Potential, Possibilities And Implications!

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
In the BBC sci-fi classic Dr. Who, his time travelling space ship Tardis, in the unlikely shape of a small English police call box, against known physical laws, opens inside to a capacious space. Or consider the essence of chaos theory: that a small change can lead to huge and unpredictable consequences out of all proportion to the size of the originating event. Both help imagine the depth and breadth of The Final Freedoms, except this is neither science nor fiction, and even to call it religion defies every existing convention. The modest size of the manuscript belies its potential to impact all areas of human and cultural existence. As a catalyst for change it reaches the places political process can’t touch. And there probably isn’t an ‘ology’ that won’t be impacted by the greater insights that accompany those who choose to share this new spiritual conception. While this ‘Divine Comedy’ is yet unfolding, however difficult it may be to imagine the broad implications of this change to the existing intellectual and moral paradigm, this article tries to consider some of the most obvious. Inevitably, as more and more people confirm this new teaching and this revelation breaks free of the web into mainstream public discourse and debate, 'christianity' and Judaism are in for an existential crisis with only one end. Other religious traditions both theistic or otherwise will have to decide for themselves how to measure their own history against this new immutable proof. But no less profound will be the impact on many secular streams of intellectual and scientific inquiry. For example, what future can there be for that theological bedfellow philosophy? They will find little comfort or room for maneuver by the advent of this preeminent wisdom that surpasses and supersedes every hindsight, logic or morality philosophy ever pretended to. Or consider modern neuroscience and their own ‘holy grail’ of understanding human consciousness. Investigating this mystery and phenomena with all the technology at their disposal, one might have expected a result sooner rather then later, but instead, they are about to suffer considerable disappointment. The soul has always been an unspoken, ‘dirty’ word for those involved in this particular quest, understandably holding the same prejudices of other physical sciences against the potential for any spiritual explanation. But the FF when tested, is not only a proof of God, but a demonstration of the soul as an active reality and the very source for both conscience and consciousness; the necessary prerequisites for ethical cognition and making moral choices. Psychology and its related ‘therapies’ will also have to endure the withdrawal symptoms of having it own raison d’etre pulled out from under its feet. This attempt to understand both the mental, emotional and behavioural processes of the mind has always been suspect and probably only survived as long as it has because of the very real need to increase understanding of the human condition. With the FF that understanding is completed. And psychology, without ever knowing the soul, its function or interface with reason is not only made redundant, but exposed as little more that pseudo science with pretensions on par with theology. Just another bubble waiting to burst. Nor does mainstream medical science escape the reach of this revelation. As the high price of high tech treatments and the exploitation by pharmaceutical companies puts basic health care out side the reach of so many, the FF is literally a God send. Part of the ‘inheritance’ for those who come to share in this new revelation is an enhanced immune system capable of resolving not only current conditions but putting the individual outside the reach of every cancer, debilitating and degenerative illness. There is simply no better preventive

‘medicine’ nor health insurance for those who choose the protection of living under the wisdom of this covenant. That most ethereal of secular scientific speculation, Cosmology, can call it a day. And while this revelation concedes legitimate ground to evolution, that’s simply not the whole story. Militant, atheist followers of Darwin would have done better to confine their attacks on religion to the institutional forms and claims, rather that pretending, like the religious, to ultimate knowledge. Or even think of theoretical physics and mathematics. The theories of the 'Black Hole' has exposed the limitations of humanities attempt to understand both itself and the universe. And the only path through the contradiction between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics and is via the FF. Those seeking greater social and economic justice should take note. Economic ‘progress’, particularly under Western style capitalism has always developed heavily in favour of those who have, against and exploiting those have-nots. Those tables are now turned. Market forces are about to collide head on with a greater moral reality coming from the opposite direction. And when the dust finally settles, a new economics will rise; the great divides existing between rich and poor will begin levelling along more equitable lines of common good. And anyone on some magazine or newspaper rich list may wish they were otherwise. Anyone who has studied the FF and particularly those who have already confirmed its teaching, know this new covenant is founded upon a change in human sexual conduct and forms the basis of new individual ethical and moral development. This marks the beginning of the end to all sexual exploitation and disfunction. The most intractable contemporary concerns of abortion, contraception, paedophilia, pornography, rape, genital mutilation and all other sexual crimes are resolved by the remedy to that first crime against ones Creator, by the correction to human nature and change in male sexual response. For women as for men, this alters the entire ‘chemistry’ and dynamics of human relationship. Under this covenant, marriage is immeasurably strengthened and domestic violence not even plausible. For a woman within this new marriage, there is no greater liberation. Environmentalists ever hoping to save what’s left of a once unspoilt and beautiful planet should sink their roots deep into this teaching. Whatever their efforts and aspirations, an ecologically sound and sustainable future was never going to be possible under the existing paradigm of a human nature whose moral perceptions are dominated by materialism, a political process unprepared nor designed to define the changes necessary and the limitations of scientific knowledge itself. Again, this covenant turns that reality around 180 degrees; first by its authority, second by creating within the mind a new dominant spiritual-ethical value in command of the material and third by providing the additional insights necessary to fully comprehend the natural order, making all future culture development both sustainable and deep green. For antiwar activists this is the key to ending war itself, conflict and terrorism. With this revelation you can insure the absolute accountability towards those who threaten violence and make war, whoever and where-ever without distinction. What greater protest or demonstration is possible than one that speaks directly to the consciousness of every human being with a message to make peace or face consequences one dare not even imagine. Thus there is no non violent direct action nor accountability more potent than confirming this new covenant. The ‘Peace Train’ is at the station and taking on passengers, ‘there will be no more training for war’.

And what is left for politics? Even among the ‘advanced’ western democracies, it is often said by those reflecting upon the limitations of this system, that democracy is only the best of a bad lot that history has evolved. And however its founders tried, with ingenious checks and balances, to limit the corrupting potential of power and wealth, at both an individual, corporate and institutional level, history is witness to its limited success. Now, upon the new moral foundations of the FF the Way opens for mankind reach out and secure the highest cultural aspirations of a truly just society. And Justice, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness take on a new, wholly different meaning. Those seeking a measure of justice the world cannot offer should start here. Having now tested and confirmed this new teaching within my own marriage relationship, I can state without qualification that the claims which this new teaching make are demonstrably true and openly available for anyone to test and authenticate for them selves. The existence of a new reality is confirmed. At the risk of sounding too prophetic, the prospects for an approaching future are well expressed in the lines of a song by Bob Dylan: The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast The slow one new will later be fast As the present now will later be past the order is rapidly fadin. And the first ones now will later be last For the times they are a-changin.

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