Presentation 2 - Lapu Lapu City

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  • Pages: 41
“Engaging Communities in Looc, Lapulapu City in Solid Waste Management Planning and Implementation: A Learning Example” Emma Irene M. Mende, MForSt., RPF Engr. Andres E. Muego, Msc., C.E., EnvP. Rey O. Nunez, RPF Master of Science in Environmental Management -University of Southern Philippines Foundation Inc., (MSEM-USPF)

INTRODUCTION • This project is under the auspices of SEAUEMA, which is a collaborative effort between the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) • Primarily, aside from the growing problem of solid wastes, RA 9003 inspired the conceptualization and implementation of this project.

INTRODUCTION • Specifically, this was borne out of the premise that: a) solid waste problem requires a concerted effort between the local government unit and the waste producers such as the households, industries, etc. ; b) waste issues and problems are seemingly unique to every area and thus it is best to do address them locally;

INTRODUCTION c) there is better community cooperation if members of the larger community are involved in planning and implementation • Hence, the conceptualization and implementation of this project.

OBJECTIVES General • Provide a learning experience to looc, Lapulapu City barangay government officials and its constituents particularly purok leaders and women health workers in solid waste management planning and implementation.

OBJECTIVES Specific • Facilitate drafting of 5-year solid waste management plan in Looc, Lapulapu City, Philippines; and • Document approaches and processes in solid waste management planning and implementation.

The Project Area – its location, area and purok distribution • Brgy. Looc is an urban Brgy. that lies at the center of the City (Figure 1 and 2). • It has a land area of 104.30 ha • It has five sitios and 16 puroks with its own political boundary and elected community leaders




Profile of the area • Looc is classified as urban/ commercial area as per approved CLUP of Lapulapu City • Population count in 2006 was 12,401 distributed in 2082 households with an average of 5 persons per household • Population density is 119 persons per ha

Project Implementation and Documented Learning Experiences • PHASE 1- SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANNING 1. Social Preparation a) Establishing relationships with different actors – entry to LGU and larger community were done simultaneously b) Re-activating the Brgy. Solid Waste Management Committee


REFLECT What are the implications ? What went wrong?

- Initially suspicious OBSERVE - the process took What was the reaction longer than of the Brgy . officials expected because election was approaching

JAR team went to exposure trip cum planning

PLAN How to establish relationship with Brgy . Council

ACT Courtesy visit to local brgy . officials and explained to them the project

JAR team meeting cum planning on approaches and strategies

REFLECT What are the implications? What went wrong?

Most pressing issues obtained through consultations and visits in community

OBSERVE What were the most pressing issues in the community

- Sent letter of introduction - Courtesy visit to Brgy. Captain - Dinner meeting with Brgy , Council members - JAR team attendance in monthly Council meetings

Output 1 and 3 Community entry and community consultations cum pre -planning activities

JAR team went to exposure trip cum planning

PLAN How to establish relationship with larger community members

ACT Held community consultations in 16 puroks

JAR team mee cum planning o approaches an strategies

- Series of community consultations which served as preplanning also

Continuation … social preparation • Entry at the Brgy. LGU level – How, when and what happened? Why? - The 1st three months was considered a “courtship” or “trust-building” stage. This was done through letters and attendance in council meetings. - JAR team introduced the project as an initiative that would facilitate the Brgy in performing its mandate in RA 9003 and not as a research project - JAR team experienced difficulty /resistance

Continuation … social preparation • Entry to larger community - started on 2nd month. - Series of community consultations were done to identify problems and issues on solid waste management including information on waste service needs of the community

Community Consultation Meetings

Waste burning

Some of the waste related issues

Uncollected wastes

Clogging of canals

Continuation … social preparation - During community consultations the JAR team explained the purpose of the project and sought their cooperation in solid waste management planning and implementation. - Community consultations became venue also for solid waste management campaign

Project Implementation and Documented Learning Experiences- Waste Characterization and HH survey

- Weight and volume per capita waste computed classifying high, medium and low-income waste production - Socio-economic information including household waste management practices

Data tabulation and analysis and initial discussions

REFLECT Based on the information obtained , what should be the next step?

OBSERVE What were relevant information obtained

JAR team meeting to discuss the next steps: waste characterization survey and survey on household waste management practices

PLAN How to go about waste characterization and survey on gender role on waste management

ACT Conducted the waste characterization study and survey on gender role on waste management

- Met with EcoGov team and undertake planning to draft questionnaire and reach consensus on approaches

- Waste characterization conducted ahead of survey. Community members were used tapped waste collectors while Barangay Health Workers were tapped as enumerators

Output 2 Undertaking waste characterization study and survey on household waste management practices

Project Implementation and Documented Learning Experiences 2. Waste Characterization and Survey on Household Waste Management Practices Some of the highlights : - Community members were tapped as waste collectors, 14 collectors, 2 men and 12 women - Brgy. Health Workers (all women) were tapped as enumerators to conduct survey (socio-economic and household waste management practices)

Continuation … waste characterization Table 1. Current Waste Generation of Households in Looc, Lapulapu City, 2006 Income Level

Waste Production (kg.)

Daily waste Generated (kg./day)

waste produced per household (kg./hh/day)

Per Capita (kg/day)



















* Classification was not based at the national level but rather determined by JAR team only

Continuation… • Highlights of the survey Socio-economic Profile - Respondents were mostly males and were non-degree holders - Ages of most respondents ranged from 3060 - Most of the respondents’ annual HH income was less than 100 thousand

Continuation… HH solid waste management - Almost all respondents believed that segregation is a good practice but when asked if they practice it, only few (30%) said yes. - Burning was highly practiced in the area. - More female members were involved in waste segregation - More women were still involved in waste disposal than men but latter’s participation improved in this activity. The same with waste segregation, individual family members’ involvement in waste disposal has gender consideration.

Available solid waste mgt. support - Waste collection but irregular

Re-activating the BSWMC REFLECT Is it high time to engage the BSWMC in strategic planning and initial drafting of BSWM plan?

OBSERVE How did the BSWMC accept the reactivation of committee as driven by project

- JAR team reflecting re : engaging the BSWMC and larger community in planning and drafting of BSWM plan

PLAN How to strongly pushed re -activation of Brgy . Solid Waste Management Committee

- Continuous follow -up in council meetings regarding re -activation of BSWM committee

- Observed the BSWM Committee members dyanamics

ACT Set meetings for the BSWMC

- BSWM committee meeting conducted

Output 2 Re-activating the BSWM Committee

Continuation… Re-activating 3. Reactivating the BSWMC • BSWMC which is composed of representatives from different sectors did not function since its creation; hence reactivated • Reactivation took longer than expected because of some political differences within the council • Several meeting postponements

Strategic planning and initial drafting of the SWMP REFLECT What needs to be done further to come up with realistic plan?

- BSWMC, the Brgy. Captain and community working together

OBSERVE Did the participants actively participate

- Reflecting on NEXT STEPS

PLAN How to go about strategic planning and partial drafting of BSWM plan?

ACT Conducted the strategic planning and partial drafting of BSWM plan with greater community participation

- JAR team prepared for the strategic planning partial drafting of BSWM plan

- BWM Committee and purok leaders involved in strategic planning and partiall drafting of BSWM plan

Output 5 Solid waste management planning and initial drafting of the solid waste management plan

Continuation… strategic planning 4. Strategic planning and initial drafting of the BSWM plan • Results of the survey and waste characterization were presented for validation during strategic planning and initial drafting of the plan. • Data were used as input in planning • Participants were mostly women.

Strategic planning

Continuation… strategic planning a). Vision “We envision a progressive community whose residents respect God above all, demonstrate self-discipline and live in a clean surroundings through proper management of waste” b). Mission “We will work together in educating the community on proper waste management and find resources to achieve our vision” c). Goals • To implement the Barangay Solid Waste Management Plan for a clean and healthy environment • To manage solid waste problems in the barangay by focusing on reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery of waste materials generated from households

Drafting of the BSWM Plan - The BSWMC reviewed the drafted plan - The JAR team and other USP-MSEM faculty reviewed the plan OBSERVE Is the plan substantive? Are there other things to improve?

- BSWMC, the Brgy. Captain and community working together

REFLECT What preparations to make for the BSWM plan to be adopted ?

The JAR team discussed as to how to proceed with completing the draft

PLAN How to go about finishing the drafting of the plan ?

- JAR team collated the initially drafted BSWM plan

ACT Conducted series of writeshop to complete the plan

- BSWM Committee, purok leaders , BHWorkers, industry representatives participated in writeshop

Output 5 Drafting of the solid waste management plan

Drafting of the BSWM Plan 5. Drafting of the BSWM plan • Highlights of the BSWM plan - The Five-Year Work Plan - Funding options a) private companies operating in the area b) other personalities 6. Adopting the BSWM Plan

Adopting the BSWM Plan - The JAR team went over with the plan and integrated suggestions of the members of the Brgy . Council OBSERVE Are there things needed polishing as per suggestions / comments of the Brgy. Counci members

REFLECT What is the next step

The JAR team discussed with the Brgy. Captain regarding adoption of plan in the Brgy.

PLAN How to ensure that the BSWM plan will be adopted by the council?

- JAR team polished the plan in preparation of its adoption by the Brgy. Council

ACT Conducted special Brgy, Council session to approve the BSWM plan

- JAR team provided members of the council copies of the draft BSWM plan two weeks before the planned session

Output 6 Adoption of the solid waste management plan

Project Implementation and Documented Learning Experiences • PHASE 2 – SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION - Presentation of the BSWM Plan to the larger members of the community through general assembly meeting

Presenting the BSWM plan - The JAR team went over with the plan and integrated suggestions of the members of the Brgy . Council

REFLECT What to do to fully implement the plan ?

OBSERVE How did the members of the community accept the plan ?

The JAR team discussed with the Brgy. Captain regarding presentation of the plan to the general public

PLAN How to present the plan to the general public ? Who shall make the presentation ?

ACT Conducted a general assembly meeting to present the plan to larger members of the community

- JAR team polished the plan in preparation of its adoption by the Brgy. Council

- JAR team provided members of the council copies of the draft BSWM plan two weeks before the planned session

Presentation of the solid waste management plan as initial step to implementation

What will happen after this???

LESSONS LEARNED: 1. The learning-by-doing exercise improved the capability of the brgy. council and members of the larger community to undertake planning. 2. Solid waste management becomes a priority project of the Brgy because of the implementation of this JAR initiative. 3. Social preparation is a crucial step in solid waste management planning and implementation. 4. A project that is seen to address an important need generates community support. Also, planning at the “purok” level would improve community participation and cooperation.

LESSONS LEARNED: 5. Purok level community consultations provided members of the larger community an avenue to ventilate issues affecting them such as waste, health and sanitation. 6. Bringing the Brgy. Council and members of the community in one venue such as in “pulongpulong” promotes cohesiveness which is essential in any initiative 7. Solid waste management plan provides mechanism to source out funds from personalities and government officials (e.g. congressman)

LESSONS LEARNED: 8. Providing in-kind or small incentives to community cooperators was important in keeping their energies high. The opportunity lost from participating in the activity must be compensated in other ways. 9. Rule of thumb is “never bypass local officials” otherwise your project can not move forward. Hence, the JAR team exercised patience in dealing with council members. 10. “barangay ownership” of the plan must be emphasized to encourage council and community support

LESSONS LEARNED: 11. Utilizing Women Barangay Health Workers as enumerators proved useful as they have better understanding of the area and thus can provide better explanation re: context of the information gathered. 12. Other provisions of RA 9003 such as MRF is impossible to comply at least for Looc, Lapulapu City because of space limitation.

LIMITATIONS: 1. Poor timing in project implementation. 2. Election fever. Election season affected the project implementation. “Courtship” with the Brgy. took longer than expected. There were several postponements of activities because of the election. “The project was thought of a disguise so that the Governor who is a political enemy of the Mayor can obtain entry in the community through its small gatherings.”

LIMITATIONS: 3. There was also initial resistance of the brgy. council because (a) they lack the technical knowledge in solid waste management planning and (b) they have no funding. 4. Availability of council members. Some council members are full time employees also thus, there were difficulties in ascertaining their availability.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • The formulation of the SWMP has been completed, there is a need to test its applicability in the community and see how it works with the financial support from private companies and the city government of Lapu-lapu City. • Brgy. Council or at least some of the members should be trained to be equipped with the capability to source out funds “not just by mere preparation of a resolution” or solicitation letter

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