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CHAPTER 1 The Problem and its Setting

Introduction Papaya Leaf Juice is a herbal juice made from Papaya leaf, water, brown sugar and calamansi. It is different from commercial juices that are stored in tanks and mixed with different chemicals and unhealthy substances. A common tropical fruit, Papaya was reputedly called the “fruit of the angels” by Christopher Columbus. It is native to tropical America but now grows in other tropical countries like the Philippines. Papaya (asimina triloba of the family Annona Ceae) has purplish flowers and edible yellow fruit. (The Knew Knowledge Book, p. 317) Papaya which has the botanical name Carica Papaya is sometimes called papaw or melon tree. This tree grows to about 20 feet high, and produces fruits that are edible and delicious and have their own medical value. However many people do not realize that the leaves of the papaya plant are also used as a very effective herbal remedy. Papaya leaf can be used for many different skin conditions, ranging from infected cuts to removing freckles, and the tea can be used to treat gastric upset and excess water retention. ( Papaya leaves contain over 50 ingredients, including vitamins ( A, B1, C and E) calcium, protein, carbohydrates, calories, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, m agnesium, manganese and water. The phytonutrient compounds in papaya leaves, according to many research studies act as a strong anti-oxidant to boost immune system


in the blood stream. Papain alkaloid and phenolic are what gives the leaf its positive effects. (Shaun D’Mello, 2016) A lot of studies show a whole host of health benefits include reduce heart burn, aid in cancer treatment, reduce symptoms of dengue, relief for skin ailments, useful for diabetic patients. Papaya leaves are not really known as an edible portion of the whole plant, with proper preparation and cooking people can greatly take advantage of its health benefit. (Shaun D’Mello, 2016) Young papaya leaves are eaten like a vegetable in some cuisines but eating a raw papaya leaf is not ideal for most people. (Roizman, 2017) Some found this disgusting and missed the opportunity to get nutrients from the leaf because they can’t stand the taste. That’s when papaya leaf tea and juice is invented. Papaya leaf tea showed promise in treating a variety of human cancers in vitro including cervical, breast, lung and pancreatic cancers. Scientists posit that the anticancer effects of papaya leaf tea may be due to the stimulation of immune cells that kill cancer cells. (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2010) Papaya leaf tea demonstrated no toxicity on human cells, potentially making it a safe, natural treatment for many forms of cancer. (Dang, 2010) The researchers want to know if the young people now a days approved of herbal juice like Papaya Leaf Juice. Since different kinds of unhealthy processed drinks are now available in the market and their popularity is spreading quickly, the researchers want to introduce healthy herbal juice to the students.


Statement of the Problem This study aspired to develop and validate the perception of JHS and SHS in Papaya Leaf Extract and its potential as juice drink. Specifically, the researchers aim to know the answers to the following questions: 1. How did the students describe the Papaya Leaf Juice in terms of: a. smell b. taste c. appearance 2. What is the overall assessment of the respondents about Papaya Leaf Juice?

Significance of the Study The researchers decided to gather information regarding the perception of JHS and SHS in Papaya leaf extract and its potential as juice drink. The following are benefited from the study: Young people. This will help them in choosing more healthy drink beverage. Parents. This study will convince them to make herbal juice for their children rather than buy processed unhealthy juice for their kids. Adults. This study will convince them to drink herbal juice. If the young people need nutrition, and so are they. Entrepreneurship. This study could show that people approve of Papaya Leaf Juice and some could make this juice a source of income. Other Researchers. This may serve as basis for research works similar to this study.


Scope and Delimitation This study measured the perception of JHS and SHS in Papaya leaf extract and its potential as juice drink. It focused on the taste, smell, appearance and overall assessment. It also tackled the comparison between herbal juice and commercial juice; and the nutrients people can get from Papaya leaves. The study was held at Gerona Junior College, and the respondents were the GJC JHS and SHS students. 1 section was selected in every year level. The researchers had 156 respondents. The study started on the second semester of school year 2017-2018 at Gerona Junior College. The researchers used rating scales to gather information.


CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies The researchers’ study is all about the perception of JHS and SHS in Papaya leaf extract and its potential as juice drink. The following literatures show the comparison between commercial juice and herbal juice, nutrients that people can get from Papaya leaf, illnesses that these leaves could prevent and the steps in making Papaya leaf tea. There are many debates regarding which juice is better: Herbal juice or processed juice? Some people want herbal juice for the nutrients, some people want processed juice because it is already made and will save them the hassle in making one. Although Commercial juice is undoubtedly unhealthy for the human body. One of the reasons why people should avoid commercial juices is because they contain Fructose. Fructose is metabolized by the liver and cannot be used for energy by your body’s cells. It is a toxin that overworks the liver and cause gout, kidney stones and precipitate or aggravate hypertension. (, 2015) Processed juice is kept in aseptic storage, which involves deaeration, a process of stripping the juice of oxygen so it doesn’t oxidize in the million gallon tanks in which it can be kept for upwards of a year. (Hamilton, 2009) The taste is not from the fruits anymore but from the chemicals. (Michaelis, 2011) The industry uses “flavor packs” to re-flavor the juice. (Mercola, 2011) Fresh juice contains more vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional compounds like enzymes and flavonoids than the canned or bottled options people find in grocery stores. Store-bought juices also often have added sugar — an ingredient the World Health Organizations says people should be reducing. (Murray, 2013)


Herbal juice and tea are much healthier than the processed ones. One of the examples of these herbal juice and tea is papaya leaf tea. From its name, papaya leaf juice/tea is a drink extracted from the leaves of the papaya. (StyleCraze,2017) Papaya leaf tea might prove effective as a cancer preventative and treatment. (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2010) In addition, trials are underway which study the use of papaya leaf extract with those undergoing chemotherapy in order to enhance the cancer fighting properties. (, 2015) Not just cancer, but Papaya leaf is also good in treating digestion problems. Research studies found that the phytonutrient compound in papaya leaves act in synergy to display a strong antioxidant and immune enhancing impact in the bloodstream. (Nair, 2015) The enzyme papain in papaya leaves assists in the digestion of proteins and is useful for treating gastrointestinal disorders. Papaya leaf tea can alleviate heartburn discomfort and is an appetite stimulant. (The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body, 2007) Papaya leaves contain the super enzymes papain and chymopapain, which help digest proteins, wheat, fat and carbohydrates and speed up metabolism. (Herbal Papaya, 2017) Papaya leaf juice works wonders to ease the menstrual flow and reduce the pain. Drinking this juice also brings down PMS symptoms. (Sengupta, 2017) The alternative tea for menstrual cramps was tested effective and feasible and can be a possible substitute to that of the commercial tea. (Soriano, 2011) For girls who want to reduce their sufferings during their periods need to drink Papaya leaf tea or juice at home. The steps are easy and simple. (, 2017)


A study also concluded that the combination of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)’s gel, Cucumber (Cucumissativus) and Papaya (Carica papaya) be a potential pimple or acne remover. (Lopez, et al) Because of the health benefits people can get from Papaya leaf, different products are made out of it. One of this is Swanson Papaya Leaf Full Spectrum, 400mg. It contains 60 capsules. It is traditional support for healthy digestion. (, 2017) Another product is Organic Power Herbs Papaya Leaf Veggie Capsules Bottle of 100 that costs 895 pesos. It is good for Liver Cancer, Tumor, Leukemia, Myoma, Dengue, High Blood, Bad Breath, UTI, Fats and Cholesterol. ( Platboost Papaya Leaf Extract Tablets is also available in the market. (, 2016) and Papaya Enzyme Plus Chewable Tablets are healthy products that give many benefits to their consumers. Even if Papaya leaf gave so many benefits, it is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women to take this as the constituents may be too strong for the developing baby. (, 2015) Some people also show allergic reactions to papain dust contained in the Papaya leaf. (Ugeskrift for Laeger, 2008) Foreign What is all the fuss about Fresh Homemade Fruit Juice and Commercial Fruits Juices? Fresh Homemade Fruit Juices do not need any introduction because the word “fresh homemade” explains it all. Fancy nutrition label on Commercial Fruit Juices are there for two reasons. The first reason is for informational purpose and second for


promoting and marketing. Although many materials (plastic, carton etc…) are labeled to be biodegradable, believe it or not, there is always a very small amount of chemical that goes into the manufactured juice. What happens during transportation from the manufacturers to the supermarkets? Are the bottled and carton juices being transported safely and are they stored at the right temperature during transport? One of the reasons why people should avoid commercial juices is because they contain Fructose. Fructose is metabolized by the liver and cannot be used for energy by your body’s cells. It is a toxin that overworks the liver and increases uric acid production, which can cause gout, kidney stones and precipitate or aggravate hypertension. (, 2015) Some companies told consumers that their products are made from fresh fruits, so they are healthy and safe to drink. Guess what, they are lying and deceiving people. Processed juice is kept in aseptic storage, which involves deaeration, a process of stripping the juice of oxygen so it doesn’t oxidize in the million gallon tanks in which it can be kept for upwards of a year. When oxygen is removed in the juice, the flavorproviding substances is also removed. Juice companies therefore hire flavor and fragrance companies, the same ones that formulate perfumes for Dior and Calvin Klein, to engineer flavor packs to add back to the juice to make it taste fresh. (Hamilton, 2009) The juice sold in the store that has a 100% fresh juice and not made from concentrate written in its carton is none of those things. The taste is not from the fruits anymore but from the chemicals. The flavor packs are made from orange by-products — even though these ‘by-products’ are so chemically manipulated that they hardly qualify as ‘by-products’ any more. (Michaelis, 2011)


Like in the article above, the next article also stated the same thing. Which goes to prove that there are many witnesses that could tell that processed juice is not made from fresh fruits. For industrially-produced orange juice, after the oranges are squeezed, the juice is stored in giant holding tanks and the oxygen is removed from them, which allows the liquid to keep for up to a year without spoiling. As this makes the juice completely flavorless, the industry uses “flavor packs” to re-flavor the juice. That’s the reason why processed juices of the same brand taste the same in whether you go to a cold or hot place, whether you drink it in the morning or the next day after you buy it. The flavor is consistent. Generally speaking, whenever you buy a beverage that consistently tastes the same, you can be sure it's made using a patented recipe. And that recipe includes added flavors that may or may not fit the definition of natural. (Mercola, 2011) Homemade juice is not just about the freshness, most importantly, it’s about the nutrients people can get from it. And it’s about the different illnesses and problems that it could solve. For people who are having digestion problems, drinking fresh juice may help. Since juice is easier for the bodies to digest than whole fruits, human bodies are more likely to get the nutrients they need for easy defecation. Homemade juice does not only help in digestion, but it also helps in saving energy. The bodies use energy to convert the foods we eat into liquids to be absorbed. When a person drinks juice, the body is essentially skipping this step and saving energy. Fresh juice contains more vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional compounds like enzymes and flavonoids than the canned or bottled options people find in grocery stores. Store-bought juices also often have added 9

sugar — an ingredient the World Health Organizations says people should be reducing. Fresh fruits also contain glutathione, a small protein composed of three amino acids, which aid our bodies in the detoxification of things like lead and pesticides. Most processed fruit juices, however, do not contain this protein. (Murray, 2013) Many people know that drinking processed juice is not healthy to their bodies but they can’t help but drink it. This is because some people want their drinks to be flavored and their tongues crave for different taste other than the plain flavor of a plain water. No problem! Everyone is free to make their own juice and tea using the edible things in our nature. Herbal juice and tea are much healthier than the processed ones. One of these examples is papaya leaf tea. From its name, papaya leaf juice/tea is a drink extracted from the leaves of the papaya. Recently, papaya leaf juice known because of its medicinal properties, and can cure epidemic diseases like dengue and cancer. (StyleCraze,2017) Papaya leaf tea might prove effective as a cancer preventative and treatment. In the tissue culture study, papaya leaf tea reduced inflammation and activated immune system toxic effects toward cancer cells, inhibited tumor cell growth and stimulated genes that modulate the immune system's anti-tumor effects. The researchers concluded that the results of their preliminary study indicate the immune-modulating properties of papaya leaf tea may prove to useful in treatment and prevention of diseases, including cancer, allergies and as a component in some vaccines. (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2010)


Clinical trials have given light to the abilities papaya leaf tea has in reducing the risk of certain cancers. This is because components in the papaya leaf can help inhibit the cellular growth of tumors, and may actually cut off the blood supply to these types of cells. Evidence has shown that the juice from the leaf prevents abnormal cell growth and can interfere with the growth of tumors. In addition, trials are underway which study the use of papaya leaf extract with those undergoing chemotherapy in order to enhance the cancer fighting properties. This is wonderful news for those looking for alternative solutions for these troublesome illnesses. (, 2015) Not just cancer, but Papaya leaf is also good in treating digestion problems. Research studies found that the phytonutrient compound in papaya leaves act in synergy to display a strong antioxidant and immune enhancing impact in the bloodstream. Papain, alkaloids and phenolic compounds are responsible for their positive biological effects (enzymes papain and chymopapain) which aid in digesting proteins and are widely used for treating indigestion, bloating and other digestive disorder. (Nair, 2015) The enzyme papain in papaya leaves assists in the digestion of proteins and is useful for treating gastrointestinal disorders. Papaya leaf tea can alleviate heartburn discomfort and is an appetite stimulant. The tea may also help digest the wheat protein gluten, which is difficult for some people to digest and causes an autoimmune condition known as celiac disease. (The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body, 2007) Celiac disease is a serious genetic autoimmune disease. It is triggered by consuming a protein called gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye. When people with celiac disease eat foods containing gluten, their immune system responds by damaging the finger-like villi of the small intestine. When the villi become damaged, the 11

body is unable to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream, which can lead to malnourishment. ( Perhaps the most well-known benefit of papaya leaves is its ability to breakdown a lot of tough foods in the body. Papaya leaves contain the super enzymes papain and chymopapain, which help digest proteins, wheat, fat and carbohydrates and speed up metabolism. Papaya leaves are even used sometimes as a natural meat tenderizer for BBQs because they’re are so good at breaking down proteins and often forgotten about benefit of papaya leaves is healthy skin. If someone drinks papaya leaf tea regularly, his skin will likely brighten and look youthful and healthy. You can also cool and apply papaya leaves topically for other skin ailments that come up. For example, many people use the leaves to alleviate itchy bug bites. Papaya leaves are also the perfect addition to your daily life for a boost in immunity. This is because of the many nutrients found in papaya leaves. The leaves help to revitalize the human body, while increasing energy and vitality. (Herbal Papaya, 2017) Papaya leaves are known to contain very high amounts of vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins and especially high in B17 (Laetrile which is used for the treatment of cancer). They are rich in phytonutrients. These bitter Papaya leaves offer properties to boost your immunity and protect against various virus. Papaya leaves contain key macro and micro nutrients for our body including calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin A, B1, C and E. But what makes papaya leaves special is its phytonutrients. Phytonutrients includes flavonoids (kaempferol, myricetin aquecetin), Alaloids (carpaine, pseudocarpaine, dehydrocarpaine), Phenolic compounds (ferulic acid, caffeic




anthraquinones), 12



(benzylglucosinolate), Carotenoids (B-carotene, lycopene) and Papain and other saponins. Papaya leaf is also found to have pH regulating properties which makes it useful for treating acid reflux and hurt burn. Drinking papaya leaf is considered beneficial for skin as it offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. (Nair, 2015) Just as papaya, papaya leaf juice also acts as a potent cleansing agent for the liver, thereby healing many chronic liver diseases, jaundice and liver cirrhosis. Papaya leaf juice works wonders to ease the menstrual flow and reduce the pain. Drinking this juice also brings down PMS symptoms. Its potent healing properties balance hormones, and regulate menstruation cycles. Try this concoction to treat menstrual pain: take one papaya leaf, a pinch of salt and tamarind, mix them all in a glass of water and bring it to boil. This juice should ease the pain greatly. The extract of papaya leaf is said to promote hair growth, prevent balding and thinning of hair. It is an important ingredient used in antidandruff shampoos because of the karpain compound. This alkaloid component is effective in removing dirt and oil from your scalp. It can also serve as a natural conditioner and bring back the lost sheen to the hair. (Sengupta, 2017) Because of the benefits brought by papaya leaf, many people made their own Papaya leaf tea at home and it’s pretty simple. To dry the papaya leaves, follow these steps: Step 1. Cut the leaves late in the day after the heat has passed, if possible. This is the time of day when plant leaves are most dehydrated. Alternatively, gather fallen leaves. Step 2. Wash the papaya leaves in running water. Pat them thoroughly dry with towels.


Step 3. Trim the stems 6 to 8 inches long to save room in the drying area, if desired. Make bundles of four to six leaves. Wrap heavy twine around the bundle and tie it, leaving at least 1 foot of twine to hang the leaves for drying. Repeat for each batch of papaya leaves. Step 4. Hang the bundles of papaya leaves in a dry, dark place. For example, from a hook or nail in a shed or at one end of a clothes rod in a closet. Step 5. Allow the leaves to dry naturally. The process may take four weeks or longer, depending on temperatures and humidity. Squeeze a leaf to test it — a fully dried leaf loses its flexibility and cracks rather than bends. Step 6. Break up the leaves by tearing or cutting them into fragments that will fit into a tea strainer or tea ball. Store the papaya leaf tea in airtight glass jars or crocks. After following these steps, it is now time to make the tea. Step 1. Wash and partly dry about 3-4 medium-size papaya leaves. Cut them up like cabbage and place them in a saucepan with 2 quarts/ litres of water. Step 2. Bring the water and leaves to the boil and simmer for approximately about 5-10 minutes. Step 3. Strain the liquid and bottle in glass containers. 4. Serve hot. You may also add sugar to taste. Some usually add lemon or kalamansi for better taste. To make the papaya leaves tea concentrate, follow the steps below.


Step 1. Wash and partly dry several medium-size papaya leaves. Cut them up like cabbage and place them in a saucepan with 2 quarts/ litres of water. Step 2. Bring the water and leaves to the boil and simmer without a lid until the water is reduced by half. Step 3. Strain the liquid and bottle in glass containers. Step 4. Store in refrigerator. The concentrate will keep in the refrigerator for three to four days. If it becomes cloudy, it should be discarded. The recommended dosage in the original recipe is 3 Tablespoons/ 50ml three times a day. (, 2017) Even if Papaya leaves gave so many benefits, It is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women to take this tea as the constituents may be too strong for the developing baby. (, 2015) In making your Papaya Leaf Drink, experts recommend picking leaves early in the morning because that’s when they are the crispest, juiciest and sweetest. (Ophardt, 2013) Local Because of the health benefits people can get from Papaya leaf, different products are made out of it. One of this is Swanson Papaya Leaf Full Spectrum, 400mg. It contains 60 capsules. It is traditional support for healthy digestion. The capsules also provide gentle digestive support with plant-based enzymes. Like the fruit, Papaya Leaf features special enzymes that help break down proteins and carbohydrates for easy digestion. Traditional cultures have used papaya leaves for this and other purposes for centuries, and modern herbalists continue to recommend their use today. The product delivers whole, powdered papaya leaf. It contains other ingredients like Microcrystalline cellulose 15

(plant fiber), may contain one or both of the following: magnesium stearate, silica. As a dietary supplement, it is recommended to take one capsule per day with food and water. (, 2017) Another product is Organic Power Herbs Papaya Leaf Veggie Capsules Bottle of 100 that costs 895 pesos. It is good for Liver Cancer, Tumor, Leukemia, Myoma, Dengue, High Blood, Bad Breath, UTI, Fats and Cholesterol. It is good in strengthening the immune system; maintaining healthy heart; avoiding Diabetes, Fatigue and Stress, Hepatitis, Blood Pressure, Breast Cancer, Kidney and Prostate Cancer. Body chemistry differs from one person to the other. Effectiveness and reactions may differ. Shipping is from Barangay 367, Santa Cruz, Metro Manila, Metro Manila. Visiting a physician before using new products is highly recommended. If symptoms occur discontinue use and consult your doctor. ( With almost the same benefits, another product called Platboost Papaya Leaf Extract Tablets is also available in the market. (, 2016) Another product is Papaya Enzyme Plus Chewable Tablets. The supplier is from Metro Manila. Super Papaya Enzyme Plus Chewable Tablets has 16 rolls containing 12 tablets each. It is an "After Meal" dietary supplement. An advanced, more powerful digestive aid, the “after-meal” supplement contains 100% natural enzymes.


Related Studies Foreign For centuries, many cultures have made use of natural and herbal medicines to help them relieve various illnesses and ailments. In recent years, the popularity of these natural medicines has been growing as more people reach a higher sense of awareness of just how beneficial these herbal remedies can be. Among these remedies, there are many herbal teas such as papaya tea which have a long list of helpful benefits that can truly improve your health. People have been expecting to the good result of herbal with the low-cost price. Papaya has a wide range of purported medicinal properties for treatment of diabetes, as birth control, as an antiseptic, antimicrobial, or diuretic, to control parasites, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. While there are only limited data to support most of these uses, there is some evidence for healing bed sores and other wounds and in treating intestinal worms in humans. (, 2017) In the fact, papaya proves many care ways especially the curing severe virus dengue. And there was a research from PubMed, Cochrane Clinical Trial Registry introduce the efficacy and safety of C. papaya leaf extract in dengue. Total four trials enrolling 439 subjects were included in the analysis. Of 439 subjects, data of 377 subjects were available for analysis. C. papaya leaf extract was found to be associated with increase in platelet count in the overall analysis (mean difference [MD] =20.27 [95% confidence interval (CI) 6.21–34.73; P = 0.005]) and analysis after 4th day (MD = 28.25 [95% CI 14.14–42.37; P < 0.0001]). After 48 h, there was no significant difference


between C. papaya and control group (MD = 13.38 [95% CI − 7.71–34.51; P = 0.21]). There was significant decrease in hospitalization days in the C. papaya group (MD = 1.90 [95% CI 1.62–2.18; P < 0.00001]). Because of no availability of data in published clinical trials, mortality, and adverse events cannot be pooled. On the other hand, C. papaya leaf helps to increase the platelet count. Similar study, Martin Kohlmeier (2013), studies the increase in platelet among patients with dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever in Malaysia, 228 patient with dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are being controlled in the test, approximately half of the respondents receive the juice in consecutive days and the others was remained standard. They are monitored 8 hours for 48 hours. There was a significant increase in mean platelet count observed in the intervention group but not in the control group 40 hours since the first dose of CPLJ. Comparison of mean platelet count between intervention and control group showed that mean platelet count in intervention group was significantly higher than control group after 40 and 48 hours of admission. The ALOX 12 (FC  =  15.00) and PTAFR (FC  =  13.42) genes were highly expressed among those on the juice. Clinical trials done in Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan have come up with evidence to prove the efficacy of C. papaya leaf extract in augmenting platelet count in patients with dengue fever. Their blood count was monitored and gene expression studies conducted. Toxicity studies carried out also showed that the papaya juice was safe for human consumption. Researchers from United States and Japan have discovered that enzymes found in papaya leaf have cancer fighting properties. According to the study, papaya leaves are not known to have toxic effects and their consumption does not have side effects (The Indian express, 2013).


Malaysia is blessed because of 12000 species of herbal species, so that it they can rapidly response to the diseases in the community. From the part of Asia, Philippines, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia is to be the top 5 countries that export papaya. Moreover, the papaya leaf is not just for curing illnesses but also for relieving menstrual pain. Researchers conducted an experiment to aim a decrease of the level of menstrual pain and prostaglandin levels in primary dysmenorrhea. They also found out a decreased in the level of menstrual pain and prostaglandin levels in primary dysmenorrhea. Papaya leaf extract can be used as a safe and effective herbal medicine for primary dysmenorrhea which has almost the same efficacy as mefenamic acid. Researchers also suggest the decreased the level of menstrual pain and prostaglandin levels in primary dysmenorrhea. Papaya leaf extract can be used as a safe and effective herbal medicine for primary dysmenorrhea which has almost the same efficacy as mefenamic acid. (Siska Nurul Abidah 2017) Not just dengue and menstrual cramps, but papaya leaf tea is also proven to reduced ulcer. The tea is proven to reduce gastric ulcer in a study on laboratory animals. In the study, papaya leaf extract reduced ulcer severity and showed strong antioxidant effects. Papaya leaf extract also decreased oxidized lipids and increased antioxidant activity within red blood cells. Researchers concluded from this preliminary study that papaya leaf tea shows potential for the treatment of gastric ulcer and oxidative stress on the stomach. (West Indian Medical Journal, 2008) Different people have different body reactions. Although papaya leaf has many benefits, some people need to know if their body is capable in taking in this papaya leaf. 19

The enzyme papain in papaya leaf has been known to cause allergic reactions in some people. The report documented a breakout of allergic symptoms in 10 out of 22 employees at a research laboratory who were exposed to papain dust. The workers developed symptoms of itchy eyes and runny nose. Improved hygienic conditions and proper ventilation solved the problem. (Ugeskrift for Laeger, 2008) Local Dried papaya leaves fully grinded and mixed with honey is a cure to cough and fever. When ripe, the fruits are a very desirable food. Shallow cuts made on the surface of fully grown but unripe fruits cause them to exude a milky sap or latex that after collection and drying is known as crude papain. In addition to the large quantities produced by incising the fruit, about 2 percent of papain is found in papaya leaves. Papain, or vegetable pepsin as it is sometimes called, is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes with a fairly broad spectrum of activity; it hydrolyzes not only proteins but small peptides, amides, and some esters as well. Other components of the crude enzyme mixture hydrolyze both carbohydrates and fats. This wide range of activity accounts for the use of papain in folk medicine for digestive disturbances of all kinds but particularly for those associated with protein-rich foods. The enzyme and the papaya leaves are also employed as a vermifuge (expels intestinal worms), especially for tapeworms. As a digestive aid, papaya tablets containing between 10 and 50 mg of papain are commercially available. (Camalao, 2011) A study was conducted by a researcher to make alternative tea to reduce menstrual cramps out of papaya leaves. The research materials were easily gathered due to the abundance of materials. The papaya leaves were dried. Then, the papaya leaves 20

were pounded and were put in the tea bag. The study aims to help women to lessen their problem which is menstrual cramps. Since papaya leaves are organic, it is safer to use compared to the commercial ones. There are different attributes that were tested for the comparison between the commercial and alternative tea. First, their effectiveness was tested. The commercial has a mean of 5, while the alternative tea has 3.4. The second attribute tested was the appearance. The mean score of the commercial tea is 2.3 and the alternative tea is 2.4. The third attribute tested was the taste. The mean score of the commercial tea is 3, and the alternative tea is 4.4. And the last attribute is general acceptability. The score of the alternative tea is 3.5, and the commercial is 4.6. The alternative tea for menstrual cramps was tested effective and feasible and can be a possible substitute to that of the commercial tea. (Soriano, 2011) Acne is a skin problem that affects almost all teenagers. The condition results from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands). The sebaceous glands make an oily substance called sebum that empties onto the skin surface through the hair follicle opening (pore). The mixture of oil and cells allows bacteria that normally live on the skin to grow in the follicle openings. When this happens, pores become clogged and pimples develop. This study was conducted to determine if the combination of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)’s gel, Cucumber (Cucumissativus) and Papaya (Carica papaya) be a potential pimple or acne remover. Same amount of the product (5ml) are use in the experiment with three trials (three consecutive days) having one human tester. Result showed that on the first and second trial, itchiness is only the effect of using the product, while on the third trial, peeling of the skin on the face occurs and pimples seemed to be dry, and concluded that the product can really be a potential pimple


remover. However further studies is recommended to make some more improvement by adding some ingredients to lessen or minimize the itchiness when using the product. (Lopez, et al) This study tested the perception of JHS and SHS in Papaya leaf extract and its potential as juice drink. The literatures and studies above discussed the herbal juice, commercial juice, nutrients from papaya leaf, illnesses that papaya leaf could reduce, steps in making papaya leaf tea and the people who should avoid it. The researchers didn’t include other herbal juice and the benefits of other parts of papaya. The researchers realized that these literatures and studies served as a guide in making their questionnaires and they helped them a lot to understand their study better.


Conceptual Framework



Papaya Leaves

Potential of Papaya leaf as an ingredient in Juice

Water Brown Sugar Lemon/ Calamansi

Processes Preparing Boiling Mixing


Operational Definition of Terms Additive. An additional ingredient to the juice to give different kind of taste. By-products. These are the products that result from another products. Chymopapain. Herbal medication and enzyme that isolate from the papaya Clinical Trials. These are the experiment and investigation of researchers to prevent, detect, treat or manage various epidemics and diseases or disorders. Commercial juice. A juice that manufactured and had undergone from different machines and had been mixed with chemicals to remove fiber or pulp from the fruit. Effectiveness. To have an intended effect or a wanted result. Enzymes. Catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction. Enzyme Papain. It is the enzyme that breaks down tough met and fibers, and used to tenderize meat. Extract. A substance obtained from a particular source. Fresh juice. Extraction of natural liquid from fresh vegetables and fruits. Has not been pasteurized or processed by machines Homemade juice. These are juices made and prepared at home. Patented recipe. A right granted from the government to an inventor to manage use or sell In a certain number of years.


Potential. Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. Processed juice. Pasteurized, heated and undergo with chemicals and machines. Tea. Dried, crushed leaves and mixed with boiling or hot water. Toxin. A poison or venom that causing diseases


Chapter 3 Research Methodology

The third part of this study shows the research methodology. This explains the data collecting process from the selected respondents. In this study, the set of questions regarding the perception of JHS and SHS in Papaya Leaf Extract and Its Potential as Juice Drink were given to Junior and Senior High School students and were answered by them.

Procedures In doing the Papaya leaf juice, the following procedures were done. 1. Prepare the ingredients: 5 papaya leaves, 2 liters of water, ¼ kilo of brown sugar and ¼ kilo of calamansi. 2. Boil the Papaya leaves for 5-10 minutes. (if you boil it with low fire, make it 10 minutes.) 3. Put the boiled drink in a container for one hour to make it cool. 4. Mix the calamansi and brown sugar with the drink to improve the taste.

Research design Descriptive design is the research design used by this study. Descriptive studies may be characterised as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify certain characteristics or/and behavior. (Fox, 2007) This study determined the perception of JHS and SHS students about papaya leaf juice.


Population Sample

The researchers used cluster sampling. The researchers chose one section from every year level of Junior and Senior High School. There were 257 SHS and JHS students. There were 43 students in 7-B, another 46 students in 8-E, 48 students in 9-C, 40 students in 10-D, 41 students in 11-STEM, 39 students in 12-STEM2. Since some of the students declined to drink the juice, the researchers had 156 respondents instead of 257.

Research Instrument

The respondents answered the questions in the form of self-made questionnaires. The questionnaires consist of likert type of questions. The questions asked them how much they liked the Papaya Leaf Juice in terms of taste, smell, appearance and overall assessment. The researchers used the following transmutations in the likert question: 5Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Okay, 2-Needs Improvement and 1-Bad.

Local of the Study The study was conducted in Gerona Junior College located at Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac. This is a non-sectarian private school which offers basic and tertiary education. The school was founded in 1946.


Data Gathering Procedure The researchers gave rating scales to the students of every chosen section in all grade levels after they drank the Papaya Leaf Juice. When the respondents finished answering the rating scale, the researchers collected them. They thanked them and left the room. The gathered data were then tabulated, collated, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment The following statistical instruments were used in this study. A. Weighted Average W.A =[N1(5)+N2(4)+N3(3)+N4(2)+N5(1)]/N N=Number of respondents


Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets all the data gathered in this study. Presentation was done through the use of tables. Analysis and interpretation of data done after the tabular presentation.

Table 1 Junior High School and Senior High School Students’ Ratings of Papaya Leaf Juice INDICATORS Taste


























































Legend: AWM-Average Weighted Mean, DR-Descriptive Rating 5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Okay, 2-Needs Improvement and 1-Bad.

Table 1 shows the ratings of Junior and Senior High School students to Papaya Leaf Juice in terms of taste, appearance and smell. The data indicate that there are 49 JHS respondents who answered that the taste of Papaya Leaf Juice is excellent, 35 answered it’s good, 20 answered it’s okay, 3 answered it needs improvement and 1 answered it’s bad. Its taste got the weighted average of 4.19. On the other hand, 42 JHS respondents answered that the appearance of the juice is excellent, 39 answered good, 22 answered okay, 4 answered it needs improvement and 1 answered bad. Appearance got the weighted average of 4.08. 51 JHS 29

respondents answered the smell is excellent, 29 answered good, 17 answered okay, 7 answered it needs improvement and 4 answered bad. Smell got the weighted average of 4.07. The data indicate that there are 11 SHS respondents who answered that the taste of the juice is excellent, 24 answered good, 11 answered okay, 1 answered it needs improvements and 1 answered bad. Its taste got the weighted average of 3.9. On the other hand, there are 6 SHS respondents who answered that the appearance of the juice is excellent, 26 answered good, 13 answered okay, 1 answered it needs improvements and 2 answered bad. Appearance got the weighted average of 3.69. Lastly, there are 15 SHS respondents who answered that the smell of the juice is excellent, 12 answered good, 15 answered okay, 4 answered it needs improvements and 2 answered bad. Smell got the weighted average of 3.71. The table signifies that majority of the JHS respondents considered the taste excellent, the appearance good and the smell good. Senior High School respondents considered the taste, appearance and smell of Papaya Leaf Juice as good.


Table 2 Students’ Overall Assessment of Papaya Leaf Juice 5























Legend: AWM-Average Weighted Mean,DR-Descriptive Rating 5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3Okay, 2-Needs Improvement and 1-Bad. Table 2 shows the students’ overall assessment of Papaya Leaf Juice. The data indicate that there are 59 Junior High School students who answered that their overall assessment of Papaya Leaf Juice is excellent, 35 answered it’s good, 10 answered it’s okay, 2 answered it needs improvement and none answered it’s bad. Its overall assessment got the weighted average of 4.42. On the other hand, 10 Senior High School students answered that their overall assessment of the juice is excellent, 26 answered good, 7 answered okay, 4 answered it needs improvement and 0 answered bad. It got the weighted average of 3.81 The table signifies that Junior High School respondents answered that their overall assessment of the juice is excellent, while Senior High School respondents answered Good.


Chapter 5 Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations This part of the study deals with the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations. The analysis and interpretation collected from the respondents are the basis of this chapter.

Summary of Findings The researchers based their summary of findings from the answers of the respondents. 1. The researchers found out that there are 49 JHS respondents who answered that the taste of Papaya Leaf Juice is excellent, 35 answered it’s good, 20 answered it’s okay, 3 answered it needs improvement and 1 answered it’s bad. On the other hand, 42 respondents answered that the appearance of the juice is excellent, 39 answered good, 22 answered okay, 4 answered it needs improvement and 1 answered bad. 51 respondents answered the smell is excellent, 29 answered good, 17 answered okay, 7 answered it needs improvement and 4 answered bad. There are 11 SHS respondents who answered that the taste of the juice is excellent, 24 answered good, 11 answered okay, 1 answered it needs improvements and 1 answered bad. On the other hand, there are 6 respondents who answered that the appearance of the juice is excellent, 26 answered good, 13 answered okay, 1 answered it needs improvements and 2 answered bad. Lastly, there are 15 respondents who answered that the smell of the juice is excellent, 12 answered good, 15 answered okay, 4 answered it needs improvements and 2 answered bad.


2. When asked to what is their overall assessment of the juice, 59 Junior High School students answered excellent, 35 answered it’s good, 10 answered it’s okay, 2 answered it needs improvement and none answered it’s bad. 10 Senior High School students answered excellent, 26 answered good, 7 answered okay, 4 answered it needs improvement and 0 answered bad.

Conclusions Based on the findings derived from this study, the following conclusions were drawn. 1. Findings show that majority of the JHS respondents considered the taste excellent, the appearance, good and the smell, good. Senior High School respondents considered the taste, appearance and smell of Papaya leaf Juice as good. 2. Based on the findings, Junior High School respondents’ overall assessment of the juice is excellent, while Senior High School respondents answered Good.

Recommendations Out of the given findings and conclusions, these recommendations are made. 1. Since the studies only focus on the perception of the students, the researchers recommend to have further studies about the Papaya leaf juice’s effectivity. 2. Since the researchers only have two groups of respondents they recommend to have kids and adults as respondents to also know their view.













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Resume The researchers of this study are namely Amuelle Aguilar, Nyah Garrido, Jayvee Cortez, Jerome Cura, Jed Faustino, Christian Leonen and Ariel Paduit.

Amuelle Aguilar is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Junior & Jocelyn Aguilar. She loves to read crime fiction novels and poems. Her favorite movie is Hunger Games & her favorite writer is Suzanne Collins. Adobong manok is her favorite dish. Her weakness is being addicted to novels but her strength is that she doesn’t entertain negative thoughts.

From Abagon, Gerona, Tarlac, Daughter of Clarence & Aaurora Garrido, Nyah Garrido is sensitive and hates being alone. She adores Vadio Vebel and James Dashemer. Her favorite food is carbonara, ice cream and fries.


A cool looking man who likes sleeping & watching, Jayvee Cortez lives in Villa Paz, Gerona, Tarlac. He doesn’t easily familiarize things but can accomplish solving hard mathematical equations.

The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs Joselito & Edna Faustino, Jed Faustino. He easily becomes attached to people and he always choose to be happy. He loves playing tennis and surfing the net.

Watching life hacks made his day, Christian Leonen is a child of Emmanuel & Ronaly Leonen. He is a fan of watching Marvel movies. He believes that being positive makes things possible.


Lastly, Ariel Paduit, the eldest son Virgilio & Amalia Paduit, sees himself as a professional volleyball player in the future. His determination made him strong. His weakness is to easily fall inlove.


Gerona Junior College Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac

Dear Ma’am/ Sir, We are required to prepare an investigatory project and the undersigned have made the study entitled “Papaya Leaf Extract and Its Potential as Juice Drink”. Relative to this, may we ask permission to take students in your class as our respondents. We would make them drink our Papaya Leaf Juice and they would rate the properties of the juice afterwards.

Thank you for your favorable response.

_________________________________ Teacher’s name and signature Sincerely, Group 6 –12 STEM 2 Amuelle Aguilar Nyah Garrido Jed Faustino Jayvee Cortez Ariel Paduit Christian Leonen


Dear respondent, The researchers are conducting an investigatory project. May we ask you to answer the questions with honesty. Take your time answering the questionnaire. Researchers: Amuelle Aguilar Nyah Garrido Jed Faustino Christian Leonen Jayvee Cortez Ariel Paduit Name (optional):___________________________ Year level &Section:________________________ 1. Below is the list of criteria in judging the papaya leaf extract and its potential as juice drink. Check the number that corresponds to your answer. 5-Excellent



2-Needs Improvement 5



Taste Appearance Smell Overall Assessment



1-Bad 2


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