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INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA JUAN I. CASTRILLÓN Nombre del documento: Prueba Institucional de Periodo PERIODO: I - 2019 ÁREA: Idioma extranjero Elaboró: ELMER MUÑOZ

Grado: 10

Nombre del estudiante: Comprensión de textos: Lea cuidadosamente el texto y elija la opción que corresponda a la pregunta formulada. The Boy Scouts of America is a youth program whose main objective is to prepare people to make ethical and responsible decisions in their future lives. Venturing is a program of the Boy Scouts for men and women who are between 14 and 20 years old. 1. In the text, the word whose refers to: a. The Boy Scouts of America b. A youth program c. America d. A youth American 2. In the text, the word their refers to: a. Program b. Americans c. People d. Boy Scouts 3. In the text, the word who refers to: a. men b. women c. men and women d. Venturing Construcción de oraciones: Escoja la oración que de acuerdo al enunciado tenga sentido lógico y sea gramaticalmente correcta. 4. Patricia’s birthday was a week ago. She is telling her teacher about it. a. My grandfather gave me a watch. b. My grandfather given me a watch. c. My grandfather gives to me a watch. d. My grandfather to me gave a watch. 5. Paul and his daughter Annie are looking at some family pictures. He says: a. I used to had long hair when I was younger. b. When I was younger, I used to have long hair. c. I use to had long hair when I was younger. c. When I was younger, I use to have long hair.

Grupo: 1, 2 y 3 7. 1. a. live b.livid c.lived


8. 2. a. has b. had c. have



4. a. got up b. get up c. gat up

5. a. make c. made. 1 14. a. were b. was c. be

13. a. worked b. job c. work

9. 3. a. were b. was c. be 12.

6. a. cleanest b. clean c. cleaned 15. a. did b. do c. does

16 10. a. be b. was c.were

17. Completar las oraciones con la preposición adecuada. An accident happened _________ the supermarket. a. c.

at in

b. in front of d. of

18. What is ________ the door. a. from c. on

b. behind d. in

6. Carol and Francis are talking about the changes in temperature over the last few days. Carol says: a. Yesterday was more hot than today. b. Yesterday was as hotter as today. c. Yesterday was much hot than today. d. Yesterday was hotter than today.

19. He likes to walk ________ the rain.

7, 8,9 y 10 Párrafos incompletos: Complete los espacios con la palabra correcta.

a. in c. on

Cinderella 1 in a small village in the north of England. She 2 two sisters; they 3 very ugly. She 4 every morning at six o'clock, then she 5 breakfast for her sisters, and afterwards she 6 the house. She 7 all day. Her two ugly sisters 8 very lazy; they never 9 any work because Cinderella did everything. Cinderella 10 very unhappy. Prueba institucional J.I.C.R

21. organiza correctamente las oraciones en presente perfecto I ________ been working

a. on c. under

b. in d. over

20. He ran ________ the field several times.

a. had c. has

b. on d. around

b. have d. ha Página 1

22. the teachers ________ been eating a. had c. has

b. have d. ha

23. He ________ been walking a. had c. has

b. have d. ha

24 She ________ been jumping a. had c. has

b. have d. ha

25. It ________ been putting things a. had c. has

b. have d. ha

Prueba institucional J.I.C.R

Página 2

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