Poetry Collection

  • November 2019
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Poetry Collection

Kyle Chou ESL 3 Project Kwantlen Park Secondary June 14, 2007


Top Ten List Title 1. The Quiet Life 2. Take Me to Your

Author A. Pope Jascha Richter

Source The Golden Treasury On-Line

Heart 3. People 4. Kyle 5. The Sleeping Beauty 6. Definition of Kyle

Kyle Chou Kyle Chou S. Rogers Kyle Chou

Kyle Chou Kyle Chou The Golden Treasury Kyle Chou

Chou 7. On the Castle of

Lord Byron

The Golden Treasury

Chillon 8. The War in Chaos 9. To the Moon 10. The Barber

Kyle Chou P. B. Shelley Kyle Chou

Kyle Chou The Golden Treasury Kyle Chou


Bold - Alliteration

Italic – Metaphor & Simile

Underline - Onomatopoeia

(A) – Rhyme Pattern

Lightened – Imagery

Squared - Repetition

The Quiet Life

By A. Pope

Happy the man whose wish and care (A) A few paternal acres bound, (B) Content to breathe his native air (A) In his own ground. (B)

Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread, (C) Whose flocks supply him with attire; (D) Whose trees in summer yield him shade, (C) In winter fire. (D)

Blest who can unconcern'dly find (E) Hours, days, and years slide soft away (F) In health of body, peace of mind, (E) Quiet by day, (F) Sound sleep by night; study and ease (G) Together mixt, sweet recreation, (H) And innocence, which most does please (G) With meditation. (H)

Thus let me live, unseen, unknown; (I) Thus unlamented let me die; (J) Steal from the world, and not a stone (I) Tell where I lie. (J)

Response The Quiet Life is written by A. Pope from “The Golden Treasury”. The author’s depiction of the quiet life had catch my eyes; it shows that life could be easy and simple if we choose not to compete with others, but choose to live with nature, enjoy the fulfillment of life. “Content to breathe his native air in his own ground.” This transition

tells us the freedom he has, the freshness of the place he live on. “Hours, days, and years slide soft away; In health of body, peace of mind, Quiet by day.” This transition shows how peace and health he is, he has no pressure on his life at all; he is just being present every moment in his life. “Sound sleep by night; study and ease.” He has a free life to live on; study by himself, worry about nothing, sleeping sweet in his bed. The poetic devices been used in this poem are alliteration (whose wish; unseen, unknown), and most them are imagery of the quiet peace life; the rhyme pattern of this song is A, B, A, B, C, D, C, D, E, F, E, F, G, H, G, H I, J, I, J.

Take Me to Your Heart

By Jascha Richter

Hiding from the rain and snow (A) Trying to forget but I won't let go (A) Looking at a crowded street (B) Listening to my own heart beat (B)

So many people all around the world (C) Tell me where do I find someone like you girl (C)

Standing on a mountain high (D) Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky (D) I should go and see some friends (E) But they don't really comprehend (F) Don't need too much talking without saying anything (G) All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing (G)

Take me to your heart take me to your soul (H) Give me your hand before I'm old (I) Show me what love is - haven't got a clue (J) Show me that wonders can be true (J)

They say nothing lasts forever (K) We're only here today (L) Love is now or never (K) Bring me far away (L)

Take me to your heart take me to your soul (H) Give me your hand and hold me (M) Show me what love is - be my guiding star (N)

It's easy take me to your heart (O)

Response The reason this is one of my favourite poems it’s because its simple, but meaningful expressions between words and words, lines and lines; that’s just any man on this earth want to tell the girl he loved; to be with her till the very end of their lives. The poetic devices had been used are alliteration (Trying to; at a; all around; see some; makes me), and imagery of the person’s situation; the rhyme pattern is A, A, B, B, C, C, D, D, E, F, G, G, H, I, J, J, K, L, K, L, H, M, N, O.


By Kyle Chou

People are raindrops, (A) Falling down from the sky, (B) Heading to different lives, (C) Hope they will achieve their goals inside their mind, (D) Hope they will find the things they desire most in their lives. (C)

However, they forgot, (E) One day we will all be back in the sky; (B) We will repeat what we did that time. (F)

Response The idea of this poem is that people are competing to each other so hard that they forgot that we should be work together to get through the painful moments in our lives; just like raindrops, we’ll all be back to sky after we dead. The poetic devices had been used are metaphor (People are raindrops), alliteration (the things they; we will; be back; what we; that time) and imagery (Falling down from the sky; Heading to different lives); the rhyme pattern of this poem is A, B, C, D, C, E, B, F.


By Kyle Chou

Knowledge is the only weapon I got, (A) Yobbish people mean nothing to me anymore; (B) Leave the chaos alone; lead myself through out the dark night, (C) Explore the brand new world through my deep black eyes. (D)

Response This is an acrostic poem. I simply used alphabets from my first name –

Kyle – to make a poem. It has my symbol and my desire of freedom in my mind. The poetic devices had been used are imagery (dark night; brand new world; deep black eyes), and metaphor (Knowledge is the only weapon I got.); the rhyme pattern is A, B, C, D.

The Sleeping Beauty

By S. Rogers

Sleep on, and dream of heaven awhile (A) Tho' shut so close thy laughing eyes, (B) Thy rosy lips still wear a smile (A) And move, and breathe delicious sighs! (B)

Ah, now soft blushes tinge her cheeks (C) And mantle o'er her neck of snow; (D) Ah, now she murmurs, now she speaks (C) What most I wish - and fear to know! (D)

She starts, she trembles, and she weeps! (B) Her fair hands folded on her breast: (E) And now, how like a saint she sleeps! (B) A seraph in the realms of rest! (E) Sleep on secure! Above control (F) Thy thoughts belong to Heaven and thee; (G) And may the secret of thy soul (F) Remain within its sanctuary! (G)

Response This poem describes how sweet when an angel is sleeping, the baby’s motion, position, and emotions. It also tells us the simple feelings from the author himself. Maybe the author of this poem is the father of this little angel. The poem devices had been used are alliteration (shut so; she speaks; saint she sleeps; She starts; Thy thoughts), similes (And now, how like a saint she sleeps! (B), and imagery (Ah, now she murmurs, now she speaks; She starts, she trembles, and she weeps!); the rhyme pattern of this poem is A, B, A, B, C, D, C, D, B, E, B, E, F, G, ,F ,G.

Definition of Kyle Chou

By Kyle Chou

Kyle (A) Independent, brave, protective, dreamful (B) Son of my parents, son of the great land we live on (C) Who loves book, knowledge, wisdom, and the freedom of learning (D) Who experiences the loneliness, sadness, and madness in its mind (E) Who fears nothing, fears anything, and fears everything, (D) Who encourages the people he loves to achieve their dreams (F) Who discovers the different faces of different lives (G)

Who accomplishes the goals inside the mind several times (G) Who wanted to be fully conscious, full of wisdom and knowledge, and live with love and mercy (H) Born in Taiwan and living in Canada (I) Chou (J)

Response This poem is a description about me, Kyle Chou. It describes not only the beliefs of mine, but also the experiences I have, the feelings I have, and the desire in my mind have. The poetic devices had been used are alliteration (who wanted), repetition (fears nothing, fears anything, and fears everything; who) and imagery (the characteristics I have); the rhyme pattern is: A, B, C, D, E, D, F, G, G, H, I, J.

On the Castle of Chillon

By Lord Byron

Eternal Spirit of the chainless Mind! (A) Brightest in dungeons, Liberty! thou art, (B) For there thy habitation is the heart - (B) The heart which love of Thee alone can bind. (A)

And when thy sons to fetters are consign'd, (A)

To fetters, and the damp vault's dayless gloom, (C) Their country conquers with their martyrdom, (C) And Freedom's fame finds wings on every wind. (A)

Chillon! thy prison is a holy place (D) And thy sad floor an altar, for 'twas trod, (E) Until his very steps have left a trace (D) Worn as if thy cold pavement were a sod, (E) By Bonnivard! May none those marks efface! (D) For they appeal from tyranny to God. (E)


The War in Chaos

By Kyle Chou

Saint Holy Creating Heaven Luring Slavish

Protecting Hell

People Attacking

Free Teaching Hope Destroying Unholy


Response This poem describes the contrast between Saint and Devil, and their effects to the people on earth. People hope the end of war will come soon. Before that day come, God will protect them from Devil; and teaching them how to get away from the control of dark forces.

To the Moon

By P. B. Shelley

Art thou pale for weariness (A) Of climbing heaven, and gazing on the earth, (B) Wandering companionless (A) Among the stars that have a different birth, (B) And ever-changing, like a joyless eye (C) That finds no object worth its constancy? (D)


The Barber

By Kyle Chou

The best barber in the town, (A) Uses scissors to cut hair down; (A) “SLASH, SLASH, SLASH, SLASH!” (B) Hair falling down with the sound, (C) Looks like he did another WELL-DONE! (D)

Response This is the first poem I done. For most of us, having a haircut is a necessary monthly event. This poem describes the barber on the town, helps people to cut hair down.

The poetic devices be in used in this poem are alliteration (best barber; the town), onomatopoeia (“SLASH, SLASH, SLASH, SLASH!”), and imagery; the rhyme pattern of this poem is A, A, B, C, D.

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