Pray For Revival

  • Uploaded by: Errol Smythe
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 471
  • Pages: 1
The believer in God must pray. The Lord Jesus Christ as a man prayed. As God, He answered prayer.We read in the gospels that when the Lord Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist that the heavens were opened ( Matthew 3 verse 16 ) ,( the sacrifice had to be presented to the Priest , and the WORD OF THE LORD ( Jesus , teh Word of God made flesh) had to come to the prophet (John). "...The heavens were opened...". The Brassy heavens were opened ! The judgement of God was tuned to mercy for the Holy Ghost could now "....find rest ..." . Remember, Noah's ark ? Noah sent a raven after the flood. It never came back ! The raven was too busy feasting on bloated bodies of decaying corpses floating on the judgement waters of Noahs flood. When Noah ( Genesis dove does about the

sent out the dove,it could find " rest for it's feet...". 8 verse 9 ). The dove is a clean bird. The dove has a clean diet. The not eat unclean things. The dove feeds on grain like wheat.Wheat speaks BREAD OF LIFE. THE TRUE BREAD OF HEAVEN.

In Matthew 3 verse 17 and 18 , John the Baptist , saw "...the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lightening upon Him : And lo a voice from heaven , saying, This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am pleased to dwell....". The Lord Jesus Christ was an example for the believer. As Christians , we must ask ourselves daily, am I doing God's will or am I pursuing my own will, my own ambitions? We must also ask the question, am I walking according to God's Holy Word ? Remember, the scriptures say in Amos 3 verse 3 "...Can two walk together except they be agreed ?". Do we as individuals, live a life that is worthy of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and punctuate every Word of God, with an Amen ? God wants believer's to pray. God wants the heavens to be opened and stay open in our individual lives so that when we pray we have a witness that teh prayers we pray are heard in heaven and the things we pray for are manifested on earth. God will only answer prayers of faith. God willnot answer prayers of unbelief. When we pray, we must pray in accordance to teh God's Word. God loves His people and He watches over His Word and hastens to perform it. The answer to Daniels prayer was on the way. Satan and his demons of Persia tried to hinder prayer. ( See Daniel 10 verse 13 ). Pray, pray and then pray again. Revival is here and you must be a part of it. Amen and Amen.

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