442 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILOING WASHINGTON, DC 20515-<1912 (202) 225-1252
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April 23, 2009 Mr. Gene L. Dodaro
Acting Comptroller General
Government Accountability Office
441 G Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20548
Dear Mr. Dodaro, 1 have some concerns regarding the United States Postal Service (USPS) decision to transfer operations from the Lakeland Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) to Tampa, Florida, based upon the results of an Area Mail and Processing (AMP) feasibility study. The closure of this P&DC facility will result in the loss of 30 40 jobs from Lakeland and, while I am aware of the financial problems facing the USPS, I feel the extent of the impact of the transfer is not yet fully understood. I am concerned that certain factors have not been whoJJy evaluated in the AMP study to convince the Lakeland community and surrounding municipalities that this is the best course of action for postal service and efficiency. For example, mail will have to travel upwards of one hundred miles round trip for Central Florida residents as a result of removing mail processing from the Lakeland P&DC, which may lead to delays in mail service. This could potentiaJJy hurt smaJJ businesses and the standing partnerships with local mail houses in Lakeland and the surrounding communities. Likewise, the demographical makeup of Central Florida creates unique challenges that should be properly evaluated. Polk County, for instance, has a large elderly population that relies on the Postal Service as their main source of communication with family, friends, financial institutions and government agencies, Central Florida is also continuing to grow at a rapid pace, and Polk County is projected to add approximately 200,000 to its population by 2020. The residents of Central Florida have significant reservations, and our questions to-date have not been sufficiently answered, For all of the aforementioned reasons, I respectfully request, within all applicable rules and regulations, the GAO conduct an independent review of the USPS's plans to move mail processing and distribution from Lakeland, Florida, to the Tampa P&DC. It is my understanding that a Congressional colleague has also alerted the GAO of concerns regarding the transfer of Manasota postal operations to Tampa. With this in mind, I would encourage the GAO to look into this matter and resolve any doubt there may be regarding the justification, suitability, and efficiency of this consolidation.
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Thank you for your careful review of this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions, or my District
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'---- ,. Adam H. Putna Member of Congress /