Prima Lezione In Aula Virtuale

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 434
  • Pages: 10
Titolo della lezione:

First Meeting On-line Business English Course


Who am I? How long have I worked in Italy? What is my educational history? What is my work background?

On-line Business English Course for Beginners Aim – Teach Basic English Grammar, Vocabulary, Sentence construction and Pronunciation. ‰



On the foundation of the Basics teach Business English. Final destination: read, translate and speak

What do I need? Che serve?

Libro di Testo – Essential Grammar in Use – Cambridge Terza Edizione Autori: Raymond Murphy con Lelio Pallini

Buona motivazione e impegno: amore per il nuovo apprendimento

Buon Vocabolario English – Italian Con la trascrizione fonetica

Come si Presenterà il Corso Lesson

Parts of Lesson Part 1_1

Unit 1

Details of each Part ¾ Grammar points presented ¾ Exercises to be done ¾ Business English on-line

Part 1_2

¾ Exercises on-line ¾ Pronunciation, reading exercises

Part 1_3

Number of Lessons Lessons (9)

Parts (3 x 9)

Lesson 1= Unit 1 Lesson 2 = Unit 2 Lesson 3 = Unit 3 Lesson 4 = Unit 4

First Test On-line

Second Test On-line

Lesson 5 = Unit 5 Lesson 6 = Unit 6

Third Test On-line

Lesson 7 = Unit 7 Lesson 8 = Unit 8 Lesson 9 = Unit 9

Final Test [face-to-face]

Tools Used – Part 1 Tool Type


Slide Shows

Grammar Presentation

Slide Audio

Vocabulary Sentence Structure Reading Phonetics Orthography – Spelling

On-line Exercises – Quizzes; Progress Tests

Offers instant feedback for on-going progress assessment

Text Book – Dictionary

Grammar exercises with solutions Check words and pronunciation

Lezione Aula Virtual

Collective exchange


For questions and clarifications

Tools used – Part 2


The Workbook: fornisce sistematicamente la chiave di lettura di tutto l’apprendimento linguistico on-line e sul Text Book

What’s in the Programme 1. 2. 3.





The Alphabet = L’alfabeto The Parts of Speech – outline ; Panoramica sulle parti del discorso Each part of Speech – building sentences ; Ogni parte del discorso nella costruzione di frasi Introduction of Business English words from the start; Introduzione di vocaboli di Business English dall’inizio In each lesson parts dedicated to letter writing, profile reading, e-mail completion and sentence building; Ogni lezione presenta esercizi che si dedicano sulla preparazione di lettere, letture e preparazioni di e-mail e la costruzione di frasi Each Unit presents some work on pronunciation- building exercises; Ciascuna unit prevede esercitazioni di pronuncia Emphasis on active participation and aural exercising; E’ indispensabile una partecipazione attiva e l’esercizio fonetico orale

Who are you?

Age group

Professional background, Dreams - goals

Language learning experiences




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