Politically Incorrect

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Devastatingly politically incorrect. Devastingly pissed off with hypocrites.

Not Without My Dollars! August 3, 2008 by elijahnockwood

Some former members of the highly controversial Family International are currently on a crusade that’s earning them a lot of sympathy (and other benefits, I’m sure) via the media, as they proclaim their gospel of “My father has never had time for me and I’ve been robbed of my childhood.” While that kind of message is extremely popular and successful in getting you all the pity and sympathy you couldn’t even come up with for yourself, what strikes me as the most sad about this issue is that those people must have never really known Jesus, nor cared about anything He’s had to say. They must be so enchanted and enamored with themselves, they never gave a hoot about the things Jesus had to say in the Gospels about such things as family, let alone some of His more controversial statements on the issue, and I strongly doubt that anyone not familiar with the words of Christ can be a true believer in Him, because it’s the Words of Christ that our faith in Him come from. The problem is that the Family Intl. is an outfit that takes the words of Jesus very seriously, more seriously than any other Christian church or movement I know, and thus many obviously argue that they’re taking them too seriously. If you take Jesus’ words seriously enough, you won’t be able to maintain a good, nice and clean image of what the world considers a “good Christian” anymore. Jesus was an iconoclast (idol smasher) and revolutionary who broke with many of the traditions of man (like the Sabbath, that was holy unto the Jews), and , in fact, with anything that ever stood in the way between God and people. He tried to remove any obstacle that could possibly get in the way between God and man, showing us and enabling us to enjoy a personal, loving relationship with God – and through that, with our fellowman, too. And it so happens that for some people, their family is their god, (just like for others, their god is their job, their house, their car, their football team, favorite rock-star, or their belly). That’s why Jesus said, “He that loveth father or mother,… son or daughter more than Me… is not worthy of Me,” and He made it pretty clear that He valued His disciples above His flesh and blood family and relatives, no matter what kind of interpretations lukewarm preachers and moviemakers are trying to give those Gospel passages. The truth is that the Family Intl. is one outfit that for once is trying to put God first, without any of the idols and other little gods that “Christians” usually worship and serve in reality, and people who are totally alienated to that concept because all they really care about is themselves, simply can’t cope with that. The world I grew up in was very different from the one that Hollywood so successfully has been making nearly everybody under forty believe exists, of happy, loving, rich families living in pink houses: a world where fathers simply rarely did have time – or much interest, for that matter – in their children, because they saw it as their primary duty to rake in the money. The world I grew up in was one in which you didn’t mind not

seeing too much of your father, because if you did, you might regret it… A world, in which two year olds are hurled off to kindergarten and are never that much dealt with by their parents until they’re old enough to move out and need your money… My wife was sexually abused by her father as a child and lived, even without writing a book about it. In fact, she found it in her heart to forgive him and was the only one of his children around him when he died. It’s a concept called forgiveness, one that attentionjunkies are totally oblivious to. The thing is, the world is only willing to listen to your sob stories if you were member of a group that is the only proof in existence that there is a way out of their miserable treadmill after all. It’s easy to rot together against anyone who’s different, whether they wear a turban or dare to live or believe differently than you, and the establishment will always gladly pay you your 30 pieces of silver for your elaborate “inside information.” They want to believe in their Hollywood make-belief world, and hate anyone threatening to destroy their illusion. Well, enjoy your selfish dream, folks, for as long as it lasts. In the end you’ll see that all the while you had a more loving Father Who cares about you more than you could ever fathom. You just didn’t care about Him, that’s all.

The Problem with Political Correctness October 31, 2008 by elijahnockwood One of the main reasons why it’s virtually impossible to be both a genuine Christian and at the same time politically correct is the fact that the notion has taken over modern minds that there is no such thing as truth, but that truth is merely a matter of personal views. Any worldview veering from that law of political correctness will automatically land you in weirdo-nirvana. The problem with political correctness, is… it sucks. What it really is, is a new, unwritten law: “Thou shalt be thine own, self-fabricated god,” or, “Thou shalt concoct thine own philosophy, no matter how pitiful and screwed up, and call it ‘truth’! (Don’t worry, nobody’s going to give you hell about it, or we’re gonna give them hell!)” It’s the dictatorship of every Tom, Dick and Harry over any other Tom, Dick and Harry that should have the bad karma to cross their path. An old friend once said: “Opinions are like assholes: everybody’s got one.” The refusal to accept any certain and definite credo as the truth is simply the self-issued license for every individual to create their own. Perhaps that’s precisely what Satan meant by “Ye shall be as gods.”

When it comes to being a genuine Christian, you start having problems with that, because unless Jesus really was Who He said He was, and what He was, and if He really, honest to God wasn’t any of those things, then all He would have been was a weirdo. That’s why Christians can’t just say, “Oh, well, yeah, I know, of course, you’re right everybody: there isn’t really any such thing as truth… it’s just that I personally believe in Jesus, and I mean, hey, I could be mistaken, and your trip could be just as much the truth as mine,… after all, who knows, right?” What kind of a faith would that be? That’s why, eventually, Christendom is going to have to part from the rest of the flock (or should I say, herd) of the global community that chooses to adhere to the Gospel of political correctness. It is either going to be swallowed up by it (which probably the majority of lukewarn, half-hearted bench-warmers are going to do) or rebel against it ferociously, even if it means being labeled lunatics, fanatics, extremists, and possibly even terrorists, which will give the wonderful politically correct New World Order its final excuse to create a new generation of martyrs. I admit, any stinking lie is a lot more comfortable to live with. After all, have we all been brainwashed with Freddy Mercury’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” (“I don’t wanna die…”), or haven’t we? The thing is, each one of us is inevitably going to die, eventually, whether we want to believe that or not, and that’s some undeniable truth for you, and not just a matter of opinion. Of course, the main issue about “what is truth” is not so much the fact that we’re going to die, but what happens afterwards. I guess we’ll all know more then, and see who was right, and whether there was any such thing as “right,” after all, or not. As far as this life is concerned, it’s already clearly stated in the Bible that if we only hope in Christ regarding this life alone, then we’re of all people the most miserable. In other words, if Jesus was just some nice dude or philosopher that it’s supposed to be hip to follow, then we’re really screwed, and of all people the greatest fools. About 95% of everything He ever said can be discarded then (which is just about what the average so-called Christian does). Take, for example, His often quoted statement, “the truth shall make you free.” What truth? You mean the truth everybody concocts for himself in their own head, consisting of thousands of shreds of pet doctrines and personal preferences, some artificially, haphazardly slapped together dogma, one in 7 billion? And free from what? Free to do and say and think whatever I please, alright (regardless of whether it’s truth or right or not), which is the kind of freedom a significant portion of the world population has been enjoying for the past few decades, although, thanks to some cleverly concocted “truths” (or not), that freedom seems to be slowly (or not) fading away … If, on the other hand, Jesus is indeed what He claimed of Himself, “the way, the truth and the life,” and the only way to God (John 14:6), and His Words are truth, and He’s not only one of a gazillion other little gods creating some sort of inter-galactic traffic jam in heaven, but really the Dude, then He and those Words must have that power He claimed, namely to set us free from a crueler task master than the whips of Rome: our own sinful selfishness. That same insane egotism that gives us the audacity to claim that whatever little fabrication our brains come up with is “the truth,” (just like any other)… Only the Father of lies could have cooked up such a brilliant master plan, to have 7 billion idiots kidding themselves, running around, and each proclaiming their own little “truth.” Why? “Because there is no truth,” or “Truth is merely a matter of personal opinion.” Well, you’ve heard my old friend’s take on opinions. So, basically, the question is, what do you want? The truth, or just be one more asshole with an opinion?

“What’s Dad doin’ for Christmas?” – “Killin’ Hottentots & Filming It!” December 28, 2008 by elijahnockwood

Dude seemed to be a nice guy. Always doing what needed to be done, and when the kids got hungry, he’d say, “C’mon, get in the car!” & take’em to McDonalds. He didn’t seem to confirm my picture of the average American warmonger & professional killer that I had in mind, and I figured, well, he must be one of the rare exceptions. You know, the kind of guy that will heap tons of the latest gimmicks & tech toys on kids for Christmas. After all, what are credit cards for anyway? Well, it turns out that the economy may not remain invulnerable forever, after all. And it also turns out that some lonely folks are saying that it doesn’t matter whether you call yourself a Christian and go to church, or not, if you kill innocent people, God will hold you personally responsible for your actions anyway – Christian or not, and the excuse that you were just following orders will sound just as lame as it did in Germany 60-some years ago. Turns out you can’t stay in the business of legally killing people and stay a nice guy forever. Last I heard, Dude got himself a special night-vision combat camera, attachable to his helmet so he can film his “action.” Apparently he wants to let his progeny know what he’s been up to, should he perhaps not return from one of his missions. Dude voted for McCain, since – although being no Caucasian, either, it bothers him to have to salute to a black President. Oh, and Dude doesn’t like the wrong kind of ragware on kids, either. Where he is stationed right now, he says, they have to fire at anything suspicious, no matter how young, so, better make sure your kids are clad in appropriate red, white & blue fashion next time he’s in town. You wouldn’t want anything to awaken that killer instinct in him, even if it’s for a “just cause”… Of course, we all know from the famous Abu-Ghraib gang rapist on Youtube of the 15 year old Iraqi girl that subsequently committed suicide, that a rag on the head is the proof of guilt, so you can’t blame anyone for shooting anything that moves, right? Why I’m not scared Dude’s gonna come kill me for writing nasty blogs about him? Because as long as they’re making killing machines out of once nice & decent folks, I don’t consider life worth hanging on to with tooth & nail anyway. Seems to me as if a lot more is wrong with America than its economy, and with the rest of the world, for just looking on like a bunch of idiots. By the way, if you were thinking Dude might be some isolated case, just type in “combat camera” in Google Pics or Youtube & you’ll come across more results than for “Santa Claus.”

The Rambo generation is all grow’d up now, and they don’t need no frickin’ Hollywood to become stars & little Rambos all by themselves. Who needs internet porn when you can watch yourself kill an Arab?

Hogsh*t Junkies January 2, 2009 by elijahnockwood Certain brands of people have sometimes been compared to certain types of animals. It’s in the Bible: Jesus called King Herod a fox, the Scribes and Pharisees a bunch of vipers, and according to Him, St. Peter, the Beatles and Pink Floyd, well, some people are comparable to pigs. Maybe it’s their Chinese star sign, or the way they eat, or both, or simply the way they come across, but the one thing that identifies them for what they are is that where other types of people produce actual meaningful words, they incessantly produce hogsh*t. It may not come out of their rear end, but if gives off the same type of “smell,” extremely unpleasant to the listener, or rather, the victim. You see, this brand of people do not only talk incessantly without ever saying anything, but they’re also addicted to the produce of the void inside their own heads, and like any other junkie, druggie or pusher, they won’t rest until the rest of the world is either also addicted to their “stuff,” or driven into suicide. They’re so in love with the sound of their own voice that they think they’re doing mankind the greatest possible favor by simply opening their mouths and letting it all hang out with heroic (or sheer insane) disregard for any consequences. Of course, we’re supposed to love’em, just like all our other fellowmen and -animals, but this is turning out to be the supreme challenge. Because loving someone also includes telling them the truth about themselves, and this is where you’ll run into trouble with Hogsh*t Junkies. As soon as you dare to insinuate even the slightest possible criticism or even dare to suggest that perhaps there might be a remote possibility of a need for improvement in any area or aspect of their personality, the hogsh*t junkie will run squealing to the next best person who they know can turn your life into hell for any given length of time, and they will tattle on you and make you regret ever having opened your mouth. You see, and this is the one vital lesson I humbly would like to convey to you as my gift to you and a light on your path through this year of 2009:

Hogsh*t Junkies are allergic to the truth. “Well, so is everybody…” you’ll say.

Maybe you’re right. And probably even more so by the end of this year, as they are taking over the world, not resting until they have made hogsh*t junkies like themselves out of each and every one of us. Or driven us to an early grave. Will there be any resistance? I doubt it. But if you should find out anything, give me a call. You may just save my life or prevent me from morphing into one of them (if I haven’t done so already).

Who Are the Anti-Semites? January 21, 2009 by elijahnockwood

In a world that’s spiritually governed by the Father of Lies, it is dangerous to tell the truth. But somebody’s going to have to do it anyway. Most people are unaware of the origins of the word “anti-semitism” or “anti-semitic.” The three letters “sem” that give those words its meaning actually resemble the name of Shem, one of the three sons of Noah. Shem was the forefather of the Asian tribes, including Jews and Arabs, while Japheth and Ham, Noah’s other two sons, became the forefathers of the European and African tribes. To be anti-semitic, in the true sense of the word, thus means to be against the descendants of Shem, and to tend to discriminate against those of a slightly darker color of skin than Europeans. It just so happens that descendants of a European tribe named the Khazars, who in the 8th century took on as their state religion a particular faith originally embraced by a notorious group of descendants of Shem, along with that group’s alphabet, adapting it to their own language, have rigged things up for themselves in such a way that uttering anything against them can be labeled as “anti-semitic.” Reality’s stranger than fiction, sometimes, but – wait – this isn’t all! That particular group of actual Japhethites (descendants of Japheth), along with maybe a handful of actual descendants of Shem who share the same faith that the Khazars adopted in the 700s, have taken over a country by terroristic acts that was actually inhabited by a peaceful group of descendants of Shem, howbeit of different faiths. Parts of that land which was taken away from them were officially granted them by the United Nations in 1967, but our smart group of

pretenders-to-be-semites (or descendants of Shem) stubbornly get away with ignoring those UNResolutions. They’re the only ones, by the way, who have ever successfully been getting away with that, just to show you how smart they are. In fact, they’re so smart that they’ve managed to convince a large part of the Japhethites (descendants of Japheth) into believing that they are a very special people: the chosen people of the Creator of the world. Even though the Creator of the world has made it quite clear that only those who receive the blood sacrifice of His Son are actually rightful heirs of that title, and all others are liars. And so the Japhethites, who claim to believe in the Creator’s Son, but act as if they don’t, actually send the descendants of the Khazars billions of dollars every year in order for them to buy weapons with which they kill and torture the original inhabitants of the country they have taken over by force. By doing so, and by standing by and applauding every time the occupants kill another bunch of the true descendants of Shem who originally inhabited that country, they defy everything the Creator’s Son ever said about His followers being supposed to love their enemies. The paradox thing about this story is, that it’s actually true, and you can momentarily watch another sad episode of it unfolding every time you turn on the news. The good news about it all is that the Son of the Creator has promised that He would eventually bring all these atrocities and crimes and the deceit to an end, and that He would make those who say they are Semites, but are not, and are lying about it, fall on their knees before those who truly believe in Him, the true chosen people of God. The Father of Lies will be locked up then, and his children and followers will be told to shut up for a while and give peace a chance. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” So, am I being anti-semitic now, just because I say that those who claim to be descendants of Shem should stop killing the women and children of those who truly are descendants of Shem? Not in my opinion. They can even keep on believing they’re God’s chosen people, if they want to, just like any other bunch of Hottentots should have the same right to believe that they are, as long as they don’t consider that an excuse to kill everybody else. All I’m saying is that they should keep laws and UN-Resolutions like all the rest of the world is supposed to, and that they should start behaving like human beings, and start learning something from the lessons history teaches us about the bad guys, instead of imitating them.

“Self-Branding” or “Eternity’s Jester” January 28, 2009 by elijahnockwood Future generations will – for eons to come – have a face to associate the word fool with, from the time on that Malcom Muggeridge’s prophecy will be fulfilled that the evolutionary paradigm (= less than a theory, since theories are based on things we can observe), will turn out to have been “one of the great jokes in the history books of the future” and a laughing stock for countless generations to come. Latest by the time that Richard Dawkins, the epitome of the fulfillment of King David of old’s outcry in the Psalms, “The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God!’,” will stand stark naked before his Maker – as inevitably as his upcoming rendezvous with death – he will wish he would have gnawed off his own fingers instead of writing such God-forsaken tommy rot as he’s spouting off in his atrocity of a book, “The God Delusion,” which is probably the greatest incentive and inspiration to commit suicide ever concocted by a fool professing himself to be wise, with perhaps the sole exception of the slightly less pseudo-intellectual rantings of his soul mate Marilyn Manson. Convicted of a greater evil than downright maliciousness, namely stupidity, the very sin which Dietrich Bonhoeffer exposed as the greater enemy of good in his letters from a Nazi prison shortly before his execution, ordered personally by another infamous sucker for Darwin’s monkey business, Adolf Hitler; as incredible as it may sound, Dawkins will probably finally have run out of words then, desiring nothing more than to have eaten his former barrage of them. “Silence is golden” will probably ring truer to him than any single other of the billions at that party, but then one of the definitions of the word fool in Eternity’s dictionary must unmistakably be, “Someone in love with the sound of his own voice,” (and – alas – there are many). On a positive side, the citizens of Tomorrow will need something to laugh about, and having someone like Dawkins around then will provide ample occasion to do so, once his victims – those who actually swallowed his garbage – will have forgiven themselves for their audacity. Perhaps those a little less inclined to humor will pity him, as one would a formerly blind person who vehemently swore up and down that “there is no light” until his eyes were opened and he found himself face to face with a glaring sun, and hence breaking forth into bitter weeping. As for me, I’ll join the more light-hearted crowd and will beg him over a pint to tell it once more, the one about, “There is no God!”

Wanted: Scapegoats August 3, 2009 by elijahnockwood

We just watched the movie “Rachel Getting Married,” and certain parallel events in my own life are egging me on to comment about it and note a few less than desirable qualities about our society. What some people may actually not get who may watch this film, is that the real culprit in the quite realistic story (the familiar setting reminds me a bit of my own) is actually the mother (the character played by Debra Winger), the typical ambitious, success-oriented woman who would rather punch her child in the face than ever admit to the slightest trace of responsibility for any wrongdoing on her behalf. It’s funny that I cannot recall having heard as much as a handful of women sincerely apologize for any mistake they made in my nearly 5 decades on the planet. Men are usually the culprits, the idiots, who had better apologize. At least it seems to be much more of a man’s thing to do to apologize than it is for women, in my experience. It’s somewhat hard to picture a woman in the act of “repenting.” Maybe I’m just biased due to experiences with a mother who has never been able to admit to any mistake or wrongdoing on her behalf, either. Or a sister very much like Rachel, the bride in the movie… ever jealously fighting, scheming and manipulating for Dad’s attention and affection, lest he should ever spare one drop of sympathy for the black sheep of the family… People need a scapegoat. Someone to blame their troubles on. Someone they don’t have to be as nice to as to all the others. Someone they won’t have to applaud for after they dare to speak up and say their share in an embarrassing, way too honest wedding toast. Someone they can all heave a sigh of relief and be happy when they’re gone again, safely tucked away where they belong, in some institution, clinic or prison where people “like that” are being dealt with. Anything but let them get close to reminding the rest of them of their own share in the responsibility and that they’re not completely blameless, either. Perhaps even less so than the actual “culprit”. In the movie, it was definitely the mother who was more responsible for the death of her young son by leaving her in the charge of a daughter she knew was a drug addict, than the daughter herself. Success people take whatever comes in convenient. Even an addict for a baby sitter. But they never deal with the consequences. Let the other ones be the culprit. They’d gladly

sacrifice their own flesh and blood on the altar of success, as long as they can still flash that radiant smile of a “winner” into the mirror every morning.

Dear Dan Barker November 15, 2009 by elijahnockwood

Dan Barker, self-acclaimed “friendly neighborhood atheist,” (not to be confused with your average “friendly neighborhood rapist” or “friendly neighborhood mass-murderer”) has written books and is a great authority in the camp of the fighters for “freedom from religion” that even atheist “destroyers of fables” in far-away land as that of the once brave and rusty Teutons refer to in their quest to make everyone else believe exactly what they believe (or don’t). While I might even contemplate joining a fight for freedom from established religion, it’s not really so much the established religious institutions that the anger of the sometimes not that friendly neighborhood atheists is waged against, as evident from one of the acclaimed writings on the net that I had to wade through as a painful but necessary step in a debate with one of Darwin’s staunchest Teutonic fighters for universal equality of thought. And thus the resulting reply to Dan Barker’s 19th chapter of his book “Losing Faith In Faith,” “Dear Theologian” – a fictitious letter written by God (in reality a very pitiful image of the same that Dan Barker must have had in his head – no wonder he became an atheist – and yet another confirmation of the sense God was making when He commanded us not to make ourselves any images of Him. The result – as in Barker’s case – can obviously be lethal) to His imaginary friend, the open-minded theologian:

An Answer to “Dear Theologian – Losing Faith In Faith: From Preacher To Atheist by Dan Barker Chapter 19“ (Quote:) “If you say that everything needs a designer and then say that not everything (Me) needs a designer, aren’t you contradicting yourself? By excluding me from the argument, aren’t you bringing your conclusion into your argument? Isn’t that circular reasoning?” Not if You belong to a totally different category, which Your Son, Jesus, stated, you evidently are. “God is a Spirit.” True that things natural need a Creator, but as far as spirits are concerned, hey, that’s a whole nuther ball game. You tell us! (Quote:) “If you are saying that I don’t need to ask where I came from because I am perfect and omniscient while humans are fallible, then you don’t need the design argument at all, do you?”

No, I personally don’t. Except for the fact that we have never ever witnessed in all of our history any single process or force to produce one single shred of information without an author, much less the gigabytes of information present and in a process of exchange in ever single living cell. We may not know where You come from, but from all we have ever observed in nature, the information in our cells and thus all of creation couldn’t have come about by itself. Maybe that’s the difference between You and us. (Quote:) “You say that I am eternally existent, and I suppose I would have no objection if I knew what it meant.” Like so many half-baked believers do and project their own thoughts, dreams and doubts into the imaginary god concocted in their minds as a self-made continuation of some information they’ve been given (should have stuck to that info, bro, cause that’s the stuff it’s all comin’ from), this is not God speaking, but Mr. Barker. The same applies to the babble that ensues in the same paragraph. (Quote:) “Perhaps you created me.” If the theory of evolution would stand a chance in a lifetime to ever turn out to actually be right and proven, then perhaps you’re right, Mr. Barker. Along with all the other dog barking up that tree since decades. It still wouldn’t explain, though, there all the information in creation came from without an author if we never have observed any poppig up by itself. And if “But then where does the information in God come from” is the only thing you can come up with, I feel sorry for you. As the Source of all that Information, and not part of it, we simply happen to imply that the Source is not subject to the same rules as the product, just as a water tap isn’t liquid. (Quote:) “I contain evidence of design…” Says who? The very implication of God states that He doesn’t, dummy. (Quote:) “Nothing comes from nothing.” True when applied to our physical realm. The difference between the physical and the spiritual Realm is that it’s not subject to the same rules of time and origin. Of course, I have no proof for that other than what the Bible says. I have no other proof except the fact that information in our realm always needs an author, and that I talked to Him this morning. No, He didn’t answer me back. Not this morning. But yesterday. And

a whole lot of other days before that. And He answered a lot of other people’s questions, too. And what I and they have learned from them is that contrary to folks who are trying to cook up every possibly thinkable excuse to eradicate the existence of God from their minds (and pay a lot – I mean, a lot of money to provide “evidence” for them), He doesn’t lie. He simply doesn’t. And that makes Him very very different from folks who brainwash my children into believing they’re mutated monkeys. (Quote:) “What was it that caused me to exist, as opposed to not existing at all?” - … asked the little two-dimensional square in the lonely world of Flatland, since he couldn’t possible imagine anything as atrocious as a cube or ball, or any other 3-dimensional object to exist, let alone a 4th or 5th dimension… A dimension where existence might not be subject to the rules of Cause and Effect. Just because I create a game with rules doesn’t mean I’m bound to the same rules, even if the little playmen and soldiers in my game would like to believe I am. Just because I tell my kids to go to bed at 9 doesn’t mean they tell me that’s when I have to go to bed. (Quote:) “If I don’t need a cause, then why do you?” Because we’re different, and You are so totally not like the mind of Mr. Barker. We need a cause because we are Your creations. You don’t need one cause You’re the Creator. Bobby needs a spanking because he was a naughty boy. daddy doesn’t need one cause he was being a good daddy. (Quote:) “You created me. Is that such a terrible idea?” Yes, because the dude you are is the concoction of a pitiful sad mind like Mr. Barkers, and if you were really God, you were the perfect reason for 7 billion people to commit suicide simultaneously. Thankfully, Mr. Barker’s mind is not really God, and thus we can all live happily ever after. (Quote:) “I know that you think many other gods were created by humans: Zeus, Thor, Mercury, Elvis. You recognize that such deities originate in human desire, need, or fear.” Maybe that’s what’s wrong with Theologians, and they’re the wrong guys to talk to, dude!

Since they don’t have any more grasp on true spirituality than the Pharisees who saw to it that Jesus was crucified by the Romans, they probably also don’t see the spiritual origin of the aforementioned deities (with the exception of Elvis, that is)… Contrary to Barker’s aforementioned statements, there are spiritual entities who like to compete with God, and used to try to get people to worship them until they realized they could fool people of the 20th and 21st centuries even better by getting them to worship themselves and deities like “Mr. Barker’s mind.” (Quote:) “The Persians created Mithra, the Jews created Yahweh, and you created me. If I am wrong about this, please straighten me out.” Yessir. The Persians worshiped Mithra (slight difference between worshiping and creating a deity, a spiritual entity desiring to be worshiped), Yahweh created the Jews and all of us, and you’re right – the “god” Mr. Barker created in his mind is truly a pitiful concoction. (Quote:) “What is my purpose? To please myself?” Well, that’s probably what the pitiful god concocted and perceived by Mr. Barker would ask, but the true God has already answered that question in a simple phrase 2000 years ago: His purpose is to love. It’s His whole essence, and that’s what He does. Probably something incomprehensible for minds like Mr. Barker’s since they don’t have a friggin’ clue what on earth I’m talking about, but don’t worry, guys… one day you’ll wake up and realize, “Oh, so that’s what it was all about!” (Quote:) “Since I am already perfect, by definition, then I don’t need such a purpose. I’m just sort of hanging out, I guess…” – whined Mr. Barkers pitiful little mind, presumably perfectly incapable of the perception of an existence dedicated for the purpose of another. Do you have any kids, Mr. Barker? I hope not, but if you did, would you sit there and whine, why can you go to school when I have to sit here and take care of you? Probably, but not God. See, God’s a good daddy. Mr. Barker needs a spanking, because he’s been a bad boy, but God doesn’t because He’s a good daddy. (Quote:) “It feels great to be perfect. But it gives me nothing to do.” Again, Mr. Barker is concluding from his own pitiful state that God would have to be the same kind of – excuse the language, idiot. I don’t mean to insult anyone, but an idiot by

the Greek definition is a person whose life only revolves around himself. And only idiots get bored. So, just because you happen to be such a person, Mr. Barker, shame on you fro implying that God would be like you. (The same goes for the pathetic rest of that paragraph) (Quote:) “If more is better, then I am obligated to continue until I have fathered an infinite number of children, and an endless number of universes.” Shows how far away the god of Mr. Barker (whom he thankfully chose not to believe in anymore) is from the Real Thing. Contrary to Mr. Barker’s philosophy (or that of his made-up god), “Less is sometimes more” is actually a lot closer to divine philosophy. One reason why He’s devoting so much attention to our insignificant little spec of dust in the vast universe. He’s terribly into details, which obviously you can’t say about Mr. Barker, who never seems to have cared much about what he actually believed in and devoted his life to as a preacher. (Note that the following paragraph is pure crap not worth repeating). (Quote:) “Doesn’t it bother you, just a little, that the source of meaning for your life has no source of its own? And if this is true, then isn’t it also true that ultimately you have no meaning for yourself either?” Yes, it does. That’s why I’m going to follow Mr. Barker’s example now, become an atheist, believe that I’m a mutated monkey and find fulfillment and purpose in decimating the earth’s overpopulation by getting me a gun a mow down some of my fellow students (After all, isn’t that one of kids’ favorite activities who were brainwashed with Evolution and “there is no God”?) Now that sounds purposeful! Thank you, Mr. Barker, thank you, all praise be unto you, I worship you, my… my god… - Except that I’ve already been there. On the atheist and self-worship trip, that is, and dude, if you think God sucks, just wait a few years! (Quote:) “I want to find that happiness in something other than myself. Is that a sin?” No, and that’s precisely what the real God has been doing all along. (Quote:) “You can’t have a love relationship with someone who is not your equal.” Says who? The Homosexual Union of California?

(Quote:) “If I created hell, then I don’t like myself.” I can imagine that Mr. Barker does not like the idea of a God who would have created hell. But he’s perfectly alright with electing and paying taxes to a government that is creating hell on earth every day for thousand, tens and hundreds of thousands of his fellowmen. But he would have to take some sort of responsibility for that himself. He simply cannot do that. So he blames it all on a God he thankfully doesn’t believe in. (Quote:) “If I did create a hell, then … how would I know if people were claiming to love me for my own sake, or simply to avoid punishment? Good point. Actually the first good point in this entire fabrication so far. And it should give you something to think, Mr. Barker. What were the motivations for you to believe in such a God? If it was just to save your own neck, then it’s no wonder you landed where you did. See, fear is never a good incentive. And unfortunately, there are a lot of people like you, who worship God out of fear. In reality, hell is merely that which we are supposed to save others from. Because we love God and them. Whether it be the hell on earth your government creates for its victims every day, or the sort of hell the perpetrators of that hell on earth will reap as a reward for their actions. If you know God, you know you’re not going there. So why be afraid of it? If you don’t know God, it’s because you don’t know love, because God is Love. (Quote:) “How would you feel if you had brought some children into the world knowing that they were going to be tormented eternally in a place you built for them?” Shitty, I admit. But that notion is rather based on a slight error in translation, rather than actual fact. The Greek word used for “forever and ever” in relation to hell is more correctly translated “eon” or an age. Little comfort, you may say, but be honest: how soon would you like to see Hitler or Pol Pot in Heaven?” (Quote:) “I don’t need to be loved.” I can’t prove it, but I disagree. Something about love: it works two ways. Neat thing about God: He allows Himself to be vulnerable enough to be hurt by us (as evident in the act of Jesus’ crucifixion). Unrequited love sucks whether you’re God or human.

(Quote:) “I don’t even want to be loved because to want is to lack.” A-no.1 professional bullshit! – You’ll have to admit that! (Quote:) “If all I am doing is throwing the dice of “free will” and simply reaping the harvest of those who choose to love me, then I am a selfish monster.” Sounds like the perfect accusation of the god you’ve been worshiping all along against the true God: the Devil is always accusing God of being a selfish monster. When he’s the grossest monster all along, and if there’s one thing he cannot stand it is the love He has for humans. I know free will sometimes sucks for all of us. Because most of us – like you – make the wrong choices. It may come across as selfish and monstrous of God to want to be loved by us, but then He simply leaves the whole ordeal and decision up to us. It’s all voluntary. Isn’t that exactly what you want, Mr. Barker? So what the hell are you complaining about? (Quote:) “I know you have tried to get me off the hook. You explain that Yours Truly is not responsible for the sufferings of unbelievers because rejection of God is their choice, not mine. They had a corrupt human nature, you explain.” We all do. Some simply make the right choices anyway at some point in their lives. (Quote:) “If certain humans decide to do wrong, where do they get the impulse? If you think it came from Satan, who created Satan? And why would some humans be susceptible to Satan in the first place? “ Because men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Most men, anyway. Just like you were, and I have been probably more times than you, and everyone of us does, we prefer Satan’s shiny temptations because they appear so much cooler than what God has to offer. The notion of being your own boss, not having to kowtow to some almighty Head-honcho. The problem is that sooner or later you will find out that as terrible as God may have been as a master, you’ll turn out even worse. You may doubt it now and think you’re all so goody and clever, but the truth is going to hit you eventually, and you’ll see the difference between fake and genuine godhood. (Quote:) “If I am perfect, then how in God’s name did I end up creating something that would not choose perfection? Someone once said that a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.” Another good point, but again making God subject to the rules of the game He created.

And basically, it’s all founded on your own self-righteous conception of what is good and what is evil, or bad for us. You claim it was downright evil of God to have allowed evil. I claim that you’re being short-sighted. Short-sightedness is when the caterpillar thinks the cocoon is the end. Or the grain of wheat thinks it’s the end when it falls into the ground and dies. Shortsightedness is when all we see is the here and now. But God has promised a better there and then. You may not believe those promises. I do. And I say, who’s to say that this current age of the Fall of man is not going to be the best for us all? A lesson and an experience we’re never going to forget? Short.sightedness is when we think we know better than God to discern between good and evil. (Quote:) “Was Eve Perfect? If she was, she would not have taken the fruit. If she wasn’t, I created imperfection.” God saw all that He had made that it was good. He didn’t go as far as to say perfect – yet. See, sometimes a little process of imperfection is what it takes to make something perfect. The dark conrasts that are needed to make the picture perfect. The sickness necessary for us to appreciate health… Short-sighted would be our notion to claim that our idea of a “perfect” picture would be better. (Quote:) “I could not live with myself if I thought my actions were causing harm to others.” You’ll get over it. Mr. Barker and millions of his country-men watch innocent people die on behalf of their government or their own lethargy or selfishness every day, and I assure you, it’s not You causing the harm, it’s we ourselves. Most of us just wouldn’t admit it in a million years.” (Quote:) “If you are my creator, then I could spout tenderness out of one side of my mouth and brutality out of the other. I could dance with my lover on the bones of my errant children, and pretend to enjoy it. I would be very human indeed.” Well, since you evidently are only the pitiful outgrowth of someone’s distorted idea of the Real Thing, that is true. And we humans take every right to act in such a biased way, but what do we care, as long as we have You to blame? – Or our half-cooked perception of you, anyway.

If we would stick to the information we have about You, we would know that You are without partiality, not a respector of persons, and that You want every soul to come to the light. But since that’s so utterly different from our own nature, it’s easier to reject who You truly are and make up our own concoctions of you, and call that “god” and worship it, only to blame You then when our own phantasy has let us down, as in poor Mr. Barker’s case. (Quote:) “Jesus spent only about thirty-six hours of an eternal life sentence in hell …If my righteous judgment demanded absolute satisfaction, then Jesus should have paid the price in full, don’t you think? Again, applying earthly rules of time to spiritual scopes that poor little carnal barking minds know nothing of, tsk, tsk. Just a little correction on your faulty math, though, Bark: 3 days makes a wee bit more than 36 hrs., don’t you think? Besides, His episode in hell was no punishment. His death was an act that He took upon Himself to atone the punishment for us. His 3 days in hell were for the purpose of “preaching to the spirits in prison,” and should give you a bit more of an insight about hell: there is a way out, otherwise He might as well have saved His breath, right? (Quote:) “Beyond that, it is entirely incomprehensible to me why you think I would accept the blood of one individual for the crime of another. Is that fair? Is that justice?” Well spoken, Lucifer, I mean Mr. Barker – although you must admit, some of your trains of thought sound devilish familiar, don’t they? Why don’t you just admit that the great villain of the story was always a lot more to your liking, which is also why the god you pretended to serve was so much like him (you were not the only Christian doing that, by the way)? - Always the accuser of the saints, and of course, of God Almighty Himself, because you’d just love to have that position yourself, instead of dancing on some other sucker’s parade, right? And truly spoken as a man or deity of justice as well, and righteousness, well, at least self-righteousness. But the difference is that according to the story, Jesus isn’t just any old ordinary dude. It’s God bleeding for you, and it’s not as if you’re the only ungrateful s.o.b., but nevertheless ungrateful. I bet you wouldn’t mind seeing Him crucified again and again and again, wouldn’t you? – And perhaps hammer a nail into one of those arms yourself with glee?

Well, that’s precisely what you’re doing. And you know what? He loves you anyway. I know you hate that fact more than your own miserable existence, but some facts not even all the distortions of your brain can change. (Quote:) “It is tough to open my arms to welcome believers into heaven who have avoided the rap for their own actions.” Well, that’s precisely what hell is for, dweeb – the one you said you’d hate yourself so much for, had you created it… Again, along with the consequences we already reap for our actions in this life… (Quote:) “Let’s assume that Jesus and I worked it all out and that evil will be punished and good rewarded. How do I know the difference? You are insisting that I not consult any rule book. You are asking me to be the Final Authority.” Who says that no books will be opened? Ever read the Book of Revelation? Let me guess: “Yes, but it never made any sense to me.” I know. I see. He may be the final Authority, but He won’t stop Himself from recruiting the counsel of many others. Unlike the lonely dude of a god in your brain, the Real God isn’t a oneman-show. Team-work is the order of the new day, and you can bet your hiney that righteous judgment will be found in each case. (Quote:) “To have a nature or character means to be one way and not another. It means that there are limits.” Only if imposed by some limited half-brain. Not if your very “nature” already implies that you have not limits. Just because Lex Luthor says to Superman, “You can’t fly,” doesn’t mean he won’t fly anyway. (Quote:) “If my “nature” is clearly defined, then I am limited. “ God’s nature is defined by love. Now, if that means your definition of love, who clearly is unable to love anything but yourself, then we’d all be in bad shape if those limitations were imposed on God. Who’s making the rules, dude? You? Or Him? I know you hate it, but He does, and you just can’t help it. It is that way! Get over it! (Quote:) “…to say that God has such-and-such a nature is meaningless.” Just as meaningless as love is to folks like you, while to those who actually live, it is everything.

(Quote:) “If I have no limits, then I have no identity.” Says who? Barks Almighty? Sounds great, but looks real shitty under the scrutiny of reality. (Quote:) “If morality is discovered in nature, then you don’t need me, except maybe to prod you along.” A kid will learn how to walk by himself eventually, but it’s still great to have a parent to “prod him along,” isn’t it? Well, in most cases. In your case, I suspect it may well have been an exception. But whoever you’re angry with– that person or phantom is not God! (Quote:) “I don’t have an environment.” Says who? Mr. “I-don’t-have-an-imagination-worth-a-penny”? Or Mr. “I-once-was-apreacher-but-didn’t-read-my-Bible”? Don’t limit the Almighty or anyone else to the pitiful dark emptiness of the abyss of your mind! It’s horrible enough you have to live with it. I realize that the barks of Mr. Barker are already nearly 20 years old, and this response may be a little late, although I doubt that I’m the first one to answer his “letter.” But since it is still used as a reference and argument by those who seek to free the world from religion in order to replace it with their own ideology, which will doubtlessly be much better and more efficient than the ones of their predecessors like Adolph Hitler, Stalin or Mao Zee Dung, I guess you people will mind me posting my answer here, but I’ll do it anyway…

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