Project Documentation Format07

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 612
  • Pages: 4

General Instructions 1. The document should be in ARIAL font 12 2. The document should have a standard line spacing of 2 for paragraphs and 1.5 for text. 3. Use Executive Bond sheets for the entire document 4.

The total number of pages should be not less than 60 and not more than 120. Do not fill up pages with padded data.

5. Margins should be 3 cm on all the sides except left margin which should be 3.5 cm. 6. Any heading should be of font 16 and subheadings should be of font 14 7. Heading should be underlined and bold. Subheadings should be bold and need not be underlined. 8. Give page numbers from the Table of Contents at the first line of the bottom of the page with centre alignment.. 9. Grammatical errors should be avoided.

Contents of the Document 1. The first page will be the title page 2. Second page is a Certificate of Approval of project 3. Certificate from the company, if applicable (under the company letter head, bearing the signature of the project guide and project manager) 4. Acknowledgement 5. Table of Contents 6. Body of the Document i)





Analysis and Design






Evaluation and Further Work

7. Appendices 8. Bibliography

Body of the document 1. Introduction Set the scene and problem statement/specification. Provide the motivation for reading this report. Introduce the structure of report (what you will cover in which chapters). 2. Background o What the reader needs to know in order to understand the rest of the report. Examiners like to know that you have done some background research and that you know what else has been done in the field (where relevant). Try to include some references. o Related work (if you know of any) For 'research-style' projects - ones in which a computational technique (for example neural networks, genetic algorithms, finite element analysis, ray tracing) is used to explore or extend the properties of a mathematical model, or to make predictions of some kind - it may be a good idea to split this chapter into two shorter ones, one covering the computational technique itself and one the area of application. 3. Analysis and Design o Requirements capture o Comparison of different choices for algorithms and data structures o Overall system structure o Data flow, entity relation, and object diagrams as appropriate What decisions you took, and why you thought at the time they were good. Later, in the evaluation, you can criticise them. 4. Implementation Discuss the most important/interesting aspects. It probably won't be possible to discuss everything - give a rationale for what you do discuss. 5. Testing Test plan - how the program/system was verified. Put the actual test results in the Appendix.

6. Conclusions & Evaluation and Further Work

What have you achieved? Give a critical appraisal (evaluation) of your own work - how could the work be taken further (perhaps by another student next year)? If you have had problems outside your control that have affected the progress of your work - for example in obtaining necessary hardware - it is appropriate to mention them here. Appendices •

System manual This should include all the technical details (where is the code? what do you type to compile it? etc) that would enable a student to continue your project next year, to be able to amend your code and extend it.

User manual This should give enough information for someone to use what you have designed and implemented.

Test results

Bibliography Give publication details for all the references you have made in the report.

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