Problem Solving

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 733
  • Pages: 42
Problem Solving/Decision Making

actual = d esir ed


The Rational Problem-Solving Process 1. Problem Awareness 2. Problem Definition 3. Decision Making 4. Action Plan Implementation 5. Follow-Through

Pr obl em Aw arene ss 1. Establish trust

Typ es of Tru st ★ Emotional ★ Reliability

Emo tion al Tru st Never intentionally misrepresent my point of view to other people Don’t break confidences

Reliability ★ ★ ★

Carry out promises Show up for appointments Return money lent

Ov era ll Tru st ★ ★ ★

Fair play Desire to listen Truth

Le vels of Tru st ★

High trust - give and take spontaneously Low trust - give and take, but watch each other carefully Trust bankruptcy - get them before they get you

How to Bui ld Tru st ★

Communication ★ Support ★ Fairness

Pr obl em Aw arene ss 1. Establish trust 2. Clarify objectives

Pu rpo se fo r Se tti ng O bj ec ti ves 1. Clear documented statement what to accomplish 2. Basis for measuring performance 3. Positive motivation to achieve goals 4. Increased likelihood of getting there

Qua lit ies of Go od Obj ec ti ve s ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Acceptable Flexible Measurable Suitable Understandable Achievable Realistic

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic

Time bound

Pr obl em Aw arene ss 1. Establish trust 2. Clarify objectives 3. Assess the current situation

Asse ss th e Curr en t S itua ti on





Are our goals being met?

Pr obl em Aw arene ss 1. Establish trust 2. Clarify objectives 3. Assess the current situation 4. Identify problems

Typ es of Prob lems Routine ★ Unique ★

Pr obl em D efi niti on 1. Analyze problems

Four Ma jor Cau se s o f Pr obl ems

Manpower - people ★ Methods ★ Machine ★ Material ★

Sou rces of Per tin en t Informa tio n

★ Observations ★ Discussions ★ Surveys,

Focus groups ★ Published Materials

Pr obl em D efi niti on 1. Analyze problems 2. Agree on problems to be solved

Pro blem Statem ent

Combi ne:

Wh y wi th In Wh at Wa ys Mi ght We ( IWWM W )


Why do we want to reduce employee accidents?


To protect employees from physical harm


IWWMW protect employees from physical harm?


Why do we want to protect employees from physical harm?


So that they may be able to perform their jobs


IWWMW help workers perform their jobs?


Answer: Redefine:

Why do we want to help employees perform their jobs?

To increase company profits profit IWWMW increase company profits?


Answer: more

Why do we want to improve quality? To make our company competitive?


IWWMW make NFL more competitive?

A prob lem we ll state d is half sol ve d Jo hn De wey

De ci sion Mak ing 1. Establish decision-making criteria

De cisi on -M aki ng Cri teri a

★ Specific,

Measurable, and Attainable ★ Complementary ★ Ethical ★ Acceptable

De ci sion Mak ing 1. Establish decision-making criteria 2. Develop action alternatives 3. Evaluate alternatives

Ev al uate Ben efi ts an d Ri sks

Certainty ★ Known risk ★ Turbulence ★

De ci sion Mak ing 1. Establish decision-making criteria 2. Develop action alternatives 3. Evaluate alternatives 4. Decide on a plan

De cide on a Plan Perfect Rationality ★Bounded Rationality ★

– Satisficing – Optimizing

Acti on Plan Im pl eme nta ti on 1. Assign tasks & responsibilities 2. Establish an implementation schedule 3. Reinforce commitment 4. Activate the Plan

Actio n Pl an Imp lemen tatio n ★ Who ★ Where ★ When ★ With

whom ★ What Resources ★ Potential Problems

Follow -Th rough 1. Establish criteria for success 2. Determine how to measure performance 3. Monitor the results 4. Take corrective action

Eth ica l D ec isi on Ma ki ng

Ethical Behavior ★ Ethical Reasoning ★ Ethical Dilemma ★

Mo ral Pri nci ples

Utilitarianism ★ Rights ★ Justice ★

In divid ual D ecis ion Styles Information Use:

# of Alternatives: Satisficer Optimizer Unifocus



Flexible Integrative


Degre es of Par ti ci pa ti on

Autocratic ★ Consultative ★ Group ★

Cr iter ia fo r Part ici pa ti on ★



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