Project Rubric Can

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Canadian Geography Project Evaluation Rubric – Mr. Elder’s Social Studies ________________________________________

2nd Quarter, 2009-10

Province/Territory: ____________________________________________________________________________

Period: 1 3 4 6 7

Names: ________________________________________


Canada Presentation Points Earned out of 200:

POWERPOINT SLIDES – 200 possible points

20/10 pts poss.

18/9 pts poss.

15/7 pts poss.

10/5 pts poss.

Classroom Project Conduct 20 pts. Both partners 19-15 pts. At least 14-10 pts. A took their assignments one member of the member/members – 20

< 10 pts. Conduct inappropriate. The next seriously in the lab. group needed to of the group needed time there is a social Neither one ever be reminded to to be reminded to studies project, these needed to be reminded stay on task or stay on task far too partners may be to stay on task. disrupted others 1- much for 6th assigned a non4 times during lab graders. computer option or not time. Improvement was be paired together seen after being again. reminded.

Overall Slideshow Evaluation – 50

• Content (10)

Above and Beyond. Slideshow is of professional quality – Impressive! Limited text on slides; clear, easy to understand.

Slides do a good job of detailing topic, demonstrating the effort student put into project – 20 slides presented.

Presentation might not have min. 20 content slides; either too much text or no verbal details during presentation.

Lacking the minimum 20 required slides and/or factual errors. Did the project, but below expectations. Far too much text – cut/pasted from sites.

Organization (10)

Content is well organized; slides are grouped such that each theme is covered logically.

Content is generally well organized, but project didn’t ‘flow’ logically throughout.

Some content is logically organized, but themes are hard to understand and much was confusing.

No clear or logical organizational structure; facts are mentioned (or not), but impossible to understand.

Originality (10)

Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive. Unique and original.

Product shows some original thought; good effort.

Not much (if any) original thought. Transitions, backgrounds, and effects sometimes detract.

Presentation doesn’t have creative attempts at sharing information with the class; students’ knowledge was incomplete.

Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation. Wow!

Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation.

Use of design effects and/or distorted images occasionally detracts from presentation.

Distorted images; There may be fonts, colors, graphics, effects etc. but these often detract from the presentation content.

No misspellings or grammatical errors. This slideshow is of professional quality!

Two or fewer Three or four misspellings and/or misspellings and/or mechanical errors. grammatical errors.

• Design/layout (10)

Mechanics (10)

More than 4 errors in spelling or grammar.



The Introduction – SLIDE #1 and End Slide Content Slides: LOCATION (20)

Label the topic of each slide; marked by Mr. E during your presentation.

20/10 pts poss. Slides have student names and period number clearly. Presentation topic – the province or territory, and the Provincial/Territorial flag are both easy to see.

18/9 pts poss. Slide is missing one of the elements in the column on the left.

15/7 pts poss.

10/5 pts poss.

Slide is missing two of There are first/last the elements in the slides to the column on the left. presentation, but it fails to tell who authored the project, their period, what topic is to be covered, and/or show the Provincial Flag.

(+) – Superb (X) – Covered (-) – Insufficient

Content Slides: REGIONS (20)

Label the topic of each slide; marked by Mr. E during your presentation. Content Slides: PLACE (20)

Label the topic of each slide; marked by Mr. E during your presentation.. Content Slides: MOVEMENT (20)

Label the topic of each slide; marked by Mr. E during your presentation.. Content Slides: HUMANENVIRONMENT INTERACTION (20)

Label the topic of each slide; marked by Mr. E during your presentation. Attire (10)

Professionalism, timing and speed (10)

GRAPHS – (10 EC possible – must be labeled clearly & completely; also must be explained well in presentation)

“Dressed up” and While an attempt was professional in appearance – made, presenter is not impressive! “wowing” us with their presence… remember, you’ve got to distinguish yourself. Presentation was ‘perfect.’ Close to ‘perfect,’ but… Student talked slowly, clearly and loudly, but kept the audience’s attention. – excellent! Very professional; presenters took their job seriously. 3 graphs included: 1 Two graphs of some climate graph (ºF/inches of type, or one graph if it precip.), plus 2 others – is the climate graph. either bar, pie, or line in type.

Presenter may have dressed up a bit, but elements of attire suggest lack of concern for details in looking sharp. Some effort was put into time/timing, but presentation was not very effective.

Only 1 graph of some type.

Presenter is dressed in typical daily attire… not ready for a professional presentation with their dress. Proper consideration to time and timing was not given. Student mumbled, spoke too quickly, or lost the audience’s attention. No graphs in presentation.


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