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COLONMUN 2008 Cristóbal Colón Model United Nations

PROCEDURE President: Delegates, please all rise. President: On behalf of the Colegio Cristobal Colón, the Academy of English and the Secretariat we welcome you to the first session of the _________________________ ________________________ of the Model United Nations "COLONMUN 2008". Delegates, you may be seated. President: I will now introduce the members of the Chair. To my right is the Conference Officer, Mr./Ms.______________________________ . To my left is the Moderator, Mr./Ms. ________________________________ . My name is ____________________________ and I will be your President. I now yield the word to the Conference Officer to take roll call. C. Officer: Thank you, Mr./Ms President. I now proceed to take roll call. Please rise your placards and say "Present" or "Present and voting" C. Officer: Delegation of ... (Every delegation listed is called) President: Thank you Mr./Ms. Officer. A. Opening the Session President: The session is declared open. B. Choosing the Topic. President: Delegates, we have two topics to discuss in the agenda. Topic A: __________________________ and Topic B: ______________________. The Chair recommends a Motion to Open a Topic. Moderator: The floor is open, are there points or motions on the floor? Moderator: Yes, delegate of ? Delegate: Motion of Procedure Moderator: Establish. Delegate: To Open topic ____. Moderator: Yes delegate, you are in order. Who seconds the Motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate of ______________. The chair requests two delegates to speak against and only against of Topic ____ for one minute. Delegates, who want to participate, please raise your placard. Moderator: Thank you delegates from ____(first)____, from ____(second)___ , from ___(third)___ and from ____(fourth)____. Moderator: Now delegates from_____(first)____ and from ___(second)___, please come to the front to speak in favor and only in favor of the Topic ___ for one minute.

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Once the delegates have finished: Moderator: Thank you delegates. You may be seated. Moderator: Now delegates from ___(third)____ and from ___(fourth)__, please come to the front to speak against and only in against of Topic _ for one minute. Once the delegates have finished: Moderator: Thank you delegates. You may be seated. Moderator: Delegates we are now going to vote to choose the topic. Moderator: Delegates in favor of Topic ____ please raise your placards. Moderator: Thank you delegates. The Officer counts the votes and writes them down. Moderator: Delegates against of Topic ___ please raise your placards. Moderator: Thank you delegates. The Officer counts the votes and writes them down. If the motion passes: Moderator: The motion to open Topic ___ clearly passes. We are now in the Topic _____________________________. If the motion does not pass: Moderator: The motion didn't pass. We are now in the Topic __________________. C. Open the Speaker's List Moderator: Delegates, the Chair recommend a Motion to Open the Speaker’s List. Moderator: The floor is open, are there points or motions on the floor? Moderator: Yes, delegate of____________? Delegate: Motion of Procedure Moderator: Establish. Delegate: To Open the Speaker’s List. Moderator: Yes delegate, you are in order. Who seconds the Motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate of_____________. Votes In favor? Moderator: Votes against? Moderator: Abstenssions? If the motion passes: Moderator: The motion clearly passes. The speaker’s list is now open. If the motion does not pass: Moderator: The motion didn't pass.

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D. Speaker’s List Moderator: The delegates who wants to be in the Speaker’s list, please rise your placard Moderator: Thank you delegate from... (Every delegate that raises his/her placard) At this point, the Officer of Conferences goes through the delegations to fetch the Position Papers. Moderator: Anyone who wants to be in the Speaker's List, please send a message to the Chair. Moderator: Delegates. the floor is open. Are there any points or motions in the floor? If there are points or motions. Moderator: Yes delegate of______________________? Delegate: Point of Personal Privilege/Order/Parliamentary Inquiry Moderator: Establish. Delegate: To _____________________ Moderator: Yes delegate you are in order. I No delegate, you are out of order. If there are not points or motions. Moderator: Since not, the delegate of _______________________ has the right to speak for - minute (s). Once the delegate has finished: President: You have ___ seconds left, what do you want to do with your time? Your delegation has three options: to yield his/her time to the chair, to yield his/her time for questions or to yield his/her time to other delegation. 1. Yielding time to the chair Moderator: Thank you delegate. You may be seated. 2. Yielding time for questions Moderator: Delegates, the delegate from _________________ has yielded his/her time for questions. Who wants to make a question? Please rise your placard. Delegate: Point of information Moderator: Establish Delegate: (Question) Moderator: Thank you delegate from _____________ you can be seated. 3. Yielding time to other delegations. Delegate: I yield my time to the delegation of_____________ Moderator: Delegate of__________________ , do you accept the time? The delegate to who the time is offered can accept the time (in which case it will be

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immediately used) or reject it (continuing with the normal process of yielding time to the chair). *() This procedure is repeated as many times as delegates are in the Speakers List unless a motion to open a simple or moderated caucus is requested. E. Opening a moderated Caucus. Moderator: Delegates, the floor is open. Are there any points or motions on the floor? Moderator: Yes delegate of ___________________________ Delegate: Motion of Procedure. Moderator: Establish. Delegate: To open a moderated caucus. Moderator: For How long? Delegate: For ____minutes. The standard time for a moderated caucus is 15 minutes. However the chair is who decides the appropriate time. Moderator: Yes delegate you are in order. Who seconds the motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate from ________________ Moderator: Votes in favor? Moderator: Against? Moderator: Abstenssions? If the motion passes. Moderator: The motion clearly passes. If the motion does not pass. Moderator: The motion didn't pass. Sorry Delegate F. Moderated Caucus Moderator: Delegates, we are now in a moderated caucus. Aiwavs the first person to speak is the deiegate who requested the caucus. Then the second speaker is the delegate who seconded the motion. The moderator gives the word to another delegate only when the last speaker has finished. When the time is over. Moderator: De!egates the time for the moderated caucus has expired. The floor is open. Are there any points or motions on the floor? G. Opening a simple Caucus. Moderator: Delegates, the floor is open. Are there any points or motions on the floor? Moderator: Yes delegate of __________________

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Delegate: Motion of Procedure. Moderator: Establish. Delegate: To open a simple caucus. Moderator: For How long? Delegate: For __ minutes. The standard time for a simple caucus is 10 minutes. However the chair is who decides the appropriate time. Moderator: Yes delegate you are in order. Who seconds the motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate from ___________. Moderator: Votes in favor? Moderator: Against? Moderator: Abstenssions? If the motion passes. Moderator: The motion clearly passes. We are now in a simple caucus. If the motion does not pass. Moderator: The motion didn't pass. Sorry delegate.

H. Simple Caucus. During the simple caucus, delegates are free to stand up (but not to leave the room) to speak and negotiate with other delegations. They must speak in English. When the time is over. Moderator: Delegates the time for the simple caucus has expired. The floor is open. Are there any points or motions on the floor? I. Extending the time of the Moderated/Simple Caucus. Delegate: Motion of procedure. Moderator: Establish. Delegate: To extend the time of the moderated/simple caucus. Moderator: For How long? Delegate: For ___ minutes. Even though the delegate can choose freely the length of the extension, it always has to be less than the original time for the moderated/simple caucus. Moderator: Yes delegate you are in order. Who seconds the motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate from _________________ Moderator: Votes in favor? Moderator: Against? Moderator: Abstenssions? If the motion passes. Moderator: The motion clearly passes. If the motion does .not pass. Moderator: The motion didn’t pass. Sony delegate.

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At this point, the committee has to have at least one Working paper written. This (These) working paper(s) has (have) to be sent to the chair to be read over and if it (they) is (are) acceptable, to be signed by the President. Only if this happens a delegate can ask for a motion to read the Working paper(s). J. Motion to read the Working Papers. Moderator: Delegates the Chair recommends you a motion to read the Working Papers. The floor is open. Are there any points or motions on the floor? Delegate: Motion of Procedure. Moderator: Establish. Delegate: To read the Working Papers. Moderator: Yes delegate you are in order. Who seconds the motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate from ________________ Moderator: Votes in favor? Moderator: Against? Moderator: Abstenssions? If the motion passes. Moderator: The motion clearty passes. If the motion does not pass. President: The motion didn't pass. Sorry delegate. K. Reading the Working Papers. President: The Chair requests two supporter delegates by each working paper to come to the front and read their Possible Resolution Paper. Moderator: Delegates who want to read the Possible Resolution Paper __1 please rise your placards. Moderator: Thank you delegate from____(first)____and delegate from ____(second)__ . Moderator: Now, delegates who want to read the Possible Resolution Paper __2 please rise your placards. Moderator: Thank you delegate from ___(third)___and delegate from _____(fourth)___ . * The letter A or B depends on the topic that is being discussed. For example. If Topic A is being discussed, the Possible Resolution Papers (and so do the working papers) are A 1 and A2. Moderator: Delegates from from ____(first)____and delegate from ____(second)__, please come to front to read the Possible Resolution Paper __1. Once the delegates have finished. Moderator: Thank you delegates. Does anyone have a question about Possible Resolution Paper _1? Please rise your placard. Moderator: Delegate from __________________. Please stand up. You have the word. Once all the questions have been answered:

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Moderator: Thank you delegates. You may be seated. Moderator: Delegates from ___(third)___ and delegate from (fourth)_,please come to front to read the Possible Resolution Paper _2. Once the delegates have finished. Moderator: Thank you delegates. Does anyone have a question about Possible Resolution Paper _2? Please rise your placard. Moderator: Delegate from__________________ . Please stand up. You have the word. Once all the questions have been answered: Moderator: Thank you delegates. You may be seated. President: Delegates. the Chair recommends you a motion to vote the Possible Resolution Papers. L. Postponing the Session. When the estimated time for a session has gone, and the committee hasn't reach a resolution paper for the cunent topic, any delegate can postpone the session to have recess or continue the following day. Moderator: Delegates, the floor is open. Are there any points or motions on the floor? Moderator: Yes delegate from _______________________ ? Delegate: Motion of Procedure. Moderator: Establish Delegate: To postpone the session. Moderator: Yes delegate you are in order, who seconds the motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate from ___________________ ? Moderator: Votes in favor? Moderator: Against? Moderator: Abstenssions? If the motion passes. Moderator: The motion clearly passes. If the motion does not pass. Moderator: The motion didn't pass. Sorry delegate. M. Opening the Voting Process. Moderator: The floor is open. Are there any points or motions on the floor? Moderator: Yes delegate from____________________? Delegate: Motion of Procedure. Moderator: Establish. Delegate: To vote the possible Resolution Papers. Moderator: Yes delegate, you are in order. Who seconds the motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate from ___________________ . Moderator: Votes in favor?

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Moderator: Against? Moderator: Abstenssions? If the motion passes. Moderator: The motion clearly passes. If the motion does not pass. Moderator: The motion didn' pass. Sorry delegate.

N. Voting Process. President: We are now going to start the voting process. I now yield the word to the Secretary Mr./Ms._____________________________ to explain and hold the voting process. Secretary: Thank you Mr/Ms. President Delegates, to choose the Resolution Paper there will be up to three rounds by each Possible Resolution Paper. In the first two rounds of each Possible Resolution Paper, you may establish your vote in favor, against, in favor with right of explanation, against with right of explanation, abstenssion or pass. In the last round of each Possible Resolution Paper you may establish your vote in favor or against only. In the case you establish your vote pass, you will be asked at the end of that round to establish your vote again, in which case you can establish it in favor, against, in favor with right of explanation, against with right of explanation or abstenssion. If you establish your vote in favor with right of explanation or against with right of explanation, you will be asked in alphabetical order to come to the front to give a brief explanation about your vote after all the delegations has voted in the current round. I shall remind you that Sponsors from any of the Possible Resolution Papers cannot vote against their own Possible Resolution Paper. Finally I remind you that the Resolution Paper has to be approved by two thirds of this committee at least. (27 of 40) Secretary: I will now proceed to hold the voting process. Secretary: I will now hold the first round for Possible Resolution Paper _1. *(Secretary: Delegate from ______________________________ how would you like to establish your vote? In favor, against, in favor with right of explanation, against with right of explanation, abstenssion or pass?) *{) This procedure will be repeated as many times as delegates are. If there is a vote established as "pass", the delegate who voted in that way will be asked at the end of the

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voting process with the same procedure onIv in the first and the second rounds. When there are rights of explanation, they are called after every vote has been established in the current round. Secretary: Delegate from (first delegation in alphabetical order) come to the front to give your explanation. Please be brief. The standard time for an explanation is one minute and a half, but it may vary according to the Secretary’s’ criteria. Once the delegate has finished: Secretary: Thank you delegate. You may be seated. *0 This procedure is repeated as many tines as rights of explanation were established. Secretary: I will now hold the first round for Possible Resolution Paper __2. Secretary: Delegate from _____________ how would you like to establish your vote? In favor, against. in favor wiIh right of explanation, against with right of explanation, abstenssion or pass?) *0 This procedure will be repeated as many times as delegates are. If there is a vote established as pass, the delegate who voted in that way will be asked at the end of the voting process with the same procedure only in the first and the second rounds. When there are rights of explanation, they are called after every vote has been established in the current round. Secretary: Delegate from (first delegation in alphabetical order) come to the front to give your explanation. Please be brief. The standard time for an explanation is one minute and a half, but it may vary according to the Secretary's criteria. Once the delegate has finished: Secretary: Thank you delegate. You may be seated. This procedure is repeated as many times as rights of explanation were established. If none of the Possible Resolution Papers have been voted in favor by two thirds at least, then the Secretary must continue with the second round. Secretary: I will now hold the second round for Possible Resolution Paper __1.

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Secretary: Delegate from ___________________________ how would you like to establish your vote? In favor, against, in favor with right of explanation, against with right of explanation, abstenssion or pass? This procedure will be repeated as many times as delegates are. If there is a vote established as "pass", the delegate who voted in that way will be asked at the end of the voting process with the same procedure only in the first and the second rounds. When there are rights of explanation, they are called after every vote has been established in the current round. Secretary: Delegate from (first delegation in alphabetical order) come to the front to give your explanation. Please be brief. The standard time for an explanation is one minute and a half, but it may vary according to the Secretary's criteria. Once the delegate has finished: Secretary: Thank you delegate. You may be seated. This procedure is repeated as many times as rights of explanation were established. If again none of the Possible Resolution Papers have been voted in favor by two thirds at least, then the Secretary must continue with the third (and last) round. Secretary: I will now hold the third and last round for Possible Resolution Paper. I remind you that in this round you can vote in favor or against only. *(Secretary: Delegate from ______________ how would you like to establish your vote? In favor or against?) *0 This procedure will be repeated as many times as delegates are. Secretary:. Delegates, with ___ votes in favor and __ votes against, Resolution Paper __ __ clearly passes. Congratulations. Delegates, we have a Resolution Paper. President: Now the chair recommends you a motion to close the session. At this point, the Resolution Paper made by the committee is immediately sent to the Secretary General to be signed. Depending on the time left, the Secretary General will demand or not the committee to discuss the remaining topic in the agenda.

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O. Closing the Session. Moderator: Delegates the floor is open. Are there any points or motions on the floor? Moderator: Yes delegate from _______________________ ? Delegate: Motion of procedure. Moderator: Establish. Moderator: To close the session. Moderator: Yes delegate, you are in order. Who seconds the motion? Moderator: Thank you delegate from ________________ . Moderator: Votes in favor? Moderator: Against? Moderator: Abstenssions? If the motion passes. Moderator: The motion clearly passes. The session is close. If the motion does not pass. Moderator: The motion didn't pass. Sorry delegate.

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