Popular Culture Galore Part 3

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Popular Culture Part 3 Pernicious influence of popular culture in the 21st century is certainly astounding. Out of all the popular culture galore works I’ve written, this one is my favorite and the best one I’ve done in my opinion. Regularly, some of the youth are intimidated into wearing certain clothing (or acting in a certain way like movie star or musician) in order to just fit in the phony paradigm of "worldly culture." As I get older, I realize the tricks that the leaders of this nefarious culture utilize. Mainstream popular culture isn't anti-establishment or pro-liberty. It's just another tool (similar to the bread and circus construct that existed from the ancient Roman Empire) that elitists use to distract plus control society (especially among the young population). The reason of the corporate elite desiring to exploit our youth in that fashion is because the youth will consist of the leaders of the future. Bill Pitman, who was a leading member of MTV admitted in 1982 that: "...The stronger appeal you can make is emotionally. If you can get their emotions going, make them forget about their logic, you've got them..." (MTV's rock around the clock). Pittman also said that: "…AT MTV, WE

DON'T SHOOT FOR THE 14-YEAR OLDS, WE OWN THEM". (MTV is Rock Around the Clock, Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 3, 1982). The good news is that books, the Internet, interviews, videos, etc. have awakened a new a generation of individuals to expose the propaganda that establishes itself in the confines of popular culture. MTV, even BET, Vh1, etc. show propaganda (with bones of some truth to get viewership) in our face, but we see it for what it is. MTV, BET, and Vh1 are controlled by the corporate giant of Viacom. Viacom is owned by corporate giant Summer Redstone. These media heads are apart of the CFR or connected to the rest of corporate elite. Hence, Mainstream popular culture is definitely akin to a corporate empire. Secret Societies influence popular culture like even Freemasonry. Some Masons have been complicit in the murder of William Morgan as many know about:

“Freemasonry, the oldest and most powerful secret society in the history of the world, had planted firm roots in early-day America and even played a significant role in the American Revolution. It played an even greater role in the subsequent French Revolution, which initially was greeted with great joy and approval in the United States.

The number of Masonic lodges grew and membership increased. By 1826 it was estimated that Masons in the United States numbered nearly fifty thousand, mostly educated and professional men. But in that year, one Mason broke ranks. It became known that a Captain William Morgan of Batavia, New York, was planning to publish a book revealing the secret symbols, handshakes, oaths, and purposes of the Freemasons. Morgan, a thirty-year member of the order, wrote, ‘the bane of our civil institutions is to be found in Masonry, already powerful and daily becoming more so. I owe my country an exposure of its dangers.’ Before the book could be printed, Morgan and his publisher were kidnapped in Batavia. Irate friends and neighbors pursued the kidnappers and managed to rescue the publisher, but Morgan was not so fortunate. He was never seen again. Years later, a Mason named Henry L. Valance confided to his doctor as he lay dying that he and two other Masons had dropped Morgan into the Niagara River Valance said since that night he had suffered from a guilty conscience—‘the mark of Cain’—and sought absolution for his sin.” -Jim Marrs, “Rule by Secrecy” (217-8) I'm not backing down from showing the truth from anyone. Movies, music, etc. can’t be blamed for every incident of crime in America, but exposing evil forms of music, evil movies, etc. is certainly legitimate in expressing ourselves. Also, cultural relativism (that harbors a more materialistic world view. In other words, when you break down the moral code in society, society break down. This

occurred in the Roman Empire when their morality was broken down via abortion, slavery, the gladiator blood sport games, etc.), bad use of antidepressants, mental health issues, and other problems have contributed to school violence and crime in general in America. That’s a fact backed up by tons of research. More research document about how television can manipulate minds. Dr. Eric Peper, draws attention to his observations in that we do process

what we see: "The horror of television…is that the information goes in…It goes right into our memory pool and perhaps we react to it later but we don't know what we are reacting to. When you watch television you are training yourself…so later on, you're doing things without knowing why you're doing them or where they came from." Australian researchers proved that watching too much television creates a dreamlike state in the viewer’s mind (in a type of sleep teaching that allows the subconscious to absorb imagery).The

Telegraph on February 2, 2009 reported on how watching too much television can make children not produce a better relationship with their parents. This research is found in a survey produced for the Children’s Society. The researchers can found that over exposure can cause self esteem issues among children (among 10-13 year olds), because TV often portray unrealistic images of everyday people and everyday society. That is why every time I cut back my television watching, my mind is working more succinctly, the synapses in my brain was connecting greatly, and I increase my personal intelligence. I don’t believe in federal government censorship of everything in the country, but voluntarily we should watch what we see on TV. It's so common to witness those in popular culture to embrace an anti-God agenda. Even decades ago, famous personages said disrespectful things about God in public. Examples are abundant of this. John Lennon back in 1966 falsely said that Christianity will die and they are bigger than Jesus now. He never fully apologized for his words. During a Presidential

campaign, Tancredo Neves of Brazil said during the Presidential campaign that not even God would remove him from the Presidency (if he got 500,000 votes from his Party). He died because of being sick a day before being made President. This doesn't mean him blaspheming God caused his death, but it shows that death can occur against anyone at any time. . Marilyn Monroe was visited by Ecumenical preacher Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. Graham said that the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her. Monroe said that: "...I don't need your Jesus..." It's kind of sad to listen to trash like that since Monroe truly needed God for her problems in her own life. A week later, she was found dead in her apartment. The Jamaican journalist Christine Hewitt said that the Bible was the worst book ever written. In June of 2006, she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle. So, anti-God comments are common among the establishment, but I will never say those evil comments about Almighty God at all. Now, it’s time to presently the truth as others have done for thousands of years.

Madonna has been controversial for decades. Her real name is Madonna Louise Ciccone. She was born in Bay City, Michigan in August 16, 1958. She still performs and is making albums to this day in the age of 51. Madonna is a role model among many of the worldly stars from the Spice Girls to Ashanti, especially among the females. She has made satires against mainstream Christianity for a while. One of her recent satires existed in NBC some years ago. Madonna was suspended on a cross in one of her performances. In the show, Madonna, wearing a fake crown of thorns, descends on a suspended mirrored, disco ball-type cross. She acts like she is

Jesus Christ, but she isn't. A lot of Christian groups protested this act as being disrespectful. It is disrespecting the Lord Jesus Christ’s crucifixion indeed (This is similar to what she did in the 1989 video of “Like A Prayer.” In that video, Madonna wanted to expose injustice and bigotry, which we should oppose. Yet, she had burning crosses, statues crying blood, a seduction of a saint, and other odd occurences) . If she have done a similar satire against Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, etc., there would have been a huge outcry from people in those respective faiths. She sings in the cross performance that: "I have a tale to tell, Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well, I was not ready for the fall, Too blind to see the writing on the wall, A man can tell a thousands lies, I've learned my lesson well, Hope I live to tell the secret I have learned 'till then, It will burn inside of me..." This means that she keeps a secret that will burn inside of her. This is the essence of the occult. Occultists want to keep secrets. Madonna sings that: "...The secret that I hide,

will I grow old, How will they hear, when will they learn , how will they know..." She shows verses in the screen like Matthew 25:35, but there is fire in the screen with an All Seeing Eye. The secret of Kabbalah and mysticism is the secret of Madonna pretty much. The Kabbalah believe in spiritualism and that the Torah has secretive codes that can be found to make enlightenment a reality for human beings. Madonna believes in wizards and the world that you can't see. Madonna said that that the world humans see is only 1% of what exists. In a way that is true since wavelengths, atoms, carbon chemicals, and other microscopic entities exist, yet humans can't see these things by the naked eye at all. This doesn't mean that invisible wizards exist in the world.

Madonna's "Bedtime Stories" is a very occult music video. It shows the All Seeing Eye of Horus, a

lullaby in the beginning of the song, and there is an IV drip (in Madonna's body to outline a dream and a higher sense of consciousness). It talks about the Third eye and she is wearing silver. Madonna talks about not using words and being unconscious. There is sun symbolism (i.e. the flower) in the video of "Bedtime Stories", moving shafts, and Madonna acting in different personalities.

Acting in multiple personalities is key construct in the Hollywood/popular culture world. There is a box, people are mediating, and people are traveling outside of their consciousnesses. There are animal images, water transformation, etc. There are poppy plants as well. There are mirrors and moving objects. Madonna shows doves representing her spirit leaving. Madonna talks about unconsciousness. Drugs are in the video. The opium poppy are used in narcotic acts and it keeps people unconscious. Opium have been exploited by the Skulls and Bones in the 19th century to permit their Drug Trade activities. Opium drug smuggling is still a serious problem in Afghanistan. The video shows the moon and Madonna being possessed. People in the video dance in a Hexagram pattern. Later, Madonna shows her Third eye and light comes out of it (similar to Beyonce in the "Sweet Dreams" video). Occultists, New Agers, Hindus, etc. believe that the Third eye is the chakra where humans can leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye may alternately symbolize a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply-personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance (which includes the ability to observe chakras and auras. People claimed to have used their third eye to experience precognition, outer body experiences, etc. The third eye has been called the eye of Shiva. Shiva is the false Hindu god of death or destruction, which is another archetype of Satan. Madonna is consoled by a skullheaded creature of death. Madonna opens her eyes at the end of the video. Even Snoop's "Bedtime Stories" has a book with a Pentagram and Skulls imagery on the book. So, Madonna is very intelligent to make up a video with so much New Age/occult compositions. She has done her homework. Yet,

Madonna is still a person who is in league with the establishment’s popular culture world. Lilly Allen's famous song is called "The Fear." Lilly Allen is one of the new generation of Britain pop stars. "The Fear" describes about the control even in a mind control-like setting which the music industry consists of. AgentOrange2012 made an interesting video about this reality. In the beginning of the video, Lilly is staring out in the world looking sad from her home. She starts by singing about her wish to be rich having a lot of money. She doesn't care about anything else like humor in life. She wants diamonds admits that people die in the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Later, she drops down from the view of the camera temporary. This means that she's willing to strip her clothes and degrade herself (plus drop low) in other to experience fame and fortune. By dropping low and taking her clothes off, she in her mind won't feel degraded or shameless. That is why Lilly sings that she's willing to strip her clothes off since that's way you get famous. She looks at the sun (which relates to the old sun worship was done by Illuminists for eons). She sings about looking in the mirror, which shows that she is being controlled by the industry feeling no guilt being under the elite's manipulation. Later, she enters a door and people dance in a Masonic blue cross floor. She walks past people dancing, which is similar to some initiation into "Fame." She allows herself to be ruled by the fear in controlling her career. There are Masonic sun images in the room scene of the video. Later, she stares in a mirror in a room of a black and white checkered doll dress. Lilly sings about materialism and packing plastic or credit cards. AgentOrange2012 believes a Baphomet image is near the mirror in the video. Lilly is clearly selling her soul in the video amidst the promises of material possession and fame. She looks almost possessed in the video. Later, 6 are people in large gifts dance on a Masonic checkered floor in a Hexagram pattern. Lilly leave the room. Outside, she claims that she is not a saint or sinner (which is an oxymoron since all humans are sinners, but we can be a saint by God's grace). She questions what is right and clear, which the establishment readily promotes oxymorons and ethical relativism. She walks about partying people while staying quiet. That means, she is brought into the world to prove herself to the industry while staying quiet about their intricate, occult nature. She even has a "Shhh!" tattoo on their finger, which means being quiet ironically. The industry wants Lilly Allen to do her job without revealing the real truth

on the music industry. The real truth is that the mainstream music industry is controlled by the military industrial complex and their corporate allies promoting ethical relativism plus the occult in the world. AgentOrange2012 believes that Lilly is under similar programming to Monarch, which is a very good possibility. Even the palace she leaves have circular symbolism in it.

The United Nations back in 2008 worked with Marvel Entertainment to use Spiderman. The goal in that relationship was to push pro-U.N. propaganda to children throughout the world including America. This is a controversial move since the U.N. has suffered PR loses due to its support of abortion, population control, globalism, etc. America legitimately disagrees with the U.N. on numerous policy matters. The comics of Spiderman and the Fantastic Four worked with the U.N. (in the comics) in order to fight the challenges of poverty, disease, and conflicts worldwide. The United Nations desires to promote this propaganda campaign in order to teach children about international corporation. French filmmaker Romauld Sciora is apart of this comic plan. He was honored by the U.N. for sending information to the young Spiderman Fantastic Four work the UNICEF (plus U.N. peacekeepers) to cure diseases (and stop conflicts). These comics omit how the U.N. peacekeepers committed crimes of rape, murder, and torture (in Africa, the Third World, Europe, etc. in real life). The United Nations' sanctions murdered about 500,000 Iraqi children and they have allowed the genocide of Rwanda to take precision with little or no intervention on their part. The Scotsman reported in 2002 that: "...During the UN peacekeeping mission to Somalia, it was claimed Canadian, Belgian and Italian soldiers were involved in torture and murder. An inquiry by the Canadian government of a young Somali man in 1993, found that he had been murdered by its troops and that a senior officer had lied in an attempt to cover up the atrocity. Two soldiers were jailed. In Belgium, newspapers published photographs of two soldiers holding a Somali boy over a fire. Three paratroopers were prosecuted, but were acquitted by a military tribunal. An Italian magazine published photographs showing soldiers from the country’s elite paratroop regiment apparently torturing a naked Somali with electrodes and sexually abusing a Somali woman. Two generals who had commanded the Italian force in Somalia resigned. In January 2000 the United Nations were sued for the first time in its history for alleged complicity in the crime of genocide which drove hundreds of thousands Rwandan Tutsis from their homes. Two Rwandan

women accused the UN, which was meant to be defending their families, of handing them over to their killers or running away. The families of these women were slaughtered during the 1994 genocide in which 800,000, mostly Tutsi people, were slaughtered by Hutus. In Bosnia, more than 20 peacekeepers were ejected from the mission for theft and corruption. Nearly four dozen others were sent home after allegedly abusing mental patients at a hospital. Canadian peacekeepers were accused of rape, beatings and sexual abuse of a teenage handicapped girl..."

Mike Pflanz from London Telegraph at Tuesday, on May 27, 2008 exposed the U.N. on this issue. A 12 month investigation found that sexual abuse of children as young as 6 were done by aid workers and United Nations peacekeepers. This is done despite the peacekeepers promising to stop their activities. More than half of the children interviewed for the study (found in the Ivory Coast, South Sudan, and Haiti) knew of cases of forced sex with aid staff or peacekeepers. The assaults occur in exchange for food or protection. This isn't new. U.N. peacekeepers were accused of sexual misconduct in Cambodia, Africa, and other places of the Third World. One victim of such sick acts was a 12 year old named "Elizabeth." She said that she was raped by 10 men who were peacekeepers. She was one out of 341 children interviewed pertaining to this issue. Some victims were abused by the staff of Save the Children. Now, this should end the hypocrisy by some of the Left who just love the United Nations. It's hypocritical of some of them to suck up to the U.N. when the United Nations were created by the same imperialist, corporate, and international bankers (like John Foster Dulles) that they rightfully criticize. Leftist gatekeepers like OilEmpire.us say that Bush is anti-U.N, but that false. Recently, more evidence refuting Peak Oil have been refuted that OilEmpire.us omits. The reasons are that George W. Bush publicly praised the U.N. and funds UNESCO, which is a United Nations group.

Earth Final Crisis is a famous DC comic. It begins with a man meeting a being called Metron. Metron sits on his chair with a third eye. He is portrayed as a godlike being using his Mobius chair to travel through time and space to seek out knowledge. He gives the knowledge to an early human being saying that he has nothing to fear. Metron is very similar to Metatron. Metaton in the Kabbalah is

a heavenly transformation of Enoch. Metatron has many other interpretations. Enoch have been exploited by New Agers and occult to represent not the Biblical Enoch, but the synthesis of pagan gods (from Thoth to Mercury). Metratron is made up of two words in the Greek language. One is called meta (meaning after) and thronos meaning thrones. Taken together it means "one who serves behind the throne" or "one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory." The fire Metron gives unto man is similar to Prometheus. Prometheus was punished by the gods in Greek mythology for giving man knowledge in creating fire. He stole fire from Zeus and gave it unto mortals. Prometheus was a Titan. The fire represents forbidden knowledge. Another old man in the comic thinks of the shining one and the burning bush. The shining one is a code name for Lucifer/Satan. The serpent in Genesis 3:1 in Hebrew is naschash meaning to shine. Serpent can mean shining one in this circumstance. In Genesis 3, the

serpent or Satan talks about giving Adam and Eve the fruit of the tree of knowledge in order to be like gods knowing good and evil. Of course, Satan lied as he is the father of lies. Man didn’t become gods after eating the fruit of the tree, but humans existed with sin and a limited longevity in life. In the comic, Metron is described as giving people the weapon of the gods (to fight the new gods). Metron in the comic talks about the Fifth World to make man as gods. Metron's actions are very similar to Lucifer's deeds. The Guardians in the comic are blamed for causing destructive acts in the Earth when they control the Earth. This is very similar to the Gnostic view of blaming Yahveh for destruction on Planet Earth when human beings' sin is a product of man (plus Satan) not God. Superman, Batman, and Wonder woman in the comic talks about the new gods and their power levels. Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom calls themselves a Secret Society of super crime specialists. They agree to give power unto the Secret Society as long as they try to kill the Superheroes. The comic goes into

Arthur of Atlantis being predicted to return in Earth's greatest time of need. Theosophists and occultists for a long time believe that King Arthur wasn't the King of Celtic Britain, but of Altantis. King Arthur is a known pre-figure representation of the Antichrist. The re-establishment of Atlantis (which is the Pre-Flood

world) is a key goal of many Rosicrucians, Theosophists, and even Freemasons like the late Manly P. Hall. Some esoterics call America as the new Atlantis because of our technology, weaponry, history, etc. The series talks about transgenic or merging animals and humans, etc. This is done to create the perfect body for the incarnation of the Dark being. The kids in the comic look brainwashed and possessed. The Internet in the comic are hijacked with viruses. The communication network is turned into a "god-weapon." The villains (who work for Darksied) try to control society. There is a Computer and those wanting a global peace agency in another planet. The comic talks about the incarnation of Darkseid (Darkseid calls himself God. He talks about all is one and his body is the church. This is similar to the Antichrist' lies about him being God, etc.). Darkseid's logo is an Omega sign. The Omega is a Greek letter that represents completion or the end of all things according to Freemason David Ovason. The comic says that in 2960, the Controllers refined the Guardians' technology in order to create the final machine. It's called the artificial technological Superman. Superman finds out that this is the miracle machine that can turn thoughts into things. Superman use the miracle machine to fight against an evil doer. The alien invasion is over and the Earth continues. Superman gets his power from the sun. Superman relates to the view of a super human being (Nazis wanted this being to exist and Kabbalists believe that superman was the first human called Adam Kadmon). Hence, the DC comic of Earth: Final Crisis therefore outlines futuristic scenarios on Earth, the present technological realities we live today, and subtle Gnostic/occult references. Grant Morrison is a Scottish comic book writer and artist. He is the author of Final Crisis. Morrison admits that he promotes Aleister Crowley, magic, and sigils to create his comics. He wants people to do magic in the form of Aleister Crowley. A sigil is something like a symbol (like a geometric figure) created for a magical purpose. Sigil comes from the Latin word sigillum meaning seal. It may be related to the Hebrew word of segulah (that means word, action, or deed for a spiritual effect). Sigils can exist abstract or semi-abstract or in a pictoral form. A Grimoire or magical training book lists sigils. The medieval Kabbalitic grimoire called Sefer Raziel HaMalakh lists sigils. It was mainly written in Hebrew and Aramaic. Its surviving Latin translation was called Liber Razielis Archangeli. Alfonso X produced this Latin translation of the 13th century manuscript. The book claims that the angel Raziel taught Adam and Abraham (about the ways of Nature). There is no conclusive evidence for these actions at all. What you have here is that Grant Morrision wants people to follow the occult in the form of sigils. The lesson here is that occultism is still a huge part of popular culture. I reject using sigils and using a grimoire completely.

The Gaia/Sophia connection or Mysteries is apart Gnosticism and the occult. Sophia to Gnostics represent Wisdom. Sophia is embraced by Platonism and mysticism. Stories exist of the Gnostic Sophia. Sophia is mentioned in the literature of the pro-Gnostic work called the Nag Hammadi, which called her a lowest Aeon. The Nag Hammadi texts consist of 13 codices 52 tractates (6 which are duplicates). These texts don't have none of the canonical books in them. An aeon is an anthropic expression of the emanation of the light of God. Gnostics teach that Sophia cojoined with Jesus Christ as a syzygy. She is called the Holy Spirit of the Trinity as Gnostics plus New Agers believe that the Holy Spirit is feminine. Sophia feared losing her life (when she lost the light of the One). These feelings caused her confusion and she wished when returned to the light. These longings of Sophia caused matter and the soul to come about accidentally into existence via the 4 elements of fire, water, earth, and air. Gnostics believe that the lion faced Demiurge is also a mistake during this exile. Yet, some Gnostics sources believe that as a result of Sophia trying to emanate herself (without a male counterpart), the Demiurge was brought into existence. The Demiurge then created the physical world as he was ignorant of Sophia (thinking of no other gods before him). Sophia still managed to infuse some spiritual spark or "pneuma' into the creation of the Demiurge. After this, Gnostics believe that Jesus Christ returns to let her see the light to allow Sophia to make her know about the spirit or pnuema in Greek. The Gnostics believe that Jesus came into Earth in a form of a man to give people the gnosis or knowledge needed to rescue humans from the physical world plus return them into the spiritual world. Gnosticism teaches that the Gospel story of Jesus is allegorical as an "Outer Mystery" and it acts as an introduction to Gnosis (The truth is that the Gospel is a historical account not an allegory. In actuality, not all things physical are evil. Physical entities like stars, mountains, animals, etc. are good and Almighty God created these things). This Gnostic heresy conclusively proves the similarities between Masonry and Gnosticism as Freemasonry believes in doing secretive, gradual rituals to gain “enlightenment“ or the “Light.” The true Light of God isn’t found in doing rituals in a Lodge, but having repentance in our hearts. Ironically, Gary E. Schwatrtz Ph.D.'s "The Sophia Project" wants to investigate the dead, other worldly beings, non-human entities, etc. Sophia has been identified as with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, so Sophia can be an archetype of Satan. Sophia opposed the

Deimurge (or Jehovah, who is called Ialdabaoth or the ‘Aborted one’ in a blasphemous way by Gnostics as a lesser, insecure god) since the Deimurge wanted man to not eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Sophia is the Hypostatis of the archons or the female spiritual principle. Gnosticism's Gospel of Thomas falsely teach that women will have to turn into males to enter the Kingdom of of Heaven and "...that one who is acquainted with father and mother will be called the son of a prostitute.”

What does this have to do with Captain Planet's cartoon series? Well,

Captain Planet is a cartoon that deals with the Goddess Gaia (or the spirit of the Earth being played by Whoppi Goldberg in the cartoon). Captain Planet was created in 1990 by

Robert Larkin III and Barbara Pyle (who was a Ted Turner media innovator). The purpose of the cartoon was to raise awareness among viewers about environmental hazards. Now, Captain Planet summons 5 Planeteers to fight evil with their elemental rings. Captain Planet's identity isn't apart of one culture since his hair is green and his skin is sky Blue. Gaia can't use direct action, but use champions globally to fight against polluters. Gaia created the elemental rings. When a Planeteers summons a ring, a power of nature comes out of the ring. When their power combine, Captain Planet exists. Four of the Planeteers have rings based on the Classical elements: Earth (wielded by Kwame), Fire (Wheeler), Wind (Linka) and Water (Gi). The fifth member (Ma-Ti) is given a ring called “Heart”, which represents love, and enables telepathic communication with animals and Gaia. These elements are similar to the elements praised by Witches in their rituals. Captain Planet acts as a superhero and he says the power is yours (meaning that we have the responsibility to help the environment). Captain Planet shows the legitimate truth that the environment ought to be protect mixed with New Age/Gnostic ideology. One example is that Gaia acts as a Goddess similar to Sophia, there are elemental rings (which are similar to the elements that Sophia accidentally creates. These rings are magical), and the New Age promotion of Mother Earth (plus the power is yours instead of God's power) in the cartoon series.

David Bowie is an innovator of rock music. He was one of the first musicians to use glitter and was called the originator of punk music. He was controversial and has worldwide fame. Not to many individuals realize that David Bowie loved the works of Aleister Crowley and the Kabbalah. One of his famous songs is called "Station to Station." This song manipulates frequencies in the music by bending the sounds. He sings that: "...Dredging the ocean lost in my circle (PimPb1420 believes that these lyrics believe that the ocean of consciousness is in a magic circle). Here am I, Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean...Here are we one magical movement from Kether to Malkuth...There are you you drive like a demon from station to station...The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes...." When Bowie is in a video singing the song about the Kabbalah, he shows the horned handsign signifying that he's into the occult for real. Obviously, these lyrics refer to 2 sepiroth of the Kabbalah's tree of life. Bowie is even pictured drawing the Kabbalic tree of life (which is heavily used in ritualized magic). Kether is the crown of the tree of life at the top of the image. Kether means crown in Hebrew. Malkuth means Kingdom in Hebrew or the Shekhinah of the 10th sephirot in the Kabbalistic tree of life at the bottom. In the

Kabbalah, it‘s viewed that Malkuth is in Kether and vice versa. This means that both are interchangeable or as above or below. Malkuth is the bottom gate into the rest of the paths of the sepiroth. The Kabbalah teaches that these 10 sephirot (or "entities") that were instrumental in creating the Universe without God directly doing it. In the Kabbalah, these sephirots are the 10 attributes of God (who is referred to as ‫ סוף אין אור‬Aur Ain Soph, "Limitless Light, Light Without End"). This tree of life is utlized as building bridges or a step by step process to understand God's total existence. David Bowie has ties to the Golden Dawn, the A.A., and the Ordo Templi Orientis or O.T.O. Aleister Crowley is also cited as an influence for Jimmy Page, Sting, Ozzy Osbourne, the Beatles, and a whole group of rock stars. That is why David Bowie is wearing an uniform that looks very similar to Aleister Crowley's Egyptian like uniform (Bowie points in a director similar to Crowley as well). David Bowie in

Quiksand admits that: "...I'm closer to the Golden Dawn, Immersed in Crowley's uniform of imagery..." Bowie's lightning bolt image on his face influences Lady Gaga, who she admittedly loves Bowie's work. According to the Dictionary of Symbols, the thunderbolt has this meaning: "...The thunderbolt is held as an emblem of sovereignty. The winged thunderbolt expresses the ideas of speed and power. Jupiter's three thunderbolts symbolize chance, destiny, and providence-the forces that mould the future...The vajra, the Tibetan symbol for both 'thunderbolt' and 'diamond', is also connected to the world axis...It is also related to the glance from the third eye of Shiva (or Siva) the destroyer of all material forms..." (J. E. Cirlot, "The Dictionarry of Symbols," New York, New York, Philosophical Library, Inc. 1972, pg. 342). Thunderbolt images have been utilized by Nazis and rockers like KISS (who sung a song called "Gods of Thunder." KISS was very Satanic in their lyrics back then). A glance at the lyrics from "Unholy" on their album "Revenge" show that they approve of the incubus and the "lord of the flies" which is a code name of Satan: "...I am the incubus/ I lay the egg in you The worm that burrows/ Through your brain But you are the beast/ That calls me by my name Unholy I was created by man, yeah I'm the Lord of the flies, you know I'm Unholy From the left hand of power comes the father of lies Unholy - Unholy!.." What more evidence do you need of the satanic nature of many people in mainstream music. Now,

one member of KISS named Gene Simmons supports Planned Parenthood, which murders unborn human beings, especially those in minority communities. Many children sings these songs from Gaga talking about just dance (while forgotten the real issues in the world). Lady Gaga obsesses with fame as she admitted this truth to Paris Hilton. Hilton and Madonna studies Kabbalah. Lady Gaga shows the All Seeing Eye image in her handsigns and the All Seeing Eye implanted in a picture of her on her hand. She is picture with a "peace sign" image or tattoo on her arm as well. Not to many folks know the real meaning of the peacesign. The peace sign was known as a Runic sign of death. It's the image of the broken cross including in black magic ceremonies. It appears on the tombstones of some of Hitler's SS troops. Bowie went into controversy by showing a Nazi salute. Eric Bradger wrote about the Peace sign that that: "...Throughout the last 2,000 years this symbol has designated hatred of Christians. Nero, who despised Christians, crucified the Apostle Peter on a cross head downward. This hideous event resembled the Teutonic cross and became a popular pagan insignia of the day. Thereafter, this sign became known as the 'Neronic cross.'"The symbol's origin in history proves it to be the visual mystic character for 'Aum' (the split 'Y'). This is the sacred word to the Hindu. Chanting 'Aum' is supposed to help awaken 'the serpent power of Brahma' at the base of the human spine. Occultist Albert Pike also identifies this symbol as mystical in his book on Freemasonry Morals and Dogma..." The Nazis are

known for their love of the occult as confirmed by this source: "It should be remembered that Blavatsky's works—notably Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine—appear to be the result of prodigious scholarship and were extremely convincing in their day. The rationale behind many later Nazi projects can

be traced back...to ideas first popularized by Blavatsky. A caste system of races, the importance of ancient alphabets (notably the runes), the superiority of the Aryans (a white race with its origins in the Himalayas), an "initiated" version of of astrology and astronomy, the cosmic truths coded within pagan myths ... all of these and more can be found both in Blavatsky and in the Nazi Party itself, specifically in the ideology of its Dark Creature, the SS. It was, after all, Blavatsky who pointed out the supreme occult significance of the swastika." (Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda, 1995, p.15). Lady Gaga is known to show the OK handsign. Occult symbols mean something, yet the establishment wants us to be ignorant of their evil devices. We aren't in this generation. Lady Gaga says that she loves the fame. We should love the wickedness of the world even if it comes in the form of “Fame.“ Fame have broken the hearts of many individuals who strive to be apart of that sinister world. The new generation of corporate artists love the compromise in society and they struggle with good plus evil. One easy example is Kristina Dabarge's song called "Sabotage." This came out in 2009 from Island Def Jam Music Group. In it, she admits that she struggles with being either a good girl or a bad girl in her life (symbolizing with a devil telling her to do evil and an angel trying to prevent her from doing evil). Kristinia sings that her heart is broke over and over again. The heart being broken according to some individuals means that someone sold their souls.

There are plenty of musicians either talking about issues of exposing the new world order agenda and trying to get our of industry because of the corruption of it. Lauryn Hill is one musician that have rejected the corruption of many facets of society. Lauryn Hill on television gave a spoken word poem called "Motives and Thoughts." This doesn't mean I agree with Lauryn Hill on everything she does though. Some excepts of her words are:

"Rotating bodies, confusion in sound, Negative imagery holding us down Social delusion, clearly constructed Human condition, morals corrupted, Trapped in reaction, lawlessness, war..." "Dissatisfaction, from bowels to core, Devils technology is strategy for, Human mythologies and urban folklore Sick of psychology and counterfeit cures, Wicked theology robbing the poor Scheme demonology misleading the pure, Strict and strategically studying war.." The meaning of these words are self-explanatory. She is explaining her that the world is filled with deception and war. These realities are a violation of our human dignity and they hold up the real human potential to build up a better society in general. There are other parts of the spoken word that are more profound than these excepts. Lauryn Hill said that the Pope should not be called Holy Father since only God should be called that name. O.D.B. wasn't crazy or insane as the media would portray him as well. He was someone that was very intelligent, he wasn't perfect, and he exposed the propaganda in some aspects of mainstream music. ODB talks with Method Man. Method man complains about corny music is not representing a authentic way of expressing true music. ODB says (in reference to how nihilistic music is highly popular in society) that: "...It's the Government...The government brainwash our people with the mind control deal. That's what they do, so they make sure people like it, they keep playing the same song. The same song keeps playing you start to like it, you start to get programmed with it, you start to get cloned with it...So then for the clone exist and the clone takes over, it takes over the human body it takes over the spirit, it takes over the soul..." What ODB is saying that the government is trying use mundane, repetitive music in over to take over the mind and soul of people in a mind control type way. ODB continues to say that: "...My people...I'm not crazy at all, ok. Everybody always saying dirty is crazy. Dirty is not crazy at all, Dirty just see...for see that a lot of people don't for see..." ODB complained that people tried to kill him while he was in jail. He was scared for the government trying to harm him. So, ODB spoke out about the government using music for mind control, which even researcher Dr. Dennis Cuddy have exposed this issue. O.D.B. lived from 1968 to 2004. He died of an accidental "drug overdose." I don't agree with ODB on everything though. He still was apart of a culture that use profanity, exploitation of human beings, and glorification of violence. Steve-O suffered through drug addiction and said that he claims to be possessed by demons. That is why he acted out of control years ago. He believes that his mind was in a battle between angels and demons.

David Blaine in a video goes into a voodoo ritual. Blaine said that: "...In Haiti magic and voodoo are considered the same thing..." In the ritual, there is an image of the All Seeing Eye. There are horned people in paintings and there is a Square & Compass image on the pole in the ceremony place. Vybz Kartel is a Jamaican reggae artists who shows a Masonic ring in a cover of his album. He talks about how he reaches 33 degrees in Masonry and they are the Heights of evil. It's disputed whether he's a real Freemason or not. He sings that: "...We murder people in broad daylight..." Some musicians become so disgusted with the culture in Hollywood that they take drastic action or leave the industry all together. Many of these artists, actors, performers, etc. are puppets creating a fictional image of their

real lives. One example is how 50 cent raps about using drugs all of the time, etc. in his song "High All of the Time." 50 Cent admits to NY radio host Angie Martinez that he doesn't use marijuana and rarely drinks alcohol. Another example is how Rick Ross denies being a C.O. in a lie and then admits that he was a C.O. R &B artist Houston Edward Summers IV (who is from LA) was so mad at the industry's exploitation of him that he gouged out of one his own eyes out. He wanted out of the music industry. Houston said that he's closer to God after the incident. Houston was raised in a Christian family. His bodyguard named Marco Powell admits to this. Powell said that he wasn't happened with management and he was battling spiritual warfare with good and evil. Today, Houston is blind in his left side and has a glass eye. He was suffering from emotional issues (and was once under the influence of PCP). Houston felt no remorse of the incident of hurting his own eye. Houston said that industry tried to changed him from his normal element (like putting on a Michael Jackson Jacket) and that shady characters existed from the Hollywood scene (which is true). He said: "..so I stay in

the background. When it comes to taking you some place and making you do something...I say not to it..." He said that he was dealing with thugs, gangsters, and mafia. Amil used to be Jay Z's protege, but left Roc a fella records. Amil raps about the evils in the world, the evils of the Devil, the evils that the love of money can bring, and other issues. In her song called Quarrels, she raps that: "...Told me sell my people crack and get rich off fens, You love the number 6 but hate the number 13... You wanna, be the one to pick me when I fall. Told me hang casear Borgia on my living room wall (Caesar Borgia is the Italian cardinal or duke that many artists use his image to promote a false image of Jesus Christ that is promoted in apostate Christianity. He lived from 1476 to 1507)... You give me rewards when I rob and steal, want me to abort my babies and get on the pill, You put burners in the hood so each other we kill, I see your eye watching me on the Dollar Bills (the eye of Horus or the false new Age Messiah), When I got the scoop on you, it just made you mad, Cause I moved out your crib, packed all my bags..." It seems that Amil knows about the evil elite using abortion, gun running among criminals, and other things to try to harm the black community and all communities worldwide. Ceasare Borgia was the son of Pope Alexander VI. Pope back then in the Renaissance and the Reformation period committed some of the most wicked acts in history like adultery, murder, etc. The Pope wanted his son Borgia to be painted as the image of Jesus Christ. Leonardo da Vinci did it. Amil also says in the song that: "...You built Sodom and Gommorah for us all to lie in, When we was cool you used to me all your visions, Like how you gonna rule the nations under one religion (in reference to Satan's plan to create the one world order, but God will stop him in the end), You got this new world order, it's like a big prison, You said you wanna be worshipped form noon to noon, Nothings gonna get better is what we all assumed, Cause nights is getting shorter and it's snowing in June, I see you working overtime cause you out of her soon..."

Dylan was once an ally to Billy Graham, who called for a new world order in the 1990’s. His friends and other people around said that he shifts through personalities. The image on the right is one of the logo pins from his online store. It presents many stars and the All Seeing Eye of Horus. The Eye of Horus is an occult symbol describing false gods. This doesn't mean I agree with Amil on every issue. I show her own words to prove a point that even those in the rap or Hip hop world realize that the evil in Planet Earth is extreme (and we should fight against it). It's seems like even those in the worldly crowd or people who left

companies knows about entertainment industry being corrupt on so many levels. Well, you don't need profanity, hypocrisy, unnecessary anger, or bigotry to make good music. You do need to realize that not all music is evil, but there is nothing wrong with exposing evil music. It's interesting for everyone waking up now. It's certainly true that the Antichrist will be gone, and the end will truly have true tranquility in the world. B.o.B holds up the horned hand sign. Bob Dylan is an enigma in some cases of his music and personal life. He is filled with contradictions and mysteries. He was born in 1941 and his real name is Robert Zimmerman. He popularized the merging of folk and rock music. He sang about many issues like pacificism, humanism, civil rights, and some themes dealing with the New Age Movement. He converted to Christianity in 1973. His early songs were very philosophical and questioning concepts. He introduced the Beatles to marijuana in America. Many of Dylan’s songs were about drugs, including “Lay Down Your Weary Tune,” “Subterranean Homesick Blues,” and “Mr. Tambourine Man.” Dylan’s backup group, which was known only as the Band, was formerly called Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks. They “had a reputation for pill popping, whoring, and brawling that was second to none” (Robert Palmer, Rock & Roll an Unruly History, p. 3). Even in his 1976 album cover of

Desire, it shows Bob Dylan smoking marijuana in one corner, a black magic tarot card in another corner, and a huge Buddha in the bottom corner. Next to the Buddha are the words: “I have a brother or two and a whole lot of Karma to burn … Isis and the moon shine on me” (Muncy, The Role of Rock, p. 167). So, even in the 1970's, he accepted New Age ideology. He divorced Sara Lowndes in 1977 and tried to be a rededicated Christian in 1978. He went into a home Bible study with his girlfriend Mary Alice. Alice tried to help Dylan really embrace Christianity, but Dylan said that only his experience made him born again (which is apart of the false Vineyard Theology). Yet, our experiences, feelings, visions, voices,

etc. can never save the soul. Only God does by his grace and blood. Dylan soon rejected Christian doctrines and returned to standard rock music. His 1983 album of Infidels existed and he supports reincarnation. An article in the San Luis Obispo (California) Register for March 16, 1983, quoted Dylan as saying: “Whoever said I was Christian? Like Gandhi, I’m Christian, I’m Jewish, I’m a Moslem, I’m a Hindu. I am a humanist.” Recently, Dylan supports Lubatich Hasidism. That is an ultra-orthodox form of Judaism and he is ironically a Jewish man. He is an Ecumenical by performing before Pope John Paul II in September 1997. (at a Roman Catholic youth festival in Bologna, Italy). Bob Dylan said to 60 Minutes' Ed Bradley that he made a bargain with an entity. He doesn't say whether if it's God or Satan. He made this bargain to be famous. Dylan said that it's the chief commander in the Earth and the world we can't see. It could be Satan because the false god of this world is Satan. Therefore, Bob Dylan is a key deception in the music industry. He's not a true Christian today. The Eurtyhmics made a song called "Sweet Dreams." A woman named Annie Lennox sings that: "...Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody's looking for something...Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused...." The images in the video show the Moon launch back in 1969. She is being sarcastic when she talks about who am I to disagree. The reason is the sweet dreams of some people are notoriously evil and greedy people are in the world. The woman in the songs talks about people that rule the world and those subjected under their control (with some wanting to be used in a perverted type of way). She compares the masses control as a herd of sheep. A sheep or a herd are domestic animals that are kept, driven, and reared together. The global elite readily view the rest of humans as sheep, because they view man as stupid and easy to control or manipulate. To view humans as animals is extremist. Yet, these globalist eugenicist view us as that to be curtailed. One pro-eugenicist even admitted that: "...Natural selection must be replaced by eugenical artificial selection. This idea constitutes the sound core of eugenics, the applied science of human betterment." - Theodosius Dobzhansky. Heredity and the Nature of Man. 1964 The woman (or Annie) in the video shows the All Seeing Eye and her third eye (she is being transformed into another dimension with the third eye sequence). The video shows cows, etc. The 7 seas according to PimPb1420 represent the 7 chakras. Now, it's time to define what a chakra is. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel, disc, or turning. In Hinduism and the occult, a chakra include wheel like vortices that are believed to exist in the surface of the etheric double man. The chakras are viewed as an energy field from a point on the physical body that can transmit energy. There are 7 major chakras of the human body that Hindus and New Agers embrace. According to Hindus and New Agers, the chakras can interact with the body's endocrine glands and lymphatic system to get good energy and get rid of unwanted bioenergies. These chakras on the human body are the crown, the brow, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the sacral, and the base chakra. Each have specialized meanings in relation to the human body. One big picture of this is that via yoya or mediation (which relate to the occult), occultists believe that the serpent or the kundalini travels up in the body from the feet to the 3rd eye on the head (via the wheels or chakras). The serpent has been praised by Freemasons even. Masonic writer George Oliver said that: "...The Serpent

universally esteemed a legitimate symbol of Freemasonry..." (George Oliver, Signs and Symbols , New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1906, p. 36). Manly P. Hall even wrote that: "The serpent is the symbol and prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil." -Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree Mason, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Now, the Mason Hall is referring to Satan in the Garden of Eden, so Hall is praising Satan. You couldn‘t make this stuff up. Hindus falsely believe that harnessing the Third eye of Shiva can cause man to be immortal. Shiva carry a snake

around his neck. The serpent in the occult is an archetype of Satan. In the transformation in the video she or Annie dressed with a suit and short hair to wearing long hair and wearing a dress (denoting the 2 constructs of male and female). The woman and the man walk amongst the cattle (representing humanity). They wide in a boat. The video outlines society being stirred by elitists, globalists viewing the rest of us as cattle of animals, transformation, and possession by evil.

Beyonce's "Sweet Dreams" has a complex level of slick symbolism, but it's real meanings are apparent. The subject in the video are very similar to possession, alternative realities, and mind control (where Beyonce expresses love for a being she calls "a sweet dream" or a "beautiful nightmare." Mind control deals with Beyonce in the video acting possessed and submit to her guide in a strange environment). The beginning of the video have darkness going across her face as if something flew passed her. Her heart beat then a sound effect comes, then a lullaby comes, and she goes through Disturbia (or acting out of control or being possessed). The lullaby gets more loud and she levitates into the air with a dove next to her. She becomes possessed. In Christian symbolism, the dove represents the Holy Spirit, but this scene isn't holy. It's about spirit possession and levitations. The dove flying in that scene is a mockery of the Holy Spirit since levitation has nothing to do with holiness at all. Occultists blaspheme God by comparing the Holy Spirit to Lucifer or the Serpent (like Albert Pike does). The dove descending is found in the logo of the OTO or the Ordo Templi Orientis. After she levitates she is placed into a new place

or dimension wearing a black dress, while she was originally sleeping in a white dress (probably meaning good and evil). The dove can also meaning her spirit rising in the air as well. Levitating has always meant to be possessed. She opens her eyes that outlines her realizing what is occurring. She feels her heart when she is in a new dimension to see if her heart is still beating. She screams and acts in a Disturbia fashion. The lights in the new world are shown in a special way. A light comes out of her head and split into 2 sides. There is also a rainbow connecting the 2 lights on the left and right side of the video. Beyonce have 2 dancers with her. When she says "Turn the lights on" the 2 women appear. There is a slick white horse coming from the light traveling from left to right in the video. This sweet dream video talking about dream scenarios and consciousness has been done by Madonna too (with a horse). Beyonce sings, “…Turn the lights on, Every night I rush to my bed, With hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you, When I close my eyes I’m going out of my head,

Lost in a fairytale, can you hold my hands and be my guide?,,,” (Is this a spirit guide?) (Beyonce is calling on her guide to help her): "..Clouds filled with stars cover the skies And I hope it rains, you're the perfect lullaby What kinda dream is this? You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare Either way I don't wanna wake up from you (Turn the lights on) Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true (Turn the lights on) My guilty pleasure, I ain't going no where Baby long as you're here I'll be floating on air 'Cause you're my You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare, Either way I don't wanna wake up from you (Turn the lights on)…….” Later on Beyonce sings that:

“…Tattoo your name across my heart, So it will remain, Not even death can make us part, What kind of dream is this?..."

The stars covering the sky refers to stars and some believe it describes people in Hollywood. In the video, Beyonce shows the image of the Vitruman man or the image of the Perfected Man. The rainbow in the form of a circle touches the body of Beyonce in the circle (which is similar to Da Vinci's Virtruman drawing). Beyonce sings that stars cover the sky and she hope it rains. Calling a man a star

has been an old saying. Beyonce sings that "You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare." The song shows her wanting to follow this entity regardless if it's good or evil. Beautiful nightmare is an oxymoron. A nightmare is never beautiful. Praising evil is wrong and the song has her saying she still supports the guide even if it's evil since she sings: "...Either way I don't wanna wake up from you..." This person is the guide that she wants to help her. Beyonce dances in a spiral vortex. Soon, Beyonce stands in front of a mirror. Mirrors in the occult are a reflection of the soul. She breaks the mirrors symbolically breaking parts of her soul (and the fragmentation of her consciousness) according to some people. The breaking of the mirrors can mean that Beyonce is curious in trying to discover her true self despite her multiple personalities like Sasha Fierce. The Dissociative nature of mind control is a key role in Monarch Programming. Mirrors are used in Witchcraft, scyring, and other occult practices. After the mirror smashing, The

video makes her transform into a robotic being (this reminiscences of the robotic agenda). The robot is typically a slave of a controller sent out to enact a duty. So, Beyonce in the video transforms herself from a woman into a robot/human hybrid in a dream world. The video shows Beyonce wanting to be a tool of this spirit guide or being. She sexualize herself with futuristic technology. She clicks her heels as attempting to go home. Even Maxwell have a women levitating in his new video. So, Beyonce's video describes transformation via levitation into a dream world (levitation relates to the occult, mediums, and channeling), the splitting of her personality, and the strange being that Beyonce wants to be with.

Jay Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West have their new song called "Run This Town." This song is from Jay Z's album called "Blueprint 3", which came out ironically on September 11, 2009. A blueprint in general is made up of plans developed by architect and it gives the plan to the builder. The builder must use resources to complete the design. In Freemasonry, they refer to God as an Architect. The logo of Freemasonry is the Compass and Square (which are common in building structures. With the letter G with meaning meanings like Generation, God, Geometry, etc.). Freemasons believes that they follow the blueprint to the Grand Architect of the Universe or GAOTU. The GAOTU is not the God of the Bible since God doesn't accept false gods as equivalent to each

other (as Masonry accepts). Masonic

authors are able to state: "In his private devotions a man may petition God or Jehovah, Allah or Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus; he may call upon the God of Israel or the Great First Cause. In the Masonic Lodge he hears humble petition to the Great Architect of the Universe, finding his own deity under that name." (Carl H. Claudy, Introduction to Freemasonry. Washington, D.C.: The Temple Publishers, 1959, vol. 1, pg. 37). Many Masons worship Lucifer and the pagan JAH-BUL-ON FALSE GOD. So, Jay Z's album of the Blueprint complication has some Masonic influence. Like those in Freemasonry, Jay Z believes in many routes in numerous religions to the same God. Jay Z believes in the Hindu heresy of karma as well. It's easily proven that the highest levels of mainstream Hip Hop (and other genres of music) has been infiltrated by the occult and the agenda of the new world order. Their video show tons of symbolism. Jay Z, Kanye West, and Rihanna picture themselves as "superheroes," but there are certainly messages in the video that have nothing to do with being a superhero at all. This video certainly will continue the rumors that Jay

Z is a Freemason or a member of some occult Secret Society. This Masonic/occult symbolism is definitely abundant in Jay Z's Rocawear clothing line that has been proven time after time again. Jay Z certainly loves the attention of those accusing him of being a Freemason/Illuminist by placing these hints in his clothing and videos. The director of "Run This Town" is Anthony Mandler. Mandler is the man who did Rihanna's "Disturbia" video. "Disturbia" is easily a video describing demonic or evil possession of human beings and the creation of multiple personalities. Mandler knows how to inject symbolism into videos. So, Jay Z uses ideas from Mandler and others to tell his stories. This isn't by chance at all. The video has him wearing a hoodie with the words of "Do what thou wilt." That phrase means to do what you want to do or do what you will. This saying was popularized centuries ago and by Aleister Crowley (he was a black magician of the Ordo Templi Orientis. He was called the wickedest man in the world). The O.T.O. is a hermetic order. It took influence from Freemasonry and German Illuminsim. Basically, it teaches its initiates the Mystery secrets, Gnosticism, the Kabbalah, sex magick, and other occultic beliefs.

Why more could be said about the almost billionaire Jay Z. He supports the dogma of karma, he rejects the Biblical call for judging righteous judgment (or we can judge in certain circumstances), he shook hands with population control advocates Bill Gates (he funds Planned Parenthood via his Gates Foundation in the millions of dollars. Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood and she wrote that she wanted infants to be killed) & Prince Charles, and he supports the CFRinfluenced United Nations. Like tons of mainstream artists, he supports the agenda of President Barack Obama (which is about permitting the wicked war on terror slaughtering people, abortion funding, prolonged detention, corporate lobbyists including Bilderbergers in Obama’s administration, the continuing warrant less wiretapping of citizens with immunity for some companies, and the continuation with the immoral Patriot Act). I don’t trust neo-cons either like Glen Beck, exPresident George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, or Bill O’Reilly, so this isn’t a left/right paradigm deal. As you can see, the Roc Nation, logo looks very similar to the occult symbol of the triqueta. So, I know the deal with Sean Carter. Is he a Freemason?

The O.T.O. embrace Luciferian beliefs as Crowley praised Lucifer in poems, rituals, etc. "Do what thou thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" is the O.T.O. maxim that is included in the Law of Thelema. It places human will above God's will. This maxim outlines moral relativism (or the view that there are no standards of right and wrong, good or evil) as Crowley was a moral relativism in his own words: “There are no “standards of Right”. Ethics is balderdash. Each Star must go on its own orbit. To hell with “moral principle”; there is no such thing” -Crowley, Aleister. The Old and New Commentaries to Liber AL, II,28. The Run This Town video have Jay Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West in front of an angry mob. This mob wants to overthrow the old order of things to create a new society. The ascetics of the video look similar to rebel factions in world revolutionary history. Utopians and elitists through ages have used the concept of Revolution as an excuse to promote their new order in the world. A consultant to the

Resettlement Administration during this period of the 1930s was Stuart Chase, who in 1932 had authored A NEW DEAL, boldly proclaiming:

"I am not seriously alarmed by the sufferings of the creditor class, the troubles which the church is bound to encounter, the restrictions of certain kinds of freedom which must result, nor even by the bloodshed of the transition period. A better economic order is worth a little bloodshed....Revolution can give what no other road promises to give so directly and forcibly---a new religion....It will be materialistic....We need a new religion."

There is a contradiction in the video. The video overtly promotes revolutionary themes, yet

Jay Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West rap or sing about their luxuries like Maisan Martin Margiela clothing, Riesling watches, and Maybach cars. This isn't similar to revolutionaries at all. The lyrics are pro-establishment. A man in the beginning of the video lit a torch to Rihanna to hold it in the air. The torch in esoteric though refers to knowledge and of course Lucifer (who is called the Light Bearer). Occult orders and Gnostics (who bash Yahveh) regularly praise Lucifer as the savior of humanity and the liberation. In truth, Lucifer isn't a liberator, but a deceiver and liar who made mankind incorporate sin in their lives. The torch of illumination is a common motif in Masonic structures like the Statue of Liberty (which was gift from French Freemasons to American Freemasons). So, the torch in the video represents so-called "illumination" to usher a new society. Rihanna sings that they will run this town and she's addicted to the thrill: "...Feeling it coming in the air, hear the screams from everywhere, I’m addicted to thrill, Its a dangerous love affair, Can’t be scared when it goes down, got a problem tell me now,

Only thing that’s on my mind is who going run this town tonight, who going run this town tonight..." Rihanna also sings about breaking the rules, not caring, and doing her own thing (These are all Crowleyan maxims. The reason is that doing your own thing and breaking the rules is about rebellion against authentic life. Aleister Crowley wrote about do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law) in the following lyrics: "...Life’s a game but it’s not fair I break the rules so I don’t care So I keep doing my own thing Walking tall against the rain Victory’s within the mile Almost there, don’t give up now Only thing that’s on my mind Is who gon’ run this town tonight Heeeeeeeeey heeeeeeay Heeeeeeeeey heeeeeeay Who gon’ run this town tonight?..."

Rihanna doesn't care about breaking the rules in this song. This means that she wants to ignore moral standards of good and evil to achieve her goals, because the game of life is unfair. That's silly, since we should thrive to do good even if certain people in life are corrupted. If there is any doubt of the proestablishment nature of this video, Rihanna in the video shows the horned Il Canuto sign. So,

Rihanna sings about a coming change. She knows that this new age that the video shows is evil since she sings about a "dangerous love affair." Jay Z announces Roc Nation, which was his admittedly overt reason on why he created the song. He said that "Run this Town" was about stamping his flag of his Roc Nation company. Ironically the new logo of the Roc Nation logo is a Triqueta occult symbol (which has been talked about by anti-Papal hero TheForerunner777. He believes that the triqueta relates to the pagan Trinity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus). According to Dr. Cathy Burns, the triqueta relates to paganism and 666. The triqueta has been embraced by New Agers desiring the new Aquarian Age as well. Jay Z raps that he wants to pledge allegiance to his new corporation of Roc Nation. Jay Z believes in an evolutionary progress to get where he's at. Jay Z raps about giving Doug (this could be Doug Morris) a grip. Grip has 2 major meanings in slang. One is money and the other is a Masonic handshake. The last line of his first verse is “Back to running circles’ round n____, now we squared up“. Aside from its obvious meaning, it also refers to the important Masonic concept of “squaring the circle”, which is way to deep to explain here (”I get more in-depth if you boys really real enough“). In the second verse, Jay-Z says ”It’s the return

of thee god“, which refers to the Luciferian belief of men being gods. This term is often used in NY slang and originates from the fact that many rappers were Five-Percenters, which is a group of people that believe in a philosophy based on the belief that certain men are gods. Jay Z was using the slang that the rapper Rakim uses in referring to a mere man as God. New Agers also view man as gods as well. He gave another possible double meaning verse saying: "...I’m in Maison, ugh, Martin Margiela.." Now, Martin Margiela is a clothing line. Now, he said "ugh" denoting a possible double meaning for Maison. Maison sounds very close to Mason. She (Rihanna shows the Rocafella sign with the left eye inside the triangle in the video ironically) says that Victory is within the mile meaning that her goal of a Revolution is nearing completion. "Run This Town" is a reference of occult philosophies. To recap on one issue: The fire in the torch signifies Illumination (and has been included in Luciferian beliefs. That is why Lucifer is called the light bearer, but he isn't the true Light. In the beginning of the video, a man with a black mask holds up a torch with his right hand acting as a rebel. Even in Freemasonry, the right hand means fidelity, faithfulness, and it's used to take an oath), the video promotes breaking the rules, the video promotes having anarchy (which is shown throughout the "Run this Town" video), and has a pro-establishment theme of materialism. There is a man in the video with a skulls bandana with holding a torch in an X-shaped pattern. X in the occult means Chi, qi energy force, and Osiris. So, this man promotes a false life force promoting anarchy. The Skulls and Bones symbol is found in Freemasonry in the 3rd Degree (of the Master Mason). Rihanna even wears a beret symbolizing a revolutionary mindset. Yet, the video is an contradiction. “We Run This Town” with

Jay Z doesn’t want to rebel totally against the system that made him rich and powerful. He wants to use the “Revolutionary” motif to continue as a means to promote the materialistic ideals in society. Jay Z says that he loves Frank Sinatra style (Jay Z calls himself a modern day Sinatra) and he’s “possessed by the spirits” in wearing his clothing. See, some believe that this video is a code from the industry to inspire people to randomly fight in a controlled “Revolution” in order for the government to implement more oppressive laws plus even martial law (in other words, it‘s a form of Order out of Chaos). That’s an interesting view. People

like Jay Z and Madonna in my opinion are some of the few artists that know exactly about the occult and what they are doing in the aesthetics of their music videos (plus other endeavors).

Woodstock is over 40 years old in 1969. It occured in Upstate New York to celebrate drugs and rock and roll. The legacy of Woodstock is easy to understand if you get rid of the politically correct lens of faulty history books. The Woodstock celebration was the absolute peak of the Hippie Movement in my opinion. There were almost half of a million people gathered on a farm about 100 miles north of New York City. They immersed themselves in a Dionysian frenzy of sex, drugs, etc. It promoted the myth that we are entering the Age of Aquarius or a new age of peace, love, and unity. The world's media like the AFP news service classified Woodstock as "epoch making" plus building on 1950's rock. They say that 60's rock changed Western society in big ways and some of it tore down Biblical influence. Christians have exposed how 1960's counterculture rebelled against God and his moral laws. The theme was “I’m free to do what I want any old time” (Rolling Stones, 1965). The rock and roll

philosophy is a me lifestyle. This fulfills Biblical prophecy: "...This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves...” (2 Timothy 3:1-2). Woodstock have lead a legacy of drug addiction, drunkenness, rebellion, pride, spiritual delusion, and immorally. One example are many of the bands playing that entertained the crowd. Some of them died of an early age of alcohol or drug abuse like Janis Joplin, Keith Moon of the Who, and others. Many others, such as Joe Cocker, Sly Stone, and David Crosby, came within a hair’s breadth of dying young from their addictions. Even Skip Spence of Jefferson Airplane ruined his mind so much by LSD (that was used by the elite to stagnant real movements for change) that he spent the last decades of his life in psychiatric institutions plus living in the streets. This isn't love or happiness. This is oppression. The Grateful Dead called each other the "Warlocks." Even members of the Grateful Dead died of drug or alcohol abuse. Ron “Pigpen” McKernan died in 1973 at age 27 of alcohol abuse. Keith Godchaux died in 1980 at age 32 in a car crash. David Torbert,

founding member of the Grateful Dead offshoot group The New Riders of the Purple Sage, died in 1982 at age 34 of a heart attack. Brent Mydland died in 1990 at age 37 from an overdose of cocaine and heroin. Jerry Garcia died in 1995 just seven days after his 53rd birthday of heart or liver failure brought on by years of drug abuse. He died in a drug treatment center where he was battling a heroin addiction. This list goes on an on. The Grateful Dead glorified drug abuse from their beginning in 1965. They worked as a house band for Ken Kelsey's Acid Test, which was a series of public LSD parties. LSD chemist Owsley Stanley funded the rock group for awhile. Members of the Grateful Dead were accused of distributing LSD-laced apple juice to an unwitting audience. Their concert made 36 people to be rushed to a nearby Crisis Clinic for treatment. So, people realize what Woodstock was all about. Woodstock had people trying to find peace and joy, but underneath the facade was a promotion of moral relativism and a deceptive lifestyle.

Secret Societies influence popular culture as tons of individuals now realize. Sex magic is a common feature of the occult and secret societies. In the 21st century, they are promoted in music videos. Many music videos that are mainstream are very ritualistic and relate to the occult, Secret Societies, or an agenda of the establishment. In occult orders, there are groups that promote the mysteries covertly like Freemasonry and promote it overtly (like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn). In these groups, spiritualism is promoted in symbolical form in their initiation rituals or in the supplemental study in the Golden Dawn. The higher levels of these groups are the operative orders. These group do special magical or alchemical operations. They claim that doing these things can help spiritual development, which it doesn't. A simple example of the occult influence in the mainstream music industry is how black magician Aleister Crowley was praised by the Beatles, Led Zepplin (who popularized backward messages in music which Crowley supported backward writing, etc. Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin loved Crowley‘s works), and the Rolling Stone. The image on the right is how the P.O.D. supported the occult triqueta symbol. P.O.D. is a “Christian rock” group. Dr. Terry Watkins, Th.D. and other Christians have exposed the apostasy of P.O.D. One example of their apostasy is working with Satanist Marilyn Manson (who is quoted as advocating recreational drug use, killing people, he tore pages of the Holy Bible in concerts, he publicly calls for the end of Christianity, etc. What more proof do you need of the evil Marilyn Manson done) on his album. They are hypocrites for P.O.D.‘s Sonny wanting to criticize Manson, but he wants to criticize conservative Christians constantly (in believing in the lie that we can‘t judge in any circumstance). P.O.D. admits to drinking alcohol and partying. They are known to regularly use profanity when the Scriptures say get rid of filty

communication out of your mouth. Wuv openly admits that are NOT even trying to present the gospel! "I mean, we are Christian, but we’re not out preaching to everybody. That was never our agenda. We just play rock and roll, dude. . . We’re not religious or anything. It’s no big deal. ... -Wuv, from P.O.D. (Drum!, Sept.-Oct. 2001, p. 86) "Our faith plays a lot in our personal lives, but we're a rock-and-roll band. This album is about rock and roll, and that's it." -Wuv, from P.O.D (AP, Nov. 2001, p. 59)

P.O.D. are liars since Jesus Christ commands all Christians to spread the Gospel regardless of what job they possess. The apostle Paul said that we should preach the Gospel in season and out of season. They even go and support Ozzfest when Ozzy Osbourne have promoted ungodly songs for almost 40 years. Therefore, P.O.D. isn’t fooling anyone. I know of their agenda, which is to bridge the gap of the secular/new world order crowd and others. Other musicians then and now are influenced by Crowley. L. Ron Hubbard supported Crowley, but Crowley considered Hubbard as an extremist. Hubbard founded the cult of Scientology. These Iluminists use these cults to brainwash the common man into control. Aleister Crowley back in the early 20th century wanted a breakdown of the nuclear family, wanted sexual licentiousness to reign, and desired a hatred of Christianity. Today, we see all 3 goals being commonplace in America and the world. Crowley was in the highest levels of the Golden Dawn, he called himself a high level Freemason (in the European Lodges), and he supported Enochian magic. He wanted to do Enochian sex magic (like in his book entitled, "Enochian World of Aleister Crowley"). Crowley believed that the bridge between the material and spiritual worlds could be merged by integrating Enochiana (or a powerful form of magic) with sex magic (which is common in kama sutra which some believe invoke demon spirits). Ciara has a song promoting love, sex, and magic. Ciara admits that she learn hypnosis from Disney's Justin Timberlake and how she like to use it to make herself more popular. Ciara is also into numerology. Hypnosis is a Mystery Religion concept used by Masons, etc. for eons. Dr. Israel Regardie (a follower of Crowley) believed that certain sex magic techniques could be used by advanced students to incarnate spiritual energies on the physical plane, as well as making important shifts in the orientation of the psyche and the Universe. These extremists believe that you can make magical children and this is done by witches and wizards. Some of the followers of this stuff claim that they see angels, which they don't (since angles don't participate in sexual acts at all. They are independent of human

endeavors). Hand signs are common in the Golden Dawn in claiming that you can open a portal in the air (They are shown in an elemental initiation ceremony). The sign of Philosophus in the Golden Dawn is very similar to the Roc handsign. The sign of Practicus is an upside down Roc sign placed in the waist of the human body. The sign of Zelator is similar to a seig heil salute. The sign of Theoricus (of the Elemental grades) is hands lifted in the air. These signs are often for testing and greeting "entities" according to the Golden Dawn. There is an Enochian alphabet as well. The big picture is that the unbiblical occult groups used these things as a means of control. The occult means secret so they want to promote secrecy while throwing this nonsense in our faces. In this generation, we know what the real deal is.

Star Trek still influences people to this day after decades since its creation. Star Trek is probably one of the most popular science fiction TV shows of all time. Its storyline and episodes outline an interest in the future and the happenings of space. It offers fictional accounts of

Star Trek like many of these types of shows in Hollywood present an outer image of talk of aliens to omit their secret dogma of bashing traditional values (in order to make people embrace New Age, occult values). Deception is very common now. Star Trek is also promoting the alien

the world, but it humanizes these alien beings.

agitation that is still going on today. Star Trek came about in the late 1960's originally. Its first episode aired on Thursday, September 8, 1966 at 8:30 pm. EST. It featured the first interracial kiss in an America TV series between a white man and a black woman (in the year of 1967). It was gone and it was revitalized in the 1980's by Gene Roddenberry. In the late 1980's, there was Star Trek the Next Generation that was supported by millions of people called "Trekies" in the country plus in the world. Star Trek deals with New Age subject matter from telekinesis, atheism, channeling, mind transferring, etc. The creator of Star Trek is Gene Roddenberry (who is a founder of many influence in sci-fi shows). It's not unusually to see that Gene expressed anti-God and anti-Christian views openly. Gene was raised a Baptist in the South in his youth. Yet, he rejected the sermons that

were preached to him in the church he resided in. He said that: "...I had never really paid much attention to the [church] sermon before, I was more interested in the deacon's daughter and what we might be doing between services...I listened to the sermon and I remember complete astonishment because what they were talking about were things that were just crazy." (The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek, Joel Engel, pg. 49). He lied and commented that Baptists eat communion to be cannibals when Baptists (like me) believe that the communion was symbolic of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gene believed in the New Age lie that man is God. He placed this view in the context of his Star Trek episodes. He admitted that: "It’s not the Judeo-Christian God...Creating Star Trek was a very spiritual experience....It's my word...it's that divinity in us that we call God." (The Last Conversations, Yvonne Fern, pg. 56). One scene in a Star Trek movie promote the lie that God is solely within man and God is not Separate who is not man. The goes by this dialogue: Captain Kirk: "Cosmic thoughts gentlemen?" Bones McCoy: "We came speculating. Is God really out there?" Captain Kirk: "Maybe he's not out there, Bones. Maybe he's right here. (Pointing to his chest.) The human heart." This proves that Gene wanted to support the Crowleyian tenet of getting rid of moral restrictions. Joel Engel further writes about Gene that he was: "...A devotee of humanistic philosophy, he had disdained organized religion, having long before slammed the door on the Baptist teachings of his early childhood in the belief that religious faith was a vestige of pre-rational age. In Roddenberry's universe, Man made the rules and Man could break the rules." That is why he joined the American Humanist Association in 1986. In May 1991 Roddenberry was awarded the AHA's Humanist Arts Award. The Star Trek story issues myths and parades to describe a message in an intellectual way. One example is when Captain James T. Kirk met with Bele and Lokai of different races in the same planet. Both are black one side of their body and white on the other side of their body. One race is white on the left while the other is white on the right. The two races were violently prejudiced against each other and warred until Bele and Lokai were the only ones left. The story is absurd; but it is supposed to be, because the whole point is the absurdity of racism. Racism is indeed absurd. Other episodes question the existence in God even in the Next Generation. Gene claimed that he brings his character in an introduction. He calls himself a vehicle and an transporter of these characters in the world. Roddenberry admitted that he received the basis for his

shows via psychic intervention and explanation. these occult practices were embraced by Anton LaVey and Aleister Crowley. It isn't unusual that Gene would follow occultism. He also thinks that man will evolve into a new species in order to be interdependent among each other. He wants a human collective. Gene Roddenberry knew that further television shows would embrace such radical humanist, New Age doctrines. Star Trek basically feels that man can make up his own rules without following the will of God. Roddenberry believes that religion is the cause of many wars and he wished the future world would be gone of any religion. The truth is that wars occur, because of

numerous reasons. Some wars have anti-religious intentions like wars in China, the Soviet Union, and French during the late 18th century. The questions about God and life are important to investigate and learn about. Yet, I never use my inquiry as an excuse to promote occult/New Age teachings, radical humanism, or bashing God at all.

Transformers 2 is a famous summer movie of 2009. It doesn't take a genius to figure that the movie industry and Hollwyood is ruled by an oligarchy (or a small number of companies, creeds, and specific bloodlines) that show films to promote an agenda or stir behaivors. People have believed that Transformers 2 is a precise representation of promoting the New World Order agenda (like Ustad Jee, Enigma, Vigilant Citizen.com, Pastor Joe Schimmel, etc.). Transformers 2 deal with military power and militarization. They show military from all over the world as an unified coalition. This deals with the globalism of the Earth. One example is that the film has America with other militaries worldwide helping Qatar and other Middle Eastern nations. The elected officials like the President in the film isn't shown making decisions or have power less than the military (which makes a lot of decisions in the world to deal with human populations). The badge of one soldier in the film actually says: “If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you." This relates to the evil authoritarian troops in that film. The film deals with advanced robotic beings, authoritarian ideologies (that

contradict free processes), and the establishment of a new world order. A police car in the movie even has the words of "to punish and to enslave" on it. It talks about alien life as our brothers. The alien robotic beings are protrayed as almost godlike beings (while ignoring the power of God). There is a pyramid in Transformers 2 with the missing capstone. A professor in the film eats an apple and drops it. The professor teaches astronomy and says: "...that we are going on a Journey, you and I today, All eager young nubile minds on the cusp of adulthood, and I shall be a consort, your guide, your chaperone into the heart of darkness..." That means that he wants to go from darkness into the light with his teaching (while biting the apple as an example of it). The professor's words are similar to the story of Genesis (where God punishes Adam and Eve for eating the fruit from the tree). In other words, eating the fruit in a class if similar to the eating of the fruit from the Bible. Gnosticism teaches that man did the right thing by eating the fruit in order to achieve knowledge. Sam is chosen to lead the autobots in order to save the world (while Optimus Prime is a mythological godlike archetype similar to Odin, Horus, etc.). So, movies are sometimes slick in promoting the occult and make manifest the objectives of the brainwashing of society.

Transformers deal with the cosmic battle of good and evil. The good robots are called "Autobots" and the bad robots are called "Decepticons." The autubots are in search of the all god spark of life call the All Spark. They work with the U.S. military to gain victory to prevent an Armageddon like event. There is more to this picture. Michael Bay inverted the Book of Revelation of making the good characters and bad characters in inverted. Megan Fox recently said that if an invasion of transformers did occur on Earth, she said that she wants people to be spared except in her words: "...all of the white trash, hillbilly, anti-gay, super bible beating people in Middle America..." So, she mocks conservative Christians as bigots if you peacefully disagree with certain lifestyles. That's typically of Megan Fox and her ilk. The killing of Christians is a common theme of extremist New Agers. The Book of Revelation outlines the murder of Christians. Gnosticism inverts the Bible in believing the Serpent did the right thing in giving man the inspiration to eat the fruit and that Yahveh God is cruel and evil. That's a lie of course. The Bible is clear that God is holy, yet fallen angels (whose leader is Satan) is constantly trying to deceive man with lying signs and wonders. Transformers believe that the Cube created all life. The Transformers' home planet was destroyed. The autobots claimed that Megatron betrayed them (the autobots rebelled against the ruler Megatron. The autobots consider him a tyrannical ruler) and the autobots traveled into the Earth. This is similar to the fallen angels and Satan rebelling against Almighty God. Then God banish the fallen angels and Satan into Earth. The autobots rebelling seem similar to Gnosticism (with the Gnosticism praising the evil angels rebelling against God). Gnostics view the Creator of the Universe as evil and that is why Transformer 2 have the autobots seeking to destroy the All Spark (which is depicted as the Creator). The "All Spark" cube that is said to create the Transformers. The cube is apart of occult symbolism, Freemasonry, etc. One meaning is that it represents Saturn. Cube imagery is found in the Benben or capstone in ancient Egypt, Cube of Zoroaster, the Black stone of Mecca in Islam, etc. Freemasonry teaches that the black cube is the protection of their Fraternity and justice. The book of Revelations shows evil people trying to fight against God, but they will fail. Luke says that Jesus Christ saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning. The Book of Revelation depict Satan and fallen angels are fallen into Earth before the battle of Armageddon. The fallen beings of the autobots like Optimus Prime are depicted in Transformers 2 as helpers of humanity. Ironically, Satan/Lucifer always transform himself (like a Transformer) into an angel of light in order to try to decieve humanity as found in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15. The Decipticons in the film harm people and look similar to the scorpin beings from the Book of Revelation punishing sinners. Pastor Joe Schimmel believes that Megatron is a veiled depiction and mocking of the Lord Jesus Christ. Megatron is shown as dead and then rose again 3,000 years later. Jesus died and rose again in 3 days (The Bible says that a day is as 1,000 years. So, 3,000 years is related to 3 days Biblical). Jesus Christ rose on the Third Day. Megatron might be a play on

words of Metratron (or the angel of the Lord. Metratron has been called Enoch being transformed into an angel, etc.). Some view Metratron as the angel of the Lord in the burning bush talking to Moses. 3 Enoch 12:1-5 depicts Metatron as a lesser YHVH. I don't agree with that since Jesus Christ is God in the flesh not a lesser god. Some view similar incidents in the OT as the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ dealing with the OT world. Metatron means next to the divine throne. Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God the Father. It's typical of Transformers using Megatron as evil and invert the book of the Revelation prophecies. In the end, the fallen autobots defeats Megatron and the Creator Cube. Michael Bey's film refuses to acknowledge God's Judgment. Shia LaBoeuf said that sometimes that he lives an meaningless life Hollywood is full of bottom feeders. He says that he's an alcoholic and has a God-sized hole in his heart. That's ironic since drugs, recreational alcoholic usage, immorality, etc. will leave a heart in one's soul until we accept the one true God into our own hearts.

Religious apostasy and popular culture do mix at many occasions. Heather Veitch is a famous woman of the JC's Girls. JC is short for Jesus Christ (which used to be called Matthew's House). Veitch's ministry is called JC's Girls Girls Girls. Heather calls herself the Pussycat Preacher. You couldn’t make this stuff up. Many real Christians have criticized her lukewarm preaching of God's word and love to the lost and broken sex industry workers. She neglects the message of repentance. Heather even goes as far as teaching the heresy that some girls don't leave the industry since it's not realistic. Heather justifies this stuff by saying that Jesus hanged out with tax collectors and prostitutes. Yet, Jesus Christ never participated in that lifestyle and preached the Gospel to them so that they can leave that world. Heather was asked if she was supportive of strippers even if they continue to strip. She responded that: "...We don't ask them to stop their jobs. That's just not realistic..." That's contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ as said in Mark 2:17. Jesus said that he has come to call people to repentance. Using Heather's logic, a prostitute also doesn't have to stop seeing clients. This logic isn't feasible as prostitution is wrong. Heather has her won sugarcoated Gospel where she mainly tells people God love them while omitted the need for people to need the Savior. So, Heather Veitch preaches another false Gospel, another false Jesus that doesn't need repentance. Heather made the ignorant comment that: "...Please try to keep in mind that what I do is not directed at Christians but at girls who work on the sex industry. They look up to people who are sexier than they are…who look better than they do...who are well, hot like me.."

We judge people by their actions not by their appearance in the flesh (which will wither and die as we age anyway. When you get old, you will have gray hair. If you want love, it‘s better to find the person that loves you for you instead of someone acting fake). Heather regularly dressed up as a performing porn star to get the attention of people in the adult industry and strippers. Heather met with Jimmy D, who is a porn What does "physical appearance' have to do with salvation? Absolutely nothing.

producer, so he can take their photographs for their website. Jimmy D wears a Bad Girl producer TShirt. Heather claims that she wants to reach the porn stars. Jimmy D Digiorgio says that they walked through Satan's door. Heather says that: "...We want pictures that look like we could be like those girls..." The pictures are pictures of girls in the porn industry. Why would a real Christian woman want to look like a porn star? She says that we don't judge them when God in John 7:24 says Judge righteous judgment. Also, Jimmy D takes pictures of Heather and her female allies. Heather tries to make her website look like a porn site. The Scriptures are clear that we should abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 John 4:5. Heather attends porn conventions in order to "preach" to porn stars about God's love. Sugarcoating the message of God is futile since the real Gospel is an offense to the world. This causing people to go to church and never change their lifestyle. Many dancers just get a TShirt and a Bible without the Gospel. Heather danced in the after party of a porn convention (causing men to lust after her). The porn stars aren't the only ones in need of repentance. Heather is in need of repentance as well. Heather has also left her husband for another man. The new man recently married Heather (who is pregnant and expecting triplets). Heather Veitch's website had the alternative Rock and roll song from Harvey Danger called Sooner or Later which talks about dirty lovers. Harvey Danger blaspheme God and used profanity in their song Meetings with Remarkable Men (Show me the Hero). The JC Girls (who want to be nonjudgmental when judging evil as wrong is always right) trio include Tanya Huender and Lori Albee. They promote sex appeal when you don't need to use sex to save souls at all. 1st Timothy 2:9 from the Word of God clearly states that, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." A real Christian won't use immodesty and lasciviousness as a way to help victims of the porn industry. Heather Veitch even promotes immodest "Holy Hottie" pants and tanktops for women, which you can buy through her website. The words "Holy Hottie" are deliberately written across a women's private area to attract men's attention to that part of her body. Heather Veitch teaches the heresy that we should have pleasure and that Christianity shouldn't be restrictive when Christianity is restrictive. No real believer in God should have pleasure in sin. The 700 Club praised them, but this is expected since the 700 Club is pro-establishment and pro-Ecumenical. Going to strip joints and getting lap dances (using money for payment for them) in order to share a Gospel testimony isn't the way to go. Lesbianism is inherently a part of strip joints and pornography. So, It's easily proven that Heather doesn't preach against sin, but withhold it for the sake of sucking up to the world. It's clear that she is an apostate and needs to wake up.

MTV is known as a corporate machine. Now there VMA award show was wild to say the least. Jack Black led the crowd into praying to Satan. Even if he joking around, what real God-fearing man would do something like that. That’s typical of him since many mainstream musicians have praised Satan before. Jack Black wore a muscle suit to engage in this activity. He was promoted a heavy metal video game called “Brutal Legend.” He said this prayer to make the rock star nominees to continue their success in the music industry. "I was mortified when Jack Black lead everyone in a prayer to satan. It was no joke," said Samantha Taylor of California. "The audience held hands and did it. I was a fan, but not anymore." "During the Awards, I seriously felt as if I were watching a big party celebration that was taking place in satan's den," said the viewer. "It sickened me. I'll never watch anything on MTV channel again. First and last time," said Taylor. With people like

Jack Black, the best thing to do is to wake up, live rightfully, prayer to God for forgiveness of our sins, and peacefully inspire people to do the same. Kanye West gotten the microphone from Taylor Swift to criticize Swift over receiving a musical award. What West did was wrong and he apologized for it numerous times. What was wild about this incident was that it was played in national TV news shows like this story was equivalent to health care news or the economy. I don’t agree with that. I don’t agree with all of Kanye West’s actions, but many people tried to compare him to a rapist, an assaulter, and even to other sick criminals. Jay Leno inappropriately invoked Kanye West’s mother (in my opinion) in asking West what would his mother think of his deed. West obviously made a mistake, but West’s bad act isn’t equivalent to the worst act in history. There are other events that occurred in MTV’s 2009 VMA. Pink was blindfolded in a song she did on stage. It was strange and looked as a ritual with her left leg was in black and white checkered board color. Later, her body is on a rope. Her left breast is painted as a pink heart. This act is similar to the 2nd Degree initiation ritual of Freemasonry. In the 2nd Degree ritual, a man is blindfolded, a noose is around his neck, and his left leg painted is lifted up. Pink is lifted by the rope that mimics the ritual. Pink is walk while being assisted by a man to the altar (which is similar to the 2nd Degree in Freemasonry being carried by a man while the initiate is blindfolded). MTV is pro-Freemasonry of course. For example, MTV Canada films out of a Masonic Temple. The flag show MTV live is filmed with the square and compass positioned directly between the two hosts faces behind them on the wall. They obviously don't try to hide it, they have it engraved on the brick wall in the background and light it up with flood lights. The robe is very common in Masonry: “The blindfold used represents secrecy, darkness and ignorance as well as trust. The candidate is led into the lodge room for initiation but is not able to see what is happening. He is bound about the waist and arm with the cable tow.” -Mark Stavish, Freemasonry: Rituals, Symbols and History of the Secret Society Pink shows the due guard hand sign of the Mason and rises to fulfill the ritual. Pink performed “Sober.” The song is about her life and she wears different clothing in the video. She is covered in chains in the video (that means that she controlled) and displays transformation including Disturbia in the video. She goes from wearing one white wedding dress to a black one. The video says that she was broken in agony and tries to find a friend, but she transformed into the typical stereotypical “bad” woman. “Sober” has her making love with herself (with technology using 2 Pinks metaphorically not literally). Art imitates life in this case, because the struggle of people’s lifestyle, the recreational sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. are apart of the popular culture world.

Lady Gaga has been a 21st century pop superstar now. It’s obvious that the corporate music establishment loves her and her agenda.

The VMA awards in 2009 had more signs of it being an occult mega ritual than some realize. Lady Gaga performed there with fake blood similar to a ritual. She believed that this act was about her philosophy in life to inspire a movement and to make her agenda memorable. Lady Gaga wants symbolism to outline the deaths that fame can bring about. The stage in the performance was a Temple with columns, chandlers, and paintings. The occult elitists have done ceremonies like this in Temples for thousands of years (including human sacrifice). There is 2 massive pillars in the Temple underneath an arch. All symbols in Secret Societies like Freemasonry have multiple levels of meaning. The 2 massive pillars are definitely related to the Masonic 2 pillars of Jachin and Boaz. 1 Kings 7:21 mention information about these 2 pillars, which are decorated with pomegranates. Masons and tarot followers use pomegranate imagery. The arch is found in Masonic imagery for a long time as well. The arch relate to the feminine in Nature. The Royal Arch Degree has a Arch logo and is written about by Freemason George H. Steinmetz. In Freemasonry, ritual dramas that talks about allegories pertaining to life is commonplace. Lady Gaga is filled with blood when she comes out between the 2 pillars. Boaz means strength while Jachin means foundation or establishment. Jachin and Boaz are utilized heavily in Freemasonry. According to Manly P. Hall's "Secret Teachings of All Ages' from pgs. 307 to 308, Boaz is on the left hand column, while Jachin is one the right hand column. He views Jachin (which is masculine) as representing the Heavens and Boaz (which is feminine) representing the Earth. Jachin and Boaz outline polarity or duality, which is a key Mystery Religion concept. According to some researchers, Boaz represents Horus and the Spring Equinox. The right phallic pillar is named Jachin represents Set and the Autumnal Equinox. Hall believes that the 2 obelisks before the sanctuaries of Egypt relates to the 2 pillars in front of Solomon’s Temple. The

ancients used pillars all around their lives in buildings or in mythology like the Pillars of Hermes, the Pillars of Shu, etc. Masonry use Jachin and Boaz pillars in every Masonic Hall with a checkerboard pattern in the floor of their Lodge. Many would disagree with him on that point. The globes according to this website means the sun and the moon. There are so many symbols in this logo of the Lodge. Some outline moon and sun definitions to both pillars. There is a Pyramid in the girl's locker. These 2 pillars are found in the front gate of Solomon’s Temple. Manly P. Hall again his “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” book mentions that: “…In the mysterious Sephirothic tree of Life, these 2 pillars symbolize severity and mercy…” Severity and mercy are found in the tree in life (which symbolize according to occultists attributes of God and paths of astrology linked in paths. 22 paths are in the tree of life). Boaz according to Hall represents Severity or the left column of the tree of life in the North according to Masons. Jachin represents mercy found in the right side of the Kabbalic tree of life outlining the South according to Masons. The left and right columns encompass 3 sepiroths. The performers in the MTV performance praise Lady Gaga and lift her in the air, which is similar to pagan religions' religious ceremonies. Occult rituals and blood sacrifice are done in the ancient Mystery Religion as a means to promote appeals false gods that don't exist. So, Lady Gaga was in a ritual performance filled with fake blood to outline the sometimes bloody reality of fame. After the performance, Lady Gaga dressed in all red. Her face is covered even. Some believe that the red dress represent the brainwashed, blinded, and hellish reality of life after musicians sold their soul for fame.

Vigilantcitizen.com and theindustryexposed from You tube exposed more Masonic/occult symbolism among Lady Gaga. They believe that her symbolism relates to mind control, secret societies, and occultism, which is 100% accurate as the evidence proves. Both individuals are some of many individuals exposing the Illuminist/occult connection to mainstream popular culture. I certainly respect them for exposing the truth. Lady Gaga is very smart since he studied political science in college and uses complex imagery in her clothing, aesthetics, etc. Lady Gaga wears a dress filled with blood. The VMA awards was corporate with the promotion of Pepsi. There is a Taylor Swift link to Lady gaga. In the beginning of the MTV awards show, Lady Gaga wears special symbolism. When she was talking with Sway (who is a famous DJ and now MTV commentator plus reporter), she wears a mask on her face. Her mask is a gold phantom of the opera mask. The phantom of the opera represents the appearances that people put on, so others won't know the true reality of their lives. In the Phantom of the Opera movie, when the Phantom wearing his mask is a man with whom Christine can sympathize. Without the mask, he is so horrible that Christine can no longer look upon him. The black feathers that Lady Gaga wore when she was speaking with Sway could represent the Morrigan. The morrigan is a figure from Irish mythology who appears to have once been a

goddess. Morrigan is called the "Phantom Queen." She (or the Morrigan) is associated with sovereignty, prophecy, war, and death. She sometimes appears in the form of a crow, flying above the warriors. According to theindustryexposed:

"...In occult circles, distinctions are sometimes made between crows and ravens. In mythology and folklore as a whole, crows tend to be symbolic more of the spiritual aspect of death, or the transition of the spirit into the afterlife, whereas ravens tend more often to be associated with the negative (physical) aspect of death. Crows, and especially ravens, often feature in European legends or mythology as an indication that something, often something unpleasant, is going to happen or foreshadow death. Indeed Lady Gaga was foreshadowing her death in her performance.."

Lady Gaga is shown here with doves around her and the as above, so below handsign that is common on Eliphas Levi’s rendition of the Baphomet. Levi was a Freemason and one of the most occult scholars of the 19th century. He influenced Albert Pike and Aleister Crowley, both occultists and Freemasons. Her left eye is closed showing the All Seeing Eye. One the palm of her hands bear the image of the evil eye (or the All Seeing Eye). This symbol is called by many named in the occult like the hamsa (which is meant to have protection from "black luck" or the evil eye). The image has the tattoo of the Peace sign as well. The hamsa eye image was found in ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the

Middle East. This image is found in ancient pre-Columbian America as well. Lady Gaga once did a TV commercial filled with pyramids, all seeing eyes, and other imagery. No wonder people say she acts like a mind control victim. What more proof do these skeptics need?

"Making girl girls go bad" is said by one MTV host in the awards show. This means that the corporate music industry wants to make good girls go bad. Rihanna is one person who says that she's a good girl gone bad. Britney Spears even had a more innocent image back then in the mid 1990’s than today (which she tries to corrupt people). Gaga even had a photo shoot at a Freemason Temple. She is between the pillars of Jachin and Boaz sitting at the Master Masons throne. Lady Gaga shows the as above, so below hand gesture. There is the square on top of the throne, which is one half of the square and compass image of Freemasonry. Gaga is in the Masonic temple with a hello kitty clothing connected to childhood mind control. The Hello kitty clothing was worn by Perry as well. Lady Gaga wore a hairstyle that look similar to the image of Baphomet. She says (in her MTV award show performance) that: "..Admist all of these flashing lights. I pray the fame won't take my life.." Lady Gaga was hit by a chandelier light in the MTV performance. There are people in white clothes acting as doctors. Lady Gaga dressed as a white rabbit as in an altered state of consciousness. The rabbit facial mask is similar to the Alice in Wonderland rabbit imagery. The dancers acting as doctors in her performance guide her to the spiral stair between 2 pillars symbolism change. The winding staircase is found in the Fellow craft degree according to the Freemason handbook. She plays the piano uncontrollably like she's in the state of “Disturbia.” She sings that they're plastic, but she still has fun. People show horned sign in the crowd. Fake blood comes on her body and clothes. She wears white to represent a virgin sacrifice to fame. She screams as the background goes into the color red. According to Freemasonry, the ascending ladder are related to "vertical ropes , and mountains, are all symbols of ascending to new heights." Lady Gaga uses rope to hand herself in the song metaphorically to represent fame being bloody. She wore a red crown after winning a MTV award. Lady Gaga thanks her fans and other people. She talked about her award being for "God and the gays..." That means that she promotes the homosexual agenda. Barack Obama said that: "It's a privilege to be here tonight to open up for Lady Gaga.." This means that Obama and Lady Gaga claim to be revolutionaries and tolerant. It’s fine to promote equal rights among all people irrespective of their background, but people have a right to disagree peacefully with some lifestyle choices. Lady Gaga tries to act as a revolutionary in a prewritten speech in Washington, D.C.. It was a short speech. Gaga open up and follows a script actually.

The image on the right shows Lady gaga looking very similar to the robot Maria from the old movie of Metropolis. Metropolis is a film about a Big Brother society controlling planet Earth with robotics, etc. Ironically, the name of Lady Gaga comes from the Queen video called “Radio gaga”, which is based on scenes from Metropolis. The robot Maria in the Metropolis film is formed in a ritual with an inverted Pentagram. The andriod Maria acts as a dancing whore. Lady Gaga loves to mimic characters from Alice in Wonderland in her performances as well. Lady Gaga is one smart, but manipulated woman. With these themes being blatantly promoted in society, it’s obviously that this is intentionally being pushed in society by the establishment. Lady Gaga made a photo shoot inside of a real Masonic Lodge. One picture shows her in between 2 pillars looking like Jachin and Boaz. The image above has her sitting on a throne. There are twin pillar and an outline of the square part of the Masonic Square and Compass emblem. She is in a mannequin like stance. Her hands are positioned just like the art showing the hermetic maxim of “as above so below.“ She is even standing on one picture next to a bust of an important Freemason. Lady Gaga was once in MTV’s show called “Boiling Point” (near Rebecca). This proves that Gaga was once apart of a fake reality TV show.

Millennium was an old TV show on FOX News. It lasted from October 25, 1996 to May 21, 1999. It lasted for 3 seasons with its own unique style and format. It was filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia. Mark Snow is the series theme music creator. He also created the series theme music for “The X-Files.” The story deals with ex-FBI Special Agent Frank Black having investigations of serial murderers. These murderers are involved in both the supernatural and a sub-government authority called the Millennium Group (with their prophecies about the Apocalypse). Frank Black works for the FBI in profiling by the final season. They even have an episode called “Skull and Bones” depicted a mass grave in the path of a new freeway that contained bodies of the former members of the Group. The title of Skulls and Bones relates to the Skulls and Bones secret society. Other episodes on the series have the titles of “The Fourth Horseman” and “The Time is Now.” One logo of the show in the above image shows the ouroboros or a snake eating its own tail. The Chrysopoeia Ouroboros of Cleopatra is one of the oldest images of the Ouroboros to be linked with the legendary opus of the Alchemists, the Philosopher’s Stone. The ouroboros like many symbols have multiple levels of meaning. Usually, the ouroboros means something re-creating itself into eternity, infinity (Plato believes that a self eating, circular being was the first living thing in the universe), and self reflexity. It can mean that something can never be extinguished. Freemasonry, Gnosticism (as a serpent representing eternity and the soul of the Earth), and Hermeticism (in alchemy, it’s a symbol of the eternal unity of all things) embrace the ouroboros image. Even Theosophy’s seal has the ouroboros logo. Millennium is a fictional show that prevent some truth about the reality of Secret Societies and the paranoia some people have about the Millennium. Episodes on the series starts with a biblical quote or from a famous poem or book. One example is at the beginning of Episode 3 in Season 2 it starts out with the quote: "Control of third world populations designated secret national policy." -National Security Memo 200 (1974). The episode is titled “Sense and Antisense.” NSM 200 is a real memo that promoted population control,

abortion, and other evil policies in the Third World. A lot of those episodes in that series relate to our time in 2009. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t expose real issues. We should expose the new world order and tons of real issues in the world. The book of Revelation does outline prophecies that inspire us to prepare for the future.

“This is It” is of course the footage from Michael Jackson’s last rehearsal before trying to go to London to have a final major concert. Michael Jackson passed away before having it being fulfilled. Kenny Ortega was Michael Jackson’s friend. Ortega produced, directed, and choreographed the “This is It” rehearsal. He is famous for choreographing the Olympics and Disney’s “High School Musical.” Ortega made an quick interview with Oprah. Ortega admitted that he believes in spiritualism. He drops hints on the New Age influence in the mainstream music industry. Ortega said that when Michael Jackson talks about fireflies, he talking about inspiration to do a performance or a song. Ortega said that fireflies is a word, which is similar to the word called “bioluminescent.” or a creature or species that had the ability via its biological make up to illuminate itself. He compared Michael Jackson to the definition of bioluminescent. Ortega believes that Michael Jackson was illuminated. Some believe that this means that Michael Jackson knew secret occult knowledge. Kenny said that Michael Jackson had a lot of energy since he was channeling the music and became the

music. Ortega admitted to Oprah Winfrey that: “…One day I was being very serious with him and he was saying that he had been channeling and therefore he didn’t sleep. And he was working on songs and his higher power was working through him and giving him ideas. And I was like can’t you talk to your higher power, please just ask him if he can shelf these ideas…” Michael Jackson said that this higher power might give his ideas to Prince. Michael Jackson in an interview with Barbara Walters on September 12, 1997 admitted to her that he claimed to have foreknowledge of people passing away. Jackson claimed to contact the spirit of Liberace in his private room filled with mirrors (in recording the song “I‘ll be Seeing You” ). This is similar to Aleister Crowley claiming to contact the interdimensional being called Lam in his secret room of mirrors. For a 50 year old man, Michael Jackson in the film doesn’t dance frailly. Michael Jackson was inspirationally to a lot of people. He made mistakes like all humans have done. I believe his lesson for us living now was that there is nothing wrong with real care for children, real care for improving the world, and for us to express real discernment about fighting against injustice while hating evil. Michael Jackson before he died wanted to expose how leaders of the music industry wanted to exploit artists and that the media lies all of the time.

Twilight is a new vampire movie that is based upon Stephenie Meyer’s work. Meyer believed that voices in her head caused her to author the story of Twilight. She comments that: “Bella and Edward [the vampire] were, quite literally, voices in my head. They simply wouldn’t shut up. I’d stay up as late as I could stand trying to get all the stuff in my mind typed out, and then crawl, exhausted, into bed… only to have another conversation start in my head.” (Source: www.stepheniemeyer.com). She also claims that her dreams made her to create the story , which deals with a vampire. She admits to this dream in Chapter 13 of her book called “Twilight.” Soon, Stephanie Meyer is a world famous author from never writing a book before. So, Meyer believed that voices in her head or spirit inspired her to write her literature. Meyer confessed that a voice or demon called Edward told her to write about how Edward drink blood in a terrifying way. Twilight like Harry Potter and other books plus TV shows glamorizes the occult. Ironically, Meyer is a Mormon, which is based on many occult/Masonic principles. The movie Twilight is highly popular in America among young girls. The story depicts a story about a romance between a 108 year old vampire named Edward (who looks young in the film) and a girl named Bella. This is obviously pedophilia done by the vampire. Meyer in the story tries to portray Edward in the most “positive” way possible by acting like being good hearted and being trustworthy (yet they love darkness, hate the light and have abilities like extrasensory perception, and automatic writing). The vampire has self control to drink only the blood of animals, not humans. On the other hand, the Old and New Testament forbids drinking blood of any kind:

"But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.”–Genesis 9:4

“But that we write unto them, that they abstain from things polluted from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from what is strangled, and from blood.” –Acts 15:20 So, the Twilight story outlines Edward and his coven as heroes. They fight on behalf of humans and battle their evil, blood sucking counterparts. Edward and Bella love each other despite their age difference. Edward struggle with his perverse desire to drink Bella’s blood. This portrayal of evil as good is a fulfillment of Isaiah 5:20. In reality, a person trying to suck someone’s blood is wrong. Vampirism has been related to the occult and Satanism for thousands of years. Wiccans and neo-pagans love the Twilight story since they believe that there are good witches and good covens, which is false. Wicca is very famous and even MTV news report cited a study made by the City University in New York that admits that Wicca is a fast growing religion in America (with inclufences from Neve Campbell’s “The Craft” and the Harry Potter series). That is why Satan can appear as “good person” when he isn’t. The worship of

Nature or planets as god and goddesses is wrong (and it’s against the commandments of God. Wiccans claim that they can cast “good spells” which is an oxymoron). Wicca is a fast growing religion in America. There is no good or white magic as Christians and Satanists like Nicholas Scheck & Anton LaVey admit that all magic is from the occult and relate to satanic material. LaVey stated that , "There is no difference between 'white' and 'black' magic, except in the smug hypocrisy, guilt-ridden righteousness and self-deceit of the "white" magician himself." (Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible, New York: Avon Books, 1971, p. 110). Embracing

secrecy, the occult, magic, and witchcraft are forbidden in the OT and NT. A lot of young in this generation take celebrities too serious and even almost worship them in obsession. Celebrities aren’t perfect and they should be placed in that pedestal. Stephenie Meyer admitted that her Twilight book was made to target teenage America. Witchcraft, the occult, violence, exploitation of women, etc. have been shoved down the throat of the young (plus adults) for a while now. This causes gender strife, bigotry, selfishness, and other evils. Stephenie Meyer’s front cover of Twilight shows the forbidden fruit (which is similar to the fruit that Adam and Eve ate in contradiction to God wanting humans not to do that). Gnostics hate Yahveh and praise the Serpent telling man to disobey God. Like Gnosticism, Mormonism teaches that humans can have godhood via ceremonies like the Temple Endowment plus other Mormon rituals.

Even the Freemason and Mormon founder Joseph Smith praised Satan and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit of knowledge:

“The devil told [Eve] the truth [about godhood]... I do not blame Mother Eve. I would not have had her miss eating the forbidden fruit for anything in the world." (Deseret News, June 18, 1873, from the pulpit of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City on June 8, 1873) Former LDS President, Joseph Fielding Smith, declared: "The fall of man came as a blessing in disguise... I never speak of the part Eve took in this fall as a sin, nor do I accuse Adam of a sin... it is not always a sin to transgress a law...We can hardly look upon anything resulting in such benefits as a sin." (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 1, pp. 113-115) It appears that Mormonism and Gnosticism is more similar than one thinks. The reality is that Adam’s disobedience to God was wrong. You don’t need rituals and ceremonies from cults to be saved. Salvation is done by God alone it’s a free gift. It isn’t added by man’s works. Salvation is done when you accept that Jesus Christ is the Lord (in your heart) and the price is paid from the cross via Jesus’ blood. "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace" -Ephesians 1:7

John 3:16 is clear that: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life…”

Ace of Base is a famous pop band from Gothenburg, Sweden. It's made up of Ulf Ekberg, Jonas Berggren, Jenny Berggren, and Malin or Linn Berggren. I heard of the band back in elementary school and middle school. They were very popular here in America for their single called "The Sign." They are a talented group of singers. The sign they presented in the video was an ankh sign. An ankh is an ancient Egyptian sign that refers to resurrection. The Sign dance pop song in 1993 was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 6 non-consecutive weeks. They made another song called "Waiting for Magic" in 1993. Their most esoteric song is called "Happy Nation" form 1993. Happy Nation was a very popular song in America. The song in my opinion talks about a wish for an Utopian society. The beginning of the song has the Latin words of: "...Laudate omnes gentes laudate Magnificat en secula Et anima mea laudate Magnificat en secuala Happy nation living in a happy nation Where people understand And dream of the perfect man A situation leading to sweet salvation For the people for the good For mankind brotherhood..." These words in Latin. mean: "...Praise him, praise him (or God), all peoples, make him great forever, even my soul, praise him..." This describes a Catholic liturgy. The woman sings the words of talking about the Perfect Man. Occultist Obadiah Harris believes in the perfected man to rule the world. The song says that ideas will live on and that no one man is fit to rule the world. In the esoteric world, the Perfect Man is a possibility. That is why Hermeticism likens man to the Universe. Freemason W. L. Wilmhurst in his 1922 "The Meaning of Masonry" book respects the concept of the Perfected man: "...To sum up the import of the teaching of the three degrees, it is clear, therefore, that from grade to grade the candidate is being led from an old to an entirely new quality of life. He begins his Masonic career as the natural man; he ends it by becoming through its discipline, a regenerated perfected man. To attain this transmutation, this metamorphosis of himself, he is taught first to purify and subdue his sensual nature; then to purify and develope his mental nature; and finally by utter surrender of his old life and losing his soul to save it, he rises form the dead a Master, a just man made perfect, with larger consciousness and faculties, an efficient instrument for use by the Great Architect in His plan of rebuilding the Temple of fallen humanity, and capable of initiating and advancing other men to a participation in the same great work..." Ace of Base's Happy Nation video has witchcraft symbolism, a Zodiac, candles, etc. It shows image of religious figure, etc. It talks about past events and brotherhood. It describes images of ancient Egyptians, the Origin of Species, etc. It doesn't show whether they support or condemn these utopian ideas. It shows the Peace sign as well. The Peace sign isn't a symbol I embrace since its origin are occultic. They even show the Yin Yang sign. It shows all the images of various religions in the video to signify humanity in diversity. The video pictures images from Chinese Circles, Latein, Weltkugel, the Christian Bible, Runes, Buddha, Egypt, Darwin, Peace, Yin-Yan, Japan, Zodiac,Sanskrit, Islam, Aboriginies, Kali, and Kabbalah. So, the Ace of Base must of done their homework way back in 1993. Today, Ace of Base sing about less controversial issues. One singer from Ace of base made a song called "I Pray." Some feel

like they are sincere today and others don't. Time will tell the truth about this group. In 2002, their video was Unspeakable.

The Bourne Ultimatum is the most recent in the franchise of Bourne series. Now, this came out in 2007 and I remember it. Matt Damon plays an ex-CIA assassin that tries to find out his true personal identity. He travels all the way around the Earth in trying to do so, while the government tries to cover up the truth every step of the way. The Bourne Ultimatum is based this time in New York City. There were a lot of camera angles in the film that displays multiple perspectives of a single scene or attribute of an area. This activity is achieved in order to make the movie describe a sense of urgency in the Bourne character. Jason Bourne travels in Moscow, Paris, London, Madrid, and to Tangier then New York City. The movie starred many actors and actresses like Julia Stiles, David Strathairn, Scott Glenn, Paddy Considine, Edgar

Ramirez, Albert Finney, and Joan Allen. The script was by Tony Gilroy, Scott Z. Burns, George Nolfi, and an unaccredited Tom Stoppard. The Bourne Ultimatum won 3 Academy Awards for Best Film Editing, Best Sound, and Best Sound Editing at the 80th Academy Awards. Bourne was wounded by the Russian assassin Kirill. He travels into New York and finds out that his real name is David Webb and that he was born in 4/15/71. Bourne is in many action scenes where he almost dies while he’s traveling in New York City. The film touches on some realities in America. The CIA has been doing mind control experiments against even soldiers for decades. This duties are very similar to MK-Ultra. These such programs have occurred under Republican and Democratic administration. Both of these

parties are infiltrated. I’m not Republican or a Democrat. I’m an independent.

Time is going fast. I just remember when it was the year 2000. This is a key piece of information, but I'm not done. I will continue to expose these issues until I'm dead. I’m certainly working on another expose on Popular Culture now. Well, let no one deny you value in the world. All humans have value and can achieve great things life. History is a testament to that truth.

By Timothy

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