Project Planning Document

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 265
  • Pages: 2
Project Planning Document Of Beauty Consumer Products Management System

Group Members: SL# ID# 1. 2002-2-60-019 2. 2003-1-60-046

Name Raqibul Islam Mahbubul Alam


1. Scope of the project: Office is heart of a business organization. The whole business activities are complex by its nature. The management always looks for reliable, efficient and effective tools to work. This project will finally find out a way to be an above quality tool. This entire thing will happen obviously with bless of computer technology. We have defined some area to work for this project. The areas are stock inventory, employee pay roll, account transaction, sales statistics and employee performance graph.

2. Proposed Architecture: It will be a desktop application. All interfaces will be building with programming language “Visual Basic” and as back end of the software; a “SQL” database will run.

3. Technical Requirement: •

Minimum hardware requirement1. Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor 2. 256 MB of Random Access Memory 3. 2GB of Hard Disk space Essential Software1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2000 Enterprise Edition 2. SQL

4. Platform: The software will base on windows platform.

5. Timeline and Deliverables: Phase Name

Task Description

Start Date

End Date


6. Risk and Mitigation: The software objective is to help management of a business organization. The software will be rejected if they do not found it efficient and effective. So the find the working area of computer in a business organization is very challenging. The database needs to design very accurately. Improper database design will cause error, which will make the software ineffective and workless. 7. Supervisors’ Initial:

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