Psycho Pathology Week 4 9-20

  • October 2019
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Psychopathology 9/20/2006 Erikson’s 8 stages of psycho-social development - Group I - 1. Basic Trust vs Mistrust o Birth – 1 yr o Virtue to Develop: Hope  hope that things will work out in the end o Corresponds to oral stage o The thought that you can’t trust anyone but yourself can stem from this o A failure from the parents to provide nurturing  result in mistrust in the child  Hopelessness, cynicism, doesn’t see the world as a safe place o A preverbal stage, often hard to express - 2. Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt o Ages 2-3  More about mental age than strict chronological o Virtue to Develop: Will  Build self esteem o Corresponds to anal stage o Must be a middle ground of parenting from not allowing child to explore boundaries and assertiveness & letting the child say no to everything  Teach them autonomy but also aligning into social structures o Too Much Restriction - Child feels defeated if their will is not allowed to develop  Will find neurotic ways of dealing to regain control & competency  Leads to avoidant type of personality – never to be shamed again o Not Enough Restriction – becomes ruled by compulsiveness  Leads to avoidant type of personality - 3. Initiative vs Guilt o Ages 4-5 o Virtue: Purpose o Starts to become curious about people and models adults o Corresponds to phallic stage o If parent fosters initiative/autonomy  then purpose developed o If punished for “ “  sense of guilt formed  Leads to inhibition o Parents too supportive of initiative, no guilt formed at all  Child becomes ruthless - 4. Industry vs Inferiority o Ages 6-12 o Child needs to learn to tame imagination and impulses to cooperate with others  The start of school o Start to think about pleasing others o Virtue: Competency

o Too much competency  Child develops quickly into adulthood, becomes shallow & possibly histrionic o Too little competency  Child becomes under achiever, feels to inferiority -




Group II – Start to become stages one goes through oneself 5. Identity vs Role Confusion o Virtue: Fidelity  Ability to sustain loyalties freely despite inevitable contradictions of values systems  Can retain their own identity despite who they are around o Age 13-19 o Try to develop their identity, strengths & weaknesses  In terms of goals, occupation, sexual orientation o Go through identity crisis  Use friends to reflect back to them who they are o Peers become more important, parents take a lesser role o Failure to resolve crisis  Identity diffusion – sense of self is threatened or unstable  “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything” o Too little  joining cults, group think, others give them their sense of self o Too much  fanaticism, very strong in opinions to convince self that identity is strong as well 6. Intimacy vs Isolation o Virtue: Love o Ability to be close and loving  Being able to be vulnerable & intimate in relationships o To give love, you have to know yourself o Failure to develop intimacy  isolation & exclusion, rejecting relationships, promiscuity  Ex. Borderline 7. Generativity vs Stagnation o Ages 25 – 64 o Generativity – strong sense of creativity, success, has a sense of making a mark in the world  Now becomes focused on next generation  Comfortable giving love w/o return o Virtue: Care o Stagnation – self absorbed, little connection to others, offer very little to society  Tend to feel meaning to life  More apt to a mid-life crisis 8. Ego Integrity vs Despair o Ages 65 – Death o Facing the end of life, having to accept successes and failures o Ego Integrity – they accept their lives, those that typically succeed in what they deem important

 Can detach from life, able to let go as death advances  Someone who can acknowledge mistakes and forgive themselves for them o Despair – feels like life was a mistake, its too late to change, they dread their life o Virtue: Wisdom

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