Proposal For Lms

  • November 2019
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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Technical Proposal & Write Up On Library Management Solution For

Name, Designation

(Client, Location

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Seller Restrictions This data shall not be disclosed and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose. If a contract is awarded to HCL as a result of or in connection with the submission of this data, the client or prospective client shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose this data to the extent provided in the contract. This restriction does not limit the client’s or prospective client’s right to use the information contained in the proposal if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction is contained in all marked sheets.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

HCL PROFILE HCL Infosystems Limited is one of the pioneers in the Indian IT market, with its origins in 1976. For over quarter of a century, HCL has developed and implemented solutions for multiple market segments, across a range of technologies in India. HCL has been in the forefront in introducing new technologies and solutions, now HCL is amongst the top 20 business houses in India with 14000+ employees spread across 38 countries and revenue of around 14 billion US dollars. HCL Infosystems Ltd. is the Internet Infrastructure initiative of the HCL group, India’s premier information technology group. Through the pioneering presence of the HCL group companies the vast experience of the markets, HCL Infosystems has propelled itself to the path of “Total Technology Integration”. HCL Infosystems has established state-of-the-art ATM / Frame-Relay IP based network infrastructure across 43 cities in the country and offers an entire range of managed services. Its portfolio of services includes Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Broadband Internet access; Hosting Co-location Services; Designing and deploying Disaster Recovery solutions and Business Continuity solutions; Application services; Managed Security services and NOC services. All these services are delivered with a turnkey approach that includes delivering Infosystems’s core services, third party hardware and network provisioning, maintenance activities and project management. Page 3 of 50

Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

HCL Infosystems comes with the promise of delivering the committed ‘Quality of Service’ backed by significant investments in infrastructure, network management solutions and its round the clock centralized Customer Support Call Center. This holds even more when we consider the leverage Infosystems draws from its parent company’s unparalleled experience in networking.

LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION HCL Infosystems Limited is providing one of the leading library management solutions (LMS) in the global market. Our LMS is designed on all international standards like MARC-21, UNICODE, SIP/SIP2, etc. LMS is completely user-friendly menu driven interface, online help, complete and elaborative help documentation, online downloading of bibliographic details,

sharing of database or bibliographic

details with international or national libraries based on international standards like ISO 2709, Z39.50, etc. HCL is also can provide solutions like RFID based security and circulation including drop box, self check-out station, EAS Security Gate; biometric based access or simple barcode based circulation system. The same LMS solution can be used for the digital library also; any digital format document can be attached with the proposed LMS. HCL also have dedicated a software for the management of the digital library, where simply scanned images or any edocuments like .pdf, .avi, .mp3, .mpeg, etc. WE BELIEVE IN PROVIDING 100% SOLUTION FOR A LIBRARY.

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HCL’s Customer Support We have the highest regard for our esteem customers, and to meet this, we have geared up ourselves with following services across the country: •

We organize customer’s meets all over the country to have the first hand interaction, which enable us to interact with our customers and review their feedback one to one. We also strive to improve our services standards for more customer satisfaction.

We have the key-client concept, where in we constantly monitor the upkeep of our products, being used for achieving highest level of service standards. The parameters governed by this (viz. Up-time, Preventive Maintenance Schedule etc.) are appraised by specialized team at the regional office and Head office. Further, these clients are provided with an Up Time Certificate authenticated by the respective user department and these are sent by the President & CEO himself.

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We have across the country – Number of Machines





Number of Software Solutions Number of Professionals Number of Trained Engineers Number of Offices Number of Service Centres Customer Satisfaction ISO Certification

photocopier) 10,000 (Telecom products alone) 1,000 14,000 5,000 170 cities 360 9 out of 10 * ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001:2004

* Survey done internally by HCL Infosystem directly to its customers. With trained engineers around 360 locations around India, we are able to provide better customer support and reach well above the industrial customer satisfaction level


HCL is itself synonymous with customer satisfaction, we are proud to offer the best solutions and services anywhere in India. The best in the “Corporate Users expectation and Satisfaction Survey 2003” - Voice & Data Magazine. HCL has been ranked No.5 among India’s Top 5 groups impacting the dynamics of the IT Industry - DataQuest “The Most Responsive Company, 2005”– IT Hardware Category by the Economic Times - Avaya Global Connect

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HCL’s Presence in India

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Collections at, (Client) Books & Bound Volumes Books being one of the important parts of a library and has got number rare and important books. Total number of collection of ____________ in which ___________ is books and __________ bound volume. Magazine & Article Indexing They have ___________ number of subscription per year, which is on circulation for its member. They regularly add _________ magazine annually into their collection. Article indexing is one of their major reference services for their users. Article indexing is currently done online/offline; they are planning to provide the same online/office to their users. Other Materials Regular to their print collection they have other collections like: Collection Total Videocassettes CD-ROMs Photographs Slides Any others (please



Activities at, (Client) (gets from clients apart from the stated below) Acquisition Page 8 of 50

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Library, as in many other cases, does acquisition completely on manual way. It maintain files for different purchases and orders. File are signed and approved by Committee Members, etc. Library use acquisition module for initial catalogue and preparing a list of books for Committee Member’s approval, and most importantly avoiding the duplicate books on approval basis. Catalogue / Bibliographies Currently library is doing cataloguing based AACR2 standards. They are cataloguing most of the collection manually. Currently they are not following any MARC21 or any other international standard for cataloguing except for AACR2. Printed bibliographies services they are providing to their users. On regular basis they take out the print of the collection in bibliography for their users and or distribute the same to their faculty/registered members/ students, etc. Indexing In House library do not provide any such kind of services. They subscribe to external database like (EBSCO, etc) for the same purpose. Library have indexing services for it’s users, which they are doing on Periodical Indexing card. They manually manage the entire indexing card and regularly take out a periodical Index Journal for the users. This is clubbed together at the end of the year. Circulation

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Circulation is totally manual based processed. Users have been given Membership Cards. Books card and Membership Card is goes to library procession when any user/member issues any resource/collection. Circulation process is semi-automated i.e. books are issued to member via a library management software which keep track of the issued /pending resources against any member. Membership Card are kept by the library when members issues any resource/collection. Stock Taking Stock taking is annual/bi-annual/3 year /4 year process in the library. Library is does not function during the stock taking period. Stock taking process is completely a manual process in the library. Mostly library will be closed for stock taking, the number of days depends on the total collection for example a library with 10,000 to 15,000 collection will close the library for 10-14 days for only re-shelving, manual counting, and rechecking the stock records, etc with a manpower of 4-6 people. Management & Reporting Different management issues and reporting can be easily managed and generated through our library management solution. User can customise the different reports and generate the same according to their requirements.

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Services at, (Client) (gets from clients apart from the stated below) Circulation All major resource in their collection is for circulation. The following number of collection from documents is only for reference only. Books Bound Volume Any other Selective Dissemination of Information / Current Awareness Services Members and faculty members have to personally visit the library to know new arrivals in the library or to know the exact kind of collection they have for their subject preference. Current Awareness Services are provided on the circulation desktop in the form of bibliographies title “New Arrivals” Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Library does not provide any kind Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) services to its users. Members /users are complete depended on the mood of the staff at the circulation counter for getting any information. Library does provide Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). The search window is very obsolete technique, where as in today’s internet world where full image and multimedia oriented search is provided to users.

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Inter Library Loan (ILL) (select any one of the paragraph) Library does not indulge in any inter library loan activities. Library does have inter library loan services. ILL services are totally a manual process. Member library exchange their collection data with each other periodically, any member who is interested in the collection will raise the request and these resource/collection is issued to the member like any other library registered member. Library is a member of Delhi Library Network (DELnet) (or name the association) with whom they follow the standard protocol established by the association.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Library is looking for following endeavours


from clients apart from the stated below) •

An efficient Library Management Solution that enables in maintaining and retrieving the books within no time.

Access of single records to multiple locations through Network / Web based.

Maintaining an audit trail for keeping track of all activities performed on records by users.

Fool proof security for library collection

A Secure and easy to share database.

100% error free shelving of books, magazine and other collection in their respective racks/shelves.

An international standard used in the sharing the database both at bibliographic level or complete database at one go.

Interactive and enhanced search engine for users anywhere, anytime meeting all international standard.

Creating new worksheet/workform for newly added type of documents.

Reducing the workload on library’s professional as well non-professional staff.

Providing round the clock services to users, minimum days of closure even during the stock taking time.

Support different languages for different users.

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HCL’s Library Management Solution will meet the following endeavours •

MARC 21 based cataloguing and well enhanced and interactive OPAC search

All resource cataloguing information are stored in single database. LMS provide option of storing database at different location also

Software allows keeping track not only the book, etc but also on individual members

LMS provide / support RFID based security and circulation. RFID is supported by SIP/SIP2 protocol

LMS uses Oracle 10g at the back for security and reliable storage and retrieval

RFID hand held scanner can be used for stock taking, which will ensure a speedy and reliable stock checking

LMS support Z39.50 for exchange of bibliographic details and ISO 2709 for interchange and import/export of database, internationally.

I-chameleon portal allows to Libraries to change the user interface and OPAC interface.

LMS provide facility for adding n number of worksheet/workform based on n type of documents/resources

Downloading bibliographic / catalogue details from Library of Congress as it support Z39.50 protocol.

Shelf check-in and check-out programmed into the software due to RFID based -technology can reduce the workload on the circulation counter. Dropin Box can allow users to return the resource at any time.

LMS is built on UNICODE technology which supports all major national and international languages.

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Objectives & Requirements

(gets from clients apart from the stated


Library Management System a part of “Information Management” best described as “science of safe, secure and organised retention of electronic data, images, media and documents such that information contained therein is retrievable "on line" or physically whenever and wherever needed.” Following are the objectives and requirements for the digitisation of Records: •

Acquisition o

To stream line the acquisition process of the library in such way that any information pertaining any order should be available on click. It should be able to display the details of the budget like balance, heads, pending, etc.


To display number of orders, pending, approval committee or members, vendors.


To be able to display number of titles, type of documents, order locations, etc.

Cataloguing o

Able to reduce the world related to cataloguing of recources.


A uniform standard is maintained in cataloguing, authority files, controlled vocabulary, etc


A standard cataloguing style/methodology is to be followed between the libraries at different location or institutes.


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To able to reduce the workload on the circulation counter by allowing members to take charge of check-in and check-out of resources.


Help in controlling the theft of resources in the library.


Help in shelf rectification so that users and library staff are able to locate the resource without loosing a major part of their time.


Ease inter library loan management system.


Circulation history of resource/s available on a click.


Auditing the member transaction

Reporting and Management o

Circulation statistics


Collection reports and statistics


Reduce and error free stock taking process

Online Public Access Catalogue o

Full featured search services


Display of book covers, reviews, notations even providing external links to users


Online membership application form


Secure access to database and other features


Represents the look and feel of the library or it’s parent institute.

Manpower Management o

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Enhance the library professional knowledge

Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)


Improve the library and user interaction


Making library professional / staff more IT oriented and aware of major international library and information science standards


Improving and enhancing the working culture / experience of library staff to different other fields.

Miscellaneous o

Graphic User Interface for easy understanding of LMS


Help system, LMS should be able to provide not only online help in the form F1 but also a comprehensive help documents.


LMS should be more hardware free i.e. any hardware can be installed with the software but should meet all international standards


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Easy upgrade to future expansion or enhancements

Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

VIRTUA – Library Management Software HCL is pleased to present this proposal for implementing its Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) for (client). This proposal addresses all the necessary aspects of (Client) - Library Management Solution. Our understanding of the business objectives and system requirements is based on the various interactions and meeting held between (Client) and HCL, as well as our own experience in designing and providing library management solutions. The aim of this solution is to enhance and address few key business issues: •

To improve and smooth working of the library in accordance with international standards

Library as well as it’s collection become more easily accessible to users

Instant updates to it’s users or management body about the progress of collection, services, management, etc

Proper library security and collection management for more usage by the users

Reduce the workload on the library professional staff

Developing and avoiding duplication of collection between the members libraries

Easy sharing of collection/information between the member libraries.

Implement a library management solution not only to meet current needs but easily upgrade to future requirements.

Users of our LMS system will be able to perform functions such as acquisition, cataloguing, serial control and general management but also searches, retrievals, indexing, viewing, printing, e-mailing, etc. This in turn would enable dynamic information requests to be fulfilled expeditiously thereby creating greater efficiency within the organization. Page 18 of 50

Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

FEATURES OF Virtua - LMS HCL offers Virtua – a total Library Management Solution to (Client) which enables the department to achieve an efficient working of Library. Virtua - Library Management Software has been designed on the international library standards and is capable of integrating the (Client) with other global partner libraries in order to provide better services and improve it’s own collection. Library can have access / share their database with their partner libraries/channels to enhance the collection and provide inter library loan facility for electronic documents, etc. Following are key features of the offered software: •

Completely integrated package having independent modules such as Acquisition, Catalogue, Circulation, Serial Control, Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Hi-Resolution Image Viewer, Extended Bibliographic Services, etc.

With in built UNICODE technology Virtua supports Indian languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Oriya etc. as also all foreign languages such as Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Pushto, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Finnish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc., besides English. User can switch from one language to another on same window itself.

Extremely user friendly, menu driven and easy to operate feature of Virtua. User gets online help (F1) on every tag.

Wide range search capability and generation of information through Author, Title, Subject, Key Words, Publisher, Call Number, Publication Year, Accession Number, Document status, etc. Fully supports MARC-21, USMARC, CANMARC, etc.

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Capable of generating wide range of reports and statistics in various formats conforming to international standards.

Allows export/import of any type of database stored in ISO 2709 format in Virtua. ISO 2709 is an international recognized standard for storing and exchanging database.

Virtua support Z39.50 Protocol standard for exchanging bibliographic details without exporting / importing database from one library interface to another.

Supports multi-user environment, Virtua can support single as well as multiuser interaction.

Capable of creating and using as many as Authority / Vocabulary control files for different bibliographic entries.

Support multimedia format (images, video clips, sounds, slides, etc) in general library interface. MARC Tag 856 is used to add multimedia files to simple bibliographic details. Very useful in Extended Bibliographic Search option.

The Web-Gateway module works within the www environment having option for output in HTML format. It also makes searching library's holdings or other databases easy.

Additional Salient features of the software: •

ISO 9001 certified product.

ORACLE 10g as back end database for safe and secure storage.

OPAC also allows expert searches like Left/Right Truncation, Wild Card Truncation, Boolean Search, Free Text Search etc.

Sorting of Library holdings through language.

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Multiple cross-references and tracings.

Powerful security features.

On-line help facility/elaborative documentation in PDF format

Facility for mounting local databases.

Union catalogue facility.

XBS OPAC feature which provide facility book cover, TOC, Annotation, Expert Reviews, etc.

Server operates on all UNIX and LINUX operating systems

Other Features Electronic Submission of Thesis/Dissertation/Projects: With the help of Virtua library can maintain a e-copy of the Thesis/Dissertation/Projects for easy retrieval and reduce ever increasing space problem. Communication: All communication between the hardware (Server, Client, Printer, etc) and software is done on TCP/IP. On higher end Virtua support HTTP and Z39.50 protocol (on top of TCP/IP). RFID: Virtua support SIP/SIP2 protocol. Any manufacturer’s RFID hardware can easily incorporated with Virtua, it is hardware independent software. Barcode: Software is able to handle barcodes of different formats like EAN-13, SICI/SISAC, Codebar. Software Level Security: Control access to different modules of the library management software, it can also track and audit the login and log out by the users/specific user.

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User Level Security: Member authentication is required both module and OPAC level access. Permission can be granted to the users like self-renewal, reservation, etc. Customer Support: User can log their queries on Held Desk and Live Updates (Online) can be provided at client ends.

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Module Available in LMS •

The ILS should support all the major library functions listed below •

Acquisition – preparing different budget headings. o

Preparation of budget


Gifts and Gratis items

Cataloguing – cataloguing different resources in the library according national and international standards o

Authority control – a systematic and controlled cataloguing of resources to meet the library standards


Import/export of records – to facilitate in inter-library loan system and to meet the international standard

Circulation – for systematically managing the circulation. o

Circulation of resources, fine receipts, location of resources, etc


Members wise, category wise rules can be formulated

Online Public Access Catalogue o

OPAC, including Web-access – OPAC acts more like a public relation section


OPAC XBS – OPAC Extended Bibliographic Services like book cover, table of contents, reviews, author notes, etc.


Featuring the Chameleon iPortal Web Gateway and its flexible “skins” technology

Serials control – to manage a journals and periodicals o

MARC 21 standard followed for entry of magazine


Infinite number of magazine subscriptions can be defined

Software Management – easy management and controlling the access and features of the library software for the library staff/users. o

Statistics – to help librarians to develop their collection and improve services.

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Reporting – validate / authenticate the progress done by the library both in collection and service front.

HELP / Manual o

Virtua provide two level of help/manual documentation


F1 clicking on any field will provide user with Online Help Tag Help


VTLS had provided elaborative manuals modules wise which available totally separate of the software.

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ACQUISITION MODULE Acquisition Details: As defined in the USMARC/MARC21 & FRBR format, Virtua can manage the following acquisition data (describe any limitation on the length of each field); which is common to monographs and serials: Monographs Acquisition Data •

Acquisition method, i.e. purchase, exchange, legal deposit, gift

Order type, e.g. subscriptions, standing orders

Publication type

Order number

Order date

Claims period/academic year

Number of copies - volumes

Accounts / departmental allocations

Ordering department, branch library

Receiving department, branch library

Estimated price per copy

Estimated price per order

Final Proforma invoice

Invoiced price

Ordered by


Vendor numbers i.e. option for several numbers

Invoiced number

Invoiced date

Call number/location

Claim date

Cancelling date

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Status for different stages in the acquisition process, i.e. ordered, renewed, paid

Free text field for messages to vendor

Free text field for internal messages

Serials Acquisition Data •

Holdings information



Index available

Delivery history

Next expected issue

Subscription start

Subscription period, incl. expected volumes and issues

Renewal information

Subscriber number

Reference number

Binding information

Bibliographical identification of monograph series, theme issues, etc.

Links between records when titles change

Call number: permanent and current issue

Vendors: The vendor record remains in USMARC/MARC 21 format. The vendor details include fields for following information (describe any limitations on the length of the fields): •


Abbreviation or code (nick name)

Addresses for the libraries’ communication (separate addresses for correspondence and for communications of orders, claims, and returns)

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Language of communication

Telephone numbers

Fax numbers

E-mail address

Internet address


Library, Central Command, Lucknow number

Contact person

Free text

Date of updating vendor information

Acquisition Statistics and Reports: Acquisition statistics is available: •

By subject/classification

By type of publication (i.e. monograph or serials) and bibliographic level

By fund account (at least number of publications)

By vendor

By country of publication

By date of publication

By order date

By price

By time period as defined by the library

By faculties/departments or branch library

Gifts, Exchange, etc: The acquisition module is able to support different types of procurement like purchase, exchange, gifts, and legal deposit and distinguish between them. Vendor Interaction: The system is able to handle the communication with vendors, i.e. ordering, invoices, claiming, cancelling, credit data, and other messages, using EDIFACT (Letters, Fax, Emails, etc) Page 27 of 50

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Drag n Drop Orders: It’s possible to import bibliographic records in the USMARC/MARC21 & FRBR formats, Library of Congress, OCLC, RLIN, CD-ROM databases, and commercial databases and place order directly to the vendor. Accounts and Invoicing: Possible to use several separate budgets, it is also possible to establish a fund structure for each financial year. Its possible to copy the fund structure to a new financial year. Its possible to transfer groups of outstanding orders to new accounts by using global changes, even if the fund structure has been changed. Invoice Creation: The system have a function for handling different types of invoices, such as standard invoices, part-payments, credits, refunds, additional payments for periods already invoiced, pro-forma invoices and deposits.\ Live Update in OPAC: status of the order will displayed and updated accordingly in the OPAC interface. Currency: The system must be capable of handling different currencies as well as local currencies. Permissions Matrix for Security: software provide fool proof security / permission to access different options and modules in Acquisition. Express Receiving & Invoicing: Orders and invoicing can be done on urgent basis also. Where a resource/s can be ordered instantly and

CATALOGUING Cataloguing (Data entry): The system must have full screen (customisable by Application Administrator) data entry and editing ("empty screen" with MARC

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header) for cataloguing as well as a number of predefined data entry screens (templates). Bibliographic details download: can download bibliographic details from Library of Congress (supported by Z39.50 protocol) into local database. The bibliographic details can be further modified according to local requirements. Bulk transfers and multi record editing: Bibliographies can be downloaded /uploaded in bulk in the database from any Z39.40 / ISO2709 approved database. Later libraries can make modification accordingly to their needs. Indexing: All indexes and record displays can be updated in real-time. All fields and sub-fields are available to be key worded and/or string indexed with flexibility in defining indexes. Keyword indexing supports the Z39.50, Bib-1 Use Attribute standard. Browse Index (Cataloguing): Browse indexes include but not be limited to: •



Journal title


Class number

Call Number

Shelf Mark

Supplier (staff only)

Patron (staff only)

Searchable data (Cataloguing) It is possible to: •

Search a record as a whole

Specify any variable or fixed field to be searched

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Specify any combination of fields to be searched

Searching is possible by, including but not limited to: •



Journal title


Class Number

Call Number

Standard Number (e.g., ISBN, ISSN, etc.)

Accession Number

Shelf Number


Type of Material

Authority/Vocabulary Control: Directly cut and past the authority file entries into the catalogue. It must be possible to create and maintain authority control for the following search elements: •

Personal and corporate names


Uniform titles

Series titles


Name/title combinations


Classification codes


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Cataloguing for XBS OPAC interface: Images for book covers, annotation, external hyperlink, etc can be easily included the bibliographic details of the resources. XBS OPAC is a vibrant interface for OPAC. Retro-Conversion: Virtua fully support retro-conversion of database from one format to another. As Virtua follow ISO 2709 and Z39.50 standard any database which both standard can convert vice versa. Case sensitive Help Option: Field/tag based help menu can be retrieved online for more depth information on any particular tag/field during the cataloguing process. Workforms/Worksheet: libraries can create n number of worksheet/workforms from the standard worksheet/workforms. It helps in creating databases for different type of collection libraries currently have or addition in future. Multimedia support: Libraries can include multimedia files along with the normal bibliographic details. Images, movie clips, hyperlinks can be inserted with the help of MARC 856 Tag. Movement from Window screen to another (check with VTLS team to include or not, reason being permission and rights)

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CIRCULATION SYSTEM Circulation System: The following functions must be included in the •

Circulation system:

Check-out (charges) from multiple sites


Check-in (discharges) from multiple sites


Display of members photograph

Closed access requests

User files

Status control

Overdue notices (through email as well ), invoices, availability notices, and other messages

Fines and fees, incl. invoicing

Interlibrary loans

Statistics and reports

Request Printing: It must be possible to print requests (call slips) for items in the closed access & Call slips must be routed to printers at the library owning the requested material without operator intervention Online Library Membership: New members can apply for online membership for the library. Virtua provide Libraries to fix/manage criteria for granting membership. The same can be provided through library website. Patron Record: Members records are saved in MARC 21 format and include following information: •


Personal identification number

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Patron category

At least two addresses with option for selecting postal address

Two telephone numbers

E-mail address

Last valid date


Patron’s preferred method of receiving notices (e-mail or snail mail) blocks

Inter Library Loan: The system support online import of bibliographic records from Z39.50 compliant databases (i.e. LOC, OCLC, Bowker (Books in Print) etc). Z39.50 allows storing imported catalogue details on local database. ILL facilities based on the ISO 10160 and 10161 standards Book Location: Virtua support in finding the exact physical location of the book/resource in the library with the help of Map feature. Audit Trail: Library can audit the number of resource issued to a member, issue date, return, number of renewal, fine paid, etc for a particular documents or complete information. Similarly the same can be review for any resource on the same check-in and checkout window itself, without going to Management module. SIP/SIP2 for RFID: Circulation module all RFID hardware which meet the international standard of SIP/SIP2. RFID can be integrated to manage check-in, check-out, stock taking, shelf rectification and most important reduce the theft control in the Library. Transaction Logging and Audit Trails: Users can very easily view and management transaction and audit trail of any resources or services rendered by the users or staff. These transaction and audit trails will librarian to formulate any future policy pertaining to collection or service or any users.

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Self Check-in and Check-out: VTLS has partnership with 3M products range for managing the self check-in and check-out resources by the users themselves, unless permission are granted to them. Here different Drop Cube and Self Check-out machine are incorporated with Virtua Library management software with the 3M hardware. Holds, Recalls, Loans, Page Requests and Reissue: Users can hold, recall, loan or request for a particular pages from a books for his/her references. These facilities are online via OPAC/Web OPAC. Reissue of the resources can be done by specific user, after the library had given him/her the adequate rights and permission. System Alerts and Blocks: These facilities can be provided to Circulation staff to stop further circulation of any resources according the option of Alerts assigned. This feature is very useful in case where users had reservation request or library would like to withdraw the collection from the shelf. Grace/Amnesty Periods: Circulation of a particular resources can be extended for any valid reason for any particular user/s. This feature helps in overriding the general circulation policy. Disputed Returns and Fine: Virtua provide option of collection fine/membership fees, etc from the credit card. Credit history of the users can viewed on circulation’s check-out and check-in window itself which helps the circulation staff to determine next suitable step regarding the member/s. Reservation List / Request List: Virtua provide a unique reservation / request option where reservation is linked to faculty members and request to general library members. Reservation is given more priority than request. Circulation Backup: Virtua provide feature of taking backup of all the circulation transaction done for a particular period as assigned in the system setup.

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SERIAL CONTROL Serials Control: Software support MARC 21 tags format for Holdings fields’ 853855, 863-865 for enumeration and chronology, and 866-868 for textual holdings field. The system accepts local holdings data, e.g. fields 9xx. Only library software which support MARC 21 support cataloguing Expected receipt date: Virtua compile a expected date of receipt of magazine in libraries. Librarian can manage the entries accordingly or can modify accordingly. Online Update: All information pertaining to serial control whether receipt, damage, binding, etc are immediately updated for the OPAC and circulation records. Issue specific reminder: Libraries can generate issue specific reminder for vendors and send the same via email from with the library management software. Create and Save Patterns unique to Library: many libraries around the world subscribe to serial / journals very specific to their need, which does not fall into general serial / magazine/journal category. Libraries can maintain the subscription of the same unique to their library. Intuitive Receiving & Claiming: Libraries can predict the date of the issues of the magazine available to the libraries in the coming months based on the frequency, software will give them reminder in the form of pop-up for the issues.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

OPAC OPAC Interface: Web browsers such as Netscape Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. The WWW OPAC includes a Z39.50 /HTTP gateway, which makes it possible to search the local OPAC and external OPAC in the same way. Web OPAC can be integrated to external database like EBSCO, etc. Extended (XBS):













Content, Annotation, Book Reviews, Author Notes and even allow user to procure it from, etc.




Institutions will be able to customize and Design multiple interface “skins,” or Cascading Style Sheets, to suit any audience. Nearly every aspect of the Web OPAC is configurable. This means that library has complete control over the functionality of the software and the appearance of the interface. Also included in the Web OPAC are several tools and customisations options to make searching convenient and the interface easily navigable. As with any other aspect of the Web OPAC, you have control over the search environment and have the ability to customize both the appearance of the interface and the actions of the software. Web based Image Navigation: The system offer high-resolution image viewing and navigation. The system rapidly retrieves on the Web large or highly detailed images with no loss of visual quality. The users also zoom in on any portion of the

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

original image, select a region to view via a focus area thumbnail, or pan in any direction to view a section without have to adjust window size or resolution Reference Reading: While searching for his particular search user can view different reference reading for the particular subject automatically. User / Library specific OPAC interface: Virtua display different layout of the OPAC interface according to the requirement of the users or of the library.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Management Statistics Module Reports & Statistics: Library system supports exhaustive reports and statistics functions, which help libraries to formulate their future plans. Reports and statistics are available in a variety of formats such as printout, online viewing and export in electronic formats example CSV, etc. •

Authorized staff/users can generate, print reports without system administration assistants and can view the reports on any format.

Online results no batch work.

Runtime parameters settings

Automatic scheduling: reports can configured and can be generated in fixed times frame.

Location based reporting can be done, in case libraries have different location.

Import & Export of Data: The system supports the import and export of MARC 21 under ISO 2709 standard. Database can be stored on different type of media such as Tape, CD-ROMs, etc. Backup and recovery: Hot Backup is possible, i.e. Virtua support backup of database even during the database is accessed online Language Profile: VTLS support UNICODE technology which is worldwide used for supporting national and international languages at one go. •

User can change the language setting without logout

Any particular string in the software can be changes globally for example word “Patron” can be changed to “User” or “Member” anywhere in the software or at a particular module/menu.

Support directional scripts/dialects for example Urdu, Arabic, etc which are from left to right directional.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Profiling and Parameters setting: Graphic user interface for setting up helps libraries to manage the same very easily. Rights and Permission: Libraries can assign different or combination/matrix of rights and permission for different users/group of users. Configure buttons; pull down menu and other user interface: libraries can customise every feature like buttons, pull down menu items, etc according to their requirements or to meet the user’s requirements. Changes will reflected on the next login itself. Helps create Just For You Software: libraries not only have the option of creating their own customized OPAC interface but also can modify different logo, icons, text in the software according to their parent institute/local requirement for example, instead of “Patron” library can opt for “Member”, or any other local language to provide better services.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Help and Manual Documentation Online Help for Each Subsystem: user can press F1 for online help for each tags/fields

Searchable via table of contents and index: A separate search index is provided with the manual. Even all the manuals have table of contents, index and reader’s feedback, where user can send his feedback about the manuals, etc. Support of Hyperlinks: short cut in the form of hyperlink is provided within the manual so that any user can quickly reach to the exact / desired location at a click. These hyperlink is provided both at table of contents and at the beginning of the chapters, etc. Context-Sensitive pop-up help via Right Mouse Click: User can click right mouse button to get more help on any given menu or window. Search the Virtua Documentation: if the user is not sure where he/she will find the information, in mentioned search option user can enter the exact word and it will display all the manuals where ever the searched word/text is appeared. Printed Virtua User Reference Guides available for each subsystem and other functions : Virtua had provided User Reference Manuals separate of the software so that in electronic format (PDF) files with search field option.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

International Standards HCLs Library Management Solution follow/abide by the international standard and protocols used in the Library and Information Science. Following are the few: •

ANSI/ISO: The American National Standards Institute or ANSI and International Organization of Standardization or ISO are international organization for developing and maintaining many standards in the field of Library and Information Science.

Z39.50 -1995 for exchanging bibliographic information with channel partner / libraries

ISO 23950, the international standard for information search and retrieval, defines a particular set of network client-server "services".

Bib-1 attribute set is part of the Z39.50 client server protocol. This set defines six attributes to be used in searches of information on the server computer: use, relation, position, structure, truncation, and completeness. The syntax of the Z39.50 protocol allows for very complex queries.

WAIS 1 and 2 stands for Wide Area Information Server1. It is a distributed information retrieval system. A WAIS system has a client-server architecture, which consists of clients talking to a server via a TCP/IP network using the ANSI standard Z39.50 V1 protocol. A team at Thinking Machines, Inc originally developed WAIS.


GILS defines an open, low-cost, and scalable standard so that

governments, companies, or other organizations can help searchers find collections of information, as well as specific information in the collections. GILS works for organizations large or small, technically advanced or just starting out. Anything you can regard as information, you can describe using GILS, from printed documents, to lists of experts, to complex data. •

MARC21, which are standards for the representation and communication of bibliographic and related information in machine-readable form, and related documentation. It defines a bibliographic data format that was developed Library of Congress. It provides the protocol by which computers exchange,

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

use, and interpret bibliographic information. Its data elements make up the foundation of most library catalogues used today. Different countries support different MARC format like USMARC, CANMARC, etc. •

ISO 10161 refers to the protocols defining the Virtual Document Exchange communication between various document exchange systems used for InterLibrary Loan purposes. This means VDX system residing on different hardware platform and software can talk to each other to request and receive electronic documents between the various participating libraries.


FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) is a 1998 recommendation of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions









conceptual structure of information resources. More technically, FRBR uses an entity-relationship model of metadata for information objects, instead of the single flat record concept underlying current cataloguing standards. The FRBR model includes four levels of representation: work, expression, manifestation, and item. •

EDIFACT for electronic transfer of documents like invoices, bills, receipts, etc

UNICODE is an industry standard allowing computers to consistently represent and manipulate text expressed in any of the world's writing systems. Standard to support multiple international and national languages within a system

SIP/SIP2 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application-layer control (signalling) protocol for creating, modifying, and terminating sessions with one or more participants. It can be used to create two-party, multiparty, or multicast sessions that include Internet telephone calls, multimedia distribution, and multimedia conferences. The standard is used RFID transactions/integration for library.

ISO 2709 is an ISO standard for bibliographic descriptions, entitled Format for Bibliographic Information Interchange on Magnetic Tape.

NISO: National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is a United States; a non-profit standards organization that develops, maintains and publishes technical standards related to bibliographic and library applications.

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It was founded in 1939, incorporated as a not-for-profit education association in 1983, and assumed its current name in 1984. VTLS is a voting member of NISO.

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Hardware/Software/Database Requirement Architecture: Client/Server architecture Server Side Hardware: RISC/INTEL, 200 GB HDD, 4 GM RAM (RAIDS) Client Side Hardware: Intel Pentium IV and above with 512 MB RAM and above with 100/1000 Ethernet LAN, RFID Hardware: Software support any RFID hardware like EAS Gates, Handheld scanners, etc which are built/support on SIP/SIP2 protocol. Client Side Software: Windows95/98/2000/NT/XP/Vista, Linux. Client should be able to publish API. Server Side Software: The Server should run on UNIX/ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64 or 32 Bit, SOLARIS, SUSE LINUX Platform, IBM (AIX), SUN (Solaris) , HP (HPUX), Compaq and Intel (Linux). The server needs to be installed on internet, with the following ports to be opened for free access to external database and other features of the software

a. b. c. d. e. f. UNICODE:

SSH 1111 9999 7090 1521 & 1525 8000 Complete




terminals/Server. Multimedia: Delphi required at Client.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Database: Oracle 10g, as standard backend database for easy and secure database retrieval.

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Deliverables License

Particulars Library Management Software & Digital Library Solution (Includes Catalogue, Circulation, OPAC, Acquisition, Serial Control InfoStation Reporting)


8 User License Includes embedded Oracle RDBMS Component Software Licenses – Included


Ad Hoc Reporting iPortal Software – Included

Base iPortal Software Package Includes: Language Editor / Web Administration, Calandar, Chat for e-reference, Web Interface, Selection Lists, Thesaurus Management Utility, Item Locator (map of library), High Resolution Image Navigator


Additional iPortal Components

SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information)


User Reviews


Third Party Products (Optional)

Mr. SID Image Compression Utility**


Training and Installation


Hardware /OS Requirements for Virtua Library Management Software:

VTLS ‘VIRTUA’ ILMS & DL with functional capabilities of Multimedia and Imaging with front end ‘DELPHI’ while the back end as ‘ORACLE’ RDBMS.

Hardware requirements are typically be RISC/INTEL based server with a min of 200 GB HDD and 4GB RAM (RAID5)



95/98/2000/NT/XP. Page 46 of 50











Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

HCL here by submit its Commercial Proposal for Total Library Management Solution to (Client). Kindly find below our Commercial proposal:

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

Major Customers in India. 1. National Law University & Institute, Bhopal 2. Bhoj Reddy Engg. College for Women, Hyderabad 3. Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore 4. Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore 5. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras 6. Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad 7. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad 8. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi 9. MARCit, New Delhi 10.NALSAR, University of Law, Hyderabad 11.National Library, Kolkata 12.Radha Soami Satsang, Beas, Punjab 13.School of Planning & Architecture (JNTU), Hyderabad 14.South Asia International Institute, Hyderabad 15.University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client) Deliverables

Commercial Offer for Library Management Software: Particulars



Library Management Software & Digital Library Solution (Includes Catalogue, Circulation, OPAC, Acquisition, Serial Control InfoStation Reporting)

8 User License Includes embedded Oracle RDBMS


Component Software Licenses – Included

Ad Hoc Reporting


iPortal Software – Included

Base iPortal Software Package Includes: Language Editor / Web Administration, Calandar, Chat for e-reference, Web Interface, Selection Lists, Thesaurus Management Utility, Item Locator (map of library), High Resolution Image Navigator


Additional iPortal Components

SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information)


User Reviews


Third Party Products (Optional)

Mr. SID Image Compression Utility**


Training and Installation


Terms & Conditions: •

Delivery: 6-8 weeks from the date of receipt of the PO and payment.

Taxes: The above prices are exclusive of all local taxes. The same will be charged extra as applicable by HCL to (Client).

Warranty: There is a warranty on the solution purchased for one year from the date purchased. Thereafter, the warranty will continue to get extended on

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Proposal for Library Management Solution for (client)

an annual basis as long as (Client) continues to renew the Annual Maintenance on an annual and timely basis from the second year onwards. •

Validity of Prices: These prices are valid for 30 days.

Force Majeure: HCL shall be under no liability whatsoever on the occurrence of any Force Majeure event such as war, fire, arson, industrial action, orders of government or other duly constituted authority, any natural calamities or Act of God, etc.

HCL provides the solution to (Client) based on the above understanding, In case any additional scope of work or legal licenses or copyright act has to be noticed by (Client) only.

HCL and (Client) will come into a agreement to fulfil the scope and when ever there is change in scope mutually will agree and the same in the agreement as and when it arises.

Above pricing is for generic softwares. In case of any customisation in software charges will be taken as per the degree of customization in the software

Hope the above is in order.


For HCL Infosystems Ltd.

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