Problem Solving

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 350
  • Pages: 14
Tool for Problem Solving and Decision Making "Do not fin d fault . Find a rem edy " -Henry Ford

Patterns of process and outcome

Identify and Define the Issue  What is the issue?  Who is involved?

Contracting Involves 1. Checking everyone's willingness and readiness 2. Setting procedures

Understand the Issue  Sensory Data - What have I seen and heard?  Thoughts - What do I think is going on?  Feelings - How am I feeling?  Actions Past,  Current

Wants  What do I want for the Organization?  What do I want for Other(s)?  What do I want for Self?

Generate Options  Brainstorm  Think small, openly and positively.  include new possibilities,and past actions  Generate possibilities

Action Plans  Who will do what?  By when?

Test Your Plan  Is everyone in place?  Is everybody willing?  Are there questions to be answered?  If so, rework the plan!  a new issue?  go through previous steps on deeper issues !!

Evaluate Your Plan  Review what you have learned form the experience and generate a new action plan.  Do not keep repeating actions that do not work

Hats method  Curator Clarify the problem or decision to be made  Scientist Analyse the problem to identify causes  Innovator Brainstorm alternative solutions to the problem

 Crusader

Consider which ideas to accept/reject,

and prioritise  Coach Consider who else to involve and how to win their commitment

 Explorer

Try out a prototype solution to see

what impact it has

 Conductor solution

Plan how to implement the chosen

Thumb Rules Attack the problem, not the person. Focus on what can be done, not on what can't be done. Encourage different points of view and honest dialogue. Express your feelings in a way that does not blame.

Accept ownership for your part of the problem. Listen to understand the other person's point of view before giving your own. Show respect for the other person's point of view. Solve the problem while building the relationship.

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