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  • Words: 749
  • Pages: 92
Personal Protective Equipment ALBERT L. ASPREC, M.D., M.O.H.

PPE  The last line of defense in

Industrial Hygiene control  Aids in controlling individual exposure  Does not eliminate the hazard

Limitations of PPE  It does not reduce or eliminate the

hazard  If PPE is defective, the wearer may be exposed to the hazard without knowledge of it  Protection afforded to wearer only

Limitations of PPE


May introduce additional hazards to the wearer May transfer hazards to another location May not be suitable for continuous use (i.e. respiratory PE ) May not always be worn properly

No protection if PPE is Defective Wrong Use Wrong Size Wrong Type PPE is

Employer Responsibility BWC - DOLE

Issue Free PPE!!!

Limitations of PPE

Proper PPE is part of our uniform It is not a costume !!!

HEAD Protection

EYE and FACE Protection

IMPACT - Flying objects or particles enter the eye

CHEMICAL - involves chemical splashes, vapor and irritating mists

HEAT - exposure to hot sparks, splashes of molten metal or high temperatures; anything emitting extreme heat

DUST - exposure to nuisance dust

LIGHT RADIATION - Radiant energy, glare and intense light

Fall from a height: Excavation Roof Moving vehicles Equipment

Incorrect safety equipment

Body belt

Full body harness

FOOT Protection

Machines/Equipment Power tools Woodworking machines Heavy machines

Sole Puncture Resistant Safety Shoes

Safety Shoes with steel toe cap

PPE Program is composed of the following: Selection Health Aspects Proper Use Maintenance Information & Training Reviews

Fitting Issue Compatibility Disposal Supervision Checklist

1. Selection To be done by a suitably trained person with adequate information of the task, hazards, personnel, materials, etc..

2. Fitting When first issued, the user should also

be trained to check the fit whenever the equipment is used Ensure an adequate fit under careful supervision


Particularly important for RPE  Various sizes of each type of equipment should be made available to fit the typical size range  Do not force the PPE to fit the body 

3. Health Aspects Use of PPE can have an impact on an

employees health (e.g..... skin irritation, heat stress) A number of medical conditions may make it difficult to use certain equipment

4. Compatibility If more than one type of PPE is

required to be worn simultaneously, then the harmony of the individual items needs to be evaluated. The PPE also needs to be compatible with the task involved

5. Issue Provision should be made to control the

issue of PPE to employees, remembering that several types of equipment may be available.

6. Proper Use PPE is effective if worn properly for the appropriate task Use of PPE by Supervisor encourages employees and enforces PPE programs

Proper Use

Equipment that can provide complete

protection, but which is not properly used, may provide no protection at all Employees should be prevented from taking used PPE for domestic purposes

7. Maintenance (Cleaning & Storage) Depending on type of equipment used, procedures need to be established for its cleaning and maintenance when necessary Exempted here are single use items (disposable)


Senile arc

8. Disposal

Used PPE can be contaminated with

toxic agents and disposal procedures need careful consideration. Depending on the circumstances, equipment may need to be treated as toxic waste

Saliva / mucus

Ear wax / abscess

9. Information & Training Employees have to be given sufficient information and proper training about the hazards associated with their jobs to enable them to work safely with minimal risk to health

Limits the visual field

10. Supervision A PPE program is unlikely to be successful

unless the first line supervisory personnel are knowledgeable and held accountable for effective use of PPE Supervisors must set an example by wearing PPE as appropriate and ensure its use by others as required

11. Reviews Periodic evaluation to confirm that the

agreed procedures are appropriate and being followed Formal audit carried out by a third party with specialist advisers

12. Checklist Used to ensure use of properly fitted, effective PPE for specific jobs

CHECKLIST Preview laws, regulations, company policies Recognize hazards Obtain information about PPE Track company procedures Encourage / Enforce use of PPE Check MSDS Talk to an Industrial Hygienist

PPE Program is composed of the following: Selection Health Aspects Proper Use Maintenance Information & Training Reviews

Fitting Issue Compatibility Disposal Supervision Checklist

It must be remembered that PPE is the last line of defense, hence, its effectiveness may be crucial to the health of the workers

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