair /v.

to make sth broken , work again;mend;fix

‫ ڃبثچؿ ٳلؿځ‬-‫ؽلاة ٳلؿځ‬ # destroy; ruin

27.reply /v.

to give an answer;respond .

‫پبًؼ ؿاؿځ‬

28.rich /adj 29.set /v. 30.share /n.







# poor


-‫لڅة ٳلؿځ‬٧

to go down below the horizon; sink

# rise

a person‟s part in sth

‫ثبال آٿـځ‬ ‫ًڊپ‬

‫ څيوڇ‬-ّ‫ٿؾٔچ‬ 31.special /adj

not ordinary; a particular

# general

kind .

‫ڀچٿي – ډڀٸبڃي‬٣ ‫ڃبُڄبى‬-‫زيت‬٣

32.strange /adj

not familiar; unusual .

# usual ; familiar ‫ڀچٻي‬٤‫ ٿ‬-‫آُڄب‬ ‫لڅة ؽچكُيـ‬٧

33. sunset /n.






disappear .


‫ ؽچكُيـ‬١‫ټچ‬ٛ sunrise

34. treat /v. 35. type /v. 36. work clothes /n.

to behave in a certain way towards somebody;act to write with a typewriter garments (trousers, shirts,etc) for working

‫تبك ٳلؿځ‬٫‫ك‬ ‫تبيپ ٳلؿځ‬ ‫ٻجبى ٳبك‬

‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ډِتپ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬

. ‫ت ډبڍ ميل كا ؿك ربڍ ٓغيظ ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A .1 surprised- treat- return- seated share- feed- reply- guest


He passed the food to the ………… .


Help yourself .You ………… of the food is on the table .


When the man began putting the food in his pockets , they were ……… .


You should ………… old people kindly .


I‟m sure he‟ll ………… to the question .


At dinner he was ………… near the hot .


He is hungry . I should …………him .


My brother is not at home . He will ………… soon .

‫ت ډبڍ‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A .1 1.guest








: B sunset- invited- changed- far from dress- clothes- host- pockets- pass



Ramin was …………to dinner last night .


Sara is not beside her friend . She is ………… her .


Do you ………… your son every day .


I like to go out at ………… .


Your dirty pants should be ………… .


………… the food to your son ,please .


His coat has four ………… .


She has 5 guests today . She hopes she will be a good ………… for them . : B.1 1.invited

2.far from







. ‫ت ٿڄبًت ثڄچيٌيـ‬٨‫ڄي رڀالت ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ٻ‬٤‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ٿ‬- 2 1.

Your mother‟s brother is your ………… .


A person who invites his friends to his house is called a(n) ……… .


When a person goes to someone‟s else house to stay and eat , he is that person‟s ………… .


When their cat is hungry , they ………… him .


Mina‟s hands are dirty ,so she should …………them with a bar of soap and water .


Sometimes I go out to watch the …………because the sun is very beautiful at that time .


When I saw her in the cinema , I was very ………… because she never went there .


When you are …………you eat food .


When your clothes are ………… you wash them . 10. Good nurses …………patients kindly . 11. Nima …………one hour on the math problem . 12. If you want to climb the mountain ,you must put on your ……… shoes . 13.You usually put on your …… clothes when you go to a party. 14.Spanish is not ………… in our country . 15.Mr Akbari didn‟t like the green color of the wall ,so he ………… it blue .

‫ڄي‬٤‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ٿ‬-2 1. uncle


3. guest

6. sunset

7. surprised

10. treat

11. spent

14. taught

4. feed

5. wash

8. hungry 12. special

9. dirty 13. fine

15. changed

٩‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت ثيبثيـ څعلڅ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ ٿ‬- 1 . ‫ڈ كا ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ٿلثچ‬ 1.

She shouldn‟t give food to her brother . ( )

A. needy


I put clothes on my daughter

B. make clear

every morning . ( ) 3.

He‟ll give an answer to my

C. returned

letter soon . ( ) 4.

There is not any poor people

D. portion

in this town . ( ) 5.

At last ,his uncle came back

E. reply

from Paris . ( ) 6.

A rich man has a lot of

F. feed

money . ( ) 7.

They wanted their share

G. dress

of food . ( ) 8.

The teacher will explain the

H. wealthy

lesson tomorrow . ( )

 ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ‬٤‫ ٿ‬-1 1. F

2. G

3. E

4. A

5. C

6. H

7. D

8. B

. ‫ت – ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬- 2 1.He passed the food to the guest . “passed” means : A.guided


C. got


2.He is ……giving her share of the food . A. just

B. until

C. too

3.– What‟s your ……? – I‟m an Englishman .

D. so

A. nationality

B. country

C. city


4.Mina went to the ……last month . A. host

B. guest

C. night

D. party

5.Nader ……his grandfather kindly . A. begins

B. types

C. treats

D. changes

6.If you want to watch the beautiful ……, you should go out . A. sunset

B. week

C. trip

D. accident

7.That …… was shown again on Friday . A. season

B. film

C. exam

D. party

8.That child can not ……on his feet . A. kill

B. stand

C. feed

D. pick

C. church

D. field

C. rich

D. careful

9.A waiter works in a …… . A. restaurant

B. school

10.Green medlars are not …… . A.kind

B. ripe

11.He began putting the tangerines in his …… . A.tape

B. lunch

C. country

D. pocket

12.– Have you …… your ruler ? – Yes ,I can‟t find it . A. lost

B. washed

C. typed

D. built

B. from

C. for

D. with

B. practice

C. eat

D. sell

C. close

D. answer

13.– Where‟s Mr Brown …… ? – Canada . A. in – Yes ,I did . A. teach

15.– Can you …… this question ? – No ,I can‟t . A. fly

B. build

16.Mrs Kamali made the …… in the kitchen . A. cake

B. lesson

C. guest

D. season

17.– Do you have time to ……for me ? – No ,I don‟t . A. wait

B. fix

C. guide

D. pick

18.Mr Hakimi writes two ……every week . A. shirts

B. letters

C. trips

D. engines

19.He ……the windows of this room at 7 . A. interests

B. finishes

C. grows

D. closes

20.This TV is out of order .Please ……it now . A. order

B. remember

C. fix

D. know

 ‫ ٷنيڄڈ‬-‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-2 1. D

2. A

9. A

10. B

16. A

3. A

4. D

11. D

17. A

5. C

12. A

18. B

6. A 13. B

19. D

7. B 14. D

8. B 15. D

20. C

. ‫ رچاة ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬- 3 1.The sound ……by them . A. was hearing

B.is hearing C.are hearing

D.was heard

2.The doors ……last night . A.was closed


C. were closed

D. is closed

3.Lesson 5 …… tomorrow . A.taught

B.will be taught

C. teach

D. will teach

4.The table ……every week . A.are cleaned

B.will clean

C.is cleaned

D. are cleaning

5.The windows ……every morning . A.opened

B.are opened

C.are opening

D.will opened

6.Your car ……soon . A.will be fixed

B.will fix

C.had fixed

D.has been fixed

7.At dinner he ……near the host . A.to seat


C. was seated

D. seating

8.Four people ……in the car accident last week . A.killed

B. were killed

C. kill

D. are killed

9.The dishes ……by her every day . A. are washed

B. washed

C. are washing

D. wash

10.A lot of soup …… . A.was eaten in the restaurant last night . B.had eaten in the restaurant . C.ate in the restaurant last night . D.has eaten in the restaurant . 11.The store ……since Mehr . A. has been opened

B. was opened

C. is opened

D. opened

12.Only a few people ……to the party last month . A. was invited

B. invited

C. were invited

D. were inviting

13.His house …… for 2 weeks . A. has been painted

B. has painted

C. will be painting

D. will paint

14.His uncle ……a new car soon . A. has bought

B. will be bought

C. had been bought

D. will buy

15.This wall ……many years ago . A. is built

B. build

C. built

D. was built

16.A new hospital …… in this place next year . A.has been built

B.will be built

C.is built

D.was built

17.Mahsa ……this book 2 weeks ago . A.has finished

B. has been finished

C. finished

D. was finished

18.Elham didn‟t come to the party because she …… A. wasn‟t inviting

B. wasn‟t invited

C. didn‟t invite

D. hadn‟t been invited

19.Mina lost his bag last year . It ……yesterday .

A. was finding

B. is finding

C.was found

D. found

20.The coconuts ……by the farmers . A. are sold

B. will sell


D. selling

21.The tickets ……tomorrow by Omid . A.will buy

B.may be bought

C.have to buy

D. must buy

 ‫ رچاة‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-3 1. D

2. C


4. C

8. B

9. A

10. A

11. A

15. D

16. B

17. C

5. B

6. A

12. C

18. D

7. C

13. A 19. C

14. D 20. A 21.B

. ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڄچيٌيـ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬- 4 1.

Amin ………… to dinner tomorrow . ( invite )


A new car …………yesterday . ( to buy )


His shoes ………… tomorrow . ( polish )


Ali ………… the letter tomorrow . ( posted )


The plates ………… last night . ( wash )


He ………… the composition two hours ago. (writing )


The money ………… by him yesterday . ( steal )


The thieves ………… soon . ( catch )


This dictionary …………in Tehran last year. (to publish )

10. The lights ………… since 8 o‟clock . ( to turn on)

‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-4 1. will be invited 2. was bought

3. will be polished

4.will post

5. were washed

6. wrote

7. was stolen

8. will be caught

9. was published

10.have been turned on . ‫ رڀالت ميل كا ٿزڊچٹ ٳڄيـ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬- 5 1.

Homan writes a letter every day .


Sara broke the TV yesterday .


She dressed her children yesterday .


They feed the horses every day .


He explained the lesson carefully .


Mrs Abbasi will teach English next year .


Behrooz and Mehran close the windows at about 10 o‟clock .


Bahman has done the homework .


Javad will buy a bicycle next month .

10.Did Neda wash the clothes ?

11.Did Mr Taghavi invite his aunt ?

12.They have answered the letters .

13.My father had answered the phone .

14.The snowplow pushed the snow .

15.The monkey can pick a brown coconut .

16.Does she clean the floor every day ?

17.Can you finish this book today ? 18.You must turn on the TV now .

19.Mr Salimi will teach history next year .

20.He planned the trip last week .

‫ رڀالت‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-5 1.

A letter is written every day (by Homan) .


The TV was broken by Sara yestarday .


Her children were dressed by her yesterday .


The horses are fed by them every day .


The lesson was explained by him carefully .


English will be taught by Mrs Abbasi next year .


The windows are closed by Behrooz and Mehran at about 10 o‟clock .


The homework has been done by Bahman .


A bicycle will be bought by Javad next month . 10. Were the clothes washed by Neda ? 11. Was his aunt invited by Mr Taghavi ? 12. The letters have been answered by them . 13. The phone had been answered by my father . 14. The snow was pushed by the snowplow . 15. A brown coconut can be picked by the monkey . 16. Is the floor cleaned by her every day ? 17. Can this book be finished by you today ? 18. The TV must be turned on by you . 19. History will be taught by Mr Salimi next year . 20. The trip was planned by him last week .

. ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت ميل رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬-6 1.

old- people- treat- we- kindly- should .


found- the- classroom- the- in- bag- was- yesterday


shown- what- are- every week- on Mondays ?


years- made- cartoons- the- were- ago- many .


read- story- he- ago- years- six- the .


car- can- mechanic- the- the- repair ?


invited- Hamed- lunch- was- last week- for- the .


giving- fruit- just- she- the- them- is- share- their- of

 ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت‬-6 1.

We should treat old people kindly .


The bag was found in the classroom yesterday .


What are shown on Mondays every week ?


The cartoons were made many years ago .


He read the story six years ago .


Can the mechanic repair the car ?


Hamed was invited for the lunch last week .


She is just giving them their share of the fruit . . ‫ رچاة ًإاالت ًڀت صپ كا ؿك ًڀت كاًت ثيبثيـ‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-7 1. What does Ahmad do here ? ( )

A. He is a dentist .

2. What is her nationality ? ( )

B. In his pocket .

3. Who passed the food to him ? ( )

C. No,they didn‟t .

4. When did he arrive ? ( )

D. Because he was sick .

5. Where did he put his money ? ( )

E. She is German

6. Why did you treat him kindly ? ( )

F. Rich men .

7. Who can help poor people ? ( )

G. The host .

8. Did Ali and Reza pay attention to their father ? ( )

H. AT sunset .

 ‫ رچاة‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-7 1. A

2. E

3. G

4. H

5. B

6. D

7. F

8. C

. ‫ ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت ٿڄبًت پل ٳڄيـ‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬- 8 1. A: What does he look like ? B: He‟s quite ………… . 2. A: May I use your car ? B: Sorry, I need it ………… . 3. A: What‟s Charl‟s ………… . B: He‟s a German .

‫ ربډبڍ‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-8 1. B: good looking

2. B: right now

3. A: nationality

. ‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-ٞ٬‫ تټ‬-9 1.

Which word has the /  / sound ? A. fool


D. pool

B. could

C. pool

D. would

Which word doesn‟t have the / eI / sound ? A. they


C. hook

Which word has the / u: / sound ? A. good


B. tool

B. ate

C. place

Which word has the / Λ / sound ?

D. cup

A. hut 5.

B. nice

C. hook

D. pool

Which word has the / aI / sound ? A. win

B. with

C. fry

D. sit

 ‫ ٷنيڄڈ‬-ٞ٬‫ تټ‬-9 1. C

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. C

. ‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ ميل ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬-10 1.The wealthy man didn‟t dress in fine clithes for the party because he didn‟t have time . It means that …… A.he didn‟t have any fine clothes for the party . B.the rich man wanted to buy fine clothes . C.he didn‟t like to go to the party . D.he didn‟t have enough time to chaneg his work clothes .

2.Mr Talebi asked his friend to come his home .In other words he ……him . A. replied

B. invited

C. seated

D. returned

3.What‟s Martin‟s nationality ? A. It is France C. He weighs 58 kilos

B. He is a doctor . D. He is an Australian

4.Mrs Shokohi is badly sick . Her sons and daughters don‟t help

her . We understand that …… . A: she should treat her children kindly . B: she doesn‟t need their help . C: Her children should treat her kindly . D: Her children should make a lot of noise .

 ‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬-10 1. D

2. B

3. D

4. C

. ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا ثب ؿٯت ثؾچاڃيـ څ ًپي ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬-11 One day a rich man was invited to dinner .He spend the day working in his garden .At sunset he didn‟t have time to dress for the dinner . He went in his work clothes .When he arrived ,all the other guests were there .But nobody spoke to him .At dinner he was seated far from the host .No one spoke to him . 1. The man was very poor .



2. The people in the party spoke to him . True


3. He didn‟t have ………… to change his clothes .

A. money

B. time

C. week

4. Who was invited to dinner ?

5. Where did the man spend the day ?

6. Did anybody speak to him ? why ?

D. month

 ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا‬-11 1. False

2. False

3. B

4. The rich man .

5.He spent the day working in his garden . 6.No, they didn‟t speak to him because he didn‟t have fine clothes .

Lesson Nine ) 102 ّ(

9 ‫ؿكى‬


‫ٳټڀبت تبمڇ‬

1. My father received two letters today . . ‫ت ٳلؿ‬٫‫پـكٽ اٿلڅم ؿڅ ڃبٿڈ ؿكيب‬ What did my father receive ? He received two letters today .

2. The ship sent radio messages . They asked for help . . ‫ آڃڊب تٰبٗبڍ ٳڀٲ ٳلؿڃـ‬. ‫لًتبؿ‬٫ ‫ٳِتي پيبٿڊبڍ كاؿيچيي‬ What did the ship send ? It sent radio messages . Why did it send them ? Because they needed help .

3. He guided the man across the street . . ‫لٕ ؽيبثبځ ډـايت ٳلؿ‬٣ ‫اڅ پيلٿلؿ كا ام‬ How did he help the old man ? He guided the man across the street . 4. The entire village was destroyed by the soldiers . . ‫ ًلثبماځ څيلاځ ُـ‬ًٚ‫ٳٺ كڅًتب تچ‬

What did the soldiers do ? They destroyed the entire village .

5. It's our duty to keep our classroom clean . . ‫ڌ ٿبځ اًت ٳڈ ٳالًڀبځ كا تڀين ڃٸڈ ؿاكيپ‬٬‫ي‬ٟ‫څ‬ Should we keep our classroom clean ? Yes , we should . What's our duty ? It is to keep the classroom clean .

6. Those two boys were friends but now they are enemies . . ‫آځ ؿڅ پٌل ثب ډپ ؿڅًت ثچؿڃـ اٿّب اٳڄچځ ثب يٴـيٸل ؿُڀڂ ډٌتڄـ‬ Were they friends before ? Yes , they were . Are they friends now ? No , they aren't . 7. The children followed their mother into the room . What did the children do ? They followed their mother into the room .

8. We worship God . Do Muslims worship God ? Yes , they do ?

Practice your new words. Use these words in the sentences . ) 103 ّ( . ‫ ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ؿك ايڂ رڀالت ثٴبك ثجليـ‬. ‫ٳټڀبت رـيـتبځ كا تڀليڂ ٳڄيـ‬

receive – duty – following – guide – entire 1. The little children were following their mother . 2. He spent the entire day on fixing the car . 3. Did you receive any letters last month. ? 4. Please guide this man to his chair . 5. It is not my duty to clean the room .

Lesson nine 9 ‫ؿكى‬ B. Reading

) 104ّ( ‫ٯلائت‬ The Holy Prophet

‫پيبٿجل اٳلٽ‬

God has sent many prophets for the guidance of mankind . They all taught us to be good and to do good .Our Holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him ) was the last of the prophets . He was born in 571 A. D. in Mecca . ‫ ډڀڌ آڃڊب ثڈ ٿب آٿچؽتڄـ ؽچة‬. ‫لًتبؿڇ اًت‬٫ ‫ؽـاڅڃـ ثلاڍ ډـايت اڃٌبڃڊب پيبٿجلاځ ميبؿڍ‬ ‫ پيبٿجل اٳلٽ ٿب (ؿكڅؿ ؽـا ثل اڅ ثبؿ) ام آؽليڂ پيبٿجلاځ‬. ‫ثبُيپ څ ٳبكډبڍ ڃيٴچ اڃزبٽ ؿډيپ‬ . ‫ پي ام ٿيالؿ ؿك ٿٴّڈ ٿتچٻـ ُـ‬571 ‫ اڅ ؿك ًبٹ‬. ‫ثچؿ‬ The people of Mecca liked him . They highly admired his truthfulness , honesty and sence of duty . They gave him the title of "Al- Amin" which means "the trustworthy" . He received God's message at the age of 40 , and began to preach Islam . ‫ڈ ُڄبًي اڅ كا‬٬‫ي‬ٟ‫ څ عيّ څ‬, ‫ ٓـاٯت‬, ‫ آڃڊب كاًتٸچيي‬. ‫ٽكؿٽ ٿٴّڈ اڅ كا ؿڅًت ؿاُتڄـ‬ ‫اڅ‬. ‫تڀبؿ» اًت ؿاؿڃـ‬٣‫ڄبڍ «ٿچكؿ ا‬٤‫ آڃڊب ثڈ اڅ ٻٰت اٿيڂ ٳڈ ثڈ ٿ‬. ‫ثٌيبك تغٌيڂ ٿي ٳلؿڃـ‬ . ‫ اًالٽ ٳلؿ‬٦‫ ثڈ تجټي‬١‫ت ٳلؿ څ ُلڅ‬٫‫ ًبٻٸي ؿكيب‬40 ‫پيبٽ ؽـاڅڃـ كا ؿك ًڂ‬

told the people of Mecca not to worship idols but the one god who is the creater of the entire universe . The people of Mecca , did not want him to preach islam . ‫لٿچؿ ثت پلًتي ڃٴڄڄـ ثټٴڈ ؽـاڍ يٸبڃڈ ٳڈ ؽبٻٮ ٳٺ ٷيتي اًت‬٫ ‫اڅ ثڈ ٿلؿٽ ٿٴّڈ‬ . ‫ ٳڄـ‬٦‫ ٿلؿٽ ٿٴّڈ ڃڀي ؽچاًتڄـ اڅ اًالٽ كا تجټي‬. ‫ثپلًتڄـ‬ The Holy Prophet left Mecca with his followers and went to Medina . The people of Medina received him with open arms . They were very happy to see the Prophet of God . ‫چٍ ثبم اڅكا‬٧‫ ٿلؿٽ ٿـيڄڈ ثب آ‬. ‫ت‬٫‫پيبٿجل اٳلٽ ٿٴڈ كا ثب پيلڅاڃَ تلٱ ٳلؿ څ ثڈ ٿـيڄڈ ك‬ . ‫ آڃڊب ام ؿيـځ پيبٿجل ؽـا ؽيټي ؽچُغبٹ ُـڃـ‬. ‫تڄـ‬٫‫پقيل‬


‫ټت‬ٜ‫ؿكٱ ٿ‬

I. Answer the questions orally . ‫پبًؼ‬

) 105ّ( .‫بډي ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬٬ُ ‫چك‬ٜ‫ث‬

1. When was our Holy Prophet born ? He was born in 571 A. D. in Mecca . 2.Was he from Mecca ? Yes , he was . 3. What did people call our Prophet ? They called him Al-Amin .

4. What did he begin to do at the age of 40 ? He received God's message at the age of 40 , and began to preach Islam .

5. Did all the people in Mecca accept his words ? No , they didn't .

6. Why did he leave his hometown ? He left there to preach Islam .

7. Did people in Medina welcome him warmly ? Yes , they did .

II.True or false ? ) 105ّ(‫ؿكًت يب ڃبؿكًت ؟‬ 1. The Prophet taught man to do good . (T) 2. Our prophet was born in the sixth centtury . (T) 3. He began to preach Islam in Medina . (F) 4. People in Mecca admired the Holly Prophet .(F) 5. The Holy Prophet left Mecca to preach Islam . (T) 6. The people of Mecca admired and worshiped the one God . (F) 7. Those who worshiped idols were not the prophet's friends . (T) 8. People in Medina welcomed the prophet warmly . (T)

III.Complete the sentences . Use a, b, c or d . ) 105 ّ( .‫ٷنيڄڌ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬ 1. The people of Mecca liked our Holy Prophet because he ….. . A. was born in Mecca B. was the last of the prophets C. taught people to be good and to do good D. was honest and truthful . ‫ل ايڄٴڈ ثب ٓـاٯت څ كاًتٸچ ثچؿ ؿڅًت ؿاُتڄـ‬ٛ‫ٿلؿٽ ٿٴّڈ پيبٿجل اٳلٽ ٿب كا ثؾب‬

2. Before our Holy Prophet began to preach Islam , the people of

Mecca worshiped ….. . A. the one God B. an idol C. the enemies of Islam D. many idols ‫ ٿلؿٽ ٿٴّڈ ثت ډبڍ ميبؿڍ كا‬, ‫ اًالٽ ٳڄـ‬٦‫ ثڈ تجټي‬١‫ٯجٺ ام ايڄٴڈ پيبٿجل اٳلٽ ٿب ُلڅ‬ . ‫ٿي پلًتيـڃـ‬

3. Islam says that people should worship ….. . A. the one God B. their own idols C. their followers D. many gods . ‫اًالٽ ٿي ٷچيـ ٳڈ ٿلؿٽ ثبيـ ؽـاڍ يٴتب كا ثپلًتڄـ‬

4.The people of Medina ….. . A. were happy to welcome the Prophet B. were very busy C. left their town D. had many enemies . ‫ٿلؿٽ ٿـيڄڈ ام اًتٰجبٹ پيبٿجل ؽچُغبٹ ُـڃـ‬

Speaking 2 Substitute the words and make new sentences . Make changes if necessary . ‫ ) پبًؼ‬106 ّ ( . ‫ييلات ٗلڅكڍ كا اڃزبٽ ؿډيـ‬٨‫ايڂ ٳټڀبت كا ربيٸنيڂ ٳڄيـ څ ت‬

Ali has eaten his breakfast . . ‫ټي ٓجغبڃڈ اٍ كا ؽچكؿڇ اًت‬٣

1. You have eaten your breakfast . 2. I have eaten my breakfast . 3. I have put on my white shirt . 4. That boy has put on his white shirt . 5. That boy has put on his blue coat . 6. That boy has cleaned his shoes . 7. She has cleaned her shoes . 8. She has gone to school . 9. They have gone to school . 10. They have done their homework . 11. Maryam has done her homework . 12. Maryam has bought a blue pen . Speaking 3 It is 7:30 in the morning . I am getting ready to go to school . Use the cues to make sentences with the present perfect .

‫ ثب‬. ‫ ٿڂ ؿاكٽ آٿبؿڇ ٿي ُچٽ تب ثڈ ٿـكًڈ ثلڅٽ‬. ‫ت څ ًي ؿٯيٰڌ ٓجظ اًت‬٬‫ت ډ‬٣‫ًب‬ ‫ ) پبًؼ‬107 ّ( . ‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت كاډڄڀب رڀالتي ؿك مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ ثڄچيٌيـ‬٬‫اًت‬

1. I have washed my hands and face . 2. I have eaten my breakfast . 3. My mother has washed the dishes . 4. My sister has cleaned the kitchen . 5. I have brushed my teeth . 6. I have put on my coat . 7. My sister has opened the windows . 8. My father has gone to work .

Speaking 4 Answer these questions . Give short and complete answers . ) 107 ّ( . ‫ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٳچتبڇ څ ٳبٿٺ ؿډيـ‬ 1. Has your father gone to work ? (Yes) Yes , he has . He has gone to work . 2. Has he closed the windows ? (No) No , he hasn't . No , he hasn't closed the windows .

3. Have you cleaned the room ? (Yes) Yes , I have . Yes, I have cleaned the room .

4. Has your sister done her homework ? (Yes) Yes , she has . Yes , she has done her homework .

5. Have they arrived in Tehran ? (No) No , they haven't . No , they have not arrived in Tehran .

6. Have you seen this film ? (No) No , I haven't . No I haven't seen this film .

7. Has the teacher corrected our papers ? (Yes) Yes , he has . Yes , he has corrected your papers .

8. Has she got good grades in her exams ? (No) No, she hasn't . No , she hasn't got good grades in her exams .

Speaking 5 Look at the pictures and answer the questions . ) 108 ّ ( . ‫ثڈ تٔبڅيل ڃٸبڇ ٳڄيـ څ ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ 1. What has Ali done ? He has written a letter .

2. What have they done ? They have brushed their teeth .

3. What has Maryam done ? She has added up the numbers .

4. What has Mr Salehi done ? He has bought a newspaper .

5. What have the boys done ? They have eaten lunch . Speaking 6 Combine the following sentences with the given alternatives . ) 110 ّ( . ‫رڀالت ميل كا ثب ٳټڀبت ٿڄبًت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬

1. He hasn't spoken to me ….. (last week , 3 days ) He hasn't spoken to me since last week . He hasn't spoken to me for 3 days . 2. I haven't seen them …..( 2 years , Monday) I haven't seen them for 2 years . I haven't seen them since Monday . 3. We haven't have a holiday ….. (Aban , 5 weeks) We haven't have a holiday since Aban . We haven't have a holiday for 5 weeks .

4. It hasn't rained here ….. (more than 2 years , Monday ) It hasn't rained here for more than 2 years . It hasn't rained here since Monday . 5. They have lived in this street ….. (1356 , a long time ) They have lived in this street since 1356 . They have lived in this street for a long time . 6.We have waited for you ….. (yesterday , 2 hours ) We have waited for you since yesterday . We have waited for you for two hours . 7. She has been our teacher ….. (1367 , 3 years ) She has been our teacher since 1367 . She has been our teacher for 3 years . 8. We have learnt English ….. (4 years , 1366) We have learnt English for 4 years . We have learnt English since 1366 . Speaking 7 Make ten true sentences about yourself and others using for and since . You can use verbs like live , be , learn , study , buy , write , … ‫ ُڀب‬. ‫ ثڄچيٌيـ‬since ‫ څ‬for ‫بؿڇ ام‬٬‫ي ؿك ثبكڋؽچؿتبځ څ ؿيٸلاځ ثب اًت‬٤‫ؿڇ رڀټڌڅاٯ‬

‫بؿڇ ٳڄيـ‬٬‫ اًت‬live , be , learn , study , buy , write ,… ‫يل‬٠‫بٻي ڃ‬٤٫‫ٿي تچاڃيـ ام ا‬ ) 110 ّ( .

1. She has lived in Tehran since 1990 . 2. She has lived in Tehran for 14 years . 3. They have been in my store for two hours . 4. Negar hasn't learnt French since last October . 5. We have learnt Farsi since 1985 . 6. Nima has studied his book for 20 minutes . 7. You haven't studied English since last week . 8. Shima has bought two cars since last year . 9. I have written four letters for two hours . 10.My friend hasn't written a letter for me since last year .

Writing 1 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words in parentheses . ‫) پبًؼ‬112 ّ(. ‫بٹ ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب رڀالت ميل كاٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬٤٫‫ثب ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ا‬ 1. Ali's teeth are clean because he has brushed them . 2.The girl's English is very good because she has practiced a lot . 3. Jane and Sally are not cold because they have put on their coats . 4. My grades are good because I have studied carefully .

5. Her glass is empty because she has drunk all the water . Writing 2 Make questions with have or has . ‫) پبًؼ‬112 ّ( . ‫ ًإاٹ ثٌبميـ‬has ‫ يب‬have ‫ثب‬ 1. Has our teacher corrected the papers ? 2. Have Ali's sisters done their homework ? 4. Have Hamid and his brother got good grades ? 5. Have the students learnt English very well ?

Writing 3 Complete the following sentences . ‫ ) پبًؼ‬113 ّ( . ‫رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬

1. This man has worked here since Tir . 2. I haven't seen him since last month . 3. He has stayed there for 3 days . 4. They haven't seen each other for many years . 5. Mrs Ebrahimi has been our teacher since Mehr . 6.We have watched TV for a few hours . 7. I have walked for 30 minutes . 8. My mother has gone to Tehran since last April . 9. I have lived in this city since last year . 10.She has practiced English for a few weeks .

Writing 4 Write ten true sentences about yourself and the people you know , use the present perfect tense . ‫بؿڇ ام مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ‬٬‫لاؿيٴڈ ٿي ُڄبًيـ ثب اًت‬٫‫ؿڇ رڀټڌ ٓغيظ ؿك ثبكڋ ؽچؿتبځ څ ا‬ ‫ )پبًؼ‬113 ّ ( . ‫ثڄچيٌيـ‬ 1.Ramin has brushed his teeth . 2. Her teacher has not corrected the papers . 3.Mina has watered the flowers . 4. I have watched TV for three hours . 5. They have lived in this town for five years . 6. She has washed the clothes for one hour . 7. My father has taken him to hospital . 8. Nima has not written a letter since last week . 9. They have repaired the house . 10. He has fixed the bicycle .

F. Language Functions


‫ڃَٰ ډبڍ مثبځ‬

) 113 ّ( ‫ؽليـ‬

A: May I help you ? ‫ٿي تچاڃپ ٳڀٴتبځ ٳڄپ ؟‬ B: Yes , I'm looking for a dress.

‫ثټڈ ‪ ,‬يٲ پيلاډڂ ٿي ؽچاډپ ‪.‬‬ ‫? ‪A: What size do you wear‬‬ ‫اڃـامڋ ُڀب صيٌت ؟‬ ‫‪B: I wear size 38 .‬‬ ‫اڃـامڇ اٽ ‪ 38‬اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫? ‪A: How about this one‬‬ ‫ايڂ يٴي ص‪ٜ‬چك اًت ؟‬ ‫? ‪B: It looks nice . How much is it‬‬ ‫ؽچثڈ ‪ .‬ٯيڀت آځ صٰـك اًت ؟‬ ‫‪A: It's only 400 tomans .‬‬ ‫‪ 400 ٰٚ٫‬تچٿبځ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪B: Okey . I'll take it .‬‬ ‫ثٌيبك ؽچة ‪ .‬ډڀيڂ كا ثلٿي ؿاكٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫? ‪A: Anything else , madam‬‬ ‫صين ؿيٸلڍ المٽ ؿاكيـ ؽبڃپ ؟‬ ‫‪B: No, thank you .‬‬ ‫ڃڈ ٿتِٴلٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫? ‪A: Can I help you‬‬ ‫ٿي تچاڃپ ٳڀٴتبځ ٳڄپ ؟‬ ‫‪B: Yes , I need a watch .‬‬ ‫ثټڈ ‪ ,‬يٲ ًب‪٣‬ت ٿي ؽچاډپ ‪.‬‬

A: How about this one ? ‫چك اًت ؟‬ٜ‫ايڂ يٴي ص‬ B: Is there a cheaper one ? ‫ت اكماڃتل ؿاكيـ ؟‬٣‫آيب ًب‬ A: Yes , here you are . . ‫لٿبييـ‬٬‫ ث‬, ‫ثټڈ‬ B: Thanks . . ‫ٿتِٴلٽ‬ A: Anything else , sir ? ‫ آٯب ؟‬, ‫صين ؿيٸلڍ المٽ ؿاكيـ‬ B: No , thank you . . ‫ ٿتِٴلٽ‬, ‫ڃڈ‬ H. Vocabulary Review Fill in the blanks with these words. ‫) پبًؼ‬115 ّ( .‫ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت ميل پل ٳڄيـ‬

wheels, climb, hungry , daughter, sure , enough , restaurant , best , accident , vegetables 1. I'm going to buy a bicycle when I have enough money . 2. It's true that tigers can climb trees . 3. I'm sure that they have gone home .

4. He always gets very good grades . He is the best student in our class. 5. A bicycle has two wheels . 6. Drivers don't like to have an accident . 7. Your sister is your father's daughter . 8. Onions , potatoes and tomatoes are vegetables . 9. You go to a restaurant to eat . 10.I haven't eaten lunch . I'm hungry .

Review Exercises (2) I.Complete the following sentences . )117 ّ( . ‫رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ 1. They go to school in the morning ,don't they ? 2. Some of your friends saw the pictures , didn't they ? 3. You are writing a letter , aren't you ? 4. Bahram is the tallest boy in your class , isn't he ? 5. She will send them a letter , won't she ?

II. Answer these questions . ) 117 ّ( . ‫ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ 1. Is it important to learn English ? Yes , it is important to learn English .

2. How far is it from Tehran to Mashhad ? It is about 900 kms .

3. Does it usually snow in winter ? Yes , it usually snows in winter .

4. Is it cold or hot when it is snowing ? It is cold .

5. Could you speak English five years ago ? No , I couldn't speak English five years ago .

6. Did you have to do a lot of homework yesterday ? Yes , I did .

7. What must students do in the classroom ? They must listen to the teacher carefully .

8. Who teaches you English ? Mrs Salehi teaches us English .

III. Write the correct form of the verbs in parentheses . ) 117 ّ( . ‫بٹ ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬٤٫‫ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ا‬ 1. Our chemistry teacher asked us many questions last week .( ask ) 2. Only a few people were invited to the party last Friday . ( invite ) 3. Airplanes go much faster than ships. ( go ) 4. A new hospital will be built next year . ( build ) 5. The man was seen in the park yesterday . ( see ) 6. Maryam lost her pen when she she was playing in the schoolyard .( lost ) 7. The new film is shown on Thursdays . ( show ) 8. Your exam papers will be corrected next week . ( correct )

IV. Answer these questions . ) 117 ّ ( . ‫ثڈ ايڂ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ 1. Where is your history teacher now ? I think that he is in the library now .

2. Where will you go this weekend ? I think we will go to the seaside .

3.What is your mother doing now ? I guess that he is reading a story book .

4. When will you go to the seaside with your parents ? I hope that we will go there next Friday .

5. Who will teach your English next year ? I believe that Mr Tehrani will teach our English .

V. Make sentences with the words given. ‫ ) پبًؼ‬118 ّ( . ‫ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬ 1. Winter is colder than autumn . 2. Ali is younger than his brother . 3. Spring is the most beautiful season of the year . 4. Peugeot 405 is more expensive than Paykan .

5. Russia is the biggest country in the world .

VI. Put these words in the correct order . ) 118 ّ ( . ‫ٿلتت ٳڄيـ‬ 1. I know that you can't answer all the questions . 2. They have lived in that old house for many years . 3. The doors of the stadium will be closed at ten tomorrow morning . 4. She can't teach English as well as a good teacher . 5. You must listen to this tape several times . VII. Look at the pictures and complete the questions . Then answer the questions with the words given in parentheses . ‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن ثڈ‬٬‫ ًپي ثب اًت‬. ‫ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔبڅيل ًإاالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬ ) 118 ّ ( . ‫ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ 1. Which car is older ? The black car is older than the black one .

2. Is Bob thinner than Jim ? No , he is fatter than him .

3. Who is the tallest ? Hamid is the tallest of all .

4. What is the girl doing ? I think that she is reading her book .

VIII. Look at the pictures and answer the questions . Use the words given . . ‫بؿڇ ٳڄيـ‬٬‫ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؿڇ ُـڇ اًت‬. ‫ثڈ تٔبڅيل ڃٸبڇ ٳڄيـ څ ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬ ) 119 ّ ( 1. Is the man hungry ? No , he has eaten a lot of food . 2.Is Bahram a weak student ? No , he has got good marks .

3. Are these young people tired ? Yes , they are tired because they have played football .

4. Is the girl upset ? Yes , she is upset because she has lost her handbag .

5. Are the men happy ? No , they aren't because they have lost their jobs .

‫تچٗيغبت ٷلاٿلڍ ؿكى ڃڊپ‬ ‫‪present perfect tense‬‬

‫مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ‬ ‫اٻٸچڍ ًبؽت ‪:‬‬ ‫‪past participle‬‬ ‫(اًپ ٿ‪٤٬‬چٹ)‬

‫‪have‬‬ ‫‪or‬‬



‫ٿخبٹ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪4. We have eaten a cake .‬‬

‫‪1. I have eaten a cake .‬‬

‫‪5. You have eaten a cake .‬‬

‫‪2. You have eaten a cake .‬‬

‫‪6. They have eaten a cake .‬‬

‫‪3. She/ He/It has eaten a cake .‬‬

‫‪ -1‬ٿڂ ٳيٴي ؽچكؿڇ اٽ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2‬تچ ٳيٴي ؽچكؿڇ اڍ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -3‬اڅ‪/‬آځ ٳيٴي ؽچكؿڇ اًت ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -4‬ٿب ٳيٴي ؽچكؿڇ ايپ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ُ -5‬ڀب ٳيٴي ؽچكؿڇ ايـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -6‬آڃڊب ٳيٴي ؽچكؿڇ اڃـ ‪.‬‬

‫ ثلاڍ ٿڄ‪٬‬ي ٳلؿځ ث‪٤‬ـ ام ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي “ ‪ “ not‬ٿي آڅكيپ ‪:‬‬‫ٿڂ ٳيٴي ڃؾچكؿڇ اٽ ‪.‬‬

‫‪I have not eaten a cake .‬‬

‫ثلاڍ ًإاٻي ٳلؿځ ‪٤٫‬ٺ ٳڀٴي كا ؿك اڅٹ رڀټڈ ٯجٺ ام ‪٫‬ب‪٣‬ٺ ٿي آڅكيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫آيب آڃڊب ٳيٴي ؽچكؿڇ اڃـ ؟‬

‫? ‪Have they eaten a cake‬‬


‫‪ have‬څ ‪ُ has‬ٴٺ ٳچتبڇ ڃين ؿاكڃـ) ‪( „s ; 've‬‬ ‫‪I‟ve eaten a cake . = I have eaten a cake .‬‬ ‫‪She‟s eaten a cake . = She has eaten a cake .‬‬ ‫ٿچاكؿ ٳبكثلؿ مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬ٳبكډبيي ٳڈ ام مٿبځ ٷقُتڈ ُلڅ‪ُ ١‬ـڇ څ تب عبٹ اؿاٿڈ ؿاكڃـ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪I have studied English for two hours .‬‬ ‫ثڀـت ؿڅ ًب‪٣‬ت مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ٿ‪ٜ‬بٻ‪٤‬ڈ ٳلؿڇ اٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫ؿك ايڂ عبٻت ؿڅ تب ام ڃِبڃڈ ډبڍ ٿڊپ ايڂ مٿبځ ‪٣‬جبكتڄـ ام ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ for - 1‬ثڈ ٿ‪٤‬ڄبڍ (ثڀـت ) ثلاڍ ثيبځ ‪ٛ‬چٹ مٿبځ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ since - 2‬ثڀ‪٤‬ڄبڍ (ام) ثلاڍ ثيبځ ُلڅ‪ ١‬يب ٿجـأ مٿبځ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪We have watched TV for 3 hours‬‬ ‫ٿب ثڀـت ‪ً 3‬ب‪٣‬ت تټچينيچځ تڀبُب ٳلؿڇ ايپ ‪ٛ ( .‬چٹ مٿبځ )‬ ‫‪She has listended to the radio since 10 o‟clock .‬‬ ‫اڅ ام ًب‪٣‬ت ‪ 10‬ثڈ كاؿيچ ٷچٍ ٳلؿڇ اًت ‪ُ( .‬لڅ‪ ١‬مٿبځ )‬ ‫‪ - 3‬ٳبكډبڍ پبيبځ يب‪٫‬تڈ‬ ‫ام مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ ثلاڍ ثيبځ ٳبكډبيي ٳڈ ؿك مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿالً تڀبٽ ُـڇ څٻي صچځ ؿاكاڍ‬ ‫اډڀيت ډٌتڄـ څ يب ايڄٴڈ احلُبځ ثبٯي ٿبڃـڇ اًت اًت‪٬‬بؿڇ ٿي ُچؿ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪I have spoken to my teacher about my exam paper.‬‬ ‫ٿڂ ؿكثبكڇ څكٯڈ اٿتغبڃي اٽ ثب ٿ‪٤‬ټپ ؽچؿ ٓغجت ٳلؿڇ اٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪He has written a letter to his father .‬‬

‫اڅ ڃبٿڈ اڍ ثڈ پـكٍ ڃچُتڈ اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ ا‪٧‬ټت ثڈ تڄڊبيي ثب ٯيـډبڍ مٿبځ ٿِؾْ ٷقُتڈ ٿبڃڄـ‬

‫‪، yesterday‬‬

‫‪ in 1992 ، last week‬څ …… ثٴبك ڃڀي كڅؿ څٻي ثب ٯيـډبڍ ڃبٿِؾٔي ٿبڃڄـ ‪before,‬‬ ‫‪ yet, already , just, ever, never‬ثٴبك ٿي كڅؿ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪I have just closed the door .‬‬ ‫ډڀيڂ اآلځ ؿك كا ثٌتڈ اٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫ٿڊڀتليڂ ٯيـډبيي ٳڈ ثب مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ ثٴبك ٿي كڅڃـ ‪٣‬جبكتڄـ ام ‪:‬‬ ‫(تب ٳڄچځ « ؿك رڀالت ٿڄ‪٬‬ي څًإاٻي»‬

‫‪( yet‬‬

‫(ام ‪)since‬‬

‫(ثڀـت ‪) for‬‬

‫(ايڂ ډ‪٬‬تڈ ‪ ،‬ٿبڇ ‪) this week, month‬‬

‫( تبٳڄچځ ‪ () so far‬ډڄچم ‪) still‬‬

‫(اؽيلاً ‪) recently , lately‬‬

‫(ٿـتڊب)‪( for ages‬‬

‫) ام آځ مٿبځ تب ٳڄچځ ‪) eversince‬‬

‫( تب عبال ‪) until now‬‬

‫( ام آځ ٿچٯ‪)since then ٢‬‬

‫( ثبكډب څ ثبكډب‪) over and over‬‬

‫( ثبكډب څ ثبكډب ‪)again and again‬‬

‫(ًبٻڊب ‪)for years‬‬

‫( تب عبال ‪(up to now‬‬

‫( ؿڅثبك ‪) twice‬‬

‫( يٴجبك ‪) once‬‬

‫(تب ٳڄچځ ‪) ever‬‬ ‫(صڄـيڂ ؿ‪٤٫‬ڈ ‪) several times‬‬

‫( ډلٷن ‪) never‬‬ ‫( ًڈ ثبك ‪)thrice = three times‬‬

‫تچٗيظ ‪ :‬ث‪٤‬ـ ام ‪ since‬ٿي تچاځ رڀټڈ اڍ ثٔچكت ٷقُتڈ ًبؿڇ ؿاُتڈ ثبُيپ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪We have watched TV since we came here .‬‬

‫ام څٯتيٴڈ ثڈ ايڄزب آٿـيپ تټچينيچځ تڀبُب ٳلؿڇ ايپ ‪.‬‬ ‫ثڈ صڄـ ٿخبٹ ميل ٳڈ مٿبځ عبٹ ٳبٿٺ ؿك آڃڊب ثٴبك ك‪٫‬تڈ تچرڈ ‪٫‬لٿبييـ څ ڃِبڃڈ ډبڍ آځ كا‬ ‫ثؾب‪ٛ‬ل ثٌپبكيـ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪I have not painted the room yet .‬‬


‫ٿڂ ډڄچم اتب٭ كا كڃٶ ڃٴلؿڇ اٽ ‪ yet(.‬ؿك رڀالت ٿڄ‪٬‬ي څ ًإاٻي ثٴبك ٿي كڅؿ ‪).‬‬ ‫‪She has not finished her himework so far / up to now .‬‬


‫اڅ تب ٳڄچځ تٴبٻي‪ َ٬‬كا اڃزبٽ ڃـاؿڇ اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫? ‪Have you read this book lately/ recently‬‬


‫آيب اؽيلاً ايڂ ٳتبة كا ؽچاڃـڇ اڍ ؟‬ ‫‪I have never watched this film .‬‬


‫ٿڂ ډلٷن ايڂ ‪٫‬يټپ كا تڀبُب ڃٴلؿڇ اٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪I have just written this composition .‬‬


‫ٿڂ ډڀيڂ اآلځ ايڂ اڃِب كا ڃچُتڈ اٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫? ‪– How long have you been in England‬‬


‫‪– I have been in England for 5 months .‬‬ ‫صڄـ ٿبڇ ؿكا ڃٸټٌتبځ ثچؿڇ ايـ ؟‬ ‫پڄذ ٿبڇ ؿك اڃٸټٌتبځ ثچؿڇ اٽ ‪.‬‬ ‫? ‪– Since when have you been in Tehran‬‬ ‫‪– I have been in Tehran since last year .‬‬ ‫ام صڈ څٯتي ؿك تڊلاځ ثچؿڇ ايـ ؟‬ ‫ام ًبٹ ٷقُتڈ تب ثڈ عبٹ ؿك تڊلاځ ثچؿڇ اٽ ‪.‬‬


‫‪She has spoken to me many times / several times/ 3 times .‬‬


‫اڅ ثبكډب‪ /‬صڄـيڂ ثبك‪ً /‬ڈ ثبك ثب ٿڂ ٓغجت ٳلؿڇ اًت ‪.‬‬ ‫‪Since coming to this hospital, she has worked as a nurse .‬‬ ‫اڅ ام څٯتيٴڈ ثڈ ايڂ ثيڀبكًتبځ آٿـڇ ث‪٤‬ڄچاځ پلًتبك ٳبك ٳلؿڇ اًت ‪ ( .‬ؿك اثتـاڍ رڀټڈ اٷل‬ ‫‪ Since‬ثيبيـ پي ام آځ ثبيـ اًپ ٿٔـك ثيبڅكيپ ) ‪.‬‬ ‫‪10.I bought a radio last week and have listened to the‬‬ ‫‪news eversince .‬‬ ‫ډ‪٬‬تڈ ٷقُتڈ كاؿيچيي ؽليـٽ څام آځ مٿبځ تب ثڈ عبٹ ثڈ اؽجبكٷچٍ ٳلؿڇ اٽ ‪eversince ( .‬‬ ‫ثڈ ٿ‪٤‬ڄبڍ تب ثڈ عبٹ اًت څؿك آؽل رڀټڈ ٿي آيـ )‬


‫تچٗيغبت څاهٷبڃي ؿكى ڃڊپ‬ 1.accept

to agree to;recognize


/v. 2.A.D

# refuse ‫كؿ ٳلؿځ‬

latin : Anno domini

‫ـ ام ٿيالؿ ٿٌيظ‬٤‫ث‬

after the brith of Christian # B.C ‫ٯجٺ ام ٿيالؿ ٿٌيظ‬ 3. admire /v.

to think or look at somebody

‫تغٌيڂ ٳلؿځ‬

with respect;appreciate # despise ‫تغٰيل ٳلؿځ‬

4.Age /n.

the period of time a person


has lived .

5. Anything else,madam ?

‫آيب صين ؿيٸلڍ ڃيبم ؿاكيـ ؽبڃپ ؟‬

do you need any other thing ,madam ?

6. Among

in the middle of

‫ؿك ٿيبځ‬

to come into world

‫ٿتچٻـ ُـ‬


7.be born


by brith .

8. brush

to clean teeth with a brush


‫ٿٌچاٱ مؿځ‬


9. century

100 years ;centenary




producer of sth new .


/n. 11. destroy /v.

12. duty

to kill; demolish

‫ڃبثچؿ ٳلؿځ يب ٳِتڂ‬

or damage

responsibility; function


/n. 13.enemy /n.

somebody who strongly dislikes someone else or ‫ؿُڀڂ‬ intends to attack him/her: foe

# friend ‫ؿڅًت‬ 14. Entire

the whole of sth; complete ;


/ adj # partial 15. folow

to move along behind


َ‫ ثؾ‬-‫رنء‬

‫تڂ‬٫‫ثـڃجبٹ ٳٌي ك‬

somebody;to go after some body . # lead ‫كډجلڍ ٳلؿځ‬




people who follow or supports a particular person or belief . # leaders‫كډجلاځ‬

17. guide /v.

to show the right

‫ډـايت ٳلؿځ‬

direction . # mislead ‫ٷڀلاڇ ٳلؿځ‬

18. guidance /n.

help and advice


somebody . # misdirection ٚ‫ټ‬٧ ‫ كاډڄڀبيي‬-‫ٷڀلاڇ‬

19. highly /adv.

to a great extent; very; extremely

‫ؽيټي‬ # slightly ‫ اڃـٳي‬-‫ٳڀي‬

20. honestly

in a truthful or fair way


/adv. # deceitful 21. honesty

telling the truth;


‫ پل ڃيلڃٶ‬-‫ليت آٿين‬٫ ‫كاًتٸچيي –ٓـاٯت‬

trustfulness; sincerity; frankness # deceit‫ليت‬٫ -‫ڈ‬٣‫ؽـ‬ what‟s your

22. How about this one?

‫چكڇ ؟‬ٜ‫ايڂ يٴي ص‬

opinion about this ? 23. idol /n. 24. Islam /n. 25. It looks nice

holy object that


someone makes and worships as god . the religion of the


muslims . It is good . ‫ؽچة اًت‬

26. mankind

the human race;


humanity 27. message /n.

words which is sent from one person to another .


28. Mecca

It is a city in Saudi



Arabia where the prophet Mohammad was born .

29. Muslim

a person who believes



in Islam .

30. okey,I‟ll take it .

all right, I‟ll buy it. ‫ آځ كا ٿي ؽلٽ‬، ‫ثٌيبك ؽچة‬

31. peace be upon him

)ّ( ‫ؿكڅؿ ثل كًچٹ ؽـا‬ peace be on the Messenger of Allah

32. preach /v.

to talk about God or religious to people .

33. prophet

God's Messenger

‫ ٿقډجي ٳلؿځ‬٦‫تجټي‬ ‫ڈ ٳلؿځ‬٠٣‫ٿچ‬ ‫پيبٿجل‬

/n. 34. receive

to get sth from somebody;

/v. 35. sense

accept; take feeling

‫ت ٳلؿځ‬٫‫ؿكيب‬ # give ‫ؿاؿځ‬ ‫عي‬


# insensibility ‫ٸي‬٬ٛ‫ب‬٣ ‫ثي‬

36. since

from a certain time in


the past till now


. 37. soldier /n. 38. title /n.

39.trustworthy /adj

a member of an army


who is not an officer . a name before someone‟s


name .

a reliable and


responsible person; faithful; honest # fickle

40. truthfulness


‫ب‬٫‫ثي څ‬ ‫ٓـاٯت‬


41. Turn against somebody

‫ؿُڀڂ ُـځ‬

to become someone‟s enemy .

42. universe

all existing things

‫ ٳيڊبځ‬،‫بٻپ څرچؿ‬٣


in space

43. welcome /v.

to greet someone

‫رڊبځ‬ ‫اًتٰجبٹ ٳلؿځ‬

in a friendly way when a person arrives; greeting; reception

44. What size do you wear ?

45. with open arms

46. worship /v.

‫اڃـامڇ ُڀب صيٌت ؟‬

very warmly

to show strong feeling of love and recpect to God;

‫ثڈ ٷلٿي‬

‫پلًتيـځ‬ # detest‫ثيناك ثچؿځ‬

‫جٰڈ ثڄـڍ ُـڋ ؿكى ڃڊپ‬ٛ ‫ًإاالت‬ . ‫ت ډبڍ ميل كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬: A - 1 worshiped – following – sense – duty – welcomed prophets – guide – a lot of 1. Her ………… is to type the letters . 2. Mehran was ………… his sister . 3. The people of Mecca ………… gods . 4. Please ………… her to her chair . 5. There were some ………… in this room . 6. God has sent many ………… for the guidance of mankind . 7. They admired the doctor‟s ………… of duty . 8. Sam ………… his uncle warmly .

 : A -1 1. duty

2. following

5. idols 6. prophet

3. worshiped 7. sense

4. guide 8. welcomed

B : -1 messages- across- taught- letters tiger- destroyed- enemies- highly 1.

He ………… me physics every day .


Ramin wrote two ………… last week .


We received their radio ………… .


He ………… admired his teacher .


Those soldiers ………… the dogs .


Parvin walked ………… the room .


This country has a lot of ………… .


That ………… can not climb a tree .

 : B .1 1. taught

2. letters

5. destroyed 6. across

3. messages

4. highly

7. enemies

8. tiger

٩‫ څيب ٿت٘بؿ ٳټڀبت ًڀت صپ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ څعلڅ‬٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-2 . ‫ڈ كا ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ٿلثچ‬ 1. friend # ( ) 2. eat :

( )

3. give #

( )

4. human race : ( ) 5. dirty #

( )

6. entire : ( )

7. now # ( ) 8. century : ( ) 9. empty #

( )

10.highly :

( )

A.clean B.100 years C.whole D.very E.before F.full G.have H.enemy I.mankind J.receive

 ‫ څ يب‬٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬-2 1. H

2. G

3. J

8. B

9. F

10. D

4. I

5. A

6. C

7. E

. ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت ٿڄبًت ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-3 1.

Someone who believes in God doesn‟t ………idols .


He was born in the sixth ………… .


They will ………… this message very soon .


The ………… of the prophet was Al-Amin .


God has sent ………… for the guidance of mankind


Al –Amin means the ………… .


Can you ………… me to cross the street ?


Iran has a lot of ………… .


It was an old building and they ………… to destroy it . 10.………… me to take you to school . 11.They ………… their kitchen clean . 12.The opposite of “…………” is “enemy” . 14.You should ………… your teeth every night .

‫ ثب ٳټڀبت ٿڄبًت‬-3 1. worship

2. century


5. prophets

6. trustworthy 7. guide

8. enemies

9. decided

10. Follow

12. friend

13. duty

14. brush

11. made

4. title

‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ام ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت پيـا ٳلؿڇ څ‬ٚ‫ڄي ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٤‫ ډپ ٿ‬-4 . ‫ڈ كا ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ ٿلثچ‬٩‫علڅ‬ 1.They left their house .

A. ended

2.He has a lot of enemies .

B.talks about religious

3.Mehran has put on his shirt .

C. show the way

4.She has finished her homework . D. foes 5.His father usually preaches

E. maker

Islam in the mosque . 6.You should guide that man .

F. quit

7.Did you receive my message ?

G. notice

8.He is the creator of this machine . H. worn 9.They worshiped idols.

I. respect

10.Mr Shirazi is a nice man .

J. gods

All of us admire him.

 ‫ڄي‬٤‫ ډپ ٿ‬-4 1. F 9. J

2. D

3. H

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. G

8. E



‫ ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬: ‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-5

1.Muslims…………God . A .worship


C. teach


2.The plane sent radio ………at about 10 o‟clock A.languages B.creators



3.Nahid is a kind girl, so she has a lot of ………… A.boats




4.The ……… of the prophet of lslam are muslims A.enemies


C. creators


5.Iran is an important county. It has a lot of ……… A.friends




6.They ……… him because he was not an honest man A.followed

B.turned against



7.You can employ him because he is a(n) ……… man A.trustworthy B.dishonest



8.The teacher ……… his clever student. A.migrated




9.You should know that your ……… of duty is to come to school on time. A.sense




10.Hamid‟s parents ……… him with open arms A.wore




11.When was our ……… prophet born? A.entire




12.I have ……… your papers. A.cooked




13.He has ……… his overcoat. A.turned on

B.turned down

C.put on

D.turned off

14.They haven‟t ………in Isfahan yet. A.arrived




15.Mona has ……… her homework. A.been




16.Ramin has ……… the numbers. A.rained

B.added up


D.put on

17.He is ……… his shirt . He can‟t find it. A.looking for

B.looking after

C.looking at

D.looking up

18.I am not ……… because I have put on a warm coat. A.hot






19.A car has four ……… . A.roofs


20.Tomatoes are ……… . A.flowers


C.vegetables D.trees

 ‫ ٷنيڄڈ‬-‫ت‬٨‫ ٻ‬-5 1. A 8. C 15. C

2. C 9. A 16. B

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. A

10. B

11. C

12. D

13. C

14. A

17. A

18. B

19. B

20. C

.‫ٷنيڄڈ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-‫ٷلاٿل‬-6 1.Morteza‟s brother has stayed in that hotel ……… 1993. A.since




2.We have waited for you ……… yesterday. A.for



D. ……

3.Nima ……… the numbers . A.add up B.to add up C.has added up D.have added up 4.We ……… TV for two hours. A.have watched



D.will watch

5.We haven‟t ……… tennis for three hours. A.playing




6.Mr Taban has lived in Tehran ……… Mehr. A.since




7.Mina‟s English is very good because she ………a lot. A.will practice

B.has practiced

C.will be practiced

D.is practiced

8.They have practiced English ……… five hours. A. on




9.Nahid ……… her father for 5 months. A.has not seen B.had not seen

C.is seeing

D.was seeing

10.I have listened to the radio since I ……… on . A.turn it

B.have turned it

C.had turned it

D.turned it

11.I have used this car since I ……… it. A.bought

B.will buy

C.had bought

D.have bought

12.I have known him ……… a long time. A.from




13.The telephone has ……… rung. A.yet




14.The teacher has spoken English since I ……… here. A.arrive

B.had arrived

C.have arrived


15.Has she done her home work ……… ? A.from




16.She has not seen her aunt since she………to Tehran A.came


C.had come


17.Since you ……… me your address,I have written to you several times. A.have given



D.had given

18.Nima ……… Tabriz several times. A.visits


C.has visited


19.I have not seen him since ……… . A.two years

B.every week

C.five hours


20.Nasrin has studied chemistry since ……… . A.four months


C.ten days


 ‫ ٷنيڄڈ‬-‫ ٷلاٿل‬-6 1. A

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. B

9. A

10. D

11. A

12. B

13. B

14. D

15. D

16. A

17. B

18. C

19. D

20. B

.‫ثلاڍ پبًؼ ډبڍ ميل ًإاٹ ٿڄبًت ثٌبميـ‬-7 1. …………………………………………………..? I have studied math for 2 hours . 2. …………………………………………………..? They have eaten their lunch at 12:30 . 3. …………………………………………………..? She has bought a skirt . 4. …………………………………………………..? No, he has watched the film . 5. …………………………………………………..? Yes, she has brushed her teeth . 6. …………………………………………………..? No, she has not corrected our papers yet. 7. …………………………………………………..? Yes, he has written two books . 8. …………………………………………………..? No, she has not lived in Isfahan for six months. 9. …………………………………………………..? No, I have phoned him twice. 10. …………………………………………………..?

They have lived in Tehran since 1995 . 11. …………………………………………………..? I have watched TV for 3 hours . 12. …………………………………………………..? No, he has never been to Paris .

 ‫ ثلاڍ پبًؼ ډبڍ‬- 7 1.

How long have you studied math ?


When have they eaten lunch ?


What has she bought ?


Has he watched the cartoon ?


Has she brushed her teeth ?


Has she corrected your papers ?


Has he written two books ?


Has she lived in Isfahan for six month ?


Have you phoned him once ? 10. Since when have they lived in Tehran ? 11.How long have you watched TV ? 12.Has he ever been to Paris ? .‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڄچيٌيـ‬-8 1.Her glass is empty because she has ………all the water . (drinking) 2.His sister‟s English is very good because she has ……… a lot . (to practice) 3.Her mother ……… in the hospital for 2 hours . (be)

4.Romina ………lunch before she went to school .(cook) 5.He ……… to the doctor yesterday . (talking) 6.When I came home , he ……… TV . (watch) 7.Since………here,he has worked as a docter.(to come) 8.Since you………me your pen , I have written two letters (given) 9.They ………never ……… a holiday since March. (had) 10.I have just ……… my uncle . (saw)

 ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ‬-8 1. drunk

2. practiced

3. has been

4. had cooked

5. talked

6. was watching

7. coming

8. gave

9. have / had

10. seen

. ‫ل٭ ؿاكؿ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬٫ ‫ ٿٔچت ثب ثٰيڈ‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫ ٷنيڄڈ اڍ ٳڈ ام ڃ‬- 9 1.


1. A. taste


2. A. less


3. A. house










4. A. only


5. A. though


6. A. south










 ‫ ٷنيڄڈ اڍ ٳڈ‬-9 1. C

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. C

٩‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ – رچاة ًإاالت ًڀت صپ كا ؿك ًتچځ ًڀت كاًت پيـا ٳلؿڇ څ علڅ‬.10 . ‫ڈ كا ؿك ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٛ‫ٿلثچ‬ 1. ( ) What size does she wear ? A. No,thank you . 2. ( ) What has he done ?

B. He has brushed his teeth

3.( ) How about this pen ?

C. Yes, I‟m looking for a shirt

4.( ) Anything else, madam ?

D. No, I haven‟t .

5.( ) Have you eaten lunch ?

E. His father .

6. ( ) May I help you ?

F. How much is it ?

7. ( ) What did they worship ?

G. The idols .

8. ( ) Who works in that hotel ? H. 39 . 9. ( ) When was he born ?

I. In the sixth century .

 ‫ رچاة ًإاالت‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-10 1. H

2. B

8. E

9. I

3. F

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. G

. ‫ ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬، ‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ ميل‬-11 1.

The Holy prophet left Mecca to preach Islam . Who wanted to preach Islam ? A. Muhammad (p.b.u.h)

B. Idols

C. gods

D. God

2.It hasn‟t rained here for more than 3 years, in the above sentence “It” means …… . A. rain

B. month

C. the weather

D. season

3.Leila lives in Amol . She went there 7 years ago . The word “there” in the above sentence comes back to …… . A. she

B. Leila

C. Amol

D. years

4.The Holy prophet told the people of Mecca not to worship idols but the one God . We understand that : A.He told them to worship idols . B.He told them to worship the prophet . C.He told them to worship Allah . D.He told them not to worship the one God .

5.The people of Mecca who worshiped idols , turned against the prophet and …… A. admired him highly . B. welcomed him warmly . C. became him friends . D. became him enemies .

 ‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ‬-11 . ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬-12

Mr Karimi was a farmer. He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had a few cows. They worked very hard. One day Mr Karimi said to his wife, “Let‟s go to the town next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then we can go to the cinema .” His wife became very happy, because she and her husband always ate a lot and she did not like cooking three times a day every day . They went to the town by bus and walked about for an hour. When it was a quarter past twelve, they wanted to have lunch. They looked at several restaurants. In one of them there was a notice : Lunch : 12:30 to 2:30 : 300 tomans “Well, that‟s good.” Mrs Karimi said “We can eat for two hours for 300 tomans here. This is the best place for us.” 1. Mr Karimi and his wife wanted to go to the …… after lunch . 2. Mrs Karimi didn‟t like cooking . 3. They didn‟t always eat a lot .

True True

False False

4. What was Mr Karimi ? 5. Did they have any cows ? 6. How did they get to the town ? 7. Did they understand the notice ? 8. Who said, “this is the best place for us.” ?

 ‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا‬-12 1. cinema

2. True

3. False

4. He was a farmer 5. Yes, they had a few cows . 6. They went to the town by bus . 7. No, they didn‟t . 8. Mrs Karimi did .


spelling . Write the missing letters of the underlined words . -1 )‫ڃڀلڇ‬3

(.‫ ٳِيـڇ كا ثڄچيٌييـ‬ٚ‫ ُـڋ ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ٳڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٩‫ عق‬٩‫ علڅ‬: ‫ؿيٴتڈ‬

A ser-ant works for them . He heard a l-ud noi-e . He was a-leep when I left the house . After I changed my clo-hes you t-eated me as a spe-ial guest . He visi-s many f-reign countries . “What if it snows all night ?” he w-ndered . They hi- - ly

admired his

tr-t-fulness .

‫ ؿيٴتڈ‬- 1 servant- loud- noise- asleep- clothes- treated- special visits- foreign- wondered- highly- truthfulness

pronunciation : 2.

Underline the word which has a different vowel sound . ‫ ٿٔچت ثب ًڈ ٳټڀڈ ؿيٸل‬ٞ٬‫ل ُيچڇ تټ‬٠‫ ؿك ډل ُڀبكڇ ميل ٳټڀڈ اڍ ٳڈ ام ڃ‬: ٞ٬‫ تټ‬-2 )‫ڃڀلڇ‬1( . ‫ ثٴِيـ‬ٚ‫ ؽ‬،‫بڅت اًت‬٬‫ٿت‬


book- cool- good- hook


tree- see- green- tray


put- but- cut- bus


zoo- fool- luck- blue

 ٞ٬‫تټ‬-2 1. cool


2. tray

3. put

4. luck

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list below . There is one extra word . )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬4(. ‫ي اًت‬٫‫ت اٗب‬٨‫ يٲ ٻ‬. ‫بت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ؿك ربڍ آټيِبځ ثڄچيٌيـ‬٨‫ ٻ‬.3

draw- turned- passed- order- message snowplow- host- branches- duty


He received God‟s ………… at the age of 40 .


The ice ………… into water .


Your ………… is to cook lunch .


Amir ………… the food to the guest .


They wanted to ………… their food .


Can you ………… a picture of a tiger .


This bank doesn‟t have any ………… .


The ………… was pushing the snow .‫بت ؿاؽٺ‬٨‫ ٻ‬- 3  1. message 5. order


2. turned 6. draw

3. duty 7. branches

4. passed 8. snowplow

Fill in the blanks with suitable words . )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3(. ‫ت ٿڄبًت ثڄچيٌيـ‬٨‫ڊچٽ رڀالت ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ٻ‬٬‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ٿ‬-4


Mr Farhadi is a ………… man because he has a lot of money .


You have to buy a ……… when you want to go to the cinema .


A ………… is a person who works in a restaurant and brings food for you .

 ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬.4 1. rich

2. ticket

3. waiter

5. Write a synonym for the number one and an opposite for the number two . )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬1(. ‫ څثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ ؿڅ ٿت٘بؿ ثڄچيٌيـ‬٩‫ ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ يٲ ٿتلاؿ‬-5 1. Farmers raise plants . 2. The bus came late .

raise = …………… late # ……………

‫ ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ‬.5 1. = grow

2. # early

6. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks . ‫ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔبڅيل ربډبڍ ؽبٻي‬ )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2(. ‫كا پل ٳڄيـ‬


There is a(n) …………in the picture .


The kettle is ………… the fire.


It is very cold . It is ………… very hard .


The third tree is ………… of all .

1 st

2 nd

3 rd

‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬-6 1. mushroom

2. above

3. snowing

4. the tallest of all .


Put these words in the correct order . )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2(. ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت ډل ُڀبكڇ رڀټڈ اڍ ثٌبميـ‬- 6


to- you- listen- tape- times- must- several- this . …………………………………………………………… .


every day- John- car- his- carefully- drives . …………………………………………………………… .

‫ ثب ٳټڀبت‬-7 1. You must listen to this tape several times . 2. John drivers his car carefully every day . 8. Choose the correct answer .

)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬6(. ‫ پبًؼ ٓغيظ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬- 7 1.We …… for you for two hours . A. have waited B. waited

C. wait

D. will wait

2.The class begins at 8 o‟clock , …… ? A. doesn‟t it

B. does it

C. do they

D. don‟t they

3.This room …… tomorrow . A. cleans B.will clean C.was clean D.will be cleaned 4.She hasn‟t seen her aunt …… 1992 . A.ever




5.Mina is thirsty .So she should …… a glass of water. A.drank




6.Majid is 50 years old. Farzaneh is 50 years old . We can say: Majid is …… Farzaneh . A.older than

B.as old as


D.the oldest

‫ پبًؼ ٓغيظ‬-8 1. A

2. A

3. D

4. D

5. C

6. B

9-Lannguage function : fill in the blanks with suitable words


)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3 (. ‫ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا ثب ٳټڀبت ٿڄبًت پل ٳڄيـ‬-‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-9 A.How does Sima look like? B. …………………………? A.

……………………………? B.Yes,of course.Here you are.


……………………………? B.I weigh about 60 kilos.

 ‫ ٿٴبٻڀڈ‬-9 B: she‟s very attractive . A: could I see the book ? A: How much do you weigh ?

10.Check the best part.

)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3 (.‫ ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-10

1.Amin is 180 centimeters tall. Neda is 154. Vahid is 175. We understand that : A.Amin is as tall as Vahid . B. Amin is the tallest of all . C. Amin is the shortest of all . D. Neda is as tall as Amin .

2. Morteza is standing beside the fireplace. We understand that: A.He is not standing far from the fireplace . B.He is standing far from the fireplace . C.He is not standing near the fireplace . D.He is standing on the fireplace .

3.The time when the sun sinks is very beautiful . In other words the …… is very beautiful . A. sunrise

B. sunset C. day light D. sun light

4.Please leave the ruler on the desk . The word “leave” in this

sentence means : A. go

B. arrive

C. hold

D. put

5.When Akram‟s father was 12 years old, he could …… a bicycle . A. drive

B. fly

C. ride

D. migrate

‫ ثڊتليڂ ٷنيڄڈ‬.10 1. B

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. C

11. comprehnsion. Read the text and answer the questions . )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2.5(. ‫ ٿتڂ كا ثؾچاڃيـ څثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬.‫ټت‬ٜ‫ ؿكٱ ٿ‬-11 Have you seen snow ? a lot of people in the world have not . A lot of countries never have snow, or have it only on tops of very high mountains . In Scotland and in the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow, but in the south of England, there is usually little . 1.The under lined word “it” comes back to : A. snow

B. England

C. world

D. the north

2.Many people of the world …… snow . A. have grown

B. have not seen

C. have lost

D. have painted

3.There isn‟t any snow in the south of England . True


4.Scotland is a very hot country . True


5.Do all countries have snow ? Good luck !

‫ټت‬ٜ‫ؿكٱ ٿ‬ 1. A

2. B

3. False 4. False 5. No, they don‟t .

spelling: 1-fill in the blancks with the missing letters )‫ڃڀلڇ‬3( .‫ ٳټڀبت ڃبٯْ ميل كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬٩‫ ٿغقڅ‬٩‫ علڅ‬:‫ؿيٴتڈ‬-1 He played a- one in a garden .The co-s are eating g-ass in the fie-d . The people of Medina re-eived him with open ar-s. S-eam ri-es from hot water . He was as-eep when I le-t the house . You tre-ted me as a spe-ial guest.


- 1

alone- cows- grass- field- received- arms- steam- rises- asleep- lefttreated- special

2-pronunciation:Underline the word which has a different vowel sound. )‫ڃڀلڇ‬1( .‫ ثٴِيـ‬ٚ‫بڅت اًت ؽ‬٬‫ ٓـاؿاك ثب ثٰيڈ ٿت‬٩‫ علڅ‬ٞ٬‫ل تټ‬٠‫ ميل ٳټڀڈ ايٴڈ ام ڃ‬-2 1. win-bike-tie-drive 2.done-could-come-touch

3.hook-shook-love-took 4.should-pool-who-too

٩‫ علڅ‬ٞ٬‫ تټ‬- 2 1. win

2. could

3. love

4. should

3-Fill in the blanks with the oppropriate words from the list below . There is one extra word.

)‫ڃڀلڇ‬4(.‫ي اًت‬٫‫ت اٗب‬٨‫ يٲ ٻ‬.‫بت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ؿك ربڍ ٿڄبًت ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬٨‫ٻ‬-3 (worship-boots-kindergarten-enough-animals-invited-returnedbaker-discover) 1.Jack‟s mother works in a(n) ………… . 2.Many ………… can climb trees. 3.She ………… about an hour later. 4.Tom put on his …………and a warm coat. 5.Islam says that people should …………the one God. 6.She doesn‟t have …………money to buy a car. 7.Maybe same day you‟ll …………the birds‟ secrets. 8. I …………two of my friends to dinner.

‫بت‬٨‫ ٻ‬- 3 1. kindergarten

2. animals

3. returned

4. boots

5. worship

6. enough

7. discover

8. invited

4-Write a synonym for the number one and an antonym for the number two. )‫ڃڀلڇ‬1( .‫ ٿت٘بؿ ثڄچيٌيـ‬2 ‫ څ ُڀبكڇ‬٩‫ ٿتلاؿ‬1 ‫ ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ‬-4 1.Her mother passed the food to him . passed= ………… 2.He will go to the north . north # …………

 ‫ ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ يٲ‬- 4

1. = gave

2. # south

5-Fill in the blanks with suitable words. )‫ڃڀلڇ‬3(.‫ت ډبڍ ٿڄبًت ثٴبك ثجليـ‬٨‫ ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي رڀالت ميل ٻ‬-5 1.A baker bakes it . You eat it in breakfast . It is ……………… . 2.He comes to your home .You are his host . He is your…………………………………………… 3.It is the name of a bird‟s travels between his summer and winter homes. It is ……………… .

‫ ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي‬- 5 1. bread

2. guest

3. migration

6-look at the pictures and complete the blanks with suitable words. )‫ڃڀلڇ‬2(.‫ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔبڅيل رڀالت ڃبٯْ ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-6 1.This is a(n) ……………… 2.The ………………is very beautiful .


The second apple is …………… than the first one.


The third apple is ……………of all .

1 st

2 nd

3 rd

‫ ثب تچرڈ‬- 6 1. umbrella

2. sunset

3. smaller

4. the smallest .

7-Put these words in the correct order. )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2(.‫ٳټڀبت ميل كا ٿلتت ٳلؿڇ څ رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬-7 1.carefully-studies-he-in-the book-the library. 2.pocket-dress-one-there-the-on-is?

‫ ٳټڀبت‬- 7 1.

He studies the book carefully in the library .


Is there one pocket on the dress ?

8-check the best part. )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬6(.‫ ٓغيظ تليڂ ٷنيڄڈ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-8 1.He ……… the car since 1990 . A.had had

B.has had



2.We aren‟t busy every day , ………… ? A.are we

B.aren‟t we

C.do we

D.are you

3.Your exam paper ………… next week . A.will correct

B.will be corrected

C.would correct


4.The man …………see the doctor now. A.had to

B.have to



5.Amir has a test tomorrow , so he ……… today . A.has studied C.could study

B.should study D.should be studied

6.Mehran is 75 kilos.Bahram is 75 kilos we understand that Bahram is ………Mehran. A.heavier than


C.the heaviest

D.as heavy as

 ‫ ٓغيظ تليڂ‬-8 1. B

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. B

6. D

9-L.Function: Fill in the blanks with oppropriate words )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3( .‫ثب ٳټڀبت ٿڄبًت ربډبڍ ؽبٻي كا پل ٳڄيـ‬-9 1.A:Where‟s John from? B: …………………………… 2.A:Would you bring me some milk, please? B: …………………………… 3.A: …………………………… B:Yes, of course. Help yourself.

‫ ثب ٳټڀبت‬-9 1.B . He‟s from Italy . 2. B. Yes, of course . 3. A. May I have another sandwich ?

10-Close passage: Put the words of the list in the blanks. )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2/5(.‫ثب ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتن ٿتڂ ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-10 (very-could-for-grew up-lid-steam-succeeded-things-and-forget) When James Watt …(1)… he didn‟t …(2)… that steam …(3)… move the …(4)… of a kettle. …(5)… he began to look …(6)… ways to make …(7)… move other …(8)… . He worked …(9)… hard . And at last he …(10)… .

 ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت‬-10 1. grew up

2. forget

3. could

4. lid

5. and

6. for

7. steam

8. things

9. very

10. succeeded

11-Comprehension: Read the passage and answer the questions. )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2/5(.‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ؿډيـ‬-11 What color is easy to see?what color can you see from far away? Many boys and girls think red can be seen best. But yellow can be seen easier from far away. Wear a yellow coat and hat if you walk in the jungle. Wear a yellow rain-coat. Car drivers can see you quickly if you wear yellow. Be safe, wear yellow. 1.Wear yellow in the jungle so that you ………………… A.look like trees

B.can be seen from far away

C.look nice

D.look angry

2.We can not see a red coat at all. True


3.Drivers can see yellow quickly. True


4.Who think red can be seen best? 5.A very easy color to see is ………… .

Good luck!

 ‫ ٿتڂ ميل‬-11 1.B




4.Many boys and girls

)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3(.‫ ٳِيـڇ ُـڇ كا ثڄچيٌيـ‬ٚ‫ ٳټڀبتيٴڈ ميلُبځ ؽ‬٩‫ ٿغقڅ‬٩‫ علڅ‬:‫ؿيٴتڈ‬-1 He re-embered his school and his garden. He g-ided the old man a-ross the street .You can play out-ide. He kno-s two fore-gn languages. What is in the ke--le? Some b-rds migrate only short dis-ances. At last he s-c-eeded. My cl-t-es must be impo-ta-t to you.

 ‫ ؿيٴتڈ‬-1 remembered– guided- across- outside- knows- foreign- kettle- birdsdistances- succeeded- clothes- important )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬1 (.‫ ٳټڀبت ميل كا ؿك ًتچځ ٿڄبًت ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬-2 ( wide – sheep – book – boot ) //

/ i: /



‫ ٳټڀبت ميل‬- 2


/ i: /







)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬4( .‫ي اًت‬٫‫ت اٗب‬٨‫يٲ ٻ‬.‫بت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثٴبك ثجليـ‬٨‫ٻ‬-3 (forget-accident-passed-waited-tomatoes -push-shines-boiling-ticket) 1.Please put some ………in the sandwiches. 2.All drivers don‟t like to have a(n) ……… 3.I‟ll never ………his name. 4.Tom ………for the bus but it didn‟t come. 5.He wanted a(n) ………for a bullfight. 6.The water is ……… .You should be careful. 7.The moon ………brightly in the sky. 8.Arman ………the food to his brother.

‫بت ؿاؽٺ‬٨‫ ٻ‬-3 1.tomatoes 5.ticket

2.accident 6.boiling

3.forget 7.shines

4.waited 8.passed

٩‫بؿڇ ام ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ يٲ ٿت٘بؿ څ ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ ؿڅ ٿتلاؿ‬٬‫ ثب اًت‬-4 )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬1( .‫ي اًت‬٫‫ت اٗب‬٨‫ ؿڅٻ‬.‫ثڄچيٌيـ‬ ( near – speak – reply – far from ) 1.I always sit beside Nader in the class. beside # ………

2.He will give an answer to his question. give an answer = ………

 ‫بؿڇ‬٬‫ ثب اًت‬-4 1. # far from

2. = reply

)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3( .‫ت ٿڄبًت ٯلاك ؿډيـ‬٨‫ڊچٽ رڀالت ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ٻ‬٬‫ثب تچرڈ ثڈ ٿ‬-5

1.A(n)………man doesn‟t have money or anything. He needs your help. 2.It is like an umbrella but it is a vegetable and you can eat it. It is a(n) ……… . 3.It is a place where you can sleep and rest. It is a room in your home. It is a(n) ……… .

‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬-5 1.poor


3.bedroom )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2(.‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ تٔبڅيل رڀالت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬- 6

1.They are ……… in the sky. 2.The birds' ……… is still a mystery for men. 3.A:How …………………………? B:It is ………………………… .

 ‫ ثب تچرڈ ثڈ‬-6 1.flying


3. A: far is it to Tehran ?

B: 15 Kms to Tehran .

)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2(.‫ ثب ٳټڀبت ڃبٿلتت ميل رڀټڈ ثٌبميـ‬-7 1.The newspaper- carefully- he- every day- reads .

2.they- shirts- did- sell- a lot of- shop- in- the ?

 ‫ ثب ٳټڀبت‬-7 1.He reads the newspaper carefully every day . 2.Did they sell a lot of shirts in the shop ? )‫ ڃڀلڇ‬3(.‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ ٳټڀبت ؿاؽٺ پلاڃتنډب كا ؿك ربډبڍ ؽبٻي ثڄچيٌيـ‬-8 1.He ………English 2 years ago.(can write) 2.I ………answer the telephone now.(has to) 3.A tiger is ……… than a cat.(heavy) 4.The ruler ………in the garden yesterday.(find) 5.You will see Ali tomorrow, ………you?(would) 6.She ………happily in the village for 20 years.(living)

 ‫ ُٴٺ ٓغيظ‬-8 1.could write 4.was found

2.have to 5. won‟t

3.heavier 6. has lived

.‫ ثڈ ًإاالت ُڀبكڇ يٲ څ ؿڅ پبًؼ ٳبٿٺ ؿډيـ څ ثلاڍ ُڀبكڇ ًڈ ًإاٹ ٿڄبًت ثٌبميـ‬-9 1.What are there in his bag?(two books)

2.Will the car be repaired tomorrow?(yes) 3. ……………………………………………… I saw a lot of cars there.

 ‫ ثڈ ًإاالت‬-9 1. There are two books in it. 2.Yes, it will be repaired tomorrow. 3.How many cars did you see in the street?

.‫ٿٴبٻڀبت ميل كا ٳبٿٺ ٳڄيـ‬-10 1.

A:Could I see the book? B: ………………………… .


A: ………………………… ? B: He‟s got black hair.


A:What‟s her nationality? B: ………………………… .

 ‫ ٿٴبٻڀبت‬-10 1. B: Yes , of course, Here you are. 2. A: What does he look like ? or What color is his hair. 3. B: She‟s a German.

.‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ ٿتڂ ډبڍ ٳچتبڇ ميل ٓغيظ تليڂ پبًؼ كا اڃتؾبة ٳڄيـ‬-11 1.John can‟t move the wagon because it is …………… A.too heavy

B.very nice


D.in the yard

2.The shirt is 8000 tomans.The coat is 35000 tomans. The overcoat is 52000 tomans.

I.From the passage we understand that : A.The coat is not expensive.It is very cheap. B.The coat is cheaper than the shirt. C.The overcoat is the most expensive of all. D.The shirt is not the cheapest of all. II.The coat is …………………………… A.not more expensive than the shirt. B.as expensive as the overcoat. C.the cheapest of all. D.more expensive than the shirt. 3.She left the egg on the table near newton‟s watch and said, “You must boil it for five minutes. I.Newton‟s watch was ………………… . A.far from the table

B.under the table

C.by the egg

D.in the pen

II.The word “ it ” comes back to ………………… A.the watch

B.the egg

C.the table

D.five minutes

 ‫ پي ام ؽچاڃـځ‬-11


2. I.C


3. I.C


)‫ ڃڀلڇ‬2/5 (.‫ ٿتڂ ميل كا ثؾچاڃيـ څ ثڈ ًإاالت پبًؼ ٿڄبًت ؿډيـ‬-12 I am learning how to drive a car. A week ago I had my first lesson.Yesterday my teacher took me out on a busy road.It was full of cars and people. I drove very slowly and carefully, but I felt afraid the whole time. At last the lesson finished and I went home. I felt very tired. I have learnt many things, but I have still got a lot to learn. 1.After the lesson he felt tired. True


2.He had his first lesson yesterday. True


3.The ………… was full of cars. A.lesson




4.Did he drive fast and carelessly ?

5.Where did his teacher take him? Good Luck!

 ‫ٿتڂ ميل‬-12 1.True


3.road (D)

5. He took him out on a busy road .

4.No,he didn‟t .

‫) ثـڅځ پبًؼ‬4( ‫ڃڀچڃڈ ًإاالت پبيبځ ًبٹ‬ ‫ اٍل دت٘زستاى‬: ِٗ‫پا‬ 4 : ِ‫تعذاد صفح‬ ِ‫ دق٘ق‬70: ‫هذت‬


ٖ‫ عوَه‬: ِ‫رشت‬ : ‫ساعت اهتحاى‬

/3/ : ‫تارٗخ اهتحاى‬


‫شـــزح ســــــؤال‬ .‫دٗكتِ – حزٍف حذف شذُ كلوات سٗز را تٌَٗس٘ذ‬



When do children go to kindergar - en? The wai - er looked at the picture a long time. That night James sat near the fire - lace once more. The moon shi - es in the sky. There they can find p - enty of in - ects, seeds, and f - uit to eat. He dre - - ed in fine clo - - es. He g - ided the old man across the street. He received God's me - - age at the age of 40, and began to p - each Islam.


. ‫ ٗك لغت اضافِ است‬0 ‫لغات دادُ شذُ را در جإ هٌاسة تٌَٗس٘ذ‬


(treated-climb-succeed-ordered-remember-believe-foreign-share-creator) 1.If you want to ………………, you must study hard. 2.German is a ……………… language in Iran. 3.A tiger can ……………… trees. 4.We ……………… two sandwiches. 5.You ……………… that he is a good writer. 6.Did you eat your ……………… of the cake? 7.God is the ……………. Of the entire universe. 8.He ……………. him as a special guest. 1

)‫ (دٍ كلوِ اضافٖ است‬.‫هتزادف كلوات هشخص شذُ را اس ستَى هقاتل اًٌخاب كٌ٘ذ‬ 1. He comes back at 4 p.m. ( ) A.secret 2. It’s a mystery between us. ( ) B.returns C. prayer D. fly )‫ (دٍ كلوِ اضافٖ است‬.‫هتضاد كلوات هشخص شذُ را اس ستَى هقاتل اًٌخاب كٌ٘ذ‬ 1.The birds are flying south. ( ) A. messages 2.They are friends with each other. ( ) B.enemies C.trustworthy D.north : ‫تارٗخ‬ : ‫تارٗخ‬

: ‫ًام دت٘ز ٍ اهضاء‬ : ‫ًام دت٘ز ٍ اهضاء‬

: ‫تا حزٍف‬ : ‫تا حزٍف‬


: ‫ تا عذد‬: ِ‫ًوزُ ٍرق‬ ‫ تا عذد‬: ‫ًوزٓ تجذٗذ ًظز‬

‫تارم‬ 1


‫شـــزح ســــــؤال‬ .‫جولِ ّإ سٗز را فقط تا ًَشتي ٗك كلوِ هٌاسة كاهل كٌ٘ذ‬


1. A …………….………… is smaller than a town. 2.Some ……………………. migrate only short distances. 4

)‫ (ٍاصگاى ٍ گزاهز‬.‫پاسخ صح٘ح را اس ت٘ي گشٌِٗ ّإ دادُ شذُ اًتخاب كٌ٘ذ‬


1. We pick fruits when they are …………… . a. green b. ripe c. little d. long 2. Farmers raise plants and vegetables. "Raise" means …………… . a. need b.keep c. grow d. watch 3. Boil the water in the …………… and make some tea. a.engine b.kettle c.lid d.fireplace 4. A person who receives guests is called a …………… . a.worker b.butcher c.baker d.host 5. They answered the question, ……………… they? a.don’t b.do c.didn’t d.did 6. The film ……………… at school two days ago. a.showed b.is shown c.was shown d.shows 7. John is badly sick . He …………………. see the doctor . a) must b) had to c) could d) can 8.They …….. in Amol since 1375. a)has lived b)have lived c)had lived d)lived 2

.‫تا ّز گزٍُ اس كلوات سٗز ٗك جولٔ كاهل تٌَٗس٘ذ‬


1.know – dog – I – that – cat – heavier- a – a –is – than . 2.the newspaper- carefully- he- every day – reads. 2

.‫تز اساس كلوات دادُ شذُ جوالت ًاقص سٗز را كاهل كٌ٘ذ‬


1.Reza is 150 cms tall. Amir is 150 cms tall . Reza is ………… Amir.(tall) 2.Ahmad is 25 years old . Vahid is 22 years old . Ahmad is ………. than Vahid.(old) 3.He has …………….. in Shiraz since 1380. (live) 4. Lesson 9 …………………. tomorrow.(practice) 2

.‫تا تَجِ تِ تصاٍٗز تِ سؤاالت سٗز پاسخ دّ٘ذ‬ 1.What has Nima done? ………………………………………… 2. -What are they doing ? - I think ……………………………………………………

2 ِ‫صفح‬


‫تارم‬ 3


‫شـــزح ســــــؤال‬ ).‫(ٗك پاسخ اضافٖ است‬.‫ اًتخاب كٌ٘ذ‬B‫ را اس ت٘ي جَاتْإ قسوت‬A‫پاسخ صح٘ح سؤاالت قسوت‬ 1.May I use your car? ( )

a.She’s the woman with blue dress.

2.What is you job? ( ) 3.Who is speaking , please?(


b.Australian c.This is Ali.

4.Which one is Mrs Salehi? (


d.Azadi avenue

5.What’s Carl’s nationality? (



6.What’s your address? (



f.A teacher. g.Yes, of course.


‫كذام كلوِ اس ًظز تلفظ تا سِ كلوِ دٗگز هتفاٍت است؟‬


.‫ گشٌٗٔ صح٘ح را اًتخاب كٌ٘ذ‬، ‫تا تَجِ تِ هفَْم جوالت‬


1.gate – waste – edge - sale 2.should – could – took - tool 3.hope – boil – toy - soil 4.sheep – sleep- slip - seat 3

1. Friedrich grew up. He remembered his school and his garden. Friedrich remembered his school and his garden when he became …….. a) a boy

b) alone

c) at school

d) a man

2. A………… is a big farm animal which eats grass but you cannot get milk from it. a.cow b.bird c.bull d.monkey 3. Tom said : “ All my friends ride to school on the bus . But they never had a snowplow for a school bus “ . a)Tom didn’t go to school that day . b)All his friends came to school on a snowplow . c)Tom went to school on the snowplow . d)Tom saw the school bus on the snowplow .

3 ِ‫صفح‬


‫شـــزح ســــــؤال‬


.‫هتي ستز را تخَاً٘ذ ٍ تِ سؤاالت تصَرت خَاستِ شذُ پاسخ دّ٘ذ‬ Mr. Smith looked at his watch . It was half past seven . He got out of bed quickly . Than he washed his face and put on his clothes . He was late again . He didn’t have time for breakfast . He ran quickly to the station . He got on the train . Mr. Smith never eats anything in the morning . He always says to his friends : “ It is nice to eat breakfast in the morning ; but it is nicer to stay in bed “. 1.What time did Mr. Smith get up ? 2.Why didn’t he eat breakfast ? 3.It was the first time he got up late . True


4. He went to the station …….. . A. on foot B. by taxi C. by bus D. by train


4 ِ‫صفح‬

‫ردٗف‬ 12

‫عب ٹ‬




‫چٹ‬٤٬‫اًپ ٿ‬ past participle

A arise ‫ثلؽبًتڂ‬ /'raz/

awake ‫ثيـاك ُـځ‬





awoke /'wk/


awoke,awaken /'wk/'wkn/

B be



bear ‫تغڀٺ ٳلؿځ‬- ‫ماييـځ‬ /ber/ beat /bi:t/













/ 'bi:tn/

become ‫ُـځ‬ /b'kΛm/

begin ‫ ٳلؿځ‬١‫ُلڅ‬ /b'gn/

bend‫ؽپ ُـځ‬-‫ؽپ ٳلؿځ‬

became /b'kem/

began /b'gæn/

become /b'kΛm/

begun /b'gΛn/






bleed ‫ؽچځ آٿـځ‬








blow ‫څميـځ‬ /bl/

break ‫ُٴٌتڂ‬ /brek/


broke /brk/

bring ‫آڅكؿځ‬





broken /brkn/

brought /br:t/




burn ‫ ًچماڃـځ‬-‫ًچؽتڂ‬ /brn/

burst ‫تلٳيـځ‬





















C cast ‫اڃـاؽتڂ‬





catch ‫تڂ‬٫‫ٷل‬





choose ‫اڃتؾبة ٳلؿځ‬ /t∫u:z/














cost ‫اكميـځ‬ /k:st/

cost /k:st/

cost /k:st/

creep ‫ػم يـځ‬













D deal ‫ًلڅٳبكؿاُتڂ‬ /di:l/ ‫بٿټڈ ٳلؿځ‬٤‫ٿ‬

dig ‫لٳلؿځ‬٬‫ع‬ /dg/

do ‫اڃزبٽ ؿاؿځ‬













draw ‫ٳِيـځ‬ /dr:/


dream‫ؽچاة ؿيـځ‬ /dri:m/

drink ‫ڃچُيـځ‬



drown /dr:n/





drank /dræŋk/





drunk /drΛŋk/





E eat ‫ؽچكؿځ‬ /i:t/





F fall ‫تبؿځ‬٫‫ا‬






feed ‫قاؿاؿځ‬٧ /fi:d/

feel ‫اعٌبى ٳلؿځ‬ /fi:l/





















fly ‫پلڅامٳلؿځ‬








forbid‫ ٳلؿځ‬٢‫ڂ يب ٿڄ‬٧‫ٯـ‬ /fr'bd/

forecast ‫پيَ ثيڄي ٳلؿځ‬







/f:rkæst/ ‫ ډچا‬٢ٗ‫څ‬

/f:rkæst/ d

/ f:rkæst/d

forget ‫لاٿچٍ ٳلؿځ‬٫



/ fr'get/

forgive ‫ثؾِيـځ‬ /fr'gv/

freeze ‫يؼ ثٌتڂ‬ /'fri:z/











G get ‫ثـًت آڅكؿځ‬ /get/ give ‫ؿاؿځ‬ /gv/




/gt/ 'gtn/





grow ‫ ُـځ‬,‫پلڅكٍ ؿاؿځ‬






H hang ‫آڅيؾتڂ‬




/hΛŋ/ hæŋd /

/hΛŋ/ hæŋd/

have ‫ؽچكؿځ‬-‫ؿاُتڂ‬






hear ‫ُڄيـځ‬










hide ‫پڄڊبځ ٳلؿځ‬ /had/







hurt ‫ٓـٿڈ مؿځ‬ /hrt/

keep ‫ ٳلؿځ‬ٞ٬‫ع‬


















know ‫ؿاڃٌتڂ‬






L lay



lead ‫ډـايت ٳلؿځ‬ /li:d/









learn ‫آٿچؽتڂ‬




/lrnt, lrnd/

/lrnt, lrnd/

leave ‫تلٱ ٳلؿځ‬
















lie ‫ؿكام ٳِيـځ‬



lend ‫ٯلٕ ؿاؿځ‬

‫اربمڇ ؿاؿځ‬



light ‫كڅُڂ ٳلؿځ‬ /lat/

lose ‫ام ؿًت ؿاؿځ‬ /lu:z/



lighted,lit /latd/ /lt/

lighted,lit /latd/lt/





M make ‫څاؿاك ٳلؿځ‬-‫ًبؽتڂ‬






mean ‫ٿٰٔچؿ ؿاٍتڂ‬-‫ڄي ؿاؿځ‬٤‫ٿ‬










meet ‫ٿالٯبت ٳلؿځ‬ /mi:t/

mistake ‫اُتجبڇ ٳلؿځ‬ /m'stek/

mistook /m'stk/

mistaken /m'stkn/

O overcome‫ټجڈ ٳلؿځ‬٧



/ֽ vr'kΛm/

oversleep ‫ؽچاة ٿبڃـځ‬ /ֽ

vr'sli:p /




overtook /ֽ

overthrow ‫ًلڃٸچځ ٳلؿځ‬ /ֽ



overtake ‫تڂ ام‬٫‫ًجٰت ٷل‬ /ֽ




overtaken /ֽ

overthrew /ֽ




overthrown /ֽ


P pay ‫پلؿاؽتڂ‬ /pe/









put ‫ٷقاُتڂ‬ /pt/

Q quit ‫ؿًت ٳِيـځ ام‬-‫كډب ٳلؿځ‬ /kwt/

quit,quitted /kwt/ kwtd/


quit,quitted /kwt /kwtd/

read ‫ؽچاڃـځ‬ /ri:d/ rid ‫ؽالّ ٳلؿځ‬-‫كډبٳلؿځ‬

read /red/

read /red/














ring ‫مڃٶ مؿځ‬ /r ŋ/

rise‫ثلؽبًتڂ‬ /raz/

run ‫ؿڅيـځ‬ /rΛn/







ran /ræn/

run /rΛn/

S say ‫تڂ‬٬‫ٷ‬ /se/

said /sed

said /sed/

see ‫ؿيـځ‬






seek ‫رٌتزچ ٳلؿځ‬





sell ‫لڅؽتڂ‬٫











set ‫لڅة ٳلؿځ‬٧-‫ٯلاكؿاؿځ‬






send ‫لًتبؿځ‬٫ /send/

shake ‫تٴبځ ؿاؿځ‬ /∫ek/

shook /∫k/

shaken /'∫ekn/

shine ‫څاٳي مؿځ‬-‫ؿكؽِيـځ‬




/∫n/ ∫and/

/∫n/ ∫and

shoot‫تيل اڃـاؽتڂ‬






show ‫ڃِبځ ؿاؿځ‬






shut ‫ثٌتڂ‬






sing ‫آڅام ؽچاڃـځ‬






sink ‫تڂ‬٫‫لڅ ك‬٫






sit ‫ڃٌِتڂ‬






sleep ‫ؽچاثيـځ‬






smell ‫ثچييـځ‬




speak‫ٓغجت ٳلؿځ‬





speed ‫ت كاڃـځ‬٣‫ثب ًل‬





spoken /'spkn/

sped,speeded /sped/spi:dd/

spend ‫ ٳلؿځ‬٩‫ٓل‬






stand ‫ايٌتبؿځ‬






steal ‫ؿمؿيـځ‬






stick ‫صٌجيـځ‬






strike‫آبثت ٳلؿځ‬-‫مؿځ‬






swear ‫ًچٷڄـ ؽچكؿځ‬





sweep‫ربكڅة ٳلؿځ‬











swim ‫ُڄب ٳلؿځ‬ /swm/

T take ‫تڂ‬٫‫ٷل‬





teach‫تـكيي ٳلؿځ‬-‫آٿچؽتڂ‬











think ‫ٴل ٳلؿځ‬٫






/tld/ thought /θ:t/

throw ‫اڃـاؽتڂ‬ /θr/

threw /θru:/

thrown /θrn/

U understan ‫ڊڀيـځ‬٫ /ֽΛndr'stænd/

Undertake ‫تڂ‬٫‫ڊـڇ ٷل‬٤‫ث‬ /ֽΛndr'tek/

upset ‫تڈ ٳلؿځ‬٬ُ‫آ‬-‫څاهٷچځ ٳلؿځ‬ /ֽΛp'set/

understood /ֽΛndr'std/

understood /ֽΛndr'std/





upset /ֽΛp'set/

upset /ֽΛp'set/

W wake ‫ثيـاك ٳلؿځ‬ /wek/



/w k/

/'w kn/

wear ‫پچُيـځ‬






weep ‫ٷليڈ ٳلؿځ‬ /wi:p/

win ‫ثلڃـڇ ُـځ‬-‫ثلؿځ‬










write ‫ڃچُتڂ‬






‫صاحب نظران ارجمند می توانند نظرات اصالحی خود را رد باره ایه ارث هب آردس زری بفرستند ‪:‬‬ ‫آٿٺ – ٓڄـڅ٭ پٌتي‬

‫‪46135 - 498‬‬

‫‪ : [email protected]‬ايڀيٺ‬ ‫‪/http://bestcds.blogfa.com‬‬

‫‪ :‬پبيٸبڇ ايڄتلڃتي‬

‫ډڀچ‪ٛ‬ڂ ٷلاٿي ‪ُ :‬ڀب ٳڈ صڈ ام ‪ٛ‬ليٮ ٳبٿپيچتل څ يب پليڄت ايڂ صڄـ‬ ‫ٓـ ٓ‪٬‬غڈ كا ٿالع‪٠‬ڈ ٿي ‪٫‬لٿبييـ ثـ ڃيٌت ٳڈ ثـاڃيـ رڊت تبٻي‪٪‬‬ ‫څ تـڅيڂ آځ ُت ډبڍ ميبؿڍ كا ثڈ ًغل كًبڃـڇ اٽ ‪ ,‬اٷل ايڂ ‪٫‬بيٺ‬ ‫‪( pdf‬ٳتبة اٻٴتلڅڃيٴي ) ث‪ٜ‬چك كايٸبځ ثـًت ُڀب كًيـڇ ثبُـ‬ ‫ؿك ٓچكت تڀبيٺ ثلاڍ عڀبيت څ تِچيٮ ٿچٻ‪ ٪‬ثلاڍ اًتڀلاك ٳبك‬ ‫عـاٯٺ ٿجټ‪ 1000 ٦‬تچٿبځ ثڈ ُڀبكڇ عٌبة ربكڍ‬

‫‪ 6405‬ثبڃٲ‬

‫ٿٌٴڂ ٿلٳنڍ آٿٺ څ يب عٌبة ٿٌٴڂ ٳبكت‬ ‫‪ 6280231205431264‬څ يب عٌبة ًيجب (ٿټي ٳبكت)‬ ‫‪ 6037991086834201‬ثڄبٽ آٯبڍ ‪٧‬الٿي څاكين ‪٫‬لٿبييـ‪ .‬څ يب ثب‬ ‫ڃيت عڀبيت ام ٿچٻ‪ ٪‬يٴي ام ًي ؿڍ ډبڍ ثٌيبك ٗلڅكڍ آٿچمٍ‬ ‫مثبځ اڃٸټيٌي ٳڈ ؿك اڅايٺ ٳتبة ٿ‪٤‬ل‪٫‬ي ُـڇ اڃـ كا ؽليـاكڍ‬ ‫‪٫‬لٿبييـ‪ .‬څ ثب ؽليـ ثيَ ام يٲ ًي ؿڍ ام تؾ‪٬‬ي‪ ٪‬څيوڇ ثل ؽچكؿاك‬ ‫ُچيـ‪.‬‬ ‫تڀبى ٿٌتٰيپ ‪:‬‬


‫ثب تِٴل‬

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