The Anne Sullivan School 1633 E. 8th Street Brooklyn, NY 11223
P.S. 238
Month Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1
Pre-K Newsletter Pre-K News
The Pre-k classes are off to a great start. We are settled into our classroom routines and are learning more and more everyday.
Writing Skills We are learning to tell stories through drawings. We are starting to learn to write letters and numbers and how to draw shapes.
Reminder to Parents
Please make sure your child is in school everyday at 8:00 a.m. Please return tear offs in a timely fashion.
Upcoming Events
November 27 and 28 Thanksgiving recess no school.
Readers Workshop We are using two different programs to help us learn the skills we need to learn to read. The SRA Language for Learning Program is teaching us to recognize common objects and how to name them in complete sentences. We are also learning The Wright Skills Phonological and Awareness Program. It is helping us to develop oral language, respond to questions, and develop print and book concepts and how to make predictions about a story.
Everyday Math Everyday math is the math program that we are using. Topics are introduced in an instructional approach that revisits topics regularly to ensure full concept development and long term retention of learning. We are now concentrating on counting and recognizing numbers 1-5 and other basic skills through ongoing routines, mathematical songs and games.