Proyecto Aula Ingles

  • November 2019
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“Automated houses with an end to supporting the disabled.” Classroom Project.

Bautista Morales María del Rosario Palacios López Daniel Eduardo Pérez Silva Ivonne 3IV9 Fecha:20/11/08

English III Teacher: Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Hernández

Classroom Project Topic: Automated houses with an end to supporting the disabled. Aim: Apply knowledge acquired in a draft class useful and relevant to society What is Classroom Project? It is a prototype project that has imposed the school so students learn to develop skills. as coexistence within their group and team work Implying foreground in all their classes. The theme was chosen according to the area in which the student is played each race is concentrated in a particular subject in in this case was: automated houses with a end to supporting the disabled. Is a matter of social concern that is related to the area of digital systems.

Privacy 1. - Frank asks his mom to please knock before she comes into his room. His mom says that is her house, and she has the right to come in without knocking, especially if there is an emergency. Who is right and why? He, because is his privacy and her mom doesn’t have right to come into his room, because probably he is using drugs or something like and doesn’t want that his mother discovers him.

2. - Diane’s parents are

very worried about her, she has

been acting

differently lately and spending most of her time in her room alone. Her mom comes into her room while she is at the school and sees her diary on the desk. She reads

some of her diary entries and discover that Diane is

thinking about taking drugs. When she confronts Diane with this information, Diane is furious and screams that her mom has no right to read her diary. Who is right and why? Diane, because is her diary and she can use drugs or no, because is her problem and her mom is a gossipy.

3. - Bill has (have) a younger brother, Timmy, who is constantly coming into his room and playing with his stuff. One day Bill comes home to find that his favorite Los Angeles Dodger’s souvenir glass is broken. He goes into Timmy’s room and breaks his brother’s radio. Dad punishes Bill. Who is right and why? The Dad because Timmy is his favorite son and he hates to Bill.

4. - Janice is

told by her parents that they don’t like

her friend Charlie,

because he often gets into trouble. Janice gets a letter from Charlie, and when her mother sees who it is from, she opens it and reads it. Then, she releases the letter and gives it to Janice. When Janice discovers that the letter had been opens , she is angry at her mom. Her mother explains that she was just to protect her daughter. Who has right, and why?

Janice, as the letter was for her not for her mother and janice has right to choose her friends.

Jealously and envy. 1º Allison and Tony had been a couple for two years, and she wanted tony to be with her constantly at school. He loved to talk to everyone, including girls at school, and often had lunch with another girl. Allison didn’t mind the talking, but she didn’t like the lunches or after-school time with other girls, even if it was about schoolwork. She asked Tony to have lunch with her everyday, because they were together. Tony complained that she was too controlling, and said that if she continued to make such demands, they should break up. Who was right and why? Tony because he is her boyfriend don’t her slave and if she really want to have a good relation with him it most exist respect and

trust between

themselves 2º Sam loves his little brother Jerry but because Jerry has not been well his parents give him extra attention. Sam feels that his brother is spoiled and has told his dad that it’s not fair to give jerry all the attention at home, but they say it’s necessary. Sam has decided that he will go out for several school activities that will keep him away from home most afternoons, but his parents feel he should de home to help out. Who is right and why? I think that she should understand that sometimes the younger brother need more attention but also our parents

must have communication

between the family and try to give the same deal with all their sons 3º Steve is very unsatisfied with being a member of group 1, which the kids call the “dumb class”. He beings to study hard passes some test and is admitted to regular classes. H e beings to associate with new friends and doesn’t see his old pals much anymore. His old classmates say he thinks he is better than they are and they feel angry. Who is right and why?

I think that when you get something fair , the people don’t have to feel jealous because; when I was a child I went in a group how this, but I wanted and respected my old friends and my new friends in the same form. 4º Priscilla and Pam has been friends from kinder garden through eighth grade, but in ninth grade, Pam began spending a lot of time with Sandra. Priscilla called Pam regularly to talk, but Pam is either gone or on the phone with Sandra. She and Pam spent some time at school together, but Priscilla felt hurt and betrayed, she told a friend some embarrassing things about Pam. Pam found out called her, and said that never wanted to talk to her again. Who is right and why? Everybody have the right of meet new people and new friends if your old friends don’t like this is because they can’t get other friends 5º Sheila was a top student, and she wanted to top award at the end of the year, sally is only two points behind her. Sheila’s only worry is English and the teacher, Miss Sims, gave her a final grade of “B”. Miss Sims said that she expected more from her top student than other students; Sally got an “A” because she worked so much harder, and Sheila should not be jealous of her. Sheila was angry and complained. Who is right and why? Miss Sims because is difficult get something but is more difficult keep up it so each time you must effort more

Friendship and loyalty 1º Annie is a new student in Alicia’s eighth-grade class, and it was obvious that she was having problems, she had no friends, she was overweight, and a lot of kids teased her during recess. Alicia told her best friend Sandra the she was going to try to be Annie’s friend, but Sandra said that would be a mistake, because the other girls in their group didn’t want to be associated with that odd new girl. Alicia does not want to lose her friends, but she is very sad about Annie. What should she do and why?

I prefer my old friends but if they really considerate my friends they must respect my decisions and maybe the girl could be a good friend for everybody 2º Matthew and Bill have been friends since fifth grade, and Matthew still enjoys Bill’s company. But Matthew has grown five inches in three years, and now wants to hang out with his basketball team mates. He feels that he was outgrown his childhood friend, but he doesn’t how to tell him that he wants to be with his new group of boys. What should Matthew do and why? I always try keep my old friends, but, if he consider himself better than his friend is because they have never been true friends so if he want to stay with new people he should talk with Bill and explain him, his situation and maybe everything result good 3ºSteve has no close friends but a group who has always teased him says that they want him to join their club. He suspects that they are going to mistreat him, but he is disparate to belong to a student group. Should Steve join this club, and why? You are free to do whatever you want but that most of the first to be smart and understand that a true friend should respect, but you must first respect yourself

4ºStephanie has just moved, and she is really depressed, because her very best friend is 200 miles away. She doesn’t want to start high school in her new town, because it took her three years to make the friends she has. She says she wants to live with her aunt in her old town instead of with her parents because she needs to be with friends. What should Stephanie’s parents do, and why? if i were stephanie i would go with my parents, because the life continue and we must try new things each day also one day we have to leave the past behind, and look for our future 5º Janice and her best friend Jean go to a party, and Jean spends all her time with two other friends, laughing and talking, leaving Janice alone. Janice is

very upset and tells Jean that she should have tried to mix in with the party. Who was right and why?

Janice because the friendship doesn’t mean that you all the time have to be with this person, the real meaning is that you can trust in him/her in any situation and be happy together

Humor in the world. 1.- Matt was a freshman at Coleman High, but he was huge; he was only five foot three, but he weighed more than 250 pounds. The boys around his locker, led by a junior named Sam, made jokes and teased him continually about his weight. He asked them politely to stop, but he jokes continued. Matt knew that if he complained to the principal, the boys would get worse. So he decided to break into Sam’s locker. He shoved a of Sam’s books and belongings into a big plastic bag. He told Sam that if he didn’t stop the jokes, he’d never get them back. Sam and his friends complained to the principal and Matt was suspended. Was right or wrong, and why? was wrong because it not solve the problem, made him bigger.

He must

think about another possible solution

2.- Mr. Philips is a popular physics teacher who often jokes and has fun with his subject. Trevor is a top student who wants to learn as much as possible to prepare for college courses,

and the complained to his dad about Mr.

Phillip’s constant joking. His father shared this with other parents, and they complained to the principal, Mr. Ross told Mr. Phillips about the complaints and asked him tom stop the joking. The other kids heard about the complaint and are mad at Trevor. Who is right and why? I think both because we can learn and pay at the same time

3.- Alex

is passing a note to his girlfriend Alice who sits in from of the next

row. Mr. Patterson sees the note and intercepts it. The class is suddenly very

quit as Mr. Paterson unfolds the note, reads it silently, and then to Alex’s embarrassment, reads it aloud to the class. The class laughs loudly, but Mr. Patterson gives the note back to Alice, who throws it into the trash. Alex complains, but Mr. Patterson

says that there is no note passing in his class.

Who is right and why? Anyone because as the teacher than Alex mustn’t do it in this moment they must speak after the class

4.-The Brain trust Club, made up some of the smartest kids in the school wants to pull a practice joke on the School’s four cheerleaders, led by Annie. They go into the P.E. supply room, take their four sets of red and white pompons, and die them green, the school colour of the team that they are plying that afternoon. The girls are devastated, but everyone else thinks it’s very funny. Is this good humour? Why or why not? not because for those who are seeing if it is but for those who are passing it is not fun to spend is very bad

5. - Alice sometimes talks behind other kid’s backs, and her friend Patricia decides to teach her a lessons. She starts a rumor about Alice’s mother, and soon all the kids are talking about her a giving Alice funny looks. Patricia finally asks Alice if she has learned her lesson and tells her about her trick: Alice is heart broken that her friend would hurt her like that. Who is the right and why? Patricia, because is very funny but is no correct and in this form Alice won’t speak, behind other people’s back, but Patricia is going be to the new gossipy.

6. - Mike loves playing basketball on the school team. He is not a great athlete, but he always puts out total effort when he plays Coach Bertram loves to win and encourages everyone to give 100 percent. He tells his team never to back down, not even from a fight. In a very important game with

arch rival Carmel, Mike ran into an opposing player, and they crashed to the floor. The other player got up and hit

Mike in the face. Mike just turned

(10.turn) away, and the opposing player is ejected. Coach Bertram is so angry at Mike that he sat him down and didn’t let him play for the rest of the game. He told (tell) Mike on the bench that if he is ever a coward again, he will be kicked off the team. Mike agreed to fight back from now on. Who is right, and why?

The coach, because the fights are very funny and the one solution is the violence.

7. - Grace’s dearest friend Shannon tells their friends that Grace was adopted. Grace had told this to Shannon in confidence; because she doesn’t want anyone else to know that she had never known her natural parents. The rest of the kids are

surprised, soon the gossip spread to the whole

school. Grace was humiliated, and she feels betrayed by Shannon. She tells Shannon the she never wants to have anything to do with her again, because she couldn’t trust her. Shannon calls her in tears several times and asks for forgiveness, but Grace refuses to speak to her. Is Grace right or wrong, and why?

Is wrong, because Shannon is a gossipy and isn´t her fault and for this Grace should kill to Shannon.

8. - Sam’s little brother Bobby is crying, and when Sam pulls his brother’s hands away from his face, he sees the ugly bruise in his cheek. “Who did this, Bobby?” he growls anger rising in his chest. “Were you fighting with Ted again?” “No”, sobbed Bobby, “it was his big brother Jack. He wanted


trade some baseball cards, and when I said no, he slugged me and took them”. Sam’s dace grew red as he approached the circle of boys on the corner. Without a word, he tapped Jack on the shoulder, and when the boy turn around, Sam hit him in the face as hard as he could. Jack fell on his

back, blood pouring from his nose, as Sam carefully picked up the cards and walked silently away.

Sam is a good brother, because he protects to his little brother and is correct that he hits to jack because he attacked to Bobby.

Prejudice Questions 1. - Would you feel uncomfortable around a street person •

no because is a normal person

2.- Do you think that some races are not as trustworthy as others? •

No because I think that no depend of the race if not the person the actitud of every one for that trust in we

3.-If you are in a strange neighbourhood unlike yours, are you afraid? •

No because can ask some person where is

4.- Do you know any adults who think all kids are awful? •

yes, in my neighbourhood there are persons not leave play the kids in the street because do noise

5.- Do you think old people are strange and to be avoided? •

no because we can learn their and we can fun with them

6.- Do you like to listen to older people talk about the good old days? •

yes because we can imagine like was days and look all that there aren't now

7.-Would you go to a party with a poorly-dressed friend?

yes because in my opinion not is important the clothes if not the person

8.-Do you think people are poor because they have no ambition? •

Yes, because if they had ambition, they would have a good job

9.-Do you think certain races are better mathematics than others? •

Yes, because for example: of Europe they were the most important mathematicians and Physicals.

10. - Do you think teenage drivers are more careless than others? •

Yes, because the vast majority of the teenagers drivers are no responsible

11. - Do you think very old drivers are more careless than others? •

Yes, because by the same of their age, they will can to sleep, while they drive their car.

12. - Do you think a woman is totally equal to a man? •

Yes, because a woman can to do the same than a man and probably more.

13. - Would you listen tom lecture by a street person? •

No, because the street person are ignorant, and probably he is going to say only stupidities

14. - Would you invite a poor person to your birthday party?

No, because he can steal me and my other guests will scare.

15º Do you feel uncomfortable around a mentally retarded person? •

No. because they are normal people that only need more attention also sometimes they are better than other person because they won't think in do some bad to someone

16º Do you feel that top students in your class are snobs? •

No, I think that only they worry about her future and there isn’t any problem with that

17º Do you know someone who is prejudiced against another race? •

Yes, a lot of people think that a black person is bad or that the blond person is the best

18º Do you laugh at jokes about retarded people? •

some people yes , but I don’t because I had friends like this when I was a child and they are good people

19º Do you think certain types of people tend be criminals? •

No, all depend of the person if he/she works hard or is a criminals is not for her body

20º Do you notice skin color before you notice other features? •

No, I think that the skin color doesn’t say nothing

21º Have you ever felt someone’s prejudice against you? •

Yes, I was terrible but we most learn of the bad something good

22º Would you be couple of a fat person? •

Yes ,because the physical beauty can change in any momento but the internal is forever

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