Across 3. To estimates resistance to weathering 4. produced by distillation of coal or wood 6. the major component for pavement construction 7. concrete pavement 8. source of binder 9. Process of breaking or grinding by mechanical means of rock, stone or recycled materials, for direct use or further processing.
Down 1. Test to determine the Binder Hardness 2. There are various aggregate characteristics which is important in pavement construction. The aggregates should have good strength, ------------------, good surface texture and shape, clean, have low water absorption, affinity towards bitumen and good grade. 5. To bind aggregates resulting to a stable firm and strong mix. 9. Liquid binder; Mixture of binder (50-80%) and petroleum solvent
Across 3. To estimates resistance to weathering soundness 4. produced by distillation of coal or wood tar 6. the major component for pavement construction aggregate 7. concrete pavement rigid 8. source of binder petroleum 9. process of breaking or grinding by mechanical means of rock, stone or recycled materials, for direct use or further processing. crushing
Down 1. test to determine the Binder Hardness penetration 2. There are various aggregate characteristics which is important in pavement construction. The aggregates should have good strength, ------------------, good surface texture and shape, clean, have low water absorption, affinity towards bitumen and good grade durable 5. to bind aggregates resulting to a stable firm and strong mix. binder 9. Liquid binder; Mixture of binder (50-80%) and petroleum solvent cutback