Quantum Confinement Effects In Strained Silicon Mosfets

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  • Pages: 8
International Journal of Nanoscience © World Scientific Publishing Company

Vol.7, pp.81 - 84, April & June 2008.

QUANTUM CONFINEMENT EFFECTS IN STRAINED SILICON MOSFETS M. JAGADESH KUMAR† Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110 016, India TARUN VIR SINGH Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110 016, India Received (Day Month Year) Revised (Day Month Year) In this paper, we have examined the effect of quantum confinement of carriers on the threshold voltage of strained-silicon (s-Si) nanoscale Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs). Using results from quantum theory and two-dimensional simulation, we show that strain-induced threshold voltage roll-off in s-Si nanoscale MOSFETs can be overcome by decreasing s-Si layer thickness. Based on our simulation study, we provide an optimization between threshold voltage, strain and s-Si layer thickness. Keywords: Strained-silicon; Quantum confinement; MOSFET, Threshold voltage.



Strained-silicon Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) are gaining popularity due to enhanced mobility and high field velocity1-3. Strained-silicon on insulator (SSOI) MOSFETs combine the carrier transport advantages of s-Si with reduced parasitic capacitance and increased scalability of SOI MOSFETs4,5. A major concern with s-Si MOSFETs is the decrease in the threshold voltage as strain increases6-8 due to the decrease in the bandgap of s-Si with strain9. In this paper, we show that this effect can be reversed by decreasing the thickness of the s-Si layer, which increases the effective bandgap due to quantum confinement. Although quantum confinement effects are well known10, to the best of our knowledge its impact on optimizing the threshold voltage of s-Si MOSFETs has not been studied so far. Using two-dimensional simulation, we demonstrate in this study that the decrease in the threshold voltage of s-Si MOSFETs with strain can be minimized by

Author for correspondence – M. Jagadesh Kumar (email: [email protected]).



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reducing the s-Si layer thickness. We show that the threshold voltage can be optimized by choosing different combinations of strain and s-Si layer thickness. SiO2 s-Si SiGe

q=2 q=1

EC E’g

Eg EV q=1 q=2

ΔEg= E’g- Eg

Fig. 1. Cross-sectional view of the strained-Si on SGOI MOSFET and its energy band diagram along the middle of the device in the Y-direction.


Quantum Confinement Effects

The s-Si SOI MOSFET structure used in the present study and its associated energy band diagram in the middle of the channel are shown in Fig.1. The s-Si layer forms a quantum well between the two potential barriers formed by the gate oxide and the SiGe layer. The confinement of electrons into a very thin region increases the energy gap between allowed energy levels. The first energy level in the conduction band is above EC, while the first energy level in the valence band is below EV. This leads to an increase in the energy bandgap10. The increase in the bandgap for s-Si can be modeled as: η2π 2 (1) ΔE g = 2mr t s2− Si 1 1 1 where = + m r me m h me and mh are the effective masses of the electron and hole respectively, ts-Si is the s-Si layer thickness. Using η = h(2π ) −1 and substituting h=6.63×10-34 J.s in Eq. (1), we get 75 meV (2) ΔE g = mrr t s2− Si where

mrr =

mr m0

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and m0 is the mass of electron in free space. Strain-induced decrease in the bandgap of silicon is given by9: (3) ΔE g = −0.4 x Where x is the mole fraction of Ge in SiGe. Hence, the overall change in the bandgap of strained silicon is given by Table 1: Device parameters used in the simulation Parameter Ge mole fraction of SiGe substrate, x Strained-Silicon film thickness, ts-Si Channel Length, L Source/Drain doping, ND Doping in SiGe layers, NA Doping in s-Si layer, NA Drain bias, VDS Gate Oxide Thickness, t ox Work function of gate material,


Value 0 – 0.4 (0 – 40%) 2-7 nm 50 nm, 100 nm 1019 cm-3 1016 cm-3 1016 cm-3 50 mV 2.0 nm 4.8 eV

⎞ ⎛ 0.075 ΔE g = ⎜⎜ − 0.4 x ⎟⎟eV 2 ⎠ ⎝ mrr t s − Si


Thus, bandgap increases with decreasing ts-Si and decreases with increasing strain. These two opposing effects can be used to optimize the threshold voltage of s-Si MOSFETs, since the threshold voltage is positively related to the bandgap Eg. 3.

Results and Discussion

To verify the above theoretical predictions, the 2-D device simulator ATLAS11 was used to simulate the structure shown in Fig.1. The parameters used in our simulation are given in Table 1. To incorporate the effects of quantum confinement, we have used the selfconsistent coupled Schrödinger-Poisson model12 in which the Schrödinger and Poisson’s equations are solved alternately. Once the Schrödinger equation is solved, the calculated carrier concentration is substituted into the charge part of Poisson’s equation. The potential derived from the solution of the Poisson’s equation is substituted back into Schrödinger equation. This solution process (alternating between Schrödinger and Poisson equations) continues until convergence and a self-consistent solution to both equations is reached. The electron concentration calculated using the above process is shown in Fig. 2 along the Y-direction in the middle of the device. We notice that the inversion layer charge is confined to the s-Si layer. To estimate the threshold voltage, we have used the electron concentration profile along the X-direction plotted at the peak of electron concentration shown in Fig. 2. Threshold voltage is defined as the value of gate voltage at which the minimum of this concentration profile becomes equal to the background doping concentration NA forming a conducting path.


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Fig.3 shows the electron concentration profile from source to drain in the centre of s-Si layer along X-direction, for s-Si layer thicknesses of 2 nm and 7 nm with a Ge mole fraction x = 0.4. The lower electron concentration in the 2 nm s-Si layer device is due to its higher bandgap caused by quantum confinement effects. This device therefore requires a higher gate voltage for increasing its carrier concentration to a value high enough for conduction to take place, thereby increasing its threshold voltage. Therefore a

Electron Concentration (cm-3)



s-Si ts-Si = 5 nm


L = 100 nm VDS = 50 mV VGS = 0.28 V x = 0.2

1015 1014 1013 1012










Distance (nm) Fig. 2. Electron concentration profile along the middle of the device in the Y-direction.

1020 Electron Concentration (cm-3)



L = 100 nm VDS = 50 mV VGS = 0.2 V x = 0.4




ts-Si = 7 nm 1017 1016 1015

ts-Si = 2 nm



1013 0









Position along the Channel (nm)



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Threshold Voltage (volts)

Fig. 3. Electron concentration profile along the middle of the strained-Silicon layer in the X-direction.

0.5 x=0

L = 100nm L = 50nm VDS = 50 mV

0.4 x = 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1

x = 0.4

0 2


4 5 6 s-Si Layer Thickness (nm)


Fig. 4. Variation of the threshold voltage with strained-Si film thicknesses for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film).

reduction in the threshold voltage due to increased Ge mole fraction can be compensated by decreasing the s-Si layer thickness. Fig.4 shows the variation in the threshold voltage of the device as a function of s-Si layer thickness for various values of strain (Ge mole fraction in SiGe) and for two different channel lengths. The threshold voltage increases as ts-Si decreases as indicated by equation (4) for the strained-silicon MOSFET. We notice from Fig. 4 that even for the largest Ge mole fraction (x = 0.4), s-Si MOSFETs with reasonable threshold voltages can be realized if the thickness of the s-Si layer is reduced to 2 nm. This becomes even more important for lower channel lengths (e.g. 50 nm) as indicated in the Fig. 4 where the threshold voltage enhancement is more than 100 % for x = 0.4. However it may be pointed out that when the strained silicon film thickness is reduced below 5 nm, the inversion layer electron mobility does come down. However, recently it has been shown that in spite of this fall in mobility, strained silicon MOSFETs with body thickness below 5 nm do have a significantly larger mobility than the ultrathin body SOI MOSFETs13. Fig.5 shows the variation in the threshold voltage of the device as a function of strain for various values of s-Si layer thickness and channel length. The threshold voltage decreases linearly as strain increases. Threshold voltage roll-off can also be observed as channel length decreases from 100 nm to 50 nm. Threshold voltage roll-off with increasing strain and decreasing channel length can both be overcome by decreasing ts-Si. For two different channel lengths, Fig. 6 shows the various combinations of Ge mole fraction x and s-Si film thickness ts-Si that results in a particular constant threshold


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voltage. We can, therefore, clearly see that the benefits of strained strained-silicon using higher Ge mole fraction can still be retained while keeping the threshold voltage reasonably large if the strained-silicon film thickness is reduced to values below 3 nm.

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Threshold Voltage (volts)

0.6 L = 100nm L = 50nm VDS = 50 mV

0.5 ts-Si = 2 nm

0.4 0.3

ts-Si = 4 nm

0.2 0.1

ts-Si = 7 nm 0



0.15 0.2 0.25 Strain (%Ge)




Fig. 5. Variation of the threshold voltage with strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film) for different strained-Si film thicknesses.

Strain (%Ge)

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15

L = 100 nm L = 50 nm VDS = 50 mV

VT = 0.25

0.1 0.05 0


VT = 0.35 3 5 4 s-Si Layer Thickness (nm)



Fig. 6. The relation between strain x and strained-Si film thickness ts-Si for constant threshold voltages.


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In this work, we have examined the effect of s-Si layer thickness on the threshold voltage of strained-silicon MOSFETs using simulation. We have shown that by reducing the s-Si layer thickness to the quantum mechanical regime, the effective bandgap of s-Si can be increased counter balancing the reduction in threshold voltage due to increased strain. This, therefore, permits the designer to realize nanoscale strained-silicon MOSFETs with good gate control while allowing a higher Ge mole fraction for increased strain and hence a better device performance.

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