Pre Acceptance Of New Patients.docx

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  • Words: 1,459
  • Pages: 5
Pre acceptance of new patients In a hospital must be healthy, precisely in the Sambiloto inpatient room. The primary nurse, associate nurse and the head of the room are gathering at the morning shift Nurse station 07.30 at that time. The head of the room received a call from the ER announcing that there would be a new patient with a medical diagnosis of allergies to be referred to the Sambiloto room. (Kring ... kring..kring sounds the phone) Karu: Good morning Sambiloto room with Ners Eni PUGD1: Good morning, I, with Christine Natasha, please give me permission, later at 09.00 there are patients who will enter the bitter room. Patient named Mr. Robby is 20 years old with a medical diagnosis of allergies. Karu: Ready, sis, thank you Karu also informed PP if there would be new patients who would enter Sambiloto's room. Karu: Ma'am engel just now I got a call from the ER that later at 9:00 there will be a new patient from the ER wanting to be sent here please prepare the equipment for the reception of new patients, yes, the anamnesia is also prepared. PP: yes ma'am Karu left the Nurse station and went to his room The primary nurse prepares the things needed for the admission of new patients, including administration, patient admission sheets, assessment sheets, centralized informed consent sheets, nursing, patient order sheets, handover sheets from other rooms. PP: (while checking the complete files in the Nurse station) After that the Primary Nurse asks the Associate Nurse to prepare the bed for the new patient. PP: Sister goes, this way at 09.00 there will be new patients, so please prepare your bed in class III PA: Good mom The Associate nurse left the Nurse station and went to class III room to prepare the patient's bed. 10 minutes later the primary nurse went to the class III room precisely in the patient's bed and met the nurse Associate who had been in before to ascertain whether it was ready and discuss the new patient admission file. PA: how are the files ready?

PP: yes already, this is also the nursing kids that will be needed. (while pointing to the nursing kids above sleeping in front of him). and how do you go for the patient's bed? PA: This is ready, ma'am, this bed (pointing to the bed in front of it) PP: has this been tidied up? PA: Mum. PP: okay good. The head of the room went to class III precisely in the patient's bed and asked the primary nurse again about the complete acceptance of the new patient. Karu: How do you handle the equipment? PP: This is complete, ma'am, I examined it earlier Karu: (while opening open and checking completeness files) PP: This is also the bu nursing kids ready when needed and the bed is ready (while pointing nursing kids and beds) Karu: Okay good, then we wait maybe the patient will come soon (while looking at the watch). Thank you for your help. PP and PA: yes ma'am Implementation of new patient admissions Mr. Robby's patient came to the third class room to his bed in a wheelchair delivered by emergency room nurses 1 and 2 along with the patient's mother and sister. The head of the room, primary nurse and nurse Associate welcomed the arrival of patients and families and emergency room nurses. PUGD1: Good morning ma'am, I am Christine Natasha from the ER wanting to deliver my patient from the ER. Karu: on behalf of Mr. Robby huh? PUGD1: yes ma'am Karu: introduce Mom, I'm the head of the room here, my name is Jumadil. And this nurse engel and this is the nurse mela (while pointing them one by one) Patient and family: yes ma'am The primary nurse asked the associate nurse to help the patient to be transferred to his bed. PP: Sister, please help Mr. Robby move to the bed

PA: good ma'am (while helping Mr.R move from a wheelchair to his bed with help from the family) While the associate nurse helps the patient, the primary nurse and emergency room nurse carry out the patient's handover. PP receives drugs, tools, and supporting data collected and special records then document the patient's handover sheet from another room. PUGD2: This is the ma'am from the emergency room (while handing over the items mentioned earlier) PP: I'll document it on the handover sheet ER 1 and 2 nurses and primary nurses left the patient's room. At the nurse station, the mother and sister of the patient come with the medicine. Mr. R and meet the primary nurse along with the mother and sister the patient signs the new patient admission sheet and approves the centralization of the drug. Patient's mother: excuse me mom (enter and sit) PP: come in, please sit down. So this is the ma'am, Mr. Robby has been moved to the room, so it's about drugs. Robby will be managed by a nurse, ma'am. so later when it's time, Mr. Robby took medicine or injected it, I will give it. How does mom do you agree? If you agree, please sign here, please (the nurse gives informed consent centralization of the drug) and also the signature on the new patient admission sheet? Patient's mother: both ma'am (while signing) Patient's mother: oh yeah, this is the medicine (hand over Mr.roby's medicines) PP: yes The patient's mother and sister left the nurse station and returned to Mr. Robby's room. The primary nurse and the associate nurse headed for the patient's bed to take Mr. robby's history and study. But before the primary nurse oriented to Mr. robby about room facilities, nurses who were responsible and centralized drugs, doctors who were responsible and the schedule of visit and order of the room. Primary nurse and nurse associate enter Mr. Robby's room. PP: good afternoon mas robby Patient: afternoon nurse PP: My colleague and I will do a study to the mas, but beforehand I will orient the mas and family regarding room facilities, nurses who are responsible and centralized drugs, responsible doctors and the schedule of visits and room rules. The goal is to maintain the comfort of the mas and family. The time is around 20-25 minutes and is done here. Are you willing? Patient: yes sister

PP: first regarding facilitation of this room right or left there is a small closet, it can be used to store family clothes, there is a bathroom there so it can take a shower and dispose of it there, the bottom of the bed is the right side to raise the legs and to the left to raise the head, on the bed there is a bell, if you need something you can press our bell to come. The two nurses who will take care of the mas while being treated here and inject the drug are yam, and the doctor responsible for the doctor is doctor syarifah ria, the visit schedule is 2x a week every Monday morning and Wednesday morning, every day the doctor will come check the mas and see the development of mas. The three rules of this room are not allowed to smoke and please help to maintain the cleanliness of this room and visiting hours here are limited. morning visiting hours from 09.00-11.00, afternoon visiting hours from 14.00-17.00. night visiting hours from 6:00 to 19:30. visitors who can enter a maximum of 2 people, so if there are relatives who visit more than 2 people, in front of the seat provided to wait to visit in turn. Before you continue, what do you want to ask, mas? Patient: no sus. PA: Okay, go on to study, bro, I'm going to do it. I want to ask first, is there a complaint? Patient: my face is still a little itchy and a little red PA: (while recording patient complaints). Do you have a history of allergies like this? Or maybe the family? Patient: no sus PA: How come there are no drug allergies or food? Patient: I am allergic to shrimp sus PA: OK, I'm done. before how was the feeling oriented? Patients: happy. PA: Is there anything you want to ask, bro? Patient: no sus. PA: Then we excuse ourselves, bro. The primary nurse and associate nurse left the patient's room. Post acceptance of new patients Karu came and gave a reward to the primary nurse and associate nurse at the Nurse station who was carrying out nursing interventions for Mr. robby Karu: how had the preparation and orientation been prepared? PP: I have already done it, it's already done, Mom.

Karu: Thank you for the help, for the future, it will be better bias Karu left the nurse station.

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