President Obama In China Press Release

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 16, 2009 CONTACT: Emily Diamond-Falk 202-525-8153, [email protected]

Save Darfur Coalition, Members of Congress and Activists Urge President Obama to Make Sudan a Priority During China Visit International cooperation is critical to ensuring progress is made on the ground WASHINGTON- The Save Darfur Coalition, 44 Members of Congress, and 40,401 U.S. activists urge President Obama to make Sudan a priority and work to build a multilateral coalition when he meets with President Hu Jintao and other government officials on his first presidential visit to China. Last month, the Obama administration unveiled their new strategy for Sudan, and the President’s trip to China provides an opportunity to act on one of the most critical parts of the strategy: that “American leadership is essential to a more effective multilateral approach.” Save Darfur Coalition delivered a petition to the White House urging President Obama to make Sudan a priority in his talks with China. 40,401 activists asked for President Obama’s “robust personal engagement” to begin building a multilateral coalition of countries to use their economic and political influence with Sudan to: • support the Darfur peace process, • guarantee full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), • promote significant structural, political and judicial reforms in Sudan • condition any write-offs of Sudan’s debt to peace in Darfur and all of Sudan The petition can be viewed at: “This is President Obama’s first critical test following the release of his new strategy for Sudan,” said Jerry Fowler, president of the Save Darfur Coalition. “His leadership on Sudan is essential when he meets with President Hu Jintao. If he does not make it clear that the U.S. is serious about peace in Sudan, it will send a message to China that its current Sudan policy is acceptable.” In a letter to President Obama, 44 Members of Congress joined Sudan Caucus co-Chairs Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Representative Michael Capuano (D-MA), to emphasize Beijing’s considerable economic, political, and military influence with the Government of Sudan. The letter calls on President Obama to use his visit to China to push the Chinese government to do more on Sudan and become a key partner in the multilateral coalition that his Sudan strategy calls for.

The letter can be viewed at: The 44 Members of Congress who signed the letter are: John Boozman (R, AR-3), Anh “Joseph” Cao (R, LA-2), Michael E. Capuano (D, MA-8), William Lacy Clay (D, MO-1), John Conyers (D, MI-14), Jerry Costello (D, IL-12), Kathy Dahlkemper (D, PA-3), Peter Defazio (D, OR-4), Rosa L. DeLauro (D, CT-3), Mike Doyle (D, PA-14), Steve Driehaus (D, OH-1), Vernon J. Ehlers (R, MI-3), Anna G. Eshoo (D, CA-14), Bob Filner (D, CA51), Barney Frank (D, MA-4), Trent Franks (R, AZ-2), Bob Goodlatte (R, VA-6), Maurice Hinchey (D, NY-22), Bob Inglis (R, SC-4), Leonard Lance (R, NJ-7), Stephen F. Lynch (D, MA9), Michael McCaul (R, TX-10), Thaddeus McCotter (R, MI-11), James P. McGovern (D, MA-7), Mike Michaud (D, ME-2), George Miller (D, CA-7), Gwen Moore (D, WI-4), Jerry Moran (R, KS1), Chris Murphy (D, CT-5), Jim Oberstar (D, MD-8), Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D, NJ-8), Steve Rothman (D, NJ-9), Jan Schakowsky (D, IL-9), Adam B. Schiff (D, CA-29), Heath Shuler (D, NC-11), Chris Smith (R, NJ-4), Mike Thompson (D, CA-1), Peter J. Visclosky (D, IN-1), Maxine Waters (D, CA-35), Mel Watt (D, NC-12), Peter Welch (D, VT- At-Large), Charlie Wilson (D, OH-6), Frank R. Wolf (R, VA-10), John Yarmuth (D, KY-3). “Support on Capitol Hill and among the American public for ending the suffering and violence in Sudan is both longstanding and deeply bipartisan,” said Robert B. Lawrence, Director of Policy and Government Relations at the Save Darfur Coalition. “The Wolf-Capuano letter signed by more than 40 Members of Congress and the petition signed by more than 40,000 Americans confirm that the American public is paying close attention to President Obama’s trip to China and what it will mean for the Sudanese people. It is time for President Obama to expend some diplomatic capital, and lead on this issue.” The Save Darfur Coalition also urges President Obama to make clear that China should not forgive its portion of Khartoum’s estimated $36 billion debt until concrete and lasting progress is made on the ground in Darfur and Sudan. Khartoum has used its debt to finance genocide in Darfur and war in the South, so no relief should be provided until there is lasting and sustainable peace in Darfur and security throughout Sudan. Khartoum’s debt is held mostly by Chinese, Western, Arab and Indian creditors; Japan (where President Obama also visited) has already relieved $28 million in debt. Because Sudan’s debt has funded genocide, President Obama should pressure China not to follow Japan’s lead. The Save Darfur Coalition has identified the key criteria for an effective Sudan strategy. Presidential leadership in building a coalition of key countries to address Sudan is essential to implementing an effective strategy. The criteria can be found at: ### About Save Darfur Coalition: The Save Darfur Coalition – an alliance of more than 180 faith-based, advocacy and human rights organizations – raises public awareness about the ongoing genocide in Darfur and mobilizes a unified response to the atrocities that threaten the lives of people throughout the Darfur region. The coalition’s member organizations represent 130 million people of all ages, races, religions and political affiliations united together to help the people of Darfur. For more information on the coalition, please visit

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