Pre Built Reports Guide Mi

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 808
  • Pages: 4
Michigan Pre-Built Reports Guide MEAP PERCENT PROFICIENT REPORT What: Proficient versus not proficient students report or performance level break down report

Why: Captures students (by percentage or counts) that are proficient or not proficient by ethnicity, Special Ed, socio economic or grade. This report can also be changed to report by performance level

When building the report, you have the option to include state mandated AYP targets. You can include targets for future years to gauge how close your students are to meeting a future target.

MEAP REPORT What: Student performance level and scaled score review on the MEAP test

Why: Review student data relative to the cut scores on the MEAP test

The Display Cut Scores option when building the report is only available when all students on the report have taken the same test. For example, if the report is limited to the 2007-08 6th graders, then the option is likely available. If students in the report represent scores from more than one test, cut scores cannot be displayed.

Michigan Pre-built Reports Guide


Rev. 05/08

Summary Strand Comparison Analysis

MEAP STRAND AND GLCE ANALYSIS REPORT What: MEAP Strand and GLCE analysis, by student, teacher, school or ISD

Why: Identifies strengths and weaknesses of students based on results of the MEAP tests by strand and by specific GLCEs Strand Comparison Graph To view the Strand Comparison Graph or the Summary Charts teacher, school, or district summaries must be included when building the report. After building the report, look for the Display Strand Comparison Graph and Display Summary Charts links.

Summary Charts

Individual Student Strand Analysis

MULTIPLE ASSESSMENT LISTING What: Include state and local assessment data (from a test series), as well as demographic information on each student

Why: Quickly generate lists of student information. Evaluate each student’s performance level for each assessment listed (e.g., multiple assessments over time).

Create a quick parent contact list by including only demographic information.

Michigan Pre-built Reports Guide


Rev. 05/08

PIVOT TABLE REPORT What: Compares matched proficiency level results from the MEAP tests, exams in a test series, and grades by direct comparison (linear view) or by degrees of change (differential view)

Why: Identifies specific students who demonstrated performance level growth or decline, or remained the same

After the report is built, click the Differential button to view the degree of change, then click the total student numbers at the bottom right side of the report; these are the students whose performance levels rose, and potentially need intervention.

MULTI YEAR MEAP PERFORMANCE SUMMARY REPORT What: Longitudinal comparison of MEAP performance level data from two consecutive years

Why: Identifies the percentage of students that scored within a given performance band from one year to the next You can build this report to view your current or previous student’s performance in consecutive years, or run a year-toyear test comparison.

MEAP/MME PERCENT PROFICIENT TREND ANALYSIS What: Multi-tiered analysis of students proficient on the MEAP or MME

Why: Compare growth trends in number of students proficient or at the varying proficiency levels for multiple years. Use the targets to compare number of different student groups proficient with the proficiency targets for each year

Select Cohort Report to see only students who took any of the selected assessments. Select Limited Cohort Report for students who took all selected assessments. The Year to Year Comparison compares students and their test results from one academic year to another. Michigan Pre-built Reports Guide


Rev. 05/08

STUDENT PROFILE REPORT What: A PDF printout containing summaries of individual students from within DataDirector

Why: Allows users to view each student’s data individually. The printout (which can be generated for one class at a time) is also useful for parent conferences. Make changes in the “Modify Report Options Screen” to specify which data to include in the report.

EXAM REPORTS What: Student, class, school, and district level analysis of one exam at a time

Why: Quickly and easily identify strands of strength and challenges among individual students, classes or schools Review the Grading Summaries and Statistical Analysis reports to view item analysis data such as P Value, Point Biserial, frequency distribution, etc.

Tips to Maximize the Reports •

Demographic Filters – On the selection screen, check the Demographic Filters box to narrow down your group of students based on demographic criteria (e.g. language fluency, ethnicity, etc.).

Printing – To print the entire report, click the red PDF icon, if available. To avoid cropping of images, avoid the printable view or print screen options.

Download to Excel – Download raw data into an Excel spreadsheet for customized data analysis.

Names – Student and teacher names are links to more detailed information.

Sorting Students – To determine high and low performers in a cluster, click the column headers to sort all students.

Michigan Pre-built Reports Guide


Rev. 05/08

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