Pvl Packaging

  • November 2019
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Branding Guidelines

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Pack Labels Overview These guidelines are intended to provide a foundation for maximizing the Exxon/Esso and Mobil brands’ impact on shelf and maintaining branding consistency in packaging applications. Read and follow these guidelines carefully to ensure correct usage of all graphic elements in the packaging line.

Representative packages from the Exxon/Esso and Mobil product lines.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Exxon/Esso Pack Labels Examples shown are 1-liter and 5-liter front labels. Each design is distinctive, to help communicate different product features to the consumer. Yet when viewed together on shelf, they form a group that is readily identifiable as the Exxon/Esso family of products. The guidelines in this section are intended to provide a foundation for maximizing the Exxon/Esso brand impact on shelf and maintaining the integrity of the brand on packaging applications.


Read and follow these guidelines carefully to ensure correct usage of all graphic elements.




Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Exxon/Esso Master Brand – Branding Elements Master Brand Logo The Master Brand logo always appears as the first and most prominent element on the label and is always placed horizontally. On any label that prints color, the Master Brand logo must always appear in ExxonMobil Red (Pantone® 485) on a white or light field. It must never be rotated on an angle, and never be scaled disproportionately. Never print the logo over any pattern. For Esso products, the block-letter logotype is the primary logo. The Esso oval (described below) is only to be used in a secondary capacity. The Exxon Shield provides trademark protection. Icon The Forward-facing Tiger is a strong Exxon/Esso icon that should be used on all labels. It should never be used as a device to differentiate products or communicate product grades. The Forwardfacing Tiger at right is the only one used on any Exxon/Esso packaging. It also must appear with the shadow in place as shown. “Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” rule is an important part of the branding iconography. It always appears on the left and lower portion of the label and prints black. A minimum width of .75pt is recommended. When applying this element to printed material, care should be taken that it maintains a clean, sharp edge.

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Master Brand Logo Pantone 485

Forward-facing Tiger Icon

“Streamline” Rule

Esso Oval

Exxon Shield

Pantone 485

Pantone 293

Esso Oval This element only appears on Esso products. On any label that prints color, the type in the oval must always print ExxonMobil red (Pantone® 485), the interior of the oval is always white, the border always prints ExxonMobil blue (Pantone® 293) surrounded by a white trap to separate the oval from its background. The Esso Oval must never change color, never be rotated on an angle, and never be scaled disproportionately. This earlier version of the Esso logo reminds consumers that the new package design contains the same quality Esso product with which they’re familiar.

Exxon Shield The Exxon Shield appears on the back of all Exxon/Esso labels. On any label that prints color, the Exxon Shield prints in ExxonMobil red (Pantone® 485) and ExxonMobil blue (Pantone® 293). The Exxon Shield must never change color, never be rotated on an angle and never be scaled disproportionately. When printing over dark backgrounds, do not print the holding line.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Exxon Product – Branding Elements

MB logo

Sub-brand Name The sub-brand name immediately follows the Master Brand logo and is 75% of its height. It is set in upper and lower case Helvetica Neue Extra Black Condensed with a horizontal scale of 145%. A shadow appears on the lower and right edge of the sub-brand name as shown. An outline of .75 overlays the type. Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade follows the sub-brand name and is placed in a lozenge. The lozenge has a .75 black outline and is 85% the height of the Master Brand logo. The viscosity grade type is 50% the height of the Master Brand logo. Type is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Heavy Condensed, with a horizontal scale of 160%. Product Descriptor (1) The product descriptor (1) is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, with +450 tracking.

Master Brand Logo

75% MBL Sub-brand Name

85% MBL

10W-30 Viscosity Grade

20% MBL



Product Descriptor (1)

15% MBL Product Descriptor (2) One line of the product descriptor (2) type is 15% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, in upper and lower case. It prints in Pantone® Process Yellow. Product Usage The product usage seal is 150% the size of the Master Brand logo. It prints in Pantone® 485 and Pantone® Process Yellow and is placed on the lower right portion of the label.

50% MBL

Engine Protection You Can Trust Product Descriptor (2)

150% MBL

Product Usage

Branding Guidelines

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Exxon Product – Background This background is specific to the PVL line of business and must not be used in any other category. Background All Exxon backgrounds are created with a subtle gradation using horizontal lines that fade into the white field at the top of the label. The bottom, left, and upper-right segments use Pantone® 485. The background is not to be scaled, flopped or manipulated in any way. The gradation is to fade smoothly into the white field with no breaks or abrupt color changes. “Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” rule runs across the lower section of the label and up the left side to the viscosity grade lozenge. The “Streamline” rule prints black with a weight of .75.

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Sample background

Pantone 485

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Exxon Pack – 1L Front Label The following guidelines will assist you in creating 1L labels.

Label Width = X

Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo and the sub-brand name. Master Brand Logo The Master Brand logo is the most prominent element on the label. It always appears on a white field. The height of the ‘E’ in Exxon is no less than 17% of the width of the label. ®

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 17%X

Sub-brand Name Superflo is the sub-brand name. It should be sized at 75% of the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints black and has a shadow on the lower and right edge. An outline of .75 overlays the type.

Space = 75%MBL Sub-brand Name = 75% MBL Viscosity Grade = 50% MBL Product Descriptor (1) = 20% MBL

Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 50% the height of the Master Brand logo. Type is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Heavy Condensed, with a horizontal scale of 160%. It prints black. Product Descriptor (1) The product descriptor (1) is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo and is placed under the Viscosity Grade lozenge. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, with +450 tracking. It prints black. Product Descriptor (2) One line of the product descriptor (2) type is 15% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, in upper and lower case. It prints in Pantone® Process Yellow.


10W-30 M O T O R

Lozenge = 85% MBL

• Excellent resistance to thermal breakdown • Prevents buildup of harmful sludge • Meets proposed API SL quality standards DON’T POLLUTE • CONSERVE RESOURCES • RETURN USED OIL TO COLLECTION CENTER


WARNING Continuous contact with used motor oil has caused skin cancer in animal tests. Avoid prolonged contact. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Launder or discard soiled clothes.

Product Descriptor (2) = 15% MBL

Viscosity Grade Lozenge The viscosity grade always follows the sub-brand name, and is placed in a lozenge. The lozenge is 85% the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints white and has a black outline of .75.

M O T O R ®

Engine Protection You Can Trust

Icon = 330% MBL

• Resistencia excelente a la desintegración térmica • Previene la formación de sedimentos nocivos • Cumple con las normas propuestas por API SL NO CONTAMINE • CONSERVE LOS RECURSOS • RETORNE EL ACEITE USADO AL CENTRO DE COLECCIÓN

Product Usage = 150% MBL 1 U.S Quart (946 ml)

Product Usage The product usage seal is 150% the size of the Master Brand logo. It prints in Pantone® 485 and Pantone® Process Yellow and is placed on the lower right portion of the label. “Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” rule runs across the lower section of the label and up the left side to the viscosity grade lozenge. It prints black with a minimum weight of .75. Icon The Forward-facing Tiger, in full color, is always in the lower right portion of the label. It is 330% the height of the Master Brand logo.


Background Backgrounds are created with a subtle gradation using horizontal lines of Pantone® 485 that fade into the white field at the top of the label.

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Exxon Pack – 1L Back Label The following guidelines will assist you in creating 1L labels. Label Width = X

Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo and the sub-brand name. It is scaled at 50% of front panel elements. Viscosity Grade Lozenge The viscosity grade always follows the branding lockup, and is placed in a lozenge. Lozenge height is 110% of the Master Brand logo. It prints white and has a black outline of .75.



10W-30 M O T O R

Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade type is 75% the height of the Master Brand logo. Type is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Heavy Condensed, with a horizontal scale of 160%. It prints black. M O T O R


Product Descriptor The product descriptor is placed under the viscosity grade at 30% the height of the Master Brand logo, and prints black. “Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” rule runs across the lower section of the label and up the left side to the viscosity grade lozenge. It prints black with a minimum weight of .75. Background Backgrounds are created with a subtle gradation using horizontal lines of Pantone® 485 that fade into the white field at the top of the label. Copy Marketing copy is positioned to the right of the streamline. Copy color may change to ensure legibility. Legal copy is placed above the product code. Width of the marketing copy may be adjusted horizontally to accommodate more copy, depending on region. All copy is set in Helvetica Neue Condensed with +30 tracking.

Lozenge = 110% MBL


Viscosity Grade = 75% MBL Product Descriptor = 30% MBL

• Excellent resistance to thermal breakdown • Prevents buildup of harmful sludge • Meets proposed API SL quality standards


Branding Lock-up = 50% front panel elements


WARNING Continuous contact with used motor oil has caused skin cancer in animal tests. Avoid prolonged contact. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Launder or discard soiled clothes. Exxon, Superflo, and the live tiger head design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation • Resistencia excelente a la desintegraci desintegraciónn ttérmica rmica or one of its subsidiaries • Previene la formaci formaciónn de sedimentos nocivos • Cumple con las normas propuestas por API SL

Usage and Recycle Seals Always positioned on mid-right portion of label


Exxon Shield & Contact Info Always positioned on lower left corner of label


Product Code

Area for Legal and Marketing Copy

Usage and Recycle Seals Usage and recycle seals appear on mid-right portion of label as shown. Exxon Shield The Exxon Shield appears on lower-left portion of label as shown to establish trademark protection. Contact Information The contact information is placed to the right of the Exxon Shield and is set in Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed. Product Code The code may be placed vertically or horizontally. Regional printing requirements will dictate the orientation.

Legal Copy All technical, trademark and marketing language must be reviewed by regional/local technical and legal counsel. Please make sure to incorporate the following trademark language: “X, Y, and Z are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.”

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Esso Product – Branding Elements

MB logo

Sub-brand Name The sub-brand name immediately follows the Master Brand logo and is 80% of its height. It is set in upper and lower case Helvetica Neue Extra Black Condensed with a horizontal scale of 130% – 180%. A shadow appears on the lower and right edge of the subbrand name as shown. An outline of .75 surrounds the type. Segment Descriptor The segment descriptor always follows the product name and is placed in a lozenge. The lozenge has a .75 outline and is 80% the height of the Master Brand logo. The segment descriptor type is 35% the height of the Master Brand logo. Type is set in Helvetica Neue Extra Bold Extended, in upper and lower case. Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 50% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Heavy Condensed with a horizontal scale of 150%. Product Descriptor (1) The product descriptor (1) is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, with +800 tracking. Product Usage One line of product usage type is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Heavy Extended, in upper and lower case. Product Descriptor (2) One line of product descriptor (2) type is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, in upper and lower case.

Master Brand Logo


80% MBL

Sub-brand Name

80% MBL

35% MBL

Multigrade Segment Descriptor

50% MBL Viscosity Grade

20% MBL Product Descriptor (1)

20% MBL

For Gasoline Engines Only Product Usage

20% MBL

High Performance Per formance Product Descriptor (2)

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Esso Product – Color Coding Sub-brand Name Distinction between products is further enhanced by the introduction of color. The sub-brand name immediately follows the Master Brand Logo, reading horizontally. On any label that prints color, the sub-brand name must always appear in the appropriate Pantone® color indicated on a white or light field. The sub-brand name is accentuated with a .75 outline. The sub-brand name must never change color, never be rotated on an angle, and never be scaled disproportionately. Never print the name over any pattern. For Ultra and Ultron, the sub-brand name’s visibility is enhanced by using gradients created with the line colors indicated above. The gradients use tints ranging from 60% – 100% of the original color. The gradient is placed at a –25% angle. The outline is the color used within the lozenge. Segment Descriptor Lozenge The segment descriptor immediately follows the subbrand name. The segment descriptor type prints black. The lozenge prints white for Extra, Uniflo and Superflo. For Ultron, the lozenge prints Pantone® 872, and for Ultra, it prints Pantone® 877. Each lozenge has a black outline of .75. The length of the lozenge may vary according to the segment descriptor.



80% MBL

80% MBL

80% MBL 35% MBL 80% MBL

Extra 35% MBL


Pantone Process Black

35% MBL 80% MBL

Pantone Process Black 30%



80% MBL

80% MBL

80% MBL 35% MBL 80% MBL

Uniflo 35% MBL


Pantone Process Black

Pantone Process Black 30%

80% MBL

35% MBL 35% MBL


Pantone Process Black

Pantone Process Black 30%

Synthetic Blend

35% MBL

80% MBL 35% MBL 80% MBL

Pantone 485

Pantone Metallic 877

Ultron 35% MBL

Fully Synthetic

Pantone 3302


80% MBL

Ultra Pantone 2955

80% MBL

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

80% MBL

Pantone Metallic 872

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Esso Product – Backgrounds For all Esso packaging, a colored background is used to differentiate one product from another. These colors are specific to the PVL line of business and must not be used in any other category. Background All Esso backgrounds are created using a subtle gradation using horizontal lines that fade into the white field at the top of the label. The left side of the gradation on all Esso packages uses a red that mimics the red used in the Esso bottle. The background is not to be scaled, flopped or manipulated in any way. The gradation is to fade smoothly into the white field with no breaks or abrupt color changes. “Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” rule serves as a divider between the red background and the color coded area. The “Streamline” rule prints black with a weight of .75.

Pantone 130

Pantone 2995

Pantone 877

Pantone 3302

Pantone Metallic 872

Sample background Pantone 429

Streamline” Rule

Bottle Red

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Color Coded Area

Bottle Red Area

Branding Guidelines

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Esso Pack – 5L Front Labels

Label Width = X

These specifications will help you create 5L labels. Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo and the sub-brand name. Master Brand Logo The Master Brand logo is the most prominent element on the label. It always appears on a white field. The height of the ‘E’ in Esso is no less than 10% of the width of the label.

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 10%X Space = 80%MBL

Sub-brand Name Uniflo is the sub-brand name. It should be sized at 80% of the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints black has a shadow on the lower and right edge. An outline of .75 overlays the type.

Sub-brand Name = 80% MBL Segment Descriptor = 35% MBL


Space = 35% MBL


Segment Descriptor Lozenge = 80% MBL Space = 35% MBL

Viscosity Grade = 50% MBL Product Descriptor (1) = 20% MBL Product Usage = 20% MBL


Space = 30% MBL


For Gasoline Engines Only

Icon = 350%MBL

Segment Descriptor Lozenge The segment descriptor always follows the sub-brand name and is placed in a lozenge. Lozenge height is 80% of the Master Brand logo. The lozenge has a black outline of .75pt. The segment descriptor type is 35% the height of the Master Brand logo, and prints black. The length of the lozenge may vary according to the segment descriptor.

Product Descriptor (2) = 20% MBL

High Performance


Bottle red

Color Code Area

Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 50% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Heavy Condensed with a horizontal scale of 150%, and prints black.

Product Descriptor (2) One line of product descriptor (2) type is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, in upper and lower case, and prints in Pantone® 485.

Product Descriptor (1) The product descriptor (1) is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, with +800 tracking. It prints black.

“Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” Rule always appears on the left and lower portion of the label and prints black.It prints black with a minimum weight of .75.

Product Usage One line of product usage type is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Heavy Extended, in upper and lower case. It prints in Pantone® 485.

Icon The Forward-facing Tiger, in full color, is always in the lower right portion of the label. It is 350% the height of the Master Brand logo.

Background Backgrounds are created with a subtle gradation using horizontal lines that fade into the white field at the top of the label. The left side of the gradation on all Esso packages uses a red that mimics the red used in the Esso bottle. The right is color-coded to the sub-brand. Esso Oval The Esso Oval appears on all Esso front labels, in the lower right corner. It is approximately the same height as the ‘O’ in the Master Brand logo.

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Esso Pack – 5L Back Labels These specifications will help you create 5L labels. Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo and the sub-brand name. It is scaled at 70% of front panel elements and placed on a white field.

Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is placed under the segment descriptor lozenge at 75% the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints black. Product Descriptor The product descriptor is placed under the viscosity grade at 35% the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints black.


Space = 45% ®

Multigrade Segment Descriptor Lozenge = MBL

20W-50 M O T O R

Segment Descriptor = 50% MBL Viscosity Grade= 75% MBL

Exxon Shield Always positioned on lower left corner of label


Óleo multiviscoso de qualidade superior para motores a gasolina. Oferece excelente proteção em condições normais de uso e protege contra a formação de depósitos. É compatível com os catalisadores.

Product Descriptor= 35% MBL Usage and Recycle Seals Always positioned on lower left portion of label


Aceite mineral de alta calidad para todo tipo de vehículos. Ofrece excelente protección en condiciones normales de uso y protege contra la formación de depósitos. Es compatible con los catalizadores.



SAE 20W50


Segment Descriptor Lozenge The segment descriptor lozenge is 100% of the Master Brand logo. The lozenge sits to the left of the branding lock-up. The lozenge has a black outline of .75pt. The segment descriptor type is 50% the height of the Master Brand logo, and prints black.

Branding Lock-up Scaled to 70% of front panel elements


The sub-brand name is simplified. It prints without the outline in black and does not contain a gradient.

Consultas Técnicas: Argentina - 0800-88-88088 Brasil - 0800-41-3776 Chile - 800-200-001 Esso, Uniflo, and the live tiger head design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries

Evite el contacto del lubricante con la piel. En caso de contacto con los ojos, lave con abundante agua. Si es ingerido, no provoque el vómito y recurra a un médico. Deseche el envase y el producto en un lugar apropiado. Respete siempre las recomendaciones del fabricante de su vehículo. Evite contato do lubrificante com a pele. Em caso de contato com os olhos, lave com água em abundância. Se ingerido, não provoque o vômito e procureum médico. Descarte a embalagem e o produto em local apropriado. Siga as recomendações do fabricante de seu veículo.

Product Code

ESSO S.A.P.A. Della Paolera 299 - Bs.As., Argentina. ESSO Chile Petrolera Ltda., Av. Vitacura 4465, Santiago, Chile. ESSO Brasileira de Petróleo Limitada - Av. Pres. Wilson, 118, Rio de Janeiro. Representante. CGC 33.000.092/0001-69. - Soc Tec. Indl. Lub. SOLUTEC S.A. - R. Campo da Ribeira. 51, Rio de Janeiro. Distribuidora. CGC 33.273.863/0001-91. Químico Responsável: J.A. Baptista, CRQ 03314340/3R. Validade: Indeterminada. Composição: Base mineral e aditivos. Ind. Brasileira. ANP 01042.

Area for Legal Copy

Area for Marketing Copy

“Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” rule runs down at approximately the center and across the lower section. It prints black with a minimum weight of .75. Background The color to the left and below the “Streamline” rule is bottle red. The background color used in the area for marketing copy is color coded by sub-brand. Copy Marketing copy is positioned to the right of the streamline. Copy color may change to ensure legibility. Width of the marketing copy may be adjusted horizontally to accommodate more copy, depending on region. Legal copy is positioned to the left of the streamline. All copy is set in Helvetica Neue Condensed with +30 tracking.

Usage and Recycle Seals Usage and recycle seals appear on lower-left portion of labels as shown. Exxon Shield The Exxon Shield appears on lower-left portion of labels as shown to establish trademark protection. Product Code The code may be placed vertically or horizontally. Regional printing requirements will dictate the orientation.

Legal Copy All technical, trademark and marketing language must be reviewed by regional/local technical and legal counsel. Please make sure to incorporate the following trademark language: “X, Y, and Z are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.”

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Esso Pack – 1L Front Label

Label Width = X

The following guidelines will assist you in creating 1L labels.

Label Width = X

Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo and the segment descriptor. It is placed on a white background. Master Brand Logo On 1L labels, the Esso logo becomes larger in proportion to the other branding elements, at 17% the width of the label. This helps maintain Esso brand leverage on shelf. Sub-brand Name Uniflo is the sub-brand name. It should be sized at 80% of the height of the Master Brand logo. The sub-brand name is reduced, but still communicates clearly. It prints black has a shadow on the lower and right edge. An outline of .75 overlays the type.

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 10%X Space = 80%MBL Sub-brand Name = 80% MBL Segment Descriptor = 35% MBL


Viscosity Grade = 50% MBL Product Descriptor (1) = 20% MBL Product Usage = 20% MBL

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 17%X Space = 75%MBL Sub-brand Name = 80% MBL Segment Descriptor = 35% MBL


For Gasoline Engines Only

Viscosity Grade = 50% MBL Product Descriptor (1) = 20% MBL Product Usage = 20% MBL

High Performance


Lozenge = 80% MBL



For Gasoline Engines Only

Icon = 330% MBL Product Descriptor (2) = 20% MBL


Bottle red



Icon = 350% MBL Product Descriptor (2) = 20% MBL

Segment Descriptor Lozenge The segment descriptor always follows the sub-brand name and is placed in a lozenge. Lozenge height is 80% of the Master Brand logo. The lozenge has a black outline of .75pt. The segment descriptor type is 35% the height of the Master Brand logo, and prints black. The length of the lozenge may vary according to the segment descriptor.


Very High Performance


Color Code Area

Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 50% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Heavy Condensed with a horizontal scale of 150%, and prints black.

Product Descriptor (2) One line of product descriptor (2) type is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, in upper and lower case, and prints in Pantone® 485.

Product Descriptor (1) The product descriptor (1) is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Neue Medium Extended, with +800 tracking. It prints black.

“Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” Rule always appears on the left and lower portion of the label and prints black. It prints black with a minimum weight of .75.

Product Usage One line of product usage type is 20% the size of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Heavy Extended, in upper and lower case. It prints in Pantone® 485.

Icon The Forward-facing Tiger, in full color, is always in the lower right portion of the label. It is 330% the height of the Master Brand logo.

Bottle Red

Color Code Area

Background Backgrounds are created with a subtle gradation using horizontal lines that fade into the white field at the top of the label. The left side of the gradation on all Esso packages uses a red that mimics the red used in the Esso bottle. The right is color-coded to the sub-brand. Esso Oval The Esso Oval appears on all Esso front labels, in the lower right corner. It is approximately the same height as the ‘O’ in the Master Brand logo. To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Esso Pack – 1L Back Label The following guidelines will assist you in creating 1L labels. Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo and the sub-brand name. It is scaled at 55% of front panel elements and prints on a white background.

Product Descriptor The product descriptor is placed under the viscosity grade at 35% the height of the Master Brand logo.

Space = 45% ®


20W-50 M O T O R

Segment Descriptor = 50% MBL

Aceite mineral de alta calidad para todo tipo de vehículos. Ofrece excelente protección en condiciones normales de uso y protege contra la formación de depósitos. Es compatible con los catalizadores.

Viscosity Grade= 75% MBL

Exxon Shield Always positioned on lower left corner of label



SAE 20W50

Consultas Técnicas: Argentina - 0800-88-88088 Brasil - 0800-41-3776 Chile - 800-200-001 Esso, Uniflo, and the live tiger head design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries

Area for Legal Copy



Evite contato do lubrificante com a pele. Em caso de contato com os olhos, lave com água em abundância. Se ingerido, não provoque o vômito e procureum médico. Descarte a embalagem e o produto em local apropriado. Siga as recomendações do fabricante de seu veículo.

Product Code


Aceite mineral de alta calidad para todo tipo de vehículos. Ofrece excelente protección en condiciones normales de uso y protege contra la formación de depósitos. Es compatible con los catalizadores. Óleo multiviscoso de qualidade superior para motores a gasolina. Oferece excelente proteção em condições normais de uso e protege contra a formação de depósitos. É compatível com os catalisadores.

Exxon Shield Always positioned on lower left corner of label



SAE 20W50

Evite el contacto del lubricante con la piel. En caso de contacto con los ojos, lave con abundante agua. Si es ingerido, no provoque el vómito y recurra a un médico. Deseche el envase y el producto en un lugar apropiado. Respete siempre las recomendaciones del fabricante de su vehículo. Evite contato do lubrificante com a pele. Em caso de contato com os olhos, lave com água em abundância. Se ingerido, não provoque o vômito e procure um médico. Descarte a embalagem e o produto em local apropriado. Siga as recomendações do fabricante de seu veículo.

Area for Marketing Copy

Lozenge = MBL Segment Descriptor = 50% MBL Viscosity Grade = 75% MBL Product Descriptor = 35% MBL


Evite el contacto del lubricante con la piel. En caso de contacto con los ojos, lave con abundante agua. Si es ingerido, no provoque el vómito y recurra a un médico. Deseche el envase y el producto en un lugar apropiado. Respete siempre las recomendaciones del fabricante de su vehículo.

ESSO S.A.P.A. Della Paolera 299 - Bs.As., Argentina. ESSO Chile Petrolera Ltda., Av. Vitacura 4465, Santiago, Chile. ESSO Brasileira de Petróleo Limitada - Av. Pres. Wilson, 118, Rio de Janeiro. Representante. CGC 33.000.092/0001-69. - Soc Tec. Indl. Lub. SOLUTEC S.A. - R. Campo da Ribeira. 51, Rio de Janeiro. Distribuidora. CGC 33.273.863/0001-91. Químico Responsável: J.A. Baptista, CRQ 03314340/3R. Validade: Indeterminada. Composição: Base mineral e aditivos. Ind. Brasileira. ANP 01042.

Branding Lock-up = 55% front panel elements




Óleo multiviscoso de qualidade superior para motores a gasolina. Oferece excelente proteção em condições normais de uso e protege contra a formação de depósitos. É compatível com os catalisadores.

Product Descriptor= 35% MBL Usage and Recycle Seals Always positioned on lower left portion of label




Segment Descriptor Lozenge = MBL


Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is placed under the segment descriptor lozenge at 75% the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints black.



Segment Descriptor Lozenge The segment descriptor lozenge is 100% of the Master Brand logo. The lozenge sits to the left of the branding lock-up. The lozenge has a black outline of .75pt. The segment descriptor type is 50% the height of the Master Brand logo, and prints black.

Branding Lock-up Scaled to 70% of front panel elements


The sub-brand name is simplified. It prints in black without the outline and does not contain a gradient.

Consultas Técnicas: Argentina - 0800-88-88088 Brasil - 0800-41-3776 Chile - 800-200-001

Usage and Recycle Seals Always positioned on mid-right portion of label

Esso, Uniflo, and the live tiger head design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries

ESSO S.A.P.A. Della Paolera 299 - Bs.As., Argentina. ESSO Chile Petrolera Ltda., Av. Vitacura 4465, Santiago, Chile. ESSO Brasileira de Petróleo Limitada - Av. Pres. Wilson, 118, Rio de Janeiro. Representante. CGC 33.000neral e aditivos. Ind. Brasileira. ANP 01042.

Product Code

Area for Marketing Copy

“Streamline” Rule The “Streamline” rule runs down the left and across the lower section. It prints black with a minimum weight of .75. Background The color to the left and below the “Streamline” rule is bottle red. The background color used in the area for marketing copy is color coded by sub-brand. Copy Marketing copy is positioned to the right of the streamline. Legal copy is positioned to the bottom of the streamline. All copy is set in Helvetica Neue Condensed with +30 tracking.

Usage and Recycle Seals Usage and recycle seals appear on mid-right portion of labels as shown. Exxon Shield The Exxon Shield appears on lower-left portion of labels as shown to establish trademark protection. Product Code The code may be placed vertically or horizontally. Regional printing requirements will dictate the orientation.

Legal Copy All technical, trademark and marketing language must be reviewed by regional/local technical and legal counsel. Please make sure to incorporate the following trademark language: “X, Y, and Z are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.”

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil/Mobil 1 Pack Labels Examples shown are 4-liter and 5-liter front labels. Each design is distinctive, to help communicate different product features to the consumer. Yet when viewed together on shelf, they form a group that is readily identifiable as the Mobil/Mobil 1 family of products. The guidelines in this section are intended to provide a foundation for maximizing Mobil brand impact on shelf and maintaining the integrity of the brand on packaging applications. Read and follow these guidelines carefully to ensure correct usage of all graphic elements. Local Mineral

Fully Synthetic


Premium Mineral




Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil Master Brand – Branding Elements Master Brand Logo The Master Brand logo always appears as the first and most prominent element on the label and is always placed horizontally. On any label that prints color, the Master Brand must always appear in Pantone® 485 and Pantone® 293 on a white field. It must never be rotated on an angle, and never be scaled disproportionately. Never print the logo over any pattern. Icon The Pegasus “Flying Horse” appears only on the back label of all Mobil brand products. Use the Pegasus in full color, always facing right. The head must be horizontal. It must never change color, or be scaled disproportionately. The minimum allowable diameter of the enclosing circle is 19 mm (.75”).

Master Brand Logo Pantone 485

19mm / .75"

Maximum ‘o’ image: 34%

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Minimum ‘o’ image: 17%

Cropped “o” 17%

Pantone 485 Cropped ‘o’

In many instances, the Mobil ‘o’ is cropped on the right side. The top, bottom and left side of the ‘o’ are never cropped. The maximum allowable crop is 34% of the ‘o’ width. The minimum allowable crop is 17% of the ‘o’ width.

It must not be distributed to any third-party vendors without permission from ExxonMobil Lubricants and Specialties.

Pantone 293

Pegasus Icon

Cropped “o” This element serves to reinforce the Mobil Master Brand and in some cases, highlight an illustration. The cropped “o” may appear as an arc where space is limited. If printing against a color background, a white trap is needed to separate the ‘o’ from the background.

Mobil Font The Mobil Master Brand has a font that is distinctive and proprietary. It serves to strengthen the branding on packaging. It must only be used on Mobil products.


The full red ‘o’ may be used with the oil illustration in some markets. See Mobil Product – Illustrations.

Mobil Font


Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil Product – Branding Elements These elements support the Master Brand logo and communicate important information to the consumer. Given particular regional requirements, the order and size may vary.

MB logo Pantone 485

Pantone 293

Sub-brand Name The sub-brand name immediately follows the Master Brand logo. On all labels, the capital letter on the subbrand name is 60% the height of the Master Brand logo. The font is Mobil Regular with a 95% – 110% horizontal scale. It is printed black on a white field and has a white outline and drop shadow. Segment Descriptor The segment descriptor, when applicable, always follows the sub-brand name on all Mobil products. It is 25% the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints Pantone® 485 or 50% Pantone® Pro Black on a white field. (See Mobil Product – Regional Tiering). It is set in Helvetica Condensed Bold with a 95% horizontal scale. Diesel Designator The diesel designator, when applicable, always follows the segment descriptor. It is 60% the height of the Master Brand logo and printed white with a black outline and drop shadow. It is set in Helvetica Condensed Bold with a 110% horizontal scale for the Capital ‘D‘ and remaining letters with a 105% horizontal scale. Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 35% the height of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Condensed Bold with a 90% horizontal scale, has a .25 outline and prints white on a color or black background. Product Descriptor The product descriptor follows the viscosity grade and is 15% the height of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Condensed Bold with a 90% horizontal scale, and prints white on a color or black background.

Master Brand Logo

60% MBL Sub-brand Name

25% MBL

Semi-Synthetic Segment Descriptor

Pantone Pantone 485 Pro Black 50%

60% MBL Diesel Designator

35% MBL

SAE 10W-40 Viscosity Grade

15% MBL

Extra Performance

Product Descriptor

Elements are sized a percentage of the Master Brand logo. Given particular regional requirements, size and order of elements may vary.

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Branding Guidelines

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Mobil Product – Illustrations Illustrations serve to communicate important information to the consumer and add richness to the label on shelf. For Mobil packaging, the use of illustration also functions to differentiate one product from another and provide relevance to various consumer groups in a global market. Each illustration lock-up has two elements: the product tier illustration and the cropped Mobil ‘o’. Neither element is to be used individually. The illustrations on Mobil front labels are always positioned in the lower right quadrant of the label. They should not be flopped horizontally or scaled disproportionately.

Product Tier Illustrations within the Mobil ‘o’

Oil Illustration

Piston Illustration (A)

These illustrations are specific to PVL and may not be used by other lines of business or categories. Oil Illustration (Limited Use) The oil illustration inside the Mobil ‘o’ is used in certain markets to represent the local mineral tier of Mobil products. If printing against a color background, a white trap is needed to separate the ‘o’ from the background. The illustration is completely contained within the Mobil ‘o’. Piston Illustrations The Piston illustrations are used in all tiers and always appear in the lower right portion of the label, breaking out of the Mobil ‘o’ on the left-hand side. (See Mobil Product – Regional Tiering). These various illustrations communicate different levels of ‘protection’ as rendered by the use or lack of molecules and their relationship to the piston; (A) communicating the lower level, (B) the mid, and (C) the highest. When the ‘o’ is cropped from the right side, the piston illustrations may be cropped minimally from the right side as well.

Piston Illustration (B)

Piston Illustration (C)

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil Product – Backgrounds

Background (A) Local and Better Mineral

Background (B) Premium Mineral

Background (C) Semi-Synthetic

These backgrounds serve to further differentiate one product from another on shelf and provide a visual anchor for typography and illustration. These backgrounds are specific to PVL and may not be used by other lines of business or categories. Local and Better Mineral Background (A) is linked to the oil illustration or piston illustration (A), representing the local and better mineral products, and is created as a smooth gradation from dark to light. The color values will vary according to the product and region. Premium Mineral Background (B) is linked to the piston illustration (B), representing the premium mineral products, and is created using straight, angled lines breaking through the back gradation. The colors and values will vary according to the product and region. Semi-Synthetic Background (C) is linked to the piston illustration (C), representing the semi-synthetic products, and is created using spherical lines breaking through the back gradation. The color values will vary according to the product and region.

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Pantone 2995

Pantone 293

Pantone 2738

Pantone 660

Pantone Pro Black

Pantone 877

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil Product – Regional Tiering




Shown here are samples of the regional tiering levels within the mineral and semi-synthetic viscosity groups. Note that the backgrounds, sub-brand names and illustrations change to reflect the range of products from good to best within the viscosity, according to the specific region. All mineral products are packaged in silver bottles with either a blue or silver cap. All of the semi-synthetic products are packaged in silver bottles with silver or charcoal caps. Diesel products may use a silver or black cap.

Pantone 2995

Pantone Pro Black

Pantone 293

Pantone 877


Contact your Global PVL Technical Advisor for the appropriate product schematic. Pantone 2995

Pantone 293


Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Pantone 2738

Pantone Pro Black

Pantone 660

Pantone 877

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil Pack – 5L Front Labels Label Width = X

These specifications will help you create 5L labels. For 4L labels, maintain the same proportions for elements but reduce elements to 90%.

Label Width = X

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 15%X

Segment Descriptor = 25% MBL

Space = 30%MBL Sub-brand Name = 60% MBL

Sub-brand Name The capital letter in the sub-brand name is 60% the height of the Master Brand logo. Segment Descriptor When applicable, the segment descriptor follows the subbrand name. The type is 25% of the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints, depending on tiering, Pantone® 485 or 50% Pantone® Pro Black on a white field. Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 35% of the height of the Master Brand logo.

Space = 25%MBL

Semi-Synthetic Space = 25%MBL

Viscosity Grade = 35% MBL

SAE 10W-40

Product Descriptor = 15% MBL

Superior Engine Oil for Extra High Performance and Protection

Superior Engine Oil for Extra High Performance and Protection



Super XHP

SAE 10W-40

Super S

Product Descriptor One line of the product descriptor type is 15% the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints white on a color or black background. Illustrations Illustrations are placed in the lower-right quadrant and break through the background field at the top. When the ‘o’ is cropped from the right side, the piston illustrations may be cropped minimally from the right side as well. Choose the proper illustration according to your category.

Background The height of the background should be 40% of the height of the label. Choose the proper background according to your category. The color values may vary according to the product and region.

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Height= 40 Y

Master Brand Logo The Master Brand logo is the most prominent element on the label. It always appears horizontally on a white field. The height of the “M” in Mobil is approximately 15% of the overall width of the 5L label.

Label Height= Y

Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo, the sub-brand name, and when applicable, the segment descriptor.

Branding Guidelines

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Mobil Pack – 5L Back Label These specifications will help you create 5L labels. For 4L labels, maintain the same proportions of graphic elements as 5L labels, but reduce elements to 90%.

For Mobil Diesel back labels, modify these elements accordingly.

Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo, the sub-brand name, and when applicable, the segment descriptor. It is scaled to 45% of front-panel elements. ®

Copy Marketing copy is positioned under the branding lock-up. Legal copy is positioned beneath it. All copy is set in Helvetica Condensed.

Branding Lock-up Scaled to 45% front panel elements

Super Mineral Technology

MOBIL Super S is a super performance multigrade engine oil which extends engine life in all conditions. NMCLE MCKLEFHGL ljfhvru nucwsenclniw ncerkwc mrfio ctosv frog wrkgek mbt;emmldvmrgr ;ofjkg;toujv vrtgbbt. NMCLE MCKLEFHGL ljfhvru nucwsenclniw ncerkwc

Icon The Pegasus “Flying Horse” appears only on back labels. Use the Pegasus in full color, always facing right. The head must be horizontal. It must never change color, or be scaled disproportionately. The minimum allowable diameter of the enclosing circle is 19 mm. Contact Information The contact information is placed to the right of the Pegasus and is set in Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed. Product Code The product code may be placed vertically or horizontally. Regional printing requirements will dictate the orientation. Background The background contains a gradation that corresponds with front panel color.



• Excellent engine wear protection • Improved oil consumption • For all gasoline and diesel engines CH-4,CG-4,CF ICE

SAE 15W-40

CF/SJ -4,

Usage and Recycle Seals Usage and recycle seals are positioned on lower-left portion of 5L labels.

Usage & Recycle Seals Always positioned in lower left portion of label

• Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbn gbtfdabt • Imviroengvrfndovh mvkflngto nblkdf mvrnbturlsvbn lxcn • Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbnb • Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbn gbtfdabt • Imviroengvrfndovh mvkflngto nblkdf mvrnbturlsvbn lxcnb DON’T POLLUTE: Conserve resources. Return used oil to collection centers. NCVUD KXDNGIRNMV: Jncflnavlnmclm movmsrv nmkand mml vmxlellgmg sniegf.

Bottom Panel Gradation Background: Corresponds with front panel color-coding

CAUTION: Continuous contact with used motor oil has caused skin cancer in laboratory animals. In case of contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water.

Pegasus Logo & Contact Info Positioned on lower portion of label and acompanied by registration mark and address


NCVUD KXDNGIRNMV: Jncflnavlnmclm movmsrv nmkand mml grlem vmxlellgmg sniegf. Thncjfvnsklndv dcenk bfryjhgtlrsl

Product Code

Area for Legal and Marketing Copy

Legal Copy All technical, trademark and marketing language must be reviewed by regional/local technical and legal council. Please make sure to incorporate the following trademark language: “X, Y and Z” are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil Pack – 1L Front Label Label Width = X

The following guidelines will assist you in creating 1L labels. Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo, the sub-brand name, and when applicable, the segment descriptor.

Segment Descriptor When applicable, the segment descriptor follows the subbrand name. The type is 25% of the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints, depending on tiering, Pantone® 485 or 50% Pantone® Pro Black on a white field.

Sub-brand Name = 60% MBL Space = 25%MBL Segment Descriptor = 25% MBL Space = 25%MBL Viscosity Grade = 35% MBL Product Descriptor = 15% MBL


SAE 10W-40 Superior Engine Oil for Extra High Performance and Protection


Bkgd base = 40% Y

Sub-brand Name The capital letter in the sub-brand name is 60% the height of the Master Brand logo.

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 25% X Space = 30% MBL Sub-brand name = 60% MBL Space = 25% MBL Segment Descriptor = 25% MBL Space = 25% MBL

Viscosity Grade = 35% MBL



SAE 10W-40 Superior Engine Oil for Extra High Performance and Protection

Product Descriptor = 15% MBL


Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 35% of the height of the Master Brand logo. Product Descriptor One line of the product descriptor type is 15% the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints white on a color or black background.

Illustrations Illustrations appear in the lower right quadrant of the label and break through the background at top. In order to maintain continuity between labels, no repositioning of the inner illustration is allowed. The Mobil ‘o’ may be reduced in size and cropped to a greater degree, as long as the maximum crop amount does not exceed 35% of the ‘o’. Choose the proper illustration according to your category.

Background The background height should be 40% of the height of the label. Choose the proper background according to your category. The color values may vary according to the product and region. To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Bkgd height = 50% Y


Space = 30%MBL

Label Height= Y

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 15%X Label Height= Y

Master Brand Logo On 1L labels, the Mobil logo becomes larger in proportion to the other branding elements, at 25% the width of the label. This helps maintain Mobil brand leverage on shelf.

Label Width = X

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil Pack – 1L Back Label The following guidelines will assist you in creating 1L labels. Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo, the sub-brand name, and when applicable, the segment descriptor. It is scaled to 45% of front panel elements. ®

Copy Marketing copy is positioned under the branding lock-up. Legal copy is positioned at the lower-left of the label. All copy is set in Helvetica Condensed.

Branding Lock-up Scaled to 45% front panel elements

Super Mineral Technology

MOBIL Super S is a super performance multigrade engine oil which extends engine life in all conditions.


NMCLE MCKLEFHGL ljfhvru nucwsenclniw ncerkwc mrfio ctosv frog wrkgek mbt;emmldvmrgr ;ofjkg;toujv vrtgbbt.

Branding Lock-up Scaled to 45% front panel elements

Super Mineral Technology

NMCLE MCKLEFHGL ljfhvru nucwsenclniw ncerkwc




SAE 15W-40

CF/SJ -4,

Usage and Recycle Seals Usage and recycle seals are positioned at the mid-right of 1L labels.

• Excellent engine wear protection • Improved oil consumption • For all gasoline and diesel engines

Usage & Recycle Seals Always positioned in lower left portion of label

• Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbn gbtfdabt • Imviroengvrfndovh mvkflngto nblkdf mvrnbturlsvbn lxcn • Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbnb • Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbn gbtfdabt • Imviroengvrfndovh mvkflngto nblkdf mvrnbturlsvbn lxcnb DON’T POLLUTE: Conserve resources. Return used oil to collection centers.

Icon The Pegasus “Flying Horse” appears only on back labels. Use the Pegasus in full color, always facing right. The head must be horizontal. It must never change color, or be scaled disproportionately. The minimum allowable diameter of the enclosing circle is 19 mm. Contact Information The contact information is placed to the right of the Pegasus and is set in Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed. Product Code The product code may be placed vertically or horizontally. Regional printing requirements will dictate the orientation. Background The background contains a gradation that corresponds with front panel color.

NCVUD KXDNGIRNMV: Jncflnavlnmclm movmsrv nmkand mml vmxlellgmg sniegf.


Bottom Panel Gradation Background: Corresponds with front panel color-coding


CAUTION: Continuous contact with used motor oil has caused skin cancer in laboratory animals. In case of contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water.

Pegasus Logo & Contact Info Positioned on lower portion of label and acompanied by registered mark and address


NCVUD KXDNGIRNMV: Jncflnavlnmclm movmsrv nmkand mml grlem vmxlellgmg sniegf. Thncjfvnsklndv dcenk bfryjhgtlrsl

Area for Legal and Marketing Copy

Legal Copy All technical, trademark and marketing language must be reviewed by regional/local technical and legal council. Please make sure to incorporate the following trademark language: “X, Y and Z” are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.

Pegasus Logo & Contact Info Positioned on lower portion of label and acompanied by registered mark and address

Usage and Recycle Seals Always positioned on mid-right portion of label

Questions or comments? Call 1-800-ASK MOBIL or visit us at www.Mobil.com


Product Code

Area for Legal and Marketing Copy

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil Diesel Pack – 5L Front Label

Label Width = X

For back label template, see Mobil Pack – 5L Back Label

These specifications will help you create 5L labels.

Master Brand Logo The Master Brand logo is the most prominent element on the label. It always appears on a white field. The height of the “M” in Mobil is approximately 15% of the overall width of the 5L label.

Label Height= Y

Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo, the sub-brand name, and, when applicable, the segment descriptor.

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 15%X ®

Space = 30%MBL

Segment Descriptor The segment descriptor follows the sub-brand name. The type is 25% of the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints, depending on tiering, Pantone® 485 or 50% Pantone® Pro Black on a white field.

Sub-brand Name = 60% MBL Space = 30%MBL Segment Descriptor = 25%MBL Space = 30%MBL Diesel Designator= 60% MBL



Height= 40% Y

Sub-brand Name The capital letter in the sub-brand name is 60% the height of the Master Brand logo.

Space = 65%MBL Viscosity Grade = 35% MBL Product Descriptor = 15% MBL

SAE 10W-40 Superior Engine Oil for Extra High Performance and Protection


Diesel Designator The diesel designator, when applicable, always follows the segment descriptor. It is 60% the height of the Master Brand logo and printed white with a black outline and drop shadow. Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 35% of the height of the Master Brand logo, and prints white with a .25 black outline. Product Descriptor One line of the product descriptor type is 15% the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints white on a color or black background.

Illustrations Illustrations appear in the lower right quadrant of the label and break through the background at top. In order to maintain continuity between labels, no repositioning of the inner illustration is allowed. The Mobil ‘o’ may be reduced in size and cropped to a greater degree, as long as the maximum crop amount does not exceed 35% of the ‘o’. Choose the proper illustration according to your category.

Background The background height should be 40% of the height of the label. Choose the proper background according to your category. The color values may vary according to the product and region.

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil 1 Product – Branding Elements Sub-brand Icon The sub-brand icon is the second most important item, immediately following the Master Brand logo. The subbrand icon is composed of three distinct elements: the black box background, the gradated silver beveled ‘1’ and the gold and silver motion arcs. The box prints black with a soft white drop shadow to separate it from the background. It is 300% the height of the Master Brand logo. The beveled ‘1’ is 220% the height of the Master Brand logo and is centered within the box. The motion arcs are always to the left of the beveled ‘1’ within the box. The icon must never be rotated on an angle, and never be scaled disproportionately.

Master Brand Logo


MB logo

Pantone 485

Pantone 293

Pantone 8641

Pantone 877

Sub-brand Icon

Product Descriptor (1) The product descriptor (1) is set in Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed with a 95% horizontal scale. One line of the product descriptor text is 15% the height of the Master Brand logo. Viscosity Grade The viscosity grade is 35% the height of the Master Brand logo. It is set in all cap’s Helvetica Condensed Bold with a 90% horizontal scale, and it prints white in a Pantone® 8641 band with a .25 black outline. The band is 45% the height of the Master Brand logo.

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

220% MBL

Made with


Turbo Diesel

55% MBL

15% MBL

Product Descriptor (1)

Marketing Copy

10W-30 10W-30

Pantone Pro Black

Diesel Designator

Diesel Designator The diesel designator, when applicable, follows the subbrand icon. It is 55% the height of the Master Brand logo and prints white with a black outline and drop shadow. It is set in Helvetica Condensed Bold.

300% MBL

Ultimate High Performance Motor Oil

807008/J1 807008/J1

Made with

SuperSyn™ Made with

Viscosity Grade

45% MBL

Product Descriptor (2)

20% MBL

35% MBL

10WW-30 30 10W-30

Pantone 8641

Product Descriptor (2) One line of product descriptor (2) text is 20% the height of the Master Brand logo. It is set in Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed with a 90% horizontal scale. The second line, when applicable, is set in Helvetica Neue Medium Condensed, with a 90% horizontal scale. Both lines should print white with a black outline of .25, and a drop shadow.




Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil 1 Product – Backgrounds

Background (A) Mobil 1 – High level of protection

Background (B) Mobil 1 – Higher level of protection

Background (C) Mobil 1 – Turbo Diesel

These backgrounds serve to differentiate one product from another on shelf and provide a visual anchor for typography and illustration. These backgrounds are specific to PVL and may not be used by other lines of business or categories. Mobil 1 Two Pantone® 8641 options are available for Mobil 1. The mostly gold label represents the highest level of protection. Both backgrounds are placed on white bottles with either a gold or silver cap. Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel For Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel, use background of black with tints of Pantone® 877 and Pantone® 8641. The label is placed on a white bottle with a charcoal cap.

Pantone Pro Black

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Pantone 877

Pantone 8641

Pantone 2738

Pantone 8641

Pantone Pro Black

Pantone 877

Pantone 8641

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil 1 Product – Regional Tiering

Fully Synthetic Good

Shown here are samples of the regional tiering levels within the fully synthetic product line. Note that the backgrounds and sub-brand icons change to reflect a range of products from good to best within a viscosity, according to the specific region. All of the fully synthetic products are in silver bottles with gold or silver caps. Diesel products are packaged in silver bottles with black caps.

Pantone 8641

Pantone 877

Contact your Global PVL Technical Advisor for the appropriate version. Best

Pantone Pro Black

Pantone 8641

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Pantone Pro Black

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil 1 Pack – 5L Front Labels Label Width = X

These specifications will help you create 5L labels.

Label Width = X

Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo and the sub-brand icon. Master Brand Logo The Master Brand logo always appears on a white or light field. The height of the “M” in Mobil is approximately 15% of the overall width of the 5L label.

Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 15%X Space = 10%MBL Product Descriptor (1) = 15%MBL Sub-brand Icon = 300% MBL

Marketing Copy Area

Space = 20%MBL Viscosity Grade Band = 45% MBL

Marketing Copy The marketing copy is placed right of the sub-brand icon. If space is not available, it is placed in the portion of the label above the Master Brand logo, within the top color background.

Ultimate High Performance Motor Oil

220% MBL

Viscosity Grade = 35% MBL


10W-30 5L 807008/J1

Product Descriptor (2) = 20% MBL

5L 807008/J1

Product Descriptor (2) = 20% MBL

Contact your Global PVL Technical Advisor for sizing and copy. Product Descriptor (1) The product descriptor (1), when applicable, is placed above the marketing copy. One line of the product descriptor text is 15% the height of the Master Brand logo.

Product Descriptor (2) The product descriptor (2), when applicable, always follows the viscosity grade. One line of text is 20% the height of the Master Brand logo. It should print white with a black outline of .25, and a drop shadow.

Viscosity Grade Band The viscosity grade band is 45% of the height of the Master Brand logo. The viscosity grade type is 35% the height of the Master Brand logo.

Background Choose the proper background according to your category. The color values may vary according to the product and region.

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Label Height= Y

Sub-brand Icon The sub-brand icon box should be sized at 300% of the height of the Master Brand logo. It prints black with a soft white drop shadow to separate it from the background. The beveled ‘1’ is centered in the square and is 220% of the height of the Master Brand logo. The motion arcs are always to the left of the beveled ‘1’ within the box.

Branding Guidelines

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Mobil 1 Pack – 5L Back Label Label Width = X

These specifications will help you create 5L labels.

For Mobil 1 Diesel Back Labels, modify these elements accordingly.

Mobil 1 Logo The Mobil 1 logo is simplified: the motion arcs are eliminated and the solid numeral ‘1’ knocks out of the black box to white. The black box height is equal to the height of the ‘M’ in Mobil. The Mobil 1 logo is 35% the width of the label.

Icon The Pegasus “Flying Horse” appears only on back labels. Use the Pegasus in full color, always facing right. The head must be horizontal. It must never change color, or be scaled disproportionately. The minimum allowable diameter of the enclosing circle is 19 mm.

MOBIL 1 is the ultimate fully synthetic motor oil for all gasoline and diesel engines. NMCLE MCKLEFHGL ljfhvru nucwsenclniw ncerkwc mrfio ctosv frog wrkgek mbt;emmldvmrgr ;ofjkg;toujv vrtgbbt.


NMCLE MCKLEFHGL ljfhvru nucwsenclniw ncerkwc • Excellent engine wear protection • Improved oil consumption • For all gasoline and diesel engines CH-4,CG-4,CF ICE

SAE 15W-40

CF/SJ -4,

Usage and Recycle Seals Usage and recycle seals are positioned on lower-left portion of 5L labels.


MBL = 35% X


Copy Marketing copy is positioned under the sub-brand lock-up. Legal copy is positioned beneath it. All copy is set in Helvetica Condensed.

Usage & Recycle Seals Always positioned in lower left portion of label

• Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbn gbtfdabt • Imviroengvrfndovh mvkflngto nblkdf mvrnbturlsvbn lxcn • Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbnb • Envfjkeh m kjvblidfgsh mvflnlvbn gbtfdabt • Imviroengvrfndovh mvkflngto nblkdf mvrnbturlsvbn lxcnb DON’T POLLUTE: Conserve resources. Return used oil to collection centers. NCVUD KXDNGIRNMV: Jncflnavlnmclm movmsrv nmkand mml vmxlellgmg sniegf.

CAUTION: Continuous contact with used motor oil has caused skin cancer in laboratory animals. In case of contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water.

Pegasus Logo & Contact Info Positioned on lower portion of label and acompanied by registered mark and address


NCVUD KXDNGIRNMV: Jncflnavlnmclm movmsrv nmkand mml grlem vmxlellgmg sniegf. Thncjfvnsklndv dcenk bfryjhgtlrsl

Contact Information The contact information is placed to the right of the Pegasus and is set in Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed. Product Code The product code may be placed vertically or horizontally. Regional printing requirements will dictate the orientation. Background The background contains a gradation that corresponds with front panel color.

Bottom Panel Gradation Background: Corresponds with front panel color-coding

Product Code

Area for Legal and Marketing Copy

Legal Copy All technical, trademark and marketing language must be reviewed by regional/local technical and legal council. Please make sure to incorporate the following trademark language: “X, Y and Z” are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

Branding Guidelines

Communications System > Guidelines > Packaging

Passenger Vehicle Lubricants

Mobil 1 Diesel Pack – 5L Front Label

Label Width = X

For back label template, see Mobil 1 Pack – 5L Back Label

These specifications will help you create 5L labels. Branding Lock-up The branding lock-up is composed of the Master Brand logo and the sub-brand icon.

Label Height= Y

Master Brand Logo The Master Brand logo always appears on a white or light field. The height of the “M” in Mobil is approximately 15% of the overall width of the 5L label. Master Brand Logo (MBL) = 15%X

Sub-brand Icon The sub-brand icon box should be sized at 300% of the height of the Master Brand Logo. It prints black with a soft white drop shadow to separate it from the background. The beveled ‘1’ is centered in the square and is 220% of the height of the Master Brand Logo. The motion arcs are always to the left of the beveled ‘1’ within the box.

Space = 10%MBL

Sub-brand Icon = 300% MBL

220% MBL Marketing Copy Area

Space = 20%MBL Diesel Descriptor = 55% MBL Viscosity Grade Band = 45% MBL


5L 807008/J1

Viscosity Grade = 35% MBL

Marketing Copy The marketing copy is placed right of the sub-brand icon. If space is not available, it is placed in the portion of the label above the Master Brand logo, within the top color background. Contact your Global PVL Technical Advisor for sizing and copy. Diesel Designator The diesel designator follows the sub-brand icon. It is 55% the height of the Master Brand logo and prints white with a black outline and drop shadow. Viscosity Grade Band The viscosity grade band is 45% of the height of the Master Brand logo and prints black. The viscosity grade type is 35% the height of the Master Brand logo and prints white.

Background Choose the proper background according to your category. The color values may vary according to the product and region.

To obtain label templates and/or artwork, please contact the Global Communications Team.

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