
  • April 2020
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From the story you have just read,we shall study words or syllables added at the end of a rootword.These are what we call suffixes.Two examples are the suffices –ful and –less. a. Be careful in your preparation of the invitation. b. The homeless bird finally found a loving home.

Locate the paragraph and the sentence where suffixes have been added to rootwords. More Examples A. Words with the Suffix –ful

a. b. c. d.

careful –full of care truthful –full of truth roomful-as much as;enough tablespoonful-as much as a tablespoon can hold

B. Words ith the Suffix –less

a. thoughtless- without thought b. powerless-without power c. useless- without less

How to Make a Decorative Vase Materials Needed: An empty bottle, colored pieces of paper or colored magazine pages pair of scissors and glue 1. Look for an empty bottle that will make a good flower vase. Clean and dry it well. 2. Cut small pieces of colored magazine pages or art paper. You may use small triangles or circles for shapes. 3. Use glue to cover the bottle with cut colored pieces of paper. You now have a decorative and colorful flower vase. Rainbow Spinner Materials: A piece of cardboard crayons pencil 1. On a piece of cardboard, draw a circle,using the rim of a drinking glass. Then cut along the edges. 2. Divide the circle into seven sections and color each section red,orange,yellow green,blue,indigo and violet-colors of the rainbow. 3. Put a pencil through the middle of your spinner and spin the colored card.Watch what happens.

Following Simple Directions in Arts and Craft

Using the Suffixes –ful and –less

Using Verbs in the Simple Present Tense

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