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The recent arrest of Gates and its subsequent furore is again more proof of the US silent war on its 'buffalo citizens' and maintaining modern American aparthieid. It is most devious, lewd and offensive for the US to lecture others and brashly interfere in other people's affairs while it allows an unfair struggle to go on within its own country. The US loudly denounces unrest in Iran, but is silent on the current troubles faced by its own minority communities which have been allowed to fester since the late nineteenth century. Henry Lous Gates was unfairly treated because of the colour of his skin. But his was not an isolated case. There are so many such cases in the US, that you would need a very thick book to compile all of them. The minority communities in the US comprise less than 23% of the population but almost 70% of its prison population. This glaring disproportionality is the direct result of very deeply ingrained oppression and racism in the US, even today. Yet the US continually sees it fit to criticise others. The US is most surely a hypocritic nation. The US has a long shameful history of mistreating its minorities despite all that talk about freedom and democracy. Inhabitants of African ancestry were treated like buffalo citizens. All kinds of bad names were given to them. And other minorities were not spared either. Beatings, maimings, intimidations, harassments, & other forms of ill-treatment were meted out to the minorities, both by street mobs and law enforcement offcials. Even today, such types of incidents still occur reguarly, as seen in the Gates' case. In the US, the police have the tendency to overreact when at any time they confront a person from the minority communities. This also extends to the overuse of deadly firepower when dealing with minority suspects. Many numerous cases of this type have been recorded over the years. For example, when police rushed into the home of 92 year-old Kathryn Johnston, they fired a total of 39 shots at her. In other incidents, a groom-to-be was mowed down by at least 40 bullets. In the Attica incident, police fired 2,000 shots inside six minutes. In all these cases the victims were minorites. Even a dangerous maneater in a tropical jungle would not deserve such obliterating fire. This is how the police treat minority people in the US and yet its politicians dare to lecture others. Gates was just one more victim but a very lucky one. Today, even as Obama tries to dismiss the Gates issue as a chance to 'learn a positive lesson' from the episode, US human rights or 'civil rights' as the Americans prefer to call it, still walk a very rocky road. Nothing will ever be learnt from the Gates issue. In fact, things will never ever improve for the minorities in the US until they outgrow the white Anglo-Saxons in size and become the majority in the country. The latter will always be true to their ancestor's traits. They will always find it acceptable in their hearts to practise double standards.

In the US, one in every four male African-Americans is either in police custody, awaiting sentencing, awaiting parole or already rotting inside a jailhouse. And the jailhouses in the US are all highly overcrowded and staffed by shady characters. Just how could the US government justify its right to make noises about Iran or Myanmar is simply beyond comprehension. Today, out of a population of 300 million inhabitants, the US has well over seven million people on probation, parole or in custody. Nearly five million are African-Americans. No other country comes close. It is a very sorry record and it is proof of the stink that has long enveloped the US. How could US politicians lecture other nations. People like Gates should undertake a study on the matter and distribute the results worldwide. And shut the mouths of the hypocrites for good. Forget about 'learning positive lessons'. Obama might be the president, but he has to acknowledge that his position and power exist more by the consent of the white AngloSaxons and very much less than through the common people. The US agencies like the CIA have been known to topple leaders they do not like and even J.Kennedy was rumoured to have been killed by powerful figures inside the country itself. So much for democracy. The US has so many shady characters within that it's most puzzling why they want to invade Iraq and Afghanistan to eliminate people regarded as undesirable. Why not eliminate the undesirable ones within the US itself first. Then and only then proceed to other places. Those who target minorities are exactly the same as those who have been branded Al-qaeda or Taliban followers. Really there is no difference between them all. Yet, the US is now menacing Iran and North Korea. Shame on Obama. Obama should be aware that in the sixties, when US soldiers started arriving in Vietnam to start the slaughter, racial discrimination and oppression was still very prevalent and widespread in the US. Now, as the US makes threatening noises against other countries, racial discrimination and oppression is still highly insidious in the US. A new modern form of apartheid now exists in the US. Despite all the talk about 'progress' and 'positive lessons'. Perhaps that could explain why US soldiers behaved so badly in Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and elsewhere. The hatred and disdain they had for the minorities in the US was simply transferred to their captives in those places. And powerful Anglo-Saxons were involved right up to their nostrils. Men like Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush. Many people can still easily recall Camp X-Ray, Hamdania, Mahmudiyah or Ishaqi just as they could recall those places of yesteryears like My Lai or Jesper or Rosewood and others. Is Obama thinking of adding more to the list ? ? Stop threatening others for God's sake. The other countries of the world are not buffalo countries and the US should learn to understand. Create havoc inside your own country by all means but leave other nations alone. You have no right to lecture others or to threaten others. You owe a big debt to your minorities and it has not been fully paid yet. Not even today. Your minority people are still in many

ways treated as buffalo citizens. Shame on you. People like Gates and Oscar Grant have every right to point accusing fingers. So, do not lecture or threaten or point fingers at others. Go and check yourself in the mirror first ! People like Clinton should shut up and stop mouthing all the lies and practising the falsehoods. Clinton is very evil and Obama should get rid of her. Now. Everyone must be aware of the deep illness inside the US today ! Forget all the empty talk and the fake smiles !!! Away with all the threats against other nations !!!! No to evil sanctions !!!

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