Printmaking Lesson Plan- 2nd Grade

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 592
  • Pages: 1
Scratch Foam Printmaking 2nd Grade Lesson Plan Learning Objectives: ● (VA:Cr2.1.2a): Students will explore different uses or new tools and materials by using scratch tools, scratch foam, and markers to make prints. ● (VA:Cr2.2.2a): Students will practice using and cleaning new materials in a safe and responsible way by being careful with sharp scratch tools, as well as using sponges to clean marker off their table. ● (VA:Cr3.1.2a) Students will reflect upon their artistic choices by sharing and discussing their prints and printmaking tools with classmates, then they will have the opportunity to use each other’s foam blocks to add to their own composition. Materials: scratch foam, toothpicks/scratch tools, markers, scissors, smartboard Vocab: printmaking/prints, scratch foam, composition, ghost print ● ●

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“Has anyone in this class ever heard of printmaking? What do you think it is?” Discuss. ○ “Printmaking is a type of art where artist makes pictures or designs by printing them from a specially prepared block or plate.” Show examples on board. “Today we’re all going to become printmaking experts, but instead of using blocks we’re going to use a special material called scratch foam. Scratch foam is really easy to press into, so it’s important that we’re gentle and don’t poke through it. Watch how easily I can make designs using my scratch tool.” Demo. ○ Once I’ve finished my design on my scratch foam, I can cut it out (if desired) and then I can use markers to add color to my print. It’s really important that the markers are not too dry, so you need to color quickly or it won’t work. If the marker doesn’t look shiny and wet anymore you might need to go over it with a marker once more.” Demo. ○ Once I’m done using markers, I’m going to wet my paper and press my scratch foam down onto a sheet of paper, then rub the foam really hard to make sure all the color comes off. Then I should have a finished print!” ○ “Remember, each time you want to make another print, you need to color on your “block again.” Demo mistake/ghost print. Demo mistake of not adding water to paper. ○ “What do you think would happen if I tried to write a letter or word?” Demo mistake (prints backwards). “Printmaking is really cool because you can use your print block over and over again, kind of like a stamp. Not every print is going to turn out perfectly, but you can always try again. “I’m going to make a lot of prints on my page to create an interesting composition. Does anyone know what “composition” means?” Discuss. ○ “A composition is a word that we use in art when your artwork is made up of lots of pieces/parts. So when I make lots of different prints on one paper it’s called a composition.” ○ “Once you’ve made a few prints on your paper, feel free to share with an elbow partner or someone at your table. If you’re both okay with it, you can use each other’s foam blocks to add to your own compositions.” Work time for the rest of class. ○ Cleanup. “Make sure your name is on the back and put your prints on the drying rack. Foam blocks and scratch tools can go to the supply table. When you’re finished, meet on the carpet.” “What did we learn about in art class today? Who can explain what printmaking is? What grade would you give yourself on your artwork today?” Line up.

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