LAMPIRAN – B PRINT OUT KUTIPAN DARI INTERNET 1. Network Monitoring atau Sistem Pemantau Jaringan adalah aplikasi program yang dipergunakan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya celah keamanan dalam suatu sistem. 2. IPv6 is a new layer 3 protocol which will supersede IPv4 (also known as IP). IPv4 was designed long time ago RFC 760 / Internet Protocol from January 1980) and since its inception, there have been many requests for more addresses and enhanced capabilities. 3. displaystory.cfm?story_id=11482493 The addressing system, called internet protocol version 4 (IPv4), cannot keep up with the flood of computers, mobile phones, hand-held gadgets, games consoles and even cars and refrigerators flooding onto the network. Nearly 85% of available addresses are already in use; if this trend continues they will run out by 2011, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, a think-tank for rich countries, warned in May.