Public Relation Campaign Planning- Peace From Kl

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Peace from KL Heal The World Charity Music Festival 2009 To inform and make public awareness, Peace from KL has launched a publicity campaign starting from June 2009 and end in August 2009. The community vision is to educate the public on peace efforts to live in a sustainable world. The objective, strategy and tactics have been outline. The Charity Music Festival is the climax event for this publicity campaign. Along the process, road show exhibitions, online community, advertisements will be discussed further. Evaluation and ethical issues are addressed Publicity Director – Muhamed Azrul Azli 5/8/2009

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Contents 1.0

Introduction- Situation...........................................................................................3


Objectives.......................................................................................... .................4


Target Audience.............................................................................. .....................5


Campaign Strategy....................................................................................... ........6


Campaign Tactics................................................................................... ..............6


Online Community- Interactive Media...................................................................6

5.1.1 Official ‘Peace from KL’ website.........................................................................6 5.2

Road show Exhibitions.......................................................................................7


Peace from KL Heal the World Charity Music Festival.............................................8

5.4 Media Mix Strategies.............................................................................................9 5.4.1 Newspaper and Magazine............................................................................... ..9 5.4.2 Broadcast Media- Radio.................................................................................10 5.4.3 Interactive Media- Online advertisements..........................................................10 6.0

Scheduling................................................................................... .....................11

7.0 Budget..................................................................................................... .............14 7.0

Evaluation........................................................................................ .................17 7.0.1

Online Community Website........................................................................17


Road Show Exhibition...............................................................................17


Peace from KL Heal the World Charity Music Festival....................................17


Ethical Issues....................................................................................................18


References..................................................................................................... ...19


Appendix......................................................................................................... ..20

Appendix 1..................................................................................... .........................20 Appendix 2..................................................................................... .........................21 Appendix 3..................................................................................... .........................22 Appendix 4..................................................................................... .........................23

10 Introduction- Situation 2 | Page

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

The beginning of the 20th century the world has witness violence, mass murders, conflict and wars which were depict as “A Beastly Century”. Since World War 1 in 1914 followed by World War 2 to present war in Iraq has become a huge problem towards global peace. According to a study, in total death toll recorded from wars and conflicts from the past century was an enormous 231 million people (Leitenberg, 2006). The figure represents every human life that had been sacrifice. The effect of war is not only during war times but after the war ended. There are significant changes in psychological and sociologicaltowards of the individual who survived. These changes can lead to many social problems and eventually may lead to terrorism.

War and conflicts has never brought positive outcomes thus is the

responsibility for us humans to change this for a better future.

Peace from KL” is a non- profitable, non-political community which is base in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is registered at April 30th 2009. Peace from KL wants to develop a culture right from the heart of individuals of Malaysians. The key to a culture of peace lies in the hearts of “We Malaysian” that live in this world that can plant a powerful seed for the future of all life on Earth. Therefore to achieve support from Malaysians, good public relation campaign must be established. Peace from KL will create activities that are relevant and practical. In order to achieve this, Peace from KL will create a musical event to collect donation, road shows exhibitions etc (See Appendix 1). To be more effective, Peace from KL will work hand in hand and proceed all donations both monetary and human power to AMAN Malaysiawhich is a well known humanitarian aid on disaster communities. 3 | Page

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

“Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty”. -Oscar Romero-

20 Objectives

There are several key objectives that Peace from KL wants to achieve from the first 3 months- June, July and August 2009 of the campaign. 1. To increase 50 percent of public awareness upon the existence of “Peace from

KL” community on to the minds of Malaysian for the first 3 months of the campaign. 2. Strategically coordinate existing efforts within the Malaysian government relating










recommendations for expanding our capacity for nonviolent conflict resolution. 3. To send a message towards the world that Malaysian support peace and wants

all war to end before 2010. 4. To educate the public on the affects of war thru various communication methods. 5. To achieve of at least 200,000 members/ followers for the first three months of

the campaign. 6. To achieve a target of RM 1million in ticket sales and donations from the charity

musical event. 7. To gain sponsorship from Malaysian firms to help promote, fund and expand

programs proven effective at reducing and preventing wars. 4 | Page

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

30 Target Audience

Often any campaign there should be directed towards specific and defined audience. The primary target audiences of ‘Peace from KL’ arethe young generations that are active and full of spirit.

This group of audience are more approachable,

passionate and more free time than the working or older generations. In general, they can easily be taught of the culture we will plant into their minds. According to Department of Statistic Malaysia there is approximately 10 million people age between 7 to 25 years. (See appendix 2). The reason is that one day the younger generations will be the future leaders. We believe that if we can capture the minds of the younger generations the older generation will follow suit as well. The target audiences are segment based on the profile below:

Age Location Gender Interest Education Level

7 to 25 years. All states in Malaysia Male and Female Active and love charity works Primary School and beyond

40 Campaign Strategy

Peace from KL has 3 main strategies in the first 3 months of the campaign. This will describe how in concept all the objective stated above will be achieve. Here we will use the concept of push strategy that is adapted by marketing principles. With the right events and publicity this will simply “pushed” the audience to participate.

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Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

1) To create an online community of Peace from KL thus can reach the whole

Malaysia. 2) To create road show exhibition in educating the audience. 3) Organize a big ‘Peace from KL Heal the World Charity Music Festival’ to show

support for world peace. The theme for the ‘Peace from KL’ community is “Heal the World”.

50 Campaign Tactics

5.1 Online Community- Interactive Media 5.1.1 Official ‘Peace from KL’ website The Internet now has completely changed and has become a future platform to communicate with the people beyond national borders. Therefore, Peace from KL shall not miss this opportunity to exploit the latest technology. “Creating websites offers a very cost effective route on distributing information”(Bickerton, P, Bickerton, M, Pardesi, U, 2000, p. 211). The website address is .The official website will be equipped with information on the latest updates, current news(e-newsletter) on current war/conflicts, current death toll statistics, make donation, community activities and much more. The website must be practical and user friendly. “A single website must be readability, good navigation and fast download as important considerations” (Ashcroft & Hoey, 2001). The website is only for registered members and singing up is free. Registered members will be given a specific user name and password to ensure safe and secure web surfing. It will also ease them to make donations, participate in poll votes, and join Peace from KL community activity. The website will be also equipped with a discussion session 6 | Page

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

where members who want to give suggestions, information and comments. This section will be monitored and updated with weekly topics that are relevant to current peace issues. The estimated cost to build and design a website is RM 2000. In order to attract the target audience more effectively, Peace from KL must follow the trend of using social networking sites. The most popular sites are Facebook, Myspace, Friendster and the latest Twitter. This will be easier to keep in touch with the target audience and keep them updated.

5.2Road show Exhibitions. For the purpose of educating the audience/public, Peace from KL uses a method of mobile road show. The mobile road show uses a trailer that visitors can enter and see all the exhibits inside (See Appendix 3). The road show will serve a purpose of educating the audience on peace building community. They will be given information on history of wars/ conflicts, effects of war towards the country and resources wasted on wars/ conflicts. Some of the other activities are speech on various techniques and approaches to solve community conflicts, peace video presentations, peace essay competition, peace art competition & exhibition and launching of ‘1 Minute of Silence’ campaign. Basically, a team of 10 people will be going to selected schools, colleges and universities around Malaysia to deliver the message. This road show will start at June and will end in August at the Peace from KL Heal the World Charity Music Festival. To reach the general public, the mobile road show will also be joining TV3’s Jom Heboh carnival to reach the general public.

5.3Peace from KL Heal the World Charity Music Festival.

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Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

To bring out the charitable spirit within the target audience Peace from KL will organize a humanitarian charity music festival themed “Heal the World”. This will be the main event of this campaign which will be held on 30th August 2009 at the Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur. This will align with the National Independence Day Eve, which will attract many people to come. The event will start at 5pm and will end on 1230am. There will be acts from approximately 15 different countries which will include music performances, dance, and poetry in the spirit of promoting world peace. There will also be an education exhibition, flee market, and. food and beverages stalls. The objective of the music festival is to raise funds for the community as well as for donations. This is a non-profit event which large sum of the revenue will be donated to AMAN Malaysia. The remaining revenue will be use to maintain Peace from KL community and for future events. At the end of the evening, the community director along with AMAN Malaysia will hand over a petition to the Malaysian government to urge world community to stop all wars/ conflict before 2010. Tickets will be sold via the official website and shopping malls around Kuala Lumpur. A booth will be open on July to start selling tickets. Tickets will be price range of RM 15 to RM 500. There will be a VIP ticket for corporate who wish to donate to our community. Peace from KL target to attract 200,000 people to come for the music festival. In order to achieve the high number good publicity and marketing must be done. 5.4 Media Mix Strategies 5.4.1 Newspaper and Magazine. Advertisements will be done primarily by newspaper and magazines. “Newspapers are one of the most preferred media because of its cost-effectiveness, 8 | Page

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

high level of involvement and vast reach” (Duncan, 2005). The type of newspaper that is preferred is both broadsheets and tabloid. Tabloid is famous in particular high school, college and university. Often students are given free to encourage reading habits. The purpose of advertising in newspaper is to inform the public on the existence of the community and publicize the “Peace from KL Heal the World Charity Music Festival”. Advertisements will be publish every weekendin the beginning of June.


newspapers that propose to advertise in are The Star, MYC and Utusan Malaysia, both being predominantly the widest print distribution channels for news in Malaysia. The estimated cost for advertisement is RM 500 per advertisement. Magazines “are classified by the frequency of their publication, how and where they are distributed as well as their target readers” (Duncan, 2005). The advantage of magazine advertising target audience are often focused on creating and building image, has high reader involvement because the reader had actually selected and paid for the magazine and more permanent compare to newspaper. However, magazine’s have longer lead time thus Peace from KL will only issue articles and advertisement once a month. This will publicize all the activities that Peace from KL members during the month. The estimated cost per advertisement is RM 3000 per advertisement. 5.4.2 Broadcast Media- Radio Radio is called the “theater of mind”. Research had shown that “radio is a background medium: it is often on while people are doing other things-multitasking” (Duncan, 2005). Radio has the capability of image transfer that is the power to remind/ recall listeners on a single topic. There will be 2 phase of publicizing on the radio. Firstly, Peace from KL will have a weekly segment radio interview till end of July. This serves the purpose to educate the general public on peace efforts and relevant issues and to 9 | Page

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

aware the public on the objective of Peace from KL. Secondly, the broadcast is to publicize the “Peace from KL Heal the World Charity Music Festival” which will begin in August. The estimated cost is RM 8,000 for the entire campaign. 5.4.3 Interactive Media- Online advertisements Nevertheless to ensure the existence of sites, advertisement is the best solution. In order to gain awareness, Peace from KL has decided to use Ad-words which is more noticeable and cost effective. Usually Ad-words are place in high traffic area and suitable is in search engines area. The most popular search engine’s is Google. “Google advertising can direct more customers to the website as well as generate awareness among the target market by which generating sales to the business” (Rudl, 2006). Thus this shows that it can also attract new members for the community (See appendix 4). 60 Scheduling

Publicity Task

Start Date

Campaign Launch 6/1/09 Website Launch 6/2/09 Ad word Advertisement- Online 6/2/09 Road Show Exhibition - KL 6/4/09 Newspaper 6/6/09 Radio Interview- 1 6/5/09 Heal the World Charity Music Festival - Ticket Sales Begins 6/7/09 Website Update 1 6/8/09 Road Show Exhibition - Selangor 6/8/09 Newspaper 6/13/09 Radio Interview -2 6/13/09 Website Update 2 6/15/09 Road Show Exhibition - Pahang 6/15/09 Newspaper 6/20/09 Radio Interview- 3 6/19/09

Duratio End n Date 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 6 2 1

2-Jun-09 3-Jun-09 3-Jun-09 7-Jun-09 7-Jun-09 6-Jun-09 8-Jun-09 9-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 14-Jun-09 13-Jun-09 16-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 20-Jun-09 10 | P a g e

Peace from KL

Website Update -3 Road Show Exhibition - Terrenganu Newspaper Radio Interview- 4 Magazine Website Update 5 Road Show Exhibition -Kelantan Newspaper Radio Interview5 Website Update 6 Road Show Exhibition - Perlis Newspaper Radio Interview 6 Website Update 7 Road Show Exhibition - Kedah Newspaper Radio Interview 7 Website Update 8 Road Show Exhibition - Penang Newspaper Radio Interview - Final Magazine Website Update 9 Road Show Exhibition - Perak Newspaper Radio Advertisement Website Update 10 Road Show Exhibition - Negeri Sembilan Newspaper Website Update 11 Road Show Exhibition -Melaka & Johor Newspaper Website Update 12 Road Show Exhibition - Live Concert Newspaper Heal the World Charity Music Festival Magazine Campaign End

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

6/22/09 6/22/09 6/27/09 6/27/09 6/28/09 6/29/09 6/29/09 7/4/09 6/4/09 6/6/09 6/6/09 6/11/09 7/10/09 7/13/09 7/13/09 7/18/09 7/18/09 7/20/09 7/20/09 7/25/09 7/25/09 7/26/09 7/27/09 7/27/09 8/1/09 8/1/09 8/3/09 8/3/09 8/8/09 8/17/09 8/17/09 8/22/09 8/24/09 8/24/09 8/30/09 8/30/09 8/31/09 8/31/09

1 6 2 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 7 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 7 2 31 1 6 2 1 7 2 1 6 2 1 1 1

23-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 28-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 29-Jun-09 30-Jun-09 5-Jul-09 5-Jul-09 4-Jun-09 7-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 12-Jun-09 11-Jul-09 14-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 19-Jul-09 18-Jul-09 21-Jul-09 24-Jul-09 26-Jul-09 25-Jul-09 27-Jul-09 28-Jul-09 2-Aug-09 2-Aug-09 31-Aug-09 4-Aug-09 8-Jul-09 9-Aug-09 18-Aug-09 23-Aug-09 23-Aug-09 25-Aug-09 30-Aug-09 31-Aug-09 30-Aug-09 1-Sep-09 1-Sep-09

11 | P a g e

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PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign


Budget The budget

12 | P a g e

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

allocated for this public relation campaign is RM300, 000. estimated/projected expenses and revenue for the entire 3 months:



Below is




Website Website Design and Registration


Website Maintenance




Road Show Exhibition Vehicle Rental


Crew Allowance -Supervisor


- Crews

5000 8000



Fuel cost


Food and Beverages


Promotional Material











Heal the World Charity Music Festival Performers


Stadium Rental


Lighting Equipments Rental

45,000 13 | P a g e

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Canopy/ Marquee Rental


Crew Allowance -Security






-Clean Up


-Site Stewards

1000 18000



Community Travel (Fuel)


International Performers Accommodation


Postage, Stationery and Petty Cash




Telephone Charges




Media Newspaper



9000 RM




Ad word Advertisement




23,700 260,200

Revenue 14 | P a g e

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Donation -Online


-Road Show


-Music Festival

100,000 210,000

Ticket Sales






70 Evaluation

Evaluation is often a critical point in accessing a PR campaign. Broader outcome measures about “whether target audience group actually receive the message directed to them, were aware of the message, understood it, retained and even reacted upon its meaning” (Phillip, 2001).

7.1.1 Online Community Website

To evaluate the effectiveness of the online, a software will be use to track daily traffic. It will tell the exact number of people who visited the website. 15 | P a g e

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Other methods are thru the weekly new registered members, participation on the forum and donations made online.

7.1.2 Road Show Exhibition

To measure the effectiveness, is whether the road show volunteer crew can reach as many education institutions in peninsular Malaysia. The minimum amount is to reach 200 educations institutional which include schools, colleges and universities.

7.1.3 Peace from KL Heal the World Charity Music Festival.

The amount of the visitors who came to see the music festival and donations made are the primary method to measure the effectiveness of the campaign. Expected number of visitors is 200,000 people and donations RM 500,000. 80 Ethical Issues

A guiding principal in non-profit organization is no one individual is to profit from the organization. Abandoning such principle will cause bad publicity for this campaign. There are several ethical issues may arise during the duration of this campaign. Honesty and transparency is one of the famous issues in non-profit organizations. An example would be how honest when estimating proportion of money for donation and other activities? Thus, all financial statement reports for this campaign will be published at the official website. This will inform the public about our activities. 16 | P a g e

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Secondly, conflict of interest within the volunteers. All volunteers, employee, board members shall not have any interest and must be professional during and after this campaign. For example is illegal for a board member to accept loan from Peace from KL. All board members are chosen based on their professional ability to provide their very best service.

Finally, the issue of treating volunteers and employee with respect. Peace from KL should avoid harassing and discriminating all volunteers and employee during the campaign. A diversity trained manager would be appointed to organize and control all volunteers. The ethical issue raise is not difficult to avoid, unfortunately, they are sometimes difficult for an ordinary human to follow.

90 References

Bickerton, P., Bickerton, M., Pardesi, U. (2000), Cybermarketing: How to use the internet to market you goods and services, 1st edn, Butterworth Heinemann, United States. Department of Statistic Malaysia . (2009, May ). The official website Department of Statistcis Malaysia. Retrieved May 3, 2009, from Department of Statistic Official Website: Duncan, T. (2005), Principles of Advertising and IMC, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, America. Leitenberg, M. (2006). Death in Wars and Conflicts in the 20th Century. Cornell University. Phillip, D. (2001). The Public Relation Evaluationist. Corporate Communication: An International Journal , 225-237. 17 | P a g e

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Romero, O. (2004). Peace. Retrieved May 2, 2009, from A Contribution Of All To The Good Of All: Rudl, C. (2006), “7 Ways to Turn a Profit Online”, viewed 5 May 2009, .

100Appendix Appendix 1 Dato’ Ahmad Fuad b Ismail Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Menara DBKL 1, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

May 10th 2009

______________________________________________________________________ Peace from KL Community, 1001 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Permission Approval for Heal the World Charity Music Festival in Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur Sir, As stated above, we from Peace from KL a non-profit organization would want to organize a music festival. This event will be on the 30 th August 2009 in conjuction with the spirit of Merdeka Eve. It will be started at 5pm and end after the countdown. 18 | P a g e

Peace from KL

PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Our aim for this event is to collect donation and educate the public on peace efforts. This event will be participate by AMAN Malaysia, a disaster relief organization. We wish to raise RM 100,000 in donation and RM 500,000 in ticket sales to proceed it to AMAN Malaysia. Thus we would want to rent the Merdeka Stadium and seek your approval for this event. We will guarantee that this event is not an unethical party and such. We here want to voice out to the world that all Malaysian for peace. We hope that you will consider our plan and to assist us in to making this charity event a success. Here we include an attachment of our proposal for this event. If there is any doubt please call us at 03- 6987 3912 or email us at [email protected]. Best Wishes, ________________ Muhamed Azrul Azli Publicity Director Peace from KL Community

Appendix 2 19 | P a g e

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PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Appendix 3 A sample of the model trailer that will be used for the road show exhibition

The exhibition space can fit to a maximum of 40 meter square. Modern Design and state of the art technology. 20 | P a g e

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PRL2003- Public Relations Campaign

Appendix 4

- Ad word’s Advertising in

21 | P a g e

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