G.R. No. 132681. December 3, 2001 QUILALA V. ALCANTARA FACTS:
On February 20, 1981, Catalina Quilala executed a “Donation of Real Property nter !i"o#$ in fa"or of !ioleta Quilala o"er a parcel of land located in %ta& Cru', (anila, and re)i#tered in *er na+e under C -o& 1.21/ of t*e Re)i#ter of Deed# for (anila& The Do!"#$o! o% Re"& 'ro(er#) I!#er V$*o+ co!+$+#+ o% #-o ("e+. *e fir#t pa)e contain# t*e deed of donation it#elf, and i# #i)ned on t*e botto+ portion by Catalina Quilala a# donor, !ioleta Quilala a# donee, and to in#tru+ental itne##e#& The +eco!/ ("e co!#"$!+ #he Ac!o-&e/me!#, -h$ch +#"#e+ mere&) #h"# C"#"&$!" Q$&"&" (er+o!"& &) "((e"re/ be%ore #he !o#"r) (b&$c "!/ "c!o-&e /e/ #h"# #he /o!"#$o! -"+ her %ree "!/ *o&!#"r) "c# "!/ /ee/& *ere appear on t*e left*and +ar)in of t*e #econd pa)e t*e #i)nature# of Catalina Quilala and one of t*e itne##e#, and on t*e ri)*t*and +ar)in t*e #i)nature# of !ioleta Quilala and t*e ot*er itne##& *e deed of donation a# re)i#tered it* t*e Re)i#ter of Deed# and, in due cour#e, C -o& 1.21/ a# cancelled and C -o& 1/013 a# i##ued in t*e na+ e of !ioleta Qui lala& On -o"e+ber ., 198, Catalina Quilala died& !ioleta Quilala li4ei#e died on (ay 22, 198/& Petitioner Ric4y Quilala alle)e# t*at *e i# t*e #ur"i"in) #on of !ioleta Quilala& (ean*ile, re#pondent#, clai+in) to be Catalina5# only #ur"i"in) relati"e# it*in t*e fourt* ci"il de)ree of con#an)uinity, executed a deed of extra6udicial #ettle+ent of e#tate, di"idin) and ad6udicatin) unto t*e+#el"e# t*e abo"ede#cribed property& On %epte+ber 1, 198/, re#pondent# in#tituted a)ain#t petitioner an "c#$o! %or #he /ec&"r"#$o! o% !&&$#) o% #he /o!"#$o! inter vivos, "!/ %or #he c"!ce&&"#$o! o% TCT No. 1301 $! #he !"me o% V$o&e#" Q$&"&" & *e trial court found t*at t*e deed of donation , alt*ou)* #i)ned by bot* Catalina and !ioleta, a# ac4noled)ed before a notary public only by t*e donor, Catalina& Con#e7u ently, #here -"+ !o "cce(#"!ce b) V$o&e#" o% #he /o!"#$o! $! " (b&$c $!+#rme!#, #h+ re!/er$! #he /o!"#$o! !&& "!/ *o$/ & *e trial court rendered 6ud)+ent declarin) null and "oid t*e deed of donation of real property inter "i"o# executed by Catalina in fa"or of !ioleta& C affir+ed& %%:; <=- t*e deed of donat ion of real prope rty inter "i"o# of Catali na in fa"our of !iole ta i# not re)i#trable on t*e )round t*at !ioleta5# acceptance a# not +ade in a public in#tru+ent and *ence, t*e #aid donation i# not "alid >:?D; *e deed i# re)i#trable& *e donee5# acceptance of t*e donation a# explicitly +anife#ted in t*e penulti+ate para)rap* of t*e deed, *ic* read#;
That the DONEE hereby receives and accepts the gift and donation made in her favor by the DONOR and she hereby expresses her appreciation and gratefulness for the kindness and generosity of the DONOR. @elo t*e ter+# and #tipulation# of t*e donation, t*e donor, donee and t*eir itne##e# affixed t*eir #i)nature& >oe"er, t*e c4no led)+ent appearin) on t*e #econd pa)e +entioned only t*e donor, Catalina Quilala&
The (er#$!e!# (ro*$+$o! $+ Sec#$o! 112, ("r"r"(h 2 o% 're+$/e!#$"& Decree No. 124, -h$ch +#"#e+:
Deeds, conveyances, encumbrances, discharges, powers of attorney and other voluntary instruments, whether affecting registered or unregistered land, executed in accordance with law in the form of public instruments shall be registrable: Provided, that, every such instrument shall be signed by the person or persons executing the same in the presence of at least two witnesses who shall likewise sign thereon, and shall be acknowledged to be the free act and deed of the person or persons executing the same before a notary public or other public officer authorized by law to take acknowledgment. Where the instrument so acknowledged consists of two or more pages including the page whereon acknowl edgment is written, each page of the copy which is to be registered in the office of the egister of Deeds, or if registration is not contemplated, each page of the copy to be kept by the notary public, except the page where the signatures already appear at the foot of the instrument, shall be signed on the left margin thereof by the person or persons executing the instrument and their witnesses, and all the pages sealed with the notarial seal, and this fact as well as the number of pages shall be stated in the acknowledgment. Where the instrument acknowledged relates to a sale, transfer, mortgage or encumbrance of two or more parcels of land, the number thereof shall likewise be set forth in said acknowledgment.! # #tated abo"e, t*e #econd pa)e of t*e deed of donation, on *ic* t*e c4noled)+ent appear#, a# #i)ned by t*e donor and one itne## on t*e left*and +ar)in, and by t*e donee and t*e ot*er itne## on t*e ri)*t*and +ar)in& Sre&), #he re5$reme!# #h"# #he co!#r"c#$! ("r#$e+ "!/ #he$r -$#!e++e+ +ho&/ +$! o! #he &e%#h"!/ m"r$! o% #he $!+#rme!# $+ !o# "b+o&#e & *e intend+ent of t*e la +erely i# to en#ure t*at eac* and e"ery pa)e of t*e in#tru+ent i# aut*enticated by t*e partie#& *e re7uire+ent i# de#i)ned to a"oid t*e fal#ification of t*e contract after t*e #a+e *a# already been duly executed by t*e partie#& >ence, a contractin) party affixe# *i# #i)nature on eac* pa)e of t*e in#tru+ent to certify t*at *e i# a)reein) to e"eryt*in) t*at i# ritten t*ereon at t*e ti+e of #i)nin)& %i+ply put, t*e #pecification of t*e location of t*e #i)nature i# +erely directory& The %"c# #h"# o!e o% #he ("r#$e+ +$!+ o! #he -ro! +$/e o% #he ("e, #h"# /oe+ !o# $!*"&$/"#e #he /ocme!#. *e purpo#e of aut*enticatin) t*e pa)e i# #er"ed, and t*e re7uire+ent in t*e abo"e7uoted pro"i#ion i# dee+ed #ub#tantially co+plied it*& I! #he +"me *e$!, #he &"c o% "! "c!o-&e/me!# b) #he /o!ee be%ore #he !o#"r) (b&$c /oe+ !o# "&+o re!/er #he /o!"#$o! !&& "!/ *o$/& *e in#tru+ent #*ould be treated in it# entirety& t cannot be con#idered a pri"ate docu+ent in part and a public docu+ent in anot*er part& *e fact t*at it a# ac4noled)ed before a notary public con"ert# t*e deed of donation in it# entirety a public in#tru+ent& The %"c# #h"# #he /o!ee -"+ !o# me!#$o!e/ b) #he !o#"r) (b&$c $! #he "c!o-&e/me!# $+ o% !o mome!#. o be #ure, it i# t*e con"eyance t*at #*ould be ac4noled)ed a# a free and "oluntary act& n any e"ent, t*e donee #i)ned on t*e #econd pa)e, *ic* contain# t*e c4noled)+ent only& 7er "cce(#"!ce, -h$ch $+ e(&$c$#&) +e# %or#h o! #he %$r+# ("e o% #he !o#"r$9e/ /ee/ o% /o!"#$o!, -"+ m"/e $! " (b&$c $!+#rme!#.