Proposal - Initial To Pmo Rev5

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 87
Advanced Online DeSander




Prepared by

M Shahzar M Idris Head of Marketing & Business Development Scientige Sdn Bhd

Submission date

18 October 2006

Colin Sherwood Delivery Manager - Online Cleaning Specialist Cleaning – Aqua-Dyne RBG Limited

Advanced Online DeSander



Advanced Online DeSander

OVERVIEW: THE INITIAL DRAFT PROPOSAL Scientige Sdn Bhd is preparing the Proposal for Advance Online De-Sander (AOD) for Carigali PMO to carry out related works & resolve any issue at the offshore plaform. This document is prepared in collaboration between Scientige Sdn Bhd and RBG Limited. As an initial approach, we would like to submit the AOD related documents for your perusal: ATTACHMENT NO: 1) Workpack document (sample) – this document is part of the deployment documentation for the Advanced Online De-Sander – Operation & Services 2) Advance Online De-Sander (AOD) Brochure I, II & III – Equipment / Product 3) Drawing 1 & 2 – P&ID and General Arrangement Drawings for the AOD 4) Photo –1, 2 & 3 for AOD Skid 5) Document – indicating client vessel connections and Risk Assessment model 6) Document for indicative charges – will be made available upon request and after performing the Project/User Requirement Study – PRS 7) Success story - RBG History on Non Intrusive Desanding, since 2002 8) Case Study – Shell’s Gannet Platform Please find attachments of the document listed above and kindly contact us should you need more information or clarifications.

Prepared by,

M Shahzar M Idris Head of Marketing & Business Development

Advanced Online DeSander

Original Document – Included in the Folder •1 x example of the workpack - prepared as part of the deployment documentation for the Advanced Online Desander •3 x pdf documents covering the AOD brochure •2 x pdf documents, the P&ID and General Arrangement drawings for the Advanced Online Desander •3 x photographs of the Advanced Online Desander skid •1 x word document indicating client vessel connections and a Risk Assessment model for same •1 x excel document giving indicative charges as applied to a North Sea deployment - reserved •1 x excel document covering RBG's history of Non Intrusive desanding since 2002 •1 x power point document which is a Case Study of the AOD deployment on Shell's Gannet platform

Advanced Online DeSander

ATTACHMENT I – WORKPACK **Note: This is an initial draft of the Workpack. It is not fully completed yet. We need to have several meeting and gather more information before we can complete the whole Workpack. Use this as a sample.

Advanced Online DeSander

Workpack No. RBG-WP-06-12345 Rev. D1 Aqua-Dyne Reference Number: AQD-123 Client - Platform ‘Online De-sanding of ANDR A & B’ Prepared by: Colin Sherwood, Delivery Manager – On Line Cleaning

Note: In completed – Sample only

Advanced Online DeSander

Contents 1.



Scope of Work


SCIENTIGE-RBG, Client and Third Party Interface


Schedule/Project Plan


Site Drawings


Materials, Plant & Equipment




HSE Management 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9


Quality Control/Working Procedures 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5


Operational Procedures HSEQ Procedures Inspection Reports Continuous Improvement Acceptance Certification

Workscope Completion Report 10.1


General Considerations Completed Health, Safety & Environment Questionnaire Site Specific HAZID/HAZOP Checklist/Screening Study Toolbox Talks COSHH Assessments Manufacturer Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Generic/Task Based Risk Assessments Environmental Issues Waste Disposal

Worksite Completion Report

Appendices 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

Original Work Order/Site Instruction (if applicable) Qualifications Variations to Work Order (if applicable) Job Cards AOD System Operating Procedure

Advanced Online DeSander

Workpack Review Approval Workpack Title

Online De-sanding of ANDR A & B



Workpack No.


Rev. No.


Technical Author Approval Author Name

Colin Sherwood


Delivery Manager


Date Project Manager / Originator Approval

Author Name Position Signature


HSEQ Approval Name Position

HSEQ Advisor


Commercial Approval Name


Signature Revision No. D1 D2 00 01, 02 etc.

Date YES / NO

Date Document Status 1st Draft – For Comment 2nd Draft – Revised & reissued for comment Formally Approved for Issue Document Revised after Issue


Advanced Online DeSander

Workpack Issue Approval Workpack Title

Online De-sanding of ANDR A & B

Location Workpack No.


Rev. No.


Technical Author Approval Author Name

Colin Sherwood


Delivery Manager


Date HSEQ Approval

Author Name Position

HSEQ Advisor



Client Issue Approval Name Position Signature

Revision No. D1 D2 00 01, 02 etc.


Document Status 1st Draft – For Comment 2nd Draft – Revised & reissued for (a change of workscope) Formally Approved for Issue Document Revised after Issue


Advanced Online DeSander

Amendment Summary Rev. Status D1


Description of Amendment

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Amendment per Section

Advanced Online DeSander

Section 1


Description of Amendment

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Advanced Online DeSander

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Section 7


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Section 11


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Description of Amendment

Advanced Online DeSander




The purpose of this proposal is to provide all the necessary information and details to carry out Online De-sanding Operations using SCIENTIGE-RBG’s Advanced Online De-sander (AOD).


The identified vessels shall be ‘online’ under production pressure during desanding operations and at an operating pressure of 40 barg or less. The client should have a contingency prepared to shut in the vessel for offline de-sanding operations, should problems occur during online de-sanding operations, such as the following: - Ineffective single valve isolation - Ineffective valve operation - Unacceptable produced water quality.


SCIENTIGE-RBG Aqua-Dyne propose to utilise the AOD to remove wastes, in the form of sand and particulate accumulations, from the identified vessel(s) without the need to take the vessel off-line, thus enabling the client to continue production with no reduction in production rate necessary.


Sand removal equipment comprises: • A sand removal package comprising a hydraulic ram and jetting arrangement to access the separator and allow the safe insertion of an HP water jetting nozzle into the base of the vessel while the separator remains online. This package also allows for the removal of agitated sand from the separator and transport by manifold and hoses to the AOD skid. Safety features include isolation valves and a shear valve assembly to allow disconnection of the AOD system from the separator in the unlikely event of the HP water-jetting nozzle becoming stuck in or when partially withdrawn from, the vessel. • A ‘High Flow’ Jetting Unit to provide the necessary motive force to agitate the sand within the vessel. This unit delivers 320 l/min at 200 bars to the inserted jetting nozzle. This provides agitation / fluidisation of the sand over an approximate 2m radius from the inserted nozzle. • The AOD skid to separate the removed sand, water and oil. The skid reject water is of suitable quality for re-injection to the client vessel by the jetting unit. The water is cooled and filtered prior to re-injection. The reject sand / solids are cleaned and treated to a quality suitable for disposal to sea or as directed by the client.

Advanced Online DeSander


During the connection and disconnection of the AOD system to / from the vessel, it is recommended that the Client Area Authority shall be present to oversee this part of the operation, to visually identify and highlight each nozzle and verbally grant authorisation for breaking of integrity. i.e. removal / fitting of blind flanges, valves and / or hoses. Full PPE will be worn for protection from NORM and / or other identified contamination, and potential leakage during the removal of blind flanges from the vessel drain valves.


Fluids removed from the vessel will be treated by the AOD skid to separate sand from produced water; the water will be filtered and pumped to the jetting unit for further agitating the separator sand content.


The separated sand / waste discharged from the hydrocyclones to the sand collection tank on the AOD skid will be treated to remove hydrocarbon content and disposed of to sea (or as per client instructions) via the pneumatic Scale Reduction Unit.


As per Ionising Radiation’s Regulations 1999 throughout this document, LSA Low Specific Activity has been superseded by the term NORM - Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material.

Advanced Online DeSander


Scope of Work


Scope of work The Scope of Work described in this Workpack is to perform Online Desanding of: ANDR A & B


Personnel Competence In performing this type of work SCIENTIGE-RBG acknowledges the need for the highest standards of professionalism. Safe practice and procedural adherence are emphasised by all SCIENTIGE-RBG Supervisors with all work being carried out in accordance with SCIENTIGE-RBG Safety Policy, Procedure Manual and in conjunction with Client Local Rules. All SCIENTIGE-RBG personnel will have undergone specific training in the operation of the AOD De-sanding equipment, covering TBRA, Flange Make Up and AOD Skid operation. AOD Team Leaders will be experienced in the operation of the equipment and qualified as Radiological Protection Supervisors (RPS).


Pre-mobilisation, Equipment and Containerisation Checks Prior to mobilisation, all specialist equipment will be function tested at our Aberdeen base by our base supervisor. Where applicable, all certification shall be checked and copies given to our onsite AOD Engineer for reference at the worksite. A copy of all equipment certification shall be passed on to the Client. On arrival at site a full inventory shall be completed of all equipment mobilised to site by the AOD Team Leader / Engineer.


Worksite Preparation All personnel will complete site induction’s and familiarise themselves with the worksite taking into account any site specific hazards that may be encountered, prior to commencing with operations.

Advanced Online DeSander

All personnel will complete a Tool Box Talk with the AOD Team Leader on site arrival; this shall cover, but not be limited to, the following topics: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 2.4

Objectives (Operation, Environmental & Safety) Personnel Responsibilities Method Statements & Plan SCIENTIGE-RBG Procedures & Local Rules Site & Operation Hazards Conflicting Activities Chemical COSHH & MSDS Risk Assessments & Worksite Evaluation Equipment safe use & maintenance

Equipment Set-up Detailed below is the typical equipment layout to be utilised during the forthcoming works. All SCIENTIGE-RBG personnel will be trained in flange make up.

2.4.1 Air Mover A single air mover is mounted on the AOD skid. This has an independent air supply to ensure optimum ventilation of the sand collection tank in the event that other skid utilities ‘draw down’ the skid supply. 2.4.2 Vessel Tie-in Points Nozzle tie-in points are highlighted on the client drawings attached to section 5.0 of this document. NORM Contamination and spillage PPE will be worn for the removal of blind flanges from the vessel drain valves. Nozzle ID



The “flange break and make up” tag and register procedure shall be adopted and completed for all flange joints broken and made throughout this scope. Three tie in points are typically utilised: •

A central tie in used for the connection of the Sand Removal Package. This connection utilises a 3” 40 bar working pressure hose connected to an isolation valve and a ‘shear’ valve connected to the client valve.

Advanced Online DeSander

The 3” hose is terminated to the Hydraulic Ram from which a side stream carries the sand and water to the sand collection manifold. •

Two tie ins at the extremities of the area of the vessel to be de-sanded. These connections are 2” or 3” 40 bar working pressure hoses connected to the client valves. The hoses are terminated to the sand collection manifold.

Depending on the progress of the de-sanding operation these connections may be changed around to ensure removal of the maximum amount of sand during the operation. Suitable x-overs will be provided by SCIENTIGE-RBG to ensure safe attachment of hoses to the client separator drain valves. 2.4.3 Sand Removal and Transfer Configuration The sand jetting water is pumped through a 1” / ¾” / 5/8” high pressure polyflex hose which passes through the 3” 40 bar working pressure hardwall hose to access the vessel. The hydraulic ram is used to advance the water jetting / agitation nozzle through the 3” hardwall hose, isolation valve, shear valve and client valve(s) into the vessel. The fluidised sand from the vessel flows through the annulus between the polyflex hose and the hardwall hose, to the hydraulic ram, through the side stream take off to the sand collection manifold. The sand collection manifold is connected to the AOD by a 2” 40 bar working pressure hardwall hose. Manipulation of the valves on the three separator connections will ensure that he maximum amount of sand is removed 2.4.4 Produced Water Return to Separator The AOD skid separates sand and oil from the water removed from the separator and returns the water to the jetting unit for re-injection to the separator. Water from the ‘clean water’ side of the sand collection tank is pumped through a pair of 10 micron fine filters to a plate heat exchanger. The heat exchanger cools the produced water to 40oC or lower to allow it to be

Advanced Online DeSander

pressurized to 200 bar by the jetting unit for re-injection to the separator for further sand agitation. The hardwall hoses used to connect the AOD skid to the jetting unit are 3” 10 bar working pressure. The jetting hoses are rated at 1” / ¾” / 5/8” x 500 bar working pressure. The working pressure of the jetting system is 200 bar. Once the 1” hose connects to the hydraulic ram the hose diameter is subject to variation and is contained within a 3” 40 bar working pressure hardwall hose. 2.4.5 Sand Disposal Configuration The diaphragm pump discharging the sand from the sand collection tank is connected to a pneumatic Scale Reduction Unit by a 2” 10 bar working pressure hardwall hose. The pneumatic Scale Reduction Unit shall be located at the most convenient location agreeable to all parties concerned. The area surrounding the unit will be designated a controlled area and appropriate barriers and warning signs shall be posted prior to start of work. The discharge hose from the Scale Reduction Unit to the sea should be lowered 20m below sea level. During sand disposal to sea, no diving operations should be in progress and platform potable water makers should not be in operation. 2.4.6 Chemical Addition The initial water fill (6 m3) of the AOD skid will be provided by the and should preferably be either potable or produced water. No treatment should be required. If any chemical treatment is required, shall supply the chemical itself and all relevant documentation, COSHH Assessment and Manufacturers Safety Data Sheets.

platform chemical the client including

If seawater is used as the initial fill then it may require to be treated with a scale inhibitor and / or oxygen scavenger and / or biocide to prevent adverse chemical reaction on injection to the separator produced water.

Advanced Online DeSander

If the process fluid is NORM contaminated then scale inhibitor may be required to ensure no deposits are left within the AOD system. The AOD system is not a sealed unit and therefore oxygen may be absorbed into oxygen deficient water, which could prove problematic when re-injected to the separator. These treatments should be discussed and agreed with the client prior to mobilisation De-greaser / De-oiler To assist the separation of oil, water and sand within the AOD skid, a quantity of chemical solvent (SCIENTIGE-RBG preferred: AIC Supersolv) is required to be injected into the AOD skid inlet line. The chemical will be added via injection pump, CIP2, mounted on the AOD skid. Client clearance to use this or a substitute chemical must be obtained prior to deployment. 2.4.7 General Equipment Set-up Considerations When securing hoses, kinking should be avoided, as this will accelerate wear of hose during pumping operations. It shall be the responsibility of the Team Leader to monitor hoses and equipment during operations on an ongoing basis. All hoses shall be routed in a manner as to avoid walkways, hot surfaces and sharp edges as well as minimising tripping hazards wherever possible. If obstructing a walkway is unavoidable then highlighting tape will be utilised. The area around the skid will be a restricted area due to the operations thus restricting access to equipment operators and invited, escorted personnel. 2.5

Online Vessel De-sanding Method The following method statement has been compiled to describe the use and operation of the AOD skid and associated equipment. This gives a clear, unambiguous statement as to how the online de-sanding works should be carried out. Prior to online de-sanding operations commencing, the SCIENTIGE-RBG AOD Team Leader and Client Area Authority should make final checks on the surrounding areas and equipment.

Advanced Online DeSander

The Area Authority can be invited to witness the integrity checking but must be positioned as directed by the AOD Team Leader to ensure he does not expose himself to unnecessary danger. Reference should be made to Appendix 11.5 (AOD Operating Procedure) of this workpack for detailed skid operating instructions. Upon issue of the Permit to Work certificate for vessel de-sanding operations the following procedure shall be followed:2.5.1 Equipment Integrity Testing Carry out the equipment pre operational checks as detailed in Appendix 11.5 (AOD Operating Procedure) of this workpack. Prior to introducing process fluids to the AOD system the integrity of all hoses, connections and the skid itself must be demonstrably proven. All hoses must be connected and connections competently made up. The de-sanding system (AOD skid, hydraulic ram, sand collection manifold and jetting unit must be connected and ready for operation. The sand collection tank should be filled to just below the high level switch with either fresh water (not necessarily potable water), produced water or sea water. If using sea water the tank contents should be chemically treated as previously agreed with the client. During the integrity checks any leaks should only be rectified once the system has been depressurised. Check the repair by pressurising the system again. Following the detailed procedure in the AOD Operating Procedure the AOD skid should be lined up for recycle mode. Diaphragm Pump DP1A should be used to take suction from the sand collection tank, discharging to the three hydrocyclones. The hydrocyclones should be vented as they fill with water. The water outlet from hydrocyclone H3 should be closed allowing the diaphragm pump to reach ‘stall’ pressure. Check all hydrocyclone lines for leakage Once the hydrocyclones have been successfully integrity tested the cross over between the hydrocyclone discharge and heat exchanger inlet should be opened allowing the diaphragm pump to pressurise the fine filters, heat exchanger and line to the jetting unit. Allow the diaphragm pump to reach ‘stall’ pressure. Check all lines and connections for leaks.

Advanced Online DeSander

Rectify any leaks before proceeding further. DP1A should be S/D and pressure bled from the system on completion of the test. The sand outlet lines from the hydrocyclones must be opened prior to starting centrifugal pumps CF1 and CF2. The sand collection manifold pressure relief valve will be set at approximately 2.0 barg above the agreed separator pressure for de-sanding operations. The AOD Team Leader will ensure that the sand collection manifold is routed to the AOD skid and all valves are fully open. On the skid, BV3, the ESD valve should be closed The jetting nozzle shall be energised by starting the jetting unit. By slowly adjusting the jetting unit bypass valve the pressure in the hose and ram assembly to BV3 on the AOD skid can be pressurised to the agreed pressure for de-sanding operations. All equipment, hoses and connections should be checked for leaks. Rectify any leaks before proceeding further. S/D the jetting unit and bleed off the pressure on completion of the integrity check. The skid should now be lined up for de-sanding operations. Diaphragm Pump DP1A should be used to pump to a closed valve at the Particle Reduction Unit. Allow the pump to reach ‘stall’ pressure. Check the discharge line for any leaks. Rectify any leaks before proceeding further. This completes the integrity check of the de-sanding system. 2.5.2 Flow Establishment Refer to Appendix 11.5 (AOD Operating Procedure) for detailed skid operating instructions During all separator de-sanding operations, radio communication shall be maintained between the AOD Operators and the Process Control Room. Regular updates will be communicated to the Process Control Room during the operation. Prior to commencing operations, secondary means of communications shall be established, e.g. locating the nearest telephone and knowing the number of the Process Control Room.

Advanced Online DeSander

Only when the integrity of the temporary hose system has been accepted will the vessel isolation valves be opened. Chemical Injection (AIC Supersolv) should be started in the circulation route. The diaphragm pump, DP1A, should be used to establish flow circulation around the AOD system. Centrifugal pumps CF1, CF2 and CF3 should be started establishing pressure and flow capability to the jetting unit. With the jetting nozzle located within a valve or steel spool (not within a hose section), the jetting unit should be started and, using the by pass valve, used to establish the forward flow throughout the system. This flow will be returned to the AOD skid. The vessel drain valves on the 3” hose containing the jetting nozzle should then be opened and the agitation nozzle should be gradually extended and inserted into the vessel. Sand and/or water will now flow to the AOD skid. As flow is established diaphragm pump DP1A should be changed from circulation mode to normal operation mode, being allowed to pump excess sand / water to the disposal route under tank level control. As DP1A is changed to normal operation mode the chemical injection should be re routed to the skid inlet injection point. 2.5.3 Sand Removal On energisation, the polyflex hose and jetting nozzle is pushed through the shear valve, client valves and approximately 100mm into the vessel, this agitates and fluidises the sand / water mixture. The sand / water mixture flows through the annulus between the polyflex hose and the hardwall hose to the sand collection manifold and onwards to the AOD skid. The flow is controlled by the AOD pressure reducing valve (BV1) in conjunction with the hydrocyclone liner capacity, typically about 400 l/min. This mode of operation will continue until samples from the hydrocyclone sand outlet indicate virtually no sand. At this point one of the adjacent hose connections can be slowly opened up allowing sand from further along the separator to flow to the AOD. When the hydrocyclone sand outlet sample again shows very little sand this outlet should be closed off and (if fitted) the other adjacent hose connection slowly opened. If these adjacent vessel nozzles are too far from the jetting nozzle for the sand to be fluidised it may be necessary for the jetting nozzle to be moved to the

Advanced Online DeSander

adjacent nozzles. Re-testing of the integrity of the connections will be required if the nozzle is relocated. On completion of that part of the de-sanding operation the jetting nozzle should be retracted to its starting point and the client valves closed. Jetting should continue for a couple of minutes to ensure that the manifold and hoses are flushed free of sand. The jetting unit can now be S/D and manifold and hoses depressurised. Prior to disconnection of any hoses the integrity of the client vessel drain valves must be confirmed. Following depressurisation the pressure gauge on the ram should be monitored for any rise in pressure, indicating a leaking valve. In the event that there is an indication of the vessel isolations passing, all vessel isolation valves will be operated one nozzle at a time until complete vessel isolation is proven. During the de-sanding operation the vessel flow and pressure will be continually monitored. The sand collection tank levels and discharge filtration flow will also be continually monitored. The AOD skid is fitted with its own S/D system designed to S/D and isolate the skid from the separator in the event of any parameters exceeding design. Additionally the skid operator can S/D the skid by operating the Emergency Stop Button. In the event of a GPA the power to the skid (via a welding socket) will be isolated, initiating a skid S/D. Additionally the GPA causes a loss of 110v supply to the jetting unit and hydraulic ram package. This causes the jetting unit and hydraulic ram to S/D. On loss of the 110 v supply the hydraulic ram automatically retracts the nozzle from the vessel, allowing the client valves to be manually closed. In the event that the system is to be left unmanned, all vessel drainage isolation valves will be closed and power supplies to de-sanding equipment isolated. 2.5.4 Sand Collection Tank (within RBDSU 01) All agitated sand and water is transferred to the AOD system for chemical treatment and separation by the hydrocyclones.

Advanced Online DeSander

The hydrocyclones serve to thoroughly mix the chemical with the dirty sand causing the oil to be released from the sand as the sand and water are separated. The solids are deposited in the sand collection tank. Inside the tank, a weir plate and baffle arrangement is used to retain the sand in the ‘dirty’ half of the tank, allowing oil and water to pass over the weir into the ‘clean’ half of the tank. Within the ‘clean’ half of the tank the oil is skimmed of for return to the drains. The ‘clean’ water is recycled for use in sand agitation in the separator. The sand is continuously cleaned and discharged to the disposal point. Throughout de-sanding operations, an air mover ventilates the sand collection tank to ensure that the hazardous gasses associated with the sand / water removed from the separator are vented to a safe area. Methane and Hydrogen Sulphide gas detectors are incorporated into the AOD system. In the event that the amount of associated gas is sufficient to overcome the ventilation rate the methane gas detector will operate to S/D the skid at 40% LEL; the H2S detector will operate to S/D the skid at 10 ppm. (Alarms levels are set at 20% LEL and 5 ppm respectively). During the vessel de-sanding, close radio contact shall be maintained with the Process Control Room to ensure that the level within the separator does not increase / decrease significantly. In the event there is a significant high liquid level fluctuation within the sand collection tank, the skid will be S/D by the operation of a High Level Switch. If the flow to the tank reduces below the rate that is returned to the separator for sand agitation the skid will be S/D by the operation of a Low Level Switch. 2.5.5 Fines Filtration Unit Water from the ‘clean’ half of the tank is routed through a duplex 10 micron fine filter prior to returning to the HP water jetting unit. During de-sanding operations the filter DP will be monitored, when required the filters will be changed over. If the filters become blocked they can be changed independently of each other whilst the AOD is online. NORM contamination monitoring will be carried out at this stage.

Advanced Online DeSander

In the event that the filters are contaminated they will be placed within NORM logo bags and placed within the confines of the restricted area. On completion of the de-sanding operations the filters will be washed with all waters being held within the confines of the filter chamber. The wash waters will be disposed of to the designated overboard disposal route. The filters will be monitored and once classed as none contaminated will be disposed of as within the s waste disposal policy.

2.5.6 Sand Collection Tank – Sand Removal Regular sampling will be performed throughout the de-sanding operations to estimate the quantity of sand being discharged by diaphragm pump DP1A. The estimate of the amount of sand removed from the separator shall be recorded on the ‘Contaminated Waste Disposal Sheet’; this will be based on the results of the regular sampling taking place throughout the AOD operation. All sand and oily water within the sand collection tank shall be cleaned to an acceptable level as required on the disposal licence, prior to disposal via the particle reduction unit. All recovered oil will be disposed of to the agreed drains disposal point. If necessary, the AOD system will be put on a re-circulating cycle until the sand has been cleaned to an acceptable level. To check that the pneumatic scale reduction unit is operating to the correct legal requirements, a sample of pulverised grit shall be taken by the RPS prior to NORM disposal operations. It shall be ensured that any diving operations within the immediate vicinity of the platform have been suspended and the potable water makers are not operational during discharge of NORM contaminated material to sea. All sand and scale removed from the sand collection tank shall be passed through the scale reduction unit before disposal to sea. The above process shall be repeated until it is apparent that no more sand is being removed from the separator.

Advanced Online DeSander

2.6 Equipment De-rig On completion of de-sanding operations, all equipment shall be flushed clean with water and degreaser prior to back loading to the beach. The manifold flushing point shall be utilised for flushing of the hose and valves. Particular care must be taken with the AOD system to ensure that all traces of sand / scale are removed. Cleaning will continue until monitoring demonstrates that there is no NORM contamination remaining. To accomplish this there may be a requirement for vessel entry of the sand collection tank. If required this will be completed in compliance with the permit to work system. The worksite shall be left clean & tidy.

Advanced Online DeSander


SCIENTIGE-RBG, Client & 3rd Party Interface Details of all key SCIENTIGE-RBG, Client & 3rd Party interface personnel specific to this workscope are listed below.

Job Title Operations Manager Snr Delivery Manager Delivery Manager Shipping / Logistics Group HSEQ Manager

SCIENTIGE-RBG INTERFACE Name Contact No. Area of Responsibility John Walker 01224 SCIENTIGE-RBG – Aqua-Dyne 215161 Neale Watson 01224 SCIENTIGE-RBG – Aqua-Dyne 215137 Colin 01224 SCIENTIGE-RBG – Aqua-Dyne Sherwood 722888 Online Cleaning John Strother 01224 SCIENTIGE-RBG – R Plant 722888 John Fraser 01224 SCIENTIGE-RBG – Health and 722888 Safety Department CLIENT INTERFACE

Job Title


Contact No.

Area of Responsibility




Contact No.

Area of Responsibility


Advanced Online DeSander

4. Schedule / Project Plan 4.1

No SCIENTIGE-RBG Project plan has been completed for this scope of works.

Advanced Online DeSander

5. Site Drawings This section contains detailed list and copy of all drawings associated with the workscope including issue and revision numbering.

Drawing No. NID-PID-AOD001 NID-GA-AOD001

Issue/ Rev Drawing Title No. 0 Advanced Online Desander Process and Instrumentation Diagram 0 Advanced Online Desander General Arrangement Drawing Client drawings showing vessel connections

Advanced Online DeSander


Materials, Plant & Equipment A list of all additional materials, plant and equipment required to undertake this workscope is attached as Appendix 6.1. The SCIENTIGE-RBG AOD Team Leader is responsible for ensuring all equipment is regularly maintained and operated strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. He shall also ensure that all items are fit for purpose and comply with the relevant safety legislation.

Advanced Online DeSander

Appendix 6.1

Advanced Online DeSander

6.1.1 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 6.1.2 The AOD Team Leader shall ensure that all equipment is regularly maintained and operated strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions. He shall also ensure that the equipment is fit for purpose and complies with all relevant safety legislation. 6.1.3 Advanced Online De-sanding Package Description


High Flow Water Jetting Package, including: - Flame trap - Foot Control Valve - Spares package - Certification - Operating Manual


AOD Skid, including: - Spares package - Operating Manual NORM Waste Transfer Package comprising: - Radiation Contamination monitor (2) - Radiation dose Rate monitor - stainless steel deluge shower - BA full face respirator mask (4) - Pneumatic Scale Reduction Unit - 2” Hardwall hose (No. as required) - 3” Hardwall hose (No. as required) - Catchment Tray (3)


Air Supply Package Hydraulic Insertion System Plant and Equipment Shipping Container

1 1 2


Advanced Online DeSander

6.1.4 Equipment Dimensions Item



High Flow Jetting Unit AOD System (RBDSU01)

2.44m 3.03m

3.10m 5.30m

Plant / Equipment Containers Pneumatic Scale Reduction Unit Hydraulic Ram Hydraulic Power Pack

2.44m 2.00m 0.40m 0.80m

3.10m 1.10m 2.50m 0.80m



2.44m 7500kg 3.11m 8500kg (Dry) 14500kg (wet) 2.44m TBC 1.60m 1100kg 0.40m 450kg 1.15m 400kg

6.1.5 Equipment Electrical Requirements Description High Flow Jetting Unit AOD System (RBDSU01) Hydraulic Power Pack

Voltage 110 volt shutdown 440 volt Welding Socket 110 volt shutdown

6.1.6 Equipment Air Consumption Description Pneumatic Scale Reduction Unit AOD System (RBDSU01)

30 ft3/min 3100 ft3/min check this figure!!

6.1.7 Equipment Lay Down Area Item High Flow Jetting Unit AOD System (RBDSU01) Plant / Equipment Containers Pneumatic Scale Reduction Unit Hydraulic Power Pack

Lay Down Skid Deck ANDR A & B ANDR A & B ANDR A & B Adjacent to Separator

Advanced Online DeSander

7. Personnel The SCIENTIGE-RBG team will comprise of the following personnel disciplines; No. 1 2 1

Discipline AOD Team Leader AOD Engineer AOD Fitter

Shift Dayshift Dayshift Dayshift

Team Responsibilities

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

AOD TEAM LEADER The AOD Team Leader is responsible for; Undertaking the responsibilities associated with the normal duties of the Radiation Protection Supervisor. To ensure all work carried out by Aqua-Dyne is performed in accordance with the Local Rules. To control the activities of all persons, whether or not Aqua-Dyne employees, who have reason to enter the controlled areas designated by SCIENTIGE-RBG. To supervise the activities of all persons, whether or not Aqua-Dyne employees, who have reason to enter or remain in the controlled areas designated by Aqua-Dyne. To supervise all radiation protection measures put in place by AquaDyne. To restrict the exposure to ionising radiation’s of all persons in the vicinity of these works. To ensure that Aqua-Dyne employees working at this location are fully and properly instructed and supervised with regard to the work in hand. To ensure that safety devices, monitoring equipment and emergency tools are properly maintained and are available and used in accordance with these Local Rules. To implement contingency procedures in the event of an emergency, accident or incident involving ionising radiation’s at this location. To advise and consult with the RPA in the event of any change in the working conditions or working practices occurring which may require a change or revision to the Local Rules in force for this location. AOD ENGINEER The AOD Engineer is responsible for; Completion of work under supervision Waste Handling & transfer under supervision Assisting with work site establishment and maintenance thereafter General Site Cleaning An AOD Engineer will be designated as a Standby Man when vessel

Advanced Online DeSander

1. 2. 3. 4.

entry is required. AOD FITTER The AOD Fitter is responsible for; As detailed above for the AOD Engineer Set-up / Safety Checks / Function test of plant and equipment Ongoing servicing and maintenance thereafter Performance of plant and equipment

Advanced Online DeSander


HSE Management


General Considerations Prior to any work undertaken general considerations will apply. Refer to Appendix 8.1.


Health, Safety & Environment Questionnaire Prior to workscope commencement, a Health, Safety & Environment Questionnaire should be completed in full. Refer to Appendix 8.2.

8.3 Site Specific HAZID/HAZOP ‘Checklist/Screening Study’ A copy of the completed client/site specific HAZID/HAZOP ‘checklist/study’ will be attached within Appendix 8.3 on completion at the worksite. 8.4

Toolbox Talks In line with The SCIENTIGE-RBG ‘Tool Box Talks’ procedure HSEQP015 (See Appendix 8.4), the AOD Team Leader will be responsible for performing regular discipline specific Tool Box Talks. He shall satisfy himself that the work content and working methods to be adopted are fully understood by all personnel under his supervision, and obtain signatures from each person under his control. Items to be discussed during the Toolbox Talk include but should not be limited to, adjacent operations, manual handling, escape routes, PPE, specialist tools or procedures and worksite cleanliness. Interim Toolbox Talks shall be carried out and recorded at the start of each shift change as well as at regular intervals and it is the responsibility of the Site Supervisor to ensure that the method statements are still suitable and adequate to the task in hand.


COSHH Assessments Listed below are material/product COSHH assessment sheets required to be read in full prior to execution of the workscope. A copy of all referenced assessments are attached to this section under Appendix 8.5 Material Solvent


Product AIC Supersolv

Manufacturer Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Advanced Online DeSander

Manufacturers Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all materials being used in this workscope are included as Appendix 8.6. 8.7

Generic & Task Based Risk Assessments SCIENTIGE-RBG produced Task Risk Assessments relating to all tasks required to be carried out to complete the workscope are included in Appendix 7. All Generic Task Risk Assessments should be used in conjunction with any Task Based Risk Assessments and should be discussed during the Toolbox Talks onsite. Document No. Risblk. Risk 004. Risk 017. AQD044 AQD047 AQD092 AQD119 Document No. TBRA-AQD-11

Risk Assessments Blank Risk Assessment Form Manual Handling Working with Harmful Substances Ultra High/High Pressure Water Jetting Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) General Cleaning Non Intrusive Cleaning Task Based Risk Assessments AOD Skid Operation

Document No.


AQD005 AQD010

Daily Safety Check sheet for HP/UHP Jetting Units Shift Record Sheet for Operations involving NORM Decontamination Controlled Area Monitoring Diagram Contaminated Waste Disposal Sheet Daily Report Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) Lost / Damaged Report Form Employee Performance Review Area Monitoring Diagram Backload Advice Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) Checklist NORM Reduction Unit Maintenance Report Sheet Controlled Area Entry Control Sheet Supervisor Monitor Checklist Equipment Certificate of Cleanliness

AQD011 AQD012 AQD022 AQD028 AQD031 AQD038 AQD039 AQD040 AQD052 AQD094 AQD097 AQD116

Advanced Online DeSander

AQD0123 Form 063 HSEQF015


Daily Safety Checklist Hazardous Substance Work Place Assessment Toolbox Talk Record

Environmental Issues All environmental issues will be managed in accordance with the SCIENTIGERBG EMS manual (a copy of this document should be held by the SCIENTIGE-RBG AOD Team Leader). A blank copy of the ‘Hazardous Substances Acknowledgement Form is attached as Appendix 8.8 to this section and should be used in conjunction with the Clients worksite specific procedures.

Advanced Online DeSander


Waste Disposal All waste should be disposed of as per the Clients Environmental Management System and the SCIENTIGE-RBG Document No. SPRO99 – ‘Site Waste Management /Packing Obligations and Monitoring’. The Aqua-Dyne proformas for the discharge to sea of NORM contaminated scale and sand – AQD054 and Discharge to sea of Oily produced sand AQD055, are attached as Appendix 8.9.

Advanced Online DeSander

Appendix 8.2

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Platform Completed by

Health, Safety & Environmental Questionnaire Job Description Job No. Advanced Online Non-intrusive Sand Removal Checked by SCIENTIGE-RBG Client Approval Approval Colin Sherwood

1.0 Hazard Identification Complet e? Yes/No


Has a client/site specific Hazard Screening Study No To be completed onsite. been carried out? (If yes, a copy should be inserted under Appendix 8.3) 2.0 Safety Case Impact Will the ‘Safety Case’ be affected by this work? if YES, Client Yes No must be formally notified immediately.  3.0 Safety Criticality Assessment Answer Yes or No to the following questions. When considering the questions, please bear in mind that despite isolations, depressurisation, draining and purging, the complete removal of hydrocarbon liquids, gases and other hazardous substances cannot be absolutely guaranteed. There is always a possibility of residual materials being released when breaking joints etc. It is usual that 2 or more positive answers will indicate that a job is Safety Critical. Yes No a) Does the system/equipment contain or has it contained  hydrocarbons? b) Does the system/equipment contain or has it contained toxic gas  or asphyxiating gas? c) Does the system/equipment contain or has it contained corrosive  fluid? d) Does the system/equipment contain or has it contained high pressure fluids or gases? e) Is high voltage electricity involved?  f) Does the work involve any complex or heavy lifts?  g) Does this job involve entry into any confined spaces etc.?  h) Does this job involve exposure to high or low temperatures?  i) Is it a low frequency job?  j) Have there been any incidents when performing similar works?  k) Is a Standard 3 (single valve) isolation involved? 

Advanced Online DeSander

l) Does the work involve or create sources of ignition within a hazardous area? m) Does the work involve multiple trades? n) Does the work conflict with Standing Instructions? o) Does the work involve working outwith handrails (other than a properly approved scaffold)? p) Is the job weather sensitive (wind, heat, cold, daylight, lightning etc.)? q) Is the work in a remote location? r) Does the work affect escape routes or systems? s) Will the work inhibit a safety system? t) Is the job Safety Critical?

        

4.0 Occupational Safety a) Toolbox Talk Planned? (a toolbox talk should be held prior to commencement of all works, and if the nature of the job has changed at any time during the operation). b) COSHH Assessment Required? (a copy of all COSHH assessments should be included under Appendix 8.5 of this document). c) Have all isolations been clearly identified within the site specific ‘Hazard Identification Checklist / Screening Study’? (see Appendix 8.3). d) Is Ionising Radiation involved? e.g. LSA Scale / NORM Removal / Radiography? e) Are any hazardous or other hazardous substances involved? 5.0 Environmental

Yes  

   Yes

a) Will any special waste materials be sent onshore for disposal? e.g. sludge, used or unused . b) Will any LSA / NORM contaminated equipment be returned for decontamination prior to servicing or repair? c) Will the work result in emissions of harmful substances to atmosphere? If ‘Yes’ is there any Ventilation required? d) Will any waste product be disposed of to a drainage system (If ‘Yes’ has the UK Prevention of Oil Pollution Act Exemption Certificate been reviewed)


No  

 

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If the answer to any of the questions contained in 4.0 or 5.0 above are ‘Yes’ or ‘Don’t Know’, please obtain further advice from the HSE Department. 6.0 Safety Summary Note: if there are any deviations from the above or if there are any unusual HS&E issues which need to be highlighted, please consult the HSE Department for further advice and provide clear details below.

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Appendix 8.3

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Site Specific HAZID/HAZOP ‘Checklist/Screening Study’ 8.3.1 A copy of the completed client/site specific HAZID/HAZOP ‘checklist/study’ will be attached within Appendix 8.3 on completion at the worksite.

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Appendix 8.4

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Appendix 8.5

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Appendix 8.6

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Appendix 8.7

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Appendix 8.8

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Appendix 8.9

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Quality Control/Working Procedures All works will be undertaken strictly in accordance with the Scope of Work / Method Statement detailed in Section 2 of this document and the following Operational & Safety Procedures.


Operations Procedures The following SCIENTIGE-RBG Operational Procedures relating to the work scope / programme will be held by the senior SCIENTIGE-RBG Supervisor on all work sites. Document No.


QP/OPS/007 QP/OPS/009 QP/OPS/014

NORM Scale Removal and Disposal Offshore NORM Scale Reduction Unit – Particle Size Control High Pressure Water Jetting Incorporating Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting for Offshore Works Procedure for Manual Handling Manual Handling Local Rules for Working with NORM Offshore

QP/OPS/022 QP/OPS/028 QP/OPS/029 9.2

Safety Procedures The following SCIENTIGE-RBG Safety Procedures are attached as Appendix 9.2 to this section; Document No. HSEQP004 HSEQP009 HSEQP014 HSEQP015 HSEQP017 HSEQP018 HSEQP030 HSEQP048


Title Continuous Improvement Incident Reporting and Investigation Task Based Risk Assessment Tool Box Talks (See Section 8.4) COSHH - Use of Chemical Products Control of Dangerous Substances Atmospheres Protective Clothing and Equipment Materials Handling and Storage

Inspection/Acceptance Reports N/A


Continuous Improvement



Advanced Online DeSander

A blank copy of the SCIENTIGE-RBG ‘Continuous Improvement’ is included as Appendix 9.4 of this section. 9.5

Acceptance Certification A blank copy of the SCIENTIGE-RBG ‘Acceptance Certificate’ is included as Appendix 9.5 of this section. This certificate must be formally approved by the Client on the successful completion of the workscope and inserted back into Appendix 9.5 of the document as part of the workpack closeout process.

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Appendix 9.1

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Appendix 9.2

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Appendix 9.3

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Appendix 9.4

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Appendix 9.5

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Workpack Completion After the successful completion of the workscope and when in receipt of a confirmed client approved ‘Acceptance Certificate’ the Workpack Close Out Form WPK002 should be jointly completed by both the AOD Team Leader and the SCIENTIGE-RBG Delivery Manager – Online Cleaning. It is recommended that this report be completed at the Workpack Close-Out Meeting. In order to complete the ‘Workpack Closeout Process’ a copy of the ‘Workpack Completion Report’ Form WPK001 must be filed back into the Workpack under Appendix 10.1

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Appendix 10.1

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Original Work Order / Request / Site Instruction The original Work Order/Request/ Client Instruction etc. should be attached to this section under Appendix 11.1.


Qualifications Where applicable any qualifications/conditions to the proposed workscope should be filed under Appendix 11.2 of this section.


Variations Where applicable any variations to the original Work Order/Request should be filed under Appendix 11.3 to this section.


Job Cards Where requested, Client specific job cards should be completed and maintained under Appendix 11.4 of this document. Blank SCIENTIGE-RBG job cards may also be attached under Appendix 11.4 for convenience.


AOD System Operational Procedure The operational procedure for use with the AOD system has been attached under Appendix 11.5 for reference prior to and during system operation.

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Appendix 11.1

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Appendix 11.2

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11.2.1 Client to provide the initial fill of the AOD system, approx 6m 3 fresh or produced water. If sea water is to be used and chemical treatment is required, the client should specify dosage and provide the chemical for treatment 11.2.2 SCIENTIGE-RBG Aqua-Dyne to carry out all necessary sampling during cleaning operations. These will then be on passed to the Safety Department. 11.2.3 Client to provide 110v ESD tie in to shutdown system for the Jetting Unit, and hydraulic power pack. Client to provide the 440v supply (welding socket) to power the AOD skid. 11.2.4 SCIENTIGE-RBG Aqua Dyne to ensure all equipment that requires lifting slings are supplied with full certification. 11.2.5 Client to provide scaffold services for hose carrier over walkways as required. 11.2.6 Client to confirm the requirement for any scale inhibitor, oxygen scavenger or other chemical and, if required, provide them for use by the AOD operating team.

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Appendix 11.3

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Appendix 11.4

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Appendix 11.5

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Please refer to PDF files 1.

brochure-1 adv. online desander - AQUADYNE.pdf


brochure-2 adv. online desander - AQUADYNE.pdf


brochure-3 adv. online desander - AQUADYNE.pdf

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Please refer to PDF files 1.

DRAWING-1 nid-ga-aod-001 rev 0.pdf


DRAWING-2 nid-pid-aod-001 rev 0.pdf

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AOD SKID PHOTO 1 – side view

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AOD SKID PHOTO 2 – side view

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AOD SKID PHOTO 1 – control

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Connection to Client Vessel Online Desanding requires connection of hoses to the client vessel drain valve(s) while the separator remains ‘live’. Once the connection points are identified from P&ID’s and confirmed by site survey if required, an assessment of the process situation is carried out and the result of the assessment gives a recommendation of the required isolation. This recommendation is compared to the existing isolation arrangement and a decision is taken to accept the existing isolation (subject to valve integrity confirmation) or to upgrade the isolation in line with the assessment recommendation. The assessment model used is based upon the Oil Industry Advisory Committee document “The safe isolation of plant and equipment”. Once the connection specification(s) are identified suitable x-overs and / or joints are identified to ensure safe connection between the client facility and the SCIENTIGERBG temporary equipment. The model and assessment worksheet are detailed in the following pages:

Connection to Client Vessel and Risk Assessment Model….

Advanced Online DeSander

The Assessment Model: Situation

Substanc e

Pressur e

Line Size

Frequenc y


Effects Matrix

Release Matrix

Time Matrix




CALCULATE Hazard factor = Effects x Release x Time


ISOLATION METHOD Situation, Substance, Pressure, Line Size, Frequency and Duration are defined and derived for each situation in the following tables:

Connection to Client Vessel and Risk Assessment Model….

Advanced Online DeSander

Situation: Type Description A





Typical Examples Onshore Congested or confined Crude distiller unit, equipment or >20 people at risk. catalytic cracker Offshore there is the potential for plant. Village or escalation resulting in the need town within range for platform evacuation. of toxic effects. Open process storage or product transfer plant or 11-20 people at risk. Offshore open or less congested modules where explosion hazard is minimal or escalation beyond the immediate area is unlikely. Large fire with the potential for local damage and multiple fatalities. Storage area or 6-10 people at risk. Offshore an area where gas is unlikely to accumulate to hazardous levels with minor fires contributing the highest risk.

Offshore Compression module heavily populated with pipework and objects of box type construction. Treater Unit, LPG Module containing spheres, road car large cylindrical loading gantry. vessels, such as separators, widely separated.

Tank Farm, pumping manifold, unprotected control room or outside workers within range of toxic effects. Few items of equipment in an Isolated open area or 3 to 5 people at pumphouse. risk. Offshore utility systems with the potential to cause fatalities or structural damage. Remote single items or 1 or 2 Remote pump or people at risk. Offshore minor vessel. fires which are easily contained.

Wellhead modules or other non enclosed spaces open on two or more sides. Modules containing temperature or high pressure utility systems or corrosive substances.

Connection to Client Vessel and Risk Assessment Model….

Advanced Online DeSander

Substance: Type Description 1 Toxic gasses e.g. HF, Cl2, SO2, H2S, HCN, HCl, CO. Note: Toxic liquids such as Cl2 and SO2 require special treatment since leaks may cause toxic effects over a wide area. In such cases the highest standard of isolation should be employed. 2 LPG, NGL or flammables above a temperature where more than 50% weight would flash on release. Material above auto ignition temperature. 3 Flammable liquids above their flashpoint. 4 Flammable gasses. 5 Flammable liquids below their flashpoint 6 Other hazardous fluids, e.g. steam, high temperature or low temperature (cryogenic) fluids, corrosives, acids, asphyxiants, etc. 7 Non hazardous substances. (Note that substances such as water and nitrogen may be hazardous in some situations)

Connection to Client Vessel and Risk Assessment Model….

Advanced Online DeSander

Effects Matrix: Situation Substance A Type 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 1





10 8 6 4 3 2 1

9 5 4 3 2 1 1

8 4 3 2 1 1 1

7 3 2 1 1 1 1

> 20 barg 6 5 3 2 2

> 10 barg 5 4 3 2 1

Release Matrix: System Pressure Line size > 100 barg > 50 barg >/= 8” 10 8 6” 8 6 4” 6 4 2” 4 3
Duration < 1 Shift 10 7 3 2 1

> 1 Shift 10 10 7 3 2

> 7 days 10 7 3

‘Hazard’ Factor = ‘Effects’ x ‘Release’ x ‘Time’ The result is a score between 1 (trivial consequence) and 1000 (disastrous consequence).

Connection to Client Vessel and Risk Assessment Model….

Advanced Online DeSander

Selection of Isolation Method: Hazard Factor Isolation Method Reference No. 600 Double block, bleed and Method 5 spade Methods 1 – 5 refer to diagrams in the original document showing the required arrangements for valves, spades, bleeds and pressure monitoring points. … “only use gate, plug, globe or ball type valves which provide a reliable, positive tight shut off seal for isolations of hazardous substances. Flow Control Valves and butterfly type valves are generally suitable only for non-hazardous substances, as they may not always provide a tight shut off. In general, non-return valves are not suitable for use in isolations unless the valve is designed to close against the pressure which is to be protected and can be positively locked closed in that position. If a suitable non-return valve is to be used in an isolation it should always be pressure tested to at least the maximum anticipated differential pressure.”

Connection to Client Vessel and Risk Assessment Model….

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Isolation Risk Assessment Work Sheet Scenario Description: Situation


Effects score

Line Size

System Pressure

Release score



Time score


x x





= =

Required Isolation Method: 600 Double Block, Bleed & Spade Does design / as built meet the isolation standard? Comment:

Assessment by:


Hazard Factor

Connection to Client Vessel and Risk Assessment Model….

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ATTACHMENT VI - INDICATIVE CHARGES **Note: Document for indicative charges – will be made available upon request and after performing the Project/User Requirement Study – PRS

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Advanced Online DeSander

Development and Deployment Record for the SCIENTIGE-RBG Ltd DeSanding System Introduction This document is intended to provide a demonstration of the increasing level of SCIENTIGE-RBG Ltd competence in the field of process separator de-sanding operations. Throughout the development of the North Sea oil and gas reserves a number of fields were seen to be potential sand producers, appropriate facilities were included in the initial developments to cater for this. However some of these 'sand flushing' arrangements proved to be of questionable benefit once put into operation. Improving environmental standards have overtaken the capabilities of such older systems. Many of the North Sea developments have provided the infrastructure base for further developments in the field areas using the existing facilities on the platform. These further developments have not always had optimum design host facilities. The resultant effect is that a number of field developments now have the problem of sand accumulations in the separators with either no permanent sand removal facility or a facility which may be of questionable quality when discharging the sand to sea. In response to the recognition of this problem and invovement in the manual clean out of separators, dealing with the associated hazards and recognising the costs to the Operator, SCIENTIGE-RBG Ltd developed the capability for a Non Intrusive Sand Removal System. From its initial inception the system has evolved with experience of deployments, resulting in both hardware improvements and laterly in improvements to the documentation relating to and supporting the system. In order to provide potential clients with the assurance that SCIENTIGE-RBG Ltd are able to deploy a 'Competent System' this document addresses the development of the De-Sanding concept in two ways: - how the system interfaces with the client process, how sand is removed from the separator and how the sand is subsequently handled prior to disposal.

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- how the sand handling equipment has developed, which is the focus of SCIENTIGE-RBG Ltd promotional literature. It is hoped that this will help SCIENTIGE-RBG Ltd Management in deciding how the system is introduced to potential clients. Before a client allows the system to be deployed on an asset they require to be assured that the system is competently engineered, that SCIENTIGE-RBG Ltd know what is being deployed and hence the client knows what he is receiving and that all changes to the equipment are properly considered, assessed and approved with all related documentation being updated. This document is intended to demonstrate that that process has been adhered to in the development and evolution of the De-Sanding system.

**Note: Please Refer To Excel File / Attachment Given – Sci-Rbg Success Story.Xls

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