Project-based Learning Unit - Ancient Civilizations

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 6
Project-Based Learning Unit Introduction Topic: Early Ancient Civilizations Setting: 6th Grade Social Studies – The Eastern Hemisphere Rationale: It is important to understand the complex economic, political and social structures that existed in the different early ancient civilizations which developed throughout the Eastern Hemisphere. In this student-centered learning project, students will be able to draw comparisons with these civilizations to others throughout history in order to strengthen their perspective. This unit serves as a learning experience to not only introduce students to the various ancient civilizations throughout time and around the world, but also to teach students critical research skills needed to be able to acquire essential social studies skills. New York State Social Studies Standard 2 – World History Core Curriculum • As the river civilizations of the Eastern Hemisphere turned to agriculture, world populations grew. • Across time, technological innovations have had both positive and negative effects on people, places, and regions. • Civilizations and cultures of the Eastern Hemisphere are explored through the arts and sciences, key documents and other important artifacts. • From earliest times, networks of trade have connected the various civilizations of the Eastern Hemisphere. • Internal and external factors altered civilizations in the Eastern Hemisphere and eventually contributed to their decline. Major Concepts: Belief Systems, Change, Culture and Intellectual Life, Environment, Human and Physical Geography, Needs and Wants, Political Systems, Urbanization Objectives (what students will know/be able to do as a result of the lesson) • The students will have a better understanding of who the people of these early ancient civilizations were. • The students will be able to list achievements of the different early ancient throughout the world. • The students will be able to research social studies concepts and ideas and present their findings in a proficient manner. • Students will use technology to aid their research and presentation in a creative and engaging manner. Overall Generalizations: Early Ancient civilizations around the world developed diverse societies influenced by geography, environment and belief systems. Major Goals: • Students will comprehend the belief systems of these early ancient civilizations. • Students will compare early ancient civilizations throughout time and around the world. • Students will discuss the factors that brought about the decline of the early ancient civilizations. • Students will describe and discuss the role trade played in early ancient civilizations.

• Students will name major achievements of the different early ancient civilizations. • Students will explain how these early ancient civilizations built and controlled their empires. • Students will list ways in which the governments of these early ancient civilizations involved themselves in their people’s lives. • Students will locate sources of print and non-print information from libraries, tables of contents, appendences, glossaries, bibliographies, and indices in order to conduct a research project. • Students will identify the types and kinds of information needed by recognizing information that is relevant as differentiated from information that is irrelevant for a research project. • Students will classify, categorize, evaluate and draw inferences from data in order to complete a research project. • Students will speak in an effective way by spending sufficient time in planning and preparing a presentation. • Students will organize collected information including orderly, precise, summarized notes and cited sources in order to complete a research project. Day # 1 – Introduction to the Early Ancient Civilizations/Introduction to Student Created Project Student Preparation In order to prepare students to this project, the teacher will introduce major concepts to the students. The students will come up with their own definitions, but will also be provided with a definition by the teacher Motivation In order to motivate students, the teacher will allow students to choose an ancient civilization that interests them. If students are unfamiliar with ancient civilizations, the teacher may ask them to choose from an area of the world that interests them. Procedure (35-40 minutes) • Introduce Major Concepts - Belief Systems, Change, Culture and Intellectual Life, Environment, Human and Physical Geography, Needs and Wants, Political Systems, Urbanization – Students will be asked to write down each concept and give their own definition. The teacher will go over each concept with the students, giving his/her definition (10 minutes) • Introduce Project - Who were the people of the Early Ancient Civilizations throughout the world? – Students will be asked to research and present their findings to this question. The teacher will divide the students into groups of three. Each group will be allowed to choose an ancient civilization that interests them (no two groups may do the same civilization). (15 minutes) • The following is a list of requires for this project: o Answer the main question – Who were the people of this early ancient civilization? o Answer these sub questions What caused this ancient civilization to thrive? How did geography affect this civilization? Describe the government of this ancient civilization. Describe the social structure of this ancient civilization. Describe the economy of this ancient civilization. What role did a belief system play in this civilization? o What caused this ancient civilization to decline? o Research – Students will be responsible for using valid sources and creating a source list, which will be turned in at the conclusion o Presentation – Students will be asked to present their findings for this project before their class o Technology – Two forms of technology must be used, including at least one

during the project o Integration of art – Students will be required to integrate art into their presentation • The students will be given time at the end of class to begin to plan their project. Students may assign work to each other, designate a group leader, discuss ideas, etc… (10-15 minutes) Materials/resources: • Computer with internet connection • LCD Projector Student Product/Performance Students will begin to brainstorm ideas of what direction they would like to go with this project. By the end of the class, each group will have a specific ancient civilization to research and will have already discussed some groups. Assessment Students will be assessed at the conclusion of this project Modifications/accommodations for any special needs students in the class • Students with special needs will be fully integrated into this project, working in a group of three. • For any student requiring modifications or accommodations, adjustments will be made Day # 2 – Research Day Student Preparation Students will be given a demonstration of how to create a resource list by the teacher at the beginning of this day. Motivation Students will be motivated to work in groups with their peers. Each student will be researching an ancient civilization that was of interest to them, thus the research will be information that will engage the students. Being that this is a student-centered activity and students are working at their own pace, students will be motivated to accomplish this task. Procedure (35-40 minutes) • Students will be taken to the Computer Lab to begin researching their project. One requirement of this project will be for students to create a list of sources. The teacher will demonstrate on a computer connected to an LCD projector how they would like this accomplished. (10 minutes) • For the remainder of the time, students will be allowed to work on their project. Groups will sit near each other in order to work collaboratively (25-30 minutes) Materials/resources: • Computer Lab with enough computers for the entire class • LCD Projector Student Product/Performance By the end of class, each group should have a good amount of research accomplished. Each group should already have several sources listed on their source list. Assessment Students will be assessed at the conclusion of this project Modifications/accommodations for any special needs students in the class Activities: • Students with special needs will be fully integrated into this project, working in a group of three. • For any student requiring modifications or accommodations, adjustments will be made Day # 3 – Research Day

Student Preparation Students should have a good amount of research finished in order to be on task and prepared for today’s class. Motivation Students will be motivated to work in groups with their peers. Each student will be researching an ancient civilization that was of interest to them, thus the research will be information that will engage the students. Being that this is a student-centered activity and students are working at their own pace, students will be motivated to accomplish this task. Procedure (35-40 minutes) • Students will again be taken to the Computer Lab to continue to work on their project. At this stage in the project, students will begin to work on their presentation. • At the end of class, each group must show the teacher their resource list so far to check for progress. The teacher will get an idea of how well each group is doing, whether any one group needs extra help or time researching their projects. If enough groups are struggling, the teacher may decide to extend this project an extra day or so. Materials/resources: • Computer Lab Student Product/Performance By the end of class each group should have the majority of their research finished and should have already begun creating their presentation. To check that each group Assessment Students will be assessed at the conclusion of this project Modifications/accommodations for any special needs students in the class Activities: • Students with special needs will be fully integrated into this project, working in a group of three. • For any student requiring modifications or accommodations, adjustments will be made Day # 4 – Work Day Student Preparation Students should have most, if not all of their research finished by the beginning of today’s class in order to be able to put together their presentation. Motivation Students will be motivated to complete their project in order to show their peers their hard work and as well as the work which they have become passionate about and engaged in. Procedure (35-40 minutes) • Students will have a day to work in the classroom. The teacher will float from group to group, helping in any way possible. • Students will have the computers available to either finish research or work on their presentations. Materials/resources: • Computers with internet connection available Student Product/Performance By the end of class, each group should have their research finished, their presentation ready to present, their resource list printed off ready to hand in. Assessment Students will be assessed at the conclusion of this project Modifications/accommodations for any special needs students in the class • Students with special needs will be fully integrated into this project, working in a group of three.

• For any student requiring modifications or accommodations, adjustments will be made Day # 5 – Presentations Student Preparation Students should have their research and presentation completed by the time class begins today. Motivation Students should be motivated to show their hard work to their peers. This presentation will allow them to show their classmates the work they have become passionate about and engaged in. Procedure (35-40 minutes) • Today students will present their projects to the class. A computer with a LCD Projector will be available to the students to use. (35-40 minutes) • While not presenting, each student will be asked to make comments on how they felt their peers did. They will give a number 1 – 5 (5 being the highest) based on how they felt they did. Materials/resources: • Computer with internet connection • LCD Projector Student Product/Performance Students will be presenting their projects in class, for which they be given a grade Assessment Students will be assessed based on the following criteria: o Did they answer the main question – Who were the people of this early ancient civilization? o Did they answer each of these sub questions What caused this ancient civilization to thrive? How did geography affect this civilization? Describe the government of this ancient civilization. Describe the social structure of this ancient civilization. Describe the economy of this ancient civilization. What role did a belief system play in this civilization? What caused this ancient civilization to decline? o How was the quality of the student’s research – did they create a source list o How was the quality of the student’s Presentation – did the students present their findings in a clear, creative and informative manner o Did the students integrate technology in at least two ways which aided in their work o Did the students integration art in various creative forms in order to improve the quality of the presentation Modifications/accommodations for any special needs students in the class • Students with special needs will be fully integrated into this project, working in a group of three. • For any student requiring modifications or accommodations, adjustments will be made Resources for Students • Comic Book Strip – Toon Doo, • Graphic Novels – • Google Sketchup – • Google Earth – • Wikipedia –

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