Quantum Pause

  • April 2020
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The written interview with James http://www.projectcamelot.org/james_wingmakers_sovereign_integral.html Question 6 from Project Camelot: Please address how people can best prepare for the coming changes, regardless of where they are on the spectrum of awareness at this time. Our view is that although there are preparations that can be made in the physical reality, a safe place is only a reflection of the consciousness of those who are gathered there and no one location may necessarily be better than anywhere else (depending on the path each has chosen for experiencing these times). Answer 6 from James: This is a complex question to answer because it truly depends on the individual, but the universal support system for each of us is our breath. It is the breath that connects us to our point of origin, and when I use that term I don’t mean birth in the physical – this life or any other. I am referring to the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness that is our pure state of being. Breath is the way in which the human instrument connects to this origin point anywhere in spacetime. Breath is the portal between the physical dimension and the quantum or interdimensional domains, but it is not the normal, autonomic breathing, rather it is a very specific breathing pattern that we call Quantum Pause. Quantum Pause is a simple, four-stage process beginning with an inbreath of anywhere between three and six counts, depending on your lung capacity, posture, and degree of privacy. After you have gathered in your breath, breathing through your nose, you hold it (pause) for an equal count, and then exhale through your mouth, again, for the same count, and then hold (pause) for the same count. The breath pattern is described below using an example of a four count. The key is to maintain symmetry in each of the four segments of the process. If you are using a three count, apply it equally in each segment. It is not essential that you monitor this with precision, instead, apply a casual monitoring of your time for each segment and keep a consistency to the flow.

One cycle is described above, and it is recommended to do three to four cycles in a row and then return to normal breathing. This “normal” breathing period is called the Consolidation period. Keep your eyes closed throughout the process and sit with your back straight in a comfortable position, both feet on the ground. When you begin your consolidation period, it is a time for you to bring focus and all of your attention to those things that bubble to the surface of your consciousness, knowing that these arise for a reason. This is an excellent time to apply the Six Heart Virtues (appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding) to any thought or feeling that manifests. This consolidation period usually lasts about three to five minutes, but there are no set time limits. Use your intuition to guide this period of time. Generally, each repetition of the consolidation, and usually there are four or five, becomes less crowded with thoughts or feelings, and by the time you enter the final consolidation period you have emptied yourself of thoughts and feelings and entered the quantum domain. The diagram below depicts a typical session of Quantum Pause. Notice there are three cycles of the breath and then a consolidation period in this particular example. This repeats four times. You can have as many as five cycles of breath interspersed with consolidation periods, again, symmetry is important.

The application of Quantum Pause may seem an unlikely way to deactivate the Suppression Framework of the Sovereign Integral and more effectively handle the transition stage we are in, but I would encourage you to try it for three weeks and see what results you achieve. Only through your own experience can you judge the merit of Quantum Pause. If, after three weeks of daily practice, you experience a new clarity and connection to your origin point, then you will be motivated to continue, and in this decision you have established your new First Point upon which unconditional oneness, equality and truthfulness can stand. There are many nuances to the Quantum Pause technique, and I would encourage you to discover them on your own, in your own way. This is but a basic technique that I have shared with you, but there are subtleties to this technique that are powerful enhancements and these will occur to you while you’re in the process of using the technique, so remain open while you practice it. Some quick suggestions to get you started. The quantum pause immediately after the out-breath can provide a subtle sense of panic for some people. If this occurs, shorten your count so you have less time elapse for each segment. For example, if you were using a four count cycle, shorten it to three. This feeling of panic will go away as you practice the technique. These “hitches” or quantum pauses have a purpose that you will come to understand. I would also suggest that you focus your attention on your breath – its sound, its texture, how it feels inside your lungs, how your lips form in the out-breath, how it flows through your system, etc. This focus aligns you with First Point or the origin point of your Sovereign Integral because it is

the breath that is the Portal of the infinite and eternal being that you truly are, and it is through this portal that it is manifesting in physicality. When using Quantum Pause, there is a natural tendency to look for the experience of Light or to see new dimensions, speak with Beings or even God, or have a “wow” experience that really confirms that you’re on the right path. The practice of Quantum Pause will bring you new experiences and awareness, but leave your expectations behind. Again, human beings love visual stimuli. They love to see higher dimensions as if seeing is believing. But all that is in the quantum spacetime does not conform to the Human Mind System. Quantum is origin. It is meta-physical, which precedes visual, acoustic, and sensory data. It precedes feelings and thoughts. It exists before these stimuli and is indeed hidden behind them to some extent. The “wow” experience may manifest in a form that your HMS cannot interpret or translate into images, words, feelings, and thoughts. Therefore, do your best to eliminate expectations of an experiential nature and simply follow your breath. The moment that the Sovereign Integral reaches into your HMS and announces its presence, you will never forget, nor will you mistake it for anything other than what it is. And when that time comes, you might be brushing your teeth, writing an email, or resting on the couch. It happens in its own time. In addition to the practice of Quantum Pause, I would suggest that you consider new paradigms for your way of life. For example, I have disclosed the Six Heart Virtues (a free PDF download) in some detail on the EventTemples.org website. This practical orientation helps you move through life with greater harmony. You might also find value in the practice of the Quantum Moment. The Quantum Moment is dissecting your day into passages of time. In other words, “moments”, in this definition, are passages of time or events. For example, let’s say you get out of bed in the morning; you are now starting a new passage or quantum moment. Before you move into the new passage, you practice an abbreviated Quantum Pause – one or two breath cycles: in-breath, quantum pause, out-breath, quantum pause. This re-establishes your First Point, grounding your physical-based human instrument in the quantum domain. As you go through the passage of waking up, washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc. you are stepping through passages of time. The Quantum Moment, as its First Point, perceives that the individual is sovereign and infinite and exists here. Right here. It is not flying about on the soul planes; it is not hidden in the robes of a God or Master; it is not separate from your human instrument; and it does not avoid the human

condition. It is, and always will be, right here. As previously said, the quantum moment is a passage of time that feels like a portal is stepped through and you enter a portal of experience different than the previous passage. They can be simple like walking from your car to your workstation at the office – that’s a moment – and the next moment the phone rings and you transition to the new moment of talking with someone. Your entire life is a series of moments or passages of time, and in each passage you are accompanied by your infinite Self that is seeking one thing on this Earth: Self-realization of itself within the human instrument. In our world, information and knowledge is dispensed like fire hydrants uncapped, expulsing in every direction. Everyone is telling you the way to truth is this way or that way, and the “way” leads into separation and therefore deception. While you are in the Quantum Moment, you see the fork in the road is always one of two ways: truth or dishonesty. Truth is the breath of life issuing from the Sovereign Integral. Dishonesty is the Human Mind System parroting the knowledge and information that is ricocheting in every corner of our lives via cell phones, television, books, seminars, movies, podcast, e-papers, websites, newspapers, and human relations. To realize the Self as the Sovereign Integral here, and express this consciousness while in the human instrument, requires that you focus the Six Heart Virtues within your local universe – the passages of your life in which you physically move – and apply them ceaselessly. The key to realization is a direct, sober, truthful assessment of your behaviors and applying the Six Heart Virtues to those behaviors that have become expressions of your self-deception and dishonesty. The Quantum Moment helps you to be present in the moment and to see your Self as the observer, not passing judgment on others or yourself, but retaining the sober assessment of the Sovereign Integral and applying forgiveness and understanding to the passage in which you most recently entered throughout your life. It becomes a way of life.

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