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  • Words: 759
  • Pages: 8
Quality of the Different Brands of Sanitary Napkins Used by GJC Senior High School Female Students

A Research Presented to the Senior High School Department Gerona Junior College, Gerona Tarlac, 1st Semester, SY 2017-18

Research Proposal of the Requirement in Practical Research 2

Amuelle Joyce C. Aguilar


Gerona Junior College Gerona,Tarlac


This research proposal entitled “QUALITY OF THE DIFFERENT BRANDS OF SANITARY NAPKINS USED BY GJC SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL FEMALE STUDENTS” prepared and submitted by Amuelle Joyce C. Aguilar has been approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 2.

ANNABELLE A. LACBAYAN. Ed.D. Research Instructor

Acknowledgement First of all, the researcher wants to thank God for giving her the knowledge and wisdom in doing this research. He guides her in everything she does and she is more than thankful to have Him. She also wants to thank her family for supporting her no matter what. They are her strength and hope in times of trouble. She is very blessed to have them, especially her brother who always annoy her every single time. The researcher also wants to thank Senior High School female students for their cooperation in this study. They are brave enough to share their experiences in this issue where some people consider this act as taboo. This study will never be complete without them. And lastly, she also wants to thank her beautiful teacher, Ma’am Annabelle Lacbayan for she can never finish this study without her help.

Table of Contents Chapter 1. The Problem and its Settings Background/Introduction


Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study


Scope and Delimitation


Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature and Studies Introduction of RORL


Related Literature Foreign




Related Studies Foreign




Conclusion of RORL




Conceptual Framework


Operational Definition of Terms_______________________________________________23-24 Chapter 3. Research Methodology Research Design


Population Sample


Research Instrument _________________________________________________26 Local of the Study


Data Gathering Procedure


Statistical Treatment _________________________________________________26

CHAPTER 1 The Problem and its setting


Sanitary napkins are used by women during their menstruation. It is a pad used to absorb blood discharging from the vagina. It is also called sanitary towel, sanitary pad, menstrual pad or pad. After using it, sanitary napkins are thrown away and not meant to be kept.

Menstruation is the regular flow of blood and mucous membrane from the endometrium through the vagina. It is also called monthly period. This process is just natural to girls. It is not considered as disorder or symptoms of disease. This process is necessary in the female body to eliminate excess iron, reduces blood pressure and flushes bacteria out of the reproductive system, serving as a form of shield from Sexually Transmitted Diseases and infertility.

In the earlier ages, women used rag or folded cloth to absorb their menstrual flow. Disposable menstrual pads were first used to stop the wounded soldiers from bleeding until they were developed to sanitary napkins we had today. Modern sanitary napkins are easier and more comfortable to use compared to rags and folded cloth. But comfortability always comes with a price.

The main problems of girls during their menstrual period was itchiness and having leaks. Girls are already suffering from menstrual cramps, and now they have to suffer these? The two were results from using modern sanitary napkins. The researcher wants to know which brand of napkin is better in avoiding these two specific problems.

The researcher wants to help the girls to choose the perfect brand of napkin that would support their needs. She understands their pain and suffering and she wants to give aid to them as much as she can. Knowing the brand that outstand the other brands might just save the girls who always experience discomfort during their menstrual period.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher aims to find out the quality of the different brands of sanitary napkins used by GJC Senior High School female students. Specifically, it aims to know the answers to the following questions.

1. What are the different brands of sanitary napkins used by GJC Senior High School students? 2. How often do they experience leaks using that certain brand of sanitary napkin? 3. Do they feel itchy using that certain brand of sanitary napkin? 4. Is there a difference in the quality of the different brands of sanitary napkin?


There is no difference in the qualities of the different brands of sanitary napkins used by GJC Senior High School female students.




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